Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009

Page created by Patrick Jackson
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
Dii Desert Energy
World’s first organization
for energy from the deserts

Our Mission: No Emissions!
Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering
the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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    Dii DESERT ENERGY &                                                                                                Objectives
    THE MENA HYDROGEN ALLIANCE                                                                                         f Accelerating the energy transition in the
                                                                                                                         MENA region towards supply of 'green
                                                                                                                         electrons’ and 'green molecules' across the
                                                                                                                         regional and global energy value chains.
    Dii Desert Energy is an independent, international public-                                                         f Encouraging sustained prosperity and
    private sector network operating from Dubai. Our group is                                                            stability in the region through the creation
                                                                                                                         of local jobs and industries associated with
    paving the way for the energy transition in the MENA region                                                          the energy transition.
                                                                                                                       f Encouraging the MENA region to becoming
    and beyond.                                                                                                          the largest 'green powerhouse' in the world.
                                                                                                                       f Assist in the transition from the current
                                                                                                                         system based on fossil fuel towards
    Dii Desert Energy aims at transforming the         In early 2020, Dii launched the MENA Hydro-                       emission free supply.
    energy systems in desert areas of the Middle       gen Alliance, which brings together private and                 f Capitalize on new opportunities by bringing
    East and North Africa (MENA) in a holistic way,    public sector actors as well as science and aca-                  together the private sector, the public
    benefitting from the knowledge, expertise, and     demia to kick-start green hydrogen economies.                     sector and academia.
    business connections from its professional staff   The Alliance provides a platform for members                    f Enable lighthouse projects and create
    and partners, including the top-level Advisory     to meet and discuss pathways forward and for-                     unique business opportunities along the
    Board. Dii’s team consists of well respected       mulates common studies. The alliance acts as                      emission-free energy value chain.
    senior figures in the international energy sys-    an impartial advisor to promote pilot projects
    tem, with experience in (green) energy industry    in the region, elaborates (potential) business
    management, projects, investments, regula-         cases and structure for large projects, propos-
    tions and public policy.                           es the necessary policy and regulatory frame-        Dii GmbH
                                                       works, and educates different stakeholders on
    Dii GmbH was launched in 2009 as an indus-         all relevant aspects of the hydrogen value chain,
    try initiative in Germany (formerly ‘Desertec      from ‘source to sink’, including export of virtual
    Industrial Initiative’) for accelerating the en-   and physical green energy.
    ergy transition in the MENA region. Once the
    domestic needs have been sufficiently satisfied    Dii Desert Energy is connecting the regional
    with emission free energy, MENA will become        and international industry with authorities and
    a ‘Powerhouse’ of emission-free energy, both       institutions and focuses in particular on practi-
    green electrons and molecules, serving the         cal conditions along the emission free energy
    world energy market. Thishas been established      value chains. It believes that will lead to real-
    in the market as ‘Desertec 3.0’.                   istic, tangible and profitable projects for Dii’s
                                                       partners. This will benefit in fact all local and
                                                       international stakeholders.

                                                       Dii's platform of more than 50 companies and
                                                       organizations from 25 countries is, mobilizing
                                                       top executives, government decision makers,                                           Dii Desert Energy MENA
                                                       R&D institutions and academia supporting Dii's
                                                       mission: No Emissions.
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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    PARTNERSHIP                                                                                                   Benefits
                                                                                                                  f A platform to develop unique business             f ‘Discours’ on emerging topics like the role of

    OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                   opportunities in a focused and invite-only
                                                                                                                    group, including the pioneers and real
                                                                                                                    executers of projects.
                                                                                                                                                                          hydrogen in an emission-free power system
                                                                                                                                                                          including smart city solutions and topics like
                                                                                                                                                                          solar/district cooling.
                                                                                                                  f Exclusive access to market intelligence and       f   Possibility to participate in working groups
                                                                                                                    sources like the Dii Project Database, Dii’s          on topics such as technology, future
    Categories                                                                                                      innovative toolkit for project developers or          energy systems, green molecules, battery
                                                                                                                    our unique model to calculate the levelized           storage, desalination, flexible demand or
                                                                                                                    costs of hydrogen/ammonia (LCoH/LCoA),                standardization.
                                                                                                                    including transport options.                      f   Access to top industry events and trade
                                                                                                                  f Access to first-hand and privileged                   shows as speaker or participant via Dii as
                                                                                                                    information.                                          knowledge partner.
                                                                                                                  f Possibility to participate at quarterly Dii       f   Opportunity to be part of the case studies
                                                                                                                    partner meetings and VIP dinners, with                as co-author and/or to be featured in
                                                                                                                    high-level participants                               different studies that Dii regularly initiates,
                                                                                                                  f Invitation to high level events like Dii Iftar,       on emerging topics such as technologies,
        Strategic Partner                     Lead Partner                     Associated Partner                   top management briefings, round tables                interconnections and markets, green
                                                                                                                    with policy makers etc.                               electrons or green molecules
    f Bold leadership for the energy   f Distinguished Partner with          f Proven footprint in MENA and       f Opportunities to forge new partnerships           f   Exclusive content for members and access
      transition                           long term proven leadership         commitment to Dii’s network          in MENA with top-level public and private             on pre-publishing of studies for a limited
    f Most prominent long term             and commitment                      and the energy transition            sector stakeholders, including members of             period.
      supporter                        f   High profile in all Dii           f Traditional Dii industry Partner     the Dii Advisory Board                            f   Amplifier on communication with a broad
    f Active part of corporate             communications and                  category                           f Be part of the only public/private sector             outreach: e.g. placement of case studies
      governance and strategic             publications. Logo to be          f Enjoys full list of ‘Benefits’      ‘Network of Networks’ focusing on energy               and logos of associated partners at top
      direction of the organization        displayed as "Lead Partner"       f By Invitation only                   from the deserts to raise your organization           industry events and dissemination of
    f Nominates a representative for   f   Nominates a representative for                                           profile.                                              information through social media and Dii
      the Dii Advisory Board               the Dii Advisory Board                                                 f Preferred access to a project transaction             contact data base (over 20,000 contacts).
    f Prominent presence from          f   Preferred access to Dii experts                                          platform, connecting developers and               f   Dedicated newsletters for partners on
      a communication point of             and closed meetings with                                                 investors for renewable energy projects               working groups, studies and tenders.
      view. Logo to be displayed as        policy makers and industry
     ‘Strategic Partner’                   captains within Dii’s Network
    f Includes a Platinum              f   Includes a Gold sponsorship
      sponsorship and ten free             and five free tickets at the
      tickets at the Annual                Annual Leadership Summit
      Leadership Summit                f   Includes an additional free
                                           sponsorship and opportunity
                                           to host a Dii Partners’ meeting

           Joining this exclusive network is only possible upon invitation
                 and it is subject to approval by Strategic Partners.
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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                                                                                                                                   Frank Wouters                  Paul van Son                Cornelius Matthes

    ADVISORY BOARD                                                                                                                    Chair
                                                                                                                               MENA Hydrogen Alliance
                                                                                                                                                                      President                Chief Executive Officer

    Objectives                                                                                                                                                   Members

                                                                                                       Dr. Ahmed                        Sami                        Mustapha                             Frank                  Khalid
                                                                                                     Ali Al Ebrahim                   Al Angari                     Bakkoury                            Beckers            bin Hadi al Yafei
       Accelerate          Encourage             Participate                Open      Capture              CEO                      Vice Chairman                    President                       Founder                Managing Director
                                                                                                   GCCIA, Saudi Arabia          Al Gihaz, Saudi Arabia            Masen, Morocco                  Symbolus, UAE          Siemens Energy, Oman
       deplyment          transparency           in regional               markets   synergies

                                                                                                        Harry                          Michelle                 Dr. Frank-Detlev                       Selahattin               Antonio
                              Advice management of Dii Desert Energy on                             Boyd-Carpenter                     Davies                         Drake                             Hakman                   Iliceto
                             mission, strategy, private/public, sector contacts                  Managing Director, Green       Partner and International     Managing Director, Head        Chairman of the Steering       Chair of Committee
                                                and funding                                       Economy and Climate           Head of Clean Energy and      of Research & Technology       Committee, Shura Energy     System Development and
                                                                                                    Action, EBRD, UK          Sustainability, Eversheds, UK    E.ON Group Innovation,        Transition Center, Turkey    Economics, CIGRE, Italy

                                                                                                          Yalou                    Mohammed                        Prof. Jochen                         Jamila                   Rory
                                                                                                            Li                   Jameel Al Ramahi                    Kreusel                            Matar                   O’Neill
                                                                                                  Deputy Director of State              CEO                     Global Head of Market        Director & Head of Energy     Executive Chairman
                                                                                                   Grid Simulation Center,           Masdar, UAE               Innovation, Hitachi ABB       Division, League of Arab      Europagrid, Ireland
                                                                                                   China Electric Power                                         Power Grids, Germany               States, Egypt
                                                                                                 Research Institute (CEPRI)

                                                                                                        Paddy                         Bertrand                       Khalid                             Adamo                    Peter
                                                                                                     Padmanathan                       Picard                   Rashid Al Zayani                        Screnci                 Terium
                                                                                                                                        Founder                 Honorary Chairman, Al           Vice President Clean      Managing Director of
                                                                                                                                   Solar Impulse, CH             Zayani Investments                Hydrogen BU,          Energy, Water and Food
                                                                                                   ACWA Power, Saudi
                                                                                                                                                              Vice-Chairman, Investcorp            Total, France          Neom, Saudi Arabia
                                                                                                                                                                   Holding, Bahrain

                                                                                                                                                 Prof. Ad van Wijk                Waleed Salman
                                                                                                                                                Professor Future Energy           Executive Director
                                                                                                                                              Systems, TU Delft, Holland             DEWA, UAE
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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                          Our Strategic Partners

                                                    f To kick-start local hydrogen economies           f To support the variety of hydrogen
                                                      and explore export revenue opportunities,          applications to integrate more renewables,
                                                      substituting fossil fuels and leveraging on        defossilize industry and transport.
                          Our Associated Partners     existing infrastructure such as gas pipelines.   f To accelerate investments in hydrogen
                                                    f To develop the potential for local job             technologies and powerfuels.
                                                      creation and supporting education,               f To create a hydrogen community with a
                                                      research & development.                            regional focus to accelerate the deployment
                                                    f To be the voice of the hydrogen sector in          of low-carbon hydrogen.
                                                      the MENA region, including the private           f To help creating markets and identifying
                                                      sector, public sector and academia.                international off-takers of green molecules.
                                                    f To guide policymakers and public utilities
                                                      with solid technical and economic
                                                      information, such as on electrolyzers and
                                                      business cases.

                                                    f Creating a truly collaborative public-           f To foster international cooperation and to
                                                      private ‘platform’ for discussion and for          build longterm partnerships to develop
                                                      the Hydrogen MENA Alliance to be the               local and export markets for green
                                                     ‘convener’.                                         molecules
                                                    f Connecting industry captains to provide          f To elaborate joint studies and strategic
                                                      meaningful information to members and a            reports to guide governments and other
                                                      wider audience.                                    stakeholders on global policies, regulatory
                                                    f To create practical conditions and pilot           framework, funding mechanisms and
                                                      projects to accelerate the creation of a           technology development.
                                                      green hydrogen economy in the region.

                                                    To join the Alliance, an organization must adhere to Dii Desert
                                                    Energy’s Network as Partner, committing to the alliance's
                                                    shared vision and to contributing to its operational work.

                                                                                           Supported by
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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                                  Dii DESERT ENERGY                                                                                       Dii IN PICTURES
                                             the MENA brand of Dii Gmbh
                                                   ‘Grand Team’

                                            Paul van Son                 Cornelius Matthes
                                               President                 Chief Executive Officer
                                       paul@dii-desertenergy.org     cornelius@dii-desertenergy.org

         Fadi Maalouf                      Frank Wouters                  Alexander Sarac                     Valeria Aruffo
      CTO & Director IPP & EPC           Chair, Advisory Board &          External Legal Director         Director External Relations
     fadi@dii-desertenergy.org          MENA Hydrogen Alliance       alexander@dii-desertenergy.org      valeria@dii-desertenergy.org

        Sascha Gaede                       Shereen Bashi                   Marcel Kooter                     Karim Magherbi
    Director Mediterranean              Head of Finance & Control        Director Cross-sector           Director Transaction Advisory
 sascha@dii-desertenergy.org          shereen@dii-desertenergy.org           Partnerships                 karim@dii-desertenergy.org

          Nader Yassa                    Gerhard Hofmann                 Thomas Isenburg                     Monica Hashemi
          IT Consultant               Co-Head of Communications       Co-Head of Communications         Director Operations Compliance
       nadsam@gmail.com               hofmann@agentur-zukunft.eu       thomas.isenburg@gmx.de            monicahashemi8@gmail.com

         Sibi Vetha Raj                     Paolo Bruno                    Danny Achkar                      Lars Waldmann
         Research & Data                  Lead Working Group             Lead Working Group             Director Power to X and Storage
       sibiraj2@gmail.com                  pblion@hotmail.it           danny.achkar@gmail.com         Waldmann@energiewende-consult.de
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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     The Dii Desert Energy Leadership Summit,
     launched in 2010, has established itself as a
     unique, invitation-only event for the top lead-
     ers and decision makers in the MENA and in-
     ternational renewables sector. Over the past 12
     years, the annual summit has been a forum to
     discuss the progress of Dii's work and some of
     the key topics to accelerate the energy transi-
     tion in MENA and beyond.

     It presents a platform for Dii partners and
     stakeholders to share experiences, expecta-
     tions, and perspectives in the transforming en-
     ergy markets in MENA and beyond. The summit
     forms part of Dii’s wider roadmap of accelerat-
     ing the energy transition in the Arab world
     by connecting regions, people and continents
     sharing Dii's mission 'No Emissions!'
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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           Our Mission:
          No Emissions!

                How to become a Partner of our Network?
       If you are interested in becoming a Partner or want to find
       out more about Dii please email info@dii-desertenergy.org


                                                                     © Dii GmbH
                                                                     Leopoldstr. 244
                                                                     80807 München

                                                                     Local Court Munich
                                                                     HRB 183595
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
English 05/2021
Our Mission: No Emissions! - Dii Desert Energy has been pioneering the energy transition in the MENA region since 2009
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