Otty Lake Association February 2021

Page created by Kurt Walsh
Otty Lake Association February 2021
Otty Lake Association • February 2021
Schedule 6 and Conservation               limited changes, and an additional
Authorities                               section was added referencing Min-
                                          ister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs), giving

O    ntario’s 36 Conservation Author-
     ities, including the Rideau Valley
Conservation Authority, are local wa-
                                          the minister complete authority to
                                          override any other zoning controls.
                                             The proposed changes to the
tershed management agencies, man-         Conservation Authorities Act and the
                                          Planning Act through Schedule 6 will
dated to “ensure the conservation,
                                          significantly either limit or complete-
restoration and responsible manage-
                                          ly change the role of the Conserva-
ment of Ontario’s water, land, and        tion Authorities to protect Ontario’s
natural habitats through programs         environment and ensure people and
that balance human, environmental         property are safe from flooding and
and economic needs” (Conservation         other natural hazards. Watershed
Ontario).                                 (science -based) planning which
                                          supports communities will be limited
What is Schedule 6 and what               (Conservation Ontario, December 8,
will it mean for Conservation             2020).
Authorities – and for lake asso-                                                    Photo: Cathy Franz
ciations and lake communities?            What were some of the specific            wildlife, help to regulate impacts of
                                          concerns regarding Schedule 6?            climate change and more. Another
   Schedule 6, which proposed a                                                     example: integrated watershed-based
number of changes to the Conserva-           In a statement on November 25,         management advice from Conserva-
tion Authorities Act and to the Con-      2020, Sommer Casgrain Robertson,          tion Authorities assists municipalities
servation Authorities’ role in land use   RVCA General Manager, stated that         to make land use planning decisions
planning, is a section of the Ontario     the proposed changes would direct-        that work across municipal bound-
Government’s Omnibus Budget Bill,         ly affect municipalities, residents       aries. Upstream municipalities need
Bill 229, which was introduced in the     and watersheds explaining that they       to understand the potential impact
provincial legislature on November 5,     included changes to Conservation          of their decisions on downstream
2020. Because Schedule 6 was part of      Board governance; new powers              municipal neighbours. For decades,
a budget bill, the government was not     enabling the Minister to override         expertise developed by Conservation
required to provide an opportunity        a conservation authority and issue
                                                                                                              continued on page 2
for public consultation under Ontar-      a development permit in a water-
io’s Environmental Bill of Rights.        shed without a hearing and with no
    Across Ontario, municipalities,       appeal; the removal of enforcement
                                                                                     IN THIS ISSUE
environmental organizations and           tools and a conservation authority’s       2020 iNaturalist Posts                  2
agencies, indigenous organizations,       ability to appeal planning decisions;
                                                                                     Otty Lake Park and Early Years          3
community groups including many           potential provincial interference in
lake associations, and a great many       local budgets and fees; and limita-        Climate Change & Dangerous Ice          4
individuals spoke out with their          tions on programs, with a decreased        Great Backyard Bird Count               4
concerns about the potential impact       focus on environmental monitoring,         Safe Boating                            5
on the environment of these chang-        stewardship and outdoor education.
                                                                                     2021 Membership Information             5
es (e.g. Canadian Environmental              Land use planning and envi-
Law Association reported that MPPs        ronmental planning need to work            Social Events During Covid              6
received 45,000 calls and emails, and     together, e.g. there is tremendous         Rising Hydro Rates                      6
40 municipalities prepared related        concern that without Conservation          The Frogs Are Calling                   6
resolutions regarding Schedule 6).        Authority protection, vulnerable
                                                                                     Around The Lake                         7
Nonetheless, Schedule 6, as a part of     wetlands will be lost to development.
Bill 229, was passed in the Ontario       Wetlands provide flood control, hab-       Otty Lake Map Being Produced           8
legislature on December 8, 2020 with      itat for endangered species and other      OLA Board Needs You                     8
Otty Lake Association February 2021
Last year was a successful initiation      from previous years if you know the
                                                                                     bird is that wakes you up at 5:00am.
of the Otty Lake iNaturalist project.      date, time and location of the en-
                                                                                        Once posted, other naturalists will
In August we reached the 1000th            counter. If possible, record the size
                                                                                     confirm, make comments or cor-
observation with a pair of Northern        of the fish and any other details such
                                                                                     rections. It is a community of folks
Cardinals posted by “mountainma-           as the habitat. You can obscure the
                                                                                     interested in the natural world. You
ma17”. Fifty-six Otty Lake neigh-          exact location if you do not want to
                                                                                     do not need to be a biologist or have
bours have posted 1085 observations        reveal your favourite fishing spot.
for a total of 589 different species.         The photos you upload do not
Observations have been recorded            have to be beautiful images, just as
from all around the lake although          long as they are recognizable. When
there are a few areas that are under-      possible a good idea is to include a
represented (see map). The pie chart       ruler, coin or hand for scale. You
highlights there are many records of       don’t even need to know what the
birds, plants and insects although         critter or plant is because the program
very few of fish.                          makes suggestions as soon as you
   Here is a challenge for 2021 –          upload an image or audio record-
document the fish of Otty Lake. You        ing. Yes, you can even upload those
can catch them to photograph or            strange sounds you hear in the night
use that GoPro camera you got for          to find out what is under your cot-
                                                                                           Photo: Easter Pondhawk by Angela Darwin
Christmas. You can even post photos        tage. Perhaps you wonder what that
                                                                                     continued on page 3

continued from page 1
                                           on the expansion of Minister’s Zon-            If you would like to learn more
Authorities has provided municipali-       ing Orders through Environmental          about the current status of this most
ties with this important information.      Registry Notice 019-2811. https://ero.    concerning situation, Environmental
   Important stewardship and educa-      Defence Canada has posted a You
tional initiatives will also be reduced.   Comments on this posting are due by       Tube video of their January 12th
Local examples of Conservation             January 30.                               webinar entitled Protecting Ontario’s
Authority-supported stewardship                                                      Environmental Future/ What Hap-
activities that the OLA and the Otty       What can we do to support the             pens Next After the Gutting of the
Lake community have been involved          conservation authorities?                 Conservation Authorities. The pre-
in/have benefitted from have includ-                                                 senters were Tim Gray, Environmen-
ed important programs such as Otty          • We need to speak up! Learn more!       tal Defence Canada who served as the
Lake water quality monitoring, water          Get engaged in local issues!           host, Anne Bell from Ontario Nature,
level monitoring, shoreline natural-        • Work with the local Conservation       Anastasia Lintner from Canadian
ization, fish habitat enhancement,            Authorities on these issues.           Environmental Law Association, and
BioBlitzes, and development of the          • Let local Municipal and County         David Crombie, former head of the
Otty Lake Shoreline Handbook and            • Councils know that the work of         Greenbelt Council, former Mayor of
the Otty Lake Management Plan.                our Conservation Authorities is        Toronto, and former cabinet minister.
                                              important to us and to our com-        Their words were both informative
What happens next for                         munity. We value their science         and powerful. You will find the
Schedule 6?                                   and evidence-based decision            video at
                                              making and taking care of our
Schedule 6 is still a work in progress.       environment.                           watch?v=VcC3EyuUYv0/
Regulations need to be developed            • We need to push for the Province
so the various aspects of Schedule 6          to go back and have the public            David Crombie expressed it well in
can be implemented. The Province              consultation regarding Schedule        the conclusion to his webinar presen-
of Ontario has announced a Work-              6 that they didn’t have in the         tation when he said …
ing Group to help the Government              beginning!                             “How we treat the Conservation Au-
decide what will be included in the         • There are difficult and uncertain      thorities in this province will tell us
new regulations. At some point we             times ahead for the environment        how we will treat the environment.
will see what the new regulations             in Ontario—and for the Conser-         If the Conservation Authorities are
look like.                                    vation Authorities with whom           diminished, so are we. If the Con-
   Note: Although there was no                the local lake associations work so    servation Authorities flourish, so will
opportunity for public consultation           closely! We need to stand up and       we.”
regarding Schedule 6, there is an op-         speak up to protect what we care           Karen Hunt, past OLA Board Member
portunity for the public to comment           about!

Otty Lake Association February 2021
OTTY LAKE PARK                                                                       nights were in the summer. Cars
                                                                                     would roll in from the city, sound-
AND EARLY YEARS                                                                      ing their horns as they rounded the
                                                                                     corners of the final country lanes. All
OF COTTAGE LIFE                                                                      would be excited to reunite at the
                                                                                     lake and disappointed that Mondays
REVISITED                                                                            would arrive so quickly. The pattern
                                                                                     continued until Labour Day weekend
I f you travel back a decade through
  the archives of Captain Otty (Oc-
tober 2011 issue) you will find a
                                           Otty Lake Park hotel.
                                                                                     when, like the migrating birds, we
                                                                                     had to depart Otty Lake.)
                                                                                        In 1943 Ernie auctioned the prop-
lovely tribute to Mary Catherine           ow trying to support eight children.      erty for $3000 to the Zionist Camp
Dowsett Mahoney, known universally         Uncle Jack Cavanagh, a prosperous         Association, later to be known as
as Mayme Mahoney. Her maternal             miner in Quebec, bought Otty Lake         Camp Shomria. The cottage proper-
grandparents, Dr. Ed and Caroline          Park for the price of the back taxes      ties to the east of the hotel site stayed
(Carrie) Consitt, first came to the lake   and kept the property (for which he       in the Dowsett and Consitt families.
in 1916. Mayme visited Otty Lake as a      had little interest) in the family.       The cottage that held so many mem-
                                             Everything soon changed when            ories for Mayme was originally an
baby in 1937.
                                           Mayme’s Uncle Jack and her father,        icehouse that was taken from across
   Between 1900 and 1910 some sum-
                                           Ernie Dowsett, played a poker game        the lake one winter. The proximity of
mer cottages had begun to appear on
                                           where the stakes were ownership of        these four cottages that remained in
the north side of Otty Lake. The site
                                           Otty Lake Park. Ernie and Mayme’s         her extended family facilitated many
where Camp Shomria now stands was
                                           mother Aileen became instant              happy gatherings over the years.
earlier referred to as the Connaught
                                           owners of what was to become a very          Memories of hydroplane races and
Hotel, the Bungalow Inn and later the
                                           successful hotel. Well-known bands        trophies at Rideau Ferry, boating and
Otty Lake Park. Easily accessible by
                                           playing at the dance pavilion, nearby     bass fishing on Otty were cherished.
road from Perth, locals would enjoy
                                           cabins, a snack bar and gas pumps at      Throughout her years Mayme was an
picnics, boating, and swimming in
                                           the dock made it a hub of activity.       active member of life on this lake,
the area.
                                             In her early years, Mayme, as many      caring for our lake community, and
   Upon the Consitts’ arrival at Otty
                                           other children on Otty Lake, remem-       assisting as an Area Counsellor.
Lake in 1916, Mayme’s grandfather,
                                           bered moving to the cottage when             Mayme passed in October 2015 but
Dr. Consitt, her great-uncle and two
                                           school dismissed in June. Fathers         will live on in our memories as one of
of their partners bought this facility
                                           worked in Ottawa and joined their         Otty Lake’s early and longtime resi-
from Mrs. Devlin and continued oper-
                                           families for the weekends. (I can         dents. Her enthusiastic sharing of her
ation of the hotel. By the mid-1930’s
                                           certainly relate to how special Friday    wonderful stories made this recount
her mother, Carrie, was a young wid-
                                                                                                                     Gail Read
continued from page 2

any prior experience. You are also         male Hooded Merganser on Parks Bay
encouraged to post observations of         last April.
common things, so don’t wait for               If you want to get involved, review
that rare sighting. We set up a proj-      the “Help” feature of FAQ’s and “Get-
ect to document everything we have         ting Started” guide on the iNaturalist
seen on our property and we use it as      web page. You can post encounters
a way to follow the seasons.               with naturally occurring organisms
Most people use the camera on their        that may be living or dead and can
cell phone since it is convenient but      include tracks and nests. That means
you can use any camera. On Jan.            no pets or plantings from your gar-
6th Carson Armour’s trail camera           den – you can highlight them the
captured an image of the bobcat at         Otty Lake Association Facebook page
night on Echo Bay. On Nov. 13th            instead. If it is a “wild” tick on your
Evelyn Dore posted a great trail           dog or a mosquito biting your sister,
camera picture of a beaver chewing         it’s fair game! Check out the web site
on a poplar tree at the end of Baxter      and sign up:
Lane. We had a chickadee check out
our trail camera as it took a blurry       otty-lake
selfie. Bruce took this photo (see                       Kit Muma and Bruce Smith
image), with a telephoto lens, of a

Otty Lake Association February 2021
MORE DANGEROUS between     15 and 39 were the most vul-
                  nerable to winter drowning accidents.
Condensed from New York Times story,        Dr. Sapna Sharma, an associate
November 20, 2020 by Veronica Penney     professor of biology at York Universi-

A   new study has found that             ty in Toronto and a lead author of the
    cold-weather drownings are           study, said that people did not always       “And so people are going out onto
                                         realize how global warming is increas-       it and not realizing that the ice is
increasing sharply in warmer parts of
                                         ing the risks that come with winter          rotten.”
the Northern Hemisphere.
                                         traditions like skating, ice fishing and        The researchers found that more
   The study, published in the journal
                                         snowmobiling. Those ingrained hab-           cold-weather drownings occur in
PLoS One, looked at drownings in
                                         its can lead to a false sense of security,   spring, when daily low temperatures
10 countries in the Northern Hemi-
                                         Dr. Sharma said.                             increase too much to support stable
sphere, including Canada and the US,
                                            The lack of sustained cold, which         ice structures. At the same time,
analyzing about 4,000 records over a
                                         leads to more freeze-thaw events,            those warmer temperatures make
span of 26 years. The largest number
                                         is crucial. Each time ice thaws and          it more enjoyable to spend time
of drownings occurred when air tem-
                                         refreezes, it gets a little weaker — and     outdoors, meaning more people are
peratures were just below the freez-
                                         it can stay that way for the remainder       spending time on ice.
ing point, between minus 5 degrees
                                         of the cold season. “Milder tempera-            The coronavirus pandemic could
Celsius and 0 Celsius. Some of the
                                         tures mean that the ice is not as thick,     also put more people at risk. “If this
sharpest increases were in areas where
                                         or not as solid as it would otherwise        winter is anything like this sum-
Indigenous customs and livelihood
                                         be,” said Robert McLeman, a profes-          mer was,” Dr. Sharma said, “a lot of
require extended time on ice. Across
                                         sor of geography and environmental           people spent time in cottage country
the countries studied, children under
                                         studies at Wilfrid Laurier University.       in Ontario because we just can’t go
the age of 9 and teenagers and adults
                                                                                         She said that ice with sitting water,
                                                                                      slush or holes in the surface was gen-
                                                                                      erally unsafe. “Snow cover is when it
                                                                                      gets tricky,” Dr. Sharma said. “People
                                                                                      think there’s so much snow on the
                                                                                      ice, the ice must be thick,” but snow
                                                                                      can also act as insulation, melting the
                                                                                      ice more quickly.
                                                                                         “We need to, as individuals, adapt
                                                                                      our decision-making,” she added, and
                                                                                      focus on how changing winters affect
                                                                                      local rivers, lakes and streams. “It
                                                                                      may not be as safe now as it was 30
                                                                                      years or 40 years ago.”

                                                                                       CAPTAIN OTTY’S LOG is produced
                                                                                       by the Otty Lake Association (OLA)
                                                                                       three times a year, and is distributed
SEPTIC SYSTEM RE-INSPECTIONS                                                           by e-mail or Canada Post to all OLA
                                                                                       members. Contributions to the Log

O    ver 2020, 124 existing sep-
     tic systems were inspected by
the Mississippi Rideau Septic Sys-
                                         inspection, than are identified around
                                         waterbodies subject to voluntary
                                                                                       are welcome.

                                                                                       Coordinator: Barb Hicks
                                         inspection”. In 2021, 51 Otty Lake            Proofing: Don Beattie
tem Office, including four on Otty
                                         systems are due to be inspected. You          Distribution: Christine Kilburn, Shari
Lake. Ten of those systems needed                                                      and Don Beattie
                                         will receive notification by mail if you
replacement, and 62% had no con-                                                       Layout and Design: David Bromley
                                         are one of them. Usually a time can
cerns. Commented Rob Rainer in
                                         be arranged when the home-owner               To find out more about the OLA, or to
his weekly Rob’s Report: “year after
                                         is present, and most are done in July         see past issues, please see:
year, this program demonstrates how
                                         and August. Here is the link to the  Or write
many more problematic systems are                                                      to: The OLA, Box 20122, Perth ON
                                         2020 Septic Reinspection Program
identified around waterbodies in                                                       K7H 3M6.
TVT which are subject to mandatory

Otty Lake Association February 2021
I n our October 2020 edition of
  Captain Otty’s Log we shared that
the OLA and other Associations had
provided safe boating concerns to the
Lake Networking Group (LNG) and the
Mississippi Lakes Association (MLA) to
assist both organizations in compiling
and addressing common safety issues
across our local lakes and rivers. Our
area was not the only area addressing
this issue, in fact, Safe Boating was a
feature presentation by the Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) at the Federa-
tion of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations
(FOCA) meeting held via Zoom.
   The OLA would like to thank the
MLA for their efforts to create a great
safety webinar which was shared on
November 14th, 2020. The Safe Quiet
Lakes/Decibel Coalition provided          as people stayed at home, purchased      slow down”.
insight into their work to raise aware-   new water craft and spent more              Sadly, there were 31 marine fatal-
ness of unsafe boating, boat noise and    time on Ontario’s waterways. Over        ities in Ontario over 2020. It was
water safety and the OPP presented an     the season, the OPP responded to         determined that 86% of deceased
informative briefing that provided data   calls concerning personal watercraft,    victims were not wearing life jackets.
concerning water/boat related dangers.    aggressive operation, liquor, inex-      Sgt. Kevin Gorman of the Underwater
A link to the webinar is on the Mis-      perience (primarily related to rental    Search and Recovery Unit comment-
sissippi Lakes Association water-safety   boats and operating in unfavourable      ed “I don’t recover people off the
page.                                     weather) and courtesy or lack thereof.   bottom wearing life jackets.” Some
   On November 21st, Sgt. Dave Mof-       Courtesy calls primarily addressed op-   additional number on these fatalities
fatt, Provincial Marine Co-ordinator,     eration and wakes. Vessels checked       are included on this page.
OPP, presented a Boat Update at the       in 2020 totalled 47,492.
FOCA 2020 Fall Seminar – Lake Associ-        Sgt. Moffatt suggested that when      We hope you get a chance to check
ation Engagement Success Stories. He      you are in a no-wake zone i.e., with-    out the MLA website and the follow-
shared that there had been an increase    in 30 metres from shore, check your      ing two FOCA webpages: https://
in boaters and boat traffic this summer   bow. If your bow is up: “Bow down – and https://
                                                                          as we
                                                                                   all anticipate ice-out 2021.
                                                                                                              Reid Kilburn
Please take a moment to renew your membership in the OLA. Memberships
are just $25. You have two options:

    • Mail a cheque made payable to the OLA to Box 20122,
      Perth ON K7H 3M6.
    • E-transfer the funds to Use “province we
      live in” for the security question and “Ontario” as the answer. Please put
      your name in the comment field, and send us an email if any details have

If you are not currently a member, please see the membership form on the
website. Print, complete and mail it to us with payment, or just provide the
necessary information in an email.

Your prompt renewal would be appreciated, as our expenses occur year round.
No need to wait until the summer. Thanks for your support!

Otty Lake Association February 2021

M      any lake associations spend
       much of their time on social
events. But many of their usual social
                                            bow and stern. The song competition
                                            happened in advance of that day.
                                            People were to compose song lyrics to
                                                                                       noe to an island, or complete a puz-
                                                                                       zle. Brady Lake did a more traditional
                                                                                       bingo game. Cards were purchased in
events (dances, corn roasts, craft fairs    the tune of any well-recognized song.      advance, and people were asked to ar-
etc.) had to be put on hold in 2020.        The winner was chosen and the lyrics       rive 15 minutes early to the location
That didn’t stop several associations       emailed out so that the band could         and anchor their boats. The numbers
                                            lead a singalong of the new song on        were called from a dock and broad-
from coming up with new events,
                                            concert day.                               cast by Zoom.
or new twists on traditional events,
to connect with each other. It is                                                      Other fun, COVID-safe communi-
interesting to see their creativity and                                                ty-building events organized by lake
can-do spirit!                                                                         associations include boat parades,
                                                                                       camping themed online nature
The Quest – Kahshe Lake Ratepayers                                                     camps, and sailing races.
Association, Muskoka Region. Usual-
ly a very social bunch, they could not                                                 Do any of these inspire you? If you
hold their picnic, fishing derby, craft                                                are interested in organizing some-
show or regatta, so the group set up                                                   thing, please contact the OLA so we
a car/boat treasure quest for residents                                                can talk about what support we could
to complete over a six week period.         Bingo – Stony Lake, Lakefield; and         offer you. Many of the above were
A list with photos of 46 water and          Brady Lake, Haliburton. Stony Lake         presented at the FOCA fall seminar
road access points was circulated, and      posted a bingo card of fun activities      or at Lake Links 2020, both of which
people were to provide selfies to show      on Facebook, and people were asked         happened virtually, if you would ap-
they had been there. Participants           to post pictures of themselves com-        preciate photos or further details. Or
received a commemorative ribbon             pleting the tasks. These were things       check those lake’s Facebook pages.
and certificate of participation. Many      like have a campfire with smores, ca-                                   Barb Hicks
people discovered areas of the lake
they had not been to before.

Virtual Fishing Derby – Glouces-            RISING HYDRO                               FROGS ARE
ter Pool Cottagers’ Association, Trent
Severn Waterway. This children’s            RATES                                      CALLING
derby took place over four days.            FOCA is preparing to launch a cam-         Blazing Star Environmental is look-
Some contest categories from previ-         paign to stop the elimination of the       ing for volunteers to complete three
ous in-person derbies were kept, like       Electricity Seasonal Rate Class that       short daytime surveys during the
longest, widest and most unusual            was ordered by the Ontario Energy          western chorus frog calling season.
fish; youngest fisherperson; fishing        Board in October. The elimination          These frogs are a threatened species in
story, and fishing hat decorating           will mean an additional $60 a month        Canada and have experienced recent
contest. New categories for this            in fees for the approximately 148,000      localized population declines. Vol-
format were fishing fashion, fish-          customers who are seasonal-rate.           unteers pick their preferred number
ing video, fishing dance and fishing        Nearly 80,000 of the seasonal-rate         of sites and preferred travel distance,
music video. Pictures were uploaded         customers are cottage owners. To           and are provided with training ma-
by the participant or the webmas-           qualify for the seasonal rate, the prop-   terials, the survey protocol, and site
ter to a members-only area of their         erty cannot be the owner’s primary         selection assistance, if needed. The
website. A time and place to pick up        residence, and the owner must reside       frogs call between March and May.
the prizes, mostly gift certificates, was   there for less than eight continuous       Find out more from their website
established.                                months a year. Find your rate class or email
                                            on page 2 of your Hydro One bill,          them.
Music on the Water and Lake                 to the right of the blue house icon.
Song Competition – Soyers Lake,             If this issue concerns you, sign up
between Haliburton and Minden. A            for FOCA’s new dedicated electricity
local band was hired to perform on a        e-newsletter, called The Power Line.
dock late one Saturday afternoon and        Subscribe here: Electricity E-news. For
residents listened from their motor-        more background on this issue, visit
boats, kayaks and canoes. People had        FOCA’s Electricity Pricing webpage.
to RSVP to the event, stay behind an
established noodle line, and anchor

Otty Lake Association February 2021
State of the Lake The 2020 edi-                                                       in Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ)
tion of State of the Lake was sent out                                                18. It establishes, for example, that
by email Nov. 10. This snapshot of                                                    the Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass
lake conditions and environmental                                                     (combined) season runs the third
activities shows that due to our com-                                                 Saturday in June to December 15,
bined efforts, Otty Lake remains quite                                                and that the catch and possession
healthy. While some 2020 programs                                                     limit per day is six for someone with
were limited due to COVID-19, we                                                      a sport fishing licence and two for
have been able to maintain continui-                                                  someone with a conservation fishing
ty of data. Thanks to Kirsten Brouse,                                                 licence.
Kyla Haley, Murray Hunt, Reid Kil-          Power Couple Receive Award
burn, Jenepher Lennox-Terrion, Wally        Murray and Karen Hunt were present-       Lake Partner Program In De-
Robins, Rachel Roth, and Derek Smith        ed with the Gord Rodgers Memorial         cember, FOCA reported that they
for their many contributions to the         Award by Mike Yee of RVCA at 2020         had entered into a new five year
report. If you missed it, a link is on      Lake Links, presented “in grateful        agreement with the Ontario Ministry
our home page, and past reports are         acknowledgement for outstanding           of Environment, Conservation and
on our Environment page.                    contributions and exceptional ef-         Parks (OMECP) in support of the Lake
                                            forts to ensure the healthy future of     Partner Program (LPP). This is great
Radon It’s winter, and with most            our freshwater.” The Hunts’ contri-       news for all lake associations, includ-
of us spending a lot more time at           butions to lake protection are well       ing Otty Lake, which has participated
home, it is a good time to test your        known in the Otty Lake community.         since 1996. The LPP provides the ma-
residence for radon. Radon is the           Even though they have moved into          terials necessary, covers the postage,
second leading cause of lung cancer         Perth, Karen continues to coordinate      and does the lab analysis. Our Lake
after smoking. It can accumulate in         the Lake Networking Group. The            Steward takes the necessary water
any home, and the only way to tell if       award presentation is one of the seg-     samples to determine phosphorus and
it has reached dangerous levels is to       ments on the Lake Links 2020 page         calcium levels, and measures water
test for it. Have a listen to this inter-   mentioned above. Gord Rodgers,            clarity using a Secchi disc. The result
view with Joe Reid from the Health          who passed away a few years ago, was      is a great collection of data for com-
Unit on Lake 88 during November’s           a leader in lake stewardship in Eastern   paring Ontario lakes which is made
National Radon Action Month. The            Ontario. This is the third year the       available through the LPP website.
Health unit is out of the free test         award has been presented.                 (The 2020 data has not been posted
meters but will put a notice on their                                                 yet.) The program has been vulnera-
website when they get more. REAL,                                                     ble to funding cuts, and was suspend-
a local non-profit, has three meters it                                               ed temporarily in 2020 over COVID
can lend for two-week periods. You                                                    safety concerns.
can also buy your own meter online,
as they are not overly expensive                                                      ROM Photography Course On-                                                    tario residents are invited to enter the
radon-test-kits/.                                                                     6th annual ROM (Royal Ontario Mu-
                                                                                      seum) Wildlife Photographer of the
Lake Links Presentations The                                                          Year Contest. Sharing your images of
annual Lake Links Workshop normal-                                                    the natural world may enable you to
ly held each year in Perth was hosted                                                 have your photo displayed at the mu-
online Saturday, October 24. The                                                      seum, and of course, win some nice
year’s theme was “Effective Engage-                                                   prizes. There is a category for 13-17
ment for Positive Action”. You can                                                    year olds, as well as one for those 18
view the slides or access videos of                                                   and over. Rules and photos from last
the presentations on the Watersheds                                                   year’s winners are available here.
Canada website. Sponsors included
the S.M. Blair Family Foundation,
Cataraqui Conservation, Mississippi         Fishing Regulations The 2021 On-
Valley Conservation Authority, RVCA         tario Fishing Regulations Summary is
and FOCA. You may find interesting          available online. It contains informa-
information in the Community Ini-           tion about recreational fishing licenc-
tiatives Handout, showcasing recent         es, open seasons and catch limits, as
projects and successes from lake asso-      well as up-to-date fishing regulations
ciations and waterfront groups.             for each fishing zone. Otty Lake is                               Photo: Bruce Smith

Otty Lake Association February 2021
I  f all goes according to plan, the OLA
   will have a new map of Otty Lake
available to residents and cottagers
                                            of the crown or private islands have
                                            approved names. These are names
                                            that have been approved by the
                                                                                      the names of other features such as
                                                                                      points, bays and the boat launch,
                                                                                      although we don’t want the map to
this spring.                                Ontario Geographic Names Board            become too cluttered.
    Many of you may still have a copy       (OGNB). We will use the approved            The 2010 map included lots with
of the 18”x 24” map of Otty Lake            names wherever possible. This may         their associated MPAC numbers. The
produced in 2010 by CGIS Spatial            be confusing for some who tradi-          lots and numbers will be updated but
Solutions in Perth.                         tionally referred to private islands      due to privacy concerns, there will be
    In discussing the issue of boat         by names associated with owner-           no addendum provided linking the
speeds in no-wake zones this summer,        ship. Some of the crown and private       numbers to names. The Tay Valley
it was suggested that actually marking      islands do not have approved names        and Drummond/North Elmsley bor-
the 30 m zone on a map could visu-          but have familiar given names. Some       der will also be more clearly indicat-
ally demonstrate where boat speeds          islands or small islets do not have any   ed. The Areas 1 to 11 used by the
must be reduced within proximity to         commonly used name. We plan to            OLA to allocate Area Counsellors will
islands and the shore. Producing a          use another font or colour to differ-     still be marked.
new map would also be an opportu-           entiate between approved and given           The map team of Ian McDonald,
nity to add additional information.         names, and between private versus         Linda Cuthbertson, Reid Kilburn and
Boaters have often requested a map          crown owned islands. So some island       Barb Hicks has met by Zoom several
showing the approximately 36 rocks          names on the map may not be OGNB          times already and is working with Jeff
and shoals which are a navigational         approved but we feel are useful for       Dean of CGIS Spatial Solutions to cre-
hazard for boaters. Some of you may         locals and lake residents to use when     ate this new resource. Jeff, coinciden-
have the 1981 sketch map of shoals          navigating the lake, locating places      tally, also has a cottage on Otty Lake.
made available to sailing regatta con-      on the lake or for reference in the       Look for an email blast about the
testants.                                   case of emergency services. The team      progress of our mapping process this
    On the 2010 Otty Lake map, island       will consider the feasibility of adding   spring.
names were not included. Not all                                                             Linda Cuthbertson and Barb Hicks

T   he OLA is looking for some keen
    individuals who would like to
contribute to their lake community
                                               We also have some specific posi-
                                            tions within the Board we would like
                                            to fill.
                                                                                         New board members who are inter-
                                                                                      ested in helping out without taking
                                                                                      on a specific position are most wel-
by joining the OLA Board. The board            The Secretary position has been va-    come, too, and can join the board at
meets about four times a year and           cant since October. Thanks to our pre-    any point there is a vacancy. Becom-
communicates by email in between.           vious Secretary, Jacquie Mallory, for     ing a board member is a great way
                                            her service to the OLA. The secretary     to learn about the lake and the lake
In these COVID days, the board has
                                            is involved in planning and taking        community, and is a chance to give
been meeting by Zoom, but before
                                            minutes of our board and annual gen-      back. We are all fortunate to enjoy
that the usual meeting place was            eral meetings, responds to inquiries,     Otty Lake, and that it continues to
McMartin House in Perth, and occa-          and distributes relevant information      be healthy. But with a dense popula-
sionally a member’s home. The board         to board members.                         tion, and varying priorities, we need
currently sits at 11 members, but              The board has also been without        to be vigilant to protect the natural
ideally, would have 10 to 15 members        a President since July of 2020. A         environment, and ensure everyone is
at any time. So we have four posi-          leadership team of Kirsten Brouse,        able to participate in the lake activ-
tions available. Any OLA member is          Rachel Roth and Barb Hicks has been       ities they enjoy. Maybe this is the
eligible, and it is nice to have a mix of   ensuring the board continues to run       year you take your turn to contribute
ages, representation from all parts of      smoothly. However, Rachel is step-        to the well-being of Otty Lake.
                                            ping back as she is facing some time
the lake, and a mix of permanent and
                                            constraints, leaving Kirsten and Barb        You can read more about the board
seasonal residents. Members agree to
                                            “in charge”. Ideally a new President      here or see past meeting minutes to
a two year term. If distance has been       will be ready to start in July 2021       get a better idea of what we are about.
a deterrent before, Zoom meetings           when they would be voted in by the        For more information, please contact
will make it possible for people who        membership at the AGM, but would          Reid Kilburn, Past President at 326-
do not live in the area full-time to        be welcome to join the board in the       0493 or A short bio
participate.                                meantime.                                 or resume would be helpful.

Otty Lake Association February 2021 Otty Lake Association February 2021
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