Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School

Page created by Rene Harper
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
           ISS                                        North Island Secondary School
                                                       PO Box 100, Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0
           EWS                                           Tel: 250-956-3394 Fax: 250-956-2035
                                                 Email: niss@sd85.bc.ca Website: www.nis.sd85.bc.ca

                      Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential

From the Principal
Ms. Stacia Johnson

Gilakas’la, Hola, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Konnichi wa, Hello            other. Any incoming grade 8 student that would like an in-
                                                                    person tour of the school, can contact the school and we will
With the 2019/2020 school year coming to an end, it is a time       book an appointment for a NISS staff member to show you
for reflection. It definitely was a year like no other in educa-    around and answer any questions.
tion, with the world pandemic and students, families and staff
needing to adjust to new ways of learning and being. Through-       Near the end of the summer, please check the NISS website for
out the year, the North Island communities came together and        any information about COVID-19 and how it may impact the
supported each other through a very long logging strike and         rolling out of the next school year.
through isolation and disruptions to life as we knew it. At NISS,
we are so appreciative of the community, the families and the       We wish everyone a safe and happy summer break! See you in
staff who have contributed to the success and well being of all     September.
NISS students during this unusual year.
                                                                                     Goodbyes and Well Wishes
Despite the set backs this year, we have remained flexible and
                                                                    It is at this time that we would like to acknowledge the
resilient. Plans for celebrating our graduating students have       contributions of John Bramham and Emma Robertson to NISS.
been made. Parent organized car parades and activities on           John Bramham will be retiring this June. John has worked for
June 13 will be happening in the various communities. A walk-       many years at North Island Secondary. He has contributed
ing ceremony will happen on June 18 in the school gym. This         positively in so many ways to the school culture at NISS. His
will be videoed and live streamed for parents and community.        work in the shops and with the community has been amazing
Scholarships, bursaries and special recognitions will be shared     and he has been a positive influence on so many previous and
during this ceremony. We thank the NISS community for their         current students. We will miss him!
generous donations of time and money towards the graduating
                                                                    Emma Robertson, Vice Principal for 2019/20, will be moving to
class of 2020. Grads - loads of people behind the scenes are
                                                                    become the Principal of Seaview School in Port Alice. We thank
working on making your grad year extra special as we can not        Ms. Robertson for her work at NISS this past year and we wish
celebrate it in the usual and traditional way this year.            her well in her future endeavours. We look forward to meeting
                                                                    up again with transition activities between the schools.
Transition activities are in the works for the new incoming
grade 8s next year. We have sent out a Power Point to all in-
coming students to showcase the staff who will be working
with them next year. We are also creating a virtual tour of the
school that will be sent out to all new students. On June 23,
NISS is hosting a virtual luncheon so that we can all meet each

   Gilakas’la Namwiyut                                                          June 2020
        (Family)                                         Gwagwat̓anx (red huckleberry time)
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
DATES TO                                                                                                  From the Vice Principal
REMEMBER                                                                                                           Ms. Emma Robertson
June 17, 2020
PAC Zoom meeting at 5:00 PM       Gilakas’la, Bonjour, Hello

June 18, 2020                     As the school year draws to a close I would like to say a huge congratulations to the graduating class of
Walking Grad                      2020. You have worked so hard to achieve this success and we look forward to celebrating with you
                                  on June 13 in your car parades and on June 18 at school. You have overcome challenges that no other
June 23, 2020                     grad class has faced yet, graduating in a global pandemic. If you can do this, you can do anything! We
Virtual Lunch for Grade 7s        will certainly always remember the graduating class of 2020.
coming to NISS
                                  I have really enjoyed seeing some of the students back at school over the past couple of weeks. I am
June 25, 2020                     so impressed with how quickly students have adapted to the new procedures in place and the differ-
Google Chromebooks and            ent schedule for the day. We are offering supports for English & Social Studies, Math & Science,
textbooks to be returned to the   Hands-on learning, and PE. Well done to all our students completing work online and to those who
school                            come in to school to get work completed. We always enjoy hearing about your successes at home
                                  and sharing photos of your achievements and community involvement.
June 25, 2020
Last Day of School                We are also looking forward to meeting the current grade 7s and future grade 8s during the week of
                                  June 22. Many of them will be meeting us virtually for a zoom lunch and we will be sending out a
June 30, 2020                     video tour of the school so that students can get a sense of what to expect when they join NISS in
Student Learning Surveys          September.
submission deadline
                                  Keep up the great work over the next few weeks. As the summer holidays approach, we will be send-
July 3, 2020                      ing out information on how textbooks and chrome books can be returned to the school so you can
Report cards sent out             have a well-earned break over the summer.

                                  Two visitors to our school grounds.

Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the
community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues
facing students. Services and Information Topics are:
Online Safety, Mental Health & Well-Being, Bullying & Vio-
lence, Substance Use, and Sexual Orientation & Gender

GWAGWAT̓ANX Red Huckleberry Time                                        WILD BLUE HUCKLEBERRIES
                                                                        The wild mountain blue huckleberry is a perennial ever-
                                                                        green shrub that usually ranges from 2-3 ft tall but can
                                                                        reach as high as 10. It has 1/2 to 1 1/2 inch serrated
                                                                        leaves that start out red-bronze but turn bright green in
                                                                        the Summer months. During the Spring, small pale pink
                                                                        flowers appear throughout the shrub which give way to
                                                                        small, round blue-black berries in the Summer. The ber-
                                                                        ries are popular with everyone from foragers, to birds to
                                                                        bears, with everyone reveling in the tastiness and
                                                                        healthiness of the berry.
                                                                        The wild mountain blue huckleberries grow in acidic
1 3/4 cups flour                    Crumbly Topping:                    mountain soils at elevations from 2,000 to 11,000 ft.
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbs sugar            3 Tbs brown sugar                   They can be found all the way from Alaska to Washing-
2 1/2 tsp baking powder             2 1/2 Tbs flour                     ton and Oregon, to Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. In
3/4 tsp salt                        1/2 tsp cinnamon                    recent years crops of wild huckleberries have been diffi-
1 egg                               dash of nutmeg                      cult to find due to the fact that winters have been mild
3/4 cup buttermilk                  1 1/2 Tbs butter- room temp         and there has not been much of a snow pack to protect
1/3 cup oil                                                             the huckleberries during the winter months.
1 cup fresh or frozen huckleberries
1/2 Tbs sugar
1/2 Tbs flour

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a medium/ large mixing bowl whisk together the flour, baking
         powder, salt, and first measurement of sugar.
In a smaller bowl, add the buttermilk, egg, and oil, and slightly mix
         with a fork. Add the buttermilk mixture to the flour
         mixture and stir with the fork. Only mix enough to
         combine all the dry ingredients. Don’t over mix.
In the same bowl that the buttermilk mixture was in, add the
          huckleberries with the second measurement of flour and
         sugar, toss together to coat the berries. Then gently fold
         the berries into the muffin batter. Spoon the batter into 12
         greased muffin tins.
In the same bowl as the berries were in, mix all the ingredients for
         the crumbly topping, You can use a fork to smash the
         butter and work it into the flour and brown sugar, etc.
Work the topping until it forms into coarse crumbles. Then divide
         evenly on top of all the muffins.
Bake at 400 degrees for about 18 minutes. Serve warm.                                                                           3
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
Adrian Van Gorkom finished this project           Devery Svanvik and Skylar Driscoll helped deliver soil for gardening box-
  for his shop assignment.                          es in Alert Bay.

Jacob Williams, Daysha McKinney and Devery Svanvik are
working on the NISS Dance screen.

                                                            CHEM 12
                                                            For extra credit in Chemistry 12, Ashlyn Walker made an
                                                            universal indicator by boiling red cabbage. She tested
                                                            various products around her home and was able to calibrate 4
                                                            her indicator using pH values found through research.
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
                   Loaves and Fishes Food Bank for your generous donation to our students’ need.

2020 STUDENT LEARNING SURVEY                                                           WELCOME
Parents of North Island Secondary School Grade 10 and 12                  FUTURE GRADE 8s TO THE NISS FAMILY
students, we would like to invite you to participate in the
British Columbia, Ministry of Education Annual Student           We are so excited to have the grade 7s from Alert Bay
Learning Survey. The survey will be open to input until          Elementary, T’lisalagi’lakw School, Sea View Elementary,
June 30, 2020.                                                   Sunset Elementary and AJ Elliott Elementary coming to North
                                                                 Island Secondary next year. We have planned a few transition
We value your input and use the information gained from          activities including: a virtual tour, A Power Point showcasing
this survey to plan and improve our services for students and    the staff who will be working with the Grade 8s next year, a
their families. If there are things that we are doing well, we   virtual Zoom luncheon on June 23 and ready made niss.ca
would like to hear about it. If there are areas that you feel    emails for all incoming students. In the meantime, we are
we should work toward, please let us know. All information       offering tours of the school by appointment Monday to
received remains confidential.                                   Thursday between 9:00am and 3:00pm in June. If a parent
                                                                 and future student would like to book an appointment for an
To take this survey, please follow the link below, enter your    in-person tour, please contact the Vice Principal or Principal
individual logon # in the parent survey section of the website   through their emails: erobertson@sd85.bc.ca or
and answer the questions. The Logon # was sent to you with       sjohnson@sd85.bc.ca and they will organize an onsite tour.
the Semester One report cards. We thank you for taking
your time to share your experiences and feelings in order to     To view the welcoming PowerPoint, please click the link to our
improve learning for your child (ren) and our students.          website.
Link to survey: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/access.htm

                                                                  Best Wishes on your Retirement
                                                                          Mr. Bramham
Google Chromebooks and textbooks must be returned to the                           You will be missed!!
school by June 25. Google Chromebooks can be dropped off
at NISS during school hours. They can be placed in the blue
bin just inside the front doors. Textbooks can be put in the
wooden slot by the front door at any time.

Students in communities outside of Port McNeill, the drop off
dates are June 22 to 25 at the following places.

For students in Sointula, please contact Debbie at AJ Elliott
(250 973 6331) for a drop off time
For students in Alert Bay, please contact Susan at Alert Bay
Elementary (250 974 5569 for a drop off time
For students in Port Alice, please contact Natalie at Sea View
Elementary (250 284 3315) for a drop off time.

 From creating online games to building websites, students now have access to free, live online coding workshops through the
 Ministry of Education website Keep Learning BC.

 “Students need programs that will lead to 21st-century careers,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education. “With new access to
 live, weekly workshops from across the country through Canada Learning Code, B.C. students can expand their coding
 education, while learning from experts through real-time programs designed for specific age groups that will help engage young
 minds.”                                                                                                                    5
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School

Germs spread easily in a classroom. Handwashing is the best way to stop the spread of germs that cause colds, in-
fluenza (flu), diarrhea and other sicknesses. It is important that children learn how and when to wash their hands to
lower their risk of getting sick.

How to Wash Hands:
       Wet your hands with clean running water (warm or cold) and apply soap
       Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap
       Scrub all surfaces of your hands, including the palms, backs, fingers, between your fingers, and under your
       nails. Keep scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song twice.
       Rinse your hands under clean, running water
       Dry your hands using a clean towel, paper or air dry them
       Turn off taps with a paper towel
When to Wash Hands:
  Before and after preparing, eating or handling food
  After using the toilet
  After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  After touching an animal, animal food or treats, animal cages, or animal feces (poop)
  After touching garbage
  If your hands are visibly dirty or greasy
For more information:
    Your local Public Health Unit
    HealthLinkBC or dial 8-1-1 (a free call)
    Do Bugs Need Drugs?
    Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives (CDC)

                                                LOVE OUR BODIES, LOVE OURSELVES
                                                Celebrate What Your Body Can do!

Parent, teachers and caregivers play a key role in helping children and youth develop a positive body image and to feel good
about themselves.

Here are some tips to help kids develop positive body image and self-esteem.

     Let kids know you love and accept them just the way they are!
     Give kids chances to learn what they are good at and what they enjoy.
     Teach kids to value qualities such as kindness, honesty and curiosity.
     Focus on the health benefits of being active (not just as a means to control weight)
     Model healthy behaviours and attitudes.
     Talk about how healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes.
     Avoid making comments about other people’s weight, size or shape.

Remember, you are a powerful role model: Eat well, Move daily, Hydrate often, Sleep lots, Feel your feelings, and Love your

More Information:
        Your local Public Health Unit
        Love Our Bodies, Love Ourselves (Jessie’s Legacy)
        Kelty Mental Health Resources for Parents and School Staff
        Being Me Action Schools! BC Resources – activities to promote positive body image (Kindergarten to Grade 7)
        HealthLinkBC and Dietitian Services or dial 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a Registered Dietitian (a free call)
Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School Our central focus is to enable all learners to fulfill their potential - North Island Secondary School
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