Operational use of scatterometer winds in Météo-France data assimilation system - Eumetsat NWP-SAF workshop on scatterometer DA, Darmstadt ...

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Operational use of scatterometer winds in Météo-France data assimilation system - Eumetsat NWP-SAF workshop on scatterometer DA, Darmstadt ...
Operational use of scatterometer winds in
            Météo-France data assimilation system

Christophe Payan1,2, Hervé Bénichou1, Bruno Lacroix1
1   Météo-France, 2 CNRS

    Eumetsat NWP-SAF workshop on scatterometer DA, Darmstadt, Germany, 14 April 2011
Operational use of scatterometer winds in Météo-France data assimilation system - Eumetsat NWP-SAF workshop on scatterometer DA, Darmstadt ...
Data assimilation/NWP system: global model ARPEGE

Main characteristics:
    • Streched global model, spectral, semi-implicit semi-Lagrangien temporal
    scheme, T738C2.4L70, time step:600s
    • 4DVAR Assimilation: 6 hr time window, T107/T224 (90 km Gaussian grid),
    Time window: T ± 3hr, Analysis times (T):00,06,12,18 Z

Operational use of scatterometer winds in Météo-France data assimilation system - Eumetsat NWP-SAF workshop on scatterometer DA, Darmstadt ...
Data assimilation/NWP system: regional model ALADIN

 Main characteristics:
   • regional model over Europe, spectral, semi-implicit semi-Lagrangien
   temporal scheme, 7.5km of resolution, 70 levels, time step: 450s
   • 3DVAR Assimilation: 6 hr time window, T199 (100 km Gaussian grid),
   Time window: T ± 3hr, Analysis times (T):00,06,12,18 Z, coupling every 3
   hours with ARPEGE
 Overseas extensions since 11/2010 (IFS coupling, in red):

                                                    Aladin France


               French Polynesia                                                    New-Caledonia
                                                               Aladin La Réunion
                                                                   since 2006

Data assimilation/NWP system: meso-scale model AROME

  Main characteristics:
    • meso-scale model        (non-hydrostatic), spectral, semi-implicit semi-
       Lagrangien temporal scheme, 2.5km of resolution, 60 levels, time step: 60s
       • 3DVAR Assimilation: 3 hr time window, T359 (55 km Gaussian grid), Time
       window: T ± 1.5hr, Analysis times (T):00,03,06,09,12,15,18,21 Z, coupling
       each hour with ARPEGE

Operational domain Arome
(red square defines the first operational
model until 11/2010)

Brief history of Scatterometer Winds use

 QuikScat winds assimilated since 10/2004, in-house inversion with
QSCAT-1, resolution 50km, 2 most likely solutions on up to 4 considered.

 ERS-2 winds assimilated since 09/2007, in-house inversion with
CMOD5.4, resolution 50km on a 25km-grid.

 Ascat winds on Metop-2 assimilated since 02/2008, from Eumetsat
OSI-SAF (KNMI), with CMOD5, resolution 50km on a 25km-grid.

 07/2008 onwards, the 4 solutions for QuikScat are considered.

 02/2009 onwards, winds are considered as neutral winds (CMOD5.N for
C-Band, biais correction switch off for Ku-Band).

 Loss of QuikScat in 11/2009.

 Impact estimated in the frame of the GSM Arpège, with operational
use extended to the LAM models (Aladin and Arome).
QuikScat quality control and use (since 10/2004)
           01/09/2004 e-suite run 0UTC, long Cutoff, Indian Ocean zoom

                                                      Strict selection of QuikScat
                                                       observations, with a high rate
                                                                         of rejection
                                    Legende (rejection flag) :
                                                                       (around 70%).
                                     assimilated data
                                     land contamination (model mask>0)
                                     ice contamination (SST < 278K)
                                     swath edge
                                     rain contamination
                                     dd(sol1)-dd(sol2)< 135°

 Speed bias correction.
 Choice of the ambiguous solution closest to the current model trajectory (2 loops).
 Thinning equivalent to 100km.
 Test showed a neutral impact on forecast scores (in 2004).                            6
Ers-2 winds assimilation (since 09/2007):
 Regional coverage since 2002
(Northern Atlantic, Australia)
=>800/900 obs used a day on
average (5000/d for Synop-
ship, 1000/d buoys).

                                  Vector difference (obs-first
                                 guess) ~2.8m/s (#4.3m/s for
                                 Synop-ship, 3.0m/s for buoys)
                                  Speed bias around 0.0m/s.
                                  100km thinning (1/16 obs).
                                  Forecast impact: neutral.

Metop-A winds assimilation (since 02/2008):

                                   29 000 obs assimilated/day
                                  on average.
                                   Vector difference (obs-first
                                  guess) ~2.2m/s.
                                   Speed bias around 0.0 m/s.
                                   100km thinning (1/16 obs).

 Forecast impact: neutral.
 Bootstrap test/TEMP (32
cases): Z positive impact at
10/100hPa in NH (Europa
and N.Am).

EARS (EUMETSAT Advance Retransmission Service) - ASCAT:

                            R0: +13% R18: +22%

                                                                R12: +6%

  EARS allows to reduce the ASCAT timeliness of 15’ to 45’ on the ascending
passes (Fast-dump extract => Northern hemisphere coverage only).

   Production (KNMI) and quality equal to the global stream.

   +17% data used per day on average on forecast runs, since 02/2008.

Scatterometer winds assimilated
               on a 6 hours assimilation window:

 Almost a global coverage per 6h assimilation window of surface oceanic winds.
 Loss of QuikScat since November 2009 (red swath).
Metop versus QuikScat 2 solutions:

                       Diff Vector (Obs-Background)
Metop: 2.3m/s               2nd Quarter 2008          QuikScat 2sols: 2.7m/s

    With the use of the 2 most likely solutions only, Quikscat winds
   have higher differences than Ascat winds wrt the model
   background in rainy/strong wind areas (ITCZ, baroclinic areas).

QuikScat: 4 solutions instead of 2?

Metop versus QuikScat 4 solutions (since 07/2008):
                      Diff Vector (Obs-Background)
                            3rd Quarter 2008         QuikScat 4sols: 2.3m/s
Metop: 2.2m/s

     Differences between Ascat and QuikScat have disappeared
    with 4 wind solutions for QuikScat.

     Without losing information where differences to           the
    background have already been in agreement (and lower)!

     Test showed nevertheless a neutral impact on forecasts until
    4 days!                                                             13
Neutral Wind versus Real Wind?

 • Geophysical Model Function: conditions of stability (CS) treated
 • true in mean but source of error for a singular observation
 • in theory, U10 = GMF (σo,CS), in practice not possible
 => solution: U10N = GMFN (σo,CS=neutral)
         P    L
                  : State parameters at the last model level

                    U   10 N
                               :10m neutral wind                observation operator (Geleyn 1987):
                                                                              U   10 N
                                                                                         = U L [LOG ( z0 , z = 10m ) − COR (CS )] BD(U L , u * )
                                          GMFN                    with
                                                                   U     L
                                                                             model wind at the last level, ~17m
                                                                   z0 roughness length

                                          σ   backscattered
                                                                   LOG logarithmic function of zo and z
                                                                   COR corrective term function of stability conditions
u * : friction velocity
                                                                   BD drag coefficient function of U L and u *
  u * = CS ( PL , PS )

     P   S
             : Surface state parameters
Neutral Wind versus Real Wind: impact?

• test of neutral wind in the global model Arpège, from
22/11/2008 to 08/01/2009.
• reference: E-suite Arpège (with a new scheme of turbulence
(Cuxart et al, 2000)). Previous operational scheme based on
Louis, 1979.
• for ERS-2 winds, home-made inversion with CMOD5.N and for
QuikScat winds, change in the speed bias correction.
• switch to a neutral product for Ascat winds from KNMI
(CMOD5.N used since 20/11/2009).

Speed Bias (Obs-Background)
Metop: +0.3m/s                                  QuikScat: +0.1m/s
                        22/11/ au 08/01
                 Neutral Wind versus Real Wind:

Metop: 0.0m/s            E-Suite (Ref)         QuikScat: -0.2m/s

Metop: -0.1m/s         E-Suite+Neutral          QuikScat: +0.1m/s

Neutral Wind versus Real Wind: impact?

       Neutral-wind operator impact is neutral for Ascat/E-suite.
       Speed bias improved for QuikScat/O-suite+E-suite (ITCZ+Mid-
       Forecast impact positive/E-suite on the first ranges of forecast,
      on SOUTH20 (Bootstrap Test/its own analysis).       +/- : confidence of 99%
                                             Z, 48 cases    ++/-- : confidence of 99.9%
     nge SOUTH20         TROPICS   NORTH20
   R 0h   24h      96h

      Neutral with the other diagnosis.
      Operational since 02/2009.                                                    17
Neutral Wind versus Real Wind: impact?

 Impact confirmed by reduction of the analysis increments on
the MSLP (in blue):

 Note the impact is more important in the Southern Hemisphere
because the land mass fraction is weaker.
Summary on the 2 last changes

 Equivalent quality between Ascat and QuikScat 4
 Neutral-wind operator improved speed bias of
QuikScat, is without effect on Ascat after turbulence
scheme change and in the end better agreement between
the Model and its Analysis.
 Quality control improvements (land, ice, current,…)
 Tuning of observation errors, thinning,…
 Failure of QuikScat since 11/2009, stop of ERS-2 in 2011?
 Validation of Oscat on Indian satellite Oceansat-2, Eumetsat
OSI-SAF product, ongoing…
 Other instruments (HY-2A?, Metop-B, ScatSat?, CFOsat…)?
Ongoing: land quality control checking
 Land contamination control, based on model land-sea mask (sea=0, land=1)




 Lowest speed bias and vector difference values for Land-Sea Mask=0 (over sea,
no land fraction), for all instruments (here AMI, Ascat and Seawinds), in
agreement with operational QC (data rejected if LSM>0)
Ongoing: ice quality control checking
 Ice contamination control, based on model Sea-Surface Temperature (SST).



 Sensitivity of error to SST (as ice indicator) depends of instrument. Suggesting
different SST thresholds for the Ice-QC, between 272 and 275K.
 Current operational threshold, 278K, is too high! Fixed first with QuikScat data
only, with 2 solutions only, and giving in 2004 the best results in term of forecast
scores wrt to a lower threshold (273K). Will be revised (this year?).
Outlook: surface current and errors
   Scatterometer winds are relative winds!
             Local wind > 0                                     Local wind > 0
        component                                                         Reflected
                Zero current                                        Current = Local wind

                Slight sea                                     Calm sea
             Ascat Vector difference (obs-fg)
                   MEAN RMS=2.3m/s

      Common patterns between Ascat Vector difference (left) and Mercator
     analysis of surface current (right) ITCZ, Gulf Stream, Western South-Atlantic,
     Cape Point, Japan’s East coast, Papua…                                                22
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