Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund

Page created by Clayton Deleon
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Newton Prize

Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Foreword from the Minister

    As the UK’s Minister for Science and            This year’s prize coincides with the first
    Innovation, I am clear that the UK’s            anniversary of the publication of the UK’s
    research and innovation excellence is           modern Industrial Strategy, which identifies
    founded on our openness and global              and prioritises the strong foundations of
    engagement: science has no borders and          our economy to meet the challenges and
    the best science is done working                opportunities of the future. The Industrial
    internationally.                                Strategy includes our commitment to the
                                                    biggest increase in public and private
    The uniqueness of the Newton Fund is the        R&D investment in our history, to reach
    partnership working between the UK and          2.4 percent of GDP invested in research
    partner country at all levels from              and development by 2027 and 3 percent in
    government to government, delivery              the longer term.
    partner to delivery partner through to
    project lead to project lead. From energy       International collaboration in partnerships
    and healthcare, to agriculture and digital,     such as those in Latin America, celebrated
    the Newton Fund demonstrates how                within this publication, sit alongside this
    bringing researchers together has               step change in investment. That’s good         Sam Gyimah MP
    enormous potential to change lives for the      news for innovative nations like the UK and    UK Minister of State for Universities, Science,
    better across the world.                        our Newton Fund partner countries.             Research and Innovation

    The annual £1m Newton Prize builds upon,        I would like to congratulate all the
    celebrates and further encourages these         researchers and innovators – their inspiring
    research partnerships. It’s great to see this   projects demonstrate what can be
    year’s applications representing the            achieved when we work together in
    breadth of the Newton Fund’s work from          partnership.                                    Department for
    public and private sector organisations                                                         Business, Energy
1   based around the world.                                                                         & Industrial Strategy
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Foreword from the Newton Prize Committee Chair

Last year I was impressed by the fantastic    to the 22 shortlisted projects was only
work done through the 2017 Newton             possible thanks to the excellent work of
Prize projects and hearing first-hand the     the over 400 external peer reviewers from
excited reaction of the winners. In what is   around the world. Selecting the winners
now my second year as the Chair of the        was not easy but having UK and Latin
Newton Prize Committee, I have really         American experts on the independent
enjoyed learning about the collaborative      committee, bringing their knowledge and
endeavours in Latin America.                  insights, was crucial in arriving at the
                                              eventual winners – so a big thank you to
Science by its nature has always been an      everyone involved.
international enterprise. The Newton Prize
exemplifies this by allowing international    As well as a Newton Prize for each country,
research partners to continue working         I am honoured to present a special
together on solutions that change lives.      Chair’s Prize, for the project that best
The Newton Prize recognises and               demonstrates regional or global impact.
celebrates the outstanding work and           After all, our world today faces many
impact of the pioneering ideas and cutting-   challenges, from energy to sustainable        Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, FRS
edge research and innovations that come       food production; from disease prevention      Newton Prize Committee Chair
from these Newton Fund partnerships.          to city planning. It is only through          President of the Royal Society
                                              partnership and international collaboration
There were over 140 applications for this     that we can hope to tackle, and solve,
year’s Newton Prize demonstrating the         these issues.
strong partnerships between UK and Latin
American researchers. Narrowing it down

Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund

    The Newton Fund builds research and          impactful partnerships between the UK           In 2018, the Newton Prize is being
    innovation partnerships with 17 active       and Newton countries, and encourages            awarded for projects, fellowships or
    partner countries to support economic        new international collaborations to address     other awards as part of the Newton
    development and social welfare, and          some of the world’s most pressing               partnerships with Brazil, Chile,
    research and innovation capacity for         challenges.                                     Colombia and Mexico.
    long-term sustainable growth. It tackles
    global challenges such as sustainable food   Each year, from 2017 until 2021, a
    and water resources, natural hazards,        minimum of five Newton funded projects,
    atmospheric pollution, and resistance to     fellowships or other awards will be
    antibiotics. These issues have a major       awarded the Newton Prize. Each Prize
    impact on the lives of people across the     will be worth up to £200,000, and must
    globe.                                       be used to advance or develop existing
                                                 Newton funded work. The Prize will
    The total budgeted UK investment for the     be awarded for the best research or
    Newton Fund is £735 million from 2014        innovation that demonstrated impact in
    to 2021, and partner countries provide       economic development and/or social
    matched resources within the Fund,           welfare.
    making it a truly equitable partnership.
    It is managed by the UK Department for       The Newton Fund supports the United
    Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy     Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
    (BEIS) and delivered through seven UK        Development and the collaborations
    delivery partners.                           shortlisted for this year’s Prize each tackle
                                                 one or more of the UN’s Sustainable
                                                 Development Goals; addressing areas of
    The Newton Prize
                                                 critical importance for humanity and the
    The Newton Prize is a £1 million fund
    which recognises the exciting research and
    innovation the Newton Fund has invested
    in since its launch in 2014. It celebrates
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
The partner countries

Brazil                            Chile                               Colombia                          Mexico
Newton Fund Brazil was            The Newton-Picarte fund is          The Newton-Caldas Fund is         The Newton Fund in Mexico is
launched by the UK Finance        named after Chilean                 named after Francisco José de     the first formal research and
Minister in 2014. The Newton      mathematician Ramón Picarte.        Caldas, considered the father     innovation partnership
Fund invests in partnerships      The fund has supported              of engineering in Colombia and    programme between the UK
with Brazilian ministries,        collaborations across the           the inventor of the hypsometer,   and Mexican Governments.
research funding agencies and     scientific spectrum in key          an instrument for measuring       Both countries have agreed
foundations to promote social     sectors that include agriculture,   height or elevation. The UK and   four priority areas of mutual
and economic development          engineering, natural and social     Colombia work together            interest: health and nutrition;
through science and               sciences and medical and            through the Newton-Caldas         agro technology; future and
innovation. It plays a crucial    health research. From 2018 the      Fund on: biosciences, food        sustainable cities; and clean
role in bringing together         fund in Chile will address wider    security, post conflict           energy development. The fund
specialists from both countries   global development challenges,      transitions, health, agritech     is fostering equal partnerships
to tackle challenges such as      reflecting Chile’s graduation       research and innovation.          that will build capacity and
neglected infectious diseases,    from the DAC list. Projects         Biodiversity research and         support social and economic
environmental threats and to      shortlisted for this year’s prize   innovation through the £20m       development in Mexico. Over
collaborate on sustainable        will build on the impact they       Colombia Bio programme are a      the last four years the fund has
agriculture, biodiversity and     have achieved within Chile to       major component of the            been delivered by more than 50
urban transformation. More        benefit other countries in Latin    programme, with a focus on        different institutions in Mexico
than 50 joint calls have been     America and globally.               exploration, research, and        with UK partners.
launched to date.                                                     sustainable bioproducts.

Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Shortlist case studies

        Brazil           Chile   Colombia   Mexico

Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Increasing livestock fertility for sustainable agriculture

Brazil is the largest exporter of beef in the   Newton-funded researchers from Brazil

world. Livestock supports the economic          and the UK are harnessing assisted                         This project has been a
livelihood and food security of almost 1.3      reproductive technologies to generate                      springboard enabling us and
billion people and contributes 40 percent of    robust cattle and avoid embryo mortality.        our Brazilian collaborators to stay at the
the value of agricultural output worldwide.     Exposure to environmental stresses can           cutting edge of science. It has facilitated a
Livestock is also the world’s largest user      be harmful to offspring health even in the       new way of working.
of land resources, with grazing land and        womb. This project has generated a new
                                                                                                 Dr Niamh Forde, University Academic
cropland dedicated to the production of         and exciting in vivo model to understand
                                                                                                 Fellow, University of Leeds
feed representing almost 80 percent of all      how the embryo and the mother
agricultural land.                              interact, and how this can go wrong. By
                                                understanding communication between             The role of extracellular vesicles mediating
One factor that greatly affects the             the embryo and the maternal environment         embryo-maternal communication in bovine
economic sustainability of both beef            the researchers can identify interventions to
and dairy farming is poor reproductive          increase successful pregnancy and ensure        Project leads:
efficiency associated with embryo mortality.    that offspring are resilient to environmental   Dr Niamh Forde, University Academic Fellow,
                                                                                                University of Leeds and Dr Juliano DaSilveria,
Increasing fertility in cattle will support     stresses.
                                                                                                University of Sao Paulo.
sustainable agricultural production and
reduce environmental impacts worldwide.         This work has the potential to identify         Delivery partners:
                                                molecules that can be manipulated to            Royal Society and São Paulo Research
Cattle in Brazil                                enhance pregnancy success or can act            Foundation (FAPESP)
                                                as markers of early pregnancy success,
                                                helping to transform the sustainable
                                                intensification of agriculture in different
                                                production systems across the world. If the
                                                researchers can implement their findings
                                                to help farmers produce more robust cattle
                                                that will provide more dairy products and
                                                meat, this will have longer term economic
                                                and social benefits by increasing the
                                                economic viability of small holder farmers.
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Investigating the treatment of a killer disease spread by sandflies

         Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical           government health agencies will benefit

         disease transmitted by the bite of infected     from the collection and distribution of new                                  The project will provide the
         sandflies. After being bitten, humans can       data about leishmaniasis; extending our                                      base for the development of new
         experience symptoms ranging from painful        collective knowledge and understanding                             expertise in Leishmania immunity and
         skin legions to internal organ failure. It      about one of most important neglected                              support the emergence of innovative and
         is estimated that between 20,000 and            diseases in the world.                                             unexplored treatments.
         30,000 people die from the disease each
                                                                                                                            Professor Daniel de Oliveira Gomes,
         year.                                           Longer term, the project will allow for
                                                                                                                            Federal University of Espírito Santo
                                                         the establishment of new research
         Worldwide, 350 million people are at risk       partnerships with national and international
         of acquiring leishmaniasis and it is very       scientists who want to study and fight                            Characterisation of Leishmania–specific T
         common in Brazil. Drug treatment used           leishmaniasis, as well supporting research                        cells in skin and blood during cutaneous
                                                                                                                           and mucocotaneous leishmaniasis caused
         since the 19th century can be toxic,            capacity building and technical training for
                                                                                                                           by Leishmania brasiliensis
         expensive and ineffective. Research             scientists.
         conducted by Newton funded scientists
         indicates that the skin legions patients        Project leads standing by their winning poster at the Brazilian
                                                                                                                           Project leads:
         suffer with are exacerbated by the              Immunology meeting                                                Professor Arne Akbar, University College London
         patient’s robust immune response to the                                                                           and Professor Daniel Gomes, Federal University
         parasite. Building on their initial findings,                                                                     of Espírito Santo.
         the researchers are investigating how the                                                                         Delivery partners:
         immune system responds to the disease                                                                             Medical Research Council, the Brazilian National
         and how this can help to tailor potential                                                                         Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP),
         treatments.                                                                                                       the Foundation for Support to Research and
                                                                                                                           Innovation of Espírito Santo (FAPES) and the
         As well as directly helping patients                                                                              Brazilian National Council for Scientific and
         through diagnosis and follow-up, the                                                                              Technological Development (CNPq)
         study may lead to new treatments to
         counteract leishmaniasis and alleviate
         the suffering of patients. More broadly,
         the wider biomedical community and
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
Preserving the Amazon with traditional knowledge

Since 1970, over 800,000 square                  Training indigenous people in the collection

kilometres of the Brazilian Amazon have          and recording of biocultural knowledge                     This project revitalises the
been deforested – an area four times             will enable them to undertake their own                    knowledge we don’t have in
the size of Great Britain. To combat             biocultural research, bringing fundamental       the region anymore. I believe that with
deforestation, indigenous peoples of             benefits for the sustainable and beneficial      this knowledge we can recover our
Northwest Amazonia have historically             use of plants throughout the region. The         ways of living and the wellbeing of our
practiced sophisticated forms of land            current focus of the project is across 22        communities.
management, but these practices are now          indigenous groups (40,000 people), but the
                                                                                                  Ronaldo Silva, Indigenous leader, Rio Içana,
under threat from erosion of traditional         longer-term aim will be to expand this work
knowledge. As this traditional knowledge         reconnecting local knowledge and science         Baniwa
is lost, the risk to health, income, nutrition   throughout Brazil and neighbouring
and culture increases.                           countries in the Amazon.                       Mobilising the value of bio-cultural
                                                                                                collections in Brazil
This Newton funded project is preserving
this vital knowledge by drawing upon the
                                                                                                Project leads:
historic collections of the Royal Botanic
Gardens at Kew, to improve understanding                                                        William Milliken, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
                                                                                                and Viviane Stern da Fonseca Kruel, Rio de
between past and present indigenous
                                                 Tuyuka girl collecting chili pepper fruits     Janeiro Botanical Garden.
knowledge and science. This project will
build on the team’s work with the records                                                       Delivery partners:
of 19th century botanist Richard Spruce;                                                        British Council and Rio de Janeiro Botanical
some of the earliest surviving records                                                          Gardens
we have on Amazonian culture, plants
and their uses. The team plan to extend
their programme on Spruce’s collections
to create a long-term digital resource in
collaboration with researchers in Brazil.
Digitising the collection will make this key
reference work on Brazilian ethnobotany
available to wider audiences.
Newton Prize 2018 - Newton Fund
New technology to fight neglected tropical diseases

         Leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical

         disease, is endemic in 97 countries and                                                                                     Rapid point-of-care technology
         up to 1 million new cases occur each year.                                                                                  and new drugs discovery could
         When left undiagnosed in the early stages,                                                                        revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment
         it may progress into serious conditions                                                                           of leishmaniasis, benefitting thousands of
         leading to disability and death. This disease                                                                     people in the poorest regions of the world.
         dramatically lowers the quality of life and
                                                                                                                           Dr Mardjane Alves de Lemos Nunes,
         worsens poverty and inequality.
                                                                                                                           Superintendent of Health Surveillance,
         New technology in the form of rapid                                                                               Alagoas, Brazil
         and low-cost diagnostic devices offers          Professors Silva and Moreira in Brazil discuss new diagnostic
                                                         devices in video link to Professor Drinkwater in the UK
         the prospect of early intervention when                                                                         Acoustophoretic technology: from theory to
         leishmaniasis is readily treatable. A                                                                           application
         parallel investigation is underway to better    In time, improvements in health will lead to
         understand leishmaniasis, helping to find       better quality of life and are an economic
                                                                                                                         Project leads:
         new drugs to treat the condition. This          enabler. These new acoustic devices
         research addresses both these issues,           can break the cycle of neglected tropical                       Professor Bruce Drinkwater, Department of
                                                                                                                         Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol
         providing cheap, portable and robust            diseases in poor regions around the world.
                                                                                                                         and Associate Professor Glauber Silva, Physical
         solutions.                                      The development of new technology                               Acoustics Group, Federal University of Alagoas
                                                         in partnership with Brazil will also lead
                                                                                                                         Delivery partners:
         Newton-funded researchers in Brazil and         to new skilled jobs in technology and
         the UK are co-developing this technology        manufacturing.                                                  Royal Society and the Brazilian Council for the
                                                                                                                         State Funding Agencies (CONFAP)
         in such a way that the ideas, skills, and
         trained people remain in the country where
         they are most needed. Prototypes will be
         tested in poor regions of Brazil bringing
         immediate benefits to these people. This
         will attract publicity, raising awareness of
         this disease, locally and around the world.
Improving the lives of the Guarani people by saving the Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest in Brazil is one of the    agrobiodiversity from collapse on Guarani

world’s richest biomes, home to a large        territory and collective plantations have                 Winning the Prize would enable
number of species unique to that area. It      been established, helping to restore                      us to include more villages and
is fundamental to the physical and cultural    degraded land. The team has produced            greatly expand on the success we’ve
survival of the indigenous Guarani people,     territorial and environmental management        already achieved.
and to the quality of life of more than 70     plans and ethnomaps representing how            Daniel Calazans Pierri, General
percent of the Brazilian population who        Guarani organise their territory, helping to
                                                                                               Coordination Member, Indigenous Work
depend on its water supply. Despite            establish agreements that protect the land.
this, nearly 90 percent of the forest
has been destroyed to make way for             The Guarani have met with governmental
pastures, croplands and urban areas,           and non-governmental organisations             Environmental and territorial management
severely affecting the Guarani people and      to exchange knowledge and discuss              in indigenous lands among the Guarani
threatening many species with extinction.      solutions. They were also introduced to        people in the south and south east of Brazil
                                               the Ashaninka, an indigenous community
A Newton-funded project between                who shared their experience on community       Project leads:
researchers in the UK and Brazil is helping    organisation and environmental restoration.
                                                                                              Marc Brightman, Co-Director at the Centre for
the Guarani restore the Atlantic Forest in     As well as benefitting the Atlantic Forest     the Anthropology of Sustainability, University
their territory. By drawing from Guarani       and the communities it supports, the           College London and Daniel Calazans Pierri,
ancestral agricultural knowledge and           results of the project could inform            General Coordination Member for the
established agroforestry techniques, and       conservation efforts elsewhere.                Indigenous Work Centre – CTI
by promoting a better understanding of                                                        Delivery partner:
                                                Seed exchange.
the importance of indigenous peoples for                                                      British Council and Indigenous Work Centre
environmental conservation, the team are                                                      (CTI)
supporting the preservation and restoration
of the forest and improving the wellbeing of
Guarani communities.

The project has already benefited
more than 3,000 Guarani people.
Seed exchanges have helped rescue
The race to find new drugs for a neglected tropical disease

         Schistosomiasis is a neglected yet               The team hopes to strengthen

         important disease which affects the              collaborations with the Brazilian Ministry of                          It’s a privilege to have been given
         poorest and most vulnerable people in the        Health to enable clinical trials of candidate                          the opportunity to collaborate
         world. Those infected with the disease can       drugs against schistosomiasis and to                         with researchers in an endemic country
         experience liver damage, kidney failure,         create unprecedented capacity in Brazil                      and take a step closer to advancing new
         infertility, or bladder cancer. The disease is   for state-of-the-art drug discovery, which                   treatments of schistosomiasis.
         spread through contact with fresh water          could be applied to other neglected
                                                                                                                       Nicholas Furnham, Associate Professor,
         contaminated with parasite flatworms.            diseases.
                                                                                                                       London School of Hygiene & Tropical
         The disease is especially common among                                                                        Medicine
         children in developing countries as they are
                                                                                                                     Building research capacity for
         more likely to play in contaminated water.
                                                                                                                     schistosomiasis drug discovery and
         There is one drug available to treat the         Studying the snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis
                                                                                                                     development through high-content imaging
         disease and yet even this lifeline is in doubt                                                              and structural molecular biology studies
         as the parasite is developing resistance to
         it. The race is on to create new drugs to
         fight the disease.                                                                                          Project leads:
                                                                                                                     Nicholas Furnham, Associate Professor, London
         Newton funded researchers in the UK and                                                                     School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and
         Brazil are using advanced x-ray technology                                                                  Floriano Silva-Jr, Full Researcher, Oswaldo Cruz
         at the UK’s national synchrotron science
         facility. They hope to find a way to prevent                                                                Delivery partners:
         a protein prevelant in schistosoma worms                                                                    Medical Research Council (originally RCUK),
         – and known to be crucial to its survival –                                                                 Brazilian Council of State Funding Agencies
         from working, starting the process of drug                                                                  (CONFAP) and the Foundation for the Support
                                                                                                                     of Research in Espírito Santo (FAPES)
         discovery. The team has also developed a
         network that shares expertise and builds
         research capacity in Brazil, a country
         whose population is particularly at risk from
Affordable solutions for sustainable aquaculture in Chile and Brazil

Infectious diseases are a serious threat to   fish farmers to select disease-resistant
the sustainability of aquaculture and the
livelihoods of millions of people globally
who depend on the industry. Improving
genetic resistance to disease in fish
via selective breeding is one promising
                                              fish based on their genetics. This new
                                              method led to increased uptake of genetic
                                              technology in Chilean salmon farms,
                                              contributing to a 41 percent reduction
                                              in fish farm mortality and a 32 percent
                                                                                                  ❝         This project has brought
                                                                                                            international attention to our
                                                                                                  research teams in the UK and Chile,
                                                                                                  provided training opportunities for early
                                                                                                  career researchers, and has helped
solution, however the technology this         reduction in antibiotic use. Exports of             spark new collaborations between
requires is too expensive for many            Chilean salmon increased 20 percent in              academic and industry partners.
aquaculture systems.                          2017, supporting income and nutrition for
                                              communities reliant on aquaculture.                 Professor Ross Houston, University of
A Newton-funded project has helped                                                                Edinburgh
tackle the two most important diseases        The team will now translate this technology
affecting Chilean salmon aquaculture, and     from the advanced salmon industry in Chile         Utilising functional genomic variation for
established a successful collaboration        to the rapidly developing tilapia breeding         improved disease resistance in Chilean
between research groups in the UK and         and production sector in Brazil. Tilapia –         salmon aquaculture
Chile, that is now expanding to other         a species of freshwater fish – supports
countries in South America. The team          the nutrition and livelihoods of millions of       Project leads:
developed an inexpensive method for           people. Brazil is a potential ‘aquaculture
                                                                                                 Ross Houston, University of Edinburgh and Jose
                                              superpower’ with 240,000 tonnes of tilapia         Yanez, Universidad de Chile
Salmon eggs
                                              produced each year. The team will work
                                                                                                 Delivery partners:
                                              with the Aquaculture Center of UNESP
                                              (CAUNESP) in Brazil to implement this low-         Biotechnology and Biosciences Reseach
                                              cost innovation and support this critical          Council (BBSRC) (originally RCUK) and National
                                                                                                 Commission for Scientific and Technological
                                              food industry.
                                                                                                 Research (CONICYT)

                                              While the research will initially target Brazil,
                                              the ultimate aim is for the widespread
                                              adoption of genetics and breeding
                                              technology to enhance aquaculture
                                              production globally.
New electrical architecture to reduce energy poverty

        Growing technological development               cooperation on the important subject

        in Chile has led to the need for a more         of sustainable energy. The team has                     The Newton Fund allowed me
        efficient and sustainable supply of             enabled capacity building in the form of                to be hired as a postdoctoral
        electricity. Power converters are part of the   new MSc and PhD programmes; retaining         researcher. I got access to top equipment
        answer. They play a simple role in power        undergraduate students from the University    and was able to conduct high-level
        systems around the world, allowing us           of Talca and attracting new ones from         research and interact with well-known
        to carry out far more complex processes         the whole region, providing them with         professors in the field. As a woman in
        in the overall management of electrical         the infrastructure and equipment for their    Chilean academia it was my gateway to
        energy.                                         specialist research.                          international research.

        This project aims to develop new power          The project has expanded to other             Yamisleydi Salgueiro, Post-doctoral student
        converter topologies, connecting separate       countries such as Argentina, Cuba and
        powergrids to make it easier to manage          Serbia and further funding would enable      New configurations of power converters for
        the supply of electric more effectively,        the team to bring these benefits to rural    grid interconnection systems
        reduce waste and even make electrictity         Paraguay.
        far more available to remote communities,                                                    Project leads:
        thereby reducing energy poverty.
                                                                                                     Jon Clare, Head of the Power Electronics,
                                                                                                     Machines and Control Research Group,
        As well as supporting the creation                                                           University of Nottingham and Marco Rivera,
        of skilled and specialised                                                                   Head of Energy Conversions and Power
        professionals in                                                                             Electrics Laboratory, University of Talca.
        power electronics,                                                                           Delivery partners:
        renewable energy
                                                                                                     Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
        and microgrid
                                                                                                     Council (EPSRC) and the National Commission
        design, this project will                                                                    for Scientific and Technological Research
        strengthen international                                                                     (CONICYT)

                                                                               The ‘Usman’ rig

Documenting the past for a more peaceful future

Thousands of people around the world

are imprisoned, tortured or executed for                                                                                         Undertaking our research
political reasons. Left undocumented, these                                                                                      internationally through the
actions are often met with denial, revisionism                                                                        Newton Fund will help us protect human
and impunity for those who commit                                                                                     rights in the Latin American region and
them, threatening democracy, peaceful                                                                                 beyond.
coexistence and human development.
                                                                                                                      Dr Oriana Bernasconi, Associate Professor,
                                                                                                                      Alberto Hurtado University
Examining the case of Chile and the
unprecedented documentation work                 Talking to survivors and human rights advocates in the biggest
undertaken by civil society organisations        detention centre operating in Mendoza city during the Argentinian
                                                 dictatorship                                                        Political technologies of memory: a
during the Pinochet dictatorship, an                                                                                 genealogy of the devices of registration
international research team has shown                                                                                and denunciation of human rights violations
how the act of documentation itself is an        rights movements. This study will produce                           under the military dictatorship in Chile (1973-
important mode of resistance to human            recommendations to enhance the                                      2013)
rights violations. Working closely with human    registration policy and processes currently
rights advocacy organisations, Newton-           underway in Colombia and Mexico, and                                Project leads:
funded researchers plan to increase the          the results will be shared with human rights
                                                                                                                     Professor Vikki Bell, Professor of Sociology,
availability of information about human rights   organisations to improve registry and
                                                                                                                     Goldsmiths and Dr Oriana Bernasconi,
violations and inform policy and practice in     documentation systems globally.                                     Associate Professor, Department of Sociology,
this important area in Colombia and Mexico.                                                                          Alberto Hurtado University
                                                 Long term, increased documentation will                             Delivery partners:
Documentation and record-keeping is an           help societies confront and learn from
                                                                                                                     Arts and Humanities Research Council and
essential part of seeking truth and justice.     political violence and protect fundamental
                                                                                                                     the National Commission for Scientific and
It allows affected societies to appreciate –     human rights – a basic condition for peace,                         Technological Research (CONICYT)
often for the first time – the depth and scale   sustainable governance and sustainable
of the trauma suffered by fellow citizens.       human and economic development in
Both for Colombia and Mexico, this new           any society. Crucially, it will support public
line of research, virtually unexplored until     policy and measures that help us to move
now, is a decisive contribution to human         towards a more peaceful future.
Strengthening energy infrastructure to withstand extreme weather and natural disasters

        Long electricity blackouts have a big            will inform planning practices to help shape

        impact on a country’s economic activities,       a robust, cost-effective and low-carbon                    Attending the workshops and
        social stability and security. Latin America’s   Chilean transmission network.                              different activities organised
        energy infrastructure currently lacks the                                                        within this project, I learned innovative
        resilience to deal with the increasing           The research also focuses on community          concepts about planning resilient systems
        frequency of climate-related extreme             resilience as a way to lessen the impact        that I applied on a regular basis in policy
        weather events and natural disasters that        of outages and manage disasters, by             making.
        cause power supplies to fail.                    ensuring households have response
                                                                                                         Oscar Alamos, Head of Risk Management
                                                         strategies that are complemented by
        Newton funded scientists in the UK and           resilience measures prepared for (and by)       and Energy Emergencies Unit, Chilean
        Chile are using mathematical models to           the community.                                  Energy Ministry
        develop a framework that will strengthen
        power systems in Chile and other countries       The application of this research will          Disaster management and resilience in
        vulnerable to environmental hazards.             benefit power system planners, regulators      electric power systems
        The framework will help energy providers         and policy makers, contributing to the
        prevent or reduce widescale electricity          development of a more resilient, affordable
        outages when power systems are exposed           and clean energy supply. Already, the          Project leads:
        to high-impact, low-probability events. It       Chilean independent system operator has        Pierluigi Mancarella, Professor of Smart Energy
                                                         included resilience as an explicit factor in   Systems, University of Manchester and Rodrigo
        Damage caused by an extreme weather event                                                       Moreno, Associate Professor, University of Chile
                                                         its system planning for the first time and
                                                         has proposed resilient network investments     Delivery partners:
                                                         worth 50 million US dollars.                   Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
                                                                                                        Council (EPSRC) and the National Commission
                                                         National and international networks            for Scientific and Technological Research
                                                         developed through the project have built       (CONICYT)
                                                         the capacity of researchers in the wider
                                                         region, and the potential impact of this
                                                         project could benefit countries affected
                                                         by extreme weather and natural hazards
Converting palm oil waste into sustainable energy

Colombia’s densely populated cities                 When palm oil is extracted from the palm

are some of the most polluted in Latin              fruit bunches, the empty fruit bunches                   We’re excited to work with
America. Rapid urbanisation and                     are often left in the fields to decay and                Professor Titirici and Professor
reliance on fossil fuels is damaging the            used as a cheap fertiliser. However, this      Lopez on this exciting UK-Colombia
environment, contributing to climate                raw material has huge potential to create      project and support them towards the
change and negatively affecting the health          new bio-based products. With support           commercialisation of the devices.
of urban communities. However, as the               from the British Council and Colciencias       Felipe Gutierrez, Head of Engineering,
leading producer of palm oil in Latin               under the Newton Fund, the researchers
                                                                                                   Tronex Battery Pack
America, Colombia also has the potential            are examining how the residue biomass of
for a successful bioenergy sector.                  the empty fruit bunches could be used to
                                                    create clean energy such as batteries to      Sustainable products from biomass
A team of researchers from Colombia                 power electric vehicles and biofuels. They
and the UK are working together to turn             have produced bioethanol, lactic acid and
                                                                                                  Project leads: Professor Magdalena Titirici,
waste biomass from palm tree residues               furfural – excellent precursors for liquid    Queen Mary University of London and Professor
into sustainable energy solutions that              fuels – and they also used carbon materials   Diana Lopez, University of Antioquia
reduce pollution and help drive social and          from the residue biomass as electrodes in
                                                                                                  Delivery partners: British Council and
economic development.                               supercapacitors and batteries.                Colciencias - the Administrative Department of
                                                                                                  Science, Technology and Innovation
                                                    The researchers hope that collaborations
                                                    with industrial partners such as Tronex,
                                                    a battery manufacturer, will help them to
                                                    develop the technology and build the next
                                                    generation of sustainable and clean energy
                                                    in Colombia. If successful the project will
                                                    boost the economy and wellbeing of rural
                                                    communities, advance Colombia’s bio-
                           Prof. Diana Lopez with
                           a biomass to carbon
                                                    economy and reduce dependency on fossil
                           nanotubes reactor        fuels in the transport sector.
                           designed by industrial
                           partner HATCH INDISA
                           at the University of
                           Antioquia                                                                                                                 16
A smart solution to sustainable water supply in Colombia

           Access to the supply of clean and safe        company is already running several pilot

           water is one of the most important            projects with utility companies in three               With Newton Fund’s support
           environmental issues facing the world         Colombian cities that supply water to over             great things happened. Only
           today. It is estimated that within the next   950,000 people.                               eight months have passed, and we are
           10 years nearly two-thirds of the world’s                                                   already working on three utilities in
           population will experience water stress.      The invention connects existing water         Colombia.
           In Colombia, over 40 percent of drinking      meter technology to the internet, creating
                                                                                                       Jimy Alexander Aguirre, Hardware
           water is lost on its journey from the water   a ‘smart’ water management device
                                                                                                       Coordinator, Greenywave
           utility company to the point of use, due to   which generates online alerts in real time
           leakages and inadequate infrastructure.       to warn users of leaks and measure water
                                                         pressure. The data it collects can be used   Intelligent metering device for water, energy
           A start-up tech company called                to avoid water waste, help people and        and other resources
           Greenywave has developed a novel              companies save money, and ensure that
           device to reduce water leakage and            water supply exceeds demand.                 Project lead: Jimy Alexander Aguirre, Hardware
           improve infrastructure planning. Supported                                                 Coordinator, Greenywave
           by Newton funding through the Royal           Greenywave’s team of innovators are now      Delivery partners: Royal Academy of
           Academy of Engineering’s Leaders in           refining the technology and strengthening    Engineering, Icetex and Ruta N
           Innovation Fellowship programme, the          partnerships with utility companies and
                                                         government organisations. As well as
                                                         ensuring the sustainability of Colombia’s
                                                         rapidly growing cities Greenywave plans
                                                         to support other countries facing the
                                                         same challenges. In the UK more than 20
                                                         percent of water is lost before it reaches
                                                         homes. As a result of this collaboration,
                                                         several UK utility companies have shown
                                                         interest in the technology, demonstrating
                                                         the potential reach of this project.

  17       Greenywave smart water meter
Using state-of-the-art technology to treat neglected tropical diseases

Leishmaniasis is a devastating and poorly-    Biomarkers – molecules, genes, or

                                              characteristics that indicate the presence                                      I have worked on Leishmaniasis
understood disease that disproportionately
affects poor people in remote communities.    or severity of disease in the body – play                                       throughout my research career.
In Colombia, cutaneous leishmaniasis is       a critical role in disease diagnosis and                             Of all the projects on which I have
the most common form of the disease.          treatment. Recent omic technologies,                                 worked, this is the one with the most
Symptoms include swollen glands and           such as proteomics (the study of proteins)                           obvious potential to have a positive effect
skin lesions which are disfiguring and slow   and metabolomics (the study of small                                 on populations that are affected by this
to heal. Left untreated it can lead to more   molecules), are rapidly accelerating the rate                        devastating and poorly understod disease.
serious, life-threatening disease.            of biomarker discovery.
                                                                                                                   Richard Burchmore, Senior Lecturer,
                                                                                                                   University of Glasgow
High-tech research approaches that have       Using metabolomics, scientists will be
revolutionised much medical research          able to show how children infected with
have not been readily applied to neglected    the disease respond to miltefosine, the                             Linking the power of omic technologies to
tropical diseases. Seeking to change this,    only oral drug registered for treatment of                          translational research on neglected tropical
researchers from the UK and Colombia          cutaneous leishmanisis. The results of                              diseases
are harnessing the power of ‘omic’ based      this research will provide urgently needed
technologies to improve treatment and         evidence to support appropriate and
                                                                                                                  Project leads:
outcomes for people infected with the         personalised therapeutic interventions for
                                                                                                                  Richard Burchmore, Senior Lecturer, University
disease.                                      children.
                                                                                                                  of Glasgow and Maria Adelaida Gomez,
                                                                                                                  Coordinator, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
                                              So far, more than 100 Colombian                                     Unit, CIDEIM
                                              researchers have received training in
                                                                                                                  Delivery partners:
                                              the application of omic technologies to
                                              neglected tropical diseases. The project                            British Council and The International Training and
                                                                                                                  Medical Research Center (CIDEIM)
                                              also benefits UK researchers who can
                                              apply their expertise, infrastructure and
                                              resources for technology driven biomedical
                                              research in affected countries.
                                              Glasgow Polyomics technologists apply high resolution mass
                                              spectrometry to identify predictive markers of treatment outcomes
                                              in Colombian leishmaniasis patients                                                                                        18
City innovation and social equity in Colombia

           Colombia has the second largest number          base to engage other stakeholders and

           of internally displaced people in the           support their access to housing, basic                    It is a testament to the strength
           world after Syria, according to the United      services and livelihood opportunities. It                 of this project that it has been
           Nations. The country’s recently brokered        will continue to facilitate dialogue between     prepared with such a collaborative
           peace agreement holds the prospect              government and community groups,                 approach between community and
           of developing a more equitable society,         strengthen the capacity of local and             academia.
           but it is largely focused on the rural          metropolitan government organisations
                                                                                                            Carlos Velasquez, Community Leader
           areas worst affected by the conflict. This      and give them the tools to make informed
           neglects the needs of those who have            planning decisions. This will ensure
           found themselves in urban areas and their       that peace agreement implementation            Harnessing innovation in city development
           surroundings, who make up the majority of       contributes to socio-economic equity and       for social equity and wellbeing: a critical
           internally displaced people in Colombia         wellbeing in Medellin, and the results could   proposal to build on Medellin’s experience as
                                                           be extended to other cities in Colombia.       a model for Colombian future cities
           Researchers in the UK and Colombia are          The work could also be applied to other
           investigating how the implementation of the     countries dealing with peace processes         Project leads:
           peace agreement can resolve the urgent          and the wellbeing of affected communities.     Dr Soledad Garcia-Ferrari, University of
           need for social and economic development                                                       Edinburgh and Professor Francoise Coupe,
           in Medellin – one of the most innovative                                                       National University of Colombia, Medellín
           yet socially unequal cities in Latin America.                                                  Delivery partner:
           The project evaluated Medellin’s planning                                                      British Council and National University of
           experience from the ground up, involving                                                       Colombia, Medellín
           communities and institutions on a level
           platform. It has already led to changes
           in the city’s municipal development plan,
           which sets out key policies and actions,
           and informed local policy on informal rental

           The project is now providing community
           organisations with a strong evidence
Turning environmentally damaging coffee waste into electricity

Waste water from coffee processing is          By using microbial fuel cells to clean

harmful to the environment, as it contains                                                                This research proposes a
                                               up their waste water, and reusing it,
substances that take a very long time to       Colombian coffee farmers could relieve a                   potential high-impact solution
degrade. This is a particular problem in       huge strain on their water supply. As well       to environmental, social and economic
Colombia, the world’s third largest coffee     as offering an environmentally-friendly          challenges facing rural sectors.
producer, where nearly all coffee is grown     alternative to treat waste water, the            Professor Lina María Agudelo-Escobar,
on small, family-owned farms. The farmers      generation of electricity could boost social     Associate Professor, University of
are unable to afford the large-scale water     and economic development for Colombia’s          Antioquia
treatment systems needed to process the        farming communities. If their fuel cells
coffee waste, so it ends up in local water     are used successfully in Colombia, the
                                                                                              Valorisation of agro-industrial waste: A
courses, which become contaminated.            researchers hope to engage with large
                                                                                              Bioelectrochemical System for waste
                                               coffee companies in Europe to adopt the        degradation and energy recovery from
Scientists working on a Newton Fund            same approach to treating their waste.         industrial coffee waste
project in Colombia have found that
environmentally damaging coffee waste
could be turned into electricity using a                                                      Project leads:
microbial fuel cell. They discovered that if                                                  Lina María Agudelo-Escobar, Associate
they fed coffee waste to a community of                                                       Professor, University of Antioquia and Dr Claudio
microbes originally found in a wastewater      Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)                    Avignone-Rossa, University of Surrey
treatment plant, the tiny creatures would                                                     Delivery partners:
eat it, producing energy. This energy could                                                   British Council and Colciencias – the
then be captured in the form of electricity.                                                  Administrative Department of Science,
                                                                                              Technology and Innovation
The research team is now developing a
small, inexpensive device suitable for use
on Colombian farms. The aim is to initially
implement it in the coffee growing area
of Southwest Antioquia, where they have
already established good relationships with
Increasing productivity and removing toxic mercury from Colombia’s gold mines

           Artisanal and small-scale mining is           rehabilitates degraded soils and reuses

           important for Colombia’s social and           the toxic cyanide as fertiliser for a legume                          This technology will change
           economic growth and represents more           plant. The plants can be used as livestock                            Colombia. It’s the tool the new
           than 70 percent of the country’s total gold   feed and they also capture carbon dioxide;                    government needs.
           production. However, these often informal     providing additional income for local                         Gustavo Cordova, former Deputy
           and unproductive mining operations use        communities and reducing CO2 emissions.                       Director of Corpouraba
           mercury – a highly toxic and polluting
           element – to extract the gold ore. In         Nanotecol has created an alliance with
           2018 the Colombian government banned          Cornare, an independent body which
           mercury in gold mining to reduce its impact   promotes regional development and                            Self-sustainable gold mining process
           on the environment and reduce mercury         the protection of natural resources and
           exposure to miners and the general            CORPOURABA, which implements                                 Project leads:
           population.                                   environmental policy in Antioquia. Together                  Lina Marcela Hoyos, Co-founder, Professor
                                                         they are working with mining communities                     Universidad Bolivariana, Nanotecol, Yudira
           A Colombian innovation and research           to pilot the technology so they can                          Zapata Sánchez, Co-founder and manager
           company has developed a solution              eradicate the use of mercury, protect the                    and project manager, Nanotecol and Lesli
           that eliminates the need for mercury          livelihoods of artisanal miners and their                    Zapata Sánchez, Co-founder and Assistant
           and supports a clean, profitable and          communities, and help Colombia take the                      Management, Nanotecol
           sustainable gold mining sector. With          path towards green growth.                                   Delivery partners:
           support from Newton funding, Nanotecol                                                                     Royal Academy of Engineering and Ruta N
           is working with the Government of
           Antioquia to implement a gold extraction
           process using nano and biotechnology.
           The process reduces costs, increases
           production efficiency and improves the
           quality of gold, all without generating
           pollutants to the environment.

           As well as reducing mercury pollution,
           Nanotecol’s circular economy model            First gold extraction plant with nanotechnological and
  21                                                     biotechnological procedures, Abriaqui, Antioquia, Colombia
Securing a community’s right to access safe water and food

Dangerous levels of arsenic are present in     Supported by Newton funding, the

the soils and water of the Cerrito Blanco      research team implemented a traffic                       Increased awareness of arsenic
community in central Mexico. Arsenic           light alert system to help the community                  contamination has helped Cerrito
contamination in the semi-desert area is       distinguish between contaminated and             Blanco communities make the right
2,500 times higher than the limit set by the   non-contaminated water, and produced a           decisions for their wellbeing.
World Health Organisation, causing poor        visual guide to help farmers to recognise        Dr Bhaskar Sen Gupta, Heriot-Watt
crop productivity and posing a serious         contaminated crops. A campaign video             University
health risk to the people living there.        publicised in the local news helped to
                                               raise public awareness and the research
                                                                                               Distribution of arsenic on agricultural soils
Responding to this urgent problem,             team have directed people to alternative
                                                                                               and its influence on exposure risks through
researchers from Mexico and the UK             arsenic-free groundwater sources. As a
                                                                                               maize ingestion and agricultural activities in
worked closely with members of the             result of the interventions, maize yields are   Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
community to locate the source of              significantly higher than preceding years,
contamination and implement several            reaching up to one tonne per hectare for
successful interventions; raising awareness    rain-fed crops without the use of fertiliser.   Project leads:
about the risk of exposure, and improving                                                      Nadia Martinez-Villegas, Professor in Water
crop safety and community health.              The scientists are also working with            Technology, Potosi Institute for Scientific and
                                               community members, the Human Rights             Technological Research AC (IPICyT) and
                                                                                               Professor Bhaskar Sen Gupta, Heriot-Watt
                                               Commission in Mexico and other partners
                                               to ensure that their right to access
                                                                                               Delivery partners:
                                               clean water and safe food is protected.
                                               By strengthening relationships with             Royal Society and IPICyT (Potosi Institute of
                                               community members and establishing new          Scientific and Technological Research) and the
                                                                                               National Council of Science and Technology
                                               partnerships with the private sector, the
                                               researchers want to attract investment for
                                               the remediation of arsenic contaminated
                                               soil to secure the social and economic
                                               development of the community.

Cerrito Blanco maize field                                                                                                                         22
Improving surgical outcomes with virtual reality

         Over the course of modern history,               lowering costs and limiting chance of life

         surgery has transformed from a risky ‘art’       threatening complications and infections.                This tool will be very useful
         into a scientific discipline capable of                                                                   especially for the incoming
         treating many diseases and conditions.           Two hospitals have started to use the         generations of medics. Using it will help
         Nevertheless, human errors and life              technology to analyse and discuss             a lot to understand a case and arrive
         threatening complications still occur,           clinical cases. Now Verum’s CEO wants         in the operation room with much more
         particularly for complex surgical                to conduct further clinical studies and       confidence.
         procedures.                                      strengthen the national and international
                                                                                                        Senior trauma surgeon at Hospital Civil
                                                          partnerships he formed through the
         In Mexico, a Newton funded entrepreneur          project, so he can help to revolutionise      Guadalajara in an open medical session
         is using virtual reality technology to develop   the way that surgeries are practiced and
         a surgical planner and simulator that            taught around the world.                     Verum VR Medical
         will allow surgeons to plan and perform
         an operation before the actual surgery.                                                       Project lead:
         Supported by the Royal Academy of                                                             Fabio Antonio Gonzalez Sanchez, CEO of Verum
         Engineering’s Leaders in Innovation                                                           VR Medical
         Fellowship programme and the Ministry of                                                      Delivery partners:
         Economy in Mexico, Verum VR Medical’s
                                                                                                       Royal Academy of Engineering and the Ministry
         technology could result in better surgical                                                    of Economy in Mexico
         decision making, significantly reduce the
         occurrence of errors and improve the
         overall surgical outcome.

         This new tool can simulate and reconstruct
         clinical and anatomical conditions, creating
         a virtual case the doctor can practice on.
         It is a virtual experience but it provides
         the surgeon with real life training. The
         technology has the potential to reduce
         surgery time by at least 30 percent;             A doctor tests the virtual simulator
Childhood obesity: a Mexican solution to a global problem

Maternal obesity is a major risk factor        problem. This Newton-funded project is

for childhood obesity and reduced life         developing a therapeutic early intervention                    This project brings together
expectancy. In Mexico, 32 percent              that has the potential to improve the                          two of the leading groups in
of the adult population is obese and           metabolic health of future generations;            this field and has the potential to develop
the prevalence of childhood obesity is         preventing chronic diseases such as                new avenues of treatment that can help
the highest in the world. The current          diabetes and alleiviating the burden of            alleviate the obesity crisis.
generation of Mexican children may,            health care costs.
                                                                                                  Professor Lucilla Poston, Head of School of
for the first time ever, have a shorter life
                                                                                                  Life Course Sciences and the Department
expectancy than their parents.                 Researchers in the UK and Mexico have
                                               discovered that drinking a novel probiotic         of Women & Children’s Health, Kings
Diet and nutrition during pregnancy can        extracted from a traditional aguamiel drink        College London
have an impact on the metabolic health         (‘Honey milk’ from Agave salmiana cactus)
of offspring, presenting an opportunity for    improves metabolism in obese pregnancy.          Interventions to improve maternal metabolic
                                                                                                profile and prevent cardio-metabolic and
intervention to stem this growing global       The probiotic proved highly effective in
                                                                                                behavioural deficits in future generations due
                                               preclinical trials. Administered daily for one   to programming by maternal obesity
Dr Nozomi Itani, at King’s College London
cataloguing obese pregnant rats                month prior to and throughout pregnancy
                                               and lactation, the aguamiel probiotic was
                                               found to prevent many of the negative            Project leads:
                                               biochemical and metabolic outcomes               Dr Paul Taylor, King’s College London and
                                               observed in the offspring of obese rats.         Professor Elena Zambrano, National Institute of
                                                                                                Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran
                                               The researchers hope to translate the            Delivery partners:
                                               preclinical studies performed initially in       Medical Research Council and the National
                                               Mexico, to small scale clinical trials in the    Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT)
                                               UK. Successful translation of preclinical
                                               studies to the general population could
                                               have significant impact on the health and
                                               life expectancy of the next generation. The
                                               aguamiel probiotic may yet prove to be a
                                               Mexican solution to a global problem.
New drought resistant beans for sustainable food supply in Mexico

         Beans are central to Mexico’s food             losses for Mexican and Latin American

         security, but they are also highly sensitive   agriculture. By understanding how                           This is a fantastic opportunity to
         to drought. Drought can cause up to 80         plants respond to drought and carbon                        increase the impact of our work
         percent bean yield losses and climate          dioxide through adjusting their stomata           in Mexico, by enabling a much larger,
         change is making this problem worse.           (microscopic valves on the leaf surface           interdisciplinery team of experts to tackle
         Seventy percent of Mexican farmers are         that open and close), the researchers             the issues of drought in bean agriculture
         smallholders with no irrigation which makes    are finding that reducing bean stomatal           and Mexican food security.
         them particularly vulnerable to droughts       numbers could reduce water use by up
                                                                                                          Professor Julie Gray, University of
         and climate change.                            to 40 percent without affecting yield;
                                                        potentially saving up to three percent of         Sheffield
         Researchers in the UK and Mexico are           Mexico’s entire agricultural water use.
         developing climate ready elite bean                                                            Manipulation of bean pod stomata to
         varieties to combat drought related crop       Using this knowledge, the team want             improve yield under drought and climate
                                                        to develop new elite high yielding bean
                                          Bean pods     varieties with better water use and nitrogen
                                                        fixation under drought. With over six million   Project leads:
                                                        people employed in agriculture and five         Dr Caspar Chater, Marie Skłodowska-Curie
                                                        percent of the population undernourished,       Individual Global Fellow IBT UNAM, University of
                                                        developing high yielding, drought resistant     Sheffield and Professor Alejandra Covarrubias,
                                                        beans will benefit the Mexican economy          IBT UNAM
                                                        and future food security, as well as            Delivery partners:
                                                        people’s health and wellbeing.                  Royal Society and the National Council of
                                                                                                        Science and Technology (CONACyT) and the
                                                        Longer term, the project could lead to          Mexican Academy of Sciences
                                                        a reduction in rural poverty and improve
                                                        socio-economic advancement by aiding
                                                        efficient, competitive and profitable low
                                                        input farming. Improving bean yields and
                                                        minimising fertiliser use will also benefit
                                                        soils, reduce desertification and improve
                                                        water quality.
Producing natural and nutritionally beneficial food additives from microalgae

In the last two decades, the number of

people in Mexico regularly consuming                                                                      The phycopigments project has
processed foods that contain synthetic                                                                    demonstrated that substantial
additives has grown dramatically. While                                                         savings in the costs of algal processing
many synthetic additives are safe in small                                                      and biorefining are possible using
quantities, they provide no nutritional value                                                   membrane technology.
and some studies suggest they can be                                                            Dr Robert Lovitt, Director,
toxic in large amounts.
                                                                                                Membranology Ltd
To increase the nutritional value of these
foods and reduce the risks associated                                                          Phycopigments: Novel manufacturing
with some synthetic additives, researchers      Harvesting equipment                           methods for high value pigment products
from Mexico and the UK have found a                                                            from microalgae
                                                This efficient, safe and simple technology
new, environmentally friendly method
                                                only uses a small amount of energy,
of producing two natural pigments,                                                             Project leads:
                                                minimising the environmental impact,
phycocyanin (a shade of blue) and                                                              Dr Robert Lovitt, Director, Membranology Ltd
                                                allowing for the re-use of water and making
phycoerythrin ( a shade of red), on a large                                                    and Professor Eugenia J. Olguín, Head of
                                                the most of the biomass to yield a range of
scale. This Newton-funded project uses                                                         Research Group, INECOL
                                                high quality, nutrionally valuable products.
microalgae to produce these pigments                                                           Delivery partners: Innovate UK and INECOL
which can then be used as natural
                                                Having shown that it is possible to produce
additives in the food and drink industry.
                                                these natural pigments on a large scale,
The process generates valuable by-
                                                the research will benefit the Mexican
products that are also beneficial for health
                                                agro-industry, supporting the development
and nutrition.
                                                of a sustainable industry based on high
                                                value, non-toxic microalgal products and
In Mexico, spirulina has been consumed as
                                                by-products that also provide consumers
food since pre-Hispanic times. It is also a
                                                with added nutritional value. The
source of the natural pigment phycocyanin.
                                                commercialisation of these products would
Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin have anti-
                                                extend the project’s impact beyond Mexico
oxidant and nutraceutical properties.
                                                and the UK to support a global market.                                                          26
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