National Maternity Survey 2021 - Working with you to understand and improve the experience of mothers and families - Picker Institute

Page created by Herbert Alvarado
National Maternity Survey 2021 - Working with you to understand and improve the experience of mothers and families - Picker Institute
National Maternity
Survey 2021
Working with you to understand and improve the
experience of mothers and families
National Maternity Survey 2021 - Working with you to understand and improve the experience of mothers and families - Picker Institute
Who we are and
                                                                      Working with over

our approach                                                         NHS trusts on their
                                                                    last maternity survey.

Picker is an international healthcare charity dedicated to ensuring patient care is at the heart of
healthcare systems. We have been at the forefront of measuring, understanding and acting
upon staff and patient feedback for over 20 years.

In 2002, we were named the partner of choice          We have developed a programme framework
by the NHS regulator to run the NHS National          and a suite of reporting tools to ensure surveys
Survey programme. Working with key                    are conducted and delivered on time, following
stakeholders, we designed and established the         national requirements, with detailed reporting
first-ever national survey programme measuring        and process management. We provide additional
patient experience.                                   analysis, reporting and consulting beyond the
                                                      nationally mandated requirements.
We are a CQC approved contractor and in 2019
worked with over 60 NHS trusts in England on          Our post-survey reporting delivers evidence-based
their maternity survey. Our survey package is         insights to help shape long-term planning and
built on this experience and knowledge.               drive sustainable improvements in patient
In 2021, the maternity survey will be collecting
both paper and online responses.
Currently, we send our over 500,000 digital
surveys every year using both email and
phone/text. This mixed-mode approach is
something we have been employing in our
work more and more in recent years.

       Our Vision
    The highest quality
    person centred care
      for all, always.
National Maternity Survey 2021 - Working with you to understand and improve the experience of mothers and families - Picker Institute
Our 2021 Maternity
Survey package
Core components:

                 1     Expert project management from an
                       experienced team:
                     Pre-survey set up – survey guidance, sample checking
                     and letter set up.

                     During the survey – handle survey invitations both by
                     paper and SMS, processing of paper and online
                     returns, monitoring all patient support requests over
                     Freephone or email, guidance and support.

                     Post survey – final data delivered to the CQC's survey
                     coordination centre along with Picker data analysis
                     and reports sent to your trust.

2     Data analysis and reporting:

    Management report with executive summary.

    Picker Improvement Maps™                                External benchmarking against other similar
    – designed to show trusts the questions that            trusts and matched against the Picker average.
    matter most to patients against trust’s
    performance.                                            RAG tables - easy to read survey results broken
                                                            down by internal benchmarking measures and
    Historical data on a trust’s performance over           demographic fields to quickly identify key
    time.                                                   performance areas.

3    National Insight and Improvement
     workshop                                           4    Trust specific presentations and
Included in the survey package are two                  To help trusts communicate their results to key
complimentary delegate passes to our national           stakeholders we offer a choice of:
workshops. Unique to Picker, the workshops
enable trusts to understand national trends,               Presentations of results to the Board and/or
share best practice, participate in action planning        frontline staff.
sessions and network with peers.
                                                           Workshops for key stakeholders.

                                                           Online webinar for frontline staff.

                 In addition to our core service offer, Picker offers a range of services and tools
                 to assist service providers to delve deeper into staff and patient experiences.
                 These range from thematic reviews, free text sentiment analysis, bespoke
                 research and consultancy, focus groups to toolkits.

                 To find out more please contact
* These   are charged at an additional cost, depending on your service package.
Procurement Checklist
Our National Maternity Survey 2021 package includes the following:

                                Services offered                                                            Included

                                CQC approved contractor for National Patient Surveys
 contractor status:

                                Mixed methods survey in line with the latest CQC guidance

                                Standard or boosted sample size

 Running your                   Paper and SMS reminders in line with CQC guidance
                                Delivery of paper surveys to patient address

                                Personal help from Picker throughout the process

                                Data sent to the CQC Coordination centre for national benchmarking

                                Management report

                                Site reports available (where respondent numbers allow)
 Reporting and
                                Presentation and Q&A of your results at the Trust

                                Two complimentary tickets to National Insight & Improvement workshops

                                ISO 20252 and ISO 27001 certified to guarantee all information is handled

 Security and data              Comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and
 protection                     the Data Protection Act 2018

                                Secure data transfer between your organisation and Picker

                                Comply with the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct

                                                              Contact us
Picker Institute Europe                                       We would welcome the opportunity to discuss
Buxton Court                                                  ways we can work with you.
3 West Way                                                    To find out more, please email
Oxford OX2 0JB
Tel: + 44 (0) 1865 208100
Fax: + 44 (0) 1865 208101
Registered in England and Wales: 1081688 Registered
in Scotland: SC045048
Registered Company Limited by Guarantee 03908160
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