MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Page created by Lynn Miles
MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

  Senior Design Team 25 | Design Center Colorado

  mACES: A Miniature Cavity
  Enhanced Spectrometer capable of
  detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV

Team 25: Star Fassler | Jake Leicht | Erin Bobby | Lucas McMahan | Aquzana Mejia 1
MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Table of Contents

                       Executive Summary                                    3

                       Project Requirements                                 4

                       Design Overview                                      5

                       Optical Cage Functionality                           6

                       Testing                                            7-9

                       Overall Functionality of mACES                    10

                      Final Developed Design                             11

                       Meet the Team                                     12-13

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MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Executive Summary
                                ACES                                                            mACES

      Optical Engineering                      Mechanical Engineering                        Electrical Engineering

         Nitrogen dioxide, better known as NO2, is a pollutant that primarily releases into the air from the burning of fuels. Not only
can breathing in high concentrations of NO2 irritate the respiratory system, it is a key factor in the formation of ozone and
particulate matter pollution contributing to climate change. The existing systems, including instruments on the surface and
airborne platforms, struggle to accurately measure the gradient in the lower troposphere, specifically near populated areas. These
systems are mostly capable of predicting what the upward profile of NO2 levels look like with respect to the ground.

          Due to these persistent and detrimental effects to our environment and human health at large, Team 25 partnered up
with The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Chemical Sciences Laboratory in an effort to build a miniature
cavity enhanced spectrometer for measuring NO2 levels on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). NOAA has developed an existing
ground based system known as the Airborne Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer (ACES) that is capable of measuring the absorption
spectrum of NO2 as well as other chemical compounds. Due to its size and weight, ACES is mostly limited to ground based
measurements and sometimes large aircraft platforms that can't easily measure NO2 gradients in the lowest few hundred feet of
the troposphere. Miniaturizing this system is the first step in the overall impact this instrument can have on cleaning up the
environment and reducing NO2 pollution. NOAA has coined the name Miniature Airborne Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer or mACES
for the device our team is constructing. With a complex system that integrates an optical cavity, a broadband light source, and a
grating spectrometer, mACES is a lightweight, compact instrument that has been designed to be mounted to the DJI Matrice 600
drone for flight in the lower troposphere.

    Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                                          NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory    3
MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Project Requirements
mACES should be able to accurately detect NO2 levels in the atmosphere relative to NOAA’s current
ACES system, with aspects that allow it to be attached as a payload under a drone for readings in the
lower troposphere. In order for the instrument to be mounted to a drone, the overall mass of the system
has to be drastically reduced from ~150 kg to ~5 kg. To achieve this goal, Team 25 divided the
engineering tasks into 3 primary structures and 3 subsystems.

                Primary Structures
                     Optical Cage
                         Contains the main components of the instrument that will determine if mACES is
                         functioning properly and will accurately detect NO2 levels.
                     Drone Mounting
                          Designed for the dual purpose of attaching the entire payload to a drone to get data
                          from different elevations in the lower troposphere, as well as isolating the optical
                          cage from the shock and vibrations it may experience during flight.
                          Protects the system from dust as well as moisture. As with any other part of this
                          project, we had the added requirement of making this casing as light as possible
                          while achieving the previous needs of this structure.

                          Moves air samples into and out of the optical cage where light from the LED passes
                          through them to detect NO2 levels via the spectrometer. Tight seals, particle
                          filtering, and chemically neutral materials were a major focus.
                      Power & Temperature Control
                           Ensure that the system does not get above a certain temperature range (20 C -
                           35 C) during use, which would affect the efficiency of the LED as well as the
                           reliability and accuracy of the data.
                           Takes into account all of the electronic components of the system to be wired to
                           the battery, PCB, and BeagleBone microcomputer for power and data collection.
Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                              NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory   4
MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Design Overview
   There were four primary design concerns in the development of mACES: functionality as a spectrometer,
   vibration mitigation, weight reduction, and temperature control. Nearly half of the development time for mACES
   was spent creating designs for the Optical Cage, Drone Mounting, and Casing systems that were lightweight,
   resistant to vibration, and that maintained the integrity of the optical system employed on ACES. As is true for
   many other experimental projects, it was important to establish a design, fabricate it, and move quickly into
   functional testing. Running concurrently with testing was an iterative process of analysis of the systems
   performance, refinement of the design, and refabrication of parts that were not performing to specifications.

       Optical Cage                                  Drone Mounting                                          Casing

The Optical Cage houses all of the                   The Drone Mounting system                    The Casing serves as a protective
  crucial functionality of mACES.                  serves as the critical interface                  barrier for the sensitive optical
 The Optical Cage is designed to                   between mACES and its carrier                    equipment onboard mACES. The
    provide a rigid frame for the                    drone. It features a vibration               casing design on this prototype is
  optical components along the                     damping system that mitigates                   preliminary and is manufactured
 system’s “Critical Light Path”*.                vibrations from the drone so that                through rapid prototyping to show
Design calculations drove mACES                  they do not affect mACES’s ability               what its final form might look like.
   to be designed with a 15 cm                    to collect data. It utilizes carbon                NOAA will be delivered a robust
   optical cavity, the smallest it                fiber reinforced plastic mounting                 list of recommendations for the
 could be while meeting accuracy                       rods, and medium (50A)                     final instrument that keep in mind
requirements. Each component is                       durometer neoprene rubber                   weatherproofing, durability, mass,
 designed to be as lightweight as                    vibration dampers to isolate                      and cost. Plausible options
  possible while maintaining the                     mACES from any significant                        include injection molding or
    systems structural integrity.                 vibrational frequencies from the                           urethane casting.

* In an optical instrument, such as mACES, the Critical Path is defined by the direct path of light through each optical component.

  Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                                               NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory   5
MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Optical Cage Functionality
 1. 455 nm light from the LED is directed into the optical cavity by the Off-Axis Parabolic
     Mirror (OAP).
 2. The light bounces off the two highly reflective cavity mirrors several thousand times,
     creating a highly sensitive measurement in a small instrument footprint. NO2
     concentrations are also being sampled in.
 3. The light will then continue on its path out of the cavity where it is focused into the
     Bandpass Filter.
 4. The fiber coupler is connected to the Spectrometer via a fiber optic cable where the
     data is then processed on a computer.
 5. While the light continues on its path to be imaged by a Spectrometer, the NO2
     concentration within the optical cavity is determined by how those molecules affect
     the intensity of light. The various sensors measure the outflow which will be used in
     further calculations.

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MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Testing - Functionality
    Since mACES is an experimental device, the testing phase of this project was crucial to proving the
    feasibility of this miniaturized system. There were 3 main categories of concern that each of the tests
    fall under:

                                                    To test for leaks, all air was pumped out of the
                                                    optical cavity. Then, the team waited to see how
                                                    long it would take for the pressure in the cavity to
In order to ensure mACES is fully functional,       increase. The longer the cavity went without
there must be no light or air leaks from the        increasing, the tighter the seal on the flange
optical cavity. The primary point of concern        interfaces. The results of the air leak test showed
for these leaks is centered around the              that it took over 2 minutes for any pressure
flange interfaces, shown in the figure              change to occur in the cavity, as seen in the figure
below.                                              below, a graph that shows pressure change over
                                                    time. The nearly flat line in the graph indicates that
                                                    the seals around the flange interfaces created a
                                                    tight seal, and therefore a functional device.

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MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Testing - Heat
     Since mACES is an experimental device, the testing phase of this project was crucial to proving the
     feasibility of this miniaturized system. There were 3 main categories of concern that each of the tests
     fall under:

Heat dissipation is essential to the functionality of
mACES in two ways: how it affects the alignment
of the optical cavity, and how it affects the LED.
The LED has a maximum temperature of 40 C
before its efficiency drops significantly and causes
the measurements taken to be less precise.
Typically, an LED heat management system is
composed of 2 additional components: a
thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and heat sink.
However, because our LED system is attached to a              Although the copper mount adds another
2D-stage that controls the x, y, and z position of            piece in the LED assembly that heat must
the LED, another component had to be added to                 pass through, its high thermal conductivity
make the system fit together: a copper mount.                 allows for better heat dissipation from the
                                                              system. However, the mount still adds more
                                                              interfaces between the TEC and heat sink,
                                                              therefore decreasing the thermal efficiency of
                                                              the whole system. This is why the selection
                                                              of the heat sink is very important. The figure
                                                              above shows 4 heat sink options, all of which
                                                              maintain the temperature of the LED except
                                                              for the smallest option shown in green.

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MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Testing - Vibration
   Since mACES is an experimental device, the testing phase of this project was crucial to proving the
   feasibility of this miniaturized system. There were 3 main categories of concern that each of the tests
   fall under:

Since mACES will be mounted under a drone to collect and
analyze data, the team had to understand the effect that
vibration had on mACES, and test the vibration damping
system that was designed to protect it. mACES was placed
on a vibration table and vibrated from 10 Hz to 130 Hz to
simulate the vibration of a drone.

                                                                The vibration table test was performed to
                                                                determine the effect of vibration on the optical
                                                                system. Although vibration has minimal effect
                                                                on the quality of data collected by mACES, it
                                                                still may have an effect on additional
                                                                components in the system. The vibration
                                                                dampers placed at each of the connection
                                                                points between the drone and mACES, shown in
                                                                the figure above, were tested to confirm the
                                                                efficacy of our original VDS design. The result of
After vibrating mACES on the vibration table, the team          this test indicated that 50A durometer rubber
determined that vibration had no effect on the number of        dampers successfully decreased vibration in
signal counts that mACES was able to detect. This is shown      mACES.
in the figure above, where there is a flat line between peaks
indicating no change in counts as vibration changed.

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MACES: A Miniature Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer capable of detecting NO2 Levels on a UAV - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Overall Functionality of mACES
    Team 25 and NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory accomplished their
    goal of determining if mACES can accurately detect NO2 levels, which
    has been validated by our client, Dr. Caroline Womack.

         Precision                                                         Mirror Reflectivity

The smaller spectrometer can produce precise data,               mACES has a mirror reflectivity of 0.9999. The closer it is
Final Developed Design
   Due to the complexity of mACES and the restrictions in place from the COVID-19 pandemic,
   Team 25 developed a well thought out and clearly documented plan that outlined how to
   prioritize the critical aspects involved in the functionality of mACES. Not all structures and
   subsystems were essential to ensure the system’s functionality, so the team split up
   manufacturing into Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 focused on the optical functionality while
   Phase 2 focused on redesign and nonfunctioning mechanical rapid prototyping components
   to see the final form factor.

                                  Phase 1                                                            Phase 2
               Design                     Functional Prototype            Testing and Analysis                         Redesign
             Spider Mount Plate            Manufacturing and                  Alignment                              Individual components, not
             Mirror Mount Plate                                               Component Loads                        the entire system
             Bandpass Filter Mount             Assembly                       Vibe/Shock
             Heat Sink Mount                                                  Is mACES functioning per our
             Optical Cavity Length           Deep Focus on Optical Cage       specs?
             Optical Cavity Flanges          Vibration Damping System
             Carbon Fiber Rods               Casing
             Vibration Damping System        Heat Management
             System Casing
             Miniaturization                                               Recommendations
             General Layout
                                                                              and Delivery
                                                                              Hand off working Optical
                                                                              Cage System to NOAA
                                                                              Provide recommendations
                                                                              for future improvements

Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                                                      NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory    11
Meet the Team
                                          Star Fassler - Project Manager
                                               Optical Cage System Sub-Team Lead
                                               Member of Plumbing and Wiring Sub-Teams
                                               Aside from my Mechanical Engineering degree, I will also
                                               be graduating with a Biomedical Engineering option and
                                               am eager to expand my knowledge and technical skills. I
                                               eventually aspire to be a motivational speaker and use
                                               all my past, present, and future experiences to help
                                               guide the future STEM leaders of our world.

                                          Jake Leicht - Logistics Manager/Manufacturing Engineer
                                               Drone Mounting Sub-Team Lead
                                               Member of Optical Cage System and Wiring Sub-Teams
                                               After graduation, I will be commissioning as a 2nd
                                               lieutenant in the Air Force and attending Euro Nato
                                               Joint Jet Pilot Training.

                                          Erin Bobby - Test/Systems Engineer
                                                Power/Temperature Control Sub-Team Lead
                                                Member of Drone Mounting and Plumbing Sub-Teams
                                                I will graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering
                                                and a minor in Entrepreneurial Business.

Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                          NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory   12
Meet the Team
                                          Lucas McMahan - CAD Engineer
                                              Wiring Sub-Team Lead
                                              Member of Drone Mounting and Power/Temperature
                                              Control Sub-Teams
                                              After getting my Mechanical Engineering Degree, I will
                                              pursue a career in product development in the
                                              biomechanical sphere. With several years of experience
                                              in the engineering field, I am then planning to get a law
                                              degree to become a patent attorney.

                                          Aquzana Mejia - Financial Manager
                                              Plumbing Sub-Team Lead
                                              Member of Optical Cage System and
                                              Power/Temperature Control Sub-Teams
                                              I will be graduating with a major in Mechanical
                                              Engineering and a minor in Engineering Management. I
                                              worked at the BOLD Center throughout my time at CU
                                              Boulder and I hope to gain experience in the engineering
                                              field and return to work with students in the future.

        A special thank you to our client, Dr. Caroline Womack, the NOAA
         team, and our director, Andrew Goldstein, for all their guidance
            and support throughout the ideation and development of
          mACES. We would also like to thank Shirley Chessman, Julie
        Steinbrenner, Daria Kotys-Schwartz, Greg Potts, Chase Logsdon,
        Patrick Maguire, Mark Eaton, Victoria Lanaghan, Lauren Wheeler,
          Yvonne Garcia, Keith Regner, Branden Adams, Spencer Green,
             Ryan Weatherbee, Sean Wilcox, and Jackson Hootman.

Senior Design Team 25: mACES | May 2021                                         NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory   13
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