Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online

Page created by Edith Schwartz
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
April 4, 2021         Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

                Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
                 A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence

                      15 George Waterman Road
                    Johnston, Rhode Island 02919
                      Telephone: (401) 231-2220
                       Facsimile (401) 231-3905


                   REV. PETER J. GOWER, PASTOR
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Alleluia! He is Risen!

Saying those words is like drinking a tall glass of cold water after being out in the desert all day. Lent is over and it is now time to cele-
brate the great joy of Easter!

At the Easter Vigil, the Exsultet is sung as Mass begins in darkness, illumined only by candles throughout the church. The Exsultet is a
beautiful hymn of rejoicing in Christ’s triumph over sin and death. One part states:

O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the Death of Christ! O happy fault that earned for us so great, so glorious a

This line stands out because it calls the sin of Adam “necessary” and refers to it as “O happy fault.” At first, this may seem
strange. Why is it that we refer to the sin of Adam, Original Sin, as “necessary” and “happy.” The answer is Easter. It’s because God,
in His perfect wisdom and love, took sin and the consequence of sin (death) and used them as the means of the salvation of the
world. That’s what Easter is all about!

This may be hard to comprehend so it’s worth thinking about more deeply. Without Adam’s sin, there would be no Jesus. God would
not have had to become one of us. So even though the original sin of Adam, as well as all future sin, is evil and wrong, God in His per-
fect power and love chose to use it as the very means of the salvation of the world. How? By allowing the sins of the world to persecute
Him and crucify Him, and then, by turning that suffering and death into the very means of salvation. Jesus destroyed sin by destroying
the consequences of sin which is death. Death loses in the Resurrection! Jesus’ Resurrection takes away the effects of all sin for those
who cling to Him.

Easter is a time when we must do just that. We must “cling” to our resurrected Lord! We must cling to Jesus who is alive and well. We
must cling to His Resurrection and strive to share in it. How do we cling to our Resurrected Lord? There are many ways. Here is one.

Take joy in everything. Start with whatever it is that burdens you the most. Whatever it is that makes you angry, sad or de-
pressed. Whatever that is, it can potentially become one of your greatest sources of grace and joy. Seriously, it can. If the brutal Cruci-
fixion of Jesus, the Son of God, can turn out to be the greatest event in all of human history, then your personal suffering, your burden,
or even your sin can very much become a source of great joy as long as you let God transform it into part of His Resurrection!

This is the meaning of Easter! Easter means that nothing can keep us from the joy that God wants to give us. Nothing can steal that joy
away. Sure, at times we will struggle just as Jesus did in the Agony of the Garden and the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross), but
those sufferings will not win. The Resurrection won with Christ and it will win with us when we cling to Him. Jesus persevered and, in
the end, rose victorious. This is Easter!

Know that God wants you to experience the joy of Easter in your life. Let Him fill you with hope and with the joy that only the Resur-
rection can bring. God wants Easter to begin now in our lives! Happy Easter!

Lord, help me to cling to You in Your Resurrection. Help me to let you transform every cross and burden in my life into joy. Lord, may
Your joy fill my life and be my strength in all things. Jesus, I trust in You.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
April Mass Schedule 2021                           OUR LADY OF GRACE- PARISH DIRECTORY

                                                                Church Address:
                                                           15 George Waterman Rd
                                                              Johnston, RI 02919

   Date        Time          Name                               Mailing Address:
                                                                 4 Lafayette St
                                                               Johnston, RI 02919

    1                                          Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9 am—3:30 pm
                7:00   Holy Thursday
    2           7:00   Good Friday Service
                                                                 PARISH WEBSITE
    3           7:00   Holy Saturday                           Ourladyofgraceri.org
                       Assunta & Giovanni
    4          8:30    Carbone                 PARISH OFFICE
               10:30   Maurice LaBelle, Jr.
                                               Reverend Peter J. Gower
   5            8:00   Maryann Vita                   Pastor
   6            8:00   Joan Gannon
   7            8:00   Maria Lupo
                                               Mr. Joseph Quartino
   10           4:00   Nico Ventetuolo                Building Superintendent
                       Ventetuolo & Lawlor
                       Families                Mr. Jeffrey Del Gigante
                                                       Music Director
   11          8:30    Anna Carbone
               10:30   Bill Cain               Mrs. Frances DiBiasio
                                                      Funeral Administrator
   12           8:00   Josephine Tasca                (401) 231-7334
                                                      (401) 451-0359
   13           8:00   Angelo DeFusco
   14           8:00   Mary Mancini            OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                       Margaret & Dome-
                                               Mrs. Joanne Burley, Director
   17           4:00   nic Calise                     jburley@ourladyofgraceri.org
                       Angelo & Marnie                (401) 231-2220 ext 2
   18          8:30    Carlino
               10:30   Olga Gesualdi           Religious Education Office Hours:

   19           8:00   Claire Letourneau                       Monday—Wednesday
                       Anthony Spremulli                       9:00 am until 2:00 pm
   24           4:00   and
                       Louise Spremulli                        9:00 am until 1:00 pm
                       John Spremulli                 SOCIAL MEDIA–CONNECT WITH US
                       Emilio & Fernanda
   25           8:30   Giudici
                       Domenic & Florence
                       DiDonato                                     Instagram
               10:30   Jesse Gomez
                       Cubellotti, Marraffi-
   28           8:00   no
                       D'Andrea, &
                       Schiappa Families

          4/25 - 5/1   Altar Bread &

                       Lidia Edmonson
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Parishes Online
“View from the Pew”                                   by George W. Reilly
The Meaning of Easter

On April 4, Christians will be celebrating Easter, the day on which the resurrection of Jesus is
said to have taken place when Jesus rose from the dead, symbolizing the renewal of faith and
providing hope for eternal life to us all.

The date of celebration changes from year to year. The reason for this variation is that Easter
always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. Looks
like an astronomer had something to do with this.

Easter is quite like other major holidays like Christmas and Halloween, which have evolved
over the last 2000 years or so. In all of these holidays, Christian and non-Christian (pagan) ele-
ments have continued to blend together.

Most major holidays have some connection to the changing of seasons. This is especially ob-
vious in the case of Christmas. The New Testament gives no information about what time of
year Jesus was born, but many scholars believe, however, that the main reason Jesus’s birth
came to be celebrated on December 25 is because that was the date of the winter solstice ac-
cording to the Roman calendar.

Similar was the case with Easter, which falls near another key point in the solar year: the ver-
nal equinox (around March 20), when there are equal periods of light and darkness. For those
of us in the northern latitudes, the coming of spring is often met with excitement, as it means
an end to the cold days of winter.

Spring also means the coming back to life of plants and trees that have been dormant for win-
ter, as well as the birth of new life in the animal world. Given the symbolism of new life and re-
birth, it was only natural to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at this time of the year.

The Venerable Bede, a seventh-century Anglo-Saxon historian and monk, writes that the
word Easter comes from the goddess “Eostre,” an ancient goddess of fertility and the goddess
of the dawn who originated in what is now Scandinavia.
Over time, early Christians started referring to the Feast of the Resurrection by the name of the
month in which it was celebrated - “Eosturmonath” (what we now call April). This theory neatly
ties in with some of our other Easter customs of Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny which are
also considered ancient symbols of fertility and tied to the past worship of Eostre.
Bede was so influential for later Christians that the name stuck, and hence Easter remains the
name by which the English, Germans and Americans refer to the feast of Jesus’s resurrection.
Historians are never going to figure out exactly where or when Easter was first used. It is one
of the oldest Old English words and has been in use for over a millennium, making it near im-
possible to detangle the strands of its history. And, in the end, it is really unimportant where
the word Easter comes from but that you know that Easter is a time of resurrection and rebirth,
a time to celebrate the risen Christ and God’s promise of eternal life to all of us.
A very joyous Easter to you all. Stay warm and healthy and let us hope that Mother Nature
does the same.
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