Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City

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Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No 1, Page 223-229                              223

Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
Pratomo Soni1* , Bahar Fetty1 , Prasetyo Salsabila1 , and Hamidah, Rahma2
1 Adiwangsa Jambi University, Jl. Sersan Muslim No. 34 Jambi
2 Diponegoro University
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Received: Dec. 15, 2020; Accepted: Feb. 01, 2021

       The stilt house in Seberang Jambi City is a heritage of Jambi Malay culture. There is something unique on the
       sheath of this stilt house. The window section has various sizes, for example the window size on the living room
       is larger than the family room. The application of these window aperture depends on the function of space
       in the house. This research is preliminary research regarding the architectural aspects of the stilt house. The
       purpose of this research is to find out the performance of natural daylighting on the stilt house by considering
       the aspect ratio of the window area, like dimensions, the shape, and position of the window. The method of
       this research is a field survey as a quantitative descriptive analysis. Simulation Method of DIALux 4.2 used for
       data validation and evaluation of natural daylighting performance. The result of this research is expected to
       strengthen the study of cultural heritage concept in Seberang Jambi City. Through the study of the application
       of aperture on the building sheath in the stilt house in Seberang Jambi City has a good natural daylighting
       performance to fulfill the standard of visual comfort for the activity. This can be seen from the preliminary
       research data shows on stilt house have a daylighting intensity value 200 - 800 lux in the living room and family
       room at 12.00 pm.

       Keywords: daylighting performance, Rumah Panggung (Stilt House), opening
      © The Author(’s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
      BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
      source are cited.

1. Introduction                                                        Malay stilt house still exists until now [3] even if it is not
                                                                       entirely done anymore by the next generation [4] even the
Indonesia’s position on the equator provides advantages
                                                                       changes can reach 100 % [5]. The development of the times
and constraints in a building. This uniqueness also brings
                                                                       carries the consequences of the changing culture of people’s
various design and architectural forms. The abundant day-
                                                                       habits including those who live on the edge of the river [6].
light conditions for a year become natural daylight, are
                                                                       It is unfortunate if the houses are changed or abandoned.
things that are considered in the design [1].
    Indonesian architecture is the result of society’s thought            Seberang Kota Jambi stilt house has been designed in
based on environmental conditions in that area. Similarly,             such a way to overcome the natural condition. This stilt
in Jambi City, there is still a part of the city that retains the      house makes it more adaptive for the environment [7].
legacy of past thoughts in the lives of citizens. This area            Large windows, stilt floor, and overhang roof are the wis-
is known as Seberang Kota Jambi or Jambi Kota Seberang.                dom of the stilt houses. This wisdom is an adaptation
This area delivers an overview of the historical journey of            strategy around the area [8] that transmits from generation
Jambi city development [2].                                            to generation.
   Seberang Kota Jambi is an area which is mostly inhab-                  The stilt house Seberang Kota Jambi has a similar ar-
ited by traditional settlements. The architecture in this area         chitecture with the architecture of other riverside houses
is mostly stilt houses made of wood. The wisdom of Jambi               like the limas house in Palembang. Palembang limas house
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
224                                                   Pratomo Soni et al.

has quite good natural daylight performance [9, 10]. These
houses have wooden constructions like foundations, walls,
or floors. These houses also have a window that is wide
enough on each side. The building floor is made with
various heights that are a form of adaptation to climatic
conditions not only for anticipation of tides and also the
existence of wild animals [11]. The windows of the stilt
house or this limas house are not covered by glass, but the
aperture of two shutters is wide enough. It becomes inter-
esting for research. Unlike modern houses, daylighting in
traditional houses is generally natural daylighting. Natural
daylight can get in through the aperture of the house. One
of the apertures that can make sunlight come in is the door
of the house. Sunlight also enters through the window
when the window is open, so each space has a source of            Fig. 1. Stilt house plan.
natural daylight [12].
    Moreover, large effect and aperture positions [13] be-
come aspects of this research, related to the uniqueness of
aperture in Jambi stilt house. The aperture area determines       a bedroom. Previously rooms 1 and 2 became one living
the distribution of natural daylighting that entered into a       room, and room number 4,5,6 became one room (Fig. 3).
room. the larger the aperture then the natural daylighting        The research variables used were the application of door
entering the building is getting bigger and more evenly.          and window aperture, such as dimensions, shape, amount
Effective aperture area if it has 20 % WWR (windows to            and position of windows in the building sheath (Table 1).
wall ratio). The aperture position determines the range           The research method used are field survey and computer
of natural daylight gets in the building. The higher the          simulation. Field survey as a quantitative descriptive anal-
aperture position placed, the deeper the light enters the         ysis. The DIALux 4.2 software simulation method is used
room.                                                             for data validation and evaluation of natural daylight per-
    This study sees how far the building performance,             formance.
mainly at natural daylight performance through the ap-
plication of door and window apertures on the building                The performance of natural daylight in this study fo-
sheath Seberang Kota Jambi stilt house that is one of the         cused on quantitative natural daylight that will be re-
local wisdom owned by that stilt house. Especially in this        viewed based on the illumination value, describe how the
research about natural daylight performance emphasizes            distribution of daylight in Jambi stilt house where activ-
more on the function of natural daylight to fulfill the nec-      ities are related to standards. Field data collection was
essary activity. Furthermore, the knowledge gained is ex-         conducted at 06.00, 09.00, 12.00, 15.00, and 18.00. Mea-
pected to be a contribution to strengthening the concept of       surements are made in one measurement for each room,
cultural heritage in Jambi City, and especially the architec-     with the point of taking at the midpoint of the room with
tural idea of stilt house can be explored.                        a height of 75 cm. The measuring instrument used was
                                                                  luxmeter (Fig. 3).

2. Experimental setup
                                                                     The stilt house located in the Seberang Kota Jambi is
This research is preliminary research from a study of natu-       south-facing oriented in humid tropical climates that have
ral daylight in Seberang Kota Jambi’s house. The house has        overcast sky conditions. The humid tropical climate has
930 cm widht and 1400 cm. It has eight rooms with three           overcast sky conditions with natural daylight illumina-
bed rooms (4,5,6), one big living room, smal living room          tion levels reach 5,000-20,000 lux [14] and natural daylight
(1,2), kitchen and pantri (7,8) (Fig. 1). The house is facing     sources like daylight with an average solar exposure rate
south.                                                            of 36-91 % [15]. For Jambi, the area has an average solar
    The house looked in terms of architectural form has not       exposure level of 51.97 % [16] This means that in the area
changed, as well as the use of wood materials in building         where the research has a high level of sun exposure that
construction. However, there are slight changes in house          can fulfill the performance of natural daylight in the stilt
plan, there is addition of a room partition that functions as     house.
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No 1, Page 223-229                         225

Fig. 2. Measuring Instrument.

3. Result discussions                                             tal obstruction in the form of residential buildings as well
                                                                  (Fig. 4). Although there is a residential building that does
3.1. Field Measurement Results
                                                                  not block the natural daylight that entering the building
The natural daylighting performance on this stilt house is        because it almost has the same height as the building. It is
in illumination value. The illumination value is the level of     also affected by the shape of vertical windows, as it can be
intensity of sunlight obtained through field measurements         a better penetration of daylight. But the deficiency is that
using lux measuring instruments. Measurements outside             the distribution of sunlight is not evenly in the side area
the building are carried out at 4 points that are the front,      [18]. So it can be said that the rooms on the east side have
back, right side, and left of the building. Measurements          excess light, especially in the bedroom.
in the building take in rooms 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8. However,
                                                                     Likewise for rooms that are in west orientation. The
for bedroom rooms 2, 5, and 6 are not taken measurements
                                                                  existing room has a function as a sleeping room, living
due to the private room of the homeowner. Measurements
                                                                  room, and kitchen. For room 7, that is used as a living
are performed when the sky is overcast. Table 2 shows the
                                                                  room also exceeds the need for daylight intensity at 12:00
measurement results of the illumination value.
                                                                  (551 lux) and 15:00 (721 lux). But the excess intensity of
    Based on the measurement results can be seen that the
                                                                  this daylight is near the window. From the results of field
performance of natural daylighting based on the level of
                                                                  measurements, it is not known the intensity of the window
light intensity already meets the standards for standard to
                                                                  in an area that is a long distance from the window. The
do activity needs. For the function of a residential building
                                                                  next step will be to evaluate by using simulation, so that it
requires intense lighting of 120-250 lux. [17]. This is af-
                                                                  describes the distribution of the intensity of daylight.
fected by the shape and position of the windows in the stilt
house. For rooms located in eastern orientation at 09:00             This stilt house Seberang Jambi City is one of the cultural
and 12:00 get a high level of daylight. although next to          heritage areas, whose citizens activity are doing batik. For
the residential building there is an effect of environmen-        this batik activity classified as a type of meticulous work
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
226                                                   Pratomo Soni et al.

Fig. 3. Seberang Kota Jambi Stilt House.

Fig. 4. Obstruction of the environment around the stilt house.

that requires a light intensity of more than 600 lux [17]. So     3.2. Simulation Results
this stilt house can be indicated to support the concept of       From the measurements in the field, there is a phenomenon
cultural heritage in the Seberang Jambi City area.                that the value of light intensity in the room cannot reach
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No 1, Page 223-229                      227

Table 1. Application of Door and Window Aperture on Building Sheath

                Room                                         Door                                        Window
        Living Room (Room 1)                             Amount: 2                                       Amount: 1
    This living room used to have                     Size : 100x200cm,                               Size : 100x150cm
   no partitions, However there is
   the addition of a partitions, and
    it becomes a room. This room
     is in front of and south-facin
     orientation with the window
       aperture on the west side.
        Bed Room (Room 2)                        Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm,                    Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
     This room is an additional
     room that is near the living
      room, is in an east-facing

         Bed Room (Room 4)                       Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
         Bed Room (Room 5)                       Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
         Bed Room (Room 6)                       Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
   This bedroom (rooms 4, 5, and
    6) is on the west side. Where
   next door is a neighbor’s house

       Living Room (Room 3)                      Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :100x150cm
    This room has a function as a
      living room, is in an east

          Kitchen (Room 8)                       Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
     This kitchen is located in the
           east orientation.

      Dining Room (Room 7)                       Amount: 2, Size : 80x200cm                     Amount: 1, Size :90x120cm
    This dining room is located in
         the west orientation.
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
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Table 2. Results of field measurement of illuminance values

             Room                    Light Sources          Orientation                     illuminance values (Lux)
                                                                                 06.00      09.00    12.00      15.00       18.00
      Living Room (Room 1)        Window and door                 East            130        543        273       197         29
       Bed Room (Room 2)          Window and door                 West              -         -          -          -         -
       Bed Room (Room 4)          Window and door                 East             48        712        447       253         54
       Bed Room (Room 5)          Window and door                 East              -         -          -          -         -
       Bed Room (Room 6)          Window and door                 East              -         -          -          -         -
      Living Room (Room 3)        Window and door                 West            167        232        551       721         49
        Kitchen (Room 8)          Window and door                 West             58        89         160       267         83
      Dining Room (Room 7)        Window and door                 East             57        720        331       250         91

an area far from the window aperture. Therefore, it further              4. Conclusion
illustrates how the lighting distribution in the room. The
depiction of the distribution of the lighting is related to the
use of windows with vertical shapes, where the distribu-                 This south-facing stilt house Seberang Jambi City shows
tion of light is uneven in the side area. The depiction model            the performance of natural daylighting, seen from daylight
on the simulation there is a simplification, that is on the              distribution in some rooms that fulfills the standard in the
material of the wall made of wood. In existing conditions,               needs of the activity at certain times. The excess intensity
wood wall material has been stretched (low density) due                  of daylight is seen in areas close to the window. While the
to weather factors so that sunlight can get into the room                side area of the window still reaches the daylight is shown
through the gaps. In existing conditions, wood wall mate-                with a minimum value of 100 lux that means it still reaches
rial has been stretched (low density) due to weather factors             visual comfort and enough light intensity to do activities
so that sunlight can get into the room through the gaps.                 in the residential house. The placement of the living room,
                                                                         sleeping room, and room on the east orientation is very
                                                                         favorable for natural daylighting performance in the morn-
   This initial simulation of light distribution daylighting
                                                                         ing. While for the living room and kitchen that is in the
performance is also a verification of field measurement
                                                                         west orientation also supports the performance of natural
data and simulation. From the verification results obtained
                                                                         daylighting from morning to evening.
that the light intensity value of the simulation results is
lower than the field measurement results, but there is no
difference far enough. This is due to the simplification of                 This is affected by the shape and position of the win-
the model on the porosity (density) of wood material. Table              dows on the stilt house that is very effective at supporting
3 shows simulated results of daylight distribution at 09:00,             natural daylighting performance. Vertical window shape of
12:00 and 15:00.                                                         wood material (without the use of glass), with a 90 degree
                                                                         open system is very favorable in better light penetration,
   Based on simulation results can be seen in the figure of              although uneven to the side area for daylight distribution.
the distribution of lighting in each room. In the living room            The height position of the windows on the stilt house is
(room 7) natural daylight can reach 3 meters from the light              also effective in the distribution of sunlight, ±3 m from the
source (window). This means that the position of the win-                window into the building. However, if it reaches more than
dow height on the field of work is good enough to support                3 meters the illumination value can be reduced by 14%.
the performance of natural daylighting in the living room
to be able to fulfill in carrying out the activity. In general,             Through the results of a study on the performance of
natural daylight can reach 1.5 x of the window height. So                good and effective natural daylight in a stilt house in Se-
are the other rooms. The range of daylight distribution is               berang Jambi City, can support the concept of cultural her-
affected by indoor reflection. The most affecting elements               itage in that area. One of them through citizen activities is
in indoor reflection are the reflection of the ceiling, back             doing batik. The living room of this stilt house supports
wall, sidewall, and floor. This Seberang stilt house does not            batik activities that are part of meticulous work that re-
have a ceiling that can help in reflecting natural daylight              quires local lighting of 750 lux. It becomes interesting for
into a deeper room.                                                      further research.
Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No 1, Page 223-229                               229

Table 3. Simulation results describes daylighting distribution

                                                 Daylighting distribution results
                          09.00                                    12.00                                 15.00

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Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City Natural Daylighting Performance at Stilt House in Jambi City
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