Page created by Lloyd Wheeler
The                                                                     The newsletter for the Thorp Arch Estate Spring 2021

             ROOM TO MOVE: The new service yard built for RMD Kwikform is almost one-and-a-half times the size of Wembley football pitch

                 NEW BASE ON ESTATE FOR
A new 2.6-acre purpose-built, concrete service yard      decided to open on Thorp Arch Estate to provide         delivering public sector projects and this is a great
has been built for construction equipment supplier       a more local service to its customers in Yorkshire,     base from which to support them. The yard is also
RMD Kwikform, enabling it to move into a fully           Humberside and the North East.                          close to the motorway network allowing us easy
operational base on the Estate.                                                                                  access across the region.
                                                         Northern regional director, Brendan O’Hara, says: “A
Five redundant Estate buildings totalling 62,353 sq      bigger yard enables us to store larger amounts of       “We have developed a great relationship with the
ft were demolished to make way for the new high-         equipment and be able to support more customers         Estate’s management team. We find them very
specification yard which is almost one-and-a-half        with their projects and keep up with growing demand.    approachable and professional in how they conduct
times the size of Wembley football pitch and features                                                            business and they have been very supportive in
an interceptor, in and out entrances, a secure 2.4m      “We have 14 staff at the Estate, but see this growing   helping us establish a presence here.”
high perimeter fence and 12-meter high lighting          in 2021 as we benefit from the investment in the new      
columns.                                                 yard as we are roughly within an hour’s travel time     Director of Wharfedale Property management,
                                                         from most major conurbations in the region.”            which manages the Estate for owner, Patrizia
RMD Kwikform (, which                                                                        Hanover Property Unit Trust, Tim Munns, says: “We
provides temporary works for construction projects,      RMD Kwikform is the only UK temporary works             have always prided ourselves on being a base for a
including formwork, falsework, ground shoring            supplier of equipment for both above and                wide range of businesses, from start-ups to multi-
and heavy-duty propping, had been in temporary           belowground projects, allowing it to be involved        nationals, and we are delighted to have been able to
accommodation since moving to the Estate in              in the whole life cycle of construction projects and    accommodate a global business with RMD Kwikform.”
2018, while the new purpose-built yard was being         provide customers with all they need.
                                                         Recent Yorkshire projects supported locally include
The company, founded 85 years ago with the               supplying ground shoring equipment for water
invention of the first steel panel formwork system       supply upgrades in Yorkshire and supplying Balfour
by Robert M Douglas, has operations in 15 countries      Beatty with formwork for the East Leeds Orbital
globally and seven UK locations including its Aldridge   Route under the Highways for England Framework.
                                                         Brendan O’Hara adds: “We chose the Estate as many
It has a North West branch in Skelmersdale but           of our customers have a presence in the region         

                              Wharfedale Property Management Limited, managing agents for the Thorp Arch Estate, can be contacted at
                                 The Estate Office, Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7FZ • Telephone 01937 845919
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                                                                                                                                                                                           SWIFT GROWTH FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                       ‘SMALL ANIMALS’ SUPER VETS
                                                                                                                                                                   Some of the most advanced scanning equipment            and X-ray department with an investment of £2.5m.   The expertise, reputation and fast growth of the
                                                                                                                                                                   in Europe is based at specialist veterinary                                                                 practice led to it being approached by European
                                                                                                                                                                   practice, Swift Referrals, which opened on the          “We are known for our compassion, skill, and        veterinary giant, IVC Evidensia, which acquired
                                                                                                                                                                   Estate in 2019.                                         approach to animal welfare” Alison adds. “The       the practice at the end of 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           veterinary services we provide focus on treating
                                                                                                                                                                   Among the highly-specialized technology is a            a large number of diseases and conditions, from     Alison adds: “It was an offer that was too good
                                                                                                                                                                   Siemens 128 slice CT scanner and a Siemens 1.5T         the fairly straightforward to the very complex.     to miss. We are now proud to be part of the
                                                                                                                                                                   Aera MRI scanner that enable the practice to                                                                UK network of IVC Evidensia, Europe’s leading
                                                                                                                                                                   achieve a quick, accurate diagnosis of an animal’s      “With a diverse range of specialisms on hand, we    veterinary care provider across 11 countries
                                                                                                                                                                   condition.                                              can offer some of the most advanced treatments      employing 19,000 staff.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           available, working closely cross-departmentally
                                                                                                                                                                   The highly-expensive technology matches the             and we pride ourselves on delivering truly          “When Stuart and the founding directors were
                                                                                                                                                                   sophisticated expertise at Swift Referrals, led         extraordinary levels of care.                       setting up the practice they researched the area
                                                                                                                                                                   by Dr Stuart Cooke, a Recognised Advanced                                                                   and chose the Estate as our first base as there
                                                                                                                                                                   Practitioner (RCVS) in small animal surgery and         “All our veterinary services are focused on         was no similar business here.
                                                                                                                                                                   one of four founders, directors and surgeons at         providing the best possible outcome for the
                                                                                                                                                                   the practice which specialises in orthopaedic,          animal under our care. We carefully tailor our      “It is a good location for us, close to the A1(M) so we
                                                                                                                                                                   internal medicine and soft tissue surgery for           treatment options, in close consultation with       are easy to reach through the motorway network
                                                                                                                                                                   small animals.                                          owners in a way that helps us achieve this.         and the Estate has a calm, parkland setting which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is appropriate for treating sick animals.
                                                                                                                                                                   Practice manager, Alison Heath, says: “Not all vets     “Our promise is to stay committed to delivering
                                                                                                                                                                   can afford the technology we have invested in - our     the kind of care we think all animals deserve.”     “We have also found the Estate’s management
                                                                                                                                                                   electricity bill alone is £10,000 a month - and it is                                                       team to be approachable and helpful. We are in
                                                                                                                                                                   one reason why primary, general practice vets refer     Swift Referrals, which has 58 staff, including 12   the process of converting another unit into an
                                                                                                                                                                   to us, apart from the very high levels of expertise     vets and clinicians, managers and nurses, and a     emergency and critical care practice that will
                                                                                                                                                                   and specialisation among our vets and surgeons.”        £7m annual turnover, is able to accept referrals    be able to provide first-class assistance to any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from general practice vets throughout the UK,       emergency cases day and night.”
                   CREATING A STIR? Wharfedale Property Management director, Tim Munns, with Simon and Michelle Procter of                                         Swift Referrals, which specialises only in dogs and     although the furthest one so far has been from a
                                        Buywell Interiors in their kitchen showroom in Units 155A & B                                                              cats, fitted out Units 706 and 659 itself, including    practice in Carlise.
                                                                                                                                                                   building the consulting room, operating theatres

A new development of five small warehouse units      which relocated from Leeds to 1,229 sq ft Unit 158.    its factory in Pudsey, provides a wide range of
comprising 10,693 sq ft has been completed and                                                              products from general glazing and aluminium
fully let in spite of the many challenges created    Buywell Interiors, run by husband-and-wife team,       shop fronts to sophisticated architectural and
by the pandemic.                                     Michelle and Simon Procter, has been on the Estate     structural glazing for sectors including office,
                                                     for 12 years but relocated to the new scheme           retail, leisure, health and residential.
Estate owner, Patrizia Hanover Property Unit         from the Retail Park and Unit 428A, to combine
Trust, went ahead with the £700,000 scheme           its warehousing and retail and create a bigger         Director, Matthew Beesting, manages the
after Estate tenant, fitted kitchen and bedroom      showroom for its kitchen and bedroom furniture.        domestic branch and his fellow, director, Martin
retailer, Buywell Interiors (www.buywellinteriors.                                                          Walker, oversees the commercial work, as well as, pre-let the 2,456 sq ft Unit 155.            Michelle Procter says: “Customers have been very       coordinating the fitting and manufacturing teams.
                                                     positive about the new showroom and really like
Construction work on the latest scheme, which        how bright and airy it is. All our displays are of a   “We moved here to open a showroom to allow
redeveloped part of the original 1941 wartime        size and layout that most customers can relate to,     potential customers to see our products,” says
munitions factory close to the Estate entrance, to   making it easier for them to picture a new fitted      Matthew. “As we work nationally, the Estate’s
create Units 155-158 , started in November 2019      kitchen or bedroom in their home, which makes          easy access to key road networks is beneficial.
and completed at the end summer 2020.                their decision making easier.                          Also, being in the middle of the ‘Golden Triangle’,
                                                                                                            between Leeds, Harrogate and York, makes it
The other units were let quickly to occupants        “Having the warehouse attached to the showroom         easy for customers to reach us. This is the start of
including metal roller door manufacturer and         is a bonus and much more practical for receiving       a new exciting adventure for Glass Living!”
installer, Shield Access Solutions, which took the   deliveries and checking stock items, saving us a
opportunity to expand and relocate to the 5,779      lot of time. Hopefully, we can continue to build       Contractor for the latest scheme was Arcon
sq ft Unit 156, from 1,161 sq ft Unit 713F; glass    on the positive start we have had here and look        Construction, while property consultants and
windows and doors manufacturer, Glass Living         forward to a much better year for everyone.”           building surveyors, LHL Group, acted as contract
                                                                                                                                                                           SWIFT SUCCESS: Senior members of the Swift Referrals team, pictured (L to R), are referral vet, Alasdair Frost; practice manager,
Doors, which took the 1,229 sq ft Unit 157 and                                                              administrator and project manager.                                           Alison Heath; founder-director, Dr Stuart Cooke, and specialist veterinary practitioner, Rory Bell.
online travel equipment retailer Silverfox Global,   Glass Living (, which has

The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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                                                                                                                                                                   AD BELL GROUP – THE SIGNS ARE GOOD!
                                                                                                                                                                   Signage company, AD Bell Group Ltd, which            vehicle graphics, shop signs and banners and,         haulage company, Revis Transport, York as well
                                                                                                                                                                   operates nationwide, moved into the 6,638 sq         while we are primarily a business-to-business         as many schools, colleges and churches.
                                                                                                                                                                   refurbished Unit 601 ft in 2019 after outgrowing     company, we also carry out private work when
                                                                                                                                                                   its base in Harrogate.                               required.”                                            “We have a can-do attitude and make sure the job
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              is always delivered on time to a high standard.”
                                                                                                                                                                   While the family business has its origins in a       Vehicle graphics can be provided for whole fleets     Simon adds. “We have seen turnover increase by
                                                                                                                                                                   farming company founded in 1974, the current         or single vehicles while the business also provides   around 25 per cent during the past five years, due
                                                                                                                                                                   signage operation was started by Richard Bell,       exhibition signage and stand schemes; digital         to the growth of some of our customers and a
                                                                                                                                                                   and his youngest son, Simon, in 2001. Another        wall papers, wall wraps and window graphics;          steady increase in new business gains.
                                                                                                                                                                   brother, Matthew, joined later.                      vinyl coverings in a range of finishes, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        woods, metals and stone for revitalising worn         “The Estate has a friendly feel and allows us space
                                                                                                                                                                   AD Bell originally operated as a franchise before    or tired looking furniture and a print service        to showcase what we can really do. We would be
                                                                                                                                                                   branching out into an independent sign making        for brochures, business cards, letter heads and       delighted if businesses on the Estate called in to
                                                                                                                                                                   enterprise, which has grown to 19 staff, including   leaflets.                                             say hello.
                                                                                                                                                                   a team of designers and account managers as
                                                                                                                                                                   well as production staff, a ‘vehicle wrapper’ for    AD Bell, which has recently completed work as far     “We love the parkland setting and proximity
                                                                                                                                                                   applying graphics and machine operators.             away as Brighton and Inverness, supports clients      to the A1(M) and the ability to grow into larger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        including Leeds Beckett University, for which the     premises, if they are available, without having
                                                                                                                                                                   Managing director, Simon Bell says: “We offer all    company is the contracted signage manufacturer        to move a great distance. The team at the Estate
                                                                                                                                                                   sign-related products from self-adhesive labels      and installer; Askham Bryan College, near York;       Office is very helpful and is there when we need
                                                                                                                                                                   through to large architectural signs, commercial     bulk haulier, Hymas Transport, Thirsk; and            advice or support.”

                           CLAD TO BE HERE: Bradclad managing director, Keith Bradley, with office manager, Paula Wootton.

              GROWTH AT BRADCLAD
An innovative new roofing technology, which          Tinto Zinc where he learnt how to use different       from other UK and international manufacturers
improves energy efficiency, is set to boost growth   metals for various applications. He founded his       and supplies developments throughout the UK
at metal sheet manufacturer, Bradclad Ltd.           original business, Forrest Maughan Associates in      and overseas.
                                                     1991, offering a detailing and design service to
The Proseam Energi-Roof, made by Bradclad            architects and building contractors with complex      Keith adds: “We have supplied public and private
at its factory in Unit 189, comprises one of the     roofing systems.                                      sector businesses, farmers and multi- nationals
company’s standing seam metal roofs with a                                                                 but recently the focus for our own products
bonded, lightweight thin film solar module to        He then launched Bradclad, as a subsidiary            has moved towards the housing market, as
capture energy from the sun without the need for     and, for more than 25 years, the business has         metal roofing is highly cost effective and has
additional solar panels.                             manufactured high-quality profiled metal sheets       an attractive appearance, particularly on more
                                                     for roofs and walls, providing an ideal covering      contemporary designs.”
Bradclad ( founder and          for many types of agricultural and light-industrial
director, Keith Bradley, who moved his business to   businesses as well as some modern homes.              Bradclad has six staff, divided equally between
the Estate in 2019 after being based in Hexham,                                                            administration and production, and has exhibited
Northumberland, and Old Station, Nidd, near          At one stage in the group’s development, the          at the Grand Designs show at Birmingham NEC
Knaresborough; says: “With the growing need          different companies had separate bases but Keith      and advertised in Grand Designs magazine.
for clean technology and great energy efficiency,    amalgamated them under Bradclad Group, while
we have new orders coming in from modular            another subsidiary, Northern Metal Roofing,           Keith says: “We moved to the Estate in May 2019
housing companies, local authorities and private     supports the agricultural and commercial metal        and it is an excellent location that suits our image.
developers.                                          roofing market across the north of England.           It is also handy for customers travelling to see
                                                                                                           our roof systems and for contractors attending
“This is great news for Bradclad and will enhance    Another Bradclad roofing system, Pro-zip, is used     training sessions. Also, there is good access
our growth. We are currently working with            for large industrial projects and even airports.      for articulated vehicles transporting roofing
the Estate Office to find bigger premises to                                                               materials to and from our factory. The Estate
accommodate increased production and staff           As well as ‘Bradclad’ branded products,               management is also very good. They are really
numbers are also likely to rise.”                    manufactured at the Estate, the company, that         helpful and professional.”
                                                     has its showroom and training facility at Unit 726,                                                                          SIGN OF THE TIMES: AD Bell Group managing director, Simon Bell, outside Unit 601 with one of the company’s vans.
Keith started out as a metal trader for Rio          stocks and supplies a wide range of metal sheets

The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
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                                                                                                                                                                           RAW DOG FOOD LEADS TO
                                                                                                                                                                         NATURAL EXPANSION FOR FAST
                                                                                                                                                                             GROWING PRODUCER
                                                                                                                                                                A natural dog food producer, which supplies             Naturaw, which had made and sold more than            dog-focussed businesses, grooming businesses
                                                                                                                                                                raw food through more than a 100 retail outlets         1m tubs of food before relocating to the Estate, is   and dog day care centres although the business
                                                                                                                                                                nationally, has relocated to 17,290 sq ft premises      increasing sales to dog owners who wish to feed       aims to sell its meals through some larger stores.
                                                                                                                                                                to increase production.                                 their pets ethically-sourced, fresh, natural raw
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        food, has 18 staff with plans to take on more in      Chris adds: “Relocating to our fantastic new base
                                                                                                                                                                Naturaw (, founded six years          2021.                                                 with a modern production kitchen will enable us
                                                                                                                                                                ago by Jess Warneken and Tom Johnson, has                                                                     to increase production while maintaining quality
                                                                                                                                                                agreed a ten-year-lease on the 1,779 sq ft Unit         The wide range of meals, sold in compostable,         with the aim of achieving at least 150 outlets in
                                                                                                                                                                408 for use as its office headquarters with the         plastic-free packaging, include lamb and duck,        2021.
                                                                                                                                                                neighbouring Unit 521 providing 15,511 of factory       turkey and beef, lamb and turkey, surf and
                                                                                                                                                                space.                                                  turf and chicken, organic veg and venison, all        “As well as growing our stockists, we sell direct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        approved by North Yorkshire vet, Sue Armstrong        to pet owners and this will remain central to our
                                                                                                                                                                The company gained financial support for the            and DEFRA.                                            growth. With more than nine million dogs in the
                                                                                                                                                                relocation with a grant from Leeds City Region                                                                UK, the vast majority of which are still fed dry
                                                                                                                                                                Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP) European Regional        Naturaw director, Chris Broadbent, says: ““Dogs       food, there is huge potential for pet owners to
                                                                                                                                                                Development Fund (ERDF) to invest in a new              thrive when they eat fresh, natural, raw food and     switch to healthier alternatives and this is what is
                                                                                                                                                                industrial scale kitchen which will enable it to step   our products, that all use high-quality ingredients   driving ‘raw-market’ growth.
                                                                                                                                                                up production and expand its range of meals, as         in biodegradable packaging, without any plastic,
                                                                                                                                                                well as creating new jobs.                              have become hugely popular with both dogs and         “Our new base will also enable us to quadruple

             EXCITING ROUX KITCHENS                                                                                                                             The relocation is the third for the business which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        their owners who want the best for their pets.”       our storage capacity and enhance fast delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              times for our customers, which all combines to

        COLLABORATION HELPS BOOST SALES                                                                                                                         launched at Marston Moor Business Park before
                                                                                                                                                                expanding into 6,000 sq ft premises at Hessay
                                                                                                                                                                Industrial Estate, both near York, in 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The number of outlets selling Naturaw products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        has grown from ten in 2019 to 100 at the start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of this year. Its stockists are mainly independent,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              make it a really exciting time for Naturaw.”

                      COOKING UP SUCCESS: Moores Furniture Group chief executive, Steven Parkin (left) with Michelin star chef,
                                           Michel Roux in the Roux Kitchens showroom on the Estate.

A partnership with Michelin chef, Michel Roux Jr,    the business during its turbulent period before        Steve Parkin added: “With this range, Moores
is among one of many measures driving growth         this recovery phase. We are excited about our          are providing a unique kitchen solution for
at leading kitchen and bathrooms manufacturer,       growth plans and continuing our journey.”              penthouses, luxury projects and executive house
Moores Furniture Group, one of the first occupants                                                          builders looking for an extra-special point of
of the Estate.                                       Teaming up with Michel Roux Jr to launch Roux          difference that is unique and exciting.”
                                                     Kitchens was among many initiatives implemented
In 2017 Moores teamed up with Michel Roux Jr;        by the reinvigorated Moores Furniture Group,           Moores Furniture Group was founded in Bingley by
son of the late Albert Roux and two-star Michelin    who supply house builders such as Persimmon            George Moore in 1947 and expanded rapidly after
Chef who runs Le Gavroche Restaurant in Mayfair,     and Bovis, and retailers including Homebase.           he acquired the 450-acre Thorp Arch Estate in
London. In the same year Moores changed                                                                     the late 1950s. Moores no longer owns the Estate
ownership through a management buyout                Other initiatives included developing key customer     but is the largest occupier and has committed its
supported by Hilco Capital.                          accounts, investing in a dedicated customer            future to the site with a new 27-year lease.
                                                     service proposition, restructuring internal sales
The MBO was led by chief executive, Steve Parkin,    teams and client support, and delivering a five-       The business, which recently opened a new
which secured the future of Moores and has led to    star service to their customers. As a result in the    showroom on the Estate, is well known for its
significant sales growth. This has contributed to    two years of 2018-2019 the business grew by a          commitment to the local community, especially
the business winning the prestigious Turnaround      tremendous 66 per cent.                                young people, which includes running design
of the Year Award at the Turnaround, Restructuring                                                          competitions with Boston Spa Academy and
& Insolvency Awards at the end of 2019.              After visiting the Moores factory to meet the          donating a kitchen to Tadcaster Grammar School’s
                                                     workforce and begin the collaboration, Michel          Field View Learning Hub.
Steve Parkin says: “The award was a great            Roux Jr said: “It was a pleasure to spend time with
achievement which everyone should be proud           the Moores team at their impressive headquarters.      Moores has an exclusive, time-limited offer for
of. The business was supported by a great team       It’s important for me that this collection meets the   all workers at businesses on the Estate, who can
of suppliers, clients and Hilco.                     high demands I would expect from a professional-       receive a massive 70% discount (usually 60%) off
                                                     style kitchen and, with their attention to detail,     the price of all kitchens until May 31st 2021.
“The board would especially like to recognize the    Moores continue to get it right.”                                                                                                             HEALTHY OUTLOOK: The Naturaw team with director, Chris Broadbent, far left,
hard work of our loyal workforce which stood by                                                                                                                                           and founding directors, Jess Warneken, holding baby Etta, and Tom Johnson, right, in hi-vis jacket.

The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Archway Newsletter | Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


                          FILTERING SUCCESS: Technical Filtration Services managing director, Kevin Birtwhistle, outside Unit 17,
                                      which is also the base of sister company, Virgis Filter Sales and Marketing Ltd

“When I think of our humble beginnings, in a            1983 and moved to Wetherby in the 1990s.              recently delivered into Brazil, India, and Australia
three-story cottage, and that we have moved to                                                                with the only country we have never exported to
fantastic premises on the Estate, I have to pinch       Kevin joined the specialist business, that sources    being South Africa.
myself to remember it is true,” says managing           and supplies filters for everything from tractor
director of Technical Filtration Systems Ltd, Kevin     and motorcycle engines, to water and coffee           “Our expertise is such that we work closely with
Birtwhistle.                                            appliances, in 1984.                                  an Italian filter manufacturer, Virgis, on product
                                                                                                              development for its air filter range which led to
The company, which supplies filters for virtually       Four other members of Kevin’s family work for         us establishing our sister company, Virgis Filter
every conceivable off, or on, highway use, moved        Technical Filtration Systems, and its associate       Sales and Marketing Ltd, in 2003 which is also
from Sandbeck Way, Wetherby, into 6,000 sq ft           company, Virgis Sales and Marketing, including        based in Unit 17.
Unit 17 in the newly-completed Ash Way III, in          owner, Jean, his wife, Julie and their children
2019.                                                   Steven, Joanna and Thomas, creating a total of        “Logistics were central to our relocation as we
                                                        11 staff and an annual turnover of around £2.5m.      needed better access for large trucks. We receive
Construction of the 48,152 sq ft, five-unit Ash Way                                                           shipments from Italy every month holding 66
III scheme started in July 2018 and completed in        Technical Filtration Systems currently offers         pallets and the easier access and additional space
February 2019 and comprises five light industrial       15,000 different items through its e-commerce         on the Estate means it takes only 30 minutes to
units. Other occupants include confectionary            facility including Bestway hot tub cartridges,        unload them.
wholesale business Bon Bons, which has leased           DNA filters, ignition contact sets, and filter and
the 15,043 sq ft Unit 6, in addition to retaining its   water separation filters for a range of small         “We had been looking for three years for a
headquarters at Unit 1.                                 engines including chain saws, and lawn mowers,        suitable place to move to and were so delighted
                                                        all sourced from throughout Europe, the US and        when this unit came up with easy access to the
Family business, Technical Filtration Systems,          India and with 94% next day delivery in the UK.       A1(M) and superfast broadband which we are
was founded in Harrogate by Kevin Birtwhistle’s                                                               impressed with.”
father-in-law, Bill Plowman and his wife, Jean, in      Kevin says: “We supply throughout Europe and

               Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, is a thriving business community in an attractive parkland setting close to the A1(M) motorway.
                The Estate is home to a diverse range of more than 170 businesses, from small businesses to large plcs, operating in local,
                                       national and international markets and employing more than 2,000 people.

 Thorp Arch Estate is part of the investment portfolio of Patrizia Hanover Property Unit Trust which is committed to a programme of improvements to provide more
                             commercial accommodation to meet the needs of businesses and promote Commerce in the Countryside.
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