#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union

Page created by Herbert Wilson
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union

 MAY 2020

                                       Under the Shadow
                                          of COVID-19

 Preparing for
 the ‘new norm’

#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
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                Tenofovir disoproxil                                                                                        400 mg x 30 Film Coated Tablets
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                Entecavir Accord                                                                                            100 mg x 5 Hard Capsules
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                0.5 mg x 30 Film Coated Tablets

                          Further information is available on request from Accord Healthcare Ireland Ltd, Euro House |
Euro Business Park | Little Island | Cork | T45 K857 | Ireland. Tel: 021-461 9040 or from the SmPC available on www.accord-healthcare.ie
  Products subject to prescription. Supply through pharmacies only. Accord Healthcare Ireland Limited, Euro House, Euro Business Park, Little Island, Cork T45 K857, Ireland
                             and Accord Healthcare S.L.U. World Trade Center, Moll de Barcelona, s/n, Edifici Est 6ª planta, 08039 Barcelona, Spain.

                               *Pack sizes do not represent actual size. Date of Preparation: March 2020. IE-01435
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
MAY 2020

                                         07 A Note from the Editor

                                         IPU News

                                         The latest news and events
                                         from Butterfield House

                                         08 Dates for your Diary
                                         08 Pharmacy in the Media
                                         09 Pharmacists issue advice on knowing the
The IPU Review is published                 difference between Hay Fever and COVID-19
monthly and circulated to Irish
pharmacists. The views expressed         10 Pharmacists and Age Action Ireland recommend
by contributors are not those               deferral of prescription levy
of the IPU nor is responsibility
accepted for claims in articles          11 Pharmacists say new COVID-19 prescription
or advertisements.                          regulations are good for Irish patients
                                         11 Are you receiving IPU emails and texts?
€100 (Ireland North & South) and         12 Online CPD courses for Pharmacy Technicians
€150 (including postage overseas).          and the Pharmacy Team
                                         12 Advertorial: In this together with United Drug
Irish Pharmacy Union
(IPU Services Ltd),
Butterfield House,
Butterfield Avenue,
Rathfarnham, Dublin 14,
D14 E126
Tel: (01) 493 6401
Fax: (01) 493 6626
Email: ipureview@ipu.ie
Website: www.ipu.ie

Editor: Jack Shanahan MPSI
Editorial Associates:
Siobhán Kane, Ciara Browne
and Jim Curran
Advertising: Siobhán Kane
Email: ipureview@ipu.ie
Tel: (01) 493 6401
                                       14 #OurPharmacyHeroes
Copyright: All Rights Reserved,
Irish Pharmacy Union.
Printed by Rymar Print.
                                       20 Life in the Pharmacy under
IPU Review is a Registered Trademark
of the Irish Pharmacy Union.              the Shadow of COVID-19
                                       22 Infographic: The Race to
                                          Stop COVID-19
                                       24 Preparing for the
                                          ‘new norm’

                                       20                                                         3
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
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you proud?

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#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
                                                            Other News
                29 CPD: Constipation in Palliative Care     59   Alzheimer National Helpline
                                                                 launches new free Dementia Nurse
                34 Flu vaccination in challenging times          and Dementia Adviser call-back
                                                                 service to deal with increased need
                38 Tips for communicating effectively            during COVID-19 crisis
                                                            59   Benefits of physical activity
                40 Report of PSI Public Council Meeting          highlighted for people with
                   of 26 March
                                                            60   Nutrition screening to be
                                                                 introduced for all patients
                42 Why it’s vital to start a conversation        admitted to hospital
                   about sleep                              60   Free coaching for all
                                                                 Frontline Staff
                46 Economic and financial update            61   New Psychological Support
                   for the pharmacy sector                       Service to help those impacted
                                                                 by Cancer during COVID-19
                51 Executive Diploma in Strategic           62   Irish Hospice Foundation
                   Pharmacy Business Management                  announces New Online Info Hub
                                                                 on funerals and grieving during
                54 Community                                     COVID-19
                                                            62   Cosmetic Association Trade Show
                57 Clinical Tips: Potential                      cancelled for 2020

                   Treatments for COVID-19
                                                            63   Product Information
                                                            63   Classifieds

                                                                       51                              5
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union

Getting to a better place
COVID-19 fatigue has set in almost everywhere. The initial
novelty and excitement evolved into something a little
more tiresome. While the protection of loved ones, and
self-preservation, are powerful motivators, we are socio-
economic animals. We need to see an exit strategy –
a way of meeting friends and family, of trading normally.

       n Michigan, you can             The appealingly simplistic      phases. The first is the initial   will, if possible, become even
       pick up your AR-15,          view of a COVID-19 passport,       active viral infection, where      more pervasive. It would be
       slot your Glock into         perhaps as an app on the           the patient has typical flu        a foolish person that would
       your belt and mosey          phone, looks uncertain.            like symptoms of variable          think that the flexibility shown
       on down, hollering at        Setting aside the privacy and      severity. The second, if it        by the State in relation to this
the town hall. In Ireland,          control concerns, (all massive),   happens, is when it progresses     crisis will continue. If you
we must adopt a slightly            there is a more fundamental        on to cytokine release             think that a ‘new paradigm’
more nuanced approach.              aspect. To date, the FDA have      syndrome, what used to be          is here, have a quick look
Yet, as time progresses, our        allowed the marketing of           called a cytokine storm. This      at how the private hospital
growing knowledge of this           dozens of different antigen        is where acute respiratory         consultants have been treated
specific coronavirus is deeply      tests for the specific virus,      distress sets in. We know that     during this crisis. While there
concerning. It is not remotely      although only a handful have       microthrombi are one of the        is an irony in people that
clear how we are going to get       authorisation. The EU, in its      key aspects of the alveolar        specifically wanted to escape
from serious intrusion to a         usual bureaucratic way, has        dysfunction at this stage.         from the clutches of the State,
better place. The normal of         made the number of these           While intensive care may see       being delivered on a platter,
the future could, and probably      tests potentially available        you escape with your life, you     the toxic spin against them
will, be very different to the      here more opaque. Many of          really do not want to get to       has been breathtaking. The
past. The ‘endpoint’ is much        these are simple, looking more     this stage.                        tiger’s stripes don’t change.
discussed, yet we are not           like a pregnancy test, where          Given all these confounding     The cold hard economic and
sure what kind of a unicorn         a drop of blood is placed          factors, it is becoming more       financial implications of this
we are talking about. While         in a well. It is notable that      obvious that the testing and       crisis will remain with us
test, isolate, track and trace      the FDA, stung by the initial      isolation model leaves much        indefinitely. We would do well
is currently posited as the         reaction to testing in the         to be desired. Ideally, we need    to keep this in mind as we
‘solution’, it is hard to see how   States, has relaxed standards      a treatment that kills the         plan for our future.
this would work in practice         to such an extent that many        virus, and we need a readily
with relatively porous borders.     of these tests are utterly         accessible test that shows you
What works for New Zealand          unvalidated. Even in the ‘best     have an active infection. For
may not work for the rest of        case’ scenario, even if we do      instance, we have an amazing
the world. The usual answer         have a reliable antigen test,      treatment for herpes simplex
is herd immunity. Early             we have no real idea what it       virus, where a single day
hopes that a large volume of        means. If this coronavirus is      course of valaciclovir typically
asymptomatic cases could            like its siblings, even allowing   stops the infection in its
herald an inexpensive, from a       for genetic variation, we could    tracks. If we could achieve this
societal view, mechanism of         well bear in mind that most of     level of simplicity, the threat
getting back to normal seem to      us never develop immunity to       evaporates. One can dream.
be misplaced. A critical issue is   the common cold. Even if we           The other major aspect
whether being exposed to this       can demonstrate antibodies,        is the role of Government
virus will give you immunity        does this mean that you are        in our future. Our business
and, even if it does, how long      immune? Or that you have a         model has been hitched to
does it last? A confounding         subclinical active infection? Or   the Department of Health
factor is, it appears, that         that you are a silent carrier, a   since the early 1970’s. There
the viral load might well           latter-day Typhoid Mary?           is almost nothing that
dictate whether an infection           One thing we do know            happens in a pharmacy that
progresses or gets nipped in        is that this infection has         is not indirectly or directly
the bud in older adults.            potentially two different          controlled by the State. This

                                    If you have any comments, queries or issues to raise, send
                                    your “Letters to the Editor” by email to ipureview@ipu.ie.

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                                      7
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union
Pharmacy in
                                                 the Media
                                                 There was an article in The Irish Times on how
                                                 pharmacies are coping during the COVID-19 crisis.
                                                 IPU members Tomás Conefrey, Anna Kelly, Caitriona
                                                 O’Riordan and Margaret O’Doherty contributed giving
                                                 an overview of a typical day in the pharmacy during
                                                 this crisis.
                                                   There continues to be a significant amount of media
                                                 attention on pharmacy’s role during the COVID-19
                                                 crisis. On 3 April, we issued a press release to welcome
                                                 the new COVID-19 prescription regulations. There was
                                                 coverage in the Irish Examiner and on BreakingNews.ie
                                                 as well as in multiple regional newspapers. It was
                                                 also covered on regional radio stations. We issued a
                                                 press release on 8 April calling for the medical card

    Dates forry
                                                 prescription levy to be suspended for the duration
                                                 of the COVID-19 crisis; this was in association with

    your Dia
                                                 Age Action Ireland. This press release also received
                                                 coverage in the Irish Examiner and on BreakingNews.ie,
                                                 as well as items in multiple regional newspapers and
                                                 spots on radio stations.
                                                   IPU President Daragh Connolly was interviewed
    MAY 2020                   a Day,
                                                 for the Dungarvan Leader and Dungarvan Observer
                  World Asthm                    on COVID-19 and pharmacy being on the frontline.
    5 May                     a. ie
                  www.asthm                      IPU members were also in the media to discuss the
                              an Cancer          topic: Kathy Maher was on LMFM; Edward MacManus
                  World Ovari                    was interviewed for the Irish Independent; Caitriona
    8 May                 w.c an  cer.ie
                  Day, ww                        O’Riordan was interviewed for Irish Sun and The Echo
                     World MS Day                (Cork); and Jonathan Morrissey was interviewed for
    30 May               .m s- so ci et y.ie     the Kildare Nationalist.
                                   bacco Day,
                     World No To
     31 May

      JUNE 2020                     Donor Day,
                      World Blood
      14 June                       od.ie
                      Men’s Health
      15 – 21 June         .m hfi.o rg

                                 health events
                   ans for these
       Campaign pl               -19.
                   due to COVID
       may change

8                                                                                            IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union

    Pharmacists issue advice on
    knowing the difference between
    Hay Fever and COVID-19
    As hay fever season begins, the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) has issued advice on recognising the difference in
    symptoms between hay fever and COVID-19. With one in five Irish people living with hay fever, it is important that
    people understand how to recognise the key differences; for example, a fever or chills is common with COVID-19 but
    isn’t seen in those suffering with hay fever.
      Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, is caused by pollen and spores creating an allergic reaction
    affecting the nose and sinuses. While it can occur at any time of year, sufferers are particularly impacted from the
    early summer until autumn.
      Ann-Marie Horan, a community pharmacist and Executive Committee member of the IPU, highlighted that
    sufferers need to be particularly cognisant of one particular hay fever symptom, “As anyone who experiences hay
    fever will know, itchy eyes can be one of the most frustrating symptoms. However, one of the most important things
    health officials are advising to protect against COVID-19 infections is to avoid touching our faces. This underlines
    the importance of staying on top of hay fever symptoms by consistently taking any required treatment.”
      Hay fever can often be effectively managed with a range of treatment options, including antihistamines,
    decongestants, corticosteroid nasal sprays and anti-allergy eye-drops. The key to treating hay fever is finding the
    treatment that works for you. Pharmacists are highly trained health professionals and experts in medicines and can
    play a significant role in the management of allergies, including hay fever.
      “Obviously, during the current pandemic people, should only make essential journeys, and for some, including the
    over-70s, those with underlying health conditions, and people who have either symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19
    (or a member of their household does), they should not leave their homes. However, you can still phone your
    pharmacist for advice, and medicine delivery options may be
    available for those who must stay at home.”
      Ms Horan added, “With everyone on high alert for COVID-19
    symptoms, it can be difficult to rationalise which symptoms
    could be hay fever, and which are associated with COVID-19.”
      Ms Horan also provided some general advice on managing
    hay fever, “Sufferers should monitor the pollen forecast and
    take particular care when the count is high. You can reduce
    hay fever symptoms by doing the following:
       n Keep doors and windows closed at home and
         when driving;
       n Apply a little Vaseline inside the nose to trap pollen
         and stop it being inhaled;
       n Wear sunglasses, preferably wraparound glasses
         which prevent pollen entering the eyes;
       n Don't mow the grass and avoid working in the
       n Don't dry clothes outside if avoidable; and
       n Wash your hair, hands and face when you come
         back indoors and change your clothes to get rid
         of any pollen.”

       Pharmacists also warn that as hay fever is a significant
    trigger for asthma, asthma patients should ensure they carry
    their inhaler at all times and use it as prescribed.

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                         9
#Our Pharmacy Heroes Preparing for the 'new norm' - Irish Pharmacy Union

Pharmacists and Age Action
Ireland recommend deferral
of prescription levy
The IPU and Age Action have called for the medical card                 extended to 9 months if deemed clinically appropriate by
prescription levy to be suspended for the duration of the               your pharmacist;
COVID-19 crisis. The IPU said that the measure is proving
                                                                      n Patients or carers are asked, if possible, to phone
especially difficult for cocooning patients to administer and that
                                                                        the pharmacy two days in advance to ask that their
suspending it would remove a barrier to vulnerable patients
                                                                        prescription be dispensed for a particular time/date so
accessing medicines.
                                                                        that the pharmacy can have it ready when they come in;
  Commenting, IPU Secretary General Darragh O’Loughlin said,
“One of the many challenges being experienced by people who           n Check with elderly family members and neighbours to
are following official advice to cocoon at home is accessing            make sure they have their medicines and, if necessary,
medicines. This is being experienced most acutely by people             help them to contact the pharmacy if they need advice or
over 70 or those with underlying conditions, the very people            information;
who are more likely to require regular medicines.
  “Local pharmacies are supporting these patients by                  n Everyone over 70 years of age should remain cocooned
organising medicine deliveries directly to their homes,                 at home as per public health advice, and for essential
often with the assistance of Gardaí or other volunteers. It is          pharmacy items and food shopping, should call on family,
currently obligatory for patients to pay the prescription levy,         friends or services to help you. Over 70s should not be
but that is proving impossible for them as volunteers are not           leaving home; and
in a position to take payments from them, so we end up with           n People who are exhibiting fever, cough or other respiratory
vulnerable elderly people turning up in pharmacies looking to           symptoms of COVID-19 should NOT attend at a pharmacy
make payment.                                                           or GP clinic. Instead, they should stay at home and phone
  “Eliminating this charge at this time would be a small but            their GP or local HSE helpline without delay.
compassionate gesture to those it hits hardest. We hope the
Minister for Health listens to this request, which we believe
would have a very real benefit to Ireland’s most vulnerable
  Paddy Connolly, CEO of Age Action commented, “Age Action
welcomes and commends the Irish Pharmacy Union’s call for
Government to address prescription charges. Easing of the
medical card prescription levy would provide a sensible solution
and welcome peace of mind to older people who are cocooning
and worried about how to pay for their essential prescriptions.
The COVID-19 pandemic presents a very real emergency for
many older people living on fixed incomes as they struggle to
cope with new costs.”
  In addition to this call, the IPU also issued updated guidelines
to all people on accessing medicines in pharmacies during the
COVID-19 crisis:
     n Pharmacies remain open and well stocked with all
       essential medicines;
     n Do not stockpile any medicine or purchase medication you
       do not need. One month’s supply of prescription medicines
       is the maximum quantity allowed by the HSE under the
       GMS or other Community Drug Schemes;
     n People who require medication on a regular basis should
       ensure their prescriptions are up to date. However, existing
       prescriptions which were issued for 6 months can now be

10                                                                                                                  IPUREVIEW MAY 2020

Pharmacists say
new COVID-19
regulations are
good for Irish
                                                                  Are you receiving
patients                                                          IPU emails
The IPU has welcomed new COVID-19 prescription regulations,
which were signed into law last month by Minister for Health
Simon Harris TD. Describing the regulations as a “sensible
                                                                  and texts?
and necessary development”, IPU Secretary General Darragh
O’Loughlin said pharmacists are “working unstintingly at the      Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, we have been
coalface dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and these new         sending a lot of updates in order to keep you updated
regulations will streamline the prescribing process, facilitate   on how this difficult situation affects pharmacy. Emails
continuity of care and allow us to continue supporting            from the IPU, including the eNewsletter, are sent
patients throughout this situation”.                              directly to all IPUmail accounts, which most members
  The Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply)     have set up to forward to their own personal/business
(Amendment) Regulations 2020 allow for:                           email address. If you have misplaced your IPUmail
   n The electronic transfer of prescriptions from prescribers    login details, get in contact with us and we can send
     to the pharmacy via the HSE's secure Healthmail system;      them on to you. Alternatively, if you have already set
                                                                  up your IPUmail account to forward to your personal/
   n Increase the maximum period of validity of a                 business email address, but you are not receiving our
     prescription from 6 months to 9 months; and                  emails, it could mean that the email address we have
   n Allow pharmacists to give 10 days’ supply of medicines       on file for you is out of date. Please make sure the
     in an emergency (previously 5 days), extend the range        email address we have on file for you is correct.
     of medicines that can be supplied in an emergency for        Email communications@ipu.ie or phone 01 493 6401
     epilepsy and, for the first time, allow 5 days’ emergency    and we can update this for you.
     supply of controlled drugs.                                    We also send text messages occasionally to get
                                                                  important information to our members as quick as
  Mr O’Loughlin said pharmacists have gone above and              possible, although over the last couple of months we
beyond for their patients since the pandemic outbreak,            have been sending more texts than usual to make
and these regulations, “are an acknowledgement of the             you aware that we have issued another update on
professionalism and dedication of pharmacists. Above all,         COVID-19. To sign up to the service, text ‘IPU’ followed
this development is good for Irish patients.”                     by your name to 51500. Standard text rates apply.
  He added, “The secure electronic transfer of prescriptions      Alternatively, members can email communications@
to pharmacies via Healthmail from GPs and hospitals is a          ipu.ie with their full name and mobile phone number.
very welcome step forward and is something we have been
advocating for some time. This will relieve some of
the pressures on our GPs, pharmacists and patients in
accessing prescriptions, cut down on unnecessary contact
and eliminate the need for paper prescriptions. It makes
solid practical sense.”
  Mr O’Loughlin concluded, “We would also like to
reiterate the Minister’s reminder to patients and the
general public not to seek supplies of medicines over and
above their normal requirements, as doing so will hamper
the supply of medicines for others. These new regulations
will allow your pharmacist to continue supplying your
medicines throughout this period.”

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                           11
IPU NEWS                                                          ADVERTORIAL

                                                                    In this
                                                                    together with
                                                                    United Drug

                                                                                 hie past few weeks have been

Online CPD courses
                                                                                 exceptionally challenging for the entire
                                                                                 healthcare sector and United Drug
                                                                                 want to thank their customers and
                                                                                 suppliers for their continued support

for Pharmacy                                                        and understanding.
                                                                      At the outset of the COVID-19 crisis, United Drug
                                                                    experienced a sharp and unprecedented demand

Technicians and the
                                                                    for a wide category of healthcare products, which
                                                                    challenged our operational capacity. To ensure the
                                                                    continued and equitable supply to our customers

Pharmacy Team
                                                                    and the highest possible level of service, we
                                                                    implemented some temporary measures, which
                                                                    included extra evening and weekend shifts across
                                                                    all warehouses and additional drivers and staff to
                                                                    support our supply chain.
Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses              We continue to review all aspects of our operations
have been designed to engage the learner using interactive          to further improve our service and we remain
on-screen content, quizzes, video presentations and a final         committed to maintaining continuity in the supply
assessment where the learner can print their own Certificate of     and distribution of medicines across Ireland. Meeting
Completion.                                                         the needs of patients and customers remains our
  By studying online, the learner chooses their own learning        number one priority.
environment that works best for them. The learner is required         The wellbeing of our staff across warehouses,
to constantly interact with the content and take notes, which       stores and offices is critically important and
makes learning easier and enjoyable leading to improved             measures have been put in place to maintain an
knowledge retention at their own pace and at a time that suits.     accessible and safe work environment, this includes
With the courses being available online, students will be able      the use of PPE, additional sterilising activities
to access them at any time – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365     and homeworking where appropriate. All control
days a year!                                                        measures are reviewed constantly to ensure we
                                                                    mitigate against the risk of COVID-19 infection. We
Course Topic                                                        are also working closely with the HSE, Department of
                                                                    Health and the Health Products Regulatory Authority
 Asthma Treatment Update                                            to adhere to latest guidelines and protocols.
                                                                      Paul Reilly, Managing Director, United Drug,
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)                       added, “On behalf of the Country Board and Senior
                                                                    Management I would like to thank our customers for
 Gastrointestinal Conditions (1)                                    their continued support and understanding and hope
 Gastrointestinal Conditions (2)                                    that they remain healthy and well at this time. We
                                                                    want to reassure them that we remain focused and
 Heart Health (1)                                                   committed to serving the needs of their communities.”

 Heart Health (2)

How to apply
The costs for online courses are €19 per course for IPU
members and €42 per course for non-members. To enrol and
pay, visit www.ipu.ie > Training and Events > Training Courses
and then select the course you wish to apply for. Click on the
button Enrol and Pay on the left-hand side and insert all your
details and make the payment.
  If you have any questions in relation to these courses, you
can phone Janice or Susan in the Training Unit on 01 406 1555.

12                                                                                                            IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
Despite current safety measures, we at United Drug
think about our customers every day. We are here
to support you and we look forward to seeing you
all again very soon.

    Thank you for your patience and support
          during these difficult times.

  #inthist gether

                 The IPU launched the
                 campaign on our social
                 media channels at the
                 end of March, where we
                 asked people to share
                 stories detailing how
                 they’re proud of their
                 local pharmacy and their
                 pharmacy colleagues.

14                                IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
                    e’ve had
                    a great                               Mallow                                                          acies in Mallow prima
                    response,                                             ou   r ha rdw    ork ing  team in both pharm                ek  s it’s be en
                                                          Our Heroes  are                                      Over the last few   we
                                                                                   d Main Street Mallow.                                  eks work in one
                    particularly                          healthcare centre an                      ph arm  acy in Ireland. Doing 4 we
                                                                                 e eve   ry  oth er                                              member of
                    on Facebook,                          absolutely crazy   lik                                      ve Thank You to ch ea
where the post has been shared                                      n an d  My   sel f wo   uld like to say a massi               s on  the  wa  y home and
                                                          week. Joh
                                                                                       tst an din g. Th ey dro p off Prescription                  essential
over 300 times, with over 330                                                     ou                                         mselves to be     an
                                                          our team .. they are                   ey have really proven the
likes on the IPU page alone, and                                           ies   as we   ll ! Th                                       rd  wo  rk.
                                                          at times grocer                                        preciate all their ha
                                                                                        munity. We really ap
over 8,000 engagements across                              service within the com
the pages its been shared on.
Whats been great about the
engagements on Facebook are
the comments, which at the time
of writing stood at over 120, all
of which were individual stories
from people about their local                                                                         st amaz
                                                                             a  r m   a cy are ju             ro u gh
pharmacy. We have included a                                          e Ph                         ard th
                                                           Clonasle         w  o  r k ing so H              e.. T h ey
selection of them below – we                                           a ll                           ti m
                                                           they are ry Challenging                         to   h e lp
have taken out the profile details                                    Ve                   ll of duty estly
                                                            out this         yond ca                         n
of the users who posted the                                       y g o b  e                    it y. I  h o
                                                            reall            r  C ommun                     a naged
comments but left the comments                                          o u                              m
                                                             us all in             w   w  e   would               n
as they were written online.
                                                             dont kn
                                                                       ow h     o                     ays bee
                                                                             e m   .  It has alw           e e ti n g such
To view more, please go to                                               th                     and m
                                                              only for              g  th  e re                   m   an
our Facebook page, which                                                    goin                         Main
                                                              pleasure iling Staff also                         a n  k s to
can be found by searching
                                                                         sm                          tfull th
@IrishPharmacyUnion.                                                        m  o m    e nt. Hear           a t C lo  n aslee
                                                               there at              ry  o n e of you              o u  and         #HavenHero
                                                                           d eve                        ud of y
                                                                each an         fo   r a ll . So pro                                                       es
                                                                            cy                                                       Now more th
                                                                Pharma                                                                               an ever, our
                                                                 stay safe                                                           fantastic Hav
                                                                                                                                                     en Teams are
                                                                                                                                     working tireles
                                                                                                                                                      sly on the
                                                                                                                                    frontline to m
                                                                                                                                                    anage the
     Newbridge                                                                                                                      increased dem
                                                                                                                                                     and across th
     So proud of my daughter Nicola who works in Cosgrove's                                                                        country - supp                  e
                                                                                                                                                     lying families
     pharmacy Newbridge, and to all her colleagues, all doing                                                                      with the med
                                                                                                                                                   icines they ne
     a fantastic well organised job. Stay safe everyone.                                                                           and advice th                  ed
                                                                                                                                                   ey can trust,
                                                                                                                                  ensuring ever
                                                                                                                                                   yone in our
                                                                                                                                  community st
                                                                                                                                                  ays as health
                                                                                                                                 as possible. H                  y
                                                                                                                                                  eartfelt thanks
                                                                                                                                 to each and ev
                                         ublin                                                                                                     ery one of our
               Kimmage, D                        ri ve Road, Kim
                                                                     mage, not just
                                                                                            now                                  #HavenHeroe
                                 ac  y, Su  nd                                  from    th e
               Jordans Pharm                           but always. Ri
                               difficult times                          d that his staf
               during these               ic , D av   id ha s  en su re
                                                                                         d  hi s
                                 nd  em                                 t and he      an
                start of the pa                      fe environmen
                                              a  sa                                           al l                                             Meath
                                                                                                                          Duleek, Co.
                                s ar  e  in                                     el in es  at
                and customer                          ng  to the HSE guid                          his
                                  f are    ad  he  ri
                                                                          sist and ad      vi se                                                          o. Meath. A
                wonderful staf                         on hand to as                                                                     acy Duleek C
                                 ay  s, D  av  id   is
                                                                             that    th ey  m  ay                         Haven Pharm                 Cathy and al
                 times. As alw                          ars or concerns                                                                 you to Tom
                                 d allay any fe                                s staff and al
                                                                                                   l                      huge thank                   av en  D ul ee k.
                 customers an                             ne  to D av  id , hi                                                          ul staff at H
                                 at tim    e.  W  el l do
                                                                             r extra     pr es su  re                     the wonderf                    the time
                  have now or                             working unde                                                               so helpful all of
                              st af f who despite                            e met                                        They ar  e
                  ph ar m acy
                                                r customers      ne ed  s  ar                                                            ptionally ou
                             at al l of  th  ei                                                                            but are exce            it y during this
                  ensure th                                                                                                              commun
                                                                                                                           helping the                    ne to all
                                                                                                                                         time. Well do

       Ennis, Co. Clare
       The Medical Hall Ennis Co. Clare. Murty O'Connell and all his
       crew are just fabulous from Michelle, Elaine, Marion, Kelly,                                                                            family run country
                                                                                                                      • I’m a Tech in a local                                 m
       Nessa, Emma and all the Crew         sorry I can't remember all                                                                d I cou ldn ’t be prouder of the tea
                                                                                                                        Pharmacy an                          s eve ryt hin g in
       ye're names but, each and all of you are wonderful take care                                                                              s tha t doe
                                                                                                                        I work with and a Bos                                ne.
       and stay safe, with all that's going on at this strange times                                                                             by us. Stay safe everyo
                                                                                                                         her power to do right
       Xxx see ye soon..

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                                                                                 15
                                                                                    lbay, Co. Cla
                                                               Miltown Ma                                 s at west clar
                                                                           th an k  al l my colleague           ab  so lu te ly
                                                               I want to                             for being
                                                                      m acy, M ilt own Malbay              ly du ri ng  th ese difficult
                                                               phar                              rticular                             ve
                                                                                ways but pa                          ally supporti
                                                                brilliant as al          er s ha ve  also been re               be st we
                                                                times. Our cu
                                                                                 stom                              needs as
                                                                                     t as w   e at tend to their         yo  ne .
                                                                and very pati                         d stay safe ev
                                                                                  on be over an
                                                                 can. May it so

      Kilmallock                                                                            Kilbarrack, Dub
                                                                                           Adrian Dunne Ph
      Massive THANK YOU to all the staff in                                                                   armacy Kilbarra
                                                                                           shout out to my                     ck. A huge
      Fogartys Life Pharmacy Kilmallock who                                                                 Daughter Kelly an
                                                                                           who go into work                     d friends
      are doing an amazing job serving our                                                                    every day and de
                                                                                           whatever the da                      al with
      community! They have gone above and                                                                  y brings with sm
                                                                                          humour. They go                    iles and good
      beyond to help all their customers in anyway                                                          above and beyond
                                                                                          customers (alway                       for their
      they can :) They have taken every precaution                                                           s have done) but
                                                                                          than ever. Well do                   now more
      to ensure all the staff and customers are safe                                                         ne to Deirdre and
                                                                                                                                her team
      during this crazy time, they will even drop
      your prescription off at your house when they
      are on the way home ( even if your stuck for
      milk & bread they will deliver that too at the
                                                               • I work in O'Riordan's Pharmacy and my boss Caitriona O' Riordan
      same time ;) ) When this is all over these girls
                                                                 has done an astounding job in taking every precaution in keeping
      definitely deserve a break! A MASSIVE Well
                                                                 us the staff and customers safe and protected in these difficult
      done to all the staff - Vera, Leanne, Laura,
                                                                 times. Also massive thanks to all our customers who are really
      Ciara, Aoife, Ailish, Tracey & Michelle! Despite
                                                                 supportive and have been amazing to us each and every day.
      whats currently happening in the world all
      of these amazing girls have a smile on their
      faces at all time :) Well done again girls and
      keep up the mighty work that ye are doing :)
                                                                              Bandon, Co. Cork
                                                                              It has always been a real pleasure going into Brookes
                                                                              Pharmacy in Bandon but the level of care they are

     Salthill, Co. Galway
                                                                              giving to their customers during the crisis is amazing.
                                                                              Norman & team - you should be very proud of
                               ud to say that I use
     I have always been pro                                                   yourselves and we appreciate it so much.
                              thill but by gosh they
     Mullins Pharmacy Sal
                              call of duty in these
     have gone beyond the
                              ir regulars but to the
      times, not only for the
                                ng is too big or too
      public in general. Nothi
      small for them. I  am  usi ng Mullins pharmacy
                                                                     r u m , C o. Wicklow
       since my daughter wa
                               s 4 years old. she is now       Rathd           y Rathdru
                              etic  disorder and is both                      Pharmac           ple who
                                                                                                                              • They doing an
       21 she has a rear gen                                   Tierney's               m of peo
                                   disabled, and although                       g te a                  fter
                                                                                                                                amazing job
       mentally and physically                                 an ama     z  in
                                                                                            looking a                           for all of us
                                    my local pharmacy                           icated to                 ur
       Mullins pharmacy is not                                 are   s o d e  d
                                                                                          llbein g  o f o
        I would not go any wh  ere  else! In their eyes
                                                                   e h  e a lt h and we         a ll b e lost
                                                                                                                                appreciate their
                                  ated equally. even in
                                                                th                        ould                                 bravery x
        we are all equal and tre                                               ity. We w
                                    e a smile and ask you                         e m
        these times they still hav                               without
                           so  fro m  my self and Alan
         how you’re doing!                                n
                                 llins her brother Adria
         Moroney to Sinead Mu                 hea rts I want
                                tom   of our
         and staff from the bot
                                 please please look after                 • Irwins pharmacy shandon stree
                                                                                                             t fantastic staff ,very
         to say thank you and
                                  e                                                                         ever yone
         yer selves and stay saf                                            friendly and helpful. Stay safe

16                                                                                                                                     IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
limerick and our                  • Clarecastle Pharmacy excellent
                                                            ns Pharmacy in                              y
                                         • I work in hoga                           sure the staff sta            staff and very helpful at all
                                                                 fantastic making
                                           bosses have been                         in th es e stran ge           times stay safe
                                                                our absolute best
                                            safe, we’re doing           s have be en brilliant to us
                                                   an d ou r cu sto m er

                                                                               • Haven Pharmacy Duleek, have
                                                                                                                 delivered medicine to
                                                                                 me twice already in isolation. The
                                                                                                                    whole team couldn't
    Ferrybank, Co. Waterford                                                     be any nicer than they are. Forever
    Ferrybank CarePlus Pharmacy they are an
    amazing pharmacy all the time but throughout
    this crisis they have stepped up and helped so
    many of the community out all the staff have                             • Mark Ellis Pharmacy are fantastic to deal with not just
    been working so hard a little shout out to my                              during this awful time but all the time. My son is on regular
    lovely sister Denise Kearns she is doing extra                             medication for long term illnesses and Mark’s team are
    hours and missing her family to be in work                                 always great when I go up to them. They always go above
    helping out, i would have been lost with out                               and beyond for all their customers.
    them over the past few week, you guys dont get
    the recognition yous deserve. Thank you all for
    all your hard work
                                                                                       • Flynns chemist, Claremorris are so helpful and
                                                                                         doing a great job. Well done Jimmy and staff.

                     Dooradoyle, Limerick
                     I must say Keatings Pharmacy
                                                         ng every
                                                                                               Arklow, Co. Wicklow
                     are doing an amazing   job in taki
                                    keeping the  staf f and
                     precaution  in                                                                                     acy Arklow all of the
                     customers safe. Stay safe ever
                                                     yone                                      Adrian Dunnes Pharm                             y
                                                                                                                        ly at the moment the
                                                                                               staff are just so friend           y to ma ke su re
                                                                                                                        eve ry da
                                                                                               are working tirelessly                  er
                                                                                                                      well looked aft
                                                                                               their customers are
• Mark Ellis Pharmacy Woodstown are just fantastic. Visit regularly
  for my daughters medication and they’re always so helpful and
  friendly. They’ve a great system in place at the moment and it
  feels very safe and efficient
                                                                               Ballincurra, Co. Limerick
                                                                               Ballinacurra pharmacy limerick
                                                                                                                are doing a
         Kilmallock, Co                                                        great job very helpful on phone
                       . Limerick                                              to go in there. Well done Dave
                                                                                                               and very safe
        Thanks to Abbe                                                                                        and all the staff
                         y pharmacy lord
       Edward Street ki
                          lmallock who ar
       always so help                    e
                       ful brilliant and
       kind in this crisi
                          s. Stay safe.
       See ye in May

                                                                                          Newbridge, Co. Kildare
                                                                                          I work in McGreal's pharmacy in Newbridge
                                                                                          and I'm so proud and happy to go in every
            Springfield, Dublin                                                           single day. My co-workers are hard working,
                                                have been
            Mark Ellis pharmacy Springfield                                               kind and most importantly very funny during
                                   cris is they always are
            so helpful during this                                                        this mad time xxxx
            great team  in there!

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                                                   17
• I'm really proud of my colleagues in Mackens Pharmacy in
                                          Blackrock. The best team ever!!!!
     Co. Limerick
     Massive thanks to all                                                aragain, Alice
                                                         Gearoidín Ní Ci
     our teams in Keatings              My colleagues                ey , In grid Martin,
                                                         da Mc Caffr
     CarePlus kilmallock                Gilligan, Aman                        , Melanie
                                                          Jennifer Mcglynn
     led by Cliona Barry                Jennifer Cahill,                    n  Fallon, Helen
                                               or e, Sa nd ra Sheridan, Da
     Hennessy Keatings                  Ha  nm                              rough this .
                                                            been heroes th                             Wicklow Town
     CarePlus Corbally led               O'Hara all have                      but in the last
                                                           ve been anyway
     by Eilish O Connor                  They always ha                   sh on e through.             Michael Collins Ph
                                                          ve absolutely                                                   armacy
     , Keatings CarePlus                 month they ha                        xxx                     in Wicklow town
                                                           much . Michelle                                               d staff are
     Pharmacy Dooradoyle                 Thanks you so                                                amazing not just
                                                                                                                         at this time
     led by Eugene and                                                                                they go that extra
                                                                                                                         mile for you
     Michael, Maher's                                                                                 and I wouldn't go
                                                                                                                         anywhere else
     CarePlus Pharmacy
     Thurles led by
     Catherine and Ciara.                          • Mark Ellis pharmacy in Springfield ... they have
     Massive pressure on                             always been helpful and go above and beyond
     all the teams at the                            but even now more than ever they are brilliant
     moment but they                                 at keeping everyone stocked up...                            • We are so lucky to
     are so strong and                                                                                              have such kind and
     dedicated . To all                                                                                             brilliant people in
     our teams a massive                                                                                            Clonaslee Pharmacy
     thank you from
     myself and Michael.
                                                            • Bates pharmac
     We will have a very                                                     y, your local
     large overdue party                                      pharmacy and m
                                                                                orans pharmacy
     when this is over                                        all amazing. Com
                                                                                munity would be
                                                             lost without you.
                                                                                Please keep safe           Mahon Point, Cork
                                                                                                           Boots Staff and
                                                                                                           management in Mahon
                                                                                                           Point..who have been there
                                   • So proud of our daughter Megan Finan who works in                     serving the public with a
                                     Wards Pharmacy. Doing a great job on the frontline                    smile on their faces
                                     together with her colleagues.

                                                         lost without him and
                                pharmacy we would be                                                        icklow
         • Connor Ward wards
                                    her 2 connor he goes abo
                                                             ve and beond to                    Avoca, Co. W g an
           his staff nothings a bot                                                                         acy doin
                                   u all                                                        Avoca pharm              the girls.
           help so a big thanks 2                                                                           John and all
                                                                                                amazing job

                                                                                                 • Micheal Tierneys Rathdrum.
                           • To all the staff working in all
                                                             the pharmacys all                     Michael, Linda and staff have
                             over the country A big thanks
                                                              to one and All                       well went out of there for all
                                                                                                   for Rathdrum they have been
                                                                                                   brilliant we thank you for
                                                                                                   everything you have done and
                                                                                                   are doing

18                                                                                                                             IPUREVIEW MAY 2020

Life in the
Pharmacy under
the Shadow of
Being at the front line does                  uoting Seamus
                                              Heaney is all
                                                                       I certainly had not spent
                                                                    too much time worrying
not mean we don’t have                        the rage at
                                              the moment.
                                                                    about how life should be
                                                                    in a pandemic before it
loved ones and worries or                     Instead, I’ll quote
                                something that frequently
                                                                    happened. The reports of a
                                                                    new virus in China started,
fears ourselves, but it means   comes to my mind when               and soon Wuhan, lockdown,
                                tough times arrive – Baz            coronavirus and COVID-19
that despite these we still     Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free         became more familiar phrases

have a vital role to play in    (to wear Sunscreen), “The real
                                troubles of your life are apt to
                                                                    – it all seemed far away until
                                                                    suddenly it wasn’t.
the provision of healthcare     be things that never crossed
                                your worried mind; the kind
                                                                       Terrible reports from Italy
                                                                    made it start to feel inevitable
in our communities, writes      that blindside you at 4.00pm
                                on some idle Tuesday”.
                                                                    that life was about to become
                                                                    very different. Amongst all the
Gemma Dwyer.

20                                                                                  IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
distressing news, one thing      to create a new, overflowing,       they are providing a delivery      the IPU update email was met
caught my attention and I’m      prescription collection             service to vulnerable patients     with dread and relief in equal
sure that of my pharmacy         area on the shop floor,             and those cocooning who do         measure, as a guidance of
colleagues, which was that       placed in front of the now          not have family nearby to help     what more would be required.
everywhere in the world,         redundant cosmetic stands.          out. Community policing at           I am so proud of all my
no matter how strict and         Handsanitiser, face masks           its best.                          colleagues in the Maple
stringent the lockdown and       and soap make up the most              The intensity of the            Pharmacy, and in the wider
restrictions were, community     frequent requests.                  dispensary is like Christmas       pharmacy community for the
pharmacy was an essential           Patients have been asked         Eve squared, but with no           dedication we have shown
service that had to operate      to phone in their regular           feel-good factor: the huge         to our patients and to our
during this pandemic.            prescription orders in advance      volume of prescriptions, the       profession. We are in the
   Practically overnight,        where possible. Waiting for         difficulties with stock levels     middle of a global pandemic
pharmacies had to find a         your prescription to be filled      and wholesale deliveries,          and we are still finding a way
way to operate in a changed      while browsing the shelves or       and managing new and               to provide the care we always
world. The once carefully        sitting on our comfy customer       continuously changing stock        have to our patients, albeit
merchandised pharmacy has        couch (perhaps with a cuppa),       allocations, all whilst dealing    in modified circumstances.
changed into to a COVID-19       is now a thing of the past.         with worried patients. The         Being at the front line does
version that would have been     All prescriptions must be           first few weeks of our new         not mean we don’t have loved
unimagineable in February.       collected at a later time to        reality was overwhelming           ones and worries or fears
The pharmacy door, always        protect patients and staff, and     with the amount of changes         ourselves but it means that
open no matter the weather,      to reduce the amount of time        to work practices, both            despite these we still have
is now covered in signs          spent in the pharmacy to a          physically to the pharmacy         a vital role to play in the
reminiscent of a biohazard:      minimum. The phone doesn’t          and keeping up to date with        provision of healthcare in our
a perspex screen from floor      stop ringing from before the        the evolving situation, and        communities.
to ceiling creates a lobby in    pharmacy opens until after it       most importantly relaying            I look forward to the
the shop; black and yellow       closes. It’s a full-time job just   all the information to staff.      day that I am back in the
markings on the floor direct     to answer it, not including the     Preparing a contingency plan       consultation room, customers
customers where to stand (two    work the calls generate.            for the pharmacy in the event      again browsing the shelves
meters apart from each other);      The Gardaí are daily visitors    of a global pandemic was not       and making use of our couch
and staff are behind the         to the pharmacy now, but not        something I ever envisaged         for a cuppa while waiting for
screen. Only two customers at    for the normal reasons. The         having to do, and pandemic         their prescription.
a time are permitted.            CD register doesn’t need a          expenses were not factored
   Temporary Christmas           witness, nor does the CCTV          into the financial planning
gondolas have been dusted off    need to be viewed, instead          for this year. The daily ping of

   ”The intensity of the dispensary is like
    Christmas Eve squared, but with no
    feel-good factor: the huge volume
    of prescriptions, the difficulties with
    stock levels and wholesale deliveries,
    and managing new and continuously
    changing stock allocations, all whilst
    dealing with worried patients.”

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                                  21
From The Pharmaceutical Journal; 304 168–169 (2020) , doi: 10.1211/PJ.2020.20207792.
Article republished courtesy of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

22                                                                                     IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
PROFESSIONAL Darren Kelly, Business Development Manager, IPU
and Clare Fitzell, Professional Services Pharmacist, IPU

Preparing for
the ‘new norm’
As we continue to work through
this extraordinary time of crisis and
the ever-present threat that social
distancing will become the norm
for the foreseeable future, what
can pharmacy do to prepare for
the gradual removal of lockdown
restrictions in our society? In this
article Darren Kelly, IPU Business
Development Manager and Clare
Fitzell, IPU Professional Services
Pharmacist, will provide some advice
to members on how to prepare
your pharmacy for the easing of
lockdown restrictions and driving
footfall back into your business.

            he one thing we      remain as agile and adaptable   the sector has played an           Preparing a business
            can be sure about    as possible.                    absolute blinder. All the sector   continuity plan
            over the coming        During the emergency,         – pharmacists, technicians,
            months is that       pharmacy was asked to           OTC and sales staff – should       At the start of this emergency,
            the public health    continue its frontline work     be applauded for their             we encouraged members to
situation will continue to       in ensuring that the people     commitment and efforts to          prepare a business contingency
change, and we will need to be   of Ireland received their       maintain our vital service to      plan, considering the safety
prepared for this challenging    medications and advice on       the public.                        of your staff and yourself so
environment and try to           their health, and to date                                          you could continue to provide

24                                                                                                                 IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
Table 1: Risk assessment model

 Severity of impact                                                 Likelihood of occurrence

 Severity of impact           Very Unlikely           Unlikely               Possible               Likely         Very Likely
                                   =1                   =2                     =3                    =4               =5

 Negligible 1                        1                     2                     3                     4                5

 Minor 2                             2                     4                     6                     8               10

 Moderate 3                          3                     6                     9                    12               15

 Major 4                             4                     8                    12                    16               20

 Extreme 5                           5                    10                    15                    20               25

essential services to the public.    assessment will help you to             can utilise for this exercise is    and considerations that
As part of this, many of you         identify what you and your              conducting a structured risk        you have taken.
will have conducted a risk           team need to do to minimise             assessment for all the activities
assessment either formally           the impact of the emergency             that occur in your pharmacy.
or informally and then               on your business. As the public         This will help you identify         Risk assessment models
introduced many mitigating           health COVID-19 restrictions            areas of highest risk and lowest    There are many different
measures to reduce these             are eased, these documents              risk, and this in turn will help    models for risk assessment1.
risks, for example introducing       will help you understand what           you to assess which services        The model above considers
the use of Perspex screens           mitigation measures you have            can return sooner and which         the Likelihood/Relevance and
on counters, implementing            put in place and if additional          areas require additional risk       the Severity of the impact
floor signage, and installing        measures or steps need to               mitigation measures to be put       of the issue on the business
security pods at the front of        be taken.                               in place. A well-developed risk     and can be found in the NSAI
the pharmacy. When you were            They will also enable you             assessment will also allow          COVID-19 Workplace Protection
preparing this contingency           to understand the most                  you to reassess the risks as        and Improvement Guide2.
plan did you consider looking        efficient and safest way to             the situation changes over the        Those issues with the
at a business continuity plan?       bring customers back into               coming months and can be            highest score are the most
Preparing a business continuity      your pharmacy. One of the               a useful tool to engage your        significant risks and justify the
plan and completing a risk           most useful tools that you              teams in all the measures           most significant attention.

Table 2: Example of an extract from a pharmacy COVID-19 risk assessment

 Risk                 Likelihood    Severity       Score                             Mitigation Measures                               Notes

 Closure due to           3              5           15        •   Business Continuity Plan;                                     Need to keep up
 pharmacist need                                               •   IPU Locum list;                                               to date with latest
 to isolate                                                                                                                      HPSC contact
                                                               •   Split workforce into two teams;                               tracing guidelines
                                                               •   Maintain social distance of 2 metres;
                                                               •   Provision of masks to all employees; and
                                                               •   Provide handwashing facilities/sanitisers.

 Patient                  3              4           12        • Implement signage at doorways;                                   Update as more
 presenting to                                                 • Station staff member at entrance to explain measures              information of
 pharmacy with                                                   to customers;                                                     asymptomatic
 COVID-19                                                                                                                        spread is available
 symptoms                                                      • Media campaign to inform the public; and
                                                               • Encourage patients to phone ahead – social media campaign.

 Patients not             3              3           9         •   Indicate 2 metre distance from counters;
 observing social                                              •   Signage on counters;
 measures                                                      •   Restrictions on entry; and
                                                               •   Department of Health media campaign.

1. Additional information on conducting risk assessment in pharmacy settings can
   be found on the HSE website www.hse.ie. IIOP run a training course on managing
   quality in pharmacy practice that looks at this process.
2. https://www.nsai.ie/images/uploads/general/NSAI-Guidelines-for-

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                                                                 25
In the example on the             The risk assessment will       Marrons Pharmacy, Clane,          Pharmacy layout
previous page, you will see       be a valuable resource to         who have kept their pharmacy
how these risks may have          help you plan and mitigate        open to customers but             A crucial part of your plan
changed over the last month.      the impact of these changes       maintained social distancing.     will be to look at your floor
If we look at the social          as restrictions ease. It will     We asked Jonathan how they        layout and how you can
distancing risk in the above      also help you identify areas      managed to provide their          open the business whilst
example, if you had assessed      within your business where        additional services or private    still maintaining physical
this at the start of the public   good mitigation measures          consultations to patients         distancing. As restrictions are
health emergency you may          can help you resume some          at this time. He said that        slowly released, you will need
have rated this higher, as the    level of retail activity whilst   when having to attend more        to ensure you maintain social
public were unaware of the        reassuring staff. You may wish    personally to a customer,         distancing. It may be that you
concept of social distancing.     to subdivide your risk register   that they wore a mask, visor,     need to look at a one-way
We have rated the likelihood      into different domains such       gloves, and disposable apron.     system in the pharmacy. This
of this as possible now, but      as organisational, staffing,      They sanitised their skin         can be achieved several ways.
in the initial few weeks this     customer, financial and           before and after donning          One is moving gondolas into a
would have rated higher at        environmental.                    gloves, and they sanitised        long wall type effect directing
very likely. The impact of good      These are business             the gloves before and after       customers with signage to
mitigation has reduced this       decisions that need to be         handling or dealing with the      go in the direction you want
risk, so mitigation measures      made in communication with        customer. They asked all          them to go in. There is also
you had in place at the           your team. Once the staff are     customers to use sanitiser        the use of barriers or crowd
start of the public health        updated on the plan then          provided at the counter at        control measures that would
emergency may now need            you can start to update your      the start of the interaction,     work here. There are number
to change based on the risk       customers on the position         and they covered their credit     of providers who can assist
being reduced.                    of your updated pharmacy          card machines with a cling        with crowd control barriers,
   This exercise will be useful   proposition.                      film like material which was      such as retractable belt
to complete and then revisit         We have seen great             sanitisable. He also stated       systems, but this can also be
as public health restrictions     examples of mitigation            that the staff sanitised before   achieved by moving gondolas.
ease or change and as our         measures in operation that        dealing with any customer         We have several providers of
understanding of the virus        you may want to consider          and sanitised as soon as          these products listed on the
develops, for example we          implementing as the               they finished.                    IPU website who can assist
now know that the virus           situation evolves.                   Instead of focusing on         you with this.
is more contagious than                                             which services you cannot
originally thought. At the time                                     offer, start instead with the
of publishing, we are aware       Professional services             principle that you will provide
                                                                                                      Social distance signage
that the Health Protection        in your pharmacy                  all services. Conduct your risk   To maximise the impact of
Surveillance Centre (HPSC)                                          assessment and then look at       any new system, you will need
                                  When you open your
has just changed guidance                                           all the mitigation measures       to look at highlighting this
                                  pharmacy to customers,
in response to this and                                             that you can put in place to      with social distancing floor
                                  you may wish to return
advised that all pharmacy                                           reduce risk. To help engage       and hanging signage in the
                                  to offering additional
staff wear face masks as                                            staff, assess the risk score      pharmacy. Consumers are
                                  professional services that
part of the HSPC’s ongoing                                          before and after mitigation.      accustomed to queuing and
                                  were the previous ‘norm’ in
risk assessment for health                                          With the right plan you           maintaining social distance at
                                  your pharmacy. In the ‘new
professionals. This guidance                                        will be able to provide most      present as these measures are
                                  norm’, you and your team
change may reduce some of                                           services safely, but you may      in place in all retail outlets,
                                  need to have a plan when
your risks and increase others,                                     need more time for cleaning,      but once restrictions are
                                  providing these services
and new mitigation measures                                         hand washing and additional       gradually released consumers
                                  that minimises the risk to
like training in correct mask                                       mitigation steps.                 may in the joy of being able to
                                  you or your team. We spoke
use, removal and disposal,                                                                            shop again, revert to previous
                                  to Jonathan Morrissey in
may need to be introduced.                                                                            actions or systems. When this

     ”Instead of focusing on which services
      you cannot offer, start instead with the
      principle that you will provide all services.
      Conduct your risk assessment and then
      look at all the mitigation measures that
      you can put in place to reduce risk.”

26                                                                                                                    IPUREVIEW MAY 2020
happens staff must correct          have a snapshot of the offers       Customers may be happier
customers very quickly. This        as they move around the           to get some soap, toiletries,
will ensure that customers          one-way system. You will also     or feminine hygiene products
know what is expected from          need to factor in that this       while they are getting
them once they enter your           summer sales will not follow      medications to reduce what
pharmacy for the safety of          a traditional summer, with        they need to purchase in
you and your team.                  products required for foreign     grocery stores.
  It is advisable to check the      travel reduced and items for
signage weekly for any defects      personal hygiene and hair
to ensure that the message is       management increasing. Hand       Summary
crystal clear to all who enter      sanitisers will start to sell     This situation is so fluid
the pharmacy. Use of signage        again as people move around       now that trying to estimate
on the pharmacy window              and as other businesses on        when and how the release
with regards to the one-way         the high street open back         of lockdown procedures
system should be used to            up. This may also provide         will happen is like looking
communicate the message to          a business-to-business            into a crystal ball. As part
your customers.                     opportunity in provision of       of any plan you prepare, I
                                    sanitation products to your       would recommend that you
                                    neighbouring businesses. If       communicate with all your
Staff engagement                    you are producing your own        staff on your plans for the
with customers                      hand sanitiser, it would be       business as the restrictions
                                    a good idea to contact your       are eased. Get staff feedback
Whether you allow a small
                                    local enterprises prior to them   on your risk assessment
number of customers or open
                                    reopening to assess interest      as they will be front and
the pharmacy up fully, you
                                    so that you can manufacture       centre on any opening up of
will need to communicate
                                    in time.                          pharmacy floor space. Take all
this message clearly with
your staff, so they are all                                           suggestions and try to develop
                                                                      into a workable plan.
comfortable and ready for a         Point of sale                       We need to prepare for
return to a new norm. With a
small number of customers in        Highlight offers with signage!    the easing of restrictions
the pharmacy at any one time,       We have great value available     and the possible flood of
will they just be collecting        so let us tell the customer.      shoppers who just want to
medication, or will they            Whether you print them            get out of the house following
browse while they wait? It may      instore or get them from a        their enforced quarantine.
be difficult for them to shop       local printer, try to introduce   Your customers are going
your front of pharmacy whilst       colour into any signage           to continue to go to grocery
trying to maintain physical         as it will better catch the       stores to purchase items that
distancing from another             customers attention. Be clear     you stock, so reminding your
customer, and this is where         on the text you use, they         customers that you have been
your staff will have to bring       should say ‘Special Offer’,       here through it all and are
their customer service skills       ‘WOW’, ‘Better Value’. Do not     still here offering great service
to the fore. It looks like make     be afraid to use these taglines   and value is a must.
overs and testing of products       and come up with some               If you are prepared and
will not happen any time soon,      others like ‘We’re Back!’.        have a plan, you can provide
so you will need to think of                                          a customer shopping
other channels to excite and                                          experience in your pharmacy
educate customers on your           Customer experience               that is second to none. It is
new product ranges. Staff           If you do introduce a one-way     a win-win situation for all.
reviews or tutorials posted on      system into the pharmacy,         We would urge you to adopt
your social media feeds may         then, as we have said,            Darwinian principles at this
be worth considering.               staff engagement with the         time; it is not the strongest
                                    customer will become even         or the most intelligent that
                                    more essential. You may           survives – it is the one that is
Visual displays                     now have counter screens          most adaptable to change.
As you might only have a            in use and feel that you will
couple of customers at a            continue with the screens
                                    going forward, however, the       Keep safe and stay well, and
time in the pharmacy you
                                    interaction between your staff    if you need any assistance or
must merchandise offers in
                                    and customers will need to be     further clarification on any of
highly visible locations. This
                                    even more prevalent to ensure     the areas raised in this article,
is historically on gondola
                                    that the customer service         please don’t hesitate to contact
ends, but if you choose to
                                    and experience that your          darren.kelly@ipu.ie.
move gondolas to assist in the
floor layout, it may now be at      customers were used to pre
the bays nearest the counter        COVID-19 is maintained, and
or a specific hotspot in the        in the new norm, increased.
pharmacy. Displays should be        All staff should be using soft
planned and merchandised            selling skills and asking, “is
correctly. Do not try to overload   there anything else we can
a display, as customers will        help you with?”.

IPUREVIEW MAY 2020                                                                                        27
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