Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac

Page created by Ruth Malone
Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
Active Demand Reduction
Demonstration & Initiative
March 20, 2019
Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac

▪ A transition from demonstrations to offerings
▪ Residential Demonstrations - 2018 Activity &
▪   Residential 2019-2021 Program Design
▪   C&I – Demonstrations - 2018 Activity & Findings
▪   C&I – 2019-2021 Program Design
▪   2019-2021 Plan & Order
    ▪ SW Plan Summary Table - what we said we would do
    ▪ Order Results - what DPU said we could do
▪ Evaluation Plans
Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
A Transition
Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
Demonstrations Transition to a Full

▪ 2016-2018
  ▪ PAs explored and implemented demonstration offerings
  ▪ PAs collaborated with DOER, AG, and LEAN through Demand
    Savings Group (outlined in the 2016-2018 Term Sheet) and the
    EEAC Demand Reduction Subcommittee (expired in March
    2017) to research and develop demonstration projects to inform
    2019-2021 Three-Year Plan program designs
▪ 2019-2021
  ▪ PAs completing demonstration offerings and will implement
    statewide offerings at scale under programs approved by DPU
  ▪ PAs have established the Demand Coordinating Committee
    under the MC structure, like MTAC, SW Marketing, or others
  ▪ Future coordination will occur through the RMC/C&IMC (similar
    process for all programs and initiatives)

Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
General Important
Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
Key Findings – Broadly Applicable

▪ Integration with EE is imperative
    ▪ Uses EE Delivery Channels for technology seeding – Tstats, HVAC
      Controls, BMS/EMS, Lighting Controls, etc.
    ▪ Uses EE Delivery Channels for marketing/outreach
        ▪ The most effective Tstat recruitment tool was through-OEM outreach
        ▪ The most effective C&I customer recruitment path was through sales representatives
    ▪ Uses Commercial Sales teams to add ADR to suite of solutions and
      offerings to discuss with customers
▪ Cost-Effectiveness
    ▪ Targeted Dispatch vs. Daily Dispatch yields 3x difference in total AESC
      Value – at a cost in terms of type of strategy available
    ▪ Customer Cost-Effectiveness ≠ Program Cost-Effectiveness
    ▪ Future is unknown – will we see a further decrease in avoided capacity in
      future AESC studies?

Active Demand Reduction Demonstration & Initiative Update - March 20, 2019 - ma-eeac
2018 Demonstration
Activity & Findings –
Residential Demo Design
                        Design/              Customer Segment          Dispatch             Programmatic      Est.         Cost range Participant Est.
Demo          PA
                        Approach             Targeted                  Criteria             Benefits Targeted Spend        ($/kw-yr)  Count       MW

Solutions -
                       Direct load control                           Summer, 3-4
                                             Residential and Income                         Targeting System
                       of cooling                                    hour events,
              National                       Eligible customers with                        Peak – avoided       ~$1.5     ~$250/kw-
                       equipment using                               between 1-6pm,                                                     11,000        6
              Grid                           communicating tstats                           capacity, Tx, Dx,    mil/yr       yr
                       communicating                                 no holidays or
                                             and cooling equipment                          capacity DRIPE
                       thermostat                                    weekends

Direct Load
Control                                                                Eight 4-hour DR
                        Unchanged - A/C
                                             Residential and Income    events called, all   Targeting System
                                             Eligible customers with   in July & August     Peak – avoided      ~$30,000    ~$250-
              CLC       adjustments                                                                                                       91       0.045
                                             communicating tstats      between 2 – 7        capacity, Tx, Dx,      /yr     500/kw-yr
                        targeting ISO
                                             and cooling equipment     pm                   capacity DRIPE
                        peak hour

Solar PV                pairing solar                                                Targeting System
                        customers and                                  Summer system Peak – avoided
                                          residential customers                                                 ~$50,000 >~$2,000/k
              Unitil    storage to assess                              peaks, Winter capacity, Tx, Dx,                                    2-4      0.008
                                          with solar PV                                                           /total    w-yr
                        customer                                       dispatch      capacity DRIPE +
                        acceptance                                                   Winter Energy

National Grid & CLC –
      Residential DLC
Enrollment in Direct Load Control                                              Enrollments

  •       Enrolled ~6 MW
  •       Enrolled ~11,000 devices                            2017
           • ~100 devices CLC                              Enrollments

2018 Implementation Updates             Enrollments

      •    NGrid: Reduced costs
           through competitively
           procured contracts for the
           demand response
           management system (DRMS)
           vendor and device vendors.
      •    NGrid: Streamlined the
           enrollment flow for
           customers. Cut the time to   National Grid example of enrollment builds and holds
           validate customers and pay

Unitil – Residential Battery Storage/Solar
PV Demonstration

Objective: Couple Battery Storage with existing Solar PV to flatten the duck
curve, creating a consistent demand resource.
Demonstration Status
▪   Tesla battery arrival had been delayed pushing us out a year.
▪   These systems will only follow a house’s load – we continue to research this
▪   LG Chem batteries may be similar – we continue to research this issue.
▪   Both battery systems are in stock.
▪   There are four customers lined up (2 less than originally filed) as prices. have
    gone up and the budget is fixed.
▪   Installations should be completed by April 30th.

Residential Findings
▪ National Grid Demonstration
    ▪ Through-OEM marketing positively impacts enrollments makes for the most effective channel,
       50% growth in enrollment over 2017
    ▪ Tstat Connectivity issues improved, in 2018
    ▪ Full Participation rate increased to 66%, in 2018, partially attributable to lower rate of
       connectivity issues.
    ▪ Opt-out rate averaged 18% for 2018 and was higher compared to 2017
    ▪ Per device savings ranged from 0.69kW to 0.91kW
▪ CLC Demonstration
    ▪ Mini-split control devices experienced the most communication and customer setup issues
         ▪ Combined w/ low peak-demand savings means not cost-effective to deploy at scale at this time. Will
            continue to monitor market for cost-effective mini-split integration solutions.
    ▪ Most participants unaware of any change in temp./comfort during events
    ▪ Most customers were satisfied with the demonstration and would participate again
▪ Generally Applicable
    ▪ No real reason for mass customer adoption – no TOU or direct bill savings
         ▪ Participation incentives were strongest motivator
    ▪ Customers largely remain year after year allowing enrollments to build year after year
    ▪ Program delivery cost control is important for offering cost-effectiveness
2019-2021 Program
Design – Residential
3 Options to Participate -
                                Program Parameters                      Devices
    Thermostat                  •   13 to 17 events per summer
                                •   3 hours per event
                                •   $20 for signing up
                                •   $25 per year for staying in the

    Battery                     •   30 - 60 events per summer,
 Per Order: Daily Dispatch      •   2 - 3 hours per event
 Demonstration for 2019 –
expect to reach full offering   •   $225/kW-summer
         for 2020
                                •   $50/kW-winter

    Electric                    •   2 to 8 events per summer
    Vehicle                     •   3 hours per event
                                •   Eversource – Charger Control –
                                •   National Grid – Vehicle Control –
                                    Claiming Savings
2018 Demonstration
Activity & Findings –
C&I Demo Design Summary
       (1 of 2)
                                                       Customer Segment                            Programattic                      Cost range Participant
Demo           PA           Design/Approach                             Dispatch Criteria                              Est. Spend                           Est. MW
                                                       Targeted                                    Benefits Targeted                 ($/kw-yr)  Count

Connected      National     Technology agnostic        Large Commercial &     Summer, 3-4 hour     Targeting System
Solutions -    Grid         manual or automatic        Industrial customers   events, between 1-   Peak – avoided
C&I                         curtailment demand         with interval meters   6pm, no holidays     capacity, Tx, Dx,
                            reduction. Delivered                              or weekends          capacity DRIPE
                            through Curtailment                                                                          ~$3-4
                                                                                                                                      $50/kw-yr   276           60
                            Service Providers                                                                            mil/yr

Batteries      Eversource    Summer: long duration     Large Commercial       Summer daily: 5      Targeting System
                            daily dispatch and short   Customer               hour dispatch        Peak – avoided
                            duration targeted                                 during summer        capacity, Tx, Dx,
                            dispatch                                          peak hours           capacity DRIPE
                            Winter: Price dispatch                            Summer targeted:
                            Lithium Ion batteries                             1 – 3 hour
                                                                              dispatch when                                           $598 to
                                                                              system peak hours                        $2.5 mil/yr   $943/kw-yr    2            0.25
                                                                              Winter: Price >

Thermal        Eversource Uses thermal storage to Cold Storage &              Daily dispatch       Targeting System
Storage (ice              reduce load from        HVAC load                   daily during         Peak – avoided
storage and               existing AC or                                      summer peak          capacity, Tx, Dx,
                                                                                                                       $1.95 mil/yr $224/kw-yr
phase                     refrigeration equipment                             hours                capacity DRIPE                                  2            0.03

C&I Demo Design Summary
       (2 of 2)
                                                   Customer Segment                            Programmatic                     Cost range Participant
Demo          PA          Design/Approach                           Dispatch Criteria                              Est. Spend                          Est. MW
                                                   Targeted                                    Benefits Targeted                ($/kw-yr)  Count

Software     Eversource Customized plans to        Large Commercial &     System triggered     Targeting System
signaling of            reduce facility load       Industrial customers   when customer        Peak – avoided
Building                through software, e.g.,    with interval meters   nears 5% of their    capacity, Tx, Dx,
Management              pre-cooling and                                   monthly peak, or     capacity DRIPE
System                  reducing maximum                                  when system peak
                                                                                                                    $2 mil/yr
(BMS)                   speed HVAC variable                               hours are                                                N/A        0            N/A
                        speed air handlers                                predicted

Manual Load Eversource Technology agnostic         Large Commercial &     Summer: 1-4 hour     Targeting System
Curtailment            manual curtailment          Industrial customers   events, between 2-   Peak – avoided
                       demand reduction.           with interval meters   7pm, no holidays     capacity, Tx, Dx,
                       Delivered through                                  or weekends          capacity DRIPE
                       Curtailment Service                                Winter: Price >
                                                                                                                                $81 /kw-yr
                       Providers (CSPs)                                   $500/MWh                                  $1 mil/yr                 59           8.4

Wi-fi         Eversource Direct load control of    Samll Commercial       Summer, 3-4 hour     Targeting System
thermostats              cooling equipment using   customers with         events, between 1-   Peak – avoided
                         communicating             communicating tstats   6pm, no holidays     capacity, Tx, Dx,
                         thermostat                and cooling            or weekends          capacity DRIPE        $0.2
                                                   equipment                                                                       N/A        1            N/A

National Grid – C&I Targeted
Preliminary Results
  • Enrolled 276 Customers
  • Performed 59.3 MW
  • Called 6 Events Summer 2018
Results & Evaluation
  • Waiting for draft of results
  • Interval data challenges are a
    finding and concern
Improvements for 2019
  • Enrolling more customers & MW
  • Adding Daily Dispatch for
    appropriate loads, like batteries
  • Adding Winter Dispatch
  • More Training for Sales

Eversource – C&I Demonstration

▪ Eversource is testing five different demand response technologies for C&I
   customers (batteries, thermal storage, software signaling of Building
   Management System (BMS), manual curtailment, and wi-fi thermostats)
▪ Demonstration projects test three different demand response strategies
   (daily dispatch, targeted dispatch, and customized dispatch)
▪ Projects benefit customers and the grid by reducing loads during the system
   peak hour, as well as reducing customer monthly peak loads
▪ The demonstration projects are designed to answer a number of research
   questions, such as:
    ▪   How much demand reduction does each technology provide, and what are the net energy
        implications for each technology?
    ▪   How did the recruitment process go compared to expectations?
    ▪   Are customers satisfied with the demand reduction technology?

▪ The demonstration projects are intended to offer a range of demand
   response options suitable for different types of customers, and to inform full
   scale program development
Eversource – Demonstration
     Project Status
Technology        Number of Installations (Accounts)         Evaluated MW       Expected MW            Cost
                                                                Demand            Demand            $/kW-year**
                  Summer         Current      Expected         Reduction         Reduction
                   2018         Installed     Summer         Summer 2018          Capacity
                                               2019*         (System Peak       Summer 2019
Batteries             2             3             9               0.25               2.52           $598 to $943

Thermal               2             3             22              0.03               1.68               $224
Storage (ice
storage and
phase change)
Software              0             3             10         Not Evaluated           3.00          Not Evaluated
signaling of
System (BMS)
Manual Load          59            59             69              8.40               11.6               $81
Wi-fi                 1             1            TBD          Not Evaluated           TBD          Not Evaluated
*Based on number of customers currently signed up but not yet installed, and customers that are close to finalizing
sign up. **Cost per kW-year is based on an upfront incentive spread over the life of the equipment . Full scale
program will be based on a different incentive model (pay-for-performance).
Eversource – Impact Evaluation

▪ Batteries and manual load curtailment performed as expected
    ▪ Manual load curtailment relies on a portfolio of sites; performance at any given
       site and on any given day varies, but across the portfolio large demand
       reductions are possible for a limited number of hours each season
    ▪ Batteries provide a reliable, predictable load reduction that can be called every

▪ Results for thermal storage were less clear; evaluators will validate results
   in Summer 2019
▪ Software signaling of BMS had long sales cycle and limited customer
▪ Wi-fi thermostats challenging to deploy through direct install vendors
▪ Most technologies can save energy, but battery solutions require higher
   energy use, and battery efficiency varies
▪ There is potential for interaction between Eversource demand response
   projects and ISO NE markets, which if not handled carefully could lead to
   conflicting obligations and/or reduced claimable savings
Eversource – Comparison of
 ▪ Daily dispatch batteries provides a predictable reduction of load
    every day, while manual curtailment performance varies by event
Average Dispatch Day (Aug 22–Sept 28)     Manual Curtailment Demand Reduction by
  for Large Battery with Daily Dispatch      Event (Adjusted 10 of 10 baseline)

Eversource – Process Evaluation

▪ Participating customers were very satisfied with their respective projects
▪ Recruiting was challenging for summer 2018 for all but two vendors
   ▪ Lack of an existing customer base in MA slowed some vendors
    ▪ Competing priorities for Eversource account executives who could
       facilitate customer relationships led to delays with some vendors
    ▪ Unfamiliar technologies
       and a new value
       proposition slowed uptake

▪ Training needed re: demand
   reduction value and new
   approaches (esp. thermal

C&I Findings

▪ Manual curtailment is much less expensive than other forms
  of active demand reductions
▪ Different technologies are suited to different dispatch
   ▪ Curtailment must be targeted
   ▪ Batteries and thermal storage can reduce load on a daily basis
      without impacting customers comfort or operations
▪ Customers do not accept demand reduction solutions if
    ▪ The value proposition is not clear
    ▪ If customers have to cede too much control over their systems
      (even in cases where a solution is fully paid for by the PA)
▪ More training needed for sales representatives to explain
   value proposition and technologies to customers

2019-2021 C&I
Program Design
3 Options to Curtail – C&I

                          Program Parameters                      Typical Application
  Targeted                •   3 - 8 events per summer
  Dispatch                •   3 hours per event
                          •   $35/kW-summer
                          •   Eversource only: Targeted Storage

  Daily Dispatch          •   30 - 60 events per summer,
      Per Order:          •   2 - 3 hours per event
Demonstration for 2019
 – expect to reach full
                          •   $200/kW-summer
   offering for 2020

  Winter                  •   5 events per winter
  Dispatch                •   3 hours per event
                          •   $25/kW-winter

Strategies and Technologies
Typical to Dispatch Scenarios

 Targeted Dispatch       Daily Dispatch          Winter Dispatch
• Usually Manual     •   Usually Automatic     • Usually Manual
• Temperature        •   Batteries             • Snowmaking
  setback ~3F        •   Flywheels             • Industrial
• VFD speed          •   Thermal Storage         Processes
  limiting           •   Industrial Freezers   • Generators
• Early setback
• Process Changes
• Rarely Lighting
• Generators
• Combined Heat
  and Power

Optimizing Event Windows –
Summer Scenarios

▪ Events are still only 3 hours
  long, but now they can happen
  between 2pm and 7pm.
Option 1:               3 hours

Option 2:                               3 hours

Option 3:                                               3 hours

            2pm   3pm             4pm             5pm             6pm    7pm

2019-2021 Plan &
DPU Order
Statewide Active Demand –
Planned Summer

Statewide Active Demand –
Planned Winter

2019-2021 Plan Proposal for Active
  Demand Reduction - Statewide

                                                                   Sum of Max Net kW                   Sum of Incentive (Total)                Sum of Incentive (Total)
Sector/Season/Dispatch Type                                       2019      2020        2021         2019            2020              2021
A - Residential
 Summer                                                           8,698    15,167      19,354    $560,335      $4,420,511         $5,591,312               $10,572,158
   Direct Load Control                                            8,305    11,515      14,273    $544,598        $712,861          $891,786                 $2,149,246
   Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings) Summer                0      1,913       2,946          $0        $438,130          $675,686                 $1,113,816
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer        0      1,250       1,539          $0      $3,250,000         $4,000,000                $7,250,000
   EV Load Management (Summer)                                     393       488         596      $15,736         $19,520           $23,840                    $59,096
 Winter                                                           1,346     3,651       5,081     $62,834        $134,280          $209,515                   $406,629
   Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter           953      1,913       2,946     $58,900        $129,400          $203,555                   $391,855
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter        0      1,250       1,539          $0               $0               $0                          $0
   EV Load Management (Winter)                                     393       488         596       $3,934          $4,880            $5,960                    $14,774
B - Income Eligible
 Summer                                                              0       289         385           $0        $750,000         $1,000,000                $1,750,000
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer        0       289         385           $0        $750,000         $1,000,000                $1,750,000
 Winter                                                              0       289         385           $0               $0               $0                          $0
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter        0       289         385           $0               $0               $0                          $0
C - Commercial & Industrial
 Summer                                                          94,817   143,053   192,580     $4,307,085     $9,728,663     $14,283,823                  $28,319,571
   Interruptible Load                                            93,317   124,858   159,885     $4,019,585     $5,491,996         $7,172,156               $16,683,737
   Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings)                       0     10,100      17,100          $0      $2,395,000         $4,095,000                $6,490,000
   Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Summer           500      5,000      10,000     $62,500        $625,000         $1,250,000                $1,937,500
   Custom                                                         1,000     2,903       5,403    $225,000        $716,667         $1,266,667                $2,208,334
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer        0       192         192           $0        $500,000          $500,000                 $1,000,000
 Winter                                                          15,310    32,202      44,722    $642,600      $1,490,900         $2,129,300                $4,262,800
   Winter Interruptible Load                                     12,790    24,910      33,430    $577,600      $1,110,900         $1,449,300                $3,137,800
   Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter          2,520     7,100      11,100     $65,000        $380,000          $680,000                 $1,125,000
   Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter        0       192         192           $0               $0               $0                          $0
Total Summer                                                    103,515   158,508   212,319     $4,867,420    $14,899,174     $20,875,135                  $40,641,729
Total Winter                                                     16,656    36,142      50,188    $705,434      $1,625,180         $2,338,815                $4,669,429
2019-2021 DPU Order for Active
       Demand Reduction
Initiative/Offering                       CLC      Eversource                    Unitil   Notes
                                                                                          CLC can pursue once agreement with Eversource and
Residential DLC - Tstat                    X            X             X            X
                                                                                          approval from DPU
Residential DLC - WH                       -            -              -            -     no one is pursuing
                                                                                          demo for 2019, per order, assume full offering in 2020-
Residential - Daily Dispatch               X            X             X            X*
                                                                                          2021; summer & winter (targeted); CLC deferred
Residential DLC - EVs                                   X             X             -     Eversource Demo, National Grid DLC claimed savings
                                                                                          CLC can pursue once agreement with Eversource and
C&I Interruptible - Targeted               X            X             X            X
                                                                                          approval from DPU; summer & winter (targeted)
                                                                                          demo for 2019, per order, assume full offering in 2020-
C&I - Daily Dispatch                       X            X             X            X
                                                                                          2021; summer & winter (targeted); CLC deferred
C&I Storage - Targeted Dispatch                         X                                 summer & winter (targeted)

C&I ADR Custom - TBD                       -            -              -            -     TBD
* Unitil will consider moving forward in 2020-2021 pending evaluation results due in the Spring of 2020 and any other constraints.
 Order Highlights:
 • Statewide Proposals
       • All Approved, except Daily Dispatch Storage
             • Full scale deployment not allowed, PA may use a portion of the proposed on daily dispatch
                 demo offering and seek approval
       • Five Year Commitments Approved
       • Higher Incentive Levels for Daily Dispatch is Appropriate
 • Compact
       • DPU recognizes CLC efforts/creativity, but CVEO and enhanced storage offer not approved; may
          not offer active demand until an agreement between Eversource and Compact is reached.
 • Gas Demand Response
       • Gas PAs must continue to review the potential for cost-effective savings from gas demand response
          offerings, and as part of the next 3YP include detailed testimony and exhibits addressing such                                            32
          continued study and the feasibility of gas demand response offerings.
Evaluations Planned
From the SEP

▪ From Strategic Evaluation Plan
  ▪ Near-term
     ▪ For residential, continuing to develop estimates of demand
       savings, including the timing of the savings (i.e., load shapes).
  ▪ Longer-term
     ▪ For residential, Characterization of EE/DR Storage Ability.
       Assess the electricity-equivalent capacity of various “thermal
       batteries” using smart controls to load shift using smart
       thermostats and smart water heaters
     ▪ For special and cross cutting: Conduct research supporting new
       active demand programs and policy frameworks.
     ▪ For C&I: Although active demand currently resides in SCC,
       demand studies may become more important in the future and
       require C&I research area effort.

Thank you
For Reference Only
2019-2021 Plan Proposal for
 Active Demand Reduction - CLC

                                                                                                                                       Sum of Incentive
                                                                          Sum of Max Net kW            Sum of Incentive (Total)            (Total)
PA/Sector/Season/Dispatch Type                                             2019 2020 2021               2019       2020         2021
 A - Residential
  Summer                                                                   1,055    2,869   3,400   $86,310 $3,347,851 $4,099,320           $7,533,481
    Direct Load Control                                                    1,055    1,618   1,861   $86,310    $97,851    $99,320             $283,481
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer                 0    1,250   1,539        $0 $3,250,000 $4,000,000           $7,250,000
  Winter                                                                       0    1,250   1,539        $0         $0         $0                   $0
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter                 0    1,250   1,539        $0         $0         $0                   $0
 B - Income Eligible
  Summer                                                                        0    289     385          $0    $750,000 $1,000,000         $1,750,000
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer                  0    289     385          $0    $750,000 $1,000,000         $1,750,000
  Winter                                                                        0    289     385          $0          $0         $0                 $0
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter                  0    289     385          $0          $0         $0                 $0
 C - Commercial & Industrial
  Summer                                                                     117 6,053 6,080         $9,585     $888,663   $888,823         $1,787,071
    Interruptible Load                                                       117 5,458 5,485         $9,585     $221,996   $222,156           $453,737
    Custom                                                                     0 403 403                 $0     $166,667   $166,667           $333,334
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Summer                 0 192 192                 $0     $500,000   $500,000         $1,000,000
  Winter                                                                       0 192 192                 $0           $0         $0                 $0
    Storage System and Performance, discharge (savings) Winter                 0 192 192                 $0           $0         $0                 $0

Note: CLC Storage System & Performance offering builds cumulatively, also subject to DPU and Eversource agreements                                 37
2019-2021 Plan Proposal for Active
    Demand Reduction - Eversource

                                                                                                                           Sum of Incentive
                                                            Sum of Max Net kW            Sum of Incentive (Total)              (Total)
PA/Sector/Season/Dispatch Type                               2019     2020     2021       2019       2020           2021
 A - Residential
  Summer                                                     2,000 3,150 4,250 $160,000          $281,250    $388,750             $830,000
    Direct Load Control                                      2,000 3,000 4,000 $160,000          $240,000    $320,000             $720,000
    Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings) Summer           0   150   250       $0           $41,250     $68,750             $110,000
  Winter                                                        50   150   250  $13,750           $41,250     $68,750             $123,750
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter       50   150   250  $13,750           $41,250     $68,750             $123,750
 B - Income Eligible
  Summer                                                        0        0         0        $0          $0            $0                 $0
  Winter                                                        0        0         0        $0          $0            $0                 $0
 C - Commercial & Industrial
  Summer                                                    27,500   57,500   96,000 $1,412,500 $4,325,000 $7,700,000          $13,437,500
    Interruptible Load                                      27,000   47,000   75,000 $1,350,000 $2,350,000 $3,750,000           $7,450,000
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Summer      500    5,000   10,000    $62,500 $625,000 $1,250,000             $1,937,500
    Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings)                  0    5,000   10,000         $0 $1,250,000 $2,500,000           $3,750,000
    Custom                                                       0      500    1,000         $0 $100,000 $200,000                 $300,000
  Winter                                                     6,770   13,750   22,750 $340,000 $837,500 $1,437,500               $2,615,000
    Winter Interruptible Load                                6,750   11,750   18,750 $337,500 $587,500 $937,500                 $1,862,500
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter      20 2,000 4,000           $2,500   $250,000    $500,000             $752,500

2019-2021 Plan Proposal for Active
    Demand Reduction – National Grid

                                                                                                                         Sum of Incentive
                                                            Sum of Max Net kW            Sum of Incentive (Total)            (Total)
PA/Sector/Season/Dispatch Type                               2019 2020 2021              2019        2020         2021
National Grid
 A - Residential
  Summer                                                     5,550    9,036   11,570 $306,375    $786,480 $1,097,326          $2,190,181
    Direct Load Control                                      5,156    6,785    8,278 $290,638    $370,080 $466,550            $1,127,268
    Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings) Summer           0    1,763    2,696       $0    $396,880 $606,936            $1,003,816
    EV Load Management (Summer)                                393      488      596  $15,736     $19,520    $23,840             $59,096
  Winter                                                     1,296    2,251    3,292 $49,084      $93,030 $140,765              $282,879
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter      903    1,763    2,696  $45,150     $88,150 $134,805              $268,105
    EV Load Management (Winter)                                393      488      596   $3,934      $4,880     $5,960             $14,774
 B - Income Eligible
  Summer                                                        0        0         0        $0         $0          $0                  $0
  Winter                                                        0        0         0        $0         $0          $0                  $0
 C - Commercial & Industrial
  Summer                                                    67,000   79,000   90,000 $2,865,000 $4,455,000 $5,635,000        $12,955,000
    Interruptible Load                                      66,000   72,000   79,000 $2,640,000 $2,880,000 $3,160,000         $8,680,000
    Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings)                  0    5,000    7,000         $0 $1,125,000 $1,575,000         $2,700,000
    Custom                                                   1,000    2,000    4,000 $225,000 $450,000 $900,000               $1,575,000
  Winter                                                     8,440   17,960   21,480 $300,100 $643,400 $681,800               $1,625,300
    Winter Interruptible Load                                5,940   12,960   14,480 $237,600 $518,400 $506,800               $1,262,800
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter    2,500    5,000    7,000    $62,500 $125,000 $175,000               $362,500

2019-2021 Plan Proposal for Active
 Demand Reduction – Unitil

                                                                                                                     Sum of
                                                            Sum of Max Net kW     Sum of Incentive (Total)      Incentive (Total)
PA/Sector/Season/Dispatch Type                               2019 2020 2021        2019       2020         2021
 A - Residential
  Summer                                                       94   112   135    $7,650     $4,930      $5,916           $18,496
    Direct Load Control                                        94   112   135    $7,650     $4,930      $5,916           $18,496
  Winter                                                        0     0     0        $0         $0          $0                $0
 B - Income Eligible
  Summer                                                        0     0     0        $0          $0          $0               $0
  Winter                                                        0     0     0        $0          $0          $0               $0
 C - Commercial & Industrial
  Summer                                                      200   500   500   $20,000    $60,000     $60,000         $140,000
    Interruptible Load                                        200   400   400   $20,000    $40,000     $40,000         $100,000
    Storage Daily Dispatch, discharge (savings)                 0   100   100        $0    $20,000     $20,000          $40,000
  Winter                                                      100   300   300    $2,500    $10,000     $10,000          $22,500
    Winter Interruptible Load                                 100   200   200    $2,500     $5,000      $5,000          $12,500
    Storage Targeted Dispatch, discharge (savings) Winter       0   100   100        $0     $5,000      $5,000          $10,000

Basics of Targeted Dispatch

• Typically 3 – 6 events per summer
• 3 hours per event

• Between 2 –   7pm
• Customers/Vendors are notified the
  day before.
• Weekdays
• Not Holidays
• Paid by performance: $35/kW-

Basics of Daily Dispatch
Demonstration for 2019

• Typically 30–60 events per summer
• 2 - 3 hours per event

• Between 2 –   7pm
• Customers/Vendors are notified the day before.
• Weekdays
• Not Holidays
• Events called in June, July, August, and September, but mostly
  in July and August
• Paid by performance: $200/kW-summer
• Performance incentive locked for first 5 years

Basics of Winter Dispatch

•   5 events per winter
•   3 hours per event
•   Time of day - TBD
•   Customers/Vendors are notified the day before.
•   Weekdays
•   Not Holidays
•   December, January, February, March
•   Paid by performance $25/kW-winter

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