Page created by Jacqueline Tate
             Clinical Day
             Saturday, June 5, 2021 • 8:30 am – 1:00 pm EST
             < Virtual >

             Section 1 & Section 3 Accredited
             Self-Assessment Program

                DU QUÉBEC
Clinical Day
Overall Program Objectives
• Compare methods of orbital imaging and their role in clinical practice

• Discuss the impact of recent developments in ocular and periocular
  malignancies as well as thyroid orbitopathy

• Assess tumours of the lid and orbit and develop an approach to
  diagnosis and management

• Build on current approaches of surgical management of
  common lid and orbital pathologies

• Assessment, imaging and surgical decision making for orbital trauma

• Contrast traditional and novel treatment approaches to functional
  and aesthetic lid abnormalities

                                  Organizing Committee
                     Hady Saheb, MD, MPH, Chair, McGill Ophthalmology Day
                                 Kelly Forgala, Event Manager

                                  Scientific Committee
                     Leonard A. Levin, MD, PhD, Chair, McGill Department of
                               Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
                                 Mahshad Darvish, MDCM, MBA
                                         John Galic, MD
                                       Bryan Arthurs, MD
                                   Christian El-Hadad, MDCM

                            2                                    McGill Ophthalmology Clinical Day 2021
8:30 AM – 8:40 AM    Welcome Remarks
                     Dr. Leonard Levin, Professor and Chair of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences,
                     Dr. Hady Saheb, Chair, McGill Clinical Day

8:40 AM – 9:10 AM    Dr. Stephen Fichman Lecture: Has the Age of Targeted TED Treatment Arrived
                     Dr. Michael Kazim | Moderator: Dr. John Galic
                     1. Understand the natural history of Thyroid Eye Disease
                     2. Learn the results of treatment trials for Thyroid Eye Disease
                     3. Understand the treatment options based on disease activity and severity

9:10 AM – 9:25 AM    SECTION 3— Lid Lesions: Malignant vs. Benign
                     Dr. Chantal Ares | Moderator: Dr. John Galic

9:25 AM – 9:40 AM    SECTION 3— Neo-Adjuvant Treatment for Ocular and Periocular Tumours
                     Dr. Christian El-Hadad | Moderator: Dr. John Galic

9:40 AM – 9:55 AM    SECTION 3— Penetrating Orbital Trauma
                     Dr. Bryan Arthurs | Moderator: Dr. John Galic

9:55 AM –10:15 AM    Discussion

10:15 AM –10:45 AM   Break

10:45 AM –10:50 AM   Dr. Susan Lindley Recognition

10:50 AM –11:05 AM   SECTION 3— Management of Pediatric Epiphora
                     Dr. Marcele Falcao | Moderator: Dr. Mahshad Darvish

11:05 AM –11:20 AM   SECTION 3— Endoscopic Visualization of the Nasacrimal System: Cradle to Grave
                     Dr. Conrad Kavalec | Moderator: Dr. Mahshad Darvish

11:20 AM –11:30 AM   Discussion

11:30 AM –11:50 AM   Break

11:50 AM –12:20 PM   Dr. Dario Lorenzetti Lecture: Periocular Rejuvenation: Topicals, Injections and Devices
                     Dr. Wendy Lee | Moderator: Dr. Hady Saheb
                      1. Evaluate patients for periocular rejuvenation and choose appropriate treatments.
                      2. Demonstrate proper treatment technique with injectables and devices.
                      3. Discuss different treatment options and identify potential risks.

12:20 PM –12:50 PM   SECTION 3— Case Presentations: What Would the Expert Do?
                     Dr. Daniel Peretz, Dr. Georges Nassrallah | Moderator: Dr. Christian El-Hadad
                     Panel Discussion
                     Dr. Michael Kazim, Dr. Wendy Lee

12:50 PM –1:00 PM    Conclusion

                                  3                                     McGill Ophthalmology Clinical Day 2021
Clinical Day
Accreditation Statement
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) and an Accredited Self-Assessment Program
(Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, and a Recognized Professional Development and Assessment Activity (Categories A and B)
as defined by the Collége des médecins du Québec. This activiy was approved by the direction de Dévelopment
professionnel continu (DDPC) of the Fédération des médecins specialists due Québec.

The DDPC recognizes 3.75 hours of participation for the entire activity. You may claim a maximum of 2 Section
1 / Recognized Professional Development Activity (Category A) hours and a maximum of 1.75 Section 3 /
Recognized Assessment Activity (Category B) hour.

Participants should claim a number of hours consistent with their attendance.

Le programme a été élaboré conjointement avec l’Association des médecins ophtalmologistes du Québec de
manière à respecter les principes d’intégrité, d’objectivité et d’équilibre scientifiques.

Ce congrès scientifique est réservé aux ophtalmologistes, aux résidents en ophtalmologie et aux étudiants en

DIVULGATION DE CONFLITS D’INTÉRÊTES POTENTIELS : Tout conflit d’intérêt sera divulgué par le comité
scientifique, les présentateurs.trices et les personnes ressources lors des présentations.

Cette activité est admissible aux allocations de ressourcement prévues à l’Annexe 44.

Énoncé de mission du Comité de DPC-AMOQ
Le Comité de développement professionnel continue (DPC) de l’Association des médecins ophtalmologistes du
Québec (AMOQ) s’est donné pour mandat d’assurer le maintien des connaissances professionnelles et d’améliorer
les compétences transverses des membres de l’Association dans le but d’offrir à la population du Québec les
meilleurs standards de qualité en ce qui a trait à la pratique de l’ophtalmologie.

                                       ASSOCIATION DES MÉDECINS OPHTALMOLOGISTES
                                                       DU QUÉBEC

                                     4                                             McGill Ophthalmology Clinical Day 2021
Clinical Day
This program benefits from a targeted grant unrestricted education of:

            Association des Médecins ophtalmologistes du Québec

                              Bausch & Lomb
                             Carl Zeiss Canada
                       Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
                              Santen Canada

                               Ivantis, Inc.
                              Labtician Théa

                                               Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
                                                         5252 de Maisonneuve West, Suite 400
                                                                       Montreal, QC H4A 3S5
                                                                  Telephone: (514) 843-1544
                                                                        Fax: (514) 843-1624

                        5                                 McGill Ophthalmology Clinical Day 2021
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