New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings

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New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
F R EE   J U LY 2021

                                                                                                 New books from
                                                                                               Mark Brandi, Clem
                                                                                                Bastow, Norman
                                                                                                    Swan, Alison
                                                                                                  Bechdel, Willy
                                                                                               Vlautin, A.S. Byatt
                                                                                                        and more
                                                                                                                                   from page 6

                                                                                                          The Readings
                                                                                                           guide to the
                                                                                                         Women’s Prize
                                                                                                          2021 shortlist
                                                                                                                                          page 5

   B OOK S
   M USI C
   F I LM

                                                                                                                             AN D R Á S
                                                                                                                             S CH I F F
                                                                                                                             page 23
                       L AR IS S A         MA X                 AMAN I              CLEM                 PI P
                       BE H R E N DT       B AR R Y             HAYDAR              B A STOW             H AR R Y
                       page 6              page 11              page 12             page 12              page 19

                       CARLTON 309 LYGON ST 9347 6633 KIDS 315 LYGON ST 9341 7730 DONCASTER WESTFIELD DONCASTER, 619 DONCASTER RD 9810 0891
                       HAWTHORN 701 GLENFERRIE RD 9819 1917 MALVERN 185 GLENFERRIE RD 9509 1952 ST KILDA 112 ACLAND ST 9525 3852 STATE LIBRARY
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
NEWS                                                                                       July 2021                                                         R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY       3

News                                                                                                                                             Sales &
                                                                                                 Anna Moschovakis will share equally in
                                                Pulitzer Prize 2021 winner announced             the £50,000 prize. The International Booker
                                                                                                 Prize is awarded every year for a single

                                                Louise Erdrich has been awarded the 2021
                                                Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for her novel, The    book, which is translated into English and
                                                Night Watchman. The judges called this           published in the UK. Read more about the
                                                book ‘a majestic, polyphonic novel about a       prize at:
Miles Franklin Literary Award 2021              community’s efforts to halt the proposed
shortlist announced                             displacement and elimination of several
The shortlist for the Miles Franklin Literary   Native American tribes in the 1950s,             Farewell Bernard Vella from Malvern             Miles Franklin 2021 shortlist pack
Award 2021 has been announced. First            rendered with dexterity and imagination’.        After 18 years we are saying farewell           To celebrate the Miles Franklin shortlist,
awarded in 1957, the $60,000 prize is given     To find the full list of prize winners and       to Bernard Vella, our fabulous Malvern          we are offering all six books in a
each year to a novel of the highest literary    finalists, visit:    manager. Bernard will be sorely missed by       specially priced pack for $139 (was
merit that presents Australian life in any of   by-year/2021                                     Readings staff and customers alike. He is       $165.94). This offer is available in-store
its phases. The six shortlisted novels are:                                                      always ready with a great recommendation        and online, while stocks last. Not valid
Amnesty by Aravind Adiga, The Rain Heron                                                         or a bookish chat. We wish Bernard the          with any other offer.
by Robbie Arnott, At the Edge of the Solid      International Booker Prize 2021 winner           best of luck. Our sadness is eased by
World by Daniel Davis Wood, The Labyrinth       announced                                        the fact that Daniella Robertson will be
by Amanda Lohrey, Lucky’s by Andrew             David Diop has been selected the winner          taking over the role. Daniella has been         3 for 2 fiction titles extended
Pippos and The Inland Sea by Madeleine          of this year’s International Booker Prize for    at Readings Malvern for nine years and
                                                                                                                                                 Due to the recent lockdown in
Watts. To find out more about these titles,     his novel, At Night All Blood Is Black. French   will be familiar to many local customers.
                                                                                                                                                 Melbourne, we are extending our 3-for-2
visit:           author Diop and English-language translator      Congratulations Daniella!
                                                                                                                                                 fiction offer. Buy two books in the select
                                                                                                                                                 range, and choose a third book (of equal
                                                                                                                                                 or lesser value) for free! This offer is
                                                                                                                                                 available in all Readings shops except
                                                                                                                                                 Readings Kids until 31 July on stickered,
                                                                                                                                                 in-stock items only, while stocks last.
                                                                                                                                                 This offer is not available online.

                                                                                                                                                 25% off 25 fiction titles extended
                                                                                                                                                 We have an exclusive online offer on
                                                                                                                                                 a select range of fiction titles. Buy any
                                                                                                                                                 title from the fiction collection, use the
                                                                                                                                                 code 25FICTION and receive a 25%
                                                                                                                                                 discount. This offer runs online only
                                                                                                                                                 until 31 July, on select in-stock items
                                                                                                                                                 only, while stocks last. This offer is not
                                                                                                                                                 available in shops.

                                                                                                                                                 Save on the Catwalk series
                                                                                                                                                 We have a special offer on the Catwalk
                                                                                                                                                 series at Readings Doncaster. Buy one
                                                                                                                                                 book in the series and receive 10% off
                                                                                                                                                 the title, buy two to receive 20% off,
                                                                                                                                                 buy three or more to recieve 30% off.
                                                                                                                                                 Titles must be purchased in the same
                                                                                                                                                 transaction to receive the discount.
                                                                                                                                                 Offer valid on in-stock items, while
                                                                                                                                                 stocks last. This offer is only available at
                                                                                                                                                 Readings Doncaster, and not available
                                                                                                                                                 online. Offer ends 25 July.

R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                    EDITOR                                           ADVERTISING                                   P R I C E S A N D AVA I L A B I L I T Y
Free, independent monthly newspaper             Jackie Tang                                      Lucie Dess                                    Please note that all prices and release
published by Readings Books, Music & Film                                dates in Readings Monthly are correct
                                                                                                                                               at time of publication, however prices
SUBSCRIBE                                       E D I T O R I A L A S S I S TA N T S             GRAPHIC DESIGN                                and release dates may change without
You can subscribe to Readings Monthly           Judi Mitchell, Lucie Dess & Joanna Di            Cat Matteson                                  notice. Special price offers apply only for
and our e-news by visiting our website:         Mattia                                                                                         the month in which they are featured in                                                                          CAR TOON                                      Readings Monthly.
                                                PROOFREADER                                      Oslo Davis
DELIVERY CHARGES FOR                            Joanna Di Mattia                                                                               COVID-19
M A I L- O R D E R & O V E R - T H E -                                                           FRONT COVER                                   While all title release dates were correct
PHONE PURCHASES                                 K I D S & YA C U R AT O R S                      The July Readings Monthly                     at the time of going to press, due to the
$6.50 flat rate to anywhere in Australia for    Angela Crocombe & Dani Solomon                   cover features artwork from the cover of      ongoing COVID-19 crisis the unexpected
orders under $120. Free shipping for orders                                                      Paige Clark’s new novel She Is Haunted,       may happen along the supply chain.
$120 and over.                                  M U S I C & D V D C U R AT O R                   courtesy of the publisher Allen & Unwin.      Please bear with us as we bring you books
                                                Dave Clarke                                      (Cover design by Design by Committee.)        in these rapidly changing circumstances.
ONLINE PURCHASES                                                                                 Read a review on page 6.
                                                C L A S S I C A L M U S I C C U R AT O R
$6.50 flat rate to anywhere in Australia for                                                                                                   Readings donates 10% of its profits each
                                                Phil Richards
orders under $120. Free shipping for orders                                                                                                    year to the Readings Foundation:
$120 and over.                                                                                                                       
                                                EVENTS & PROGRAMMING
                                                Chris Gordon
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
4     R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                         July 2021                                                                              C O LU M N S

                                                                 run over 192 of them. It’s quite likely that you’ve read one of   constantly over your head. After three lockdowns you’d
                                                                 the books that were workshopped in those masterclasses:           think you’d get used to it, but I don’t think you do.
                                                                 Emily Bitto’s Stella Prize-winner The Strays, Rosalie Ham’s       During the more recent lockdown in June, we lost most

Say                                          with Mark Rubbo
                                                                 The Dressmaker and Small Acts of Defiance by Michelle
                                                                 Wright. Antoni will help any style of writer shape their
                                                                 work, although his own work is unashamedly literary and
                                                                                                                                   of our custom for two weeks, people’s holiday plans were
                                                                                                                                   dashed, and the Australian Booksellers Association’s
                                                                                                                                   (ABA) annual conference moved online – a shame for
                                                                 has a strong European sensibility. Antoni has been                ABA CEO Robbie Egan and his team, but a credit to them
                                                                 peripatetic especially in his earlier life and he dropped by a    that they persevered. Tony Birch gave the conference’s
                         If you’ve been to a literary event in   week ago to show me his new book, Travelling Companions,          keynote address. Growing up in working class Fitzroy,
                         Melbourne, chances are you’ve           which comes out in September through Transit Lounge. It’s         books were a luxury his family could never afford but
                         come across Antoni Jach. Softly         a collection of tales told by travelers during chance             stories and storytelling remained an integral part of
                         spoken, always enquiring, he is         encounters – ‘a bit like the One Thousand and One Nights,’        family life. He discovered libraries, a place where they
                         often seen intensely listening to       Antoni told me. ‘You can dip in and out of it – you could         trusted a cheeky kid to take a book and bring it back.
                         the speaker and then afterwards in      start with this,’ he said and pointed to the chapter entitled     Later he discovered bookshops which became temples of
                         animated conversation. An artist,       ‘The Nihilistic Capitalist and the Young Revolutionaries’.        discovery to him. It was where he found Island by Alistair
novelist and playwright, he’s the author of three published      I’m not young I thought, so maybe he means the other. It          MacLeod, a book of stories about the Scottish diaspora in
novels, but he’s best known as a teacher and mentor to           wasn’t about a bookseller, but about a French businessman         Canada that spoke directly to him about the universality
many writers since he started teaching writing at RMIT in        who by pure chance falls in with a Maoist-Marxist-Leninist        of the human experience. I thought of Tony’s speech
1986; in 1988, with Ann Richter, he set up RMIT’s renowned       cell. Antoni’s writing is very clever and very funny. Antoni      when I heard the sad news that former journalist Corrie
Professional Writing and Editing course. Writers he has          very kindly gave me six copies to give away to our readers,       Perkin’s Hawksburn bookshop, My Bookshop, is closing
helped include Alexis Wright, Sofie Laguna, Sally Rippin         so please email me ( if you          down, a victim of COVID-19 and rising rents. Bookshops,
and Carrie Tiffany. In 2011, he decided to leave RMIT to run     would like one.                                                   Tony said, are precious things and we should treasure
his own novel writing masterclasses and since then, he’s             In Melbourne, the prospect of a lockdown hangs                them. Don’t forget that!

                                                                 unthinkable extreme of domestic violence, and the                 Ingrid Horrocks (Where We Swim) and Lucy Ellmann
                                                                 difficult road that followed that heartbreaking event, as         (Things Are Against Us); Bridie Jabour’s generational
                                                                 it made its way through the courts. It is a book that is          manifesto, Trivial Grievances; chef and activist Matthew

Reader                                      with Alison Huber
                                                                 filled with love and hope, and you can read my full
                                                                 review on page 12.
                                                                      This month our reviewers recommend two Australian
                                                                                                                                   Evans’s perspective-shifting book, Soil; Catherine
                                                                                                                                   McCormack’s analysis of the female body in art, Women
                                                                                                                                   in the Picture; and Clem Bastow’s account of being
                                                                 debut works (Paige Clarke’s She Is Haunted and Sophie             diagnosed with autism in her thirties, Late Bloomer.
                                                                 Overett’s The Rabbits); new novels from two of our                Alison Bechdel’s long-awaited graphic memoir, The
                         Our Books of the Month for July         favourite local writers, Mark Brandi and Laura Elizabeth          Secrets to Superhuman Strength, also comes highly
                         have much in common. Both               Woollett; and Maria Takolander’s new collection of                recommended. Joining these reviewed titles are notable
                         happen to be written by multi-          poetry. Crime offerings this month show the depth                 books from Mehreen Faruqi, Vanessa Berry, Bella Green,
                         talented women who are not only         of Australian talent in the genre, and our reviewer               Sinéad O’Connor, Nic Low, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia
                         beautiful writers but are also          particularly recommends Max Barry’s The 22 Murders                Laing, and Michael Pollan, as well as the book from
                         artists and lawyers, and their          of Madison May as Crime Book of the Month. We also                everyone’s favourite medical expert and broadcaster, Dr
                         books each explore the special          review novels from international writers Kirstin Valdez           Norman Swan, who will answer all of your questions way
connection between mothers and daughters, and the                Quade, Jason Mott, and Willy Vlautin (one of my                   better than Dr Google in, So You Think You Know What’s
ways in which trauma and grief travel across and                 favourite authors), and remind you of the brilliance of           Good for You? We also have a recipe extract from the new
coalesce within that unique relationship. In fiction,            Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar. A couple of book titles seemed       cookbook from the Tivoli Road Bakery founders, All Day
Larissa Behrendt’s wonderful new novel, After Story,             to speak directly to me this month, and will join my              Baking, on page 17. Yum!
follows Della and Jasmine on their trip to the literary          bedside pile to await further assessment: Rachel Yoder’s              And finally, dear reader, when I wrote in my June
sites of England, where the past, both individual and            Nightbitch and Izumi Suzuki’s Terminal Boredom. The               column that one might need to stock up on good fiction
familial, becomes present in ways that they didn’t               wonderful Chris Gordon gives you a detailed rundown of            in case of further extended time at home, I really didn’t
anticipate. Our reviewer calls it ‘an extraordinary novel        the finalists for this year’s Women’s Prize on page 5: read       expect that that moment would come so soon! With our
… sprawling, cerebral and compassionate’. In nonfiction,         them all and see if you can pick this year’s winner before        shops closed during lockdown for half of June, it seemed
Amani Haydar’s literary memoir, The Mother Wound,                it is announced on 8 September.                                   fitting to extend our 3-for-2 fiction offer into the month
shares the story of her mother’s brutal death at the hand            Our reviewers have been reading loads of nonfiction           of July. We’ve added more titles, so do drop by to see the
of her father, offering readers an intimate portrait of the      this month, and recommend essay collections from                  range; it’s great to have you back in store (again!).

                                                                 about their fiction, their poetry, their thrilling crime          Readings is proud to partner with the Victorian
                                                                 novels, and their experiences in our political landscape.         International Humanitarian Law Advisory Committee
                                                                 Quite simply, we have commentators talking about what             of the Australian Red Cross to examine the impact of

Events                                      with Chris Gordon
                                                                 it is like to be alive right now.
                                                                      I cannot wait to hear the conversation between Emily
                                                                 Sun and author Alice Pung (Tuesday 6 July). Inspired
                                                                                                                                   war through literature. Award-winning British author
                                                                                                                                   Christy Lefteri is joining us this month to discuss her
                                                                                                                                   international bestseller, The Beekeeper of Aleppo, and
                                                                 by diasporic Asian feminist writers, Emily Sun’s debut            her new book, Songbirds. The Beekeeper of Aleppo tells
                                                                 poetry collection, Vociferate 詠, explores the complexity          the story of Nuri, a beekeeper, and his wife, Afra, an
                                                                 of identities and the concept of belonging. Journalist            artist. They live in Aleppo until their lives are uprooted
                          One of my favourite words in the
                                                                 Bridie Jabour’s Trivial Grievances examines what it is            and they are forced to flee. They embark on a perilous
                          entire English language is flurry. I
                                                                 like to be a millennial anxious about their place in the          journey towards an uncertain future in Britain. The
                          enjoy saying there was a flurry of
                                                                 world (Wed 14 July). Julia Banks’s Power Play examines            novel is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit.
                          activity, of excitement, or indeed
                                                                 workplace inequality, gender bias and intimidation                Join us online on Wednesday 28 July to hear Lefteri
                          of change. During the month of
                                                                 (Wednesday 7 July). There may be some miserable                   discuss her powerful work.
                          June, one could say, I was in a
                          flurry. The dreaded virus meant        crossover between the questions raised by these                       Our events program aims to remind us all of the
that our planned events were disrupted, postponed and            women’s experiences: Am I enough? Did I say enough?               power of storytelling, and the importance of asking
reconsidered. I know everyone in Melbourne also felt             Have I made the right decision?.                                  questions. I hope this month’s events will invigorate
flurries of activity following each daily announcement; I             I am looking forward to reading Mark Brandi’s new            your imagination and connect you with others. Let us
hope you all survived it well.                                   novel, The Others, and hearing him talk about its origins         make July a month of reckoning. And please can we also
                                                                 (Tuesday 6 July). I am also thrilled to have Michael              make it a flurry of excitement?
    All this flurry has resulted in a wonderful program for
July, and we have events happening in our shops, online          Robotham with us, for one night only, talking about his               To view the full Readings events program, visit
and at The Collective in Carlton. I believe nearly every         latest novel, When You Are Mine (Friday 16 July).       
genre of writing is covered: we have authors talking                  Regular readers of this column will know that
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
F E AT U R E                                                                             July 2021                                                            R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY          5

                                                                                                                                                               Chris Gordon is the programming
                                                                                                                                                              and events manager for Readings,
                                                                                                                                                                 was a founding member of the
                                                                                                                                                               Stella Prize and sits on the board

      The Readings guide
                                                                                                                                                                of the Readings Foundation, the
                                                                                                                                                              Emerging Writers’ Festival and the
                                                                                                                                                                        Victorian Women’s Trust.

      to the Women’s Prize
      2021 shortlist
     With the Women’s Prize for Fiction winner’s              Unsettled Ground                                                 The Vanishing Half
     announcement delayed until September,                    Claire Fuller                                                    Brit Bennett
     we now have even more time to read our                   Fig Tree. PB. $32.99                                             Dialogue. PB. $24.99
                                                                                Claire Fuller’s fourth novel Unsettled                            Speaking of racism and generational
     way through the outstanding titles on this
                                                                                Ground is about middle-aged twins who                             distress, Brit Bennett’s second novel, The
     year’s shortlist. Not sure where to start? Our
                                                                                have grown up in isolation in rural                               Vanishing Half, is about light-skinned
     programming and events manager Chris                                       Wiltshire with their mother. When the                             African-American identical twin sisters,
     Gordon has read her way through the list                                   mother dies, the twins are left desperate                         one of whom passes for white. Though
     and is here to help.                                                       to preserve their own small refuge. This                          they’re separated by lies and milage, the
                                                                                touching novel is a portrait of displaced                         destinies of the twins remain linked.
     There are so many reasons to support the 2021
                                                                                and isolated lives. Fuller’s emotional                            Bennett’s story serves as a scathing
     Women’s Prize for Fiction shortlist. Firstly, reading
                                                                                power is her ability to turn the story from                       historical portrait of America imbued
     any novel on the longlist or shortlist (and telling
                                                              tragedy to solvency.                                             with the power of a family multigenerational saga.
     others about it) is a simple way to raise the profile
     of women’s narratives. Secondly, by supporting the
     Women’s Prize you are also supporting Australia’s        Read this book if…                                               Read this book if…
     own Stella Prize. Back in the foundation days of         »   You loved Educated by Tara Westover.                         »   You loved Ann Patchett’s Commonwealth.
     the Stella Prize, we turned to the Women’s Prize as      »   You want to feel the wind on your back, the grey clouds      »   You’re not the type to sit on a porch lamenting your
     inspiration but also for intellectual support. The           above and your horizon stretching out in front of you.           life choices. Read it because you understand that
     two prizes are linked: both were started by women            Read it because you know you have options, and not               sometimes falsehoods grow if people stay silent.
     who realised female authors were not equally                 everyone is so fortunate.
     represented within literary prizes and reviews.                                                                           Piranesi
     And if those reasons aren’t enough, then read from       How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her                              Susanna Clarke
     the Women’s Prize shortlist because the novels are       House                                                            Bloomsbury. HB. $27.99
     excellent.                                               Cherie Jones                                                                            Lovers of Susanna Clarke’s bestselling
          Excitingly this year’s shortlist is made up of      Tinder Press. PB. $22.99                                                                fantasy novel Jonathan Strange and
     authors who have never been nominated for the                                Cherie Jones’s heartbreaking debut                                  Mr Norrell will be delighted with the
     award before. There are shared themes among the                              How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her                                 shortlisting of her second novel,
     titles: stories of mothers, family betrayals and of                          House is a story of how abuse can                                   Piranesi, published 16 years after her
     heart-wrenching isolation. These themes take us                              isolate a life and a family. Set in a                               first. This is a highly unusual and
     out of our comfort zones and into new territories                            community in Barbados, an island                                    original novel centred on a figure
     where the long-term consequences of neglect are                              paradise where poverty and violence                                 named Piranesi who lives in the
     highlighted and the reality of women’s lives are                             are rife, four women hope to change                                 House. He makes a careful record of
     illustrated with anguish, brittle horror and a great                         their fate. The consequences of              his life, until he begins to receive messages from someone
     deal of empathy.                                                             breaking unspoken rules are foretold         who obviously lives in the House with him. Beautifully
         Reading this list of novels allowed me to            by the Grandmother and her tale of the one-armed sister.         crafted, Piranesi becomes an exploration of the meaning
     experience perspectives I had not considered             This novel, like fellow shortlistee Yaa Gyasi’s second novel     behind our words.
     before, and I was invited into rich worlds filled with   Transcendent Kingdom, explores the consequences of
     sacrifices, hope and above all, with love. The sum,      generational violence.                                           Read this book if…
     surely, of so many women’s histories.
                                                                                                                               »   You loved reading Emma Donoghue’s Room.
                                                              Read this book if…                                               »   You believe that upsizing your lifestyle will help you
                                                              »   You love reading anything by Maya Angelou.                       live your best life. Read it if you feel like as you grow
                                                              »   You’re longing for the sand between your toes and the            older, surprises occur less often.
                                                                  smell of the sea. Read it to understand how loneliness
                                                                  happens when you don’t share your decision-making            No One Is Talking About This
                                                                  processes with those who love you.                           Patricia Lockwood
                                                                                                                               Bloomsbury. PB. $29.99
                                                              Transcendent Kingdom                                                              Patricia Lockwood’s fiction debut, No One
                                                              Yaa Gyasi                                                                         Is Talking About This, deals with the
                                                              Viking. PB. $32.99                                                                weight of words. Here real life collides
                                                                                  Transcendent Kingdom follows a family                         with the virtual world for a woman known
                                                                                  of forgotten Ghanaian immigrants living                       for her brilliant viral social media posts.
                                                                                  in the American south. The story                              But a text from her mother breaks her
                                                                                  centres on Gifty who grieves loss on                          trajectory, and as real-life events collide
                                                                                  many levels, but nevertheless turns her                       with the absurd influence of social media,
                                                                                  life into a successful story. Years later,                    our protagonist begins to comprehend
                                                                                  Gifty learns that she cannot escape          human nature. This novel will make you reconsider your
                                                                                  generational trauma. Tracing her             own value and your own family ties.
                                                                                  family’s story through continents and
                                                              generations, Gifty’s story show us a modern America that is      Read this book if…
                                                              filled with racism and bigotry.                                  »   You loved Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror.
                                                                                                                               »   You’ve checked your phone every hour since you
                                                              Read this book if…                                                   woke up today. Read this book because switching off
                                                              »   You loved Zadie Smith’s Swing Time.                              afterwards will become easier.
                                                              » You miss the feeling of wind tunnels created by
                                                                skyscrapers and the bustle of a subway at rush hour.
                                                                Read it to see how a fulfilling education can change lives.    The Women’s Prize winner will be announced 8 September.
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
6     R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                            July 2021                                                                                     FIC T IO N

July                                                                                                Australian                                         landlady for help, Judy is forced to admit
                                                                                                                                                       that something is wrong. When Paulina’s
                                                                                                    Fiction                                            body is found, Judy is devastated, but not

Fiction                                                                                             She Is Haunted
                                                                                                                                                       surprised – she’s finally done it. Paulina
                                                                                                                                                       has killed herself. Except Paulina hasn’t
                                                                                                                                                       killed herself, and in a small community
                                                                                                    Paige Clark                                        like the one on Fairfolk Island, there
                                                                                                    A&U. PB. $29.99                                    aren’t that many people who could have
                                                                                                    Available 2 July                                   killed her.
                                     Burnt out after a disturbing homicide case, lawyer
                                     Jasmine takes a leap of faith and invites her mother                 For details on the event for this book,          While The Newcomer hits plenty of
B OO K OF T H E                                                                                           visit                 the beats that make for a juicy crime
                               Della to join her on a literary tour of England. Della has never
M ON T H                       travelled far beyond Frog Hollow, the tight-knit community                                       If you’ve felt stuck   narrative, the novel also examines
Australian                     where she raised her three daughters, and the place where her                                    in a reading slump     themes of gendered stereotypes and
                                                                                                                         of late, stop what you’re     violence against women that author Laura
Fiction                        eldest daughter Brittany disappeared as a child. Jasmine and
                               Della join a tour group in London and wend their way through                              doing and pick up a           Elizabeth Woollett has explored in her
                               a series of locations related to literary greats: the factory                             copy of She Is Haunted.       previous works Beautiful Revolutionary
                               where Dickens worked as a child, the cottage at Chawton                                   The hype for this debut       and The Love of a Bad Man. Living or
                               where Austen wrote Emma and Persuasion, the Oxford college                                short-story collection        dead, Paulina isn’t a character who is
                               where Lewis Carroll spent most of his career.                                             from Chinese/                 easy to sympathise with, or even like.
                                                                                                                         American/Australian           Woollett deliberately plays on aspects of
                                                                                                    fiction writer, researcher and teacher             the character’s language and behaviour to
                                      After Story is sprawling, cerebral and                                                                           set her up as an obvious ‘target’ in some
                                                                                                    Paige Clark is definitely cheeky and
                                      compassionate. It feeds the brain, offers                     confident – the cover of my advanced               people’s eyes – even before she moves
                                      much-needed vicarious travel and                              reading copy displays the words ‘WHO IS            to Fairfolk Island, Paulina drinks too
                                      leaves the reader with hope that fraught                      PAIGE CLARK?’ in all-caps, front and               much and is promiscuous in a way that
                                      relationships can be mended.                                  centre. But the hype is warranted. With            her friends disapprove of. On the island,
                                                                                                    She Is Haunted, Clark introduces herself as        Paulina is immediately branded a ‘mainie’
                                                                                                    a playful and inventive voice you don’t            and isolated from the community. She is
                                  Told from mother-daughter alternating perspectives,
After Story                                                                                         want to sleep on, and I’m already hanging          brassy and messy – the kind of girl who
                              After Story is a powerful meditation on family, culture,
Larissa Behrendt                                                                                    out for whatever she writes next.                  would serve as a cautionary tale of how
                              storytelling and the lingering effects of trauma and grief.
UQP. PB. $32.99                                                                                          The 18 stories in this collection gently      young women shouldn’t behave if they
                              Jasmine, an avid reader from childhood, has pursued an
Available 2 July                                                                                    blend the surreal with the all-too-real.           want to stay ‘safe’.
                              academic and professional life in the city that has left her
                                                                                                    Clark’s protagonists are almost all women:             Woollett uses Paulina and all the things
                              feeling distanced from her mum and remaining sister. Della
                                                                                                    witty, raging and devastatingly relatable.         that happen to her – and there are many
is still reeling from the recent death of Jimmy, her ex-partner and the father of her
                                                                                                    These characters are all navigating the            heartbreaking ways she is let down – to take
daughters. Both women hope the tour will bring them closer together, but at first it only
                                                                                                    intimacy and messiness of relationships            aim at the systems that turn a blind eye to
widens the space between them.
                                                                                                    in strange and surprising ways. A mother           violence against women. The Newcomer is
    Travel brings home into relief. Learning about the troubled lives of British writers
                                                                                                    bargains with God so that she can keep her         an entertaining and powerful read.
underscores their own complicated relationships. Visiting historical sites causes both
                                                                                                    unborn child. A widow starts to dress as           Bec Kavanagh is from Readings Kids
Jasmine and Della to muse on the depth and extent of Aboriginal living culture and the
                                                                                                    her husband to avoid grieving. A woman
injustices and crimes of Australian history. Their late Aunty Elaine is keenly missed; her
                                                                                                    clones her ex-boyfriend’s dog to cope
stories, wisdom and teachings surface, again and again. The humorously factional tour                                                                  The Others
                                                                                                    with their breakup. Standout stories ‘Lie-
group reminds Jasmine of the difficulties of being a young Aboriginal woman in White-                                                                  Mark Brandi
                                                                                                    in’, ‘In a Room of Chinese Women’ and
and male-dominated spaces. Curious first-time traveller Della has mind-expanding                                                                       Hachette. PB. $32.99
                                                                                                    ‘Cracks’ offer some of the most painfully
experiences, but when a local missing girl dominates the news, difficult memories                                                                      Available now
                                                                                                    accurate depictions of both the dynamics
resurface and she begins to lean on her long-time crutch, alcohol.                                                                                          For details on the event for this book,
                                                                                                    between women, and between mothers
    This is an extraordinary novel by award-winning author, filmmaker and law professor                                                                     visit
                                                                                                    and daughters, that I’ve read in a long time
Larissa Behrendt, a Eualeyai/Kamillaroi woman. After Story is sprawling, cerebral and                                                                                             ‘Sometimes, you
                                                                                                    – the story ‘Cracks’ is also an account of
compassionate. It feeds the brain, offers much-needed vicarious travel and leaves the                                                                                             have to do the
                                                                                                    domestic violence that I haven’t been able
reader with hope that fraught relationships can be mended.                                                                                                                  most terrible things.
                                                                                                    to shake. Chinese identity is another thread
Leanne Hall is from Readings online                                                                 running through Clark’s collection, tying                               Sometimes, you just
                                                                                                    so many stories together in ways that feel                              have to.’ With this
                                                                                                    truly fresh and insightful.                                             single line the tone is
                                                                                                                                                                            firmly established for
                                                                                                         She Is Haunted is electrically original
Spotlight on a
                                                                                                                                                                            The Others, Mark
                                                                                                    in both prose style and energy. Fans of
                                                  of her life. Like Esther, her mental health                                                                               Brandi’s highly
                                                                                                    inventive fiction such as Elizabeth Tan’s
Classic                                           was fragile, precipitating a breakdown, an
                                                  extended hospital stay and electroshock
                                                                                                    recent Readings Prize-winning Smart
                                                                                                                                                       anticipated new novel. Narrated by Jacob,
                                                                                                                                                       through means of a diary gifted to him by
                                                                                                    Ovens for Lonely People or Carmen Maria
                                                  therapy. The similarities between Esther                                                             his father on his eleventh birthday, The
                                                                                                    Machado’s Her Body and Other Parties will
The Bell Jar                                      and Sylvia don’t end here.
                                                                                                    find much to admire about She Is Haunted,
                                                                                                                                                       Others is set on a remote, decrepit
Sylvia Plath                                           It’s impossible to read The Bell Jar                                                            Australian farm struggling under crippling
                                                                                                    but this collection will also resonate with
Faber. PB. $19.99                                 isolated from the stamp of autobiography.                                                            drought conditions and isolated in a
                                                                                                    anyone drawn to stories of identity and
Available now                                     But it persists as a classic of American                                                             post-pandemic world. Jacob has only his
                                                                                                    connection, especially female friendships
                            ‘It was a queer,      mid-century fiction for reasons besides,                                                             father and the sheep for company. His
                                                                                                    and mother-daughter relationships. An
                            sultry summer, the    especially in how perfectly it encapsulates                                                          mother is buried on the property; she died
                                                                                                    absolute pleasure to read.
                     summer they                  the historical period and how coolly it                                                              under mysterious circumstances. Her
                                                  details Esther’s brutal depression. Almost        Stella Charls is from Readings Carlton             presence flits through the story as tenuous
                     electrocuted the
                     Rosenbergs, and I didn’t     everything Esther encounters disgusts                                                                and unreliable memories. His father
                     know what I was doing        her. ‘I’m neurotic as hell,’ she remarks, for     The Newcomer                                       assures Jacob he is keeping them safe
                     in New York.’ A great        wanting two mutually exclusive things at          Laura Elizabeth Woollett                           from the world. His father keeps them
                     opening line: nervous,       once. Rigid social expectations contribute        Scribe. PB. $32.99                                 alive. By any means necessary. But Jacob’s
                     brittle, crackling with      to her crisis and Plath describes them – a        Available 2 July                                   growing awareness that his father may not
heat, with sweat, with real electricity and       life of domesticity at war with Esther’s                For details on the event for this book,      be telling him the whole truth compels
the threat of more, and the smell of              desire to write – in blackly funny ways that            visit                 him to break the rules and venture beyond
something a little foul that wafts across the     temper the emotional desperation.                                           When Judy                the boundary where he learns that the
rest of this novel’s vivid pages, written in           But Plath isn’t writing social history,                                Novak’s daughter,        truth is far more heinous than he could
just 70 feverish days.                            she’s writing fiction. She’s not providing a                         Paulina, doesn’t show           have ever imagined.
    The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath’s only novel,    clinical investigation of depression, she’s                          up for lunch, it doesn’t            When Brandi entered the Australian
published in the UK under a pseudonym             conveying the muck of what it feels like,                            mean anything but               literary fiction scene in 2018 with his
weeks before her death in 1963. It depicts        and what it feels like most often is chaotic,                        further frustration for         unforgettable debut Wimmera, it was
an intense coming-of-age for Esther               isolating and strange. Esther’s mental                               Judy, who is used to her        immediately clear he was a writer with an
Greenwood – in New York, she’s one of             illness is never romantic or glamourous                              daughter’s failings.            extraordinary talent. It is no easy task to
12 female college students interning at           – it’s human. Like her creator, she is very                          Later, after Judy has           snare a reader within a mere few sentences
a fashion magazine. Plath, a student at           much alive, and The Bell Jar moves towards        called and called, after she has stood in          and then hold them, eyes glued to the
Smith College in 1953, also spent that            its conclusion chasing the strong, steady         Paulina’s empty house and looked                   page, shoulders increasingly tensed, as a
sultry summer interning at Mademoiselle.          rhythm of her beating heart.                      through her belongings, after she has              near-exquisite sense of dread urges the
Like Esther, Plath did not have the time          Joanna Di Mattia is from Readings Carlton         turned to Paulina’s quirky but kind                reader onward to the final page where one
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
F IC T ION                                                                                   July 2021                                                                 R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY   7

can only hope for a sense of relief – and yet    Locust Summer                                      out of him like sweat. As he confesses to             keep in contact with Angel throughout the
this is exactly what Brandi does so well.        David Allan-Petale                                 us, ‘I’ve got a condition: I’m a writer,’ and         years, Amadeo is horrified by her presence
Reading his novels is a physical experience.     Fremantle Press. PB. $29.99                        his hyperactive imagination is working                and just stops short of telling her to go back
    Subtle, atmospheric and devastating,         Available 2 July                                   overtime, inserting fictional people into the         to her mother. Angel tells Amadeo that
The Others crackles with consternation.                              On the cusp of summer,         world around him. The hallucinations often            she’s had a fight with her mother, and has
This dark, disturbing new novel further                              1986, Rowan Brockman’s         appear related to the parallel narrative              nowhere else to go, and though she is
cements Brandi as one of Australia’s                                 mother asks him to             presented in Mott’s book: the story of a              disappointed by her grandmother’s
consummate writers for both fans of                                  return to Septimus in          young Black boy growing up under parents              absence, she quickly makes herself at
literary fiction and literary crime fiction.                         the Western Australian         who go to extreme lengths to protect him              home. Yolanda returns from Las Vegas,
Tye Cattanach is from Readings Carlton                               wheat belt to help with        from racism. Part of the anticipation of              carrying a secret that could devastate the
                                                                     the harvest, a request he      reading this book is wondering when and               family, but she returns to work, and says
                                                                                                    how these two narrative streams are going             nothing. When Angel has her son, Connor,
The Rabbits                                                          can’t refuse. Rowan is a
                                                                     young man in a place he        to cross over.                                        Yolanda is delighted.
Sophie Overett
                                                 doesn’t want to be, given a final chance to            A raw, wounded novel that’s also                      Most multi-generational novels cover
Vintage. PB. $32.99
                                                 make peace before the past, and those he           wincingly funny when Mott wields a fine               decades or even centuries, but Kirstin
Available 2 July
                                                 has loved, disappear forever.                      simile –‘breathless like a fish that woke             Valdez Quade has managed to capture the
                          Right from page
                                                                                                    up on the Empire State Building’ – Hell               trials and triumphs of the Padilla family
                          one of this
                                                                                                    of a Book places its comically flawed,                in just one year, giving this absorbing
                    distinctive new novel        The Other Side of Beautiful
                                                                                                    mega-successful Black narrator against                debut novel pace and immediacy. The Five
                    by debut author Sophie       Kim Lock
                                                                                                    the backdrop of the deeply entrenched                 Wounds examines the complex history
                    Overett, I had the           HQ Fiction. PB. $29.99
                                                                                                    racism and murders spotlighted by                     that binds family and friends together
                    strangest feeling that I     Available 7 July
                                                                                                    the Black Lives Matter movement. It is                in this rural New Mexican town. Angel is
                    was in an Alice in                              Meet Mercy Blain. Her
                                                                                                    simultaneously a metafictional satire of              opposite in every way to her father. She’s
                    Wonderland-type story.                          house has just burnt
                                                                                                    the book business and a scream into the               committed to improving her life, and
                    There’s a sense of                              down – an extraordinary
                                                                                                    rotten, racist heart of the USA.                      attends a program called ‘Smart Starts’ – an
oppression, the feeling of being watched,                           disaster since she hasn’t
                                                                                                    Bernard Caleo is from Readings Carlton                educational and social support program
the keen sense that something very wrong                            left it in two years. So
                                                                                                                                                          for teenage mothers. Angel idolises her
is about to happen. It’s hot inside this                            begins Mercy’s journey
                                                                                                                                                          teacher, 25-year-old Brianna, whose actions
book. Very hot. People are sweating.                                out into the world, from        The Five Wounds
                                                                                                                                                          and decisions affect the Padilla family.
Clothes stick to their backs. Food is                               Adelaide to Darwin, in          Kirstin Valdez Quade
                                                                                                                                                          The story is also a study in redemption:
constantly going off and stinking. There                            an old smelly camper            Tuskar Rock. PB. $29.99
                                                                                                                                                          numerous times Amadeo pledges that he
are maggots squirming on the kitchen             van. But how long can she keep running?            Available 2 July
                                                                                                                                                          will do more with his life, give up drinking
floor. Everyday family life is mixed in with     And what was she hiding indoors from                                        Thirty-three-year-
                                                                                                                                                          and support his family. His great-uncle,
a level teaspoon of surrealism. Centred          anyway? An exquisite, tender and wry novel                                  old Amadeo Padilla
                                                                                                                                                          Tío Tíve, even gives him a chance to prove
around the disappearance of Charlie              about facing anxiety and embracing life.                              is unemployed, alcoholic
                                                                                                                                                          himself by playing the role of Jesus in the
Rabbit, The Rabbits is a twisted tale of                                                                               and still living with his
                                                                                                                                                          town’s annual Holy Week re-enactment.
family dysfunction, but at the same time         The View Was Exhausting                                               mother, Yolanda. One
                                                                                                                                                              Despite the big issues it tackles, this
thuddingly suburban. Charlie’s mother            Mikaella Clements & Onjuli Datta                                      day, while Yolanda is
                                                                                                                                                          novel also has very funny moments. It’s a
Delia is having an inappropriate affair          Headline Review. PB. $32.99                                           away holidaying in Las
                                                                                                                                                          great story to hunker down with in winter,
with one of her art students. His sister         Available 13 July                                                     Vegas, Amadeo comes
                                                                                                                                                          and book club discussions will run overtime
Olive seems determined to piss off                                     Whitman ‘Win’ Tagore                            home to find his
                                                                                                                                                          dissecting these wonderful characters.
everyone in her orbit. The youngest child                              and Leo Milanowski are       pregnant 15-year-old daughter, Angel,
Benjamin is struggling to get anyone’s                                                              sitting on the doorstep. Having failed to             Annie Condon is from Readings Hawthorn
                                                                       the greatest love story of
attention. And that’s before we discover                               our time – an
that Charlie Rabbit hasn’t exactly

                                                                       international movie star
disappeared – well, he has, but not in the                             and the beautiful son of a
conventional sense that the police and his                             millionaire. Their kisses
family think. Added to Charlie’s                                       make headlines; their
disappearing act, is the unsettling fact                               fights break the internet.
that Charlie’s aunt, Bo, also went missing       Nobody needs to know it’s not real. Until
years ago.                                       things get messy and they realise they might
    This is a book that compels you to           actually be falling in love. A swoony, utterly
keep reading, late into the night, because       modern debut about truth, fame, privilege
you want to know what the hell is going          and how we love now.
on. It’s no surprise Overett’s manuscript
for The Rabbits won the Penguin
Literary Prize in 2020. The writing is deft      International
and agile, the concept is original, the

craftsmanship impressive. This is a writer
who actually creates physical sensations
inside the reader with her descriptions          Hell of a Book
and her sense of doom. But it’s a doom
                                                 Jason Mott
that is balanced with lightness and a            Trapeze. PB. $32.99
sense that maybe everything will work out        Available now
in the end. This is a truly original story
                                                                            Jason Mott’s first
that will keep you hooked right through to
                                                                            novel, The
the delicious ending.
                                                                      Returned, was a bestseller
Gabrielle Williams is from Readings Malvern                           back in 2013: top of the
                                                                      charts, TV adaptation,
The Bride of Almond Tree                                              the whole nine yards. In
Robert Hillman                                                        writing this new book, his

Text. PB. $32.99                                                      fourth, Mott has drawn
Available 2 July                                                      on memories of that
                     World War II is over;       long-ago whirlwind book tour. This nameless
                     Hiroshima lies in ruins.    narrator is on the publicity trail for his first
                     Young Quaker Wesley         novel, titled – guess what? – Hell of a Book,
                     Cunningham returns          and he’s not so much unreliable as
                     home to Almond Tree         indecipherable, even to himself. He can’t
                     after seeing his share of   even remember what his book is about and
                     horror; he wants to         he blanks out during bookshop appearances,
                     build houses and marry.
                     Wesley’s in love with
                                                 although when he comes around, everybody
                                                 seems most impressed by what he has just
                                                                                                          Available in-store until 31 July.
his neighbour’s daughter. But Beth, an           said. Which is fine by him.                              Offer valid on stickered, in stock items only.
ardent socialist, has other plans. This is           Turns out that these memory lapses                   While stocks last. The lowest price book is free.
the story of their journey through the           have less to do with the alcohol-soaked,                 Not available online.
catastrophic mid-20th century to find a          sex-drenched fugue of the book tour and
way of being together.                           more to do with the hallucinations leaking
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
8      R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                                     July 2021                                                                                        FIC T IO N

The Night Always Comes                                  Once Upon a Time in                                     torn apart and forced to find increasingly         Conjuring a world fraught by tragedy and
Willy Vlautin                                           Hollywood                                               desperate ways to survive. A powerful tale         violence yet threaded through with hope,
Faber. PB. $27.99                                       Quentin Tarantino                                       of the resilience of the human spirit.             this is a unique and moving debut.
Available 20 Jul                                        W&N. PB. $19.99
                           In Willy Vlautin’s           Available now                                           What You Can See from Here                         Songs in Ursa Major
                           The Night Always                               The first novel from                  Mariana Leky & Jess Hill (trans.)                  Emma Brodie
                     Comes, Lynette lives                                 director Quentin                      Bloomsbury. PB. $24.99                             HarperCollins. PB. $29.99
                     across the road from the                             Tarantino is at once                  Available 2 July                                   Available 7 July
                     Interstate 5 in Portland,                            hilarious, delicious and                                  On a beautiful spring                              From the moment Jane
                     with her Mum and her                                 brutal. Tarantino takes                                   day, a small village in                            Quinn steps barefoot
                     brother Kenny, who has                               us high into the                                          Western Germany                                    onto the main stage at
                     an intellectual disability.                          Hollywood Hills 1969,                                     wakes up to an omen:                               Island Folk festival, her
                     She works at a bakery by                             with this retro movie                                     Selma has dreamed of                               golden hair glinting, her
day and as an escort in the evening, trying to                            novelisation of his                                       an okapi. Someone is                               voice soaring into the
scrape together enough savings so her Mum               Oscar-winning film, fleshing out its                                        about to die. But who?                             summer dusk, a star is
can get a loan to buy the house they’re                 beloved characters, and bringing us even                                    When death comes, it’s                             born – and so is a
currently renting. She’s racing against the             closer to an industry about to have the                                     not at all predictable.                            passionate love story. Set
tide of gentrification that’s subsuming the             rose-coloured lenses violently ripped from              Selling over 600,000 copies in Germany,            against the heady haze of the 1970s and alive
city, desperate to secure comfort and                   its designer sunglasses forever. You                    this is a story about the absurdity of life        with music, sex and sun-soaked hedonism,
security; something she’s only ever found in            shoulda been there.                                     and death, and a bittersweet portrait of           this is an unforgettable debut and the
a peanut butter parfait from Dairy Queen.                                                                       village life and the wider world beyond.           soundtrack to a love story like no other.
     These are familiar themes for Vlautin,             I Couldn’t Love You More
whose novels focus on characters forced to              Esther Freud                                            Intimacies                                         Nightbitch
live on the fringes, desperate for their piece          Bloomsbury. PB. $29.99                                  Katie Kitamura                                     Rachel Yoder
of the American Dream. The cruel system                 Available 2 July                                        Jonathan Cape. HB. $32.99                          Harvill Secker. PB. $32.99
Vlautin writes about is one that forgets so                                 An unforgettable story              Available 20 July                                  Available 20 July
many of its people, where one false step                                    about the ties that bind                                An interpreter has come                            At home full-time with
could see you bankrupt, in jail, or dead.                                   mothers and daughters.                                  to The Hague to work at                            her two-year-old son, an
     When Lynette’s mum goes out and gets                                   In Ireland, Aoife                                       the International Court.                           artist is lonely and
a loan on a new car, it throws the whole                                    reflects on her life with                               She’s a looking for a place                        exhausted. Her mind
plan into jeopardy, sending Lynette on a                                    husband Cashell, and                                    to finally call home. But                          plays tricks on her.
desperate journey through Portland’s seedy                                  the fate of their                                       drama with her married                             Surprising things happen
underbelly. She comes across a hard-bitten                                  daughter Rosaleen,                                      lover, a political                                 – she gains sharper
assortment of ex-cons, thugs, prostitutes,                                  whose affair with a                                     controversy, and a crime                           canines, strange patches
gamblers and addicts. People who are just               famous, older German-Jewish sculptor in                                     that increasingly obsesses                         of hair, new appetites. Is
as desperate as she is. Lynette is forced into          the 1960s irrevocably changed her life. In              her, push her to the precipice, forcing her to     she losing her mind or gaining a new voice?
one bad choice after another, making you                present day London, Kate travels to                     decide what she really wants from life. A          For lovers of Jenny Offill and Curtis
wince on every page.                                    Ireland seeking answers about the past.                 taut and electrifying story about a woman          Sittenfeld, this provocative debut redefines
     The Night Always Comes reads like                  Will the truth set them all free?                       caught between many truths.                        modern womanhood and will have you
a thriller at points – Vlautin’s writing is                                                                                                                        laughing until the very end.
propulsive – yet it’s also an important                 Moth                                                    The Sweetness of Water
mediation on the state of America today and             Melody Razak                                            Nathan Harris                                      Other People’s Clothes
the effect of Portland’s rapid gentrification           W&N. PB. $32.99                                         Tinder Press. PB. $32.99                           Calla Henkel
on the city’s poor. Condominiums are                    Available now                                           Available now                                      Sceptre. PB. $32.99
springing up to the extent that whole                                                                                                                              Available 13 July
                                                                          Delhi, 1946. Fourteen-                                    In the dying days of the
neighbourhoods are unrecognisable,
                                                                          year-old Alma is soon to                                  American Civil War,                                Berlin, 2009. Two art
warehouse districts now replaced with
                                                                          be married, mostly                                        newly freed brothers                               students arrive from
high-end lofts, restaurants and shops.
                                                                          interested in her                                         Landry and Prentiss are                            New York, both
Vlautin’s eye for detail and his keen ear for
                                                                          wedding shoes and in                                      cast out into the world                            desperate for the city to
dialogue imparts authenticity to the story
                                                                          spinning stories for her                                  with nothing. Hiding in                            solve their problems.
and elevates it above many other novels of
                                                                          younger sister Roop. But                                  the woods, they’re soon                            Zoe is grieving the
its type. Highly recommended.
                                                                          when Partition happens                                    discovered by the land’s                           murder of her high
Joe Rubbo is the operations manager at                                    and the British Raj is                                    owner, George Walker, a                            school best friend.
Readings                                                fractured overnight, her family is violently            man still reeling from the loss of his son.                            Hailey is rich and

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New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
F IC T ION                                                                                July 2021                                               R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY   9

celebrity-obsessed. Together, they rent an      Medusa’s Ankles
apartment from Beatrice Becks, an               A.S. Byatt
eccentric crime writer, and inexplicable        C&W. HB. $42.99
things happen, spiralling into ever darker      Available 20 July
territory. Intoxicating, compulsive and                             Mirrors shatter at the
funny, this is a thrilling debut.                                   hairdressers when a
                                                                    middle-aged client
Yours Cheerfully                                                    explodes in rage.
A.J. Pearce                                                         Summer sunshine
Picador. PB. $32.99                                                 flickers on the face of a
Available now                                                       smiling child who may
                  London, September 1941.                           or may not be real. A
                  Things are looking up for                         luminous selection of
                  Emmeline Lake as she          A.S. Byatt’s fantastical short stories,
                  takes on the challenge of     peopled by artists, poets and fabulous
                                                creatures, travelling from ancient myth to
                                                                                                              ‘Utterly gripping.’         ‘Read this book now.’
                  becoming a young
                  wartime advice                an English sweet factory and beyond. Rich                      Mark Brandi                   J.P. Pomare
                  columnist, following the      in ideas, vivid in colour and unforgettable.
                  departure of Woman’s                                                                      ‘Tragic, funny, sinister,     ‘Intensely chilling and
                  Friend magazine’s             The Husbands                                               and completely riveting.’     sucker-punch powerful.’
formidable editor, Henrietta Bird. This         Chandler Baker                                            David Whish-Wilson                 Anna Downes
sequel to the much-loved Dear Mrs Bird, is      Hachette. PB. $32.99
a funny and heartwarming celebration of         Available now                                               ‘Delicate and brutal             ‘A new kind
friendship and the strength of women even                          How far would you go for                  in equal measure.’             of crime novel.’
in the most challenging times.                                     just a little more help
                                                                   from your husband?
                                                                                                            Catherine Noske                Mirandi Riwoe
The Listeners                                                      Nora has started to feel
Jordan Tannahill                                                   that ‘having it all’ comes
Fourth Estate. PB. $27.99                                          with a hefty price, one
Available 7 July                                                   her husband doesn’t
                   Lying in bed with her                           seem to be paying.
                   husband one night,                              Smart, sharp and timely,
                   Claire Devon hears a         The Husbands imagines a world where the
                   low hum that causes          burden of the ‘second shift’ is equally shared
                   her headaches,               and what it might take to really get there.
                   nosebleeds and
                   insomnia, gradually          The Startup Wife
                   upsetting the balance        Tahmima Anam
                   of her life. When she        Canongate. PB. $29.99
discovers that a student of hers hears it       Available 20 July
too, they strike up an unlikely friendship                         Halfway through her PhD
that isolates them from others. A                                  and dreaming of running
masterful speculative novel that explores                          her own lab, computer
the fine lines between faith, conspiracy                           scientist Asha has her
and mania in contemporary America.                                 future mapped out. Then
                                                                   a chance meeting and
Everyone Knows Your Mother
Is a Witch
Rivka Galchen
                                                                   whirlwind romance with
                                                                   her old high-school
                                                                   crush, Cyrus, changes
                                                                                                      Great Stories Uncovered
Fourth Estate. PB. $32.99                       everything. Gripping, witty and razor-sharp,
Available 7 July                                The Startup Wife is a blistering novel about
                  Germany, 1618. The            big ambitions, speaking out and standing up
                  plague is spreading. The      for what you believe in.
                  Thirty Years’ War has
                  begun. Katharina              Songbirds
                  Kepler, an illiterate         Christy Lefteri
                  widow and the mother          Manilla. PB. $29.99
                  of Johannes, the              Available 2 July
                  Imperial                                          What does it mean to
                  Mathematician, is                                 migrate in search of                   A story of enduring love,        ‘Emma Brodie perfectly
accused of witchcraft unleashing fear                               freedom and find                      resilience and survival on       channels the languorous
within the community. Drawing on real                               yourself trapped?                    the Burma Railway – from            romance of the time ...
historical documents but infused with                               Yiannis is a poacher,               bestselling writer Peter Rees            I got chills’
intense imagination, this is the highly                             catching tiny songbirds            and psychologist Sue Langford.    Kevin Kwan, No.1 bestselling
anticipated second novel from Rivka                                 and selling them on the                                              author of Crazy Rich Asians
Galchen, the critically acclaimed author                            black market. He
of Atmospheric Disturbances.                                        dreams of a new way of
                                                life, and of marrying Nisha, who works for
Lives Like Mine                                 Petra and her daughter Angela. An
Eva Verde                                       exploration of loss and the strength of the
S&S. PB. $32.99                                 human spirit, from the bestselling author
Available 7 July                                of The Beekeeper of Aleppo.
                    Mother. Daughter. Wife.
                    Monica is a woman of        The Snow Line
                    mixed heritage,             Tessa McWatt
                    wondering whether this      Scribe. PB. $29.99
                                                                                                       For fans of Eleanor Oliphant is   The irresistible blockbuster
                    is all there is. She puts   Available 2 July                                        Completely Fine, a break-out      YA romance by six of the
                    others first, tolerates                           Old and young. White              road trip novel about facing        biggest voices in YA.
                    her in-laws’ intolerance,                         and brown. Male and                anxiety and embracing life.
                    but she questions if she                          female. British.
                    has any right to                                  Indian. Other. Four

                                                                                                                               Out now from
complain about the life she’s made. Then                              strangers from around
along comes Joe, a flirtatious parent on                              the world arrive in
the school run … An urgent debut novel                                India for a wedding.
exploring themes of identity, race and the                            Together, they climb a
realities of midlife.                                                 mountain, but even
New books from Mark Brandi, Clem Bastow, Norman Swan, Alison Bechdel, Willy Vlautin, A.S. Byatt and more - Readings
10       R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                                               July 2021                                                                                    FIC T IO N

                                                                                                                          standing in the same place, they see            How to Find Your Way
                                                                                                                          things differently. As they ascend higher       in the Dark
                                                                                                                          and higher, they must learn to cross the        Derek B. Miller
                                                                                                                          lines that divide them. A vivid, beautiful      Doubleday. PB. $32.99
                                                                                                                          novel about love, ageing, race and              Available 2 July
                                                                                                                          cultural identity.                                                  It’s 1936, war is brewing,
                                                                                                                                                                                              and by his 13th
                                                                                                                          Libertie                                                            birthday, Sheldon
                                                                                                                          Kaitlyn Greenidge                                                   Horowitz has been
                                                                                                                          Serpent’s Tail. PB. $29.99                                          orphaned – twice.
                                                                                                                          Available 2 July                                                    Moving to Connecticut
                                                                                                                                              Growing up a free-born                          to live with his uncle,
                                                                                                                                              girl in Brooklyn post-                          he’s told to forget the
                                                                                                                                              Civil War, Libertie                             past, but instead
                                                                                                                                              Sampson is aware that       embarks on a quest deep into it, to
                                                                                                                                              her mother, a practicing    uncover what really happened to his
                                                                                                                                              physician who can pass      father. He soon learns that to survive he’ll
                                                                                                                                              as White, wants her         have to make his own luck. A coming-of-
                                                                                                                                              dark-skinned daughter       age story like no other.
                                                                                                                                              to attend medical school
                                                                                                                          and practice alongside her. But Libertie,
                                                                                                                          drawn to music not science, feels stifled by    Australian
                                                                                                                          her mother’s choices. She’s hungry for
                                                                                                                          something else – but what does freedom
                                                                                                                          really look like for a Black woman?
                                                                                                                                                                          Trigger Warning
                                                                                                                          Terminal Boredom:                               Maria Takolander
                                                                                                                          Stories                                         UQP. PB. $24.99
                                                                                                                          Izumi Suzuki & Various translators              Available 2 July
                                                                                                                          Verso. PB. $22.99                                                         Maria Takolander
                                                                                                                          Available 2 July                                                          is an established
                                                                                                                                             In these darkly playful                          Australian poet, and
                                                                                                                                             and punky stories from                           Trigger Warning is her
                                                                                                                                             legendary Japanese                               fourth collection. At
                                                                                                                                             science fiction writer                           times a deeply personal
                                                                                                                                             Izumi Suzuki, fantasy is                         selection of poems, it
                                                                                                                                             always grounded in                               left me in awe of a
                                                                                                                                             sexual and class                                 poet’s ability to trust
                                                                                                                                             politics, whatever           and to share.
                                                                                                                                             planet it might be               The opening section, ‘Confessions’,
                                                                                                                          taking place on. At turns nonchalantly hip      is the most daring and engaging.
                                                                                                                          and charmingly deranged, Suzuki’s               Throughout it, Takolander’s poems are
                                                                                                                          singular slant on speculative fiction has       addressed as conversations with other
                                                                                                                          been echoed in countless later works, from      poets, referencing specific works by Sylvia

                                                Happy Endings                                                             Margaret Atwood and Haruki Murakami,
                                                                                                                          to Black Mirror and Ex Machina.
                                                                                                                                                                          Plath, Anne Carson, Edgar Allan Poe, Anne
                                                                                                                                                                          Sexton and Adrienne Rich, among others.
                                                            BELLA GREEN                                                                                                   Takolander uses the oeuvres of these poets
                              Bella Green is a Sunday-afternoon sex worker. Taking us on a funny,                         We Are All Birds of Uganda                      to confess details about her life – several
                           candid, can’t-look-away journey through brothels, strip clubs, peep shows                                                                      focus on her husband becoming unwell
                             and dominatrix dungeons, this is a hilarious memoir from a bright and                        Hafsa Zayyan
                                                   bold new Australian voice.                                             Merky Books. PB. $32.99                         and his resulting emergency surgery,
                                                                                                                          Available now                                   others on her childhood surrounded
                                        ‘Authentic, hilarious, and uplifting.’ WeekendNotes
                                                                                                                                                                          by domestic violence. Takolander
                                                                                                                                            1960s Uganda. Hasan
                                                                                                                                                                          bares herself entirely through these
                                                                                                                                            struggles to keep his
                                                                                                                                                                          poems, presenting arresting portraits
                                                                                                                                            family business afloat
                                                                                                                                                                          of her family, while also characterising
                                                                                                                                            following the death of
                                                                                                                                                                          how relationships between them have
                             D R R E B E C C A R AY                                                                                         his wife. As he beings to
                                                                                                                                                                          progressed and changed. For this reason,
      Accessible, inspiring and deeply practical, Setting Boundaries ignites                                                                rebuild, a new regime
                                                                                                                                                                          I particularly enjoyed ‘Daddy’ (a nod to
     us to rethink our relationships, reclaim our lives and protect our mental                                                              seizes power. Present-
                               health and wellbeing.                                                                                                                      Sylvia Plath) and ‘Argument’ (inspired by
                                                                                                                                            day London. High-flying
                                                                                                                                                                          Elizbeth Bishop).
     ‘I will return to this book over and over again when I’m feeling lost and                                                              lawyer Sameer struggles
                         need a comforting voice of support.’                                                             with the emptiness of his ‘dream life’.             The second section, ‘Domestic’,
                                    Alison Daddo                                                                                                                          and the third section, ‘Outside’, lose
                                                                                                                          Called back to his family home, Sameer
                                                                                                                          begins to rediscover a heritage he never        some of this hyper-personal focus and
                                                                                                                          knew. Spanning two continents and a             instead become more generalised about
                                                                                                                          troubled century, this is a multi-layered       contemporary life. Some of the poems are
                                                        A M A N I HA Y D A R                                                                                              humorous – such as ‘Toilet’ – but others
                                                                                                                          novel of generational love and loss.
                              Amani Haydar suffered the unimaginable when she lost her mother in a                                                                        feel more like observations, though I did
                              brutal act of domestic violence perpetrated by her father. Writing with
                                grace and beauty, she draws from this a story of female resilience.
                                                                                                                                                                          enjoy ‘Escalator’ for its focus on the need
                                                                                                                          The Paper Palace                                for movement and progress in a capitalist
                            ‘A magnificent and devastating work of art. There is a raging anger here,                     Miranda Cowley Heller                           society. A particular strength of ‘Outside’
                              and a deep sorrow, but at the core Haydar gives us truths about love.                       Viking. PB. $32.99
                                     This is one of the most important books I've ever read.’                                                                             is in Takolander’s nature poems; ‘Haiku
                                                                                                                          Available 2 July
                                                              Bri Lee                                                                                                     for the Anthropocene’ and ‘Scenes from a
                                                                                                                                             Unfolding over 24 hours      Documentary’ both focus on the wonder
                                                                                                                                             and across 50 years, this    of the natural world. Other poems in this

                            Brain Reset
                                                                                                                                             magnificent literary         final section are more experimental with
                                                                                                                                             debut charts the             their use of form, playing with diagrams
                                                                                                                                             experience of Elle           and changing the direction of reading.
                                DAV I D G I L L E S P I E
                                                                                                                                             Bishop, across decades       These work well, but may not suit readers
       Anxiety, depression and addiction are the scourge of modern-day living.
       How are they linked? How do we beat them? Packed with cutting-edge                                                                    of love, lies, secrets and   who prefer a more traditional layout.
        research and practical advice, David Gillespie’s latest book arms us with                                                            one unspeakable              Overall, Trigger Warning is a strong and
            the tools we need to break our addictions, conquer uncertainty                                                                   childhood event. Elle is
                                 and reset our brains.                                                                                                                    compelling collection, with distinct
                                                                                                                          on the precipice of a momentous choice –        focuses to each section.
                                                                                                                          between life with her much-loved husband
                                                                                                                                                                          Clare Millar is from Readings online
                                                                        Love talking about books?                         and the life she could have had with her
                                                                        Find us online at Pan Macmillan Australia
                                                                                                                          childhood sweetheart, if a tragic event
                                                                                                                          hadn’t changed things forever.
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