North American Grain and Oilseed Crushings - 2020 Summary March 2021

Page created by Glen Yates
United States
Department of
                  North American Grain
                  and Oilseed Crushings
                  2020 Summary

                  March 2021
ISSN: 2642-4940
Combined United States and Canadian Soybeans Crushed Up 5 Percent From 2019

This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service to
release the soybean and canola seed crushings information for both countries within one publication. United States
soybean and oilseed crushings numbers for 2020 were previously released on March 1, 2021. Canadian soybean and
oilseed crushings were released on January 26, 2021.

Combined United States and Canadian soybeans crushed for crude oil was 68.2 million tons in 2020, an increase of
5 percent from 2019. Crude oil production was 26.1 billion pounds, up 5 percent from 2019.

Combined United States and Canadian canola seeds crushed for crude oil was 13.6 million tons in 2020, up 10 percent
from 2019. Crude oil production was 11.8 billion pounds, up 10 percent from 2019.

North American Grain and Oilseed Crushings 2020 Summary (March 2021)                                                         3
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Grain and Oilseed Crushings and Production - United States: 2019-2020
                                                             Item                                                                   2019                        2020
  Soybeans crushed ...................................................................................................... tons          62,574,532                  66,223,435
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds               24,127,266                  25,373,321
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons              45,752,647                  48,642,696
  Seeds crushed ............................................................................................................ tons          1,845,721                   2,279,156
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds                  1,547,748                   1,908,481
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons                 1,041,720                   1,281,600

Grain and Oilseed Crushings and Production - Canada: 2019-2020
                                                             Item                                                                   2019                        2020
  Soybeans crushed ...................................................................................................... tons             2,101,252                   1,937,059
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds                    794,233                     702,807
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons                 1,629,611                   1,504,057
  Seeds crushed ............................................................................................................ tons       10,591,713                  11,343,099
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds                9,229,928                   9,910,870
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons               5,931,079                   6,378,447

Grain and Oilseed Crushings and Production - United States and Canada: 2019-2020
                                                             Item                                                                   2019                        2020
  Soybeans crushed ...................................................................................................... tons          64,675,784                  67,160,494
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds               24,921,499                  26,076,128
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons              47,382,258                  50,146,753
  Seeds crushed ............................................................................................................ tons       12,437,434                  13,622,255
  Crude oil produced ........................................................................................1,000 pounds               10,777,676                  11,819,351
  Cake and meal produced ............................................................................................ tons               6,972,799                   7,660,047

4                                                                                                    North American Grain and Oilseed Crushings 2020 Summary (March 2021)
                                                                                                                                   USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact
for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to

Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch ....................................................................................................... (202) 720-2127

Chris Hawthorn, Head, Field Crops Section ......................................................................................... (202) 720-2127
  Irwin Anolik – Crop Weather .......................................................................................................... (202) 720-7621
  Joshua Bates – Oats, Soybeans ........................................................................................................ (202) 690-3234
  David Colwell – Current Agricultural Industrial Reports ................................................................ (202) 720-8800
  Becky Sommer – Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum .................................................................... (202) 720-5944
  James Johanson – Barley, County Estimates, Hay .......................................................................... (202) 690-8533
  Greg Lemmons – Corn, Flaxseed, Proso Millet ............................................................................... (202) 720-9526
  Jean Porter – Rye, Wheat ................................................................................................................. (202) 720-8068
  John Stephens – Peanuts, Rice ......................................................................................................... (202) 720-7688
  Travis Thorson – Sunflower, Other Oilseeds ................................................................................... (202) 720-7369

North American Grain and Oilseed Crushings 2020 Summary (March 2021)                                                                                          5
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service
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