NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...

Page created by Wesley Mitchell
NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
NCN       District Resource Center

VOLUME 15/ ISSUE 1            January—February 2020

         916-379-9600 Office 916-379-9692 Fax  

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NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
                                 Rev. Bret Allen
Today I received a letter from a minister that made me smile and caused my chest to swell with pride. I was proud because
the content of the letter was celebratory over an encouraging letter the minister had received from another pastor. I was
so pleased to know that a minister took time to write a letter to another minister complimenting, praising, and encouraging
his co-laborer in Christ.

Encouragement. What a wonderful concept.
Encouragement. What a powerful tool.
Encouragement. What a simple thing to give and to receive.

Encouragement is something that is routinely needed in the lives of those who lead and minister in the local church. Re-
gardless of location or demographic markers – the fact is ministers become disappointed and that leads to discouragement.

In the life of Moses, we see four kinds of disappointment at work. All four are commonplace in our lives and the lives of
those ministering around us.

    Disappointment with Circumstances – Exodus 14:5-9

The Red Sea – really? We just had 10 plagues – and now this?
I left a great job to come here for this? I was perfectly happy sitting on the back side of the dessert watching my father in
law’s sheep. A bush that knows my name interrupts my day – my life and now here I am.

The incident we're going to look at today is a water problem. The Israelites had many water problems. The first problem
they had was too much water at the Red Sea -- How are we going to get across?

    Disappointment with People – Exodus 14:10-14

The people are attacking and complaining. They've just received freedom. At the first sign of trouble, they're already
doubting. They're already criticizing, and they're ready to give up.
I think their motto was "When in doubt, grumble against Moses." Poor Moses! One minute he's the hero, the next minute
he's a zero. One minute he's the star, the next minute he's the scapegoat. Yet he never gave up.

Have you noticed how people forget things quickly? It's human nature. We forget so quickly things that have happened.
Some of you are in a position right now and the key question that you're asked is, "What have you done for me lately? It
doesn't matter that you led well last year, what are you doing now?" They've already forgotten your victories. Children
forget parents, bosses forget employees, and spouses take each other for granted. It seems that the greatest services in
life are often followed by forgetfulness.

Husbands, do you encourage your wives?
Wives, do you encourage your husbands?
Who are you taking for granted? A spouse? An employee? A friend? A boss?
A Sunday School teacher? A nursery worker?

We can look at Moses' life and see the things he did to deal with disappointment as it related to people.

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Disappointment with God – Exodus 14:15

This one we hate to admit. But it is a reality. Too often we find ourselves asking God “why” questions. We even at times
go so far to accuse God of being unaware, disinterested, or simply not caring about our plight.

Our disappointment with God comes when:

  •     We expect God to fit into a box we make for him. He won’t. He’s God.

  •     When we try and change rolls with God. He is not a vending machine – when you drop a prayer and make your se-
        lection for God to perform. That mindset is dangerous simply because it places your will as directive for God. God is
        not obligated to meet our expectations – he is working a plan for your life – for my life – we look through the glass
        darkly – we don’t know what will happen tomorrow – can’t remember what we had for dinner last night – forget our
        anniversary and spouse’s birthday – and then wonder why God is not taking copious notes when we direct him.

  •     When we fail to ask God for his perspective, and we fill in the blanks on our own.

  •     When we gauge God on our expectations and not his declarations.

Let me remind you of a few things about God’s character:
He never changes – easy to track – He never moves off center.
If He is doing something or not doing something – He is the same – loving, kind, merciful, the protective God He has always
been – the character of God never shifts – not even an inch. Disappointment with God is a real issue even among minis-
ters. Remember the character of God never changes – He is exactly the same as when you praised him for the blessings
you received last week. There are questions I have learned to ask in my times of disappointment with God.

      What is God wanting me to learn?
      What has God done in the past to prepare me for this moment?
      What should I be learning in this moment that God will expect me to remember in the future?

When disappointed we must train yourself to:
Say the right things

Do the right things

Learn the right lessons

Pastor, the “Red Seas” in life are wrought with disappointment opportunities. Nevertheless, they are filled with opportuni-
ties to learn and become stronger in our personal walk with God. Red Sea experiences also bring opportunity to:
Learn about God character

Learn about His faithfulness

Learn about your overreactions

Take note of where you were afraid and had no faith

While disappointment is a real issue as we begin a new year, so is the fact that God is there, doing what He does best – be-
ing consistent. Don’t miss an opportunity to write the letter, speak the encouragement, make the call – you may be the
one God uses to speak life and hope to your fellow minister.

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Assistant Superintendent
                           Dr. Samuel Huddleston
It is with great joy I say to each of you, Happy New Year. I love the beginning of a new year. My wife says I love the begin-
ning of EVERY day. I honestly do. Each day gives me the opportunity to tell someone about the love, grace and forgiveness
of my Lord. I pray daily for such encounters. I want to challenge you with something I have challenged people in churches
all over America; to set your phone alarm to go off daily at 1:50 pm or am to remind you to pray for our country. We are
1 nation with 50 states and in need of prayer— a lot of it. What would happen if at that time, daily, millions of believers
prayed? A friend in Ohio recently challenged his church to do that and then added another time, 6:13, which is the num-
ber of his church address. He told them we can’t all be here for weekly prayer, but we can all pray at 6:13. Will you join
me and hundreds of others across our district to pray for our nation at 1:50? Ephesians 6:12 tells us who to pray against
and it’s not “flesh and blood.” May you awake each and every day with the joy of the Lord as your strength and may He
give you serendipitous encounters with others. I have to go, it’s 1:50 and my alarm just went off.

P.S. I have also set another alarm to go off everyday at 4:13. I pray for myself, Linda, our 3 married children, their spouses
and our 13 grandchildren.

Linda, myself and two of our grandbabies      Left to Right: Presbyter Paul Krob and    Linda and I enjoying a Sunday morning
had the pleasure of spending time with        his wife, Gail, with our new pastor of    with Pastor Lance Feliciano’s family at
Pastor Ryan Horvath, his wife, Cheryl,        North Fork CC, Pastor Marcus Hilter-      New Life Center in Rancho Cordova, CA.
and their kids at Bethel A/G in Yreka, CA.    brand and his wife, Dawn.                 Left to Right: Tyler, Alexia, Brian, myself,
                                                                                        Linda and Pastor Lance’s wife, Jennifer.

                                             ITINERATING U.S. MISSIONARIES
                                                 Shane and Marty Couch
                                                 Jay and Dawn Van Sickle

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Intercultural Ministries
              Rev. Dennis & Lynda Conrad

Andrew Anane-Asane B-Day Celebration           Stephen & Yolanda Raman Ministry Celebration            Basil Hicks License Presentation

 HeeSung Park             Panel            Cross-Generation Ministry Seminar             Interaction                  John Withers

    Inosi Batibasaga B-Day Celebration         Pahulu Grandchildren at Memorial                     Soakai Apelé Installation

                                   Ministry in Fiji      with former South Pacific Bible College students

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
                          Dr. Jay Herndon
                                               Join an Archeological Dig!

   Jeremiah 7:12 "But go now to My place which was in Shiloh, where I set My name at the first, and see what I did to it
                                    because of the wickedness of My people Israel.

This past summer Teri and I spent two weeks excavating the ancient city of Shiloh.
Teri and I have been on many tours of Israel. We’ve loved each one. But after a
few tours we began to say to ourselves, “There’s only so much you can learn
from a 30-minute visit to a site. Let’s pick one place and immerse ourselves in
that site.” So we signed up for a dig (this was our second).

Many of our ministers have expressed interest in our adventure. Some have
inquired about doing a dig themselves, so I thought I should write about our
experience. Shiloh is the first capital of the Israelite confederacy, from the time
of Joshua through Samuel. The city is located midway between Jerusalem and
Shechem. After its destruction by the Philistines (following the loss of the Ark)
the city was never fully resettled, nor has it been extensively excavated, mean-
ing that it is ideal for archeological discovery with no modern layers to dig
through and lots still to discover. Members of our team discovered many important artifacts, such as the following:
 • Clay pomegranate tassels (the type of which were used in the tabernacle as decorations)
 • Bronze spear-heads from the early Iron Age (time of Joshua)
 • The corner of a four-horned altar
 • Indisputable evidence of a biblical sacrificial system (right-side bones, Lev. 7:33)
 • Thousands and thousands of pottery shards, stone vessels, and scarabs

More important than the discovery of “arti-facts” is the discovery of “regular-facts,” I’m referring to “history-facts.” Space
                                             doesn’t permit me to write here about what we learned about the city itself—
                                             of the ancient inhabitants and their culture/religion. Most archeological digs
                                             are sponsored by a university of some sort, but this site was sponsored by
                                             Associates for Biblical Research. ABR is a unique sponsor, in that it is a consor-
                                             tium of Christian seminaries. When we arrived on-site, we were surprised to
                                             see professors from AGTS and Evangel on the team. As it turns out, AGTS had
                                             joined ABR just a few weeks prior! It was nice to be able to work and fellow-
                                             ship with fellow believers, and to learn about Biblical archeology from a Bibli-
                                             cal perspective! That’s rarer than you might think.

                                             Our group stayed in a hotel in Jerusalem, just a few blocks from the old city.
                                             Each day we’d board the bus at 5 AM and hear a devotional from one of the
leaders during our ride to the site. We’d work until 2PM and head back to the hotel to clean up, take a nap, and enjoy din-
ner. Twice a week we’d meet in the evening for a time of worship and an archeological lesson. Otherwise, evenings and
weekends were free. The cost included housing, breakfast and dinner at the hotel, and lunch on site.

If you are interested in looking into this possibility, here are some options:, https://,
videos and watch some videos about Shiloh and read about their dates for 2020.

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Legacy Honors
                                                                                                                For Rev. John

                                                                                                                Investing in

                                                                                                                 Rev. Smith

Lynn Clayton for Cassandra Hager            Taniela Kaufusi for Joseph Uta             Viliami Teu for Joseph Uta
Matt Clayton for Cassandra Hager            Tottie Taito for Joseph Uta                Elina Vaka for Joseph Uta
Michael Gondi for Cassandra Hager           Gratiana Taylor for Cassandra Hager        Tom Van Kempen II for Cassandra Hager

Bethany Legacy Scholarship
 An eligible applicant must be:
 •A high school senior, recent graduate,           Application Includes:
     or current college student under              •Student’s contact information
     the age of 30.                                •Student’s academic matriculation to date.
 •A regular and active participant in an           •GPA for previous two semesters
     Assemblies of God congregation or             •Student video and essay describing their involvement in A/G church or
     Chi Alpha located in the NCN dis-                Chi-Alpha. Maximum of 300 words describing why they are enrolling
     trict.                                           in their particular program, what their academic goal is, and how this
 •Student must be pursuing undergrad-                 will help them fulfill what they perceive to be God’s call on their life.
     uate education at a regionally ac-            •Two References: one Assemblies of God minister and one educator.
     credited or ABHE accredited col-
     lege that is also legally affiliated
     with the Assemblies of God.
 •Student should be pursuing one of the
     following majors:
          - Pastoral Ministry
          -Education / Teaching
 •Student should have at least a 3.0
     GPA in their previous 2 semesters.
 •Special consideration will be given to
     students who are children of NCN
     credential holders.
NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Vital Information
       District Ministers & Churches
Seeking Ministerial Recognition:   Transferred In:                      New Pastors:
Aleman, Jaime L - rein lic         Francis, John E III - NY             Ceres, CA: Valley Christian Center of
Aleman, Ronald A - rein lic        Francis, Melanie R - NY              Ceres
Anglin, Andrew P - lic             Luck, Jasmin R - So MO               Reverend Christopher Henry
Azucena, Josue - lic                                                    General Council Affiliated
Bailey, Heather A - lic            New Credentials:
Cornell, Kathryn A - lic           Faiaipa'u, Darcy S - lic             Citrus Heights, CA: Citrus Heights Assem-
Cox, Krislyn M - adv ord           Collins, Michael J - lic             bly of God
Crenshaw, Caleb N - adv ord        Plasier, Tryphena J - lic            Reverend Thomas Woods Jr
Evans, Constance R - lic           Qualls, Debra A - lic                General Council Affiliated
Fairbanks, Angela R - adv lic      Raman, Yolanda R - lic
Gunter, Jennifer L - adv ord       Hager, Cassandra R - lic             Elk Grove, CA: Grace Community Church
Hagar, Larry W - adv lic           Uta, Joseph V - lic                  A/G
Hankins, Antonio A - adv ord                                            Reverend William Tanger
Hansen, Erik J - adv ord           Change In Status:                    General Council Affiliated
Jensen, Chaunda - adv ord          Reinstated:
Jines, Lisa D - adv ord            Christensen, Cynthia L - lic         Modesto, CA: One Church: Punjabi, Hindi
Leatherman, Ashley M - adv ord     Thomas, W Allen - ord                and English
Leatherman, David S - adv ord                                           Reverend Frederick GM
Leatherman, Samuel W - adv ord     Transferred Out:                     Parent Affiliated
Levy, Daniel J - adv ord           Butrin, John D - CO                  Parent Church: One Church
Levy, Joy E - adv ord              Elrod, Gerald A - OR
Lucero, Isaac A - cm               Hill, Emily S - So TX                North Fork, CA: Assembly of God
Manning , John P - adv ord         Marsal, Jorge F - No TX              Reverend Marcus Hilterbrand
Martin, Scott R - adv ord          Mathews, William H - So CA           District Council Affiliated
McGaffee, P David - adv ord        Parker, Kevin R - OR                 Corporate Name Change:
McKenzie, Marlowe S - cm           Qualls, Donny J - No TX
McLeod, Laura J - adv ord          Qualls, Debra A - No TX              Change In Status:
McLeod, Anthony B - adv ord                                             Lathrop, CA: Light of the World Christian
Miller, Ryan J G - adv ord         Resigned:                            Center
Neher, Charles R - adv ord         Dismissed:                           District Affiliated to Parent Affiliated
Orndorf, Casey C - adv lic         Lapsed:                              Parent Church: Light of the World Chris-
Philpott, Brandon R - adv ord      Withdrew:                            tian Center
Pritchard, Sean M - lic
Ramos, Carlos A - rein lic         Deceased Ministers or Spouses:
Reynolds, Linda G - adv ord        Bramblitt, Robert E: Dublin, CA      Church Information Changes:
Rogers, Tabreena M - adv ord       9/5/1930 - 10/22/2019; Ord/SR        Hilmar, CA: Portuguese Assembly of
Rogers, Steven S - adv ord                                              God
Rogers, Nehemiah J - adv ord       Sheley, Daryl D: Sacramento, CA      Mailing Address:
Rosas, Amancio - adv ord           4/18/1951- 10/9/2019; Ord/SR         PO Box 178
Smith, Daniel R - adv ord                                               Turlock, CA 95381
Stein, Richard J - rec ord         Tejam, Eliezer T: Watsonville, CA    General Council Affiliated
Topalu, Valentin P - adv ord       10/21/1957- 9/24/2019; Ord
Turrubiate, Claire - lic                                                Sacramento, CA: Project Church A/G
Van Kempen, Trevor - adv ord       Pahulu, Fauike T: Redwood City, CA   Location & Mailing Address:
Woods, Thomas L - adv ord          2/27/1938- 10/16/2019; Ord           1200 2nd Street
                                                                        Sacramento, CA 95814
New Churches:                      Closed Churches:                     General Council Affiliated
NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
Please contact your presbyter for further information
3      South San Joaquin – 6:00pm
                                                            6    Lassen-Plumas – 6:00pm
       Presbyter – Paul Krob
                                                                 Presbyter—Joel Armstrong
              Lifetree A/G
                                                                        Westwood Assembly of God
              35849 Avenue 13 1/2
                                                                        624 Ash St
              Madera, CA 93636
                                                                        Westwood, CA 96137
4      Central San Joaquin – 9:00am                         7    Mt. Shasta – 6:00pm
       Presbyter – Kyle Bethke                                   Presbyter – Ken Frazier
              One Church - Ripon                                        The Gathering (Mount Shasta)
              1043 S Acacia Ave                                         534 Everitt Memorial Hwy
              Ripon, CA 95355                                           Mount Shasta CA 96067

4    North San Joaquin – 12:30pm
                                                            8    Redwood – 6:00pm
      Presbyter – David Bliss
                                                                 Presbyter – Willy Bowles
             Place of Refuge
                                                                        Lifehouse Eureka
             486 Button Ave.
                                                                        2734 Hubbard Ln
             Manteca, CA 95336
                                                                        Eureka, CA 95501
4      Gold Country – 6:00pm
                                                            10   Lake Mendocino – 12:00pm
       Presbyter – Craig Andrus
                                                                 Presbyter – Mike Suski
              Valley Christian Center
                                                                        Restoration House
              2475 Silver Rapids at Berkesey
                                                                        395 N Barnes St.
              Valley Springs, CA 95252
                                                                        Ukiah, CA 95482
5      Butte – 9:00am
                                                            10   North Bay – 6:00pm
       Presbyter – Al Moody
                                                                 Presbyter – Will Nelken
              Calvary Christian Center A/G
                                                                        Trinity Community Church
              2620 Colusa Hwy
                                                                        1675 Grand Ave.
              Yuba City, CA 95993
                                                                        San Rafael, CA 94901
5      Valley Ridge – 12:00pm
                                                            11   Foothill – 6:00pm
       Presbyter – Jack Wright
                                                                 Presbyter – Brian Johnson
               River of Life Church Assembly of God
                                                                         First Assembly of God
               3210 Oro Dam Blvd E
                                                                         4200 Grass Valley Hwy
               Oroville, CA 95966
                                                                         Auburn, CA 95602
5      Sacramento Valley – 6:00pm
       Presbyter – David Blythe
              High Point Assembly of God
              625 Luther Rd
              Red Bluff, CA 96080

NCN - Assemblies of God: Northern ...
World Missionaries
Brown, Mark & Sarah         Good, Mark & Dalene        Matsunaga, Daniel & Kazune
Philippines                 France                     Asia Pacific         1938 Waverly St. Unit A    1942 Ajay Dr.
                            Napa, CA 94558             Roseville, CA 95678
Evans, Steve & Glenda
Africa                      692.596.9285               916.584.1929
c/o Mark Evans
PO BOX 892                  Kirsch, Bill & July        Smith, Henry & Ivonne
Bristow, OK 74010           Africa’s Hope              LaƟn America        4020 N. Williams Pl        1925 Lindsay Dr.
918.361.8320                Springfield, MO 65803      Roseville, CA 95678
                            417.860.7861               916.579.2994

     Women’s Ministries
                        Rev. Debbie Heden

                                                                  Gold Country Section
                                                                    New Song Church
                                                                  January 25th @10am

                                                                   Contra Costa Section
                                                                     The Bay Church
                                                                   February 3rd @7pm

                                                                 Lake Mendocino Section
                                                                  Coast Christian Center
                                                                       Fort Bragg
                                                                 February 22nd @ 11am

Men’s Ministries
 Dr. Samuel M. Huddleston
            Harvest Men’s Advance
           hosted by Harvest Church
          Elk Grove, CA // May 15-17
         San Joaquin MAN UP Conference
       hosted by San Joaquin Men’s Ministry
                    August 8
           Men of Integrity Conference
      hosted by Sunnyslope Christian Center
        Hollister, CA // September 18-19
        Silicon Valley MAN UP Conference
           hosted by Mission City Church
            Santa Clara, CA // October 10

      From the NCN Men’s Ministries Team,
      Happy New Year to you and your families!
      May 2020 be your best year yet. Hope to
      see you at our events.

          -Dr Sam and the Men’s Ministries Team

Rev. Cal Swenson

Church Ministries
                            Rev. Char Blair
Kid’s Ministry is explod-         launch a ministry to kids. Thank
                                  you Pastor Sean for all the ex-
ing within the NCN District with
                                  tra time you spend investing in
creativity and resourceful train-
ing. Our KIDMIN advisory team
consists of veteran KIDMIN
                                  Make sure you save the date...
leaders who bring a lot to the
                                  March 7. Each year we offer
table. The team is: James Hall,
                                  two trainings. Our spring train-
Sean Marshall, Eric and Tiffany
                                  ing is KIDMIN LEAD which is all
Saathoff, Michele Turner, and
                                  about growing as a KIDMIN
Brent Way. I am grateful for
                                  leader and KIDMIN CREATE is
their time and investment into
                                  our fall training that offers
our District. Pastor Sean is cur-
                                  hands on, practical, creative
rently working with several of
                                  ideas on how to grow your
our churches who are in differ-
                                  ministry. We keep the cost
ent stages of ministry… He’s
                                  minimal so you can bring your
consulting those who are need-
                                  entire team. Lunch and materi-
ing to train volunteers, be more
                                  als are included in the price.
creative in their approach, or

                                                               If you’re leading a ministry     If you have not yet met our
                                                               specifically for girls or teen   national Girl’s Ministries
                                                               girls, you won’t want to miss    Director Lori Trail-Warning, I
                                                               this event.                                      encourage you
                                                               The weekend                                      to not miss this
                                                               is designed
                                                                              “You won’t want                   opportunity.
                                                               for those        to miss this                    She’s a breath
                                                               who lead girls
                                                               in ministry
                                                                                   event.”                      of fresh air and
                                                                                                                has a heart to
                                                               not just for                                     see girls lead
                                                               those who do Girl’s Ministry     like Jesus in the church, in
                                                               (formerly Missionettes). We      their homes, and someday in
                                                               are privileged to host this      the marketplace.
                                                               conference and to welcome
                                                               the national leadership to
Register at             Northern California and Ne-
                                                               vada District.
Thank you to all of you who attended
Youth Convention 2019. A big thank you to
Pastor Abe Daniel and his team at Trinity
Life Center of Sacramento for hosting over
1,400 students for two days. Dr. Samuel
Huddleston and Pastor Damien Giacchino
both brought timely words of encourage-
ment to our students and Zoro dropped
truth bombs throughout his entire inter-
view. It was amazing to see how young
people responded to each speaker in a
different way. Thank you also to all of the
youth pastors that trusted us and gave up
their weekend to bring their students and leaders. Our youth pastors are growing in their connections with one
another and their regional DYD’s. Watching the momentum of student ministries on the rise within our district is a
sight to behold. Please continue to pray for this generation.

Goal: Plan STL Strategies and group fundraisers
Fundraiser Idea: Superbowl Party – Chop Firewood

February— March— April
Goal: Have each student make personal goals during these months
Strategy: Have a “March Madness for Missions” STL emphasis.
Fundraiser Idea: Valentine’s day chocolate sales, Valentine’s day banquet,
March Madness for Missions.

Ongoing STL giving disciplines: Collect weekly offerings for STL, Show Missions Videos, Pick a project, teach on the
importance of tithes and offerings, add a $5 STL tax to each of your events.

If you have any questions about STL, please reach out to the Church Ministries Office.
Rev. Eddie Rentz
                                            We Need Disrupters in 2020
In his book, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, Richard Rohr writes, "Change is not what we expect
from religious people. They tend to love the past more than the present or the future." Yet disrupters are troubled by the
status quo and find themselves unable to continue in their usual way. They push fearlessly through the apathetic crowd of
comfort and ease in order to disrupt their world. All leaders at some point must choose to become a change agent, a dis-
rupter, or they face obsolescence.

The Word of God is filled with disrupters like Moses, Elijah, Daniel, and Paul. However, the greatest disrupter is Jesus
Christ! His life, message, and actions unsettled the status quo. In the NCN District, I know many disruptive leaders like An-
gelo and Analiza Austria at New Life Christian Center in Reno, Nevada. He spent a week living on the streets, built a com-
munity playground for inner-city, at-risk children, and outreaches for the marginalized in Reno. They are disrupters of the
status quo! John and Carey Gregg are disrupters at The Bay Church in Concord, California. Disruptive compassion has be-
come their DNA through ministries like Adopt-A-School, Clean Start - Laundry and Shower, Serve Day, Compassion Bags,
and Convoy of Hope Community Outreaches! These disrupters are starting a revolution of compassion!

I work with a disrupter, Hal Donaldson, whose passion has sparked a revolution of compassion and kindness to the poor,
hungry, marginalized, and those without Christ. His book, Disruptive Compassion--Becoming the Revolutionary You Were
Born to Be, he explains with convincing clarity the call to disruptive compassion.

Many other names and faces flood my mind of disrupters who have bravely confronted the status quo. Outreach, mis-
sions, and transformational leadership are their priorities against complacency.

Change is challenging, but not changing is catastrophic. As you look forward to 2020, what opportunities do you see to in-
terrupt the status quo? Perhaps it is time for you to be a disrupter. The world needs all of us to combat complacency and
contend for their future. Martin Luther said, "Like the early Christians, we must move into a sometimes hostile world
armed with the revolutionary gospel of Jesus Christ. With this powerful gospel, we shall boldly challenge the status
quo." Thank you for partnering with Convoy of Hope, a ministry committed to be a disruptive compassion ministry.

                 Angelo and Analiza Austria                                        John and Carey Gregg

If you have not submitted your 2020 credential renewal, you have until January 15th to renew with $50 in late fees ($25 to
General Council & $25 to District Council).

After the 15th your credential will lapse, and you will have to pay a $150 reinstatement fee. Your renewal will be placed on
hold if you owe more than 2 months of District tithes. For ministers carrying over a balance into the new year, there will be
a credential fee of $17.50 billed at a later date. General Council will also place your credential on hold if you are not com-
pletely paid up for the year with their office.

You can renew online here:

The District will renew on your behalf if you are Senior Retired, a World Missionary, or Disabled and have not yet renewed.

             Connection Announcement
2020 will be the final year of the printed connection. The Connection is posted on our website at
newsletterconnection. If you would like to receive the email notification when the new bi-monthly Connection is available,
please send your updated information to the DRC through or by calling
916.379.9600 ext. 1114

You can also read