NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -

Page created by Kim Daniels
NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -
NORD/LB Group Presentation
May 2019

NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -

NORD/LB at a glance       3
Financials                9
Segments                  18
Outlook                   30
Appendix                  38

NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -
NORD/LB at a glance

        Ownership structure and regional network.

                                  Ownership Structure1,2                                           Headquarters and ownership region

                                                      Special Purpose Holding
                                                      Association of the
          Saxony-Anhalt Savings                       Mecklenburg-Western
                 Banks Holding                        Pomerania Savings Banks
                                            5,3%                                                              Hanover

         Lower Saxony
Savings Banks and Giro      26,4%

                                     5,6%                      59,1%
         State of Saxony-Anhalt
                                                                       State of Lower Saxony

 1)   Total differences are rounding differences
 2)   As at 31 December 2018
NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -
NORD/LB at a glance

       Represented in important financial and trade centres worldwide.

                                                                                                                       Head offices
                                                                                                                       Hanover, Brunswick, Magdeburg
                                                                                                                       Branches worldwide
                                                                                                                       London, New York, Singapore,
                           New York
                                                                                                                       German branches
                                                                                                                       Bremen, Duesseldorf, Hamburg,
                                                                                                                       Munich, Oldenburg, Schwerin,
                                                                                                                       Stuttgart and approx. 100 branches of
                                                                                                                       Subsidiaries and bank holdings
                                                                                       Hamburg                         Deutsche Hypothekenbank, NORD/LB
                                                                              Oldenburg                                Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank
                                                                      Amsterdam Bremen
                                                                                 Hanover     Brunswick
                                                                                               Magdeburg      Warsaw
                                                                Paris             Frankfurt Nuernberg
                                                                                                 Munich                                         Shanghai


Addresses and more details:
NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -
NORD/LB at a glance

Our business segments 2018.

          Private and                  Corporate                         Savings Bank                Markets
          Commercial                   Customers                         Network Customers
    Private customer business    Corporate customer                Savings Bank Network/     Business with
    Private Banking              business                          extended network            Institutional customers
    Commercial customer          Agricultural Banking              Corporate customers/        Savings banks/ financial
    business                     Finance with public and           syndication loans           institutions
    Insurance services for       cooperative housing               Municipal customers         Public-sector customers
    private customers in         associations
    cooperation with public      Corporate Finance
    insurances in Lower Saxony   Leasing

           Energy and                  Real Estate Banking               Ship Customers              Aircraft Customers
           Infrastructure              Customers
           Customers                                             Ship finance                Aircraft finance
    Renewable energy finance     Commercial real estate             Container vessels           Narrow-/Wide-bodies
    Infrastructure finance       finance
                                                                    Bulker                      Freighters
                                 International social care
                                 property finance                   Tanker                      Regional Jets
                                                                    Multi purpose vessels       Turboprops
                                                                    Offshore Oil & Gas          Helicopter
                                                                    Cruise ships / Ferries      Spare Engines
                                                                                                Finance/Operating Lease

NORD/LB Group Presentation - May 2019 -
NORD/LB at a glance

       Holding structure and brands1,2.

                                                          Private Banking
                                                          Private and Commercial Customers
                                                          Corporate Customers
                                                          Ship, Aircraft, Energy/Infrastructure, Real Estate Banking
                                                          Savings Bank Network

                                  100%3                                                                                                             100%3

               Commercial real estate finance                                Private and commercial customers                                Financial Markets & Sales

1)   As at 31 December 2018
2)   For more information about subsidiaries and affiliated companies please consult or our Group Annual Reports 2018, note (80)
3)   NORD/LB ensures that the companies mentioned in the Group Annual Report 2018, Note (73) are able to meet their obligations
4)   Incorporated under public law with partial legal capacity
NORD/LB at a glance

       Our ratings.

         NORD/LB Credit Ratings

         Senior unsecured preferred debt                                                               Baa2 2                       A- 4                        A5
         Deposits (long-term/short-term)                                                             Baa2 2/P-2                   A-/F1 4                A5/R-1 (low) 5
         Counterparty Risk Rating/Derivate counterparty rating
                                                                                                 Baa2(cr) 2/P-2(cr)              A-(dcr) 4 /-                   -
         Senior unsecured non-preferred debt                                                            Ba1 2                       A- 4                   A (low) 5
         Subordinate/Tier 2                                                                             B1 2                        B+ 4                  BBB (high)
         Intrinsic financial strength 1                                                                 ba3 2                         f                   BBB (low) 5
         Tier 1                                                                                     Caa1 (hyb) 3                      -                         -
         Public-Sector / Mortgage / Aircraft Pfandbriefe                                         Aa1 2 / Aa1 2 / A3 2                 -                         -

                                                                                                           6                               7                          7
         NORD/LB Nachhaltigkeits-Ratings

         Corporate Rating / Sustainability Rating                                         C+ Prime                 62 of 100 points                      Positive B
         Public-Sector Pfandbriefe                                                           -                               -                         Positive BBB
         Mortgage Pfandbriefe                                                                -                               -                          Positive BB
         Ship Pfandbriefe                                                                    -                               -                           Positive B

1)   Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment / Viability Rating / Intrinsic Assessment   4) Rating Watch Negative                                   7) March 2019
2)   Review for Upgrade                                                              5) Rating Under Review - Negative Implications
3)   Review Direction Uncertain                                                      6) April 2018

NORD/LB at a glance       3
Financials                9
Segments                  18
Outlook                   30
Appendix                  38


       Positive first quarter result 20191.

                                                                                         1 Jan – 31 Mar    1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                                            Explanation                       2019             20182            Change in %
       in €m
                                                Loan and securities portfolios
         Net interest income                                                                         258               353              - 27

                                                Increase due to one-off interim-
         Net commission income                  servicing fee for sale of Big Ben                     34                17             +100
                                                Net reversals in Energy &
         Risk provisioning                      Infrastructure, Ships, Private & Comm.                38                28              +36
                                                Customers and Savings Banks Network

                                                Personnel expenses (€-6m) and
         Administrative expenses                                                                     265               291               -9
                                                advisory expenses (€-15m) dropped

         Earnings before
                                                                                                      75                68              +10
         reorganisation and taxes

         Restructuring and
                                                Only reorganisation expenses                          10                    -              -
         reorganisation expenses

         Consolidated profit                                                                          54                43              +26

1)   Extract from financial statements
2)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

       Key financial figures.

                                                                   Explanation                                 31 Mar 2019               31 Dec 2018¹      Change in %

                                                  Focus on core business areas,
         Group total assets                                                                                               €148.2bn             €154.0bn             -4
                                                  reduction of interbank business

         RWA                                      Asset reduction with low RWA                                                 €45.3bn          €45.5bn             -0

                                                  Interest-driven adjustment of
         CET1 ratio                               revaluation reserve; capital                                                   6.7 %             6.8 %            -1
                                                  strengthening measures initiated

                                                  Target is an NPL ratio below
         NPL ratio                                                                                                               4.1 %             4.0 %            +2
                                                  2 per cent2

                                                  Large buffer to regulatory requirement
         MREL                                                                                                                  20.37 %           19.89 %             -
                                                  of 9.13 per cent

                                                  Requirement of 100 per cent clearly
         LCR                                      exceeded;                                                                     150 %             150 %              -
                                                  distance to Illiquidity: 224 days

                                                  Target is a leverage ratio
         Leverage Ratio                                                                                                          2.1 %             2.1 %             -
                                                  of above 4 per cent

1)   Some previous year figures were adjusted
2)   NPL ratio after sale of Big Ben: approx. 2.6 percent (figures as at 31 March 2019 excluding Big Ben exposure (€2.55bn))

       Profitable 1Q 2019 for NORD/LB.

            Consolidated                    Consolidated earnings before restructuring and taxes amounted to € 75 million as at 31 March 2019.
               profit                       Consolidated profit after restructuring and taxes amounted to € 54 million as at 31 March 2019

                                            Group NPL ratio almost unchanged at 4.1 per cent (31 March 2019); reduction of non-performing ship
             De-risking of                  financing (NPL) continues: a portfolio of ship NPLs in the amount of € 2.6 billion was sold in the first quarter
            loan portfolio                  of 2019, but booked at the beginning of April. Therefore, the results have not yet been included in the
                                            figures as at 31 March 2019

                                            Programme continued as planned; administrative expenses fell by 9 per cent; balance sheet total further
          Transformation                    reduced to € 148.2 billion (€ 154.0 billion as at 31 December 2018).
            Programme                       New strategy programme ("NORD/LB 2024") bundles efficiency enhancement and capital-strengthening
                                            programmes and implements future business model adjustments

          Common Equity                     Capital ratio of 6.7 per cent (CET1) as at 31 March 2019 significantly below regulatory requirements
            Tier 1 ratio                    (SREP 10.57 per cent); countermeasures already initiated and discussed with supervisory authorities

1)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

      NORD/LB starts the new year with a profit.

                                                     1 Jan -         1 Jan -                   Net interest income: Loan and securities portfolios decreased
        Income statement (in €m)                                               Change in %
                                                31 Mar 2019    31 Mar 20181                    Net commission income: Increase due to receipt of an interim
        Net interest income                             258             353           -27      servicing fee of for the Big Ben portfolio
        Net commission income                            34              17          +100      Fair-value result: Lower interest-rate levels and tighter credit
        Profit/loss from financial assets                                                      spreads let profits rise
        at fair value (incl. Hedge                       43               3          >100
                                                                                               Risk provisioning: Net reversals in Energy & Infrastructure
                                                                                               Customers, Ship Customers, Private & Commercial Customers
        Risk provisioning                                38              28           +36
                                                                                               and Savings Banks Network
        Disposal profit/loss from financial
                                                          -2              -6             -67   Disposal result includes net gains from the disposal of
        assets not measured at fair value
        Profit/loss from shares in                                                             securities and asset/liability loans
                                                           -              -3         -100
        companies                                                                              Administrative expenses: Decline in personnel expenses (€ -6
        Profit/loss from investments                                                           million) and consulting expenses (€ -15 million)
        accounted for using the equity                   10               5          +100
        method                                                                                 Other operating result influenced in particular by the 2019
                                                                                               annual contribution to the bank levy of € 54 million
        Administrative expenses (-)                     265             291              -9
        Other operating profit/loss                     -41             -38              +8    Restructuring result from the transformation programme due
        Earnings before reorganisation,                                                        to restructuring provisions, not yet incurred in the first quarter
                                                         75              68           +10      of 2019
        restructuring and taxes
                                                                                               Reorganisation expense is a one-time expense for future-
        Restructuring result and                                                               oriented applications (consulting services)
                                                         10                -               -
        reorganisation expenses
        Earnings before taxes                            65              68               -4
        Income taxes (-)                                 11              25              -56
        Consolidated profit/loss                         54              43           +26

1)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

       Targeted reduction of total assets.

                                                                                         Balance sheet total further reduced, among other things due to
                                                                               Change    declining loans and advances to banks and liabilities to banks and
        Balance sheet (in €m)                   31 Mar 2019   31 Dec   20181
                                                                                (in %)   customers

        Total assets                               148,188        154,012          -4    Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
                                                                                         income: decrease due to changes in assets and valuations as part
        Financial assets at fair value                                                   of liquidity management
        through other comprehensive                 20,185         20,548          -2
                                                                                         Financial assets at amortised cost include the major parts of the
                                                                                         traditional lending and loan business as well as parts of the
        Financial assets at amortised                                                    securities portfolio, in particular the decline in interbank business
                                                   109,682        114,041          -4
        cost                                                                             (€-3.7bn)
            of which: Loans and                                                          Financial liabilities at amortised cost include liabilities to banks
                                                    21,032         24,497         -14
            advances to banks                                                            and customers, debt securities issued, covered bonds and money
            of which: Loans and                                                          market papers; decline in deposits from banks (€ -3.2bn),
                                                    84,206         85,168          -1    deposits from customers (€ -2.5bn) and repayments/maturities
            advances to customers
                                                                                         of own debt securities (€ -1.7bn)
        Financial liabilities at amortised
                                                   126,078        133,433          -6
        cost                                                                             Balance-sheet equity hardly changed: Positive quarterly result
                                                                                         and opposing effects in the revaluation reserve almost offset
            of which: Liabilities to banks          40,620         43,856          -7    each other

            of which: Other liabilities             56,050         58,506          -4

            of which: Securitised
                                                    28,666         30,328          -5

        Equity (balance sheet)                       3,408             3,404       +0

1)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

       Capital ratios fell temporarily due to annual loss 2018. Strategic reduction of total
       assets in the long run.

                               Equity ratios (CET1)1,2,3                                                                      Total assets and RWA³
       in per cent                                                                                      in €bn
                                  CET11                          Total capital ratio                                                          Total assets            Risk-weighted assets

                                                                                 ̴20%                    200.8      197.6
                          16.7%      16.3%         18.1                                                                     181.0
        14.3%                                                                                                                          174.7
                 13.2%                                                                                                                            163.8      154.0
                                              12.4%       12.7%
                                     11.3%                                       ̴14%                                               -34%                               148.2
                            13.1%                                 12.7%                                    68.5      69.2                                                          95
       11.8%                                                                                                                 63.7     59.9
                 10.7%                                    6.8%
                                                                                                                                                    46.8      45.5      45.3
                                                                  6.7%                                                                                                             42

        2013     2014      2015     2016      2017      2018 31 Mar 19 2019                              2013       2014    2015       2016        2017      2018 31 Mar 19 2023

        SREP minimum requirements (P2R)                                                                 Ratios
        CET11                             since 1 Jan 2018             9.60 %                           LCR ratio                            31 Mar 2019             150 %
                                          since 1 Mar 2019           10.57 %                                                                 31 Dec 2018             150 %
        Total capital ratio               since 1 Jan 2018           13.10 %                            Leverage ratio                       31 Mar 2019             2.1 %
                                          since 1 Mar 2019           14.07 %                                                                 31 Dec 2018             2.1 %

1)   CET1 (Common Equity Tier 1)
2)   2010 to 2013: SolVV/HGB, since 2014 CRR/Basel III (phase-in)
3)   Due to the adjustment of regulatory data as at 31 December 2017, the prior-year figures were adjusted accordingly

       MREL figures of NORD/LB Group.

                                              Minimum Requirement of Eligible Liabilities and Own Funds (MREL)
       as at 31 March 2019

                                                                                                                                        MREL ratio: 20,37 per cent

                                                                                                                     TLOF (Total Liabilities & Own Funds): €146.7bn
                                                    Plain-vanilla senior
                                                         liabilities2                                         SRB MREL minimum quota requirement: 9.13 per cent

                           AT1 / T2
                            €2.7bn                                                        CET11
                                                      MREL available

1)   Regulatory capital (Own Funds) transitional; including issued AT1 and Tier 2 capital from subsidiaries
2)   Subject to approval of approx. €5n in promissory notes by the supervisory authority

       Overall high portfolio quality: 80 percent in the highest category.

                                                             4.7%                                                4.8%
                    NPL ratio                                                                                                     4.0%           4.1%

                                        in %

                                                             212.7     9.1            211.0      10.7
                                                                       3.7                                      181.4     8.8
              Total    exposure1                                       3.2                       1.8                      2.3
                                                                                                                                  177.6   7.1
                                                                                                                                          1.1     170.2   6.9
                                                                       7.7                       5.3                      5.4             1.2             1.3
                                                                9.9                      8.7                      6.1
                                      in €bn                                                                                        5.8   4.0             1.1
                                                               13.9                     16.6                     14.4                               6.2   4.3
                 default (=NPL) ³
                 very high risk
                 high risk
                 increased risk                               146.3                     147.6                    143.9            142.6           135.6
                 very good to good

                                                              2015                     2016²                    2017              2018          31.3.2019

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Restatement of figures, see Interim Report as at 30 June 2015, page 28 and Interim Report as at 30 September 2017, page 32
3)   Net amount after fair-value deduction

NORD/LB at a glance        3
Financials                 9
Segments                   18
Outlook                    30
Appendix                   38


       All business segments are profitable.

                       Earnings before reorganisation and taxes1,2
       1 Jan – 31 Mar 2019                                                                                               €165m³
                                                                                                                                               All business segments are profitable and
                                                                                                                                               generate segment profits after administration
                          22%                                                                                                                  costs and risk provisions of €165m in total
                                                                                                                                               Incl. Group Management/Other and
                                                                                                                           17%                 reconciliation, earnings before reorganisation
                                                                       16%                                                                     and taxes amounted to €75 million

           13%                                                                                                                                 The cost-income ratio as at 31 March 2019 was
                                                                                                                                               87.8 per cent, the RoRaC was 3.8 per cent
                                                                                                              8%              29

                                      3%                                                                      13

                                        5          1%
                                                     Savings Bank
                                                Network Customers
         Private and

                                                                      Energy- and


                                                                                                                         Real Estate Banking

                                                                                       Ship Customers/
                                                                                     Maritime Industries

1)   Total differences are rounding differences                                                                                                 3) Without Group Management/Other and Reconciliations
2)   As a percentage of segment profit (€165m)

      Balanced earnings diversification.

      1 Jan – 31 Mar 2019                                                                                                €330m
                                                                                                                                             Overall solid profitability in the core business
                      29%4                                                                                                                   areas
                                                                                                                                             Earnings from ship customers: Increase due to
                                                                                                                                             receipt of an interim servicing fee for a sale of
                                                                                                                                             part of the shipping NPL portfolio
                        95                                           13%4

            56                                                                                             7%4
                                   36            4%4
                                                  14                                     13
                                                   Savings Bank
                                              Network Customers
        Private and

                                                                    Energy- and


                                                                                                                       Real Estate Banking

                                                                                     Ship Customers/
                                                                                   Maritime Industries


1)   Net interest and commission income as well as trading and valuation results                                             3) Without reconciliations
2)   Total differences are rounding differences                                                                              4) As a percentage of segment earnings(€330m)

       Risk provisioning inconspicuous.

                           Group risk provisions by segments1
       Additions in € m                                                                                                                     +€38m
                                                                                                                                                                      The Group provision for possible loan losses was
                                                                                                                                                                      reversed and amounted to € 38 million as at 31
                                                                                                                                                                      March 2019
                                                                                                                                                                      The segments Private and Business Customers,
                                                                                                                                                                      Savings Bank Network Customers, Energy and
                                                                                       36                                                                             Infrastructure, Ships and Other recorded reversals in
                                                                                                                                                                      risk provisions in the first quarter

             6                                   4                      6                                                                        4
                                                                                                           -1            -4
                                                  Savings Bank
                                             Network Customers
         Private and

                                                                   Energy- and


                                                                                                                      Real Estate Banking

                                                                                                                                             Group Management/
                                                                                                                                            Others, Reconciliations

                                                                                    Ship Customers/
                                                                                  Maritime Industries


1)   Total differences are rounding differences

       Private and Commercial Customers. Deeply rooted in the home region.

                                                                                                                                               1 Jan – 31 Mar       1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                 Exposure by industry1                                                      €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                 2018
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                        Exposure at default: €7.9bn                 Earnings                                   56                58
                                                                                                            Expenses                                   41                41
                                                                                                            Operative earnings                         15                17
                                                                                                            Loan loss provisions                        6                -1
                                                          Other 14%                                         Earnings before taxes                      21                16

 households 42%                                                                                               Advice and service in nearly 100 locations as well as online and
                                                                             Public                           by phone via BLSK.direkt
                                                                         administration,                      We offer customer-oriented consulting and selected products
                                                                         defence, social                      and services for private and commercial customers within the
                                                                         insurance 11%
                                                                                                              region of Braunschweigische Landessparkasse, in Hanover, in
                                                                                                              Hamburg as well as in Bremen and Oldenburg
                                                                                                              NORD/LB and Braunschweigische Landessparkasse offer
                                                                                                              inheritance optimisation, trust management, portfolio
                                                                                                              management and individual asset management for private
                                                                                                              banking clients
                                                                Land, housing 21%
                                                                                                              Successful performance with partners like Öffentliche
                             Other service                                                                    Versicherung Braunschweig, LBS Nord (building society), Deka,
                             industry 12%                                                                     Deutsche Leasing, S-Kreditpartner and the Versicherungsgruppe
                                                                                                              Hannover (insurance companies)

1)   Total differences are rounding differences . The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

        Corporate Customers. Profitable, stable and well diversified portfolio.

                                                                                                                                                1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                  Exposure by industry1                                                      €m1
                                                                                                                                                     2019                2018
        as at 31 Mar 2019                                      Exposure at default: €24.7bn                  Earnings                                   95               103
                                                                                                             Expenses                                   47                35
                                                                                                             Operative earnings                         49                68
                                                             Manufacturing                                   Loan loss provisions                      -13                2
                                                             industry 16%                                    Earnings before taxes                      36                70

         Service                                                                                               Stable business development with existing and new customers in
     industries/other                                                                                          the corporate customer segment
           35%                                                            Energy, water and
                                                                             mining 11%                        Tailor-made financial solutions for SMEs – partly in close
                                                                                                               cooperation with the Savings Banks
                                                                                                               Strong position and high competence in acquisition finance
                                                                          Construction 2%                      business confirmed
                                                                                                               Elevated market position as an important financer in the field of
                                                                                                               agricultural banking
                                                                      Trade, maintenance                       Successful marketing of asset and structuring expertise in public
            Financing                                                   and repairs 10%                        housing segment
        companies 12%
                                                                                                               Successful strategic positioning with customers together with
                                                         Agriculture, forestry
                                                           and fishing 8%                                      corporate finance (e.g. asset-liability management, capital-
                               communications 6%
                                                                                                               market financing, working-capital management and factoring)
                                                                                                               For over 25 years we are one of the leading lenders for leasing
                                                                                                               Since the 1980’s we are one of the leading player in social
1)    Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

       Markets. Frequent issuer and arranger of successful benchmarks.

                                      Own benchmark issues and                                                                                 1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                       syndicated issues 2019                                               €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                2018
                                                                                                            Earnings                                  36                52
                                                                                                            Expenses                                  30                27
             EUR 500,000,000                    EUR 750,000,000             EUR 625,000,000                 Operative earnings                         5                25
                   0.250%                             0.875%                      0.750%
               Covered Bond                       Covered Bonds          Mortgage Covered Bond              Loan loss provisions                       0                 0
            Jan 2019 – Jan 2024                Jan 2019 – Jan 2029       March 2019 – March 2029
            Joint Lead-Manager                 Joint Lead-Manager          Joint Lead-Manager
                                                                                                            Earnings before taxes                      5                25

                                                                             Lower Saxony
                                                                                                              Issuer of Pfandbriefe including Green Bonds (public-sector,
                                                                                                              mortgage, ship and aircraft), Lettres de Gage (covered bonds
               EUR 500,000,000                  EUR 500.000.000             EUR 1,000,000,000
                                                                                                              according to Luxemburg law), bearer bonds, promissory notes,
                    0.375%                            0.625%                      0.125%                      money market securities
          Lettres de Gage publiques              Covered Bonds           March 2019 – March 2025
          March 2019 – March 2024            March 2019 – March 2029       Joint Lead-Manager                 Successfully positioned as lead manager/arranger of bond issues,
             Joint Lead-Manager                Joint Lead Manager
                                                                                                              particularly covered bonds
                                                                                                              Comprehensive, customised range of money and capital market
                                                                                                              products in private placement segment
                                                                              Santander UK
              EUR 750,000,000                    EUR 750,000,000            EUR 1,000,000,000                 International funding programmes2:
                   0.500%                             0.500%                      0.100%                      €25bn EMTN Programme, €10bn CP Programme,
             Mortgage Covered Bonds           Green Senior Preferred          Covered Bond
           June 2018 – June 2026              April 2019 – April 2026     May 2019 – May 2024                 €4bn Negotiable European CP Programme,
            (Increase May 2019)
            Joint Lead-Manager
                                               Joint Lead-Manager          Joint Lead-Manager                 $3bn CP Programme
                                                                                                              As at 31 March 2019: €25.5bn ECB eligible securities concerning
                                                                                                              NORD/LB Group, thereof €19.4bn from NORD/LB AöR

1)   Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations
2)   NORD/LB AöR

       Savings Banks Network Customers. Increasing cooperation in strategic market

                                                                                                                                               1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                 Exposure by industry1                                                      €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                2018
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                       Exposure at default €19.9bn                  Earnings                                  14                16
                                                                                                            Expenses                                  16                11
                                                                                                            Operative earnings                        -2                 5
                                                                                                            Loan loss provisions                       4                 0
                                                                                                            Earnings before taxes                      2                 5
                                                                            Savings Banks
                                                                            network 39%                       Since 2018 Savings Banks Network Customers business is shown
                                                                                                              as a separate business segment. In this context, parts of the
         Municipal                                                                                            Markets and Corporate Clients segments were transferred
       customers 47%
                                                                                                              Consultancy and support of savings banks in Lower Saxony,
                                                                                                              Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as
                                                                                                              savings banks in Schleswig-Holstein in its girocentre function
                                                                                                              including private banking products
                                                                                                              Expanding the syndication loan business with savings banks as
                                                                                                              well as the corporate customer business in its network
                                                                                                              Focus on municipalities in the network regions/owner states and
                                                                                                              selective product-oriented supra-regional business
                                              customers/                                                      Expanding the syndication activities with savings bank network
                                           syndication loans                                                  and providing of alternative financial products for the balance
                                                 14%                                                          sheet management of savings banks
                                                                                                              Transfer service for KfW loans within Savings Bank Network and
                                                                                                              developing of digitisation
1)   Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

        Energy- and Infrastructure Customers. Stability and expansion in growth industries.

                                                                                                                                                1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                  Exposure by industry1                                                      €m1
                                                                                                                                                     2019                2018
        as at 31 Mar 2019                                      Exposure at default: €                 Earnings                                  44                61
                                    Manufacturing                                                            Expenses                                  24                23
                                     industry 1%                                                             Operative earnings                        20                38
                 Supply and disposal             Transportation 6%                                           Loan loss provisions                       6                 2
                                                                                                             Earnings before taxes                     26                40
             Other energy 7%

                                                                                                               Expansion and strengthening of our market position through
           Solar energy 8%
                                                                                                               long-term expertise and customised structuring in renewable
                                                                                                               energy finance; our focus is on energy from wind and solar,
     Public Sector 3%                                                                                          leading financer in European core markets Germany, France,
                                                                                                               Ireland and UK. Targeted expansion and maintenance of
     Media and IT 2%                                                                                           customer relations in North America and Asia in the energy
                                                                                Wind (onshore)                 sector
                                                                                                               Concentration on social infrastructure projects in the fields of
      Trade and Services                                                                                       education, accommodation, blue light and transportation; use of
                                                                                                               existing structuring expertise in the broadband segment. High
                    Gas /                                                                                      expertise in Public Finance Initiative (PFI)/public-private-
                  biogas 3%                                                                                    partnership business
                              Financial      Wind
                             Services 2% offshore 1%

1)    Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

       Ship Customers / Maritime Industries Customers.

                                                                                                                                               1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                   Shipping Portfolio1,2                                                    €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                2018
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                      Exposure at default: €10.1bn                  Earnings                                  13                54
                                                                                                            Expenses                                  15                20
                            Crude oil Corporates; 6%
                                                                                                            Operative earnings                        -3                34
                           tankers; 1%                                                                      Loan loss provisions                      36                 8
                Product-                                                                                    Earnings before taxes                     33                42
              tankers; 11%
          LNG-tankers;                                                                                        The business segment Shipping/Maritime Industries is classified
                                                                             ships; 27%
              1%                                                                                              into two groups:
             3%                                                                                                   The business segment Maritime Industries is focused on ECA-
         Chemical-                                                                                                covered financing as well as short-term, mid-term and long-
        tankers; 3%                                                                                               term financing of maritime corporates (secured and
                                                                                                                  unsecured, but then only in case of a high creditworthiness) –
         MPP General                                                                                              conditionally cash-flow- and asset-based shipping loans as
          Cargo; 8%                                                                                               well. As a result of the current decisions about the new
                                                                                                                  business case, there won’t be any new deal
               MPP Heavy                                                                                          The business segment Shipping Portfolio Optimization (SPO)
                                                                     Bulk carrier;
                Lift; 9%
                                                                         17%                                      centralizes the expertise and processes of restructuring and
                                                           Other;                                                 management of defaulted and potential problem shipping-
                           Cruise ships/
                            ferries; 5% Offshore; 4%        5%                                                    loans

1)   Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations
2)   Further information on page 37

       Aircraft Customers. High-quality portfolio. Well diversified.

                                                                                                                                               1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                By type of aircraft and year of manufacture1                                                €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                2018
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                        Exposure at default: €5.1bn                 Earnings                                  23                26
                                                                                                            Expenses                                   9                 8
                                                                                                            Operative earnings                        14                18
                         Freighter                                                                          Loan loss provisions                      -1                 4
                           16%                                                                              Earnings before taxes                     13                22

                                                                                                              Aircraft portfolio with 513 aircrafts (and other airplanes in
               Regional Jets                                          Narrowbodies                            warehouse facilities), six helicopters and 29 (spare-) engine is
                   7%                                                     41%                                 well diversified
                  Ultra Large                                                                                 Considering only long-standing and fungible assets (aircrafts ,
                   Aircraft                                                                                   helicopters and engines)
                      6%                                                                                      Exposure has very high collateral coverage (approx. 95 per cent)
                                                                                                              Average age of roughly six years
                                     46%                                                                      Mostly warehouse and operating lease structures
                                                          33%                                                 For nearly 25 years established as a market leader in aircraft
                                                                                                              finance: broad range of commercial and covered financing of
                18%                                                                                           widebodies, narrowbodies, regional jets and helicopters
                                                                                                              Conservative risk approach in line with our financing principles
                                                                                                              and high risk awareness as well as ensuring appropriate
                                                                                                              redemption payments/finance structures
        Construction year Construction year Construction year New delivery since
         2008 and earlier   2009 - 2013       2014 - 2018          2019                                       Focus on reliable and well-known partners

1)   Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

       Real Estate Banking Customers. Focus on commercial real estate in Germany.

                                                                                                                                               1 Jan – 31 Mar      1 Jan – 31 Mar
                                         By country1                                                        €m1
                                                                                                                                                    2019                2018
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                      Exposure at default: €15.6bn                  Earnings                                  49                47
                                                                                                            Expenses                                  16                15
                                                                                                            Operative earnings                        32                32
                             Benelux 17%
                                                                                                            Loan loss provisions                      -4                 7
                                                                                                            Earnings before taxes                     29                39

                                                                                                              Deutsche Hypothekenbank is the competence centre for
                                                                                                              commercial real estate (CRE) within NORD/LB Group
                                                                                                              Tailored financial solutions and individual, high quality customer
               UK 11%
                                                                                                              Emphasis is on financing of office buildings, shopping malls,
              USA 1%                                                                                          hotels, logistics facilities and multi-story residential properties in
                                                                                                              preferred urban centres with good tenant structure and above
              France 7%                                                                                       average cash flow
               Spain 1%                                                Germany 60%                            Activities are focussed on Europe especially on Germany and
                                                                                                              financings of commercial real estate in UK, France, Benelux,
                  Other 3%                                                                                    Spain and Poland
                                                                                                              Successful strategic cooperation with pension funds as financing
                                                                                                              partners for high-volume projects

1)   Total differences are rounding differences. The figures as at 31 March 2018 and 31 March 2019 are not comparable due to different overhead cost allocations

NORD/LB at a glance        3
Financials                 9
Segments                   18
Outlook                    30
Appendix                   38


Achieved success by transformation programme One Bank.

   The results of One Bank are an important and valuable basis for the realignment of NORD/LB. Savings
   potentials of €275m were achieved. One Bank has identified 1,250 full-time equivalents for the
   necessary staff reductions, of which 230 have already been reduced (until year-end 2018)
   Since 2011, the shipping loan portfolio has been massively reduced by a total of over €9bn. This
   corresponds to a reduction of 860 financed ships. The Big Ben transaction also created the basis for
   the reduction of a further €2.6bn, which was carried out at the beginning of the second quarter of
   The former Bremer Landesbank is fully integrated. Customers and employees settled well at NORD/LB
   and most of the data has already been transferred
   With leaner loan processes in wholesale and retail business, we are creating the conditions for being
   able to operate our customer lending business efficiently and competitively tomorrow as well.
   Supplemented by process optimisations in staff and operating areas, profitability is increased in the
   long term.
   The new NORD/LB 2024 programme will bundle all this preparatory work and coordinate and
   advance the construction of the new NORD/LB


Administrative expenses.

                   Cost savings One Bank                               Target administrative expenses NORD/LB 2024
in €m                                                                  in €m


                                         179                                             -179
             200                                                                                                                  625
                                                Savings already
                                          96    realized from
                                                One Bank
          Target 2020                End of 2020;                              2018      One Bank          NORD/LB 2024        Target 2024
                              through identified measures
                                                                                         (already        (still to be backed
                                                                                       supported by         by measures)

    The new NORD/LB 2024 transformation programme continues One Bank's successful course


       Staff reduction.

                                                                                          NORD/LB 2024
               in full-time equivalents

                                          ~5,670                              1,020

                                                                                             1.250           ~1,650-1,850


                                          2018                             One Bank                         NORD/LB 2024¹                       Target 2024

          A further reduction beyond One Bank is necessary for the NORD/LB 2024 target

1)   Including portfolio reduction and reduction of market units due to reduction of the asset class and redimensioning of the Bank and optimisation of processes in all units
2)   Already reduced before 31 Dec 2018

Outlook for 2019 and 2020.

   Markets and competition conditions remain challenging in 2019, especially in the field of interest-rate
   levels. In addition, regulatory aspects are demanding: Capital requirements for system-relevant banks
   will increase further
   The downsizing as well as the profound restructuring will tie up resources and cause high expenses.
   Therefore, NORD/LB expects high restructuring expenses for full year 2019. This is an investment in a
   new sustainable business model of the bank
   Regarding its positive operating business NORD/LB plans a profit before restructuring and taxes for
   full year 2019, however, we anticipate that the annual result after restructuring and taxes will be
   negative again
   The goal of the comprehensive new start is to return to profitability and generate profits again by
   2020 at the latest


     Covering the capital needs by owners and DSGV1.

                                                   NORD/LB Group capital needs and coverage
                                          in €m

                Composition of capital needs (€3.5bn)

                 Reduction of NPL-Portfolio (Risk provisions + FV effects) (incl. Big-Ben- transaction)                Restructuring    Capital strengthening
                 ~ 2,000                                                                                               ~ 700            ~ 800

                Measures to meet the capital needs(€3.64bn)
                 Cash injection                                                                                                              Capital-relieving measures
                 2,835                                                                                                                       800

                Contributions from owners and DSGV
                 State of Lower Saxony                                                         State SA   Savings Banks Finance Group         Capital-relieving measures
                 ~ 1.500                                                                       ~ 200 1,135                                    800

1)   NORD/LB has agreed a capital boost and the Bank's new business model with the former owners and the Savings Bank Finance Group and submitted a corresponding capital plan to
     the supervisory authority. The plan is is subject to an EU resolution


     New Norddeutsche Landesbank: Targets for 20241.

                                                                                    Private and
                                                                                    Commercial                                                              Real Estate
                                               Special Finance                      Customers/                           Markets                             Banking
                                                                                   Savings Banks                                                            Customers

            ̴95                   ̴42                  ~50.                    ̴625                  ̴1.25                   >8                   >14                3,000
            €bn                   €bn                  per cent                  €m                    €bn                 per cent              per cent             Staff
       Total assets             Risk-              Cost-income-                Costs                Earnings            Return-on-             CET1 ratio             Number
                              weighted                 ratio                                                              equity                                      of staff

1)   NORD/LB has agreed a capital boost and the Bank's new business model with the former owners and the Savings Bank Finance Group and submitted a corresponding capital plan to
     the supervisory authority. The plan is is subject to an EU resolution


Financial calendar.

 Figures as at 31 March 2019              28 May 2019

 Interim Report as at 30 June 2019        End of August 2019

 Figures as at 30 September 2019          End of November 2019


NORD/LB at a glance        3
Financials                 9
Segments                   18
Outlook                    30
Appendix                   38


       Digression: NORD/LB AöR (single entity) - earnings under German GAAP (HGB).

                                                     1 Jan –         1 Jan –
         P/L figures (in €m)                                                   Balance Sheet (in €m)           30 Apr 2019     31 Dec 2018
                                               31 Dec 20181    31 Dec 20171
         Annual loss                                                           Subscribed capital                    1,869           1,869
                                                      -2,436             85
         (2017: Annual profit)
         Earnings brought forward                                              Capital reserves                       974            3,324
                                                         85               0
         from the previous year
         Loss/Profit                                  -2,351             85    Retained earnings                      531              531

         Loss compensation through                                             Loss                                     0            2,351
         release of capital reserves
                                                      2,351                -
         (according to Owner's                                                 Equity                                3,373           3,373
         decision of 30 April 2019)

         Loss                                             0                -

             NORD/LB AöR closed 2018 with a net loss of € -2.4bn (in accordance with the German Commercial Code)
             As a result
             − No profit participation for 2018 is attributable to all silent participations at NORD/LB AöR
             − neither the coupon of the capital notes issued by the Fürstenberg Capital companies nor the AT1 capital instrument issued by the
                 former Bremer Landesbank will be paid for 2018
             − all liable capital shares of the bank participated in the balance sheet loss in the same proportion. For this reason, the book values
                 of the silent participations were written down by around 43 per cent as at 31 December 2018. A corresponding deduction was
                 made for the capital notes issued by the Fürstenberg Capital companies
             − The balance sheet loss as at 31 December 2018 was neutralised by a partial release of the capital reserves in accordance with the
                 resolution of the Owners' Meeting of 30 April 2019; there will therefore be no loss carried forward from 2018 to the 2019 annual
1)   Second last and last position as at 1 May 2019

                        Industry outlook ships: Deliveries on schedule, but increased demolitions.

                                                     Delivery schedule                                                                                                      Demolitions1

                       1.400                                                                                                                  500
                                                                                                                                              450                 432
                       1.200                                                                                                                                                     409

                                                                                                                                der Schiffe
                                                                                                                                              350     316
     No. of vessels

                         800                                                                                                                  300

                                                                                                                           of vessels
                                                                                                                                              250                                             219

                         600                                                                                                                                                 194

                                                                                                                                              200   171
                         400                                                                                                                  150

                                                                                                                                                          93    95                                 100
                                                                                                                                              100                                                          67 57
                         200                                                                                                                                           50           40
                                                                                                                                               50                                                                    15 23 24
                           0                                                                                                                   0
                                   2016          2017         2018         2019         2020          2021                                           2014        2015            2016        2017           2018     2019 YTD

                       Container     Bulker     Tanker     Container abgl.     Bulker abgl.    Tanker abgl.                                                          Container     Bulker         Tanker

                                       Deliveries by bulkers and tankers ordered in
                                                                                                                                                               Increased demolitions due to changed
                                       2017 and 2018. Replacement effects from IMO
                                                                                                                                                               regulatory conditions
                                       20202 are expected from 2020 onwards

1)                    As at May 2019
2)                    IMO - International Maritime Organization . "IMO 2020": generally the binding guideline which prescribes the reduction of the sulphur content in ship fuel to 0.5%. It will apply from 1
                      January 2020.

                                          Industry outlook ships: traditional dip in demand in the first quarter of 2019 due to
                                          Chinese New Year.

                                                                    Idle Fleet                                                          Harpex
                                    450                                                     1.800.000                  700

                                    400                                                     1.600.000                  600

                                    350                                                     1.400.000
                of vessels

                                    300                                                     1.200.000

                                    250                                                     1.000.000                  200

Anzahl Schiffe

                                    200                                                     800.000
                                    150                                                     600.000
                                                                                                                                       Baltic Dry
                                    100                                                     400.000
                                    50                                                      200.000                2.500

                                     0                                                      0                      2.000



                                               500-999 TEU          1000-1999 TEU        2000-2999 TEU              500
                                               3000-3999 TEU        5100-7499 TEU        7500+ TEU
                                               total TEU (RHS)                                                        0

                                                                                                                             Charter market with recovery in the
                                                     Number of ships reduced again to 2.1 per cent
                                                                                                                             container sector
                                                     of total fleet rsp. 461,475 TEU at the end of
                                                                                                                             Bulker sector still volatile, characterized by
                                                     first quarter 2019
                                                                                                                             seasonal effects volatile

       Beginning of the year influenced by Chinese New Year.

                    Feeder                         Intermediate                    Neo-/Postpanamax                             Bulker                   Multi-Purpose
           Containerships < 3K TEU            Containerships 3-5,9K TEU            Containerships >(6-14,9/                                          Heavy Lift & General Cargo
                                                                                          >15K TEU
              Current market level:               Current market level:               Current market level:               Current market level:          Current market level:

                    medium                               medium                             medium                              medium                            weak

                    Expected                            Expected                            Expected                            Expected                       Expected
              market development:                 market development:                 market development:                 market development:            market development:
           up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to12 mths / 12-36 mths      up to12 mths / 12-36 mths

           unchanged / slight increase          unchanged / slight increase        unchanged / slight increase         unchanged / slight increase     unchanged / slight increase

                  Crude oil                            Product                             Other                           Cruise ships                      Off shore
                   tankers                             tankers                            tankers                          and ferries
              Current market level:              Current market level:                Current market level:              Current market level:           Current market level:

                       low                                low                                 weak                                high                             low
                    Expected                            Expected                            Expected                           Expected                        Expected
              market development:                 market development:                 market development:                market development:             market development:
           up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to12 mths / 12-36 mths           up to12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to12 mths / 12-36 mths       up to12 mths / 12-36 mths

             increase / slight increase           unchanged / increase             unchanged / slight increase          unchanged / unchanged        slight increase / slight increase

Source: NORD/LB sector research based on charter rates and market values (new constructions and second hand) as at March 2019

          Ship Customers: Portfolio will be continuously run down.

                     Run down of shipping loan portfolio
                                                                                                             Since 2011, the shipping loan portfolio has been
           1,850                                                                                             massively reduced by more than € 9 billion in total.
     30              1,768
                             1,698                                                                1.800      This corresponds to a reduction of 860 financed ships
                                                1,481                                             1.600      The Big Ben transaction also created the basis for a
                                                                                                             further €2.6 billion reduction, which was carried out at
                                                                                                  1.400      the beginning of the second quarter of 2019
            19.5                                19.01
                      18.0       17.7
                                                                                                  1.200      The reduction of the remaining portfolio (€7.5bn) will
                                        16.6                                           990                   be consistently continued in fiscal 2019
                                                                   12.1                           800
                                                                             10.3     10.1
     10                                                                                           600
                                                                                       2.6      Big Ben
                                                                                      7.5         200

     0                                                                                            0
            2011     2012        2013   2014    2015      2016     2017      2018   31 Mar 19
             Exposure (in €bn)                                       Number of ships financed

1)    The increased exposure values in 2015 and 2016 were attributable to exchange rate effects. The portfolio reduction was continued, as the ongoing decline in the number of financed
      ships shows

       Transformation and reduction of ship financings in 1Q 2019.

                                                  NORD/LB Group – exposure reduction in the first quarter1
       in €bn


                                                                 10.3                        -0.2                               10.1
                                                                              2.6                                                             2.7
                                                                  7.7                                                           7.4
                            EaD                                   EaD                     Reductions2                          EaD
                       shipping loans                        shipping loans                                               shipping loans
                         Dec 2015                              Dec 2018                                                     Mar 2019

                                                                                                           Already negotiated reductions of loans
                                                                                                           Incl. €2.6bn Big Ben

             Reduction by €353m in the first quarter 2018
             Portfolio reduction is mainly driven by extraordinary repayments, sales and placements
             Transaction Big Ben is going to reduce the portfolio by €2.6bn at the beginning of April
             As at 31 March 2019 the NPL portfolio at €7.3bn. We plan to reduce the NPL portfolio to below €3bn by the end of 2019 and to
             almost zero by the end of 2021
1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   USD development (approx. €192m)

       Shipping portfolio.

                 Total shipping portfolio (performing and non-
                             performing) by rating1                                                                         NPL exposure1
                                                                                               as at 31 Mar 2019                                                         €7.3bn

                                                                                                                         Crude oil    Corporates;
              €19.0bn                                                                                                   tankers; 0%       5%
                              €16.9bn                                                                    tankers; 10%
                                                                                                    LPG tankers;                                             ships; 31%
                                €9.4bn            €12.1bn
                                                                 €10.3bn        €10.1bn            tankers; 4%
                €4.5bn                              €8.2bn
                                                                                                  MPP General
                                €3.8bn                            €7.5bn         €7.3bn           Cargo; 10%
                                                                  €0.7bn         €0.7bn
                                €3.6bn                                                                  MPP Heavy
                                                    €2.2bn        €2.2bn         €2.2bn
                                                                                                         Lift; 13%
                                                                                                                      Cruise                             Bulk carrier;
             31 Dec 15        31 Dec 16           31 Dec 17      31 Dec 18    31 Mar 19                            ships/ferries;                            19%
                                                                                                                        1%                   Other; 2%
                                                                                                                                 Offshore; 3%
                    Rating class 1-10       Rating class 11-15      Rating class 16-18

1)   Total differences are rounding differences

           Ship Customers. Core risk coverage remain high1.

                                   NPL-Portfolio                                                            Loan loss provisions for shipping (balance sheet)
     €bn                                                                                                 in €m
                                                                                                                                                4,857        4,811
     30                                                 123%                       140%                                 151
     25                                                                            120%                                            3,307
                                                                                   100%                                             131
     20                      84%           88%                                                               2,714
                                                                                   80%                           345
     15                                                                                                                4,320
     10                      9.4           8.2                                                                                      3,176
                7.0                                      7.5           7.3         40%                       2,369
                                                                       2.6       Big Ben
      5                                                                            20%
      0                                                                            0%                                                                   3   4.7         3
               2015         2016          2017          2018       31 Mar 19                                 2015      2016         2017         2018       31 Mar 19
                        NPL-Exposure                Core risk coverage 2                                                  Portfolio loan loss provisions

           66 per cent of the total NPL exposure (€7.3bn) is covered by loan loss provisions (€4.8bn); even after the disposal of the Big Ben portfolio,
           the coverage ratio remains at 66 per cent
           The market values may fall by around 37 per cent and there would still be a core risk coverage of 100 per cent
           Core risk coverage after the disposal of the Big Ben portfolio: 120 per cent

1)    Total differences are rounding differences
2)    Core Risk Coverage: (market values of ships (€4.2bn) + loan loss provisions (€4.8bn)) / NPL-EaD (€7.3bn)
3)    Loan loss provisions and fair-value discount for defaulted loans only (IFRS 9)

  NORD/LB exposure by sector and region.

                  NORD/LB assets by segments                                                   NORD/LB exposure by region
as at 31 Dec 2018                                              €154.0bn        as at 31 Dec 2018                                               €177.6bn

                                          Private and                                               Middle and   Middle East/
                                          Commercial                                                  South       Africa 0%        Asia/
                                          Customers                                         North America 1%                    Australia 3%
                                              4%                                          America 5%
             Others                                     Customers                   Other Europe
              27%                                          15%                          9%

                                                             Markets               countries
                                                              12%                  (without
    Real Estate                                                                      15%
   Banking Cus-
    tomers 9%

        Aircraft Cus-                                Savings Banks                                                                      Germany
         tomers 3%                                   and Regional                                                                         67%
                      Ship Cus-       Energy and      Customers
                       tomers/      Infrastructure        13%
                      Maritime        Customers
                    Industries 7%        10%


       Break down of securitised liabilities.

        in €m1                                              31 Mar 2019   31 Dec 20182   31 Dec 20172

         Securitised liabilities (at amortised cost)        28,666         30,328         36,058

               Pfandbriefs (covered bonds)                  11,263         10,573         11,429

               Municipal bonds                               4,819          6,947          8,434

               Other securitised liabilities                 9,253          9,558         13,819

               Sub-ordinated securitised liabilities         2,708          2,664          2,376

        Securitised liabilities (at fair value )             3,393          3,476          2,883

        Securitised liabilities                             32,058         33,766         38,941

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

NORD/LB Group’s Pfandbriefe (covered bonds) at a glance (1/2).

                Public Sector Pfandbriefe                                                           Mortgage Pfandbriefe
as at 31 Mar 2019                              Total cover pool: €20.6bn        as at 31 Mar 2019                              Total cover pool: €15.4bn




                                            3,636          3,754                         3,615

            NORD/LB                              Dt. Hypo                                   NORD/LB                              Dt. Hypo

                    Total outstanding   Total cover pool                                            Total outstanding   Total cover pool


NORD/LB Group’s Pfandbriefe (covered bonds) at a glance (2/2).

           Other Pfandbriefe/Covered Bonds
as at 31 Mar 2019                                  Total cover pool: €6.4bn        The cover pools of NORD/LB and BLB were merged in the
                                                                                   course of the merger on 1 September 2017 and were
                                                                                   published jointly in the transparency guidelines for the first
                                                                                   time on 30 Sep 2017


      43     115                 5

      NORD/LB                  NORD/LB                NORD/LB CBB
   Ship Pfandbriefe       Aircraft Pfandbriefe       Lettres de Gage
                    Total outstanding   Total cover pool


       NORD/LB’s Pfandbriefe (covered bonds): first class and secure collateral (1/2).

                  Mortgage Pfandbrief (by building type)                                                           Public-Sector Pfandbrief (by debtor)2, 3
       as at 31 Mar 2019                     Office                              €5.8bn1                as at 31 Mar 2019                                                    €16.8bn1
                                            buildings Commercial                                                             Loans acc. to § 20,
                                               8%      Buildings                                                              para 2 no 2 4%              Countries
            Loans acc. to
                                                          6% Industrial                                                                                      8%
             §19 para. 1
                14%                                              buildings
                                                                 Other                                               Other                                          Regional
                                                               commerial                                             25%                                           authorities
                                                                buildings                                                                                             22%
           Apartment                                          Condomi-
            buidings                                           niums
              40%                                                4%
                                                   One and two
                                                     houses                                                                 Local authorities
                                                      15%                                                                         41%

          Outstandings                                                      €3,614.8m                     Outstandings                                                   €12,916.3m
          Cover pool total                                                  €5,795.2m                     Cover pool total                                               €16,836.1m
          Over-collateralisation                                  €2,180.4m / 60.3 %                      Over-collateralisation                                 €3,919.8m / 30.3 %
          Weighted average life of outstanding                                                            Weighted average life of outstanding
                                                                              4.4 years                                                                                     6.5 years
          Pfandbriefe4                                                                                    Pfandbriefe4
                                                                                                          Weighted average life of the cover
          Weighted average life of the cover pool4                            5.1 years                                                                                     6.7 years

1)   Nominal value, NORD/LB AöR (NORD/LB single entity)   2) Debtor incl. overcollateralization   3) 93 per cent Germany    4) Moody‘s Performance Overview as at 31 December 2018


       NORD/LB’s Pfandbriefe (covered bonds): first class and secure collateral (2/2).

                             Ship Pfandbrief (by type)                                                               Aircraft Pfandbrief (by type)
                                   Loans acc. to                                                                         Loans acc. to
       as at 31 Mar 2019                                                     €115.3m1            as at 31 Mar 2019                                           €613m1
                                    §26 para. 1                                                                           §26 para. 1
                       Others                                                                                    Widebody no 3 1%
                         7%          no 4 3%          Bulker
                                                       20%                                                           8%
                                                                                                             Ultralarge                          Freighter
                                                                                                                 7%                                30%

                                                                   6%                                  Turboprop

                 Tankers                                       10%
                   54%                                                                                              Regional Jet

          Outstandings                                                         €43.1m            Outstandings                                                €5.0m
          Cover pool total                                                    €115.3m            Cover pool total                                         €613.1m
          Over-collateralisation                                     €72.2m / 167.5 %            Over-collateralisation                       €608.1m / 12,162.0 %
                                                                                                 Weighted average life of outstanding
                                                                                                                                                          0.4 years
                                                                                                 Weighted average life of the cover pool²                 5.2 years

1)   Nominal value, NORD/LB AöR (NORD/LB single entity)                 2) Moody‘s Performance Overview as at 30 September 2018

       NORD/LB Group - Pfandbriefe at a glance.

                                                                                                                    Over-        Change of
          Nominal values as at                                        Cover pool                Over-
                                                       Outstandings                                     collateralisation   outstandings in
          31 Mar 2019 (in €m)                                               total   collateralisation
                                                                                                                     in %            20191
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                         12,916.3     16,836.1             3,919.8                30.3           -3,549.9
          Public-Sector Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                          3,614.8      5,795.2             2,180.4                60.3             -469.2
          Mortgage Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                             43.1        115.3                72.2               167.5              -33.0
          Ship Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                              5.0        613.1               608.1           12,162.0              -500.0
          Aircraft Pfandbrief
          Deutsche Hypo
                                                          3,636.1      3,754.4               118.3                 3.3             -407.7
          Public-Sector Pfandbrief
          Deutsche Hypo
                                                          8,727.7      9,628.7               901.0                10.3             470.5
          Mortgage Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB Luxembourg
                                                          4,489.4      5,638.7             1,149.2                25.6             150.5
          Lettres de Gage Publique

          Total                                          33,432.4     42,381.5             8,949.0                               -4,338.8

1)   Outstandings 31 March 2019 versus 31 March 2018

Institutional protection and deposit guarantee schemes of NORD/LB.

      Legal responsibility

                                        Basic protective measures to avoid bankruptcy
   Capital requirements                 The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR ) is a EU regulation in banking containing
                                        requirements for capital adequacy under Basel III

                                        Institutional Protection Scheme of the Savings Banks Finance Group was founded
                                        in the 1970s
   Institutional Protection Scheme      Since July 2015 the Institutional Protection Scheme is recognised as a deposit
   of the Savings Banks Finance Group   guarantee scheme under Germany’s Deposit Guarantee Act (EinSiG)
                                        13 guarantee funds: of the Landesbanken (1), of the regional savings banks (11) and of
                                        the building associations (1)

                                        Bail-in of shareholders and creditors
   German Act on the Recovery and       − Equity: Tier 1, AT 1, Tier 2, subordinated capital
   Resolution of Credit Institutions    − Liabilities: Senior unsecured and other (structured) liabilities
                                        Excluded: i.a. deposits (under Deposit Guarantee Act: up to 100,000€/person), covered
                                        bonds as well as money market instruments

                                        The Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) is augmented by the Single Resolution Fund
                                        (SRF), which can provide the financial resources needed for resolution.
   European Scheme                      European deposit guarantee scheme: The German banking industry defeats the
                                        proposed regulations of the EU commission. There is a compromise proposal from the
                                        EU parliament. But it is still quite uncertain, whether this proposal will come into effect


Important links.

           Declaration of Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale on the German Corporate Governance Codex:


           NORD/LB protection scheme


           Sustainability (report, ratings)


           NORD/LB supervisory board


           NORD/LB Annual, Interim Reports and Disclosure Reports



NORD/LB                                Gabriele Bödeker (Head of Investor Relations)
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Investor Relations                     Tel.: ++49 511 361-4338
Georgsplatz 1
30159 Hanover, Germany                 Thomas Breit
                                                        Tel.: ++49 511 361-5382
                                       Marcel Mock, CIIA, CEFA
                                       Tel.: ++49 511 361-8914

                                       Svenja Pohlmann
                                       Tel.: ++49 511 361-4683

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   Ihr Foto


This presentation and the information contained herein, as well as any                   The foregoing factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Due to such
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         –    the impact of political and economic developments in Germany               information herein supersedes any prior versions hereof and will be deemed to
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         –    the impact of fluctuations in currency exchange and interest               NORD/LB is not obliged to update or periodically review the material. All
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         –    the Group’s ability to achieve the expected return on the                  other publication of such changes to be given. The material is intended for the
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              and in foreign countries.                                                  in the material should not be relied on by any person.


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