On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines

                              On the horizon:
                              Whispering jets
MTU Aero Engines Holding AG
Dachauer Straße 665            Customers + Partners    Technology + Science       Global
80995 Munich • Germany
Tel. +49 89 1489-0
Fax +49 89 1489-5500
                              A fresh approach from   A diagnostic tool to see   Growing business
www.mtu.de                    Down Under              inside blades              with accessories
On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines

    Cover Story
    On the horizon: Whispering jets            6 – 13

    Customers + Partners
    Another step forward                      14 – 17
    A fresh approach from Down Under          18 – 21
    Global bestseller                         22 – 25
    India – boom despite barriers             26 – 29

    Technology + Science
    A diagnostic tool to see inside blades    30 – 33
    Keeping a close eye on tolerances         34 – 39
                                                                                                                                   A fresh approach from Down Under                                        A diagnostic tool to see inside blades
                                                                                                                                   From modest beginnings, Virgin Australia has worked its way up to       Latest-generation turbine blades have an intricate internal structure.
    Products + Services                                                                                                            become the second-largest airline in Australia within a decade. MTU     In order to detect variations in these high-tech castings, MTU has
    Two coats are more durable than one       40 – 43                                                                              Maintenance Hannover in Langenhagen takes care of the maintenance       developed a fully automated computed tomography method that
    Successful GE38 PT stress test at         44 – 47                                                                              of the carrier’s GE90-115B engines powering its Boeing 777-300ER        improves the quality assurance process.
    MTU facility                                                                                                                   long-haul aircraft.                                                     Pages 30 – 33
                                                                                                                                   Pages 18 – 21

    High-tech in the desert                   48 – 51
                                                            On the horizon: Whispering jets
    Growing business with accessories         52 – 55       Noisy aircraft have a negative impact on the environment, human
                                                            health and airline costs. Technologies capable of reducing noise are
                                                            high in demand—new engine technologies especially so. Pratt &
                                                            Whitney and MTU have the solution: the geared turbofan.
    Report                                                  Pages 6 – 13
    Test passed successfully                  56 – 59

    In Brief                                  60 – 61
    Masthead                                       61

                                                                                                                                   Successful GE38 PT stress test                                          Growing business with accessories
                                                                                                                                   GE Aviation and MTU are pleased that the GE38 has successfully          The Sea Island Remote Terminal at Vancouver International Airport
                                                                                                                                   completed its power turbine stress test in Munich. The test has spe-    was bustling with activity during the 2010 Winter Olympics. Now MTU
                                                                                                                                   cial significance, because it is the first time that a German company   Maintenance has moved into the building, equipped it with the latest
                            More REPORT in digital form                                                                            has tested a U.S. military engine on the manufacturer’s behalf.         in modern machinery and converted it into an accessory repair shop.
                            Get the eMagazine and iPad                                                                             Pages 44 – 47                                                           Pages 52 – 55
                            app for more multimedia fea-
                            tures from www.mtu.de/report.

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines

                Dear Readers:

                Two of the world’s most important air shows took place this year—the
                Farnborough International Airshow on the outskirts of London, and the ILA
                Berlin Air Show on the new exhibition grounds just outside Germany’s cap-
                ital. Both exhibitions were exceptionally important for MTU. Through the
                stakes we have in engine programs, the orders placed for new engines and
                maintenance services at Farnborough have allowed us to rack up the biggest
                order volume ever in terms of value in MTU’s history. At the ILA, Germany’s
                largest air show, we were one of the top exhibitors and presented ourselves
                as a highly successful, innovative and ambitious company.

                Once again, the geared turbofan (GTF) was the top crowd-puller, and not at
                all surprisingly so. Apart from delivering outstanding efficiency, the GTF
                technology offers yet another compelling advantage: it cuts noise levels in
                half. Aircraft noise is becoming an issue of increasing concern to the gen-
                eral public—both to noise-plagued residents living near airports and to the
                stakeholders in the industry. It makes me proud and happy to say that,
                together with our U.S. partner Pratt & Whitney, we have succeeded in spot-
                ting this trend early on, so that we anticipated the need for “whispering jets”
                and, with the GTF, have promptly come up with the answer to this pressing

                Our innovative ideas also reflect in other products: in the turbine center
                frame for the GEnx engine, the first of which has recently been delivered and
                will in future be onboard one of Cargolux’s freighters, the GE38 helicopter
                engine, for which we are supplying the power turbine and have carried out
                stress tests on behalf of the engine manufacturer General Electric for the
                first time, and our newly developed repair technique for air seals, to mention
                just a few examples of impressive recent developments. Given our strong
                track record, I’m firmly convinced that we will achieve our very ambitious
                financial goal—that of doubling our revenues to six billion euros annually by

                Read this latest issue of Report to learn more about MTU’s broad range of
                capabilities and expertise—it certainly makes for interesting reading.

                I hope you will enjoy reading it.

                Sincerely yours,

                Egon Behle
                Chief Executive Officer

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Cover Story

 On the
                              By Denis Dilba

Noisy aircraft not only have a negative impact on the envi-
ronment and human health, but increasingly also on airline
costs. Technologies that significantly reduce aircraft noise
and help save hefty noise fees are in high demand, and new
engine technologies especially so. The solution proposed by
Pratt & Whitney and MTU Aero Engines is the geared turbo-
fan. In addition to its low fuel consumption and low level of
pollutant emissions, this propulsion system also produces
50 percent less noise than today’s engines. Its entry into
service is slated for 2013.

                mong the effects of air traffic that people com-
                plain about the most, noise has topped the list
                for many years. It is a subject that has often given
        rise to some highly emotional public debates, ranking in
        importance even above the issue of air pollution. Aircraft
        noise is a nuisance, and is increasingly becoming a major
        factor driving the costs of airlines and aircraft manufac-
        turers, because the majority of airports in the world now
        penalize operators of noisy aircraft by imposing additional
        unit noise charges for take-offs and landings. In simplified
        terms, the higher the noise level generated by an aircraft
        during take-off or landing, the higher the airport fees. “At
        present rates, these charges can account for up to five
        percent of an aircraft’s total operating costs,” relates
        Paul Traub, who is responsible for aero-acoustic design at
        MTU Aero Engines in Munich. Many airport authorities
        have banned night flights to protect local residents against
        aircraft noise. Exceptions are granted only in special cir-
        cumstances (rescue flights or flights operated by couri-
        ers) and for aircraft equipped with low-noise engines.

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Cover Story

The noise issue is exacerbated by the steadily                                                                                                                                                                                 dynamic flows can be greater than that gen-
increasing volume of commercial air traffic                                                                                                                                                                                    erated by the engines, which are operating at
which, if it continues to grow at the current                                                                                                                                                                                  a lower speed at this point. Says Traub: “Air-
average rate of around 4.5 percent per year,                                                                                                                                                                                   craft noise is the sum of all the noise pro-
                                                                                                        30                   Stage 2
will double in the next 15 years. This is why                                                                                                                                                                                  duced by aircraft and engine components.”

                                                         Noise level (cumulative margin 4 in EPNdB 5)
the combined objective of reducing noise le-                                                                                                                                                                                   Almost every stationary or rotating part caus-
vels and significantly increasing fuel efficien-                                                                                                                                                                               es pressure variations or turbulent flows, and
cy is one of the greatest challenges the avia-                                                                                                       Stage 3                                                                   hence noise.
tion industry is facing. This is nothing new to                                                                     B747-100
                                                                                                                                                                                  Stage 4
the stakeholders. Back in 2000, the European                                                             0                             A310          A320 - CFM56                                                              “But there’s no doubt that the biggest sources
aviation industry made a voluntary commit-                                                                                            A320 -V2500                                                                              of noise remain the fan and the exhaust jet,”
ment to cut fuel consumption and noise                                                                                                                                                                 Stage 51                says Dr. Dominik Broszat, an expert in aero-
emissions in half by 2020. Even if major im-                                                                                                                            A380                                                   acoustics at MTU. For specialists like him,
provements have since been achieved, this                                                               -20                                                                                  A320neo - GTF2                    there is more than one category of noise. He
doesn’t make things any easier for Traub and                                                                                                                                                  today’s GTF 3                    makes a distinction between tonal noise com-
his colleagues. Given that aircraft and their                                                           -30                                                                                       ACARE 2020 target            ponents and broadband noise: “Tonal noise
engines remain in service for several decades,                                                                                                                                                                                 occurs at discrete frequencies produced by
their designers need to anticipate future                                                               -40                                                                                                                    rotating parts. These are caused, for example,
changes in allowable noise limits and devel-                                                              1960            1970         1980         1990        2000        2010             2020          2030         2040   at the fan or in the turbine and also in the
                                                                                                                                                    Year of aircraft certification
op solutions to meet the tightened standards                                                                                                                                                                                   compressor, where they are generated by
of the future.                                                                                                1   Current estimate of future regulatory noise limit (yet to be officially defined)                             pressure fluctuations between the alternat-
                                                                                                              2   Existing A320 design with GTF
                                                                                                              3   All-new aircraft design with first generation GTF                                                            ing rows of rotor blades and stator vanes.”
While it is true that passenger jet engines are                                                               4   The sum of the differences at all three measurement points between the maximum noise level                   These tonal noise components play a major
                                                                                                                  according to the aircraft certificate and the maximum noise level according to the regulations.
one of the major sources of noise, especially                                                                 5   Effective Perceived Noise Level in decibels (unit of measurement of aircraft noise used in aircraft          role in noise assessment. Broadband noise,
during take-off, they are not the only one. The                                                                   certification)                                                                                               on the other hand, is perceived as a loud
aircraft itself is also responsible for creating                                                                                                                                                                               rushing sound. It arises from the airflow
turbulence on the surfaces of the fuselage,          Considerable progress made: Aircraft noise has been drastically reduced since 1970. The GTF is yet                                                                        around the fuselage and wings, and from tur-                      Not cheap: Almost all airports impose unit noise charges for take-offs and landings.
                                                     another huge step forward.
wings and landing gear, which makes up a                                                                                                                                                                                       bulent mixing of the hot jet exhaust with the
major share of the noise. During the landing                                                                                                                                                                                   ambient air.
approach, the noise generated by these aero-

                                                     Fuselage                                                                                             Wings and tail section
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       n e noi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              r noi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jet n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    o   ise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fan n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fan n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ess    or no

            Nose and main landing gear             Engines and nacelles                                                                                    Flaps and control surfaces

Sources of aircraft noise.                                                                                                                                                                                                     The fan, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust gas jet are all sources of noise in a turbofan engine.

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Cover Story

        What is noise?
        Noise is loud, unwanted sound. Noise causes
        sound waves, that is variations in pressure, to
        travel outward from the source through the air.
        These waves evoke an auditory sensation in the
        human ear—we hear a sound. Because the ear-
        drum, or tympanic membrane, responds to this                                    Firecracker                                     Acute irreversible
        stimulus in much the same way as a sound pres-                                  exploding                         150           damage
        sure receiver, the perceived strength of the                                    nearby
        sound is best described in terms of sound pres-
        sure. The higher the pressure of the sound                                      Rock-                             130           Pain threshold
        waves, the louder the perceived sound. The                                      concert
        human ear is an extraordinarily sensitive organ.
        It can hear sounds of a wide range of intensities,                              Turbofan engine                   110
        which are measured using the logarithmic deci-                                  (aircraft taking
                                                                                        off**)                            100
        bel (dB) scale, in which audibility grades vary
        from barely audible (0 dB) to very loud (130 dB,                                                                                Health risk through                 The engines powering the A320neo will also incorporate geared-turbofan technology.
                                                                                                                           90           long-term exposure
                                                                                        GTF engine
        pain threshold). Each step of ten decibels repre-                               (aircraft taking
        sents a doubling or halving of the perceived                                                                       80
        sound intensity.                                                                Heavy                              70           Communication
                                                                                        road traffic                                    impeded                    running the fan at a slower speed would                   and turbine speed requirements, allowing fuel        results obtained by the MTU engineers in
        Some data for comparison: The noise of traffic on                                                                  60                                      automatically increase the aerodynamic loads              consumption and emissions to be signifi-             their computations and simulations: “The
        a busy highway typically reaches a level of 80 dB,                                                                 50                                      acting on the low-pressure turbine. This in               cantly reduced. At the same time, the GTF            noise footprint of an aircraft powered by
        a pneumatic drill 100 dB. In the near future, a                                 Quiet                                                                      turn would result in poorer efficiency or                 sets new standards in terms of noise reduc-          geared turbofans is 70 percent smaller than
                                                                                        conversation                       40
        passenger aircraft powered by first-generation                                                                                                             increased weight.                                         tion, thanks to its lower fan speed and a low-       that of the latest generation of turbofans
        GTF engines will produce a level of noise at take-                                                                 30                                                                                                pressure turbine (LPT) that rotates three            used to power short-haul and medium-haul
        off which is comparable to that of a truck travel-                                                                                                         The next decisive leap forward in noise re-               times as fast. Because it runs at higher             jets,” reports Dr. Klaus-Peter Rüd, Director,
        ling at 80 kph. The extent to which noise is per-                               Whispering                         20                                      duction technology is expected to come from               speeds, the MTU-developed LPT is not only            Advanced Product Design at MTU. And that’s
        ceived as a nuisance depends not only on objec-                                                                    10                                      the geared turbofan (GTF) engine, which is                markedly more efficient but also generates           not the end of it. The next GTF generation can
        tive measurements of sound pressure but also                                                                                                               scheduled to enter service in 2013. A reduc-              high-frequency noise that is rapidly attenuat-       be expected to be even quieter, because by-
        on subjective or psychoacoustic factors such as                                                                     0           Threshold of audibility    tion gearbox permits the fan and the turbine              ed by atmospheric absorption, and that is            pass ratios in excess of 10:1 can be achieved
        loudness, tonality, and duration of exposure.                                                                                                              to run at their respective optimum speeds.                often inaudible to humans. Initial noise tests       with this technology, enabling the jet noise to
                                                                 * approx. 85 dB(A), comparable with a truck (80 kph at a distance of 15 m)
        The unit to measure aircraft noise used by air-          ** Entered into service in 2000                                                                   This puts an end to the tradeoff between fan              on the GTF have confirmed the theoretical            be reduced even further. Already today, the
        worthiness authorities in the certification of air-
        craft, EPNdB or effective perceived noise in de-
        cibels, takes all of these factors into account.      Sources of noise and their sound pressure levels.

Until now, one of the most effective weapons       portion of the air ducted around the core                       reduced by no less than 75 percent in the
in the battle against engine noise has been        engine which, in a high-BPR engine, provides                    take-off phase.
to maximize the bypass ratio (BPR). In by-         the larger part of the thrust. In the 50 years
pass or turbofan engines, the air flow through     or so since the turbofan was first introduced,                  However, there is a limit to the improvements
the engine is split into two parts. In the core    through successive generations of turbofan                      that can be achieved through noise reduction
flow, the air is further compressed and            engines up to the present day, the bypass                       measures with these conventional engine
enters the combustor, where it is mixed with       ratio has increased to a value close to 10:1.                   designs in future. Partly because any further
fuel and ignited, releasing the energy needed      In other words, the mass of air ducted around                   increase in the bypass ratio will require a
to power the turbine. Because the turbine is       the core engine has increased significantly                     larger turbofan engine, and hence an in-
mounted on the same shaft as the fan at the        relative to the core flow. These improvements                   crease in engine weight to a point where
engine intake, it drives the fan, causing it to    have had two beneficial effects: Fuel con-                      economic operation is no longer possible;       The noise contour of an aircraft with conventional turbofan engines.               The noise contour of an aircraft powered by GTF engines is reduced approximately
rotate. This accelerates the bypass flow—the       sumption was cut and aircraft noise was                         and partly because attempts to limit noise by                                                                                      70 percent.

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Cover Story

The geared turbofan: a success story

                        Dr. Rainer Martens, Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Rainer Martens has been Chief Operating Officer at MTU Aero         How can the GTF be further optimized in the future?
Engines since 2006. It is under his tenure that a significant part of   The geared turbofan still has considerable potential for improvement.
the development work took place on the geared turbofan—a product        We’re already working on increasing the diameter of the fan and on
which has since become well established in the market, with orders      optimizing the core engine, and we’re continuing to look into options
for over 2,500 engines received to date.                                of increasing pressures and temperatures inside the engine. Another
                                                                        focus is on introducing high-strength materials that are even lighter
Dr. Martens, what was MTU’s formula for this success?                   than those we’re using today.                                                          The CSeries powered by the geared turbofan is expected to enter into service late next year.
A success like this doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it’s the result
of decades of preparatory work. We carried out the first preliminary    For the long term, we’re working on an intercooled compressor and a
studies into a geared turbofan engine way back in the 1990s, but        heat exchanger in the exhaust duct. Our experience with stationary
chose not to pursue the concept further at the time for lack of a       gas turbines tells us that such configurations offer advantages. But       engine of the future is a great success. MTU           their number,” explains the engineer. The 3D        in the hot section, where the exhaust gases
viable business case. Now, market conditions are different: rising      before this technology can be used on aircraft engines for these           Aero Engines currently holds stakes in four            configuration of the individual blades also         flow, but it is an option that might be worth
kerosene prices and more stringent environmental regulations have       advantages to materialize, there are a few things we still need to opti-   of Pratt & Whitney’s GTF programs. The                 affects the way they radiate sound. Noise           pursuing to make engines even quieter.”
spurred the demand for quieter and fuel thriftier engines. It quickly   mize. For instance, we have to work out how to deal with the weight of     PW1000G has been selected as the exclu-                can be reduced by tilting them slightly in the      MTU’s aero-acoustics expert is keeping a
became clear that there was definitely no way we could deliver the      the heat exchanger, which is an additional component.                      sive engine for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet            radial or axial direction. But obviously, what-     close eye on every kind of technological devel-
improvements in specifications demanded by customers simply by                                                                                     (MRJ). Bombardier will equip its CSeries, due          ever measures are taken to reduce noise,            opment that might help reduce engine noise.
improving existing technologies. We had to take a different approach,                                                                              to enter service in 2013, with the geared tur-         they must not result in degraded perform-           “If there’s anything that we can use, we will
so that’s what MTU did in collaboration with Pratt & Whitney. Our                                                                                  bofan. Airbus has chosen the new propulsion            ance. “As in almost every other aspect of           do so one day,” comments Broszat, for as he
answer to the challenge was the geared turbofan.                                                                                                   system for its A320neo, as has Irkut for the           engine design, it is a question of finding the      says: “Aircraft with quiet engines are not only
                                                                                                                                                   MS-21 jet.                                             best tradeoff between the various require-          good news for the environment and for people
What thrust range is the GTF designed for?                                                                                                                                                                ments and design options available,” says           who live near airports—they also sell better.”
The new engine family covers a thrust range of between 10,000 and                                                                                  Traub, Broszat, and Rüd still have a few tricks        Broszat.
33,000 pounds. What we do is scale the size of the individual com-                                                                                 up their sleeves when it comes to eliminating
ponents for them to match the various thrust categories; the new                                                                                   engine noise. In the so-called cut-off design,         Another noise reduction technique consists
engine architecture and the turbomachinery assemblies remain the                                                                                   the MTU engineers select blade-to-vane                 of lining the engine’s flow ducts with thin,
same.                                                                                                                                              ratios such that as much of the noise as pos-          perforated panels with hollow cavities of a
                                                                                                                                                   sible is prevented from propagating in the             defined depth behind them. These structures,
How do you envisage the future of the GTF?                                                                                                         direction of the airflow. “But we always have          known as Helmholtz resonators or lambda/4
In the longer term, the technologies used in the GTF—the gearbox,                                                                                  to keep an eye on aerodynamic performance,             resonators, filter out disturbing sound fre-                For additional information, contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Dominik Broszat
the small core, the fan with a low pressure ratio, and the high-speed                                                                              weight and costs,” says Traub, describing the          quencies. They are commonly used in the air                 +49 89 1489-6097
low-pressure turbine—could form the basis of virtually any engine                                                                                  challenges of this meticulous work. “For               intake system. “The technology is well estab-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      For interesting multimedia services
architecture, for long-haul aircraft and short- and medium-haul air-                The PW1500G is the exclusive powerplant for the Bombardier     instance, because rotor blades are very ex-            lished in the cold section of the engine,” says             associated with this article, go to
craft alike.                                                                        CSeries.                                                       pensive, we only have limited scope to vary            Broszat. “At present, it is not very widely used            www.mtu.de/report

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Customers + Partners

                        Another step                                                                      D
                                                                                                                 r. Hans Penningsfeld, Technical Program           2012—just nine months later—the Cargolux freighter
                                                                                                                 Manager, GEnx, says: “The delivery of the         was handed over, and in September, MTU delivered
                                                                                                                 plane to Cargolux marks another important         the 100th TCF to GE.
                                                                                                          milestone for MTU and a great success for its entire
                                                                                                          GEnx team.” Wolfgang Hiereth, Director, GE Programs      The TCF poses a variety of challenges. “For a start, its

                                                                                                          at MTU in Munich, adds: “We are the sole supplier of     function is to direct the extremely hot gases exiting
                                                                                                          turbine center frames for GEnx engines—both for the      the high-pressure turbine past structural components
                                                                                                          Boeing 787 and the 747-8.”                               and the oil lines they contain toward the low-pres-
                                                                                                                                                                   sure turbine, while keeping aerodynamic losses to an
                                                                                                          Munich-based MTU is making great strides in record       absolute minimum,” explains Dr. Penningsfeld. “At the
                                                    By Bernd Bundschu                                     time: It wasn’t until early 2009 that Germany’s lead-    same time, it supports the rear roller bearing for the
                                                                                                          ing engine manufacturer began to work on the TCF,        high-pressure turbine shaft and directs cooling air to
                   In late May, Boeing delivered a 747-8 freighter to Cargolux. It was the fourth of 13   which had originally been developed by General           the high-pressure and low-pressure turbine rotors.”
                   of this aircraft type the airline has on order, but for MTU it marked a first: The     Electric (GE). Following the handover to GE of the       Its main components are the hub strut case and flow-
                                                                                                          first production module on August 24, 2011, MTU          path hardware. MTU has set up an innovative produc-
                   Luxembourg-based freighter is equipped with GEnx-2B67 engines incorporating the        took on full design responsibility for the TCF. In May   tion line for each of these two components.
                   first turbine center frames (TCFs) to have been produced by MTU Aero Engines. The
                   TCF is positioned between the high-pressure turbine and low-pressure turbine of this
                   jet engine and is a highly engineered component. MTU has design responsibility for
                   this module in the new GEnx program.

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On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Customers + Partners

                                                                                                                                          Queen of the
                                                                                                                                          freighter fleet
                                                                                                                                          The Boeing 747-8F is the latest freight version of
                                                                                                                                          Boeing’s legendary jumbo jet. The four-engine
                                                                                                                                          freighter’s design is based on that of its predeces-
                                                                                                                                          sor, the 747-400F, but with a fuselage that is 5.60
                                                                                                                                          meters longer. This new and improved version of the
                                                                                                                                          aircraft boasts the latest in technical equipment as
                                                                                                                                          well as new engines: It is powered exclusively by
                                                                                                                                          GE’s GEnx-2B67, which delivers 299.8 kilonewtons
                                                                                                                                          of thrust.

                                                                                                                                          Despite their greater power, these engines are still
                                                                                                                                          fuel efficient, giving the 747-8F a range of 8,130
                                                                                                                                          kilometers and a maximum payload capacity of              Three turbine center frames are produced in Munich every week.
                                                                                                                                          around 140 metric tons—which is 20 tons more than
                                                                                                                                          that of the 747-400F. The 747-8F’s additional vol-
                                                                                                                                          ume of 120 cubic meters provides 16 percent more
                                                                                                                                          revenue cargo volume than its predecessor and             These new production and assembly concepts ensure the
                                                                                                                                          offers space for seven additional standard pallets.       highest levels of efficiency, process stability and component
                                                                                                                                          The aircraft is loaded through both a nose door and       quality, and keep turnaround times short. Josef Moosheimer,
                                                                                                                                          a large side door.                                        Senior Manager, Program Coordination, GE Programs, says:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “There’s always a learning curve to climb when you launch a
                                                                                                                                          The first 747-8F rolled out of the factory on             new program, but in this case we got through it quicker than
                                                                                                                                          November 12, 2009 and completed its first flight on       expected.” This year, MTU will turn out an average of three
                                                                                                                                          February 8, 2010 in Everett, Washington. The air-         TCFs each week. Once production is fully up and running, MTU
                                                                                                                                          craft received certification from the Federal Aviation    plans to manufacture close to 300 units per year to meet the
                                                                                                                                          Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation            demand; for the GEnx is likely to become a real best-selling
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat   Safety Agency (EASA) on August 19, 2011.                  engine. There are currently around 1,400 units on order, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the total market estimated at some 4,400 engines.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The new GEnx-2B67 engines help the Boeing 747-8F achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                                    double-digit percentage improvements in fuel consumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                    over the 747-400F and substantially reduce emissions and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    operating costs. “Compared to its predecessor, GE’s CF6, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    overall pressure ratio has increased from 35:1 to 43:1 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the bypass ratio from 5.1:1 to 8.6:1,” says Dr. Penningsfeld.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Optimizing the turbine center frame has also helped boost
                                                                                                                                                                                                    efficiency. “And pilots are full of praise for the engine,” Hiereth
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is proud to report.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    On June 14, 2012 the overall GEnx program entered a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                    phase when the Federal Aviation Authority approved the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Performance Improvement Package (PIP). “We’re currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                    working on further upgrades and introducing them is our next
                                                                                                                                          The Boeing 747-8F is Boeing’s latest freighter variant.   major milestone,” says program coordinator Sabine Ludwig,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    who has already begun to make the necessary preparations
                                                                                                                                                                                                    for maintenance. In her mind, the objective is clear: “We want
                                                                                                                                          There are currently 70 Boeing 747-8Fs on order, and       to keep up MTU’s excellent performance in the program for
                                                                                                                                          16 aircraft have been delivered. The first 747-8F         the long term.”
                                                                                                                                          was handed over to the Luxembourg-based freight
                                                                                                                                          airline Cargolux on October 12, 2011.                              For additional information, contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Wolfgang Hiereth
                                                                                                                                                                                                             +49 89 1489-3501

The GEnx turbine center frame is assembled by MTU Aero Engines in Munich.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
On the horizon: Whispering jets - MTU Aero Engines
Customers + Partners

                               A fresh
                            approach from
                             Down Under
                                                           By Achim Figgen

                            From modest beginnings, Virgin Australia has worked its way up to
                            become the second-largest airline in Australia within a decade.
                            Whereas initially it only flew domestic routes in true low-cost style,
                            today Virgin Australia operates intercontinental flights as well. The
                            GE90-115B engines that power its Boeing 777-300ER long-haul air-
                            craft are repaired and overhauled by MTU Maintenance Hannover.
                            The young airline has grown into a serious competitor for Qantas.

                                         he success story began in late 1999 when the Virgin Group
                                         founded by British billionaire Sir Richard Branson announced
                                         its plans to launch an airline in Australia. All previous at-
                                   tempts at running a successful carrier Down Under had failed,
                                   and so the beginnings of Virgin Blue were fairly low key. With just
                                   two Boeing 737s and 200 employees, the new airline began plying
                                   the route between its home base in Brisbane and the bright lights
                                   of Sydney in late August 2000. In the months that followed, its
                                   fleet and route network grew at such a rapid pace, that Virgin Blue
                                   was celebrating its millionth passenger as early as June 2001.

                                   Things really took off when the veteran Ansett Australia airline
                                   ceased operations in September 2001. Virgin Blue was able to fill
                                   this vacuum and take advantage of the growth opportunities that
                                   suddenly presented themselves in the form of available slots at
                                   Australian airports, where capacity used to be notoriously tight.
                                   In 2004, the airline spread its wings beyond Australia’s shores,
                                   with its New Zealand-based subsidiary Pacific Blue offering flights
                                   on popular tourist routes between Australia, New Zealand and
                                   various Pacific islands. A year later Polynesian Blue was founded
                                   in a joint venture with the government of Samoa.

18                                                                                                       19
Customers + Partners

While Virgin Blue started out as a low-cost carrier—with a uniform
fleet, point-to-point services only, —it wasn’t long before it took a
fresh approach to air travel: In 2002 it started offering connecting
flights; a frequent flyer program was introduced in 2005; it aban-
doned its strategy of operating a Boeing-only fleet in 2006 and
ordered Embraer 170 and 190 aircraft; lounge access was introduced.
When plans were announced in 2007 to create a new airline for long-
haul routes, it was clear that the Australians had their sights set high.
February 2009 saw the first flight of V Australia—as the new airline
was named—when a Boeing 777-300ER destined for Los Angeles took
off from Sydney.

The fleet now includes five A330-200 aircraft for Australian transcon-
tinental routes, and partner carrier SkyWest Airlines operates ATR 72
aircraft on regional routes. Thanks to a series of alliances and collab-
orations with established airlines such as Air New Zealand, Delta Air
Lines, Etihad Airways and Singapore Airlines, the route network has
recently been significantly expanded. The decision to incorporate
Australia in its name was a logical next step, and so in 2011 Virgin
Blue, V Australia and Pacific Blue were folded into the Virgin Australia
Airline brand. Polynesian Blue was renamed Virgin Samoa.

The long-haul services division, operating routes between Sydney and
Abu Dhabi and between Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne and Los
Angeles, has remained a legally independent entity called “Virgin
Australia International”, as Virgin Australia International Fleet Engineer
John Weber explains. The team of seven engineers is responsible for
all Boeing 777 maintenance and overhaul work. As they are unable to
cope with the entire workload themselves, it was good news when in
late 2010 MTU Maintenance Hannover obtained the license to main-
tain GE90-110B1 and -115B engines. In late summer 2011, Virgin
Australia International—jointly with Air New Zealand—awarded the
Germany-based engine specialists a twelve-year contract to maintain
the engines for the 777-300ER. The first GE90-115B arrived in
Hannover in August 2011 and was returned the following February.

To date MTU Maintenance has overhauled four of these large engines,
including two under contract from Virgin Australia International.
Experience has shown that the first maintenance jobs always take a           Ready for the heavyweight: The test cell at MTU Maintenance Hannover
                                                                             is being approved for certified GE90 test runs.
little bit longer, and yet the engines were always ready on schedule,
as Weber confirms. In fact, expectations regarding turnaround time
were already exceeded with the fourth GE90, according to Tobias
Wensky from MTU Maintenance Hannover. Wensky attributes this                                                                                        Oliver Skop, who at MTU Maintenance is responsible for providing             company goes the extra mile to keep it that way: Once the overhaul
achievement due to the fact that the GE90 design is similar to that of                                                                              customer support to Virgin Australia International, Air New Zealand          has been completed, the engines are currently sent to Emirates in
the CF6 and CFM56 engines—with which MTU Maintenance has                                                                                            and other carriers, says the cooperation with the Australian airline is      Dubai for final testing—a temporary solution that will come to an end
extensive history and detailed experience—and the highly motivated                                                                                  excellent: “Virgin always notifies us promptly.” Skop also explains          soon, as the test facility in Hannover is presently undergoing accept-
workforce at MTU Maintenance Hannover. Wim van Beers, Director,                                                                                     that MTU undertakes trend monitoring on the engines under its care           ance to perform GE90 test runs.
Sales Asia/Pacific Rim in Hannover, identifies another advantage that                                                                               and regularly evaluates their performance data and various engine
MTU offers: As an OEM-independent service provider, MTU can pro-                                                                                    parameters. “So we are aware early of any potential problems that may                For additional information, contact
vide customer service to meet individual needs, from one-stop serv-                                                                                 arise.”                                                                              Wim van Beers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         +49 511 7806-2390
ice solutions to maintenance programs built around the specific re-
quirements of an airline. Van Beers also highlights that MTU’s experi-                                                                              Holger Sindemann, Managing Director & Senior Vice President, MTU                     For interesting multimedia services associated with this article, go to
ence in engine construction has given them the expertise to develop                                                                                 Maintenance Hannover, is very pleased to have Virgin Australia                       www.mtu.de/report

its own repair procedures.                                                                                                                          International as a customer: “The airline is a major player in the region.
                                                                             Air New Zealand sends its GE90-115B engines to MTU Maintenance for     I’m proud that we were able to secure them as a customer with our
                                                                             maintenance, repair and overhaul.
Whereas the timetable for scheduled engine maintenance is generally                                                                                 maintenance expertise and the high level of quality we deliver.” The
planned several months in advance, shop visits call for flexibility.                                                                                GE90 is an important driver of growth for the Hannover shop, and the

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 21
Customers + Partners

                                By Patrick Hoeveler

Almost 30 years after the IAE consortium was founded, the
V2500—with its various upgrades and improvements—remains a
real bestseller. The engine powers the Airbus A320 family and the
McDonnell Douglas MD-90 and has clocked up over100 million flight
hours in service with airlines based in 70 countries. It is set to
remain one of the most important engine programs for many years
to come.

                ack in the 1980s, when IAE International Aero Engines AG
                was founded, the idea of bringing together five shareholders
                from three continents to jointly develop and build a new air-
         craft engine met with a great deal of skepticism. How could such
         an undertaking possibly succeed, especially given that the new
         engine would be competing against a well-established rival, the
         CFM56? A glance at the recent statistics confirms the wisdom of
         the decision taken almost thirty years ago: To date, more than
         5,000 IAE V2500 engines have been delivered, 2,000 are on firm
         order. And yet, shortly before the engine’s first run in December
         1985, the partners—Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, MTU Aero
         Engines, Japanese Aero Engines Corporation (JAEC, composed of
         Ishikawajima-Harima, Kawasaki and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
         and FiatAVIO (who switched later to a supplier role)—had opti-
         mistically estimated future sales of the engine at a mere 3,500

         Just under four years later, the newcomer entered into revenue
         service, powering aircraft for Adria Airways, Cyprus Airways and
         Indian Airlines. More customers from all around the world soon
         followed, from China to the U.S. to New Zealand. In 1998, Luft-
         hansa took delivery of the thousandth V2500. Increasing sales
         successes saw the milestones begin to pile up; for example, IAE
         delivered V2500 number 2,000 in 2002 and number 5,000 fol-
         lowed early this year. Today the V2500 is in service with approx-
         imately 190 customers from 70 countries, and there is no end to
         the success story in sight: “Long-term prospects we think are
         extremely bright,” said David Hess, President of Pratt & Whitney
         and new IAE Chairman of the Board of Directors, at this year’s
         Farnborough Airshow.

22                                                                              23
Customers + Partners

                                                                                                                                                                                                                SelectTwo™: the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                latest V2500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Improvements to the bestseller have come
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        hot on each other’s heels: With the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SelectOne™ configuration, which entered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        service in 2008, fuel consumption was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        reduced by roughly one percent compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the original V2500. The partners chalked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        up sale number 1,000 of this new version
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        less than three years later. By then work was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        already underway on SelectTwo™, which con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tains a software upgrade for the electronic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        engine control system in order to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        speeds when taxiing and during landing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        approaches. This allows consumption to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        brought down roughly by a further 0.5 per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        cent. This figure may not seem significant at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        first glance, but for an A320 fleet flying
190 customers from 70 countries operate V2500 engines.                                                                                                                                                                  2,300 flights a year, the upgrade equates to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        savings of 4.3 million dollars over ten years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for the airline.
         The V2500 also continues to be the most important engine             At MTU, production is due to be raised from 470 turbine mod-     Müllenholz. “A lot of customers want to purchase both the
         program for MTU, which is responsible for the engine’s low-          ules this year to around 530 starting from 2013. The German      V2500 and the GTF.” Müllenholz estimates that the V2500                  With the latest V2500 SelectTwo™ configu-
         pressure turbine. “Production will be running at a peak over         company’s revenue will also go up sharply as a result of Pratt   will continue to be manufactured for the Airbus A320 family              ration due to enter into service next year,
         the next two years,” confirms Leo Müllenholz, Director, IAE          & Whitney’s purchase of Rolls-Royce’s program share in IAE:      through the end of the decade, by which time more than                   engineers are working flat out on approval
         Programs at MTU in Munich. The engine remains a big hit with         “Rolls-Royce’s exit from the IAE consortium gave us the          7,000 of the propulsion systems will have been delivered                 tests. For example, water ingestion tests
         customers: “We get very good feedback from operators about           opportunity to increase our share in the program from 11 to      worldwide. In the military sector, moreover, V2500-E5 pro-               were conducted at MTU in Munich. Here
         its excellent reliability and its fuel consumption, which is lower   16 percent.” This move has resulted in MTU taking on respon-     duction for the Embraer KC-390 transport aircraft will contin-           engineers demonstrated, by spraying water
         than its rival engine’s fuel burn.” Thanks to these advantages,      sibility for more than 500 accessory parts. Over the coming      ue for many years to come.                                               into the compressor on the test rig, that the
         airlines and leasing companies are continuing to opt for the         25 years, the company is anticipating additional revenue of                                                                               engine works perfectly even in heavy rain
         V2500, whose production rate of almost two engines per               three to four billion euros. “Furthermore, the V2500 is very     On top of this, the V2500 is also a mainstay of MTU’s mainte-            conditions. At the same time, the IAE mem-
         working day has reached its highest-ever levels since the pro-       important for its successor program, the PW1100G-JM geared       nance business. “At almost all MTU Maintenance locations it              bers are planning further improvements that
         gram began.                                                          turbofan engine (GTF), in which MTU also has a share,” says      accounts for around 60 percent of revenue,” explains Andrea              can be retrofitted to the existing fleet and
                                                                                                                                               Lübke, Director, Engine Programs at MTU Maintenance. “The                which are designed to reduce operating costs
                                                                                                                                               program will be our main driver of growth over the next ten              even further.
                                                                                                                                               years.” Around 250 engines undergo maintenance every year.
                                                                                                                                               “Thanks to our wealth of experience, we can cater to the spe-
                                                                                                                                               cific needs of our customers and define the optimum scope
                                                                                                                                               of work required for each individual engine.” In July of this
                                                                                                                                               year the maintenance shop in Hannover received its 3,000th
                                                                                                                                               V2500. With the bestseller to remain a fixture across the
                                                                                                                                               globe for many years to come, it comes as scant surprise that
                                                                                                                                               the IAE shareholders have extended their cooperation up to

                                                                                                                                                       For additional information, contact
                                                                                                                                                       Leo Müllenholz
                                                                                                                                                       +49 89 1489-3173

                                                                                                                                                       For interesting multimedia services associated with
                                                                                                                                                       this article, go to

Brazilian airline TAM has its V2500 engines maintained by MTU Maintenance.                                                                                                                                      A winning combination for decades: the A320 and the V2500.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           25
Customers + Partners

        India – boom despite                                                                                              T
                                                                                                                                  he Indian subcontinent is a booming economy with a population of one
                                                                                                                                  billion people. Its steadily growing middle class represents a purchas-
                                                                                                                                  ing power that has incited many foreign companies to join in the rush

               barriers                                                                                                   for a stake in the market. But the national passenger airlines have been un-
                                                                                                                          able to keep pace with these developments. In February 2012, India recorded
                                                                                                                          domestic air traffic growth of over 12 percent—the second-highest rate in the
                                                                                                                          world after Brazil. As a result, the six large Indian domestic airlines were able
                                                                                                                          to fill over 75 percent of their seats. These statistics are indicative of India’s
                                                       By Andreas Spaeth                                                  huge potential in the aviation sector. Whereas, in statistical terms, the aver-
                                                                                                                          age U.S. citizen takes 1.8 flights each year, the corresponding figure for India
         The aviation market in India is one of the most promising in the world in terms of growth potential. Its         is merely 0.1 flights per year; or, seen from a different angle, on average each
         domestic airlines currently carry a total of around 60 million passengers per year—a figure that repre-          Indian citizen flies only once every ten years. “If Indians would fly only a third
                                                                                                                          as much as Americans do per capita, that would be an air travel market of
         sents only six percent of the population—but in the long term the size of the market could increase to           700 to 800 million passengers per annum, rivaling that of the U.S.,” com-
         800 million Indian air travelers. The chief factors inhibiting the subcontinent’s development are bureau-        ments IATA’s Director General and Chief Executive Officer Tony Tyler.
         cracy and inefficiency. In the aviation sector, low-cost carrier IndiGo is the only profitable Indian airline;
         it moreover is now one of MTU’s major customers.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                             27
Customers + Partners

                                                                                                                                                                 The Indian exception
                                                                                                                                                                 In August 2006, an Airbus A320 operated by the privately
                                                                                                                                                                 owned low-cost Indian airline IndiGo took off for the first
                                                                                                                                                                 time. Since the airline was launched with the support of U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                 investors, it has developed into one of the fastest-growing
                                                                                                                                                                 budget carriers in the world and the only profitable domes-
                                                                                                                                                                 tic airline in India.

                                                                                                                                                                 The airline’s present fleet of 60 Airbus A320s equipped with
                                                                                                                                                                 V2500 engines, for which MTU supplies the low-pressure
                                                                                                                                                                 turbines, carries over twelve million passengers each year.
                                                                                                                                                                 Between now and 2015, another 65 A320 aircraft are sched-
                                                                                                                                                                 uled to join the fleet. 30 of them were purchased in 2011 as
                                                                                                                                                                 part of one of the largest orders ever to be placed in aviation
                                                                                                                                                                 history, when IndiGo signed a contract with Airbus for 150                IndiGo has ordered 150 A320neo aircraft powered by geared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           turbofan engines.
              Eleven million people live in the metropolis of Delhi alone.                                                                                       A320neo aircraft. At the Farnborough International Airshow
                                                                                                                                                                 in July 2012, IndiGo placed firm orders for 300 PurePower®
                                                                                                                                                                 PW1100G-JM engines, plus additional options, to power the
The present market situation is less encouraging: In the financial year        Many of the present problems can only be solved by the Indian gov-                A320neo jets. MTU supplies the high-speed low-pressure            of the lower engine operating cost, we are confident that we
2011/12, India’s domestic airlines together generated losses of around         ernment, for instance by reducing the extremely high levels of taxa-              turbine for these geared turbofan engines, as well as half of     can maintain our competitive low fares while simultaneously
2.5 billion U.S. dollars; they are moreover burdened by debts totaling         tion that add to operators’ costs: over eight percent on aviation fuel            the high-pressure compressor. The IndiGo order thus also          offering our customers the most environmentally friendly
20 billion U.S. dollars. The national flag carrier Air India is in a partic-   and often up to 30 percent in local taxes levied on domestic flights by           represents one of the largest-ever in the engine manufac-         way to fly.” IndiGo currently flies to 32 destinations in India,
ularly precarious position, and owes no less than 3.6 billion U.S. dol-        the various federal states. The situation could also be improved by               turers’ annals.                                                   operates six international routes, and is rapidly growing to
lars to its creditors. Only recently, the Indian government had to step        lifting the ban on foreign direct investments in Indian airlines. Another                                                                           become India’s leading airline. In June 2012, it held 26 per-
in to save Air India from bankruptcy by granting another 5.8 billion           serious obstacle to progress is the poor infrastructure. Nearly all of            “With this choice of engine, IndiGo hopes to gain a compet-       cent of the market, only slightly behind Jet Airways (27.4
U.S. dollars in government aid to cover the airline’s costs through to         the country’s major airports suffer from capacity problems and have               itive advantage from the outset,” says Klaus Müller, Senior       percent).
2020. Thanks to these subsidies, the state-owned airline is able to            limited aircraft parking space. Delhi is the only major hub to have under-        Vice President, Corporate Development at MTU Aero Engines.
offer cut-price ticket rates that oblige its competitors to similarly          gone expansion so far. And the lack of airports in many of the highly             Dr. Anton Binder, Executive Vice President, Commercial Pro-       “IndiGo is very strongly positioned in the market,” comments
reduce their fares, reducing profit margins to zero. “The current aver-        populated urban regions is an obstacle to the expansion of the                    grams, adds: “The economic aspect played a major role in this     Müller, citing the one-type fleet and strict adherence to the
age ticket price in India is 95 U.S. dollars. To break even, 106 U.S.          domestic air network and deprives a large part of the Indian popula-              decision, as for instance a reduction of around 15 percent in     low-cost model as the main reasons for its success. Or in
dollars would be necessary on average,” says Boeing India President            tion of access to air travel. Despite the liberalization of the Indian avi-       fuel burn compared with the V2500.” Aditya Ghosh, Presi-          the words of Aditya Ghosh: “Our only big objective is to prove
Dinesh Keskar. Privately owned Kingfisher Airlines is also on the verge        ation sector in 2005, which briefly revived the market and led to a               dent of IndiGo Airlines, confirms this rationale: “As a result    that low cost is not low quality.”
of bankruptcy. In six years of operation, the company has not gener-           massive increase in aircraft orders and the creation of new air carri-
ated a single cent in profit and was recently forced to radically reduce       ers, the results show that the business models pursued by the major-
its route network.                                                             ity of airlines are ineffective in this operating environment. The only
                                                                               exception is low-cost carrier IndiGo.

                                                                               “India has not been able to develop its economy at the same rate as
                                                                               China because of its poorly developed infrastructure and bureaucrat-
                                                                               ic hurdles,” says Klaus Müller, Senior Vice President, Corporate
                                                                               Development at MTU Aero Engines in Munich. “Whereas in China, we
                                                                               were able to establish a presence in Zhuhai more than ten years ago,
                                                                               it will be at least another five years before MTU is ready to invest in
                                                                               India. But all the same, MTU sees the outlook for India as very
                                                                               strong,” he confirms, referring in particular to the availability of a
                                                                               highly skilled Indian workforce.

                                                                                       For additional information, contact
                                                                                       Dr. Anton Binder
                                                                                       +49 89 1489-2884
                                                                                                                                                                     IndiGo also operates conventional A320s.
India’s aviation industry has huge potential for growth.                               For interesting multimedia services associated with this article, go to

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
Technology + Science

 A diagnostic
  tool to see
inside blades
                               By Denis Dilba

Latest-generation turbine blades have an intricate internal struc-
ture made up of countless very fine cooling ducts and cooling
air holes. This complexity pushes conventional inspection tech-
nology beyond its limits. In order to reliably detect variations in
these high-tech castings, MTU Aero Engines has developed a
fully automated computed tomography method that signifi-
cantly improves the quality assurance process and helps save

                t all started with an engine component that was par-
                ticularly hard to inspect, recalls Stefan Neuhäusler,
                an expert in digital radioscopy and X-ray inspection
            at MTU in Munich who came up with the idea of chang-
            ing over to a new inspection technique. The component
            exhibited flaws that were extremely difficult to detect
            and locate using the test equipment available at the
            time. To get to grips with the problem, they had to resort
            to the conventional time-consuming and costly method
            of cutting up the component, taking a good look inside,
            and optimizing the manufacturing process on the basis
            of their findings. “There’s got to be a faster and simpler
            way to do this,” thought Neuhäusler, and had tests per-
            formed to see if it was possible to recognize the defec-
            tive area using a computed tomography (CT) scanner.
            His intuitive idea was spot-on: “We were able to precisely
            locate the defect with the aid of the three-dimensional
            CT images.” That was seven years ago.

30                                                                       31
Technology + Science

                                                                                                                                                           The CT scanner reproduces the internal struc-
It took five years from the launch of the flaw                                                                                                             tures of the blade as two-dimensional cross-
detection technology project to reach the                                                                                                                  sectional images, hundreds of which are cre-
point where the process was sufficiently sta-                                                                                                              ated and then used to visualize and analyze
ble to be used in MTU’s standard production                                                                                                                the overshots. The digital image data is sent
processes and turbine blade inspection                                                                                                                     to a cluster computer that reconstructs the
times could be cut. “We knew immediately                                                                                                                   slices into a 3D image. This is similar to image
that we were onto something that had the                                                                                                                   processing techniques employed in hospitals.
potential for use in inspection on the shop                                                                                                                But whereas in a medical CT scanner the X-ray
floor,” says Neuhäusler. But after having                                                                                                                  source and X-ray detectors rotate around the
solved the original problem and given that                                                                                                                 patient, in this industrial application the
production engineering was able to detect all                                                                                                              object under examination, in this case the
other defects using the conventional meth-                                                                                                                 HPT blade, is rotated in the X-ray path be-
                                                                                                                                                           tween the tube and the detector. Because
                                                                                                                                                           nickel-based alloys have a higher density than
                                                                                                                                                           the human body, which consists mostly of
                                                                                                                                                           water, the industrial CT scanner also requires
                                                                                                                                                           harder X-ray beams. “The majority of medical
                                                                                                                                                           imaging applications employ soft X-rays and
                                                                                                                                                           an exposure time of just a few milliseconds,
                                                                                                                                                           whereas our CT system requires a hardened
                                                                                                                                                           X-ray beam and an exposure time of around
                                                                                                                                                           600 milliseconds per image,” explains
CT scan of a reconstructed airfoil segment from a                                                                                                          Christof Piede-Weber, who helped mature
GP7000 low-pressure turbine blade.
                                                                                                                                                           the new CT scanner from a functional proto-
                                                                                                                                                           type into a production system. It was built in
ods, Neuhäusler and his colleagues were ini-                                                                                                               collaboration with one of the world-market
tially unable to justify the relatively high costs                                                                                                         leaders in industrial X-ray technology, and is
of the new technology, despite its ability to                                                                                                              housed in a lead-shielded enclosure. Says
deliver exceptionally precise results. It wasn’t                                                                                                           Piede-Weber: “Apart from the blades, nothing
until the company started producing the com-                                                                                                               can get in and nothing can get out.”
plex blades for the high-pressure turbine
(HPT) of the GP7000 engine powering the                                                                                                                    The CT system allows images to be obtained
Airbus A380 that the CT-based method found                                                                                                                 with a high resolution, which permit safe in-
its way into production. “For the first time,                                                                                                              spection of the specified characteristics. “The
standard technologies were inadequate for us                                                                                                               outstanding feature of this solution—and the
to be able to properly assess the parts in full                                                                                                            real challenge in terms of know-how, is its
detail.” reports the MTU expert. “The reason                                                                                                               speed, which is achieved by a high degree of
was that the design was too complex for us                                                                                                                 automation. These, basically, are the factors
to be able to recognize and evaluate defects                                                                                                               that make it so cost-effective,” says the                  Inspection of coil locations after thermal shock testing.
in turbine blades on two-dimensional X-ray                                                                                                                 expert. And this is how the system works in
images alone.”                                                                                                                                             the production environment: The HPT blades
                                                                                                                                                           are delivered to the inspection station on a       To enable the system to automatically detect             gional jets,” adds Kopperger. LPT blades and
Unlike other HPT blades, those used in the                                                                                                                 transport system, and a robot then transfers       flaws in a blade, Neuhäusler, Piede-Weber and            electronic components, too, are inspected
GP7000 engine have a more swept design,                                                                                                                    them to the radiation-shielded test chamber.       their inspection department colleagues first             by means of CT scans, to verify that the pro-
to optimize their aerodynamic efficiency, and                                                                                                              The CT scanner produces close to 1,000             had to teach the image-processing software               duction processes are capable of turning out
a more complex internal structure with a far                                                                                                               images and processes them to create a 3D           to recognize deviations. To do this, they                parts that comply with the requirements.
greater number of cooling ducts and laser-                                                                                                                 reconstruction of the component’s geometry,        “trained” the system using HPT blades ex-                “The new inspection technology constitutes
drilled cooling air holes. Neuhäusler explains:                                                                                                            which is then analyzed for nonconformities         hibiting defined artificial defects. Kopperger:          a unique selling proposition that places MTU
“For example, it can sometimes happen that                                                                                                                 entirely automatically. Then, the blades are       “With the CT system, we apply a conservative             in an excellent position for the future.”
the laser penetrates too far into the material.                                                                                                            sorted into separate containers depending          approach to ensure maximum reliability.” If
This is acceptable, but only down to a certain                                                                                                             on the inspection results. “Because there is       there is even the slightest doubt, suspected             Another area in which Kopperger envisages
depth and on condition that a certain mini-                                                                                                                no need for manual intervention, we have           nonconforming blades will always be rejected             applications for the CT scanning technology is
mum wall thickness is maintained.” Other-                                                                                                                  been able to significantly speed up the pro-       as scrap first and then re-inspected one by              the inspection of components produced using
wise this phenomenon, known as “backwall                                                                                                                   cess,” says Dr. Bertram Kopperger, Senior          one. “The non-destructive CT-based process               additive manufacturing processes.
overshot” in technical parlance, has the same                                                                                                              Manager, Manufacturing and MRO Technolo-           not only benefits the GP7000 program but
effect as a notch and can reduce the service                                                                                                               gies at MTU. “In the past 18 months, we have       will also help reduce time and costs in other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For additional information, contact
life of the blade.                                   CT cross-section of a GP7000 low-pressure turbine blade. Inspection for casting core residues, wall   cut the average time required to inspect each      programs, for instance, the MTR390 for the                          Stefan Neuhäusler
                                                     thickness measurement, inspection for pores.                                                          blade in half.”                                    Eurocopter Tiger and smaller engines for re-                        +49 89 1489-6620

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Technology + Science

                               Keeping a
                              close eye on
                                                            By Daniel Hautmann

                            The development of aircraft engines and their components is an in-
                            creasingly complex task, and the time available for the job is constantly
                            getting shorter. To ensure that its new products are innovative and
                            always meet the latest requirements, MTU Aero Engines has for many
                            years been cooperating with university professors, research scientists,
                            and engineering students in dedicated centers of competence. The
                            Tolerant Airfoils technology development project, which is about to be
                            concluded, is a textbook example of this successful approach to coop-
                            eration between industry, science, and academe.

                                          he Tolerant Airfoils project was launched in 2009 and is one
                                          of the most ambitious but also one of the most promising
                                          technology development projects currently being pursued by
                                   Germany’s leading engine manufacturer. Its aim is to optimize the
                                   costs and functionality of MTU’s next-generation high-pressure com-
                                   pressors, with special emphasis on analyzing solutions geared towards
                                   bringing down the costs of blisk manufacturing. A blisk—the acronym
                                   stands for “blade-integrated disk”—is a high-tech component that is
                                   manufactured in one piece and increasingly used in advanced engine
                                   compressors. Heading up the project is Dr. Gerhard Kahl, who is
                                   responsible for coordinating all compressor technology projects at
                                   MTU. He works in close collaboration with the Center of Competence
                                   “Compressors”, which has been established at the Institute of Jet
                                   Propulsion and Turbomachinery (IST) and the Laboratory of Machine
                                   Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University.

                                   “Blisks are highly engineered, integral components, usually made of
                                   a titanium alloy,” explains Kahl. They are the technology of the future,
                                   because they are key to building lighter, more fuel-efficient engines.
                                   Blisks can already be found in an increasing number of engine types,
                                   including the engines selected to power the new Airbus A320neo.
                                   MTU is a specialist in the design and manufacture of these compo-
                                   nents, and is ramping up its production capacity. The current output
                                   rate of around 500 blisks a year will be increased to several thousand
                                   units before long. To meet the demand, MTU is currently building a
                                   new shop in Munich, where all of the company’s blisk manufacturing
                                   activities will be accommodated.

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