OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference

Page created by Bernard Hale
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference
                 OMEP SEOUL

        68th OMEP World Assembly
        and International Conference

This program book is sponsored and made by Changjisa
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

2016 OMEP Conference Organization                            4
Useful Information                                           5
Guidelines for Presenters                                    8
Welcome Address                                             10
Keynote Speeches                                            16
Session Highlights                                          22
Program Schedule                                            30
Daily Program                                               31
General Information on the Conference Venue                 72
Sponsors                                                    76
Call For Manuscript For IJEC                                77
World OMEP Declaration 2012-2015                            78
OMEP 2017 Announcement                                      83
Index of Authors                                            85
Floor Maps                                                  92
Certificate of Attendance                                   95
For Your Notes                                              96
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference


     Directors and Managers
    President                         Eunhye Park(Ewha Womans University)
    Vice-President/Reception          Heejin Kim(Ewha Womans University) 
    Academic Director                 Eunsoo Shin(Duksung Women's University)
    Editing Executive Director        Seung Yeon Lee(Ewha Womans University)
    Advertising Director              Anna Cho(Kangnam University)       
    Trustee of Director               Hong-Ju Jun(Sungshin Women's University)
                Programs Evaluation   Myoung Soon Kim(Yonsei University) 
                Cultural Exchange     Hee Sook Park(Kangnam University)  

    General International Cooperation Wonkyung Sung(Woosong University)  
    Manager School Visit              Jeongsun Park(Myongji College)     
                Financial             Jung Ae Ohm(Ewha Womans University)
                Exhibition and Booth Hyangja Kim(Myongji College)        

     Staff Members

    Promotional Dept.:                                  Cultural Exchange Dept.:
     Kijoo Cha(Gachon University)                        Heekyung Han(Korea National Univ. of Transportation)
     Su Kyoung Park(Konkuk University)                   Hee Jung You(Hanshin University)
     Hyun Jean Yi(Catholic University of Daegu)         International Cooperation Dept.:
    Program Planning Dept.:                              Soonhwan Kim(Ewha Womans Uninversity)
     Hyung Mee Kim(Korean Bible University)              Eun Mee Lim(Sungkyul University)
     Byungho Lee(Duksung Women's University)            School Visit Dept.:
     Daeun Park(Chungbuk National University)            Nan Sil Kim(Myongji College)
     Youngeui Yoo(Soon Chun Hyang University)            Ji Hi Bae(Sungshin Women’s University)
    Programs Evaluation Dept.:                          Financial Dept.:
     Hyejin Jang(Daegu University)                       Hoewook Chung(Ewha Womens Uninversity)
     Boo Yeun Lim(Pusan National University)             Yeo Hun Koh(Chungkang College of Cultural Industries)
     Mugyeong Moon(KICCE)
                                                        Exhibition and Booth Dept.:
    Programs Editorial Dept.:                            Hyunock Lee(Sungkyul University)
     Kyung Eun Jahng(Kyung Hee University)               Myung Hee Choi (Shingu College)
     Suhyun Kwon(Myongji College)                        Okjong Ji(Korea National Univ. of Transportation)
     Joo Yeon Ryu(Ewha Womans University)
                                                        General Affairs Dept.:
    Reception Dept.:                                     Seenyoung Park(Bucheon University)
     Hae Kyoung Kim(Seoul Women's University)            Min young Jang(Ewha Womans Uninversity)
     Jeong Yoon Kwon(Sungshin Women's University)

    *Special thanks to graduate and undergraduate students at Ewha Womans University and other volunteers.
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference



Registration is located at ECC Hall (B4, ECC building) from 8:00am on Wednesday, July 6.
Badges need to be picked up on site at registration. Badges should be worn at all the times, not only
courtesy to other registrants but also as an indication that registration has been completed before
participation in any scheduled event.


All abstracts have been uploaded on OMEP 2016 website,, and OMEP 2016

 Information Center

Information center will be located in front of Samsung Hall at ECC building.
At the information center, you will be able to check conference location, get tourist information near
the conference site, etc.

 Certificate of Attendance

‘Certificate of Attendance’ form is attached at the back of this program book.

 Poster and Exhibition

The poster session and the exhibition will be presented on July 7, from 8:30am to 1:30pm. The
poster session will be located at ECC Square, and the exhibition will be located at ECC Hall.

 Refreshments & Meals

Mid-morning and afternoon refreshments (coffee, water, and snack), lunches, and the Welcome
Reception are included in the registration fee. The main points will be located at the floor B4 (ECC
Hall, Lee Sam Bong Hall, and ECC Theater) in ECC building and at Kim Emma Hall (#B152) in
Education Building B. Please follow the directions of the conference staff.

                                      Refreshments partly sponsored by                   G
                                                                                        Genius-box   Genius-box
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference

    Map of Ewha Womans University
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference


   Subway at Ewha Womans University
     Subway Green line #2 Ewha Womans Univ. Station

   Buslines at Ewha Womans University
     1. Ewha Womans Univ. Station
        Blue: 163, 170, 171, 172, 270, 271, 273, 371, 472, 602, 603, 700, 705, 721, 751
        Green: 5711, 5712, 5713, 5714, 6716, 7017, 7611, 7712
        Red: 1000, 1100, 1200, 9600, 9602, 9706

     2. Ewha Back Gate
        Blue: 161, 370, 470, 601, 708, 750, 751
        Green: 6714, 7017, 7736, 7737
        Red: 9101, 9600, 9601, 9602, 9706, 9713
        Yellow: 7736, 7737
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference



    The self-organized symposium should be arranged around a central theme and involves
    presentations from multiple institutions rather than from a single laboratory, department, or
    organization. The symposium should consists of at least three presentations, a chair, and a
    Symposiums are scheduled for 90 minutes on a related topic and time for active discussion with
    the audience. Each lecture room is equipped with PC laptop computer, one video projector, and one
    large screen.
    Presenters of a symposium need to communicate with each other on the length of individual
    presentations and tell also the chair of how the symposium is structured. Allow enough time
    between your arrival and the time of presentation. The program is tightly scheduled. Chairs are
    urged to ensure that the length of the talk is strictly complied with, as is the course of the program.
    Please be courteous and take care that you do not exceed your own session time.


    The workshop is a presentation emphasizing interaction and exchange of practical knowledge and
    skills which are useful in the field of early childhood education. Presenters need to specify the
    maximum number of delegates and space requirement, and also must provide all materials for the
    Workshops are scheduled for 90 minutes. Each lecture room is equipped with PC laptop computer,
    one video projector, and one large screen.
    Please be courteous and take care that you do not exceed your own session time. You may wish to
    provide handout to accompany your workshop presentation. As the program is tightly scheduled and
    it is impossible to delay a presentation, please allow enough time between your arrival and the time
    of presentation. Since it is unknown how many people might be viewing your presentation, bring as
    many handouts as you believe may be necessary.
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference

 Individual Paper Presentation

A individual paper presentation is a standard oral presentation as part of a shared presentation;
individual paper presentations are scheduled for 60 minutes for four individual paper session. Each
presenter will have 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Q&A. Typically, your presentation will
be grouped with 3 other presentations (of complementary topics, when possible). Each presentation,
therefore, should feature four presentations.
Please identify yourself to the session moderator 10 minutes before the session. Follow the
instructions of the moderator; especially regarding the time for your talk. Each lecture room is
equipped with PC laptop computer, one video projector, and one large screen. You may wish to
provide handout to accompany your paper presentation. Since it is unknown how many people
might be viewing your presentation, bring as many handouts as you believe may be necessary.

 Poster Presentation

The poster presentation session is for a knowledge sharing on early childhood education and care.
Posters should be concise and visually appealing, highlighting only key information about your
work or research. Images and graphics are highly encouraged.
The poster session is scheduled for 60 minutes. Your poster should come ready for display within
the dimensions specified. Poster format is 60x90cm (24×36in), vertical. It is recommended that
displays do not exceed 1m in height. You may wish to provide A4 sheet handouts similar to the
poster to accompany your poster presentation. This provides a useful ‘take-away’ resource with
your contact details on the handout. Since it is unknown how many people might be viewing your
presentation, bring as many handouts as you believe may be necessary.
Your poster will be displayed on July, 7 (Thursday), so we kindly ask that it be mounted one day
before the poster session. Specifically, we urge all the presenters to mount their posters on July 6,
after 6:00pm during the Welcome Reception. After the poster session, the poster should be removed
around 1:30pm during lunch time. Any posters remaining after the poster session may be discarded.
OMEP Korea and its staff are not responsible for packing, removing, or shipping your poster. If
you have to leave before your dismantling time, please designate a colleague to be responsible for
removing your poster.
OMEP SEOUL 2016 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference


      Welcome Address 1

                           I would like to personally welcome each of you to the 68th OMEP World
                           Conference. It is an exciting time for the field of early childhood education
                           (ECE), as, for the very first time, its importance is acknowledged by world
                           leaders of 193 countries at the United Nations Summit on Sustainable
                           Development last September. Specifically, Target 4.2 of the Sustainable
                           Development Goals (SDGs) asserts that “By 2030, ensure that all girls and
                           boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-
                           primary education so that they are ready for primary education.” But what
     do we need to do to meet this target?

     As the theme of this World Conference suggested, we need to transform our early childhood
     systems for our future generations. In most countries, ECE is not a coherent system. There are many
     funding streams, hundreds of small programmes, and different regulations. It involves primary
     care providers, teachers, families, and communities. All of them have to work together in order to
     achieve effective and quality ECE. We must situate ECE in a holistic context. We need innovations
     at the same time optimise the strengths we already have. Most importantly, we need to show the
     world that young children’s holistic development and enhanced learning has a strong multiplier
     effect which can transform not only individuals but also societies. We are, in fact, starting a

     I would like to thank each of your for attending our conference and bringing your expertise to
     our gathering. You, as early childhood education leaders, have the vision, the knowledge, the
     wherewithal and the experience to help us pave our way into the future. Throughout this conference,
     I ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive and help us shape the future of ECE. My personal
     respect and thanks goes out to all of you.

     On behalf of the World Executive Committee, I would especially like to thank the conference
     planning committee led by Professor Eunhye Park, all of the supporting agencies, sponsors, and
     helpers who contributed the grants and their efforts during the conference preparation. This
     conference would not have been a success without you. Thank you.

     Dr. Maggie Koong
     World President of OMEP

  Welcome Address 2


Welcome to the 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference
in Seoul, Korea. Preparing children for the future is the central role of early
childhood education. Responding to the global issues of education and
development of children is imperative for the future generations.

The Incheon Declaration adopted in World Education Forum 2015 requires
that the global community transform Early Childhood Systems to enhance the quality of education.
The transformation will ensure higher quality of early childhood education and learning for
children. It is our goal to create more effective systems that better meet the needs of both current
and future generations.

The 68th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference in Seoul will provide an arena for
the global community to continue the discourse on "Transforming Early Childhood Systems for
Future Generations." Please join us as we create the prospect for educational innovation in global

Dr. Eunhye Park
President, OMEP Korea

       Welcome Address 3

                           Dr. Maggie Koong, distinguished guests, and honorable delegates and
                           attendees to the 68th OMEP World Congress and International Conference,
                           it is with profound pleasure and privilege that I, on behalf of Ewha Womans
                           University, extend a hearty welcome to you all. I would like to offer my
                           appreciation to the organizing committee for orchestrating and coordinating
                           this Conference.

                           I believe that Ewha Womans University and OMEP share same vision for
     women and children. We began a tradition of providing education to women and children 130 years
     ago, and Ewha has now grown into a global hub for female leaders. I am very proud to present the
     Ewha kindergarten to you. It was the very first kindergarten in Korea and celebrated its centennial
     anniversary in 2014. Ewha has always been a leader of the field of early childhood education in

     Early childhood education and care have been rapidly expanding in the last 15 years, but with
     unequal pace and coverage internationally. In order to provide quality early childhood education
     and care with equity, Education 2030, the global education framework adopted in September of
     2015, targeted the universalization of inclusive and quality early childhood education and care,
     including the provision of at least one year of free and compulsory pre-primary education for all.
     In order to meet this target, we must have evidence-based data about early childhood education and
     care. I am sure the members of the OMEP are devoted to the rights and welfare of children around
     the world.

     Ewha, along with the organizing committee, will do its best to ensure that you enjoy your time with
     us and take home pleasant memories of your visit with us. I expect the 68th OMEP International
     Conference to be a great success. Thank you.

     Dr. Kyunghee Choi
     President, Ewha Womans University

  Welcome Address 4


I would like to offer warm congratulations on the 68th World Assembly and
International Conference of the World Organization for Early Childhood
Education and Care (OMEP) to be held in Seoul, Korea. It gives me pleasure
to welcome OMEP World President Dr. Maggie Koong and distinguished
country delegates who have come to attend the OMEP World Assembly and
International Conference, and everyone who has come to the International
Conference. I would like also to extend my gratitude to OMEP Korea President Dr. Eunhye Park
and others at OMEP Korea for their excellent arrangements.

In 2015, the Korean Ministry of Education hosted the World Education Forum, where we discussed
seven specific targets for nurturing world citizens, including increased access to early childhood
education and care. At the event, we reaffirmed the importance of early childhood education and
our shared responsibility for ensuring it.

In order to promote the right to education and a fair start for every child in Korea, the Korean
government introduced a standard curriculum called the Nuri Curriculum for five-year-olds in 2012
and extended it to further include three- and four-year-olds in 2013. Now, any child aged three to
five can benefit from the common curriculum, regardless of which educational institutions they use,
and are entitled to education and child care subsidies, regardless of their parents’ income levels. The
Korean government is committed to doing everything it can to ensure that every child in Korea is
educated and protected, irrespective of the conditions they were born into.

As the proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Early childhood education is an important
topic of our time that everyone needs to take seriously. I hope the OMEP World Assembly and
International Conference in Korea serves as the opportunity to reaffirm the importance of early
childhood education and leads to ways to ensure equitable quality education for all.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you once again for finding the time out of your busy
schedules to attend the OMEP World Assembly and International Conference and taking interest
in the event. I especially wish that those of you who have traveled from abroad have a pleasant and
wonderful time in Korea. Thank you. [Translated by OMEP, KOREA]

Dr. Joon Sik Lee
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Korea

       Welcome Address 5

                              Our honored guests who have come a long way from around the world, and ladies
                              and gentlemen. I am truly pleased to see that an international conference of the
                              World Organization for Early Childhood Education and Care (OMEP) is held in
                              Korea and would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations. I would like to express
                              my special gratitude to the World President Maggi Koong as well as the President of
                              OMEP Korea Eunhye Park who have made this wonderful conference possible. Also
                              I would like to thank Professor Sharon Kagan, who will give a keynote address and
                              the other invited speakers for this conference.

     OMEP is an international childhood educational organization representing five continents, as well as a special
     advisory institution to the UN on child issues. OMEP made a great contribution when the UN constituted the
     Convention on the Rights of the Children. Representing the field of early childhood education at the World
     Education Forum held at Incheon in May 2015, OEMP advanced an innovative idea for the manifestation of a
     better early childhood education.

     This international conference, which is being held in Korea for the first time, has a theme of “Transforming
     Early Childhood Education Systems for Future Generations.” This conference aims to find a way to innovate
     the existing childhood education system which is inextricably interwoven with policy, practice, and research
     on early childhood education. Thus this conference has important implications for policies on early childhood
     education in many countries. As we all know, eminent scholars in childhood education and the top experts for
     the development of policies are invited to this conference. Quality discourse on early childhood education in
     this conference will open a new vista for the future early childhood education.

     It is high time for Korean childhood education to initiate a fundamental innovation. The first kindergarten
     in Korea was established in the 1910s, more than a century ago. With all the historical turbulences including
     national liberation in 1945, government establishment in 1948, and the Korean War from 1950 to 1953,
     Korean government did not pay due attention to early childhood education at a national level, as its top
     priority was given to the increasing accessibility to elementary school.

     Only after the 1960s, when the rate of enrollment reached approximately 100 percent in elementary schools,
     were enforcement ordinances of the kindergarten facilities and of the kindergarten curriculum promulgated
     in Korea. Still, even after the 1960s, the government was more interested in expansion of secondary education
     rather than preschool education. Only after the 1990s, when secondary education sufficiently matured, the
     government drew its attention to early childhood education.

     In the 1960s and 1970s the government was more occupied by childcare, rather than education itself. The
     Child Welfare Act in the 1960s served as the legal base for daycare centers as part of child welfare facilities.
     The rapid industrialization and urbanization of the 1970s, in particular, led to a dramatic expansion of daycare
     centers that took care of young children whose parents were absent. Those centers were more concerned with
     caring rather than education.

     In the 1990s, however, early childhood education in Korea made a significant progress. In addition to half-day
     programs in kindergarten, time-extended and full day programs became available, and the Early Childhood

Education Promotion Act in the 1990s defined early childhood educational institution as a school, thereby
confirming that kindergarten should fall under the category of the public education system.

The Early Childhood Education Advancement Policy, announced in 2009, served as an opportunity for
Korean early childhood education to make a progress further. This policy started with two aims: First, every
child needs to be educated, not just to be taken care of. To this end, a common curriculum titled the Nuri
Curriculum was created, integrating the education curriculum at kindergarten and childcare curriculum at
daycare center. The Nuri Curriculum has been applied to five-year-olds since 2012, and later to three- and
four-year-olds since 2013. Second, every child needs to receive free education. Now those aged three to five
who enroll in Nuri Curriculum receive free education. This is an important advancement made in Korean
early childhood education.

Still, the current Korean early childhood education has many tasks to overcome. First, two separate
institutions are in charge of young children: kindergarten, the educational institution for young children; and
the childcare institution for daycare. Kindergarten is subject to regulations by the Ministry of Education,
while daycare centers are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Therefore,
kindergartens and childcare centers significantly differ in terms of operating principles, teacher qualifications
and salaries, facility requirements, and so on. Secondly, too great a disparity exists among educational
institutions such as disparity in facilities and environment between public and private institutions, as well
as gaps among individual institutions. Thirdly, Korean government should think out viable alternatives
or effective strategies which can reduce the gap between kindergarten and daycare center in a financially
sustainable manner.

In order to meet these challenges, the Korean government has been implementing policies to integrate
kindergarten-provided education and daycare center-provided childcare. The Nuri Curriculum marked a
starting point in that it introduced an integrated standard curriculum to both kindergarten and daycare center.
The early childhood education/daycare institutions, however, are still administered by two different entities–
the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. It is expected that from 2017 the Ministry
of Education will be the sole administrative body.

I hear that delegates from many countries came together to the World Assembly held along with the
International Conference to explore ways of collaborating between the OMEP and other international
organizations. I hope that at the International Conference ideas and strategies are also discussed to ensure
quality education for every child in the world, leaving no child behind. I also hope that “quality education for
all,” the aim of the proposed SDG 4, is fulfilled in early childhood education as well. In particular, I would
like to acknowledge that a fund-raising project which is promoted by Korean students ranging from preschool
children to college students to invite professionals in Third World countries to this International Conference,
may be a good example of cooperation to achieve the SDG 4.

Distinguished guests, and ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have the chance to experience the history, culture,
and food of Korea and build good memories during your stay. I wish you a wonderful and pleasant trip.

Dr. Chaechun Gim
President, Korean Educational Development Institute
Former Vice Minister of Education


      Sharon Lynn Kagan

     Teachers College, Columbia University
     Yale University's Child Study Center

     Sharon Lynn Kagan is the Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Early Childhood and Family
     Policy and Co-Director of the National Center for Children and Families at Teachers College,
     Columbia University and Professor Adjunct at Yale University's Child Study Center. As the author
     of 250 articles and 14 books, Professor Kagan is noted for her seminal research on the institutions
     that impact the quality, equity, and sustainability of services impacting young children and their
     families. Using research and working in conjunction with UNICEF, the World Bank, UNESCO,
     and the IADB, Kagan has helped shape early childhood policies in over 70 countries globally.
     Acknowledged for these research and policy contributions, Kagan is a Fulbright Scholar, and an
     elected Fellow of both the National Academy of Education and the American Educational Research
     Association (AERA). She is the only woman in the history of American Education to receive its
     three most prestigious awards: the 2004 Distinguished Service Award from the Council of Chief
     State School Officers (CCSSO), the 2005 James Bryant Conant Award for Lifetime Service to
     Education from the Education Commission of the States (ECS), and the Harold W. McGraw, Jr.
     Prize in Education.

Abstract for the Keynote Speech 1:

                                  Transforming Early Childhood Systems for Future Generation

Setting the stage for the conference, this keynote will explain WHAT ECE systems are, WHY
they are so critical now, and HOW we might go about implementing them in diverse countries.
The PowerPoint will begin by focusing on the increasing emphasis being placed on ECE globally,
suggesting that there are five key reasons, all based in research, for this new ECE context. Given
this new ECE reality, nations are not only increasing the number of direct services young children
and their families receive, but are systematically addressing the quality, equitable distribution, and
sustainability of these services. To do this successfully, countries around the globe are launching
new ECE systems. Learning from their experiences, this presentation will: (i) unveil how countries
are developing systems, (ii) delineate the challenges they face as they do so, and (iii) present the
outcomes they achieve. Participants will leave the session understanding the rationale for, the
approach to, and the benefits of, ECE systems work in this exciting new era of ECE advancement.

      Samuel L. Odom

     Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
     University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

     Dr. Samuel L. Odom is the Director of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and
     Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has
     also held faculty positions at Indiana University and Vanderbilt University. In his 30+ year career,
     Dr. Odom has focused on research and professional development related to early intervention and
     early childhood special education. He has published over 100 articles and book chapters, as well
     as having edited eight books. His research and scholarship has focused on themes related to social
     integration of preschool children in inclusive settings, social competence of preschool children
     with disabilities, evidence-based practice for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder,
     and the application of implementation science to professional development of teachers. Dr. Odom
     has received numerous recognitions for this work, including the Outstanding Special Education
     Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children in 2007 and the Arnold Lucius Gesell
     Prize awarded for career achievement in research on social inclusion and child development by the
     Theordor Hellbrugge Foundation, Munich, Germany, in 2013.

Abstract for the Keynote Speech 2:

                            Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Education

Inclusion of young children with disabilities in early childhood care and education settings has
received international recognition and support. Inclusion may be defined by three qualities:
belonging and membership, participation, and learning opportunities for children with disabilities
in classes and community activities in which their same-age peers without disabilities participate.
These qualities reflect the psychological and sociological goal of inclusion. In the United States,
inclusion of children with special needs began with broader legislation that funded research on
disability, and the earliest early childhood inclusive programs began in the 1970s. From that time,
a number of programs and features of inclusion have evolved, and these can be viewed within an
ecological systems theory framework. Most proximal to the child are practices that occur within
a class or group community setting, and different instructional and intervention approaches may
be employed to support the inclusion for children with disabilities. These strategies include direct
instruction, embedded learning, multi-tiered levels of support, universal design for learning,
and peer-mediated intervention. To support implementation of these strategies, preparation and
training of teachers and early care providers is essential and there have been different approaches
to providing such training experiences, which include development of online training modules and
coaching strategies. The provision of effective practices that support inclusion and train teachers
is in turn supported by more distal influences such as national legislation, agency regulations,
and collaborations across professional groups. Such official sanctions and support for inclusion
are influenced by factors at the large cultural or societal level, such as values related to disability
and early care and education. Drawing on social learning theory, strategies at the societal level
can be employed to intentionally influence attitudes that support inclusion of young children
with disabilities. In conclusion, the author will offer a set of synthesis points that emerged from a
national study in the United States. These points are that beliefs about and definitions of inclusion
influence access to inclusive settings and quality, specialized instruction is an important component
of inclusion, collaboration among professionals is the cornerstone of effective programs, preparation
and professional development is necessary for successful inclusion, programs--not children--have to
be ready for inclusion, and inclusion can benefit children with and without disabilities.

      Arjen Wals

     Wageningen University, Netherlands
     University of Gothenburg, Sweden
     UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development

     Arjen Wals is a Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at
     Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning
     and Sustainable Development. Furthermore he is the Carl Bennet Guest Professor in Education
     for Sustainable Development at Gothenburg University in Sweden and an Adjunct Faculty
     member at Cornell University. His teaching and research focus on designing learning processes
     and learning spaces that enable people, young and old, to contribute meaningfully sustainability.
     A central question for Arjen is: how to create conditions that support new forms of learning
     which take full advantage of the diversity, creativity and resourcefulness that are all around us,
     but so far remain largely untapped in our search for a world that is more sustainable than the one
     currently in prospect? Ever since co-designing ‘Action Research & Community Problem Solving’
     in inner-city schools in Detroit while a Ph.D student at the University of Michigan (1987-1991),
     he has been interested in community-engaged research and children’s agency and capacities to
     contribute to social ecological sustainability. More recently he has embarked on the idea of creating
     sustainability-oriented hybrid learning configurations: vibrant coalitions of (un)likely stakeholders
     using multiple forms of learning to jointly imagine, design and implement solutions to the key
     challenges of our time. In 2014, he was the lead author of an article published in Science on the
     role of citizen science in bridging science education, environmental education and sustainability.
     He is editor and co-editor of a number of popular books including: ‘Higher Education and the
     Challenge of Sustainability’ (Kluwer Academic, 2004), ‘Creating Sustainable Environments in our
     Schools’ (Trentham, 2006), ‘Social Learning towards a Sustainable World’ (Wageningen Academic,
     2007), ‘Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change’ (2012), and of Routledge’s
     International Handbook on Environmental Education Research (2013). He writes a regular
     research blog that signals developments in the emerging field of sustainability education: www.

Abstract for the Keynote Speech 3:

                                         Protecting and Expanding Children’s Innate Sustainability
                                                    through Intergenerational Ecologies of Learning

We live in a new geological epoch called the anthropocene: a time during which one single species,
home sapiens, has succeeded to alter major geo-ecological systems. The consequences of this
remarkable feat are becoming more clear and severe by the day, whether it is climate change, the
dramatic loss of biodiversity, rising inequity or the toxification of water, air, soil and of our bodies (not
to mention the bodies of plants and other animals).

Young people today are disproportionately affected by what we might call global sustainability
challenges in that they will have to live longer with the socio-ecological and economic consequences
of lifestyle and development choices made by the generation of their parents and grandparents. They
will also have more time to work on these challenges assuming that there will be enough time still
to do so.

Two questions are central in my contribution: 1) how can intrinsic human qualities that children
tend to have that are essential for living more sustainably on the Earth, be preserved and even
strengthened, and 2) how can intergenerational learning facilitate that older generations can re-claim
those qualities?

I will argue that at present, in most parts of the world, our education systems unwillingly but surely
‘take sustainability out of the child.’ Rather than creating learning environments that cultivate
and strengthen innate sustainability qualities like empathy, care, relational thinking, curiosity, and
collaboration, young children are prepared, already early on in their life, to adjust to a world that
is reduced in disciplines and categories, highly competitive and individualistic, focused on rapid
growth and development, and one that lacks a sense of place, belonging and connecting, also with
the non-human world.

Creating learning environments that ‘breathe’ sustainability instead of unsustainability is not easy in
times of globalization and digitalization but there are plenty of examples from across the globe that
show this is possible. In my contribution I will highlight possibilities of early childhood education
for building upon children’s sustainability and their agency to contribute towards a sustainable
future, and how they can play a role in bringing back to the world of ‘grown-ups’ what they have lost
over time. In doing so I will introduce the idea of intergenerational ecologies of learning.


      1. OMEP’s Growing Role at the UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, and Beyond:
         Policies and Projects [S1-1]

     Date: Wednesday, July 6, 1:30 to 3:00pm
     Place: Education Building B, Room 151
     Organized by World OMEP

     The goals of this session are for participants to gain knowledge about OMEP's global advocacy
     work and to understand how they can contribute to the organization's on-going projects. This
     symposium will feature several brief presentations followed by an interactive discussion on
     OMEP's growing visibility and influence in global child advocacy and international policy
     making. Representatives to the UN and UNESCO, along with their colleagues, will highlight
     several projects and describe how OMEP members can become involved. Highlights will include
     (1) OMEP's work with the UN Committee on Migration to address the social-emotional needs
     of refugee children, (2) OMEP's collaboration with the Red Cross to provide emotional support
     to young children in emergency shelters, (3) OMEP's collaboration with UNICEF to bring
     school-based water, sanitation and hygiene education (WASH) into early childhood settings, (4)
     OMEP's new role as a Flagship Partner with UNESCO's Global Action Program on Education for
     Sustainable Development, and (5) OMEP's position on a variety of important policy issues.

     • ‌Chair: Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden / UNESCO Chair in
                Early Childhood Education and Sustainable Development)
     • Participants include:
     - Maggie Koong (Victoria Educational Organization, Hong Kong / World President of OMEP)
     - Amber Nicole Eriksson (Columbia University, USA / OMEP Youth Representative to the UN)
     - ‌Judith Tate Wagner (Whittier College, USA / Deputy World President of OMEP / OMEP's WASH
                Project Leader at UNICEF)
     - ‌Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden / UNESCO Chair in Early
                Childhood Education and Sustainable Development)
     - ‌Kezia Carpenter (Instituto Alberto Einstein, Panama / Red Cross Project Coordinator)
     - Arjen Wals (Wageningen University, Netherlands / University of Gothenburg, Sweden / UNESCO
                Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development)

 2. International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC): How to Publish in the
    Journal [W1-5]

Date: Wednesday, July 6, 1:30 to 3:00pm
Place: Education Building B, Room 253
Organized by OMEP Korea

In this session, Donna, an editor of the International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC) will share
advice on how to get published in IJEC. IJEC is a peer-reviewed journal, which has been indexed in
SCOPUS, PsycINFO, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Academic OneFile, British Education Index, CSA
Environmental Sciences, Educational Research Abstracts Online (ERA), ERIC System Database,
MathEDUC, OCLC, OmniFile, SCImago, etc. IJEC has 2,000 members in 70 countries around
the globe. IJEC publishes three issues yearly, and by the year 2015 they had published 47 volumes
of journals. This journal is an important voice about research on children, childhood, and early
childhood education across various social and cultural contexts, and highly contributes to the
international debate on early education. Their coverage spans a range of topics such as multicultural
issues, children’s learning and sustainable development, recent issues in early childhood education
and care, and curriculum questions. IJEC places considerable emphasis on the child’s right to
education and care. The session will provide useful information and guidelines on how to get your
paper published with IJEC, including organizing your paper, writing a cover letter, and submitting
your work by specific deadlines.

• Speaker: Donna Berthelsen (Queensland University of Technology, Australia /
           Editor of International Journal of Early Childhood)

      3. OECD-UNESCO Joint Initiative: Survey of Teachers in Pre-primary
         Education (STEPP) - Voices of the Teachers at the Forefront [S2-5]

     Date: Thursday, July 7, 1:30 to 3:00pm
     Place: Education Building B, Room 154
     Organized and supported by Korean Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators & Korean
     Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators in College

     Across the globe, early childhood care and education (ECCE) has been rapidly expanding in the last
     15 years with unequal pace and coverage. Confronted with the global challenge of providing quality
     ECCE with equity, Education 2030-the global education framework adopted in September in 2015,
     targeted the universalization of inclusive and quality ECCE, including the provision of at least one
     year of free and compulsory pre-primary education. In order to meet this target, it is essential to
     have evidence-based data about the ECCE teachers and educators, including their training, working
     conditions, practices, and needs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The Survey
     of Teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP) project, launched in May 2015, was conceived
     to respond to this gap in knowledge. The STEPP project, implemented with a joint partnership
     including OMEP, aims to develop survey instruments that allow Member States to collect policy-
     relevant data and information concerning pre-primary education personnel and their job conditions.
     In this symposium, the presentation will focus mainly on (1) justification of the project, (2) policy
     issues and dimensions addressed in the STEPP survey, (3) participating countries, (4) survey design
     and methodology, (5) partners, and (6) progress to date and foreseen challenges.

     • Chair: Jeong Yoon Kwon (Sungshin Women’s University, Korea)
     • Participants include:
       - Yoshie Kaga (Programme Specialist, UNESCO Paris, France)
       - Selma Sonia Simonstein (Former President of World OMEP, Chile)
       - Hey Jun Ahn (Hanyang Women’s University, Korea)

 4. ESD Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: The OMEP World
    Project [S2-1]

Date: Thursday, July 7, 1:30 to 3:00pm
Place: Education Building B, Room 151
Organized by GAP World Project / Supported by World OMEP

It is the fifth year since the “Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ESD),” OMEP World
Project has been established. This session will recognize sustainability projects that have displayed
exceptional qualities and potential for enhancing ESD through developmentally appropriate early
childhood pedagogical practices. Specifically, this session features a series of presentations by the
five awarded teams from Kenya, Thailand, Greece, Uruguay, and USA. Specifically, these projects
includes issues related to a) developing water conservation in Kenya, b) education for sustainable
development in Thailand, c) finding renewable energy sources in Greece, d) building a sustainable
school in Uruguay, and e) practicing ESD from cradle through College and beyond in the USA. By
discussing the innovative and creative ways sustainability is being addressed across the globe, this
session aims to foster new awareness and understanding in order to promote teaching ESD with
developmentally appropriate early childhood pedagogical practices, and to discuss implications for

• Chair: Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden / UNESCO Chair in Early
          Childhood Education and Sustainable Development)
• Award Winner:
  - Greece: Vassiliki Pliogou (Metropolitan College of Thessaloniki),
             Anastasia Kountouroudi (Preschool Center “Nipiakos Kipos”),
             Ifigeneia Kamperidou (Preschool Centre “Nipiakos Kipos”),
             Anna-Iris Coumpa (Preschool Centre “Nipiakos Kipos”),
             Maria-Lito Coumpa (Preschool Centre “Nipiakos Kipos”)
  - Kenya: Lilian Atieno Okai (President of OMEP Kenya)
  - Thailand: Patcharaporn Puttikul (Chulalongkorn University),
             Udomluck Kulapichitr (Chulalongkorn University)
  - Uruguay: Elizabeth Ivaldi (President of OMEP Uruguay)
  - United States: Valene Crystal Martinez (Whittier College)

      5. Bridging the World, Bridging the Generation [S2-7]

     Date: Thursday, July 7, 1:30 to 3:00pm
     Place: Education Building B, Room 153
     Organized and supported by OMEP Korea

     In this session, seven teams will share their insights into multicultural and intergenerational
     collaboration after a four-month of cultural exchange across the globe. This project originated with
     the idea of supporting OMEP presidents who were unable to participate in the OMEP Assembly
     due to social, political and economic challenges. Six OMEP presidents from each of the five
     continents were provided with travel funds and conference registration fees through the generosity
     of five preschools in South Korea. From March of 2016 to June of 2016, those five preschools in
     South Korea were actively engaged with the following OMEP presidents in a cultural exchange
     with the purpose of fostering mutual understanding of one another’s cultures. Specifically, they
     partnered with the OMEP president of Ghana from the African continent, the OMEP president of
     Pakistan from the Asia-Pacific continent, the Czech Republic and Greece OMEP president from
     Europe, the El Salvador OMEP president from the South American continent, the Haitian OMEP
     president from North American continent. Moreover, another feature of this presentation is the
     involvement of young generational presenters. Students from multiple age groups (e.g., preschoolers,
     middle school students, and high school students) will present the results of this four-month of
     cultural exchanges after having been connected to students in their similar age group from these
     six countries. For example, each age group of students will share their findings after having learned
     one another’s folk tales, traditional plays, birthday songs, and other popular songs such as “twinkle,
     twinkle little star” in each other’s native language. Finally, graduate students from Ewha Womans
     University will present their comparative study on Chinese, Japanese, and Korean pre-service early
     childhood teachers’ knowledge on multicultural education.

     • Chair: Soonhwan Kim (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
     • Participants include:
       -Czech: Dana Moravcova (President of OMEP Czech, Czech),
                Cheongok Yoo, & Hyejin Son (Saessak Kindergarten, Korea)
       -Greece: Effrosyni Katsikonouri (President of OMEP Greece, Greece),
                Chillsun Ryu, Younyoung Yang, Youkyung Cho, Youngnam Kim, & Dawoon Jung
                (Hyechon Kindergarten attached to DaeJeon Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

-El Salvador: Mayra Gonzalez (President of OMEP El Salvador, El Salvador),
         Sung-Hee Lee, & Eun-ji Kim (Woosong Kindergarten, Korea),
         Chun Ja Lee, & Sunae Kwak (Chimshin Kindergarten, Korea),
         Sungkyung Sim, & Eunsuk Ham (Demonstration Kindergarten of Wonkwang University,
-Haiti: Larissa Denise Annoual Chapoteau (OMEP Haiti, Haiti),
         Jeongsun Park, & Jinsu Kim (Myoungji Kindergarten, Korea)
-Ghana: Grace Matilda Amarteifio (Marina Nursery School and Kindergarten, Ghana),
         Seungwon Kang, Yun-Seo Oh, Seung kwon Bae, Jung-eun Park, Su-min Park, Taejoon
         Kim, & Jin won Lee (PUMP, High School Students of Korea)
-Pakistan: Noushad Ahmed Khan (President of OMEP Pakistan, Pakistan),
         Yu Jung Ro, Jae woo Yoon, Eunji Chung, Soyeon Cho, Hojae Kim, Jimin Kong, Gunwoo
         Kong, & Stephen Chung (JaniMun, Middle & High School Students of Korea)
-Next Generation: Mingyoung Ha, Jieun Kim, & Bisung Ku (Next Generation Organizing
         Committee of Korea, Ewha Womans University, Korea)

      6. Children First, Right Start For All: Enhancing Quality and Catering for
         Diversity [S2-3]

     Date: Thursday July 7, 1:30 to 3:00pm
     Place: Education Building B, Room 152
     Organized by OMEP Hong Kong

     As an affluent and advanced city, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
     Region (HKSARG) ensures children’s access to quality kindergarten education irrespective of their
     family financial means. The 2016 Policy Address announced the implementation of the free quality
     kindergarten education policy from the 2017/18 school year to provide good quality and highly
     affordable kindergarten education and further enhance the quality of kindergarten education in
     In this symposium, officials of the Education Bureau of Hong Kong will share the key features of
     their new policy including its guiding framework and initiatives to improve teacher professionalism,
     arranging funding, support for students with different needs, school accountability and quality,
     parental engagement, etc. underpinned by the guiding principles of uniqueness, equity, quality,
     diversity, and sustainability in kindergarten education. Specific to the issue of catering for
     kindergarten students with special needs, there are currently over 7,000 children with special needs
     wait-listed for school rehabilitation services in Hong Kong. How to help these children has been
     a long-standing problem to the government and kindergartens. In August 2014, the Heep Hong
     Society launched a two-year pioneering project adopting a two-pronged approach comprising on-
     site support and centre-based therapeutic training by a multi-disciplinary team. The success of
     the Project has brought about significant policy impact. The HKSARG launched a larger scale
     pilot project adopting a similar model in November 2015, and is exploring regularization of the
     Project. During this session, representatives of the Heep Hong Society will also be introducing their
     pioneering service model and the result of an effectiveness study conducted by the Department of
     Psychology from the University of Hong Kong.

     • Chair: Amelia N. Y. Lee (Hong Kong Baptist University, President of OMEP Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
     • Participants include:
       -Lan-See Nancy Tsang (Heep Hong Society, Hong Kong)
       -Wai-Ching Michelle Yau (Education Bureau, Hong Kong)

 7. Play and Resilience: The OMEP World Project [S3-5]

Date: Friday, July 8, 9:00 to 10:30am
Place: Education Building B, Room 251
Organized by Play and Resilience World Project / Supported by World OMEP

The “Play and Resilience” OMEP World Project was newly established by OMEP to support the
development and resilience of young children through play conducted in a safe, child friendly,
and stimulating environment. The Travel Award recognizes the best efforts in promoting play and
resilience around the world. Among the 36 applications, the seven projects that clearly demonstrate
outstanding qualities and potential were awarded. In this symposium, seven award-winners were
invited to give a short presentation on their projects. These outstanding projects were composed
of a) the development of resilience through medical play from Australia, b) preschool altruism and
soul from Bosnia and Herzegovina, c) physical education in early childhood from New Zealand,
d) play project in the mobile kindergartens in China, e) promoting democratic coexistence in early
childhood infancia from El Salvador, f) an early childhood resilience project from Turkey, and g)
resilience and children’s games in a rural area of west China.

• Chair: Maggie Koong (Victoria Educational Organization, Hong Kong / World President of
• Award Winner:
  -Australia: Dawn Butterworth (President of OMEP Australia),
              Lis Karen Mathiasen (Westminster Junior Primary School)
  -Bosnia and Herzegovina: Larisa Pejic (Preschool Institution)
  -New Zealand: Claire Jane McLachlan (University of Waikato),
              Sophie Foster (Jumping Beans)
  -China: Chaoyun Yan (Sichuan Normal University),
              Liangjing Guo (Nanjing Normal University),
              Xiaoxia Feng (Beijing Normal University)
  -El Salvador: Evelyn Adriana Calero (Fundasil, Fundación Silencio)
  -Turkey: Ebru Ersay (Gazi University)
  -China: Yinian Ma, & Guoyan Zhang (Northwest Normal University)


                World Assembly                              International Conference
              Monday      Tuesday        Wednesday               Thursday                   Friday
               July 4      July 5          July 6                 July 7                    July 8

     8:00-                                                     Registration Open

                                                             Poster & Exhibition
     9:00-                                                      (8:30-13:30)
                                           Opening                                 Symposium        Workshop
     9:30-                                                        Keynote
               World       World          Ceremony                                     3               3
              Assembly    Assembly
     10:00-                                                          2

     10:30-                                 Break                  Break                    Break

     11:00-    Break       Break      Keynote                     Keynote
                                      Speech                      Speech
                                                                                        Presentation 3
     11:30-                          1                              3

               World       World
              Assembly    Assembly
                                                                                       Closing Ceremony
     12:30-                                 Lunch                  Lunch


                          Lunch &
     13:30-   Lunch &
                          Group      Symposium   Workshop   Symposium Workshop
     14:00-   Meeting
                          Meeting        1          1           2        2


     15:00-    Break       Break            Break

     15:30-                               Individual
     16:00-                                   1                 School Visit
               World       World
              Assembly    Assembly
     16:30-                               Individual
     18:00-   Assembly                    Welcome
     20:00    Reception                   Reception


                                                                                                           Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
   8:00-       Registration Open
                                                                                           ECC Hall

9:00-10:30     Opening Ceremony                                                    Samsung Hall

10:30-11:00    Break (Refreshments)                                                        ECC Hall

               Keynote Speech 1                                                    Samsung Hall
11:00-12:00    Transforming early childhood systems for future generation
                 Sharon Lynn Kagan, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
                                                                             Lee Sam Bong Hall /
12:00-13:30    Lunch
                                                                                    ECC Theater

13:30-15:00    Symposium 1                                                 Education Building B

              S1-1: Policy                             Chair: Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
                                                       University of Gothenburg, Sweden         151
              OMEP's growing role at UN, UNICEF, UNESCO and beyond: Policies and
                  Judith Tate Wagner, Whittier College (OMEP UN Representative), USA
                  Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, University of Gothenburg (OMEP UN & UNESCO
                         Representative), Sweden
                  Arjen Wals, Wageningen University, Netherlands
                  Kezia Carpenter, Instituto Alberto Einstein, Panamá
                  Maggie Koong, World President of OMEP, Hong Kong
                  Amber Nicole Ericksson, OMEP Youth Representative to the UN, USA

              S1-2: Policy                           Chair: Qian Liu
                                                     East China Normal University, China       B154
              Practices of grass-root management on ECE in China
                  Qian Liu, East China Normal University, China
                  Lin Li, East China Normal University, China
                  Dongmei Yang, Xiamen Academy of Educational Science, China

     S1-3: Workforce               Chair: Osamu Fujii
                                   Takatsukasa Hoikuen Childcare Centre. Japan          153
     Curriculum of early childhood teacher education in Asia Pacific
         Eunhye Park, Ewha Womans University, Korea
         Amelia N. Y. Lee, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
         Nobuko Kamigaichi, Jumonji University, Japan
         Hoewook Chung, Ewha Womans University, Korea
         Heekyung Lee, Bucheon University, Korea
         Seenyoung Park, Bucheon University, Korea
         Lily Hok Neo Wong, Advent Links-SAUC, Singapore
         Edite Maria Louise Hill, OMEP Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zealand
         Udomluck Kulapichitr, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

     S1-4: Quantitative Research & Ecology Chair: Sandie Wong
                                                  Charles Sturt University, Australia   152
     Ecological factors in child development for Korean, American, and Australian
     children: Insights from quantitative research
         Kate Elizabeth Williams, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
         Haesung Im, Ewha Womans University, Korea
         Kijoo Cha, Gachon University, Korea

     S1-5: Curriculum                           Chair: Rongfang Gu
                                                Nanjing Normal University, China        154
     The development of health education: Working through the multi-level
     teaching-research system in China
         Xuequn Chen, Nanjing No.2 Kindergarten, China
         Xin Liu, Beijing Normal University, China
         Qian Fan, Liu Yi Kindergarten, China
         Shouwen Zhang, Capital Normal University, China
         Yingchun Li, Changping District Beijing Industrial Kindergarten, China
         Dan Liu, Beijing Normal University, China

13:30~15:00 Workshop 1                                                     Education Building B

                                                                                                         Wednesday, July 6, 2016
            W1-1: Curriculum                                                                  462
            How to recognize the "red flags" in early childhood years
                Betina Serson, Private Practice, Brasil

            W1-2: Curriculum                                                                  254
            Walking the talk: Exploring teacher-child dialogues that support children’s
            agency for social justice
                Lia De Vocht, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
                Glynne Margaret Mackey, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

            W1-3: Curriculum                                                                  256
            How to use read alouds to teach kindergarteners good values
                Toni Bain, Victoria Education Organisation, Hong Kong
                Cecily Ko, Victoria Education Organisaton, Hong Kong

            W1-4: Curriculum                                                                  461
            Seven novel strategies: Effective ways to stimulate interest in inquiry
                Rong Li, Victoria Organization, China
                Briar Shao, Shanghai Victoria Kindergarten Gumei Campus, China

            W1-5: IJEC Publishing                                                             253
            International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC): How to publish in the Journal
                Donna Berthelsen, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

15:00~15:30 Break (Refreshments)                                           Kim Emma Hall (B152)

15:30~16:30 Individual Presentation 1                                      Education Building B

            IP1-1: Culture & Society                    Moderator: Daeun Park
                                                        Chungbuk National University, Korea   651
            A need of quality multicultural courses for pre-service teachers
                Sungok Reina Park, Northern Arizona University, USA

            Disney through Alice's looking-glass
                Edna Runnels Ranck, OMEP-USA, USA
                Judith Lynne McConnell-Farmer, Washburn University, USA

     Parent intrusive homework support and children’s math achievement: Relation
     to children’s motivational frameworks
         Daeun Park, Chungbuk National University, Korea

     Chinese father educational involvement
         Xiaowei Li, Beijing Normal University, China

     IP1-2: Culture & Society                 Moderator: Jooeun Oh
                                              Incheon National University, Korea 		   652
     Young children's digital game spaces as the production of cultural capital
         Youn Jung Huh, Salem State University, USA

     Development of I-sarn traditional food consumption model for early childhood
         Chatchawan Jye-Jye Limruchatakul, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University,
         Thatsanee Jeab Nakunsong, Rajabhat Maha, Sarakham University, Thailand
         Suchada Su Wangsittidet, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Thailand
         Wanrintip Fon Srekula, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Thailand

     Dewey's publicness: Young children becoming the public through operating a
         Jinju Kang, Pusan National University, Korea
         Eun Kyoung Goh, Dong-A University (Human Life Research Center), Korea

     Family, community, and society: Resources integration in the kindergarten
     reading festival
         Jun Du, Beijing Normal University Kindergarten, China

     IP1-3: Culture & Society                 Moderator: Hong-Ju Jun
                                             Sungshin Women's University, Korea		     653
     Intergenerational relationships - more than a nice idea!
         Margaret Ann Nicholls, OMEP Aotearoa/NZ, NewZealand

     Developing an instrument for Korean early childhood teacher competencies
         Min Jung Kang, Institute for Early Child Education, Korea
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