New energy harvesting devices with storage capability

Page created by Reginald Anderson
New energy harvesting devices with storage capability
Impact Objectives
    • Design zero-power consuming electronic devices

    • Develop fully integrated printed energy harvesting devices

    • Investigate developing a device which would harvest enough wasted
      radio frequency energy to power small devices

New energy harvesting
devices with storage capability
    Dr Simon King talks about his academia-industry collaboration with Dr Bilal Malik, Dr Maxim Shkunov
    and Dr Pavlos Giannakou which is seeking to design and develop zero-power electrical devices

                                                                                             At the University of Surrey we utilise a
                                                                                             number of methods and characterisation
                                                                                             techniques to design, fabricate and test
                                                                                             our devices. The process starts with the
                                                                                             computational design and simulation of
                                                                                             the energy harvesting antenna device, and
                                                                                             results in the engineering of a final design
Dr Simon King           Dr Bilal Malik        Dr Maxim Shkunov         Dr Pavlos Giannakou
                                                                                             for fabrication and testing. This is followed
                                                                                             with device fabrication, which can be done
You are an expert in nanomaterials and        The utilisation of a consortium of companies   using in-house techniques such as inkjet
electronic device fabrication. Can you talk   within a project brings numerous strengths     printing and the more saleable screen
about how this led to your current project?   and the SURFAS project is a prime example      printing, where a variety of conducting inks
                                              of this. Each member of the consortium         and substrates (including flexible) can be
With over a decade in research experience,    is responsible for focusing on a specific      chosen. To ensure optimum printed device
reducing energy consumption has always        aspect of the project, which allows for a      performance, the University of Surrey
been a keen core principle of mine, around    focused ‘divide and conquer’ approach to       has recently purchased a state of-the-art
which a lot of my research revolves. Energy   ensuring the project’s success. Furthermore,   PulseForge ink curing system. Once printed,
harvesting is one of several approaches       being able to work directly with industry      the devices are carefully constructed using
currently being investigated to reduce our    on relevant problems and learn from our        low temperature solder to attach the
everyday demand and, as such, Dr Maxim        industrial partners has actually allowed       individual components such as rectifying
Shkunov invited me to join his research       us to build new partnerships with other        diodes.
group as part of the EU-funded SURFAS         companies.
project. The prospects of developing a                                                       The final stage of this research is in RF
device which would harvest enough wasted      Academia and industry are well known for       testing, which is done within the in-house
RF (radio frequency) energy to power small    approaching challenges differently, one        n3m-labs (the Nonlinear Microwave
devices such as smoke detectors meant I       often through a desire to gain the best        Measurement and Modelling Laboratories)
was excited to be involved in the project.    performances and one in a manner mindful       – the first of its kind in the world – to enable
                                              of commercial limitations. Being able to       the complete characterisation of microwave
The SURFAS project involves a consortium      work in a consortium which is evenly split     and millimetre-wave devices, circuits,
of companies working together, including      between both worlds has allowed the project    subsystems and systems. Here our energy
the University of Surrey (UK), ESIGELEC       to progress to its best while maintaining      harvesting devices are tested using top of
(France), Projaction (France) and the         commercial validity.                           the range Network Analyzers up to 67 GHz,
University of Kent (UK). What value does a                                                   signal generators up to 40 Ghz and power
collaborative effort bring to the research?   Are you using any state-of-the-art tools in    meters up to 18 GHz. l
                                              this research?

New energy harvesting devices with storage capability
Reducing Europe’s
energy consumption
through printed devices
    The SURFAS project is an EU-funded initiative with an aim to design zero-power consuming electronic
    devices and smart surfaces to extend the range of Wi-Fi in buildings. The overarching focus is on
    developing fully integrated printed energy harvesting devices which will lead to countless Internet of Things
    applications in the future

The majority of people in developed countries      design energy harvesting surfaces (antennas)        adding a rectifier circuit to the back of an
will be familiar with energy harvesting devices,   for zero-power consuming electronic devices.        antenna (thereby making it what the team
such as solar panels, which are a common           The findings will lead to significant cost          call a rectenna), which converts the current
feature on the roofs of houses across the UK,      benefits and an enormous reduction in energy        from AC to DC, enabling the antenna to
and wind generators, which can be found            consumption.                                        harvest wireless energy and power electrical
on a range of locations including highlands                                                            devices. ‘The two major requirements for
and out at sea. Put simply, energy harvesting      THE SURFAS PROJECT                                  efficient energy harvesting are the high-gain
is a means by which sources, such as heat,         The flexible smart SURFaces for Augmented           antenna and a rectifier circuit with high RF-
light, mechanical load and vibrations can be       indoor communicationS (SURFAS) project              DC conversion efficiency, especially at low
collected and converted to generate power.         began in 2017 and is scheduled to finish in         input power,’ explains Malik. ‘A rectenna is
                                                   2021. It is composed of a consortium featuring      considered the most critical component for
While such processes have obvious                  four partners from France and the UK, and           RF energy harvesting. The general layout of
economical and efficiency benefits, there          aims to tackle the issue of powering devices        a rectifier consists of a source impedance
is also the fact that energy harvesting            wirelessly. The Group Leader is Dr Maxim            matching network, a rectifying Schottky diode
can be used in places where there are no           Shkunov and he works alongside Dr Simon             and a low-pass filter with a load resistance.’
conventional power sources, enabling a range       King, Dr Bilal Malik and Dr Pavlos Giannakou
of applications and devices to be powered          to develop the technology required for fully        One of the most crucial aspects of the
and used in remote locations, places that are      integrated printed energy harvesting devices.       rectifiers is the RF-DC conversion efficiency.
difficult to get to, and even underwater, where    Each member of the team has his own                 So, in order to achieve the desired levels, the
connecting a plug to a socket is simply not        specialty and is working on separate aspects of     team probe the circuit parameters, such as DC
feasible.                                          the project, but all are joined in an ambition to   load resistance, smoothing and decoupling
                                                   revolutionise the ways in which devices access      capacitors, using a source impedance
There are other potential applications too.        and consume energy.                                 matching network such as an Advanced
The recent development and rise of modern                                                              Design System.
autonomous electronics, Internet of Things         Some of the team’s latest work is focused
(IoT) and wearable electronics has led to          on the use of novel printing techniques to          RECTIFIERS AND PRINTING CAPABILITIES
an urgent need for energy autonomy - and           fabricate flexible radio frequency (RF) devices,    The importance and broad applications for
employing energy harvesting methods is a           such as rectifying antennas. Conventional           these rectifiers can hardly be overstated. The
highly effective means of satisfying this need.    antennas work by converting a wireless              ultimate objective of SURFAS is to enable a
With that in mind, a highly collaborative and      signal and electrical signal as an alternating      zero-power consumer electronic devices and
interdisciplinary team has come together to        current. The researchers have worked on             smart surfaces that are capable of optimally

New energy harvesting devices with storage capability
Project Insights
                                                                                                                This research was financially supported by
                                                                                                                the European Regional Development Fund,
                                                                                                                Interreg France (channel) England under
                                                                                                                the project SURFAS

                                                                                                                University of Surrey (UK), ESIGELEC
                                                                                                                (France), Projaction (France), University of
                                                                                                                Kent (UK)
A working prototype energy harvesting rectenna, tuned to harvesting WiFi and cellular waste RF energy
                                                                                                                CONTACT DETAILS
                                                                                                                Dr Maxim Shkunov

re-directing Wi-Fi signals and delivering                them for wearable technologies. In addition,           T: +44 1483 686082
improved performance for the receivers,                  they design and fabricate working energy               E:
such as sensitivity and range. For energy                harvesting devices with integrated storage             W:
scavengers, the rectifiers and printed antennas          capability. ‘This technology has outstanding
are what enables this, as the devices are able           future promise,’ explains Shkunov. ‘We can
                                                                                                                Dr Simon King is a Research Fellow within
to harvest ambient electromagnetic waves                 think of millions of tiny devices that will never      the ATI, working on nanomaterials and
(such as TV, Wi-Fi and cellular) to generate             need battery replacement, and can ‘see’,               large-area electronics. King specialises
a DC voltage capable of powering small                   ‘smell’, ‘feel ‘, ‘hear’ and also ‘talk’ wirelessly.   in electronic device fabrication,
devices such as environmental gas and smoke              They will be able to monitor patients’ vital           electrospinning and nanomaterials.
detectors.                                               signs in hospital wards, smart packaging
                                                                                                                Dr Bilal Malik has previously worked at
                                                                                                                COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan
     This technology has the potential to ensure that homes are                                                 and the University of Leeds, UK. Malik
                                                                                                                is currently a Research Fellow at the
     safer and more secure, irrespective of their state of power                                                University of Surrey’s ATI, UK.

                                                                                                                Dr Pavlos Giannakou is completing
However, while the development and design                will track the conditions of the goods and its         his PhD under Dr Maxim Shkunov’s
of these devices is a significant achievement            position, city councils will see in real-time          supervision at the University of Surrey’s
                                                                                                                ATI. After graduating in the top 1 per cent
in itself, one of the most novel aspects of              the most popular traffic routes and how they
                                                                                                                of his class as a Mechanical Engineer
the project is the creation and development              change during the day, where most of the               at the University, Giannakou continued
of a manufacturing process that can enable               pollution is generated, or where gas and water         to pursue a PhD in nanotechnology and
the rapid and cost-effective production of               leaks are happening.’                                  nanoelectronics.
these devices. The University of Surrey, where
Shkunov, King, Malik and Giannakou are all               BENEFITS FOR ALL                                       Dr Maxim Shkunov is a Senior Lecturer
based, was responsible for using advanced                By sometime in 2021, the team hope to have             at the University of Surrey’s ATI, where
                                                                                                                he specialises in ‘printed electronics with
modern printing techniques to facilitate fast            a fully printed working energy harvesting
                                                                                                                solution processable nanomaterials and
and cheap production. ‘Of course, the primary            rectified antenna, integrated with a printed           organic semiconductors’.
novelty in our work stems from the design                energy storage device to provide uninterrupted
and engineering of the RF energy harvesting              power to demonstrate environmental sensors.
antennas and the energy storage devices,’                If this proves successful and the technology
says King. ‘However, to facilitate the smooth            is implemented, the entire population could
rapid transition to mass fabrication of our              benefit, through limitless cheaper devices. ‘If
technology, we had to identify and adopt                 realised, it is estimated that the energy saved
existing fabrication technologies, such as               through not having to charge IoT devices
inkjet and screen printing. This means that              alone will reduce the energy consumption of
once our technology has been fully developed,            Europe by 5.9 GWh each year, saving €14.9
existing manufacturers all over the world can            million,’ comments King.
be utilised to maximise its speed to impact.’
                                                         Environmental sensors are just one way
Although the team used existing fabrication              of proving the technology’s feasibility.
technologies in their research, extensive work           Ultimately, the team believe their work
was required to ascertain the ideal ink and              provides a compelling platform towards
substrate combinations and, in some cases,               flexible and conformal, fully self-powered,
they even developed their own to ensure                  smart, communicating devices, with a strong
success.                                                 focus on scalable manufacturing and direct
                                                         integration with printed electronics to enable
SAVING ENERGY AND LIVES                                  a variety of design flexibility needed for
The team has managed to print the electronic             countless new IoT applications. l
devices onto fully flexible substrates, meaning
that there is significant potential for using

New energy harvesting devices with storage capability New energy harvesting devices with storage capability New energy harvesting devices with storage capability New energy harvesting devices with storage capability New energy harvesting devices with storage capability New energy harvesting devices with storage capability
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