Nina Howell and Adam Quigley, Bracewell, UK, evaluate Europe's place in the global LNG marketplace and consider what might be in store for ...

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Nina Howell and Adam Quigley, Bracewell, UK, evaluate Europe's place in the global LNG marketplace and consider what might be in store for ...
Nina Howell and Adam Quigley, Bracewell, UK, evaluate Europe’s
place in the global LNG marketplace and consider what might be in
store for European LNG in 2021.
Nina Howell and Adam Quigley, Bracewell, UK, evaluate Europe's place in the global LNG marketplace and consider what might be in store for ...
The European LNG landscape                                       23 large scale facilities located onshore, five FSRUs, and one
                                                                 combined floating storage unit and onshore regasification
Europe’s role in the global LNG market                           facility. In addition to this existing regasification capacity,
Historically, Asia has been the world’s dominant buyer of        approximately 20 proposed LNG import terminals (large and
LNG, particularly under long-term LNG sale and purchase          small scale) are under consideration within the European
agreements (SPAs). In recent years, however, as the LNG sector   continent, mostly FSRUs.
has evolved, Europe has emerged as a market for absorbing
excess LNG supply, and in 2019 was responsible for 24.2% of      Sources of LNG supply to Europe
global LNG imports – essentially acting as a balancing market    Qatar remains the largest supplier of LNG to Europe, with
for global LNG supply.1                                          23.52 million t of imported LNG in 2019, followed by Russia
    Europe’s LNG infrastructure is primarily import focused      with 15.07 million t.1 The US has cemented its place as
and comprises 29 large scale regasification terminals –          a crucial supplier of LNG to Europe – particularly on a
short-term and spot basis. In 2019, the US was the third         entered into the European LNG space. Indeed, in 2019,
largest source of LNG supply into Europe, accounting for         Ancala Partners acquired a 50% interest in the Dragon LNG
12.72 million t of LNG imports and 36% of all US LNG             terminal in Wales, UK. Private capital is expected to play a
exports.2 The US has also become the largest source of LNG       growing role in LNG projects given the image of natural gas
supply for key European economies such as the UK (Europe’s       as the cleanest of the fossil fuels and increasing
third biggest LNG importer in 2019), which imported more         environmental, social, and governance pressures on
LNG cargoes from the US than any other nation globally in        investors, which will cause a retreat from investment in
November 2020.3                                                  more carbon-intensive projects.

Competition from pipeline gas                                    European LNG demand
What sets Europe apart from the other major LNG importing
regions (such as Asia) is the competition from pipeline          Before COVID-19
gas; particularly from Russia, Norway, and Algeria. Whilst       4Q18 and 1Q19 witnessed a fairly sharp fall in global
LNG has an effective monopoly over natural gas imports           delivered LNG prices due to a combination of oversupply of
into Asia, primarily due to several of the major importing       LNG – partly due to new supply from the US – and weaker
nations – Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan – lacking import        demand in Asia. Whilst the trend towards an oversupply and
pipeline infrastructure, Europe has both well-developed LNG      low-price environment hit LNG exporters hard, Europe was
regasification infrastructure and massive pipeline import        able to benefit greatly from the abundant lower-cost LNG
capacity, creating competition between LNG supply and            supply thanks to its significant underutilised storage (and
pipeline gas.                                                    regasification) capacity. The continued convergence of global
     European pipeline capacity is also set to increase in the   gas and LNG hubs prices has allowed Europe’s TTF and NBP
coming months. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline achieved first        markers to compete with Asia in attracting LNG volumes.
gas in December 2020, transporting gas from Azerbaijan’s         Simultaneously, the decline in production of indigenous
Shah Deniz field into Italy and providing an additional          European gas production has caused a demand for gas
10 billion m3/y of pipeline capacity, with the potential to      imports to Europe.
add an additional 10 billion m3/y in the future. This                Europe’s increasing prominence in the global LNG
capacity will only increase if Gazprom’s controversial Nord      market continued throughout 2018, 2019, and 1Q20. Every
Stream 2 pipeline, which has been dogged by issues               European country with an LNG import terminal increased its
relating to US sanctions, comes online in 2021. The project      LNG imports in 2019 compared to 2018. The trend of
is reportedly 90% complete, however construction was             increasing volumes of LNG being unloaded at Europe’s
paused in December 2019 as the Swiss pipeline contractor         regasification terminals looked set to continue through
Allseas suspended operations due to concerns regarding US        2020.
sanctions. Russian contractors recommenced pipelaying
activities in January 2021, suggesting that the project will     The impact of the pandemic
reach completion. Once commissioned, Nord Stream 2 will          Like the rest of the energy world, the LNG sector has felt the
bring an additional 55 billion m3/y of gas import capacity       repercussions of COVID-19 almost immediately. LNG demand
into Europe.                                                     in China, Japan, and South Korea plummeted as the pandemic
     Nonetheless, while LNG might face this stiff                and ensuing lockdowns resulted in greatly decreased
competition from pipeline gas in Europe, it has the clear        economic activity. Asian LNG buyers sought to reduce their
benefit of flexibility of destination, particularly with the     long-term LNG offtake commitments by rescheduling or
advent of US LNG that is sold on a free on board (FOB)           diverting cargoes, or by exercising downward quantity
basis and with limited destination restrictions. This means      mechanisms. A number of buyers across Asia even claimed
that the LNG can be supplied to wherever there is demand,        force majeure as storage tanks reached ‘tank-top’, citing that
therefore allowing it to command a premium compared to           they were physically unable to receive any more LNG.
pipeline gas.                                                        Demand for LNG in Europe then fell significantly as the
                                                                 virus spread to the West, forcing down European delivered
Key players in the European LNG space                            LNG prices. LNG prices in Europe were further suppressed as
The traditional big players in the global LNG market – the       a result of Qatar redirecting LNG shipments due to be
majors, national oil companies (NOCs), and utilities – also      shipped to Asia instead to Europe, particularly the UK and
largely dominate the European LNG market. Majors and             Belgium. US LNG was the real casualty when European gas
NOCs provide much of Europe’s LNG supply, and the                prices hit record lows. In May 2020, the TTF price fell below
key European utilities are responsible for much of the           the US Henry Hub, leaving US suppliers facing negative
continent’s LNG demand.                                          value for LNG delivered into Europe. In that month, the US
    The growth of LNG exports and greater commoditisation        reportedly delivered just 14 LNG cargoes into Europe – half
of LNG globally has led to a liquid spot market for LNG. This    of what was imported in March 2020 before the pandemic
has lowered the barriers to entry for new entrants, who are      took hold.
now able to acquire single or limited strips of cargo rather         Buyer force majeure claims were rare in Europe, due to
than entering into long-term LNG SPAs. Furthermore, major        higher levels of unused storage capacity across Europe’s
LNG commodity traders – such as Vitol, Trafigura, Gunvor, and    import terminals as well as the ability of Europe’s well
Glencore – are now active in the European LNG market.            connected and liquid gas hubs to absorb gas send-out.
    Private equity – a big feature in the US upstream and in         Following the demand shock in March and April 2020,
the development of US liquefaction capacity – has also           European LNG demand recovered from June onwards as

             Reprinted from February 2021
lockdown restrictions were lifted and economic activity          to rely on LNG to ensure diversity of gas supply and energy
picked up. The TTF front-month price increased sharply from      security throughout the energy transition.
lows of €3.50/MWh in May to over €15/MWh in October as a
result. Notwithstanding the increase in wholesale gas prices     Small scale LNG and bunkering
in Europe, LNG exporters faced a difficult end to 2020.          One key development in the European LNG space is
    Whilst Europe’s gas consumption proved to be                 bunkering and other small scale services – services provided
surprisingly resilient in 2020 – only down 6% year-on-year       to complement large scale liquefaction, regasification, and
up to the end of November – gas prices are expected to be        reloading services.
low over winter as Europe enters into further lockdowns in           LNG bunkering is seen as a major growth area in
response to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. At         response to new environmental regulations imposed on the
the same time, US export facilities are reportedly operating     maritime sector, particularly the International Maritime
at near to capacity pumping out LNG, as other exporting          Organization’s (IMO) 0.5% sulfur cap. Many ships are now
nations (notably Qatar) are expected to maintain high export     switching over to using LNG as fuel, given its negligible
levels as a means of retaining market share.                     sulfur content and lower carbon intensity, reportedly
                                                                 reducing GHG emissions by 20 - 25% in comparison to
The European LNG market in 2021                                  burning heavy fuel oil (HFO).5 This figure will no doubt
Against expectations, global LNG prices have increased to        improve further over time with the development of bioLNG
record highs over the course of the winter due to unusually      (produced by blending methane from anaerobic digestion of
cold weather in Asia and Europe, a shortage of tankers,          organic matter with LNG or natural gas that is then
and lower LNG supply. This price increase may not be             liquefied), which could reduce shipping emissions by up to
sustained past the spring as the cold weather abates or if       34% using a 20% bioLNG mix.6 LNG bunkering services are
further restrictions or more severe lockdowns are placed         now available at a third of all European ports, according to
on European economies – which appears to be the political        the European Sea Ports Organisation’s 2020 Environmental
consensus until infection rates drop to manageable levels.       Report.
However, the LNG industry is hopeful that the prospect of            Other small scale services have developed significantly
mass vaccination across Europe over the course of 2021           in recent years. LNG is now transported across Europe by
will result in economic recovery (albeit slowly). As Europe      trucks, allowing LNG to be delivered flexibly across Europe
reopens, LNG can be expected to continue to play an              to areas without developed pipeline infrastructure. This
important role in meeting much of Europe’s energy needs.         service is now offered by many of Europe’s LNG terminals
                                                                 and is likely to grow further, together with rail loading
The long-term future of the                                      services that have been available at the Zeebrugge LNG
European LNG market                                              terminal in Belgium since September 2020.

The energy transition                                            Conclusion
Europe has committed to an ambitious strategy to reduce          With the roll-out of vaccines and the optimistic start of the
its carbon emissions. In particular, the European Green Deal,    ‘new normal’ in 2021, LNG will no doubt play a key role in
which was approved by the European Parliament in January         the European recovery. As governments start to build back
2020, creates a framework to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG)       better, the greater focus on cleaner technology will enable
emissions by 2050. If passed, the European Climate Law, will     LNG to complement the European energy transition for the
place binding commitments on EU member states to achieve         coming years to a net-zero economy by the middle of the
this net-zero target by 2050. Whilst Europe continues to         21st century.
make advances in terms of large scale renewable power
generation and has taken the first steps towards the             References
development of a hydrogen economy with its Hydrogen              1.   GIIGNL 2020 Annual Report.
Strategy, gas continues to be the transition fuel of choice,     2.   GIIGNL 2020 Annual Report, European Commission
given its lower carbon density in comparison to other fossil          Factsheet on EU-US LNG Trade.
fuels.                                                           3.   WEBER, H., and WYENO, R., ‘UK was top destination for US
                                                                      LNG in November amid Canal delays: cFlow’, S&P Global
     Gas (including regasified LNG) is expected to play an            Platts, (1 December 2020),
important role in Europe’s energy supply mix in the short,            en/market-insights/latest-news/natural-gas/120120-uk-was-
mid, and long-term. Across the continent, gas-fired power             top-destination-for-us-lng-in-november-amid-canal-delays-
generation is already replacing coal and lignite-fuelled
                                                                 4.   ‘The Role of Gas in Today’s Energy Transitions’,
power generation – resulting in a reduction in GHG
                                                                      International Energy Agency (IEA), (July 2019), https://www.
emissions of up to 55% when producing electricity, as well  
as nuclear power generation (in the case of Germany).4 In        5.   O’DELL, A., ‘LNG to fuel shipping, perhaps to a hydrogen
the short to mid-term, significant levels of LNG (and pipeline        future’, Petroleum Economist, (8 December 2020), https://
gas) supply to Europe will be essential until solutions to  
some of the issues associated with renewables are achieved.           hydrogen-future.
Even once those solutions are found, it is expected that LNG     6.   ELLIOT, S., ‘Industry groups push potential of bio-LNG as
(and pipeline gas) will continue to play a major role in              transportation fuel’, S&P Global Platts, (24 November 2020),
Europe’s energy mix. Whilst pipeline gas will continue to   
supply the majority of Europe’s gas imports, Europe will need         bio-lng-as-transportation-fuel.

                                                                                           Reprinted from February 2021
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