Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits

Page created by Julian Hawkins
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits

         T R A D E   C O O P E R A T I O N   P L A T F O R M


    growth       of commercial
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
h f r u i t
               Fre om
                   fr      d
                  Pol a  n

                      FILOCAL POLSKA Monika Gajewska
Bikówek 12, 05-600 Grójec, tel. +48 503 345 888,,
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits

                                          the essence of
                                          staying ahead
                                             Poland Fruits is the largest agri-food trade
                                          platform in the country which offers the opportunity
                                          to present products and services at the international
                                          level. We want to be close with our Readers and with
                                          matters that concern them, therefore we dedicate
a lot of space to practical information acquired directly on the market.
   We encourage you to read the article authored by Barbara Groele, Secretary General
of the The Polish Association of Juice Producers: ‘Advantages of Polish juices, nectars and
drinks’. We would like to draw your special attention to the article authored by Witold Boguta,
Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Fruit and Vegetables Producer Groups:
‘The production of fruit, vegetables and mushrooms - a very important branch of agricultural
production in Poland’. We follow current trends concerning trade with curiosity and attention,
both on domestic and global markets. We are also counting on direct meetings with you
during the largest fair events including MACFRUT in Rimini, Fruit Attraction in Madrid, WOP
in Dubai, Fresh Business Expo in Kiev, SIAL ME in Abu Dhabi, numerous conferences, business
congress and economy forums.
   We hope that rich and diversified range of matters we discuss will be an inspiration to you,
while at the same time also a motivation for further hard work, and reading the magazine
will not only be a time pleasantly spent, but also an incentive for seeking new markets, new
contacts and new opportunities.

                                                                       Please enjoy the reading.
                                                                              Anna Dąbrowska

                                                   POLANDFRUITS - TRADE COOPERATION PLATFORM          3
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
 6.   Stable growth of commercial

10.   When planning to plant
      a modern orchard,
      it is worth considering the offer
      of Polish nurseries

16.   MACFRUT 2019

20.   Applications are now being accepted
      to participate in Fruit Attraction 2019

24.   WOP DUBAI 2019 or International
      Perishables Expo Middle East
      is now on its 11th edition

28.   Face-to-face conversations
      are still the best way to do business                                                                          MACFRUT
      in the Middle East

30.   The production of fruit, vegetables
      and mushrooms - a very important
      branch of agricultural production
      in Poland

34.   Advantages of Polish juices,
      nectars and drinks

38.   The 10th jubilee edition of
      the TSW 2020 Fruit and Vegetables                                                                    Fruit Attraction
      Industry Fair in Poland

40.   World Food events of 2018

44.   Fruit and vegetable
      market in Poland

                                                                                                                   WOP DUBAJ

                   POLAND FRUITS                        Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treści materiałów reklamowych.
                          Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania i adjustacji zamówionych tekstów.
                   e-mail:   Publikacja jest chroniona przepisami prawa autorskiego.
                   Number of copies: 10 000             Reprodukcja lub przedruk wyłącznie za zgodą wydawcy.
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
                                  Expoalimentaria 2019!

     Market of
     for the world                                                         25th, 26th and 27th
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Organizer:       Co-organizers:                               Media Partners
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits

                                 Stable growth
                                 of commercial cooperation
                                 Interview with Enrique Carrasco San Martín, Commercial
                                 Director, Trade Commission of Chile in Poland, Embassy of Chile
                                 by Anna Dąbrowska

Enrique Carrasco San Martín
                                   How would you             1. Providing commercial intelligence, with 3 main
                                   evaluate the economic     objectives:
relations between Poland and Chile? How close are            • provide general knowledge of the market,
contacts between our countries?                              • present the trends and the actual situation on particular
Our mutual cooperation is characterized by healthy              sectors and local consumers
evolution, especially noteworthy milestones for              • Describe the opportunities for concrete products or
cooperation our two countries:                                  services.
• in the 90s, Chilean wines began to enter the Polish       2. ProChile offices prepare commercial events in
   market, winning the hearts of Polish consumers due        different formats:
   to their fantastic relationship of high quality and       • Rounds of meetings: coordinating B2B meetings
   moderate price; the same model was repeated with             between invited Chilean exporters and invited Polish
   the remaining 3 sectors that internationally highlight       importers. During 2019, we introduced B2B meetings
   Chilean exports: Fresh Fruit, Dehydrated Fruit and           via videoconferences, saving substantial time and
   Seafood.                                                     investments.
• In 2010 the ProChile office in Poland is opened, with     • Business, tailor made agendas: where visiting exporter
   headquarters in the Embassy of the Republic of Chile         travels around Poland visiting potential importers in
   in Warsaw. It has been the first commercial promotion        their offices.
   office, based in Poland, of a Latin American country      • Trade missions: we invite buyers to Chile and provide
   and to this day it remains the only state commercial         an agenda of meeting with Chilean counterparts.
   promotion office in this country.                         • We organize Chilean Pavilions and Stands at main
• In 2014, the KGHM conglomerate invests in Chile, in the      international fairs where under one roof different
   Sierra Gorda project, which to this day is the largest       exporters are representing and showing Chilean offer.
   foreign investment of Polish capital                      ProChile also promotes foreign direct investments in
                                                             Chile. Chile is safe and developed economy for foreign
How does ProChile facilitate contacts between Chilean        investments. Chile is also the perfect platform through
and Polish companies - does it help in entering the          which investors can enter different international
market? What kind of support can enterprises count on?       markets, in Latinamerica as well as in North America
ProChile, through its 57 offices around the world, support   and Asia. ProChile also promotes tourism in Chile.
                                                                                                                            Photo: archives Enrique Carrasco San Martín,

Chilean exporting companies by:                              Important to highlight that during 2019 CHILEB2B
                                                             MARKETPLACE is being launched. This new digital
                                                             platform aims to directly connect Chilean exporter of
                                                             goods and services with international buyers from the
                                                             whole world: This marketplace allows
                                                             importers around the world to connect with Chilean
                                                             exporters and start business in just a few clicks. These
                                                             are the main highlighs:
                                                             • CHILEB2B is reliable and selective, as only importers
                                                                and exporters verified by ProChile are able to access it.
                                                             • It is secure, because it does not involve payments nor
                                                                is it necessary to enter financial data.
                                                             • The navigation is intuitive and can be accessed from
                                                                multiple mobile devices.
                                                             • 24/7 support delivery.

Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
• It has a multilanguage chat, providing a secure
   and confidential communication interface with
   immediate translation.

In what areas, sectors of the economy, we can talk
about successes in cooperation between Poland
and Chile?
Today, the traditional sectors stand out in particular:
1. Wines. You can find Chilean wines throughout
Poland, event in petrol stations shops. Polish
consumers recognize Chilean wine for its good
quality and reasonable price. Chilean wines, present
in Poland, don’t represent only volume but also
Premium category.
2. Fresh Fruit. Chile is the biggest fresh fruit exporter
from the southern hemisphere.
Chile exports to Poland fresh grapes, kiwis,
blueberries, apples, plums, pears, avocados, lemons
and grapefruits.
3. Dehydrated Fruit. Chile is the main exporters of
prunes to Poland. Chilean raisins are well known
by Polish importers. Chilean producers exports to
Poland also nuts and almonds.
4. Seafood. Chilean expor ts to Poland are
concentrated basically in frozen products and 2
species: salmon and hoki.Chilean exporters are
selling also to Poland mussels (frozen and canned).
We work on expanding and diversifying the portfolio
of products and services with special attention
and promotion of new and innovative products and
services, without leaving aside the promotion of
products and sectors that today make up most of
Chile’s exports to Poland.

What perspectives of the development of trade
exchange between our countries do you see?
We foresee a stable growth of commercial
cooperation. Solid evolution of the commercial
exchange. Perspective of Chilean exports:
• The 5 main export sectors will continue to develop
   (Wines, Fresh Fruit, Dehydrated Fruit, Seafood,
• We see interesting potential and opportunities in
   the service sector: Videogames, Animation, Film
   and Publicities Location Industry, ICT’s and Tourism
• Diversification to products with greater added
   value: Natural cosmetics and ingredients Natural
   cosmetics, superfoods and Pisco.
We are passionate about our work and optimistic
about the prospects of the growing trade between
Chile and Poland.
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits
Growth - Polandfruits - of commercial cooperation - poland fruits

                                            When planning
                                            to plant a modern
                                            orchard, it is worth
                                            considering the offer of
                                            Polish nurseries
                                            There is no need to explain to anyone how strong the
                                            position of Polish pomiculture is in the world. It is several
                                            hundred thousand hectares of modern orchards, it is
                                            a well-developed technical base. From modern machines
                                            working in the field, through huge storage capabilities,
                                            to very well-developed processing.

          t also boasts a huge number of specialists         dynamic development in this field occurred after the
          - people who, working on their farms, can          transformation of the late twentieth century. The
          cooperate with nature to obtain healthy,           changes that took place in the entire economy coincided
high quality crops. There would be no strong Polish          with the revolution in Polish fruit-growing. After the
pomiculture if it were not for healthy, high-quality         disastrously cold winter of 1986/87, many orchards
planting material. Poland has a long standing tradition      were completely destroyed, and many suffered so much
in terms of nurseries. As early as the 19th century, there   that in the following years they had to be removed. The
were companies operating in Poland that supplied not         brightest minds of this period have said that if we are to
only domestic consumers, but also European gardeners         restore pomiculture in Poland, we must do it on a solid
and throughout the Russian Empire. Particularly              foundation. From the Netherlands and the United States,
                                                             virus-free rootstocks have been brought in for use in
                                                             setting up nurseries. Shortly thereafter, a center was
                                                             set up from the Institute of Pomology in Skierniewice,
                                                             whose task was to produce a virus-free base material
                                                             for setting up nurseries and orchards. At the time of
                                                             establishing the Elite Nursery Material Center, it was
                                                             unique on a global scale and to this day remains one
                                                             of the few places where nurseries can get healthy
                                                             starting material. Scientific research has repeatedly
                                                             shown that only healthy, virus-free nursery material
                                                             is a prerequisite for later success in the orchard. This
                                                             applies to all orchard species: strawberries, plums, pear
                                                             trees and apple trees. In the latter case, the presence of
                                                             viruses in the wood is virtually unnoticeable, but results
                                                                                                                          Photos: archives M. Lipecki

                                                             in lower yields and general weakening of trees, which
                                                             become more sensitive to other diseases (bacterial or
                                                             fungal) or low temperatures. In Poland, all stool-beds
                                                             come from virus-free material and virtually all fruit
                                                             tree production is free from viruses. The healthiness
                                                             of the starting material is so important because the
                                                             apple tree that leaves the nursery as virus-free will

саженцы из голландского питомника
                                                          practically remain that way throughout its life in the
                          ЯБЛОНИ                          orchard. Many researches in the field of pomiculture has
                          полное                          shown that viral diseases of apple trees are transmitted
                          разнообразие сортов             almost exclusively with planting material, and never in
                                                          the orchard.
                                                              Changes in the early nineties resulted in not only
                          ГРУШИ                           the dissemination of virus-free material, but also the
                          QC, QAD, Q-Eline                large-scale introduction of the M.9 dwarf rootstock
                          Abate Fetel                     and new varieties. Densely planted, intense orchards
                          B.A. Lucas                      modeled on the Dutch quickly resulted in average yields
                          Cepuna                          per hectare increasing to 30 - 40 tons. Currently, the
                          Concorde                        best growers obtain 60 - 70 tons per hectare each year.
                          Doyenne du Comice               A modern orchard on a dwarf rootstock, good quality
                          Oksana Xenia                    planting material and, of course, the hand of a good
                          Sweet Sensation                 orchardist guarantee profitable crops even a year after
                                                          planting. Polish nurseries, in order to meet demands,
                                                          also departed from the once popular semi-dwarf and
                          СЛИВЫ                           strongly growing rootstock in favor of the M.9 dwarf
                          большое                         rootstock. It has become dominant, although for some
                          разнообразие сортов             weak-growing or spur type varieties it is still advisable
                                                          to use rootstocks with stronger growth.
                                                              In place of once popular varieties such as ’Lobo’,
                          ЧЕРЕШНИ                         ’Cortland’ or ’Idared’, despite the initial fears, new to
                          Gi.3, Gi.5, Gi.6, Gi.12         our country, but widely known in the world varieties
                                                          like: ‚Jonagold’, ‚Golden’, ‚Szampion’, and a little later
                          Bellise bedel
                                                          ‚Gala’ or ‚Red Delicious’ were introduced. Currently,
                                                          the selection of varieties in our nurseries is very wide
                          Fertard cov
                                                          - with the exception of club varieties and those which
                          Folfer cov
                                                          require a much longer vegetation season. ‚Gala’ sports,
                                                          especially those with a dark skin color, are the most
                                                          popular. The unwavering position is occupied by ‚Golden
                                                          Delicious’, the number one variant in world trade. It is
                          Lapins                          eagerly planted by our growers, as it also guarantees
                          Merchant                        high, good quality crops in Polish conditions. Varieties
                          Penny                           like ‚Jonagold’, and recently its red sport ‚Red Jonaprince’
                          Poisdel                         - with its very attractive dark red blush - have become a
                          Regina                          hit in Poland. In our nurseries we also grow many forms
                          Schneiders Sp. Knorpelkirsche   of ‚Red Delicious’ or the well-known, extremely tasty
                          Skeena                          ‚Szampion’. ‚Idared’ still holds an important position,
                          Summit                          particularly all of its red mutations. This variety is not
                          Sumste Samba                    only easy to grow, guarantees high crops, but also has
                          Sumtare Sweetheart              very attractive fruits which are very durable in transport.
                          Sylvia                          Among varieties more adapted to
                          Tamara                          harsher climates we offer, among
                          Techlovan                       others, ‚Ligol’, ‚Gloster’ or ‚Alwa’.
                          Van                                 When planning to plant a
                          Vanda                           modern orchard, I think that it is
                                                          worth considering the offer of
                                                          Polish nurseries.

   ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬ ФИРМЫ В ПОЛЬШЕ:                              Maciej Lipecki, President of the
                                                              Association of Polish Nurseries
       FILOCAL POLSKA Моника Гаевска
  Bikówek 12, 05-600 Grójec, тел. +48 503 345 888,
2 nd Annual Forum and Exhibition

                                                         ORCHARDS OF RUSSIA

                                                         22-23 May 2019, Moscow

  PROGRAMME                                              SPEAKERS and
  HIGHLIGHTS:                                            VIP - GUESTS:
  federal and regional government, regulators,
  investors, project initiators will discuss the
  national support policy, project financial
  terms, legislative landscape for starting
  nurseries, for planting stock coming from              Olga                            Oleg
  abroad, and many other crucial issues for the          Lesnykh                         Ryanov
  prosperous development of commercial fruit
  and grape growing industry within 2020-                Acting Chairman, Federal        CEO,
                                                         Institution «Gossortkomissia»   Yuzhniye Zemli

  of commercial fruit and grape growing to
  be executed within 2020-2025 from all over
                                                         Yulia                           Yuri
  SPECIALIZED AND TECHNOLOGY-                            Portnova                        Belov
  FOCUSED DISCUSSIONS: fruit                             General Director,               General Director,
  growing, viticulture, berry production. Learn          Frukti Starogo Krima            AFG National
  from your peers what experience to adopt
  and what mistakes to avoid!

  RUSSIA Specialised workshops on apple
  orchard establishment and treatment.
  Modern work strategies and novel
  developments. Cultivation technologies and             Sergey                          Aydyn
  nutrition systems to improve fertility of apple        Lebedev                         Shirinov
  orchard: modern innovative means, methods,
  techniques, technologies, and machinery                General Director,
  and equipment useful for your business                 Alma Valley                     Chairman of the Board
                                                                                         of Directors, Orchards of
  upswing!                                                                               Stavropol

                                                    Gold                     Silver              Sponsor of
                                                    Sponsor:                 Sponsor:            Session:

          Olga Zhogal
              Project Producer
                                                    Bronze Sponsors:
     +44 207 394 3090 (London)
Redy Red® Gala
Fuji Kiku® Brak (s)
Fuji Kiku® Fubrax (s)
Gala Schniga®
Red Gala 95
Gala Galaxy®
Gala Venus Fengal A (s)
Gala Royal Beaut Proselect
Gala De Carli Fendeca (s)
Red Delicious Sandidge (s)
Red Cap® Valtod (s)
Red Chief® Camspur
Early Red® One Erovan
Hapke Delicious LB®
Golden Delicious Klon B
Golden Delicious Reinders®
 Golden Delicious Smoothee®
 Braeburn Rosabel®
 Morgenduft Dallago
 Kanada Renette blanc
 Staymanred LB® 78/1
  Саженцы на подвоях M9, M26,
  однолетние и двулетние.
о в ы е са же н ц ы
материал наивысшего качества
   из итальянских питомников
                           ФИРМЫ В ПОЛЬШЕ:
                              FILOCAL POLSKA
                              Моника Гаевска
                      Bikówek 12, 05-600 Grójec
                            тел. +48 503 345 888

  Table Grape Meeting and
   Greenhouse Technology
    Village, the novelties of
               Macfrut 2019

             ith the approach of Macfrut 2019 edition,         Table Grape Meeting
             scheduled in Rimini from 8 to 10 May, the             The “Table Grape Meeting” will take place on the
             collateral program of conferences and             occasion of the 36th edition of Macfrut, on Friday 10
initiatives is also taking shape. The agenda of the three-     May 2019 at the Rimini Expo Centre, and the focus of
days event will offer two insights of international calibre:   the discussion will be on varietal innovation, starting
after the success of last year, Tropical Fruit Congress 2nd    with Italy’s development programmes, including the
edition will take place and great news will be Table Grape     new international varieties that are currently produced
Meeting, a congress on table grapes. The exhibition area       in Italy, before moving on to outlining the new varieties
has also been expanded: between the pavilions at the           that are set to reshape the market.
East Entrance, the Green House Technology Village will             The event will be divided into two sessions: during
be set up, a space dedicated to greenhouse horticulture.       the first session, some of Italy’s leading players in the
                                                                                table grape sector will discuss varietal
                                                                                innovation, sharing their hands-on
                                                                                experience and points of view on future
                                                                                developments; the second session,
                                                                                instead, will feature a round table
                                                                                discussion with the participation of
                                                                                European and international speakers
                                                                                from leading countries in the production
                                                                                and import of table grapes. To support
                                                                                the debate, video interviews with major
                                                                                Italian producers in the industry will be
                                                                                screened, providing opportunities for
                                                                                discussion and dialogue.

                                                                              Greenhouse Technology Village
                                                                                 By 2050, the world’s population
                                                                              will reach 10 billion and, as a result,
                                                                              the fruit and vegetable demand will
                                                                              amount to 3.5 billion tonnes, which is
                                                                                                                            Photos: Macfrut

                                                                              900 million tonnes more than today. The
                                                                              population is expected to concentrate
                                                                              more and more in large metropolitan
                                                                              areas, whereas crops will need to have

cultivation systems capable of generating higher yields
through intensive crop cultivation. This premise is the
starting point for the double initiative dedicated to the
horticultural revolution of Cesena Fiera, which during the
36th edition of Macfrut will address this topic thanks to
the Greenhouse Technology Village and an international
conference entitled “The future of greenhouse farming
and greenhouse farming in the future”.
    The Greenhouse Technology Village will be an area
dedicated to greenhouse horticulture innovation that
will host manufacturers of technologies, materials and
technical equipment, seed companies and nurserymen.
In this specialised setting, located at the East entrance,
some of the innovations that are set to become daily
working tools for producers will be presented.
    On this occasion, Macfrut also announces a proposal:
to convert disused industrial sites into centres of
excellence in horticulture innovation. This sector has
undergone a major revolution and currently allows top-
quality produce to be grown in small areas, without
climatic influence and with considerable energy
savings. In protected horticulture, both hardware and
software technology play a crucial role in production
and management processes. Greenhouses where
temperature, humidity, light and nutrient intake can
be controlled and managed through fertigation are
steadily gaining importance. The advantages of using
natural resources more efficiently are becoming
increasingly evident: greenhouse crops allow water
and chemical fertiliser consumption to be optimised
and environmental impact to be reduced to a minimum,
since, in a protected environment, fewer plant protection
products are required to grow crops.

                                         Applications are now being
                                         accepted to participate
                                         in Fruit Attraction 2019
                                         The 11th edition is expecting the participation of 1,800
                                         companies and 90,000 professionals

          ruit Attraction 2019 has already opened the       27 March is the First priority deadline for submitting the
          applications process to participate in its 11th   online Participation Application form.
          edition , which will be held from 22 to 24            Organised by IFEMA and FEPEX halls 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
October. The event will bring together 1,800 companies      and 10 of Feria de Madrid will host this event with the
and 90,000 professionals, making Fruit Attraction the       slogan Where Fresh Produce & Innovation meet. Once
most effective international hub at a watershed moment      again they will offer international markets the most
for the supply and professional demand of fresh produce.    comprehensive and effective marketing tool out there
    The page offers all the             for the fruit and vegetable sector. Southern Europe is
information pertinent to participating as an exhibitor      establishing itself as the new and expanding fruit and
and taking advantage of all the benefits that this great    vegetable hub with increasing global importance, and
omnichannel platform makes available to professionals.      it is the gateway to Europe for Latin America, which
                                                                      strategically positions Fruit Attraction as the
                                                                      major international platform and hub for fresh
                                                                      produce operators.
                                                                         Marketing, innovation, diversity and kno-
                                                                      wledge will be this edition’s central themes.
                                                                      The event has become established as a fun-
                                                                      damental internationalisation tool for the

                                                                             Fruit Attraction 2019,
                                                                        organised by IFEMA and FEPEX,
                                                                             will be held in Madrid
                                                                            from Tuesday the 22nd
                                                                       to Thursday the 24th of October,
                                                                          from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Photos: Fruit Attraction


                                    The right time · The right place
                           1,800 exhibitors · 90,000 trade participants ·130 countries                                                                      ORGANISED BY:

IFEMA, Feria de Madrid
(+34) 91 722 30 00

                                                                           Alongside this initiative, Fruit Attraction will
                                                                           once again make a significant investment in
                                                                           the International Guest Programme, which
                                                                           will attract 1,000 retail procurement heads,
                                                                           importers and wholesalers from around the
                                                                           world to Madrid.
                                                                              This edition will once again feature a
                                                                           full programme of technical conferences
                                                                           and activities, making the Fair the centre of
                                                                           knowledge for the industry, with sessions
industry, a meeting place for all the professionals ma-                    characterised by a wide variety of content
king up the entire supply chain, and a framework for in-      and the relevance and expertise of participants and
novation in the fruit and vegetable market.                   speakers.
    Once again, the Fresh Produce segment will have the           Fruit Attraction will also promote areas such as Or-
lion’s share of the representation, with 70% of the of-       ganic Hub, dedicated to companies selling organic fruit
fering at Fruit Attraction, while the Ancillary Industry      and vegetable products, the Smart Agro space, focused
also boasts a considerable footprint, with 30%. Hall 6        on the application of new technologies and connecti-
will also be welcoming companies from the flower and          vity to increase the productivity of fruit and vegetab-
plant sector with Flower&Garden Attraction.                   le farms, and the Nuts Hub area, dedicated to nuts. The
    As part of its plan to bolster the fruit and vegetab-     Innovation Hub and Foro Innova will once again be cen-
le trade between European Union countries and non-            tred on innovation and new business developments in
-EU markets, Fruit Attraction 2019 will feature India and     the industry. In this area, the fair will host the Accele-
Singapore as Guest Importing Countries. In addition to        ra Awards for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which
handling the invitation of both countries’ authorities to     have become a vital event for supporting entrepreneu-
the event, a significant part of the budget will be alloca-   rship in the sector.
ted to attract these markets’ main players to Madrid,             Following last year’s superb reception, Flower&Garden
with more than 100 commercial operators, procurement          Attraction will be located in hall 6, for the professional
managers, operators, importers and retailers from In-         flower and live plants sector. Plus, this year it will also
dia and Singapore. These countries will also be the pro-      be hosting the new ecorganic market space.
tagonists of the World Fresh Forum, the business ne-              And of course, the industry’s main fair will have a
tworking space co-organised with ICEX that will explo-        space for the Fruit Fusion section, which is representing
re the commercial relations between these countries           again the gastronomic space within Fruit Attraction with
and enable the presentation of business opportunities.        appealing demonstrations and showcookings.


 or International
Perishables Expo
Middle East is now
on its 11th edition
                                                       campaigns are targeting industry professionals from
Planetfair and Messe Essen are proud                   across the region, which offers you opportunities to
to announce the eleventh International                 grow your existing business and generate new business
                                                       for your organization. Meet with competitive exporters,
Perishables Expo Middle East taking
                                                       imports and retailers at WOP DUBAI which provides you
place 12th to 14th November, 2019 at the               the greatest platform for your products and services.
Dubai World Trade Centre, giving the fresh
produce industry traders and professionals             WOP DUBAI 2018 REVIEW
the change to create new business                          The annual exhibitions hosted 162 exhibitors from
                                                       around the world showcasing a wide variety of fresh
opportunities within the Middle East                   produce to meet the growing demand of the region’s
region. WOP DUBAI is the only dedicated                major cities, which constantly innovate and develop to
exhibition for fresh fruits & vegetables               build a livable and sustainable environment for both
trade in the Middle East & turned out to               citizens and visitors. Trade visitors were presented to
                                                       a diverse range of fresh products, trading, technical
be the region’s most important annual
                                                       equipment, services and latest trend and technologies
platform for fresh industry members to                 from local, regional and international market. A total of
meet and do business.                                  31 country participants and 11 official country pavilions
                                                       were participated the show. Visitors of WOP DUBAI
                                                       2018 witnessed innovative offerings that cater to the
                                                                                                                   Photos: WOP DUBAI

         xhibiting at WOP DUBAI 2019 brings you a      fruit and vegetable sectors from over 80 countries
         personal contact with buyers, specifies and   seeking to serve the region’s fresh food sector. Malaysia
         decision-makers from the Middle East, one     participated at WOP DUBAI for the first time and hosted
of the fastest growing markets in the world within     a Country Pavilion led by the Ministry of Agriculture and
the fresh produce industry. The WOP DUBAI marketing    Agro-based Industry Malaysia. The Malaysia Pavilion

showcased the country’s wide range of agricultural
goods and services, in line with its efforts to promote
its agricultural transformation and expansive
network on Agro-based processing and marketing.
The event fittingly addressed the sector’s demand
for storage and logistics for these perishable goods
and introduced a new segment in this edition focused
on logistics and cold chain business in the Arab Gulf
region, opening new growth opportunities for the

   The co-operation with Dubai Municipality Central
Fruit & Vegetable Department was the success pillar
of WOP DUBAI. It was organized under the patronage
of Dubai Municipality. Dubai Municipality and WOP
DUBAI follow the same goal to turn the Emirates into
a Worldwide trading hub for fruits and vegetables.
With the largest center for trade and distribution
of fresh produce in the Middle East, WOP DUBAI
will ensure to continue to be the most important
platform of the industry in the Middle East. WOP
DUBAI Exhibitors will take full advantage of the huge
purchasing potential of wholesalers and retailers in
the whole Middle East.

                                  Face-to-face conversations
                                  are still the best way to do
                                  business in the Middle East
                                  Interview with Joanne Cook, Director SIAL Middle East
                                  by Anna Dąbrowska
                Joanne Cook

                                 SI AL ME 2019 will           meet buyers in 3 minute one to one sessions based on
celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. What are            a specific product category. Similarly, the La Cuisine
your expectations regarding this year’s edition?              culinary competition at SIAL Middle East is largest in the
This is indeed a moment to celebrate for SIAL Middle East.    region with more than 1,000 chefs participating. There
While the event has continued to go from strength to          are number of new initiatives also being planned that
strength over the last 9 years, there is something more       will further guarantee the presence of top buyers from
on the cards for the event. SIAL Network has entered          the region. With the event being part of ADNEC, there is
a strategic joint venture partnership with Abu Dhabi          an increased focus on overall aware for the event, which
National Exhibitions Company to organise SIAL Middle          is only going to add to the overall footfall for the event.
East 2019 and beyond. Being part of ADNEC, SIAL Middle
East will accelerate its growth at a much faster pace as      What are exhibitor categories? What opportunities for
key stakeholders in Abu Dhabi rally around and make           exhibitors trade fairs create through participation?
their procurement decisions during SIAL Middle East.          SIAL Middle East 2019 will feature grocery products,
                                                              dried products, confectionery, biscuits and pastry, non-
What is the main theme of this year’s 10th edition?           alcoholic beverages, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits,
One of the key aims of this year is to make the event more    dairy products, eggs, delicatessen, ready meals, meat
beneficial for the international exhibitors. We are aiming    and tripe, fish, molluscs and shellfish and cured and
to achieve this by growing the number of importers/           salted meat. More than 65% of the exhibitors at the
exporters and dealers/distributors to the event, which will   event this year are expected to be new to the region,
consequently result in increase in brands being adopted       which opens up opportunities for buyers and trade
for representation in this region. We completely recognize    visitors representing dealers/distributors, HORECA/
that not everyone is looking to setup a permanent base        foodservice, retail and airline catering sectors.
in the region and exhibitors aim to achieve a distribution
contract through SIAL Middle East. This is exactly going      How do you encourage the exhibitors and visitors to
to be one of the key themes of the event.                     visit and participate in the SIAL ME trade fair?
                                                              It is all about what we are offering to both exhibitors and
How many visitors and exhibitors do you expect?               visitors. From exhibitors’ perspective, we are offering
The 2017 edition of SIAL Middle East is expected to attract   them a platform in the region where they are guaranteed
900+ exhibitors and 16,000 trade visitors including 500       to meet top quality buyers either at their stand or as
fully hosted VIP buyers from across the Middle East,          part of the hosted buyer introduction suite, which is
North Africa and Indian Sub-Continent regions.                something unique to SIAL Middle East. It is also the ease
                                                              of doing business in terms of enabling an environment
Why exhibitors should be excited about the show?              where exhibitors and visitors can peacefully sit and have
SIAL Middle East offers access to just the right buyers,      a detailed conversation, which eventually benefits both
which is a good reason in itself to be excited. At the last   parties. Visitors will benefit from procuring products
year’s event, 92% of the visitors said that they consider     that are new to the region and not seen anywhere else.
                                                                                                                            Photo: SIAL Middle East

SIAL Middle East a must event every year. In addition to
that, there are number of features and events across the      Do you expect the number of foreign exhibitors,
show which guarantee the attendance of buyers from            including those from Poland, to grow this year?
different business activities. One of the key features        Yes, certainly! Poland has an excellent outing last year
is the Hosted Buyer Programme and the associated              and we have already confirmed a pavilion from Poland
Hosted Buyer Introduction Suite where exhibitors can          at this point with more in the pipeline.


The production
of fruit, vegetables and mushrooms
a very important branch of agricultural production in Poland

Over the last dozen or so years, the production               Changes in organizing producers
of fruit and vegetables increased significantly,                  Before to 1990, there were 140 horticultural
                                                              cooperatives in Poland, which had a share in the market
its quality improved, the technical equipment
                                                              of fresh products at the level of 60-70% and over 20%
of the farms improved, the producers took up                  share in processing. The change of the economic system
the trouble of organizing. Modern processing                  in 1989 affected especially the horticultural cooperative,
has developed. As a result, Poland has become                 most of the cooperatives were liquidated. This was due
                                                              to the co-operatives being left behind during these
a significant producer and exporter of fresh
                                                              sudden changes to their own fate. The resulting situation
and processed fruit and vegetables in Europe                  was used by private sector entities, which were often
and in the world.                                             not interested in caring for the fate of producers.
                                                                  After Poland's accession to the European Union in

           he production of fruit, vegetables and             2004, the producers took up the trouble of reorganizing
           champignons in Poland in the years 2014-2016       themselves.The initiative and entrepreneurship of
           amounted to an average of 10 340 thousand.         producers, as well as very good use of public funds for
tonnes, which accounted for 10.1% of the European Union's     investments, resulted in the creation of around 300 new
collections. In terms of production volume, Poland was        entities equipped with modern facilities for storing and
third in the EU after Spain and Italy.Poland is the largest   preparing fruit and vegetables for sale. The share of
producer of apples in the EU (over 25%), blackcurrant         producer organizations in the market of fresh fruit and
(75%), highbush blueberries (23%), strawberries               vegetables is currently around 20%, in the case of apples
(18.8%), white cabbage ((31.4%), mushrooms (27,6) %),         and mushrooms it is around 30%. The organizations
the second producer of carrots (16%), onions (10%),           associate producers producing to the highest standards.
a significant tomato producer. We obtain about 90% of         Their statutory and implemented in practice goal is to
the world chokeberry harvest. The production of fruit,        adjust production to the needs of recipients in terms
vegetables and mushrooms is a very important branch of        of quality and quantity. As a result, manufacturers are
agricultural production in Poland. The value of commodity     able to meet the expectations of all customers in the
                                                                                                                           Photos: archives W. Boguta, Fruit Attraction

production of fruit, vegetables and champignons in 2012-      world. Concentration of supply and the ability to prepare
2016 increased by 24% and in 2015 it constituted 45% of       products for sale by producer organizations, as well
commodity crop production and 18.7% of total agricultural     as their associations, causes that we offer recipients
commodity. Growth in crop concentration is observed.          throughout the year, large homogeneous lots of tasty,
Favorable climate, clean environment and the skills and       safe products at competitive prices
heart that producers put into cultivation of fruit and        that find buyers in a growing number
vegetables, make our products meet the highest quality        of countries around the world.
standards. This is confirmed by certificates held by both
farms and producer organizations (including GLOBALGAP,                              Witold Boguta,
BRC). The application of the principles of integrated                       Chairman of the Board
production makes production as close as possible to             of the National Association of Fruit
natural, which guarantees that it is safe for health.             and Vegetables Producer Groups


The list of National Association of Fruit
and Vegetables Producer Groups Members
COMPANY                             ADRESS                                PHONE                     WWW
          Grupa Producentów         Trzek ul. Wierzbowa 8,
                                                                           +48 666 031 812
          AMAZIS Sp. z o.o.         62-025 Kostrzyn
          Grupa Producentów
                                    Brzeźnica 5A, 28-300 Jędrzejów         +48 (12) 620 34 58
          AMPLUS Sp. z o.o.

          APPLE TEAM Sp. z o.o.     Zalesie 71, 05-600 Grójec              +48 (48) 685 51 81

          Grupa Producentów
                                    ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 60,
          "BIO-FOOD ROZTOCZE"                                              +48 607 071 223          -
                                    37-632 Stary Dzików
          Sp. z o.o.
                                    ul. Przemysłowa 4, Przyłęk,
          CAROTA Sp. z o.o.                                                +48 (74) 637 29 00
                                    57-256 Bardo
          Rolniczo-Handlowe         Złotniki Wielkie 1, 62-817 Żelazków    +48 (62) 769 16 10       -
          DEMETER Sp. z o.o.

          Grupa Producentów                                                +48 (42) 719 24 93
                                    Lubianków 28, 95-015 Głowno                           
          Owoców ELITA Sp. z o.o.                                          +48 790 769 696

          Podkarpacka Grupa
          Producentów               Bratkowice 681D,
                                                                           +48 503 615 446
          Borówki                   36-055 Bratkowice
          ELLIOT Sp. z o.o.
          Grupa Producentów
                                                                           +48 (48) 667 60 02
          Owoców i Warzyw           Konary 101, 05-660 Warka                              
                                                                           +48 696 894 549
          EUROSAD Sp. z o.o.

          FASGRO Sp. z o.o.         Starynia 7, 82-224 Lichnowy            +48 (55) 620 07 37

                                    Sadków Szlachecki 23,
          FRUIT FAMILY Sp. z o.o.                                          +48 (48) 661 11 69
                                    05-622 Belsk Duży

          FRUIT LOGISTICS                                                  +48 (48) 661 49 89
                                    Ostrowiec 1A, 05-650 Chynów                           
          Sp. z o.o.                                                       +48 668 639 196

          FRUIT-SAD Sp. z o.o.      Dobiecin 4, 05-620 Błędów              +48 (48) 627 79 39

          GOLD-SAD Sp. z o. o.      Belsk Mały 27A, 05-622 Belsk Duży      tel/fax (48) 661 17 03

          Spółdzielnia                                                     +48 601 953 945
                                    Góra Św. Jana 100, 34-623 Szczyrzyc                   
          Ogrodnicza GÓR-SAD                                               +48 606 704 647

                                    Skowronki 14, 05-622 Belsk Duży        +48 781 750 650
          Sp. z o.o.

                                    Hola 20A, 21-500 Biała Podlaska        +48 (83) 342 14 85       -
          Sp. z o.o.
                                    ul. Kolejowa 5, 08-125 Suchożebry      +48 662 689 737
          Sp. z o.o.

          JANFRUIT Sp. z o.o.       Dąbrówka Nowa 8, 05-620 Błędów         +48 661 553 138

                                                                   POLANDFRUITS - TRADE COOPERATION PLATFORM                  31

                                      ul. Urzędowska 47,
           JÓZEFÓW SAD Sp. z o.o.                                              +48 783 784 715
                                      24-340 Józefów nad Wisłą
           Grupa Producentów
                                      Klementowice 136, 24-170 Kurów           +48 885 253 525
           "KLASA" Sp. z o.o.

           LA-SAD Sp. z o.o.          Borzęcin 15, 05-620 Błędów               +48 (48) 370 36 80

           Sadownicza Spółdzielnia
                                      Łososina 340, 33-314 Łososina Dolna      +48 (18) 548 40 55
           Handlowa ŁOSOSINA

           Sądecka Grupa
                                      Łącko 761, 33-390 Łącko                  +48 (18) 444 69 86
           Owoców i Warzyw
           OWOC ŁĄCKI Sp. z o.o.
           OWOC WYSOCZYN
                                      Siedzów 30 B, 08-443 Sobienie Jeziory    +48 734 172 842
           Sp. z o.o.
                                      Lewiczyn 2a, 05-622 Belsk Duży           +48 (48) 661 13 69
           w Lewiczynie

           Grupa Producentów
                                      Olchowiec 120, 23-413 Obsza              +48 (84) 627 32 28
           Polskie Jagody Sp. z o.o

                                      Wólka Łęczeszycka 16,
           RAJPOL Sp. z o.o.                                                   48 (48) 661 15 83
                                      05-622 Belsk Duży

           Owoców i Warzyw            Polubicze 34, 21-580 Wisznice            +48 (83) 378 23 96    -
           Grupa Producentów
           Owoców SAD-VIT             Dąbrówka 25a, 24-120 Kazimierz Dolny     +48 602 120 803       -
           Sp. z o.o.
           Producentów Warzyw         Sielec Kolonia 46, 28-530 Skalbmierz     +48 (41) 352 00 16
           i Owoców SIELEC
                                      Rękowice 55, 26-910 Magnuszew            +48 506 157 700
           Sp. z o.o.
           Grupa Producentów
                                                                               + 48 (18) 444 94 15
           Owoców ZELSAD              ul. Radosna 13, 33-312 Tęgoborze                     
                                                                               +48 502 343 213
           Sp. z o.o.
                                      ul. Mikołaja Reja 9, 28-530 Skalbmierz   +48 693 550 864       -
           SZWAGROL Sp. z o.o.
           Grupa Producentów
           Owoców i Warzyw
                                      ul. Marcinowska 10, 55-100 Trzebnica     +48 (71) 312 02 80
           Sp. z o.o.

           TWÓJ OWOC Sp. z o.o.       Wichradz 32A, 05-660 Warka               +48 (48) 332 27 63

                                      Szulec 9B, 62-860 Opatówek               +48 (620 767 66 84
           WANGA Sp. z o.o.
                                      Stara Warka 133, 05-660 Warka            +48 692 446 442
           Sp. z o.o.


                                                             of Polish juices,
                                                             nectars and drinks
                                                             There are plenty of juice products in the Polish
                                                             market, namely fruit, vegetable, and fruit and
                                                             vegetable juices and nectars, drinks with 20%
                                                             fruit or vegetable pulp or more and more
                                                             popular fruit, vegetable or fruit and vegetable
                                                             mousses and smoothies.

          onsumers can choose juice products,                    According to the AIJN 2018 Market Repor t,
          considering not only their category (juice,        consumption of juices and nectars in Poland in 2017
          nectar, drink), but also a production technology   reached 820 mln L, thus it increased by 2.5%, when
(made of concentrate or non-concentrated juice – NFC),       compared to 2016, and by 4.8% for juices alone, while it
preservation method (pasteurized and non-pasteurized         decreased by 2.2% for nectars. The Polish market is not a
products), taste (fruit, vegetable), consistency (cloudy,    typical European market. Poland overtook Spain in terms
clear, purée) or packaging type (glass bottle, cardboard,    of consumption of juices and nectars, advancing to the
can, bag-in-box).                                            fourth place thanks to the growing NFC juice market and

                      Exemplary beneficial juice features
  1. Tomato juice is characterized by three times            5. Juices made of grapes, northern highbush
  larger content of lycopene than in raw tomatoes. This      blueberries, blackberries, cranberries,
  compound is one of the strongest antioxidants fighting     carrots and tomatoes contain vitamin K, being a
  harmful radicals. A glass of pasteurized tomato juice      crucial factor with influence on blood coagulation and
  contains 500 mg of potassium, being averagely 25%          bone protein synthesis. Most of fruit and vegetable
                                                                                                                         Photos: archives B. Groele,

  of Dietary Reference Intake of this element.               juices also contain B vitamins.
  2. Carrot juice contains vitamin A (in the form            6. Juices made of carrots, cranberries, dog
  of -Carotene) and helps to maintain correct iron           roses and green vegetables, such as broccoli,
  metabolism, mucous membrane condition and correct          contain vitamin E. This strong antioxidant prevents
  vision and to keep skin healthy.                           from damage of human body cells, caused by oxidation
  3. Apple juice just one glass provides 50-100 mg of        processes, that may slow down the aging process and
  antioxidants in the form of polyphenols.                   protects against development of atherosclerosis. It
  4. A portion of orange juice will be a good source         strengthens blood vessel walls and protects red blood
  of healthy-friendly vitamin C.                             cells from their premature breaking apart.

Fresh Market
various promotional campaigns conducted by the Polish
Associations of Juice Producers (KUPS) and companies.
    Annual consumption of juices and nectars in Poland        One of the most important B2B Meeting and
is higher than the EU average (17.9 L), reaching 21.3 L per   Retail Center in the field of fresh fruit, vegetables
capita, while consumption of juices alone reaches 14.8
L per capita (EU average: 11.6 L).                            and flowers in Central and Eastern Europe.
    Flavor preferences of Poles are worth noticing. Their
favourite flavors of juices and nectars are apple (27.2%),
                                                              The 12th edition of B2B Meeting and Retail Center Fresh Market will
orange (24.7%), vegetable, including carrot (14%), multi-
                                                              take place on October 3, 2019 in Ożarów Mazowiecki near Warsaw. If
fruit (12.7%) and grapefruit (6.4%). Polish consumers of      you are a producer, supplier, importer of fruits, vegetables or flowers
juices and nectars prefer packagings made of cardboard        or a producer of packaging for this industry, you can not omit this
(45.2%), plastic bottles (29.8%) and glass bottles (15.3%).   Event. This is a unique opportunity to successfully develop your
    Juice is a low-processed product made of fruit            business relations in the markets of Central and Eastern Europe.
or vegetables. According to law, colourants and
preservatives must not be added to any fruit or vegetable     Fresh Market - one day, one place:
juices in single packaging units. Aromas other than fruit     • you will meet representatives of the region’s largest retail chains and
                                                                 companies dealing in wholesale trade, distribution and production
and vegetable ones must also not be added, thus colour
                                                                 of fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers
and flavour of juices are always derived from juices and       • you will establish cooperation with the largest distributors and retail
vegetables a juice was made of. Moreover, regulations             chains in the region and start selling your products or services to
forbid to add any sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose, high-           final recipients, without intermediaries
fructose corn syrup) and sweeteners to fruit, tomato          • you will get to know the most important fruit and vegetable
and 100%-vegetable juices. Small amounts of sugars               suppliers from Poland, thanks to which you will increase the scale
can be added only to vegetable and fruit and vegetable           of your imports
                                                              • you will present your offer of packaging for fresh fruit and vegetables
juices in order to improve their flavour.
                                                                 to producers and retail chains
    Consumption of 100% juices is one of methods to
provide a human body with various biologically active         Fresh Market will have been taken place for 12 years and so
ingredients. Vitamins present in juices act as antioxidants   far we have hosted buyers of the biggest retail chains from
and their influence is enhanced by polyphenolic               Central and Eastern Europe: Aman, ATB, Auchan, Avita, Biedronka,
compounds. High consumption of fruit and vegetables           Bielmarket, Brnenka, Carrefour, Chata Polska, Chorten, Delikatesy
may limit development of various diseases and support         Centrum, Dino, Eurocash, Frac, Gippo, Intermarche, Kaufland, Magnit,
fighting them, like circulatory system diseases, diabetes     Makro, Maksima, MarcPol, Mila, PGS, Piotr I Paweł, Polo, Prim, Silpo,
                                                              Spar, Stokrotka, Tesco, Varus, Victoria, Vitalur, Zielony Market, Żabka
or some types of neoplasm. Despite naturally present
                                                              This year we’re going to have more than 200 companies from Poland
sugars, juice fruit is not a highly energetic product         and 20 different countries, more than 20 retail chains and several
(averagely 45 kcal/100 mL). Moreover, it has high             dozen industrial organisations and media.
nutrient density, thus it does not contain the so called
“empty calories”. For example, each gram of sugar in          Fresh Market Award - Product of the Year
100% orange juice contains more than 20 mg of valuable        Fresh Market Award nominations is a great marketing tool to show
ingredients, including minerals and vitamins.                 off your company and products to the industry.
    Regardless of their type, juices are made of vegetable
                                                              Panel discussions
and fruits, thus they are characterized by the similar        During Fresh Market you can take part in the discussion panels with
level of nutritional ingredients as these products            branch experts and expand your knowledge of the current market
themselves and they constitute the valuable source            situation, forecasts for the coming year and price analyses.
of vitamins, mineral ingredients and antioxidants.
Vegetables and fruit are the foundation of the Pyramid        Promotion
of Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activities, published       Fresh Market is an event promoted in Poland and abroad. Hundreds
by The National Food and Nutrition                            of people from the industry will take part and thousands of potential
                                                              customers will hear about it. Information about event and your
Institute. One portion of vegetables
                                                              business are distributed directly to industry representatives and,
and fruit can be a glass of juice,                            via the media, to the entire market. This is a great opportunity to
including pasteurized one, available                          effectively promote your products and services offline and online.
in various packagings.
                        Barbara Groele,
          Secretary General, The Polish
  Association of Juice Producers KUPS

                                                                    Have a look at
                                                                           We are waiting for you!

The list of juices and nectars producers
COMPANY                               ADRESS                                  PHONE                WWW
           Agros Nova Food            Al. Stanów Zjednoczonych 61a,
                                                                              +48 (22) 717 17 30
           Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.           04-028 Warszawa

           Austria Juice Poland
                                      ul. Kolejowa 31, 22-100 Chełm           +48 (82) 562 21 11
           Sp. z.o.o.

           Alpex Sp. z o.o.           Łęczeszyce 120, 05-622 Belsk Duży       +48 (48) 661 11 77

           ARED Zakład
                                      ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 103,
           Przetwórstwa                                                       +48 (48) 663 52 43
                                      05-640 Mogielnica
           Owoców i Warzyw
           Binder Eko                 ul. Rakowiecka 36 lok. 40,
                                                                              +48 (22) 626 89 65
           Sp. z o.o.                 02-532 Warszawa
           B&P Engineering
                                      ul. Lubomirskich 1E, 37-200 Przeworsk   +48 (16) 649 00 98
           Sp. z o.o.
                                      ul. Przyczółkowska 142m, 02-968
           BUH Ramotowski                                                     +48 604 77 33 55     -
           Cargill Poland             ul. MacMillan 1, Bielany Wrocławskie,
                                                                              +48 (71) 331 01 00
           Sp. z o. o.                55-040 Kobierzyce

           Centrum HACCP              ul. Z. Pawlaczyka 10, 02-790 Warszawa   +48 (22) 648 09 16

           Dreher Polska              ul. Marynarska 11
                                                                              +48 884 044 145      de/home-polski/
           Sp. z o.o.                 02-674 Warszawa

           Döhler Sp. z o.o.          Kozietuły Nowe 66J, 05-640 Mogielnica   +48 (48) 368 90 00

           Döhler Polska
                                      Kozietuły Nowe, 05-640 Mogielnica       +48 (48) 368 98 00
           Sp. z o. o.

           Ekoland Sp. z o. o.        ul. Legionów 37, 34-100 Wadowice        +48 (33) 873 15 99   -

           EKO-SAD                    Zbrosza Duża 39a, 05-604 Jasieniec      +48 (48) 661 38 55

           FrankFood Sp. z o.o.       ul. Łukowska 2, 64-600 Oborniki         +48 698 910 761

           Flottweg Polska            ul. Pelplińska 8b, 01-683 Warszawa      +48 (22) 732 22 30

           Fructa Napoje Sp. z o.o.   ul. Lotnicza 6, 99-100 Łęczyca          +48 661 992 501

           TPH Fructopol Sp. z o.o.   ul. Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa      +48 (22) 606 36 75

           GEA Westfalia Separator
                                      ul. Łopuszańska 95, 02-457 Warszawa     +48 (22) 571 42 00
           Polska Sp. z o.o.

           Gomar Pińczów Sp. z o.o.                                           +48 (41) 357 30 21
                                      ul. Przemysłowa 6, 28-400 Pińczów                  
           S.K.A.                                                             do 22


Instytut Biotechnologii
Przemysłu Rolno             ul. Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa         (22) 606-36-00
- Spożywczego
Instytut Ekonomiki
Rolnictwa i Gospodarki      ul. Świętokrzyska 20, 00-002 Warszawa      (22) 505-44-44
                            ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 3, 96-100
Instytut Ogrodnictwa                                                   (46) 833-20-41

KGH Polska Sp. z o.o.       ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warszawa      +48 506 372 702

Konvin Sp. z o.o.           ul. Leśna 3, 05-600 Grójec                 +48 664 24 54

Marwit Sp. z o.o.           87-134 Zławieś Wielka 29a                  +48 (56) 674 43 00

                            Jarogniewice, ul. Ogrodowa 1a
Maxfrut Sp. z o.o.                                                     +48 (61) 282 31 63
                            64-020 Czempiń

Novozymes S.A.              ul. Mesyńska 16, 02-761 Warszawa           + 48 (22) 642 05 40

PPHU „Agrotex” Sp. z o.o.   33-314 Łososina Dolna 303                  +48 (48) 548 40 48

PPUH Tłocznia Maurer        Zarzecze 1, 33-390 Łącko                   +48 (18) 444 64 27

Quadrum Foods Sp. z o.o.    ul. Moniuszki 22a, 31-523 Kraków           +48 (12) 370 34 31    www.

Rauch Polska Sp. z o.o.     ul. Gen. Chruściela 13, 37-200 Przeworsk   +48 (16) 649 98 10

Real S.A.                   ul. Brzeska 76, 08-102 Siedlce             +48 (25) 787 15 28

                            Samborzec 55, 27-650 Samborzec             +48 (15) 644 50 14
Sp. z o. o.
Sądecka Grupa
                            Łącko 761, 33-390 Łącko                    +48 (18) 447 03 81
Owoców i Warzyw
“Owoc Łącki” Sp. z o.o.

SIG Combibloc Sp. z o.o.    ul. Bekasów 63/65, 02-803 Warszawa         +48 (22) 644 17 02

SVZ Tomaszów                ul. Lwowska 128, 22-600                    +48 (84) 664 44 31
Sp. z o. o.                 Tomaszów Lubelski                          - 39

                            ul. Osmańska 14,
Tetra Pak Sp. z o. o.                                                  +48 (22) 543 40 00
                            02-823 Warszawa

                            Tymbark 156, 34-650 Wadowice               +48 (18) 332 56 22
Sp. z o.o. Sp.K.

Warwin S.A.                 ul. K. Pułaskiego 2, 05-660 Warka          +48 (48) 666 15 75    www.warwin.plm

Wild Flavors Polska
                            ul. Marcina Flisa 4, 02-247 Warszawa       +48 (22) 578 60 00
Sp. z o.o.

Viands Sp. z o. o.          ul. Spółdzielcza 3, 05-600 Grójec          +48 (48) 664 59 90

ZPOIW POLKON Sp. z o.o.     Jasienica 91, 27-670 Łoniów                +48 (15) 641 15 00

                                                               POLANDFRUITS - TRADE COOPERATION PLATFORM             37
The 10th jubilee
                                          edition of the
                                          TSW 2020 Fruit

      2020                                and Vegetables
     February 14 – 16                     Fair in Poland
                                          TSW is the biggest Fruit and Vegetables
International trade fair for commercial
                                          Industry Fair in Central and Eastern Europe,
     fruit-growing, distillation and
                                          providing the most innovative and current
         agricultral technology           knowledge and know-how in horticulture
                                          industry. X edition of TSW Fruit and
                                          Vegetables Industry Fair will take place
                                          in Ptak Warsaw Expo in Poland
                                          on 15th and 16th January 2020.

                                                    he leading suppliers from Europe will present
                                                    their offer on 23 500 sq.m. of exhibition surface.
                                                    Trade visitors will have a chance to obtain
                                          knowledge on innovative fertigation, crop protection
                                          and supplementation. Producers of tractors and
                                          machines, companies specializing in sorting, packaging
                                          and storage of fruits and vegetables will be a present
                                          among exhibitors. Nurseries, crop trading and food
                                          processing companies are also very important part of
                                          each edition of TSW Fair. Comfortable stands allow all
                                          of those companies to present their offer.
                                              Last edition of TSW Fruit and Vegetables Industry
                                          was open for 386 exhibitors from Poland and abroad to
                                          present their offer. It is worth noting that this year, we
                                          hosted companies from countries such as Luxembourg,
                                          South Korea, Cameroon, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium,
                                          Denmark, France, Austria, Germany, the USA, Turkey and
                                          the United Kingdom. As compared to last year’s show,
                                          there were as many as 112 new exhibitors.
                                              During the two days, 14 735 people visited the trade fair
                                          (the entry was registered). Many guests came from abroad:
                                          Austria, Belgium, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Egypt,
                                          Estonia, France, the Netherlands, India, Lithuania, Germany,
                                                                                                          Photos: TSW

                                          Portugal, Slovakia, Ukraine, Italy and Great Britain.
                                              Conferences, lectures and discussion panels are a
                                          substantial part of TSW. Polish and foreign specialists

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