On your marks, get set, go! - "THINK positively, EXERCISE daily, EAT healthy, WORK hard

Page created by Debra Tate
On your marks, get set, go! - "THINK positively, EXERCISE daily, EAT healthy, WORK hard
This week we are assigning active homework for all our students from Junior Infants to 6th Class.
      Mammies, daddies, grannies, grandads, brothers, sisters, dogs and cats can join in too!!
So let’s get moving!! Walk, scoot, run or cycle with your family. How many kilometres will you cover
                                              this week?
  Look at the bingo card below and pick out some fun activities, at least two activities each day.
Remember to take lots of pictures and send them to ballylinan1@yahoo.ie. At the end of the week
          we will share your photos on our school website in our ‘Activity Hall of Fame’.
            “THINK positively, EXERCISE daily, EAT healthy, WORK hard,

                           STAY strong, WORRY less, DANCE more.....

                        BE HAPPY and most importantly HAVE FUN!

                           On your marks, get set, go!
 Below you will find a bingo card with suggested activities and an activity record sheet. You can print these off or create
your own. As activities are completed, fill out your bingo card and your activity record sheet. In addition we have included
a list of instructions and fun videos to help you get started! You can send a picture of your activity card to your teacher at
                                                     the end of the week.
Active Week Bingo Card
                    10-1 Circuit      Alphabet Scavenger     Cereal Box Challenge   30 Second Challenge     Welly Boot Toss           Skipathon


                  Hit it to win it!          Tails           Water Bottle Bowling       Chair Goals       Teddy Bear Challenge      Find the Spoon
Indoor Fun

                Wake Up, Shake Up!    Housework Surprise       Obstacle Course      Sports Day at Home         Water Fun          Gaeilge sa Ghairdín
Family Fun

                    Basketball        Hurling and Football         Soccer                 Rugby               Gymnastics             Water Safety

                 PE with Joe Wicks    The Movement with           Just Dance             Operation        Katie Taylor Circuits          Yoga
Online Action

                                         Andy Moran                                   Transformation
My Activity Record Sheet
                    Name: _____________________
                 Activity 1      Activity 2     Activity 3   Favourite? 

What was your overall favourite activity and why? ________________________
Instructions and Online Links for Suggested Activities
              10-1 Circuit Challenge     Alphabet Scavenger       Cereal Box Challenge      30 Seconds Challenge         Welly Boot Toss               Skipathon
             Complete                                            You will need: an empty   You will need: a ball,    You will need: a welly You will need: a skipping
             10 x Jumping Jacks        1. Find an item           cereal box                balloon, toilet roll or   boot, markers             rope or a dressing gown
             9 x Squats                   beginning with each                              rolled up socks                                     belt
             8 x Lunges                                          1. Place cereal box on                              1. Make sure you have
                                          letter of the
             7 x Push ups                                           the floor.              1. Count how many           lots of space          1. How many skips in a
             6 x Bunny hops                                      2. Pick up cereal box         keepy-uppies you      2. Stand at starting line      row can you o without
                                       2. Bring all items back

             5 x Leg raises                                         using your mouth.          can do in 30             and throe welly as          stopping?
                                          to the start point.
             4 x Sit ups                                         3. Nothing but your           seconds.                 far as you can.        2. Can you skip 5 times
             3 x Frog jumps             How quickly can you         feet can touch the                               3. Place a marker              on your right foot,
             2 x Cartwheels              find the alphabet?         floor.                                              beside where welly          then 5 times on your
             1 x Burpee                                                                     Whats your personal
                                                                 4. Tear a piece off the                                landed.                     left foot?
                                                                    top of the box each                              4. The longest throw      3. Can you skip with high
             How many circuits can
                                                                    time and repeat the       Why not complete          wins.                       knees? One foot then
                you complete?
                                                                    challenge.               against members of                                     the other?
                                                                                                                      How far can you throw
                Now have a go at                                                                your family?                                   4. Can you skip
                                                                  How low can you go?                                      your welly?
             making up your own 10-                                                                                                                 backwards?
                    1 circuit.
Hit it win to it!                 Tails             Water Bottle Bowling            Chair Goals                Teddy Bear Fun              Find the Spoon

             You will need: household     You will need: a pair of   You will need: plastic     You will need: 1 chairs, a   You will need: 5/6 teddy   You will need: a spoon,
             items, a ball or rolled up   socks for each player      bottles and a soft         ball/rolled up pair of       bears                      two or more players
             socks.                                                  ball/pair of socks         socks. You can play by
                                          1. Each player tucks                                                               1. Follow Link for      1. One person hides the
                                                                                                yourself or compete
             1. Place household              the socks into the      1. Use empty bottle as                                     instructions.           spoon.
                                                                                                against a family
                items out at varying         back of their              skittles and set                                     2. Activities include   2. The other players try
                distances.                   trousers to make           them up aprox.                                          jumping, hopping,       to find it.
Indoor Fun

             2. Begin behind a               two tails.                 5metres away.           1. Set chair up at least        frog jumps, side
                                                                                                                                                     Who can find the spoon in
                designated line and       2. Players must try to     2. Use ball/socks             10ft away.                   jumps, half turn
                                                                                                                                                        the quickest time?
                roll, throw or kick          take a sock from           rolled into a ball      2. Standing behind              jumps, slalom runs,
                your ball to hit one         their opponents.           and try to hit as          designated line take         push up walks,
                of your items.            3. The winner is the          many skittles as           it in turn to kick           scorpion walks, duck
             3. When you hit an              person with the            possible..                 ball/socks to make it        walk and throwing
                item you can collect         most socks.                                           go through the the           and catching.
                                                                     How many throws will
                it.                                                                                legs of the chair.
                                                                     it take you to knock all                                 How many times can
             4. The person with the
                                                                           the bottles?         How many ‘chair goals’        you throw and catch
                most items wins!
                                                                                                can you score out of 10        your teddy without
               How quickly can you                                                                      shots?                    dropping it?
               collect all the items?
Wake Up, Shake Up!       Housework Surprise           Obstacle Course          Sports Day at Home           Soaky Sponges              Cluichí sa Ghairdín

               Wake yourself up by    Roll up your sleeves and     Work as a team and       Set up a family sports       Let’s hope the sun       Perhaps you might like to
                dancing to your         get busy. Hoovering,      create your very own               day.              shines and what better      encourage your child to
                favourite song!         mopping, gardening,      family obstacle course.                               way to cool down than        practise their Gaeilge
                                                                                           You may need: spoons,
                                       tidying…..the list goes                                                           with a water game?       while completing different
             1. Put on your                                      1. Grab things from       eggs/potatoes, black
                                             on and on!                                                                                                   activities..
                favourite music and                                 around the house.      bags, socks, laundry        You will need:1
                dance, dance,                                    2. Run around toys,       basket, sweeping brush      bucket/basin, 1            “Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná
                dance!                                              hop over a bucket,     etc.                        pot/bowl per player, 1            Béarla cliste”
             2. Make up a dance                                     crawl under a chair,                               sponge/washcloth per
                                                                                           Activities could include:                                “Better to have broken
                together!                                           slide down a slide,                                player and water
                                                                                                                                                  Irish than clever English.”
                                                                    throw a ball into a    1. Egg and Spoon Race
              Give Musical Statues,                                                                                 1. Fill one
                                                                    basket etc.            2. Sack Race                                           1. Maith thú! -Good on
Family Fun

               Musical Cushions,                                                                                       bucket/basin with
                                                                 3. Or perhaps you         3. Sweeping Brush                                         you
               Musical Bumps or                                                               Limbo                    water and place the
                                                                    would like to draw                                                            2. Liomsa, liomsa! -To
             Newspaper Dance a go!                                                         4. Backwards race           others at least 7m
                                                                    a chalk obstacle                                                                 me, to me!
                                                                                           5. Penguin Race             away.
                                                                    course. The                                                                   3. Ciseán/Cúl/Cic/Cluiche
                                                                                           6. Laundry basket        2. One player- How
                                                                    possibilities are                                                                iontach! Great basket
                                                                                              target-throw pairs       long will it take you
                                                                    endless!                                                                         /goal/kick/game!
                                                                                              of socks into laundry    to fill your
                                                                                              basket-how many                                     4. Ar aghaigh leat!- On
                                                                   How fast can you                                    cup/bowl?
                                                                                              point can you score? 3. More than one                  you go!
                                                                 complete the obstacle
                                                                                                                                                  5. Brostaigh ort!- Hurry
                                                                       course?                                         player- race-who
                                                                                                                       can fill their
                                                                      Why not try a                                                               6. Mí-ádh!-Hard luck!
                                                                                                                       cup/bowl first?
                                                                    blindfold obstacle                                                            7. Seo duit an liathróid-
                                                                         course?                                       Time how long it takes        Here is the ball.
                                                                                                                       to fill the you cup. Can   8. Tabhair dom an
                                                                                                                        you beat that time?          liathróid-Give me the
Basketball               Football/Hurling                Soccer                       Rugby                     Gymnastics                  Water Safety

                Practise your basketball      GAA Skills Challenge      Practise your soccer       Practise your rugby skills     Follow Gymnastics          Chat to your child about
                  skills. Here’s some                                  skills. Here’s some FAI     Aviva Mini’s Rugby Skills    Ireland Club Takeovers      safety near water. Here is
                                            Watch the above video
                Basketball Ireland Skills                                Grassroots online             at Home Online            for some inspiration.          a helpful website.
                                              then practise your
                    at Home Online                                      tutorials to get you         Tutorials will get you
                                             hurling and football                                                                Carrigaline Takeover             Teach PAWS
                  Tutorials to get you                                          started.                     going.

                         started                                                                                                   Leaps and Jumps
                                                                              Dribbling                 Throw and Tag
                                             Can you complete the                                                                     Takeover
                     Ball Handling
                                             200 Touch Challenge?              Passing                    Kick Tennis
                                                                                                                                   Athlone Takeover
                                            Hurling and Football 200          Shooting                 Pass the Bucket
                                                                                                                                 Now create your own
                       Shooting                 Touch Challenge
                                                                                                          Hot Potato              gymnastics routine!

                                                                                                         The Gauntlet

                  PE with Joe Wicks          The Movement with               Just Dance                   Operation                   Katie Taylor                    Yoga
Online Action

                                                Andy Moran                                             Transformation
                Follow Joe Wicks for a                                 Choose a song to dance                                   Try Katie Taylor’s boxing    Wind down with some
                      workout!              Follow Mayo Footballer     your heart out to for as    Workout with Operation        workout for children.        gentle stretching!
                                             Andy Moran and his         long or as little as you   Tranformation’s 10 @10           Repeat 3 times!
                PE with Joe Wicks Link                                                                                                                        Cosmic Kids Yoga Link
                                                team for a family                like!
                                                                                                            10@10                Katie Taylor Workout
                                               friendly workout.
                                                                           Just Dance Link                                                Link
                                             Andy Moran Workout

  Don’t forget to send your activity week photographs to ballylinan1@yahoo.ie to be displayed on our
                                            school website.
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