NDP, PC, OLP Responses to NOMA, FONOM, NOAAC and OFIA June, 2014

Page created by Zachary Zimmerman
NDP, PC, OLP Responses to NOMA, FONOM, NOAAC and OFIA June, 2014
                                                  June, 2014
Ontario’s forestry sector is experiencing a rebound in 2014 and is looking for government support to ensure that the
province can maximize the full potential of its natural resources. Ontario is faced with many important challenges and
the 2014 election comes at a pivotal time.

NOMA, FONOM, NOAAC and OFIA submitted to all three Party Leaders a joint election commitment letter that sought
feedback on 5 critical issues to Ontario’s forestry sector. The following is a summary of their response.

    1) Wood Supply- If your Party forms the next government, will you commit to permanently protect
       Ontario's production forest land base within the Area of the Undertaking for industrial use at least 26 million
       cubic metres that can be sustainably derived on an annual basis? Further, in support of this commitment, will
     Conduct a socio-economic impact assessment on all legislation, regulations and policies that could reduce the
       provincial fibre supply or increase delivered wood costs.
     Ensure that any new or revised Ontario regulations or policies, associated with the Endangered Species Act
       (ESA) or otherwise, do not result in any increase in costs for the forest products sector, or unnecessarily
       reduce the production forest land base or fibre from the industrial fibre basket.

    We would sit down with industry      There is currently approximately     From our own consultations across the
    and other stakeholders to discuss    29 million m3 available for          province, we believe that Ontario
    any and all ideas you might have     harvest annually under the forest    forests will support 26 million cubic
    on this very important issue.        management regime. At present,       metres per year. You once had that
    We are committed to ensuring         the forestry industry is not close   amount of allowable cut when the last
    that Crown forest lands and          to fulfilling the annual harvest     PC government was in power, but now
    allocated in a way that maximizes    target – the industry only           you have half that.
    jobs, protects the environment,      harvested 14 million m3 in           We will guarantee that you return to
    and respects the rights of First     2013/14.                             that former level of supply.
    Nations communities. We will         If given another mandate to          It was the PC party alone that tabled
    support any efforts aimed at         govern, a Wynne administration       an amendment to the Endangered
    providing certainty.                 will fully support our forestry      Species Act that would have ensured
    An Ontario NDP government will       industry in utilizing the full       all social and economic impacts be
    conduct socio‐economic impact        available harvest (29 million        considered before changes are made
    assessments on all legislation,      m3/yr), and commit to reviewing      to the Act, but the Liberals and the
    regulation and policy that could     the harvest levels if the forestry   NDP rejected it. Once elected, we will
    reduce the provincial fiber supply   industry achieves a full harvest.    ensure that amendment becomes law.
    or increase delivered wood costs     Before this election, the Wynne      The ESA is a perfect example of red
    through additional regulatory        government was actively              tape that not only duplicates the
    requirements for permits and         reviewing the Crown Forest           already heavily-regulated CFSA but
    approvals.                           Sustainability Act (CFSA) and the    adds misery to your already tough slog
    We believe that Northerners          Endangered Species Act (ESA),        of trying to survive a government that
    must have a greater say over the     with the goal of removing            misunderstands you. An Ontario PC
    natural resource base on, which      redundancies where the two Acts      government will reduce red tape in
    much of the northern economy is      overlap. Where approved forest       this province by a third within the first
    based.                               plans have followed specific rules   three years of taking office.
                                         and conditions, we no longer
                                         require them to apply for
                                         additional ESA permits.
2) Tenure Reform- If your Party forms the next government, will you respect and endorse the measured
    direction captured in the Ministry of Natural Resources Principles for Enhanced Sustainable Forest Licence
    Implementation Document (Minister Gravelle, dated September 24, 2012) and Tenure Direction Letter
    (Minister Orazietti, dated December 16, 2013).

We support measures aimed at providing          If given another mandate to         Under an Ontario PC
certainty regarding Ontario’s efforts to        govern, we will remain              government, we will create a
modernize our forest tenure system. We are      committed to the work we            forest tenure system that is fair
committed to working with industry,             have accomplished on tenure         and transparent, and that
communities and First Nations in a manner       modernization and the               provides the certainty that you in
that is consistent with protecting and          direction set in the Principles     the forest industry need to invest
creating jobs. Current tenure models that       of Enhanced Sustainable             in equipment, create more jobs
are achieving success should be maintained      Forest Licence (ESFL)               and convince workers to head
and any potential changes should be             Implementation Document,            North to both live and prosper.
carefully evaluated to ensure stability. We     and the tenure modernization
support the Ministry of Natural Resources’      letter of December 2013.
efforts to provide certainty in consultation
with stakeholders, communities and First
Nations. We will continue to work with you
in the future.

 3) Competitive measures
 a. Roads funding- If your Party forms the next government will you restore the Provincial Forestry Roads
    Program to $75 million per year?

The Ontario NDP looks forward       Our proposed budget would have provided          We think Ontario should be the
to sitting down with the            approximately $38 million in funding for the     number one destination for
industry to discuss ways that       Forest Access Roads program. Furthermore,        forestry investment and job
the provincial government can       if re-elected, we would increase road            creation in North America.
assist the industry in              funding to approximately $60 million for         To ensure that Ontario seizes
maintaining and constructing        2015-16 and for 2016-17. This is a total         the growing opportunities in
these roads. Forestry road cuts     investment of $158 million bringing the          this sector, we need to create
are part of north-wide cuts that    three-year average to more than $50 million      a competitive business
Liberals have implemented. We       allowing industry to plan construction and       environment – one that will
are maintaining $29 billion over    harvesting activities in advance. We are also    stimulate investment, help
10 years for transportation         committed to working with the forestry           maintain the 200,000
infrastructure and we will invest   industry (through the Road Review                jobs that forestry provides in
an additional $250 every year       Committee) to analyze a range of options to      over 260 communities across
for road infrastructure and         best provide long-term funding certainty         the province (PC Whitepaper:
further invest in forestry roads.   that improves and maintains the network of       Path to Prosperity A CHAMPION
                                    forest access roads for those who depend on      FOR NORTHERN JOBS AND
                                    them.                                            RESOURCES)
b. Stumpage rates- If your party forms the next government will you promote a competitive integrated Ontario
   forest products sector by setting the “Fixed” portion (combination of minimum + forestry futures + forest
   resource inventory) and the “residual stumpage price” of the Crown dues rate for poplar and birch at
   competitive rates?

We will work with industry     Ontario Liberals recognize the importance of        N/A
to negotiate competitive       the forestry industry and the vital role that it
stumpage fees and continue     plays in our province’s growth.
the good work that industry    Taking into account the recovering economy
has already done.              and the health of the forestry industry, this
                               past April our government extended the
                               reduced stumpage prices for another year.
                               We believe that all Crown timber resources
                               sold to private industry must return a fair
                               value to the people of Ontario. If returned to
                               government, we will continue to monitor the
                               necessity of this reduction for the health of
                               the forestry sector.

4) Energy- If your Party forms the next government will you commit to the development of a Manufacturing Energy
   Strategy that includes the following:

   Make permanent the Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER) program and ensure it is adequately funded.
   Maintain the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI or 5 CP).
   Direct the Ontario Power Authority to work with the OFIA to identify opportunities for energy conservation
    and cogeneration and develop implementation programs.
   Provide effective incentive programs that promote the re-investment of energy efficient manufacturing
    equipment and processes that will maintain jobs and put Ontario’s natural resources to work.

The Ontario NDP would           Over the longer-term (2013-2032) costs            My Million Jobs Act will abolish
-Make the NEIR program          are being reduced by a total of $70 billion       wind and solar subsidies and re-
permanent and adequately        largely as a result of:                           establish affordability as the
funded;                         -Deferring new nuclear reactors at                foundation for electrical policy.
-Maintain the five CP           Darlington that are not required,                 We will get the energy file right.
program;                        representing approximately $15 billion in
                                capital investments that are not currently        Stop expensive and
-Direct the OPA to work with
                                required;                                         counterproductive power
the industry on conservation
                                -Reduced prices for renewable energy              subsidies, pare down costly and
initiatives; and
                                generation;                                       unnecessary bureaucracy, invest
                                                                                  in affordable and clean nuclear
-Encourage industry use of        -Sector efficiencies being implemented at        and hydroelectric energy, import
energy efficient machinery        Ontario Power Generation and Hydro               hydro from Quebec and other
and equipment with forestry.      One that have yielded savings of                 jurisdictions as required and take
When it comes to industrial       approximately $500 million over the past         advantage of cheap and
hydro rates, Ontario does not     three years alone;                               abundant natural gas. Nothing
compare well to a number of       -New IESO rules that allow for the               has been more damaging to
competing jurisdictions. The      dispatching of wind generation facilities;       household budgets and to our
result is that too many           and                                              economy than Ontario’s soaring
companies are either reluctant    -Only renegotiating Non-Utility Generator        electricity prices. Heavily
to invest in Ontario or are       contracts where they offer cost and              subsidized wind and solar power
leaving our province to set up    reliability benefits for Ontario’s electricity   contribute to already-high prices
elsewhere.                        consumers.                                       that are forecast to increase by
The Ontario NDP will eliminate    Finally, to ensure conservation incentives       42 per cent over the next five
the massive waste in our          continue to be available for smaller             years.
hydro system, which has           business consumers, we are committed             The Million Jobs Act will abolish
caused prices to skyrocket.       to another six years of conservation             wind and solar subsidies, and re-
The Ontario NDP will take         funding through the new Conservation             establish affordability as the
immediate steps to rein in        First Framework (2015 - 2020). Targeted          foundation for electrical policy.
soaring hydro costs, including    programs for businesses are a                    We will get the energy file right.
consolidating hydro agencies.     requirement under the new framework.             We will control energy costs, in
We will lower the threshold       If returned to government, we will               part by restoring local control
for eligibility in the existing   expand the Industrial Conservation               over expensive wind and solar
Global Adjustment program         Initiative to include eligible businesses        energy projects.
(i.e. heavy user industrial       with monthly peak demand greater than
hydro rate) to all companies in   three megawatts, down from the current
sectors that have been            threshold of five megawatts.
suffering most from               The Industrial Electricity Incentive offers
uncompetitive industrial          companies that invest in Ontario reduced
electricity rates.                electricity rates for setting up a new
                                  facility or expanding their operations in
                                  Ontario and create jobs. Starting this
                                  year, we will provide broader eligibility
                                  for new applications for 10-year contracts
                                  under the IEI program to allow for
                                  participation from a wider range of
5) Ontario Building Code- If your Party forms the next government will you support adopting the National Building
   Code’s standards for mid-rise construction and the use of wood systems?

The Ontario NDP believes that we      The Ontario Wynne government           The Ontario government of today
need to promote Ontario wood.         would have already passed a six-       has not cued into the fact that
Other jurisdictions have already      storey wood frame building             wood is the only truly renewable
adopted legislation that allows for   regulation if it wasn’t for the        building material in the world.
6 storey wood frame buildings.        unnecessary election forced by the
We need to ensure that we learn       opposition parties.                    *Ontario Forestry Industry
from previous examples and                                                   Revitalization Act (Bill 13) proposed
make Ontario competitive. We          If re-elected, Ontario Liberals will   by Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli
have supported Private Members        change the building code to allow
Bills that attempted to change        six-storey wood-framed buildings to
building codes to allow for 6         encourage the construction of mid-
storey wood frame buildings so        rise, mixed-use buildings.
that we can discuss them in
committee taking into account all
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