OUTSTANDING UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLAR AWARDS - 2020-2021 Thursday, March 18, 2021 - Rochester ...

Page created by Wesley Wolf
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Rochester Institute of Technology
Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Awards

This year marks the 45th year Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
is presenting the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Awards.
    Each of the students honored today has achieved the distinction
of maintaining a minimum grade-point average of 3.85 out of
a possible 4.0. All have completed at least 83 credit hours of
study, more than two-thirds of the credit hours required for a
baccalaureate degree.
    In addition, selection of students was based on other factors
complementing academic achievement, such as creative work,
service on student committees, civic activities, employment, and
independent research.
    RIT is pleased to pay tribute to these undergraduates whose
demonstrated devotion to excellence is an inspiration to the
university community. We proudly accord them the distinction
Rochester Institute of Technology Scholars.


The bronze medallion awarded to Rochester Institute of Technology
Scholars was designed by the late professor Hans Christensen,
renowned silversmith and first holder of the Charlotte Fredericks
Mowris Chair in Contemporary Crafts in the School for American Crafts.   THE AWARDS CEREMONY
   Professor Christensen was the youthful recipient of two
medallions for excellence in silver design and execution from the        Presiding Officer
King of Denmark. His memory of this special event in his own life        Dr. Ellen Granberg
                                                                         Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs
became the genesis for RIT’s bronze medallion.
   Professor Christensen chose traditional symbols for wisdom
and respect—the Athenian owl and the olive branch—as images for          Remarks
                                                                         Dr. David C. Munson, Jr.
the medallion.

                                                                         Presenter of the RIT Scholars
                                                                         Dr. Ellen Granberg
RIT. On campus, she works at the School       Katie Hobler
                                                                                        of Art and Bevier Gallery. Marian is a        A graduate of Our Lady of Mercy High

                                                                                        member of the varsity Cross County and        School in N.Y., Katie is pursuing a BS in
                                                                                        Track and Field teams. She has received       new media design. She is a member of
                                                                                        the Liberty League All-Academic Team          the RIT Honors Program. In addition
OUTSTANDING                                                                             Honors and was a USTFCCCA Division
                                                                                        III All-Academic selection. Following
                                                                                                                                      to being a freelance designer for Deb
                                                                                                                                      Cleveland Real Estate, Katie has worked

UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARS                                                                  graduation, she plans to pursue a
                                                                                        graduate degree. Marian’s goal is to teach
                                                                                                                                      as a design tutor for RIT’s CSTEP program
                                                                                                                                      and as a product designer on an RIT
                                                                                        while continuing to create ceramics.          research team for Cortera sales analytics
                                                                                                                                      company. Katie has volunteered for
College of Art and Design
                                                                                        Siobhan Gannon                                several years as a tutor at Cameron
Dean Todd Jokl
                                                                                        A graduate of Advanced Math and               Community Ministries. Additionally,
                                                                                        Science Academy Charter School in             she created a children’s book drive and
                                                                                        Mass., Siobhan is pursuing a BS in film       collected over 5,100 books for students
Maggie Blaisdell                           as a volunteer at RIT as a Student Profile   and animation. In addition to being           in need. Following graduation, Katie
A graduate of Bishop Carroll Catholic      Specialist, where she helps promote          a member of the RIT Honors Program,           plans to pursue a career as a designer.
School in Pa., Maggie is pursuing a        university and academic life in English      Siobhan served as an Honors mentor
BFA in graphic design. In addition to      and Korean. After completing her degree,     and complementary learning advisor.           Yuki Lai
being a member of the RIT Honors           Heuijoo plans to pursue a career in          Her professional experience includes          From Malaysia, Yuki is pursuing a BS
Program, Maggie is a two-time recipient    industrial design.                           working at Emagination Tech Camps as          in new media design. Before attending
of the Community Impact Award                                                           a tech counselor, Best Corporate Events       RIT, she graduated with an associate
for Service and Leadership. She is         Emma Canny                                   as a facilitator, and Breakout Games as       degree in digital arts from Genesee
currently the President of the Newman      A graduate of Rush-Henrietta Senior          a game master. At RIT, she volunteers         Community College in 2018. At RIT,
Catholic Community and served as the       High School in N.Y., Emma is pursuing        with Relay for Life and serves as the         Yuki is a commuter ambassador at Off-
community’s volunteer coordinator. Last    a BS in interior design. She has been        American Cancer Society’s vice president      Campus and Commuter Services. She
year, she interned at the Community Arts   working at RIT Libraries since 2017.         on campus. After completing her degree,       co-manages the commuter lounge and
Center of Cambria County, where she led    Since then, she has held positions as a      Siobhan plans to pursue a career in 3D        helps students who live off campus
an 82-foot mural project from ideation     circulation assistant, resource assistant,   animation.                                    familiarize themselves with the
to completion. At RIT, Maggie served as    and student supervisor. As an interior                                                     resources available to them. In addition
a graphic designer for RIT’s Performing    designer, Emma worked on a project           Julia Hawley                                  to being a commuter ambassador, Yuki
Arts Department and Student Auxiliary      for Wanted Design, which is an online        A graduate of Guilderland High School in      is a student designer for the Personalized
Services. She won the AAF Buffalo          platform dedicated to promoting design.      N.Y., Julia is pursuing a BFA in industrial   Healthcare Technology Department and
Portfolio Review and 2018 Imagine RIT      In 2020, Emma won the best overall           design. Her professional experience           a notetaker for NTID. After completing
Poster Contest. Following graduation,      presentation. She was also part of a         includes internships at M&T Bank and          her degree, Yuki plans to pursue a career
Maggie plans to go into the workforce.     multidisciplinary team of RIT interior       The Sentinels of Maryland, where she          in user interface or user experience (UI/
                                           design and industrial design students        currently works as a design director.         UX) design.
Heuijoo Byun                               who designed a mobile kitchen for users      During her time at RIT, Julia worked
From South Korea, Heuijoo is pursuing      with different needs and abilities. Upon     as a teaching assistant in industrial         Anna Neuenschwander
a BS in industrial design. She currently   completing her degree, Emma plans to         design courses, Bevier Gallery attendant,     A graduate of Skaneateles High School
works at RIT as a graphic designer.        pursue a career in interior design.          equipment specialist at the School of         in N.Y., Anna is pursuing a BFA in
Heuijoo’s professional experience also                                                  Photographic Arts and Sciences, and an        medical illustration. Since 2018, she
includes working as a designer at Le       Marian Draper                                experience designer at the Cybersecurity      has worked as a medical illustrator and
Petit Poutine, a food truck. In 2019,      A graduate of Rome Free Academy              Experience Center. Julia also played a        animator for RIT’s Advanced Research
the owners of the truck sponsored          in N.Y., Marian is pursuing a BFA in         key role in organizations on campus,          Program. Their research focuses on
an advertising class competition.          ceramics. She is a recipient of the RIT      including Thought at Work, Product            how medical illustration style can
Heuijoo won and continued working          Presidential Scholar Award and is a          Timecapsule, and CodeRIT. In 2020, she        lead to misunderstandings between
on the project afterward. She created      Fulbright Scholar nominee. Her ceramic       won first place in the T-Minus 151 Design     concepts. Anna developed the visual
innovative packaging concepts and led      art has been featured on the College of      Challenge. After graduating in May, Julia
the design process. Heuijoo also serves    Art and Design’s website and Imagine         plans to travel and pursue a career in
                                                                                        user experience design.
media that is in the studies. In addition,   Scilla Raymond-Gazave                        Yaxin May Ren
Anna is the co-founder and president         A graduate of Ithaca High in N.Y.,           A graduate of Immaculata Academy
of RIT’s Medical Illustration Club and       Scilla is pursuing a BFA in illustration.    in N.Y., May is pursuing a BFA in
a recipient of the Nathaniel Rochester       She is a member of the RIT Honors            industrial design. She is the recipient
Society Scholarship. She also spends         Program as well as a recipient of the        of the Nathaniel Rochester Society
her time tutoring students in the Higher     Presidential Scholarship. Since 2018,        Scholarship (2019-2021) and the Paul W.
Education Opportunity Program and as a       Scilla has been working on and off as        Porter Scholarship. May is also one of
learning assistant. Following graduation,    a freelance illustration artist. Some of     the winners of RIT Industrial Design’s
Anna plans to pursue a career as a           her work has been displayed at RIT’s         2020 T-Minus Competition. May has
medical illustrator and animator.            Bevier Gallery. This summer, she will        completed internships at Harvard
                                             be on co-op at Black Forest Games in         Innovation Lab, Mattel Fisher-Price, Rich
Tirzah Pilet                                 Offenburg, Germany, to work on the           Product Corporation, VIPUI Design, and
A graduate of King’s High School in          art development of a new game. Upon          SB-Marketing, LLC. At RIT, May served as
Wash., Tirzah is pursuing a BFA in           completing her degree, Scilla plans to       the design director at codeRIT. She was
medical illustration. Her artwork has        travel and work full time at a video game    also the co-president of the university’s
been exhibited in the Bevier Gallery         company creating concept art.                chapter of the Industrial Design Society
and RIT’s website for National Portfolio                                                  of America. After graduation, May plans
Day, Precollege Portfolio Workshop           Spencer Raymond-Smith                        to pursue a career as an industrial
Art, and a quarantine gallery for            A graduate of Stow-Munroe Falls High         designer.
Medical Illustration. Tirzah works           School in Ohio, Spencer is pursuing
as an illustrator for RIT’s Respiratory      a BFA in graphic design. In 2019, he         Abigail Van Camp
Technologies Laboratories. She was a         completed an internship with the             A graduate of Marcellus Senior High
teaching assistant for a college portfolio   Lake Erie Crushers. As a freelance           School in N.Y., Abby is pursuing a BFA
preparation camp and 3D Applications         graphic designer, Spencer has designed       in industrial design. Recently she was
course. As a member of RIT’s varsity         promotional materials for Elm City           selected as one of the winners of a
crew team, Tirzah received multiple          Internationals, the 2019 RIT Veterans        nationwide digital design competition by
All-Academic recognitions. After             Day Run and the Stow-Munroe Falls            Adobe. In 2019, Abby interned as a design
graduation, Tirzah plans to pursue           City School District. At RIT, Spencer is     consultant at JADAK in North Syracuse,
an interdisciplinary graduate degree         a member of the university’s soccer          N.Y. At RIT, Abby has participated in
combining medical illustration and           team and was part of the 2019 Liberty        T-Minus Industrial Design workshops
virtual reality technology.                  League All-Academic Team. Following          from 2018-2020. The first time she
                                             graduation, he is pursuing a Fulbright       competed, she co-led a team to design a
                                             Fellowship that would allow him to work      hand-washing station for the Ugandan
Kyle Quevedo                                 in an artistic capacity with refugees.       Water Project. They won first place. In
A graduate of Pittsford Mendon High          Afterward, Spencer plans to pursue a         the following years, her teams created
School in N.Y., Kyle is pursuing a BFA in    career within the apparel, advertising, or   a commemorative bench for RIT and a
graphic design. In 2019, he completed        sports industry.                             pet product from recycled materials for
a design co-op at Carbon, a 3D printing                                                   Rochester Refugee. Following graduation,
tech company in California. Since                                                         Abby plans to pursue a career in
2016, Kyle has been the creative lead at                                                  industrial design.
Queventive, LLC, and has worked as a
freelance graphic designer for various
clients. During his time at RIT, Kyle
worked as a graphic designer in the
Industrial Design Department. He is
also a member of the RIT Graphic Design
Club, Rescue Shelter Club, Habitat for
Humanity and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.
Following graduation, Kyle plans to
pursue a career in graphic design and
obtain his MBA.
Saunders College of Business                                                             Mirko is a member of Eta Sigma Delta        Lei Huang
                                                                                         honor society, Mensa (Montenegro) and       From China, Lei is pursuing a BS in
Dean Jacqueline Mozrall
                                                                                         an international libertarian organization   management information systems
                                                                                         called Students for Liberty. Following      from RIT China. She is the recipient of
                                                                                         graduation, Mirko plans to pursue a         numerous awards, including China’s
Bandar Alhaqbani                            Company and worked as a business             master’s degree in finance and a Ph.D.      Third Level Scholarship in 2017, 2018,
A graduate of Al Motqadimah School          assistant at China Construction Sixth                                                    and 2019, as well as the Outstanding
in Saudi Arabia, Bandar is pursuing a       Engineering Division Company. At             Jillian Fioravanti                          Student Cadres Award. Lei completed
BS in finance. He completed a co-op         RIT China, Yahan has completed               A graduate of Eastridge High School         a developer assistance internship at
at Derayah Financial in Saudi Arabia,       multiple independent projects. For           in N.Y., Jillian is pursuing a BS in        Fujian Huarui Information Technology
where he worked directly with the           example, last year, she developed an         management information systems.             Co., Ltd. She also worked at Changwei
chief investment officer. During the        app for employees at a pizza shop to         She is a recipient of multiple awards,      Network Science and Technology
investment co-op, Bandar researched         take customer orders and purchase raw        including the Nathaniel Rochester           Limited Company. At RIT China, she
and analyzed real estate investment         materials. She connected the app to a        Society Scholarship. Jillian is a data      volunteers with the Chinese Young
trusts. At RIT, Bandar was the president    database that provides employees with        analytics intern at TDS Telecom. Her        Volunteers Association and serves as the
of the Saudi Student Organization.          up-to-date transactional information,        professional experience also includes       head of the marketing department for
He is also a member of the Financial        such as store sales and expenses.            working at the Seneca Park Zoo and RIT.     a nonprofit known as the Tiger House.
Management Association. Bandar              Following graduation, Yahan plans to         At the university, Jillian is a member of   Upon completing her degree, Lei plans
started as an associate and is now          pursue a graduate degree.                    the Financial Management Association,       to pursue a graduate degree and study
an analyst managing a $250,000                                                           RIT’s Business Technology Professionals,    logistics and e-commerce management.
portfolio. Following graduation, Bandar     Lauren Cybul                                 the Newman Choir, and RIT’s Leadership
plans to pursue a master’s degree in        A graduate of Pittsford Sutherland High      Academy, where she is an executive          Nikol Jamnić
computations finance or business            School in N.Y., Lauren is pursuing           board member. Following graduation,         From Croatia, Nikol is pursuing a BS in
administration.                             a double major: a BS in business             Jillian plans to pursue a graduate degree   international business at RIT Croatia.
                                            management and a BS in hospitality and       in business analytics.                      Her professional experience includes
Jelena Benić                               tourism. Her professional experience                                                     working in the Human Resources
From Croatia, Jelena is pursuing a          includes working as a desk assistant,        Jamison Friauf                              Department at We-KR, where she
BS in international hospitality and         event staff and tutor at RIT. She also       A graduate of Saratoga Springs High         communicated with foreign partners,
service management from RIT Croatia.        worked at the Locust Hill Country Club.      School in N.Y., Jamison is pursuing         sent workers for temporary work abroad,
Her professional experience includes        On campus, Lauren has served as the          a double major, a BS in management          and submitted requests for work visas.
working at Valamar Dubrovnik President      RIT Chapter of Hospitality Financial and     information systems and human               In addition, Nikol completed a co-op in
Hotel and the Dubrovnik Tourist             Technology Professionals chair and as        centered computing. He is the recipient     the finance department of Stanek d.o.o.,
Board. At RIT Croatia, Jelena serves as     a member of the Women in Business            of the RIT Presidential Scholarship         where she handled invoices, inventory
the head of the marketing department        Club. She has also volunteered with          and is a member of the university’s         balances, and assisted in calculating
for a student project called brewRIT.       the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the       Honors Program. In addition to working      salaries and royalties. After graduation,
Additionally, she is a member of Eta        Special Olympics. After completing her       at Carrier Transicold, Jamison has          Nikol plans to travel and obtain a
Sigma Delta, an international honor         degree, Lauren plans to pursue a career      completed co-ops at Bestpass and            graduate degree.
society for hospitality students. Jelena    in her field.                                myTechs. On campus, he is the founder
volunteers at the university’s Career                                                    and president of the RIT Roundnet           Martina Krčmar
Education Day, Community Service Day        Mirko Dukic                                  (Spikeball) Team. In his spare time, he     From Croatia, Martina is pursuing a BS in
and Dinburger event. After graduation,      From Montenegro, Mirko is pursuing           created a database to track medical         business administration at RIT Croatia.
Jelena plans to pursue a master’s degree.   a BS in hospitality and tourism              records for a nonprofit in Uganda. After    Martina’s professional experience
                                            management at RIT Croatia. He                graduation, Jamison plans to pursue         includes working as a finance intern
Yahan Cheng                                 completed co-ops as a hotel manager          a career that combines management           at Texo Trgovina, an event production
From China, Yahan is pursuing a BS          assistant at Port 9 Resort, as a corporate   information systems and human-              and management assistant at MPG
in management information systems           purchasing assistant at Grand Circle         centered computing, particularly data       Zagreb, as well as a hospitality manager
at RIT China. She completed a data          Corporation, as a finance department         science.                                    at Zagreb 360 Observation Deck. At RIT
analysis internship at Hefei University     trainee at Generali Insurance, and as a                                                  Croatia, she is a student helper and
of Technology Construction Supervision      financial accounting teaching assistant                                                  a microeconomics and managerial
                                            at RIT Croatia. In addition to his co-ops,                                               accounting tutor. Martina also serves
as a member of the Rotaract Club              Anja Pankretić                              for the Office of the Registrar. Alexander
Zagreb Zrinjevac and as a peer mentor.        From Croatia, Anja is pursuing a BS in       is also a member of RIT’s Marketing,
Following graduation, Martina plans to        international business at RIT Croatia.       Advertising, and Public Relations Club
pursue a career in business and obtain a      She completed an internship at the           and a peer mentor in the SCB Leadership
master’s degree. In the future, her goal is   Ocean Reef Club and T & MC Group,            Academy. Following graduation, Alexander
to start her own company.                     where she developed business strategies      plans to complete an MBA at RIT.
                                              for clients and helped them scale
Dejana Kusic                                  outsourcing. At RIT Croatia, Anja worked     Nicolas Stagnitta
From Bosnia & Herzegovina, Dejana             as a library assistant for a year and a      A graduate of Columbia High School in
is pursuing a BS in international             half. In her spare time, she volunteers      N.Y., Nicolas is pursuing a BS in business
hospitality and tourism management.           with Association Noina Arka, an animal       management. He is currently a business
She interned as a marketing and public        protection organization. Anja organizes      analyst intern at Datto, Inc., in East
relations manager at Sunny Resort             events, manages public relations and         Greenbush, N.Y. Since last year, he has
Trebinje and as a front desk guest            has helped the organization raise more       been validating and testing new and
services intern at The Club at Admirals       than 3,000 Croatian Kuna. Anja also          upgraded functionality within Datto’s
Cove. Dejana’s professional experience        volunteers at RIT Croatia’s Community        ERP stack and supporting the business
also includes working at the Hilton           Service Day. Following graduation, Anja      process improvement team while
Imperial Dubrovnik and Sun Gardens            plans to pursue graduate school.             ensuring efficient and reliable customer
Dubrovnik, which is ranked as one of the                                                   and financial data processing. Nicolas’
world’s leading hotels by U.S. News &         Nicholas Ricci                               professional experience also includes
World Report. In addition, Dejana filmed,     A graduate of the Academy of                 working as a marketing assistant for RIT
directed, and edited a documentary            Information Technology and                   SportsZone and a customer service leader
called “Remembrance.” It was shown            Engineering in Conn., Nicholas is            at Hannaford Supermarkets. Following
in the cinema in Sarajevo. Following          pursuing a BS in accounting. He is a         graduation, Nicolas plans to pursue full-
graduation, she plans to pursue a             member of the RIT Honors Program and         time employment.
master’s degree and a Ph.D. at Sorbonne       Beta Gamma Sigma, a business honors
University.                                   society. In addition to interning at First
                                              County Bank as a bank teller, Nicholas’
Li Jiayu                                      professional experience also includes
From Beijing, China, Li is pursuing           working as a student staff accountant
a BS in management information                at RIT’s Controller’s Office and student
systems from RIT China. She completed         tutor for the university’s Higher
internships at IBM, Digital China, and        Education Opportunity Program. He also
Ernst & Young in Beijing. While working       volunteers with RIT Roar the Vote. After
in the Tax Department at Ernst & Young,       graduation, Nicholas plans to pursue an
Li worked on a global tax technology          MBA and become a certified CPA.
project. At RIT China, Li served on
the Student Staff Committee and               Alexander Rohring
was the vice president and academic           A graduate of Victor High School in
director of the Weihai International          N.Y., Alexander is pursuing a BS in new
Communication Association. She is             media marketing. He is a member of the
also the recipient of the Excellent Youth     RIT Honors Program and Beta Gamma
League Member and Excellent Youth             Sigma, an international business honor
League Cadre Award. After completing          society. Last year, Alexander completed
her degree, Li plans to pursue a graduate     a marketing co-op at Poseidon Systems
degree.                                       in Rochester, N.Y. He currently works at
                                              RIT as an office assistant for the Honors
                                              Program and a peer tutor for Saunders
                                              College of Business (SCB). Prior to this,
                                              he worked as a degree audit assistant
manager at Google. Previously, he            After graduation, Mark plans to work at
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
                                                                                         completed software engineering co-ops        Microsoft as a software engineer.
Dean Anne Haake
                                                                                         at Google (2019, 2020), Instagram (2020),
                                                                                         and YouTube (2018). While at Google,         Melissa Gould
                                                                                         one of Pedro’s projects involved the         A graduate of Souderton Area High
                                                                                         development of an immersive virtual          School in Pa., Melissa is pursuing a BS
Triton Adamski                              Billing Solutions, where she created
                                                                                         reality experience showcasing Latin          in software engineering. She is working
A graduate of Pembroke High School          sample API integration projects in three
                                                                                         American countries and their stories         as a software developer for Red Argyle
in N.Y., Triton is pursuing a BS/MS         programming languages (C#, Java, and
                                                                                         during Hispanic Heritage Month. Upon         in Canandaigua, N.Y. Melissa started
in game design and development.             Python) to demonstrate how customers
                                                                                         completing his degree, Pedro plans to        there in 2019 while on co-op. Now as an
Prior to attending RIT, he received an      can integrate with the company’s
                                                                                         work full time as an associate product       employee, one of her responsibilities
associate degree in liberal arts and        software, thus enabling better support
                                                                                         manager.                                     includes customizing clients’ Salesforce
science: natural science from Genesee       for customers. JiWoo has also worked as
                                                                                                                                      accounts. Melissa has also completed
Community College. Last year, he            a software developer at RIT’s College of
                                                                                         Mallory Bridge                               co-ops at PAR Government and TargetX.
completed a software engineering co-op      Science and as a web developer for the
                                                                                         A graduate of Indian River High School in    Throughout her academic career, Melissa
at RS Automation, where he developed        College Activities Board. As a volunteer
                                                                                         N.Y., Mallory is pursuing a BS in software   has started many independent projects,
a desktop application to improve the        with the Women in Computing Club, she
                                                                                         engineering. In 2020, she completed          including IZMIE, a messaging app
speed and efficiency of other jobs. At      makes MyCourses workshops. Following
                                                                                         a quality assurance software co-op           designed to increase self-expression.
RIT, Triton is a member of the Honors       graduation, JiWoo plans to pursue a
                                                                                         at Wegmans. Mallory’s professional           Upon completing her degree, Melissa
Program and has volunteered with the        career as a software engineer or a data
                                                                                         experience also includes working at          plans to move to Denver, Colo., to pursue
Honors Activities Committee (2018 –         analyst.
                                                                                         RIT’s Research Computing Department          a software engineering career.
2020) as well as the Millgrove Bible
                                                                                         and GenCyber. In addition to being part
Church Food Pantry and Clothes Closet.      Brianna Bilich
                                                                                         of Women in Computing at RIT, Mallory        Joshua Haber
Following graduation, Triton plans to       A graduate of Del Oro High School
                                                                                         also worked on independent projects.         A graduate of Plainview-Old Bethpage
pursue a career as a game or software       in Calif., Brianna is pursuing a BS in
                                                                                         She worked with a team to develop            John F. Kennedy High School in
developer.                                  computer science. She is a member of
                                                                                         Cybrix, which teaches cybersecurity          Plainview, N.Y., Joshua is pursuing
                                            the RIT Honors Program and a recipient
                                                                                         basics through an interactive story and      a double major: a BS in web and
Christabelle Alvares                        of numerous awards, including the
                                                                                         Hello, Friend, which is a website chatbot    mobile computing as well as new
From Dubai, Christabelle is pursuing        RIT Presidential Scholarship and NTID
                                                                                         that helps students navigate stressful       media interactive development. His
a BS in computing security. She’s           Presidential Scholarship. Currently,
                                                                                         situations. Mallory was awarded              professional experience includes
currently on co-op at RIT Dubai. Prior      Brianna is an intern at the Federal
                                                                                         best “Brick” hack in 2020. Following         internships as a Tier II client services
to this, Christabelle completed a           Bureau of Investigation. As an honors
                                                                                         graduation, Mallory plans to pursue a        technology assistant at NTID Client
computing technologies internship           intern, she works with the Computer
                                                                                         career in software engineering.              Services, web developer at RIT’s
at Westbury Capital Management as           Analysis Response Team (CART) and the
                                                                                                                                      Information and Technology Services
well as a programming co-op at Sheikh       Cyber Squad. At RIT, Brianna is a math
                                                                                         Mark Drobnak                                 Office, technology instructor at Lavner
Khalifa Medical City. In addition to her    tutor for the National Technical Institute
                                                                                         A graduate of Olmsted Falls High             Camps and Programs, and digital
co-ops, Christabelle has worked as a        for the Deaf and the Learning Center.
                                                                                         School in Ohio, Mark is pursuing a           experience intern at PNC Financial
full-stack web developer for a Saudi-       After completing her degree, Brianna
                                                                                         BS/MS in computer science. He is a           Services. At RIT, Joshua currently works
based International Trading Agency. At      would like to work for a government
                                                                                         member of the RIT Honors Program.            as a teaching and office assistant. He
RIT Dubai, Christabelle is a member of      agency to help protect the United States
                                                                                         Mark recently completed a remote             is also a recipient of the RIT President
the Penetration Testing Team. In 2019,      from foreign and domestic threats. She
                                                                                         software engineering internship at           Scholarship. Following graduation,
the cybersecurity team won the national     plans to pursue a master’s degree in
                                                                                         Mozilla, where he developed a push           Joshua will work at M&T Bank as a
and international competition along         cybersecurity/information security.
                                                                                         notification service for Firefox. In 2019,   Technology Development Program
with nationals in 2020. After graduation,
                                                                                         Mark completed a software engineering        Associate.
Christabelle plans to pursue a master’s     Pedro Bretón
                                                                                         co-op at Intuit in California. During the
degree in cybersecurity.                    A graduate of Colegio Bilingue New
                                                                                         seven-month experience, he created           Vjori Hoxha
                                            Horizons in the Dominican Republic,
                                                                                         a monitoring service for reporting           From Albania, Vjori is pursuing a BS
JiWoo Baik                                  Pedro is pursuing a BS in software
                                                                                         issues in user content and worked on         in web and mobile computing at RIT
A graduate of Ozark Academy in Ark.,        engineering. He is a member of the
                                                                                         an internal marketing tool. Previously,      Croatia. Throughout his academic career,
JiWoo is pursuing a BS in computer          RIT Honors Program and a Forbes 30
                                                                                         Mark interned at WillowTree in Virginia.     Vjori has worked at various companies
science. In 2020, JiWoo completed           under 30 Scholar. This summer, Pedro
                                                                                                                                      developing numerous IT projects. Due to
a software engineering co-op at IDI         will intern as an associate product
his interest in working on software and      Caleb Katzenstein                            respiratory illnesses. His professional     Paula Pufek
new technologies, one of the projects        A graduate of Dobbs Ferry High School        experience also includes working at RIT’s   From Croatia, Paula is pursuing a BS in web
he developed is a web application that       in N.Y., Caleb is pursuing a BS in           Disability Service Office as a notetaker.   and mobile computing at RIT Croatia. She
helps pharmacists survey their patients      game design and development. He is           As a volunteer, David spends his time       is currently interning at Rimac Automobili
about diseases and saves their records.      a member of the RIT Honors Program           helping others at the American Legion       d.o.o. as a software developer. Paula has also
Additionally, during the COVID-19            and Phi Sigma Pi, a national honor           Post 1830, Gates Chili School District,     interned at Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company
lockdown in Albania, Vjori purchased         fraternity. In 2019, Caleb interned at SAS   and the Lutheran Church of our Saviour.     as a backend developer. At RIT Croatia, she
food and medicine for elders in his          in Cary, N.C. Afterward, he completed a      Following graduation, Devin plans to        has served as a student assistant for a Web
city. Following graduation, Vjori plans      software engineering co-op at Honeywell      pursue a career that helps others.          and Mobile II course and as a tutor for Server
to pursue graduate school and work on        Integrated in Mason, Ohio, where he                                                      Programming and Software Design Principles
sustainability projects.                     developed virtual reality simulations        Himani Munshi                               and Patterns. Paula is currently working
                                             for training and real-time visualization.    A graduate of Ahlcon Public School          as a teaching assistant for a Database
Ingrida Ivaska                               He also automated processes to reduce        in India, Himani is pursuing a BS in        Connectivity and Access course. Following
A graduate of Pine-Richland High School      the time needed to create simulations,       computer science. She is a recipient        graduation, she plans to travel and pursue a
in Pa., Ingrida pursued a BS in game         reducing it from months to days.             of the Nathaniel Rochester Society          master’s degree.
design and development while being           Recently, Caleb built Portable Engine,       Scholarship and RIT Founder’s
a member of the RIT Honors Program.          a game engine designed to support            International Scholarship. Himani           Kent Reese
Throughout her academic career at            multiple platforms. Upon completing          completed a software engineering co-op       A graduate of Lexington High School in Ohio,
RIT, she developed a number of games,        his degree, he plans to pursue a career in   at Wayfair. Throughout her academic          Kent is pursuing a BS in game design and
including A-MAZE-ing Marbles, a              web or game development.                     career, Himani has acquired experience       development. He completed an internship
marble maze Android mobile game. She                                                      working in various roles, such as the        as an Open Source software consultant at
also worked on several others, such as       Camilo Lima-Castro                           chairperson for the Academics & Co-ops       UNICEF. In 2020, he was selected to be part of
Steazey Slopes, Element Smash, Target        A graduate of North Bergen High School       Committee in RIT’s Student Government,       RIT’s MAGIC Maker Program at MAGIC Spell
Practice, and Shhharades. Ingrida’s          in N.J., Camilo is pursuing a BS in game     student lab instructor, and tutor for        Studios. One of the first games he co-created
professional experience includes             design & development. He recently            undergraduate courses. Last summer,          is “Duck and the Land of Flightless Birds.” In
internships at Liberty Mutual Insurance      worked at RIT as a teaching assistant        she was selected as one of 20 students       addition to also developing “Overdrive” and
and General Electric. In her free time,      for Music Theory I & RIT Orchestra.          to participate in the Hacker Exchange       “The Small Game,” Kent also made a graphic
Ingrida serves as a USA Hockey Level 4       In 2019, he worked with a small team         Global Innovation Program in Australia.      novel called “Dream of John Glenn.” Upon
Ice Hockey Official. After completing her    to develop an educational chemistry          After completing her degree, Himani          completing his degree, Kent plans to pursue
degree, Ingrida started a full-time job at   game at RIT’s “Jam for a Cause.” Camilo      plans to use her life to be of service to    a career in software engineering and game
Electronic Arts in Orlando, Florida.         designed and developed the menus and         humanity and travel the world.               design.
                                             user interface, edited art assets, and
Nousadh Jisthi                               programmed gameplay systems. Camilo          Christopher Murphy                          Alexander Rosenbach
From India, Nousadh is pursuing a BS in      also volunteers his time teaching high       A graduate of Smithtown High School in      A graduate of North Star in Mass., Alexander
computing security from RIT Dubai. He        school students at his alma mater C#, a      N.Y., Christopher is pursuing a double      is pursuing a BS in game design and
completed co-ops as a cloud architect        programming language, and MonoGame,          major: a BS in computer science as          development. Prior to attending RIT, he
intern at Westbury and as a junior           which game developers use to make            well as in applied mathematics. He is a     graduated from Holyoke Community College
consultant at RIT Dubai. In addition         games for multiple platforms. Following      recipient of the RIT Presidential Scholar   with an associate in computer science.
to working at Seven Marks as a full-         graduation, Camilo plans to pursue a         Award and works as a research assistant     Alexander is a member of Pi Theta Kappa, an
stack web developer, Nousadh has also        career in game design and development.       at the Golisano College of Computing        international honor society, and a recipient
worked at Plato’s Planet Training Center                                                  and Information Sciences. Throughout        of the National Technical Institute of the
and Dataletix in Dubai. On campus, he        Devin Mochrie                                his academic career, Christopher has        Deaf Presidential Award. His professional
co-organized Tiger Fest and developed        A graduate of Gates Chili High School        worked on several independent projects.     experience includes a software engineering
cybersecurity workshops for visiting         in N.Y., Devin is pursuing a BS in web       Some of them include a stock market         co-op at Hewlett-Packard (HP), where he
high school students. In 2018 and            and mobile computing. He recently            predictor, Chess Deep-Q network,            developed an app that gives users the ability
2019, Nousadh competed in Collegiate         started a junior web developer co-op at      symbolic algebra solver, and a map          to change an HP laptop’s settings remotely.
Penetration Testing Competition in the       Carestream Health. One of his primary        generator. After graduation, Christopher    Following graduation, Alex plans to travel
United Arab Emirates and won first place.    responsibilities is working with software    would like to spend a few years doing       and pursue a software engineering job at
Upon completing his degree, Nousadh          that medical professionals use to help       artificial intelligence or cryptography.    Hewlett-Packard or a similar company.
plans to pursue graduate school.             identify and treat COVID-19, among other     Afterward, he wants to go to graduate
                                                                                          school for computer science.
Liam Tyler                                    Teams. Now, Blake is in the process of
                                                                                              Kate Gleason College of Engineering
A graduate of Red Bank Regional High          creating a startup business called Tapaut
                                                                                              Dean Doreen Edwards
School in N.J., Liam is pursuing a BS         (“tap”-“out”), which is focused on developing
in computing security. Last year, he          an app for the entertainment and social
completed a computing security                market. After graduation, he wants to have
internship at Parsons Corporation in          the app in the Apple and Android app stores.    Christie Agbalessi                            Ann Byerley
Virginia. Throughout his academic                                                             A graduate of Lycée Français Blaise           A graduate of Mandeville High School in
career, Liam has worked on several                                                            Pascal in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Christie      La., Ann is pursuing a double major: a BS
projects, including a collaborative effort                                                    is pursuing a BS/MS in electrical             in biomedical engineering as well as in
to create a web application for Wegmans.                                                      engineering. She is a recipient of the RIT    biomedical sciences. She is a member of
The Pathfinder is an app that helps users                                                     Founders International Scholarship and        the RIT Honors Program and a recipient
create a grocery list and find the best                                                       a member of the RIT Honors Program and        of the RIT President Scholarship.
path through the local store. Additionally,                                                   Tau Beta Pi. In 2019, Christie completed a    Last year, Ann completed a co-op at
Liam is a member of the Air Force                                                             controls engineering co-op at Cummins,        GlaxoSmithKline. While working in their
Association’s Cyber Patriot. Following                                                        Inc., in Rocky Mount, N.C. In 2018 and        Bio-Pharm Technology Department, Ann
graduation, he plans to pursue a career                                                       2020, she served as a research assistant      oversaw the daily manufacturing of bulk
in computing security.                                                                        at RIT’s Machine Learning Optimization        drug substances and provided technical
                                                                                              and Signal Processing Laboratory. In          support for pharmaceuticals production.
Fatima Umar                                                                                   addition to being a science tutor, Christie   In 2019, she completed a co-op at Tulane
A graduate of Pittsford Sutherland                                                            also works as a teaching assistant for        Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
High School in N.Y., Fatima is pursuing                                                       an Embedded System Design course.             Center, where she researched stem cells’
a double major: a BS in computer                                                              Following graduation, she plans to            characterization derived from human
science as well as in economics. She is                                                       pursue a career in hardware engineering       amniotic fluid. Following graduation,
a member of the RIT Honors Program                                                            and obtain an MBA.                            Ann plans to go to medical school.
and is a recipient of the RIT Presidential
Scholarship. Fatima’s professional                                                            Giovanna Baris                                John Czukkermann
experience includes working as a                                                              A graduate of Liverpool High School           A graduate of Arlington High School in
research assistant in RIT’s Golisano                                                          in N.Y., Giovanna is pursuing a BS            N.Y., John is pursuing a BS in biomedical
College of Computing and Information                                                          in electrical engineering. She is a           engineering. He completed co-ops in the
Sciences and College of Liberal Arts.                                                         Honeywell Scholar and the recipient           Early Stage Cell Culture Development
She has also interned at the University                                                       of the STEM Incentive Scholarship. In         group at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals in
of Rochester. Currently, Fatima works                                                         2019, she began an 18-month co-op at the      2019 and 2020 and is returning in 2021.
as a tutor at Saint’s Place in Pittsford,                                                     National Grid in Syracuse, N.Y. During        During his time there, he was primarily
N.Y., where she mentors young refugee                                                         her time there, Giovanna led an initiative    responsible for planning and executing
students. Following graduation, Fatima                                                        to reduce the company’s carbon footprint      experiments, performing daily quality
plans to attend graduate school.                                                              by 80% in 30 years. Her professional          control and preventative maintenance
                                                                                              experience also includes working as a         on lab analyzers, and developing new
Blake Wesel                                                                                   teaching assistant at RIT, physics coach      programs to optimize workflows and
A graduate of Concord-Carlisle High                                                           at Syracuse University, and dispatcher at     present data more efficiently. At RIT,
School in Mass., Blake is pursuing a BS                                                       SUNY-ESF. After graduation, Giovanna          John is a member of Tau Beta Pi and the
in web and mobile computing. As a first-                                                      would like to be part of Engineers            Biomedical Engineering Society. After
year student, Blake completed a software                                                      Without Borders. She also plans to work       graduation, John plans to obtain a job
engineering co-op with Microsoft,                                                             in the power industry and encourage a         at a biopharmaceutical company and
where he developed and published a                                                            transition to renewable and sustainable       pursue a master’s degree in biomedical
cross-platform movie recommendation                                                           energies.                                     or chemical engineering.
application. The following year, he
returned to Microsoft as a program
manager, where he led a six-person team
to develop new features for Microsoft
Isabella Daquita                              Samantha Jacobson                            of the Formula SAE Autosport team. In         Daniela Lincoln
A graduate of Commack High School             A graduate of Grafton High School in         recognition of his accomplishments,           A graduate of Brockport High School
in N.Y., Isabella is pursuing a BS in         Mass., Samantha is pursuing a BS/MS          Abdullah has received the Autodesk            in N.Y., Daniela is pursuing a BS in
mechanical engineering. She is currently      in computer engineering. She served          Design for Automotive Award, Autodesk         chemical engineering and an MS in
completing an engineering co-op at GE         as a physical design co-op engineer          Design for Medical Innovation Award, and      materials science and engineering.
Aviation, following a supply chain co-op      at Advanced Micro Devices and a base         the RIT Dubai Student Ambassador Award.       She is a recipient of the RIT Founders
in 2020. Isabella will intern at SpaceX in    software co-op engineer at Magna             Following graduation, Abdullah plans to       Scholarship and a member of Tau
California this summer. At RIT, Isabella      Powertrain. Her professional experience      pursue a master’s degree in mechanical or     Beta Pi, an engineering honor society.
is a resident advisor and a member            also includes working as a teaching          aerospace engineering.                        Daniela is currently working at RIT
of Tau Beta Pi, an engineering honor          assistant and grader in RIT’s Computer                                                     as an undergraduate researcher in
society. She is also a member of RIT’s        Engineering Department. During her           Stephen Kronenberger                          the university’s NanoBio Materials
Hot Wheelz performance vehicle team,          academic career, Samantha was also           A graduate of Revere High School in Ohio,     Laboratory. Previously, she conducted
where she started as an associate designer    part of the Hot Wheelz Formula Racing        Stephen is pursuing a BS in chemical          research in the NanoPower Research
integrating electrical and mechanical         Team and created an autonomous golf          engineering. He is a member of the            Laboratory. Daniela also completed
systems. Today, Isabella is the driver        push cart as part of her multidisciplinary   RIT Honors Program and the American           a co-op as a process engineer and
interface system lead. Upon completing        senior design project. Samantha is a         Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).      manufacturing engineer at Bausch &
her degree, Isabella plans to pursue a        member of the Institute of Electrical        As a research associate for ZeroValent        Lomb in Rochester, N.Y. After graduating
career in mechanical engineering.             & Electronics Engineers, the Society         Nanometals, Stephen co-presented and          in May, Daniela plans to pursue a career
                                              of Women Engineers, and Women in             won the 2018 AIChE Regional Conference        in the pharmaceutical/medical device
Connor Gerace                                 Engineering. Following graduation,           Research Paper Competition for math           industry.
A graduate of Fayetteville-Manlius High       Samantha will work full time in              and thermodynamics research. Last year,
School in N.Y., Connor is pursuing a BS in    Rochester, N.Y.                              Stephen completed a quality and technical     Matthew Madsen
computer engineering. As a member of                                                       services co-op at Appvion in Wisconsin.       A graduate of Delaware Valley High
the RIT Honors program, Connor served         Filip Jander                                 Prior to that, he did a research and          School in Pa., Matthew is pursuing
on the Honors Housing Committee from          A graduate of Ithaca High School in N.Y.,    development co-op at SolEpoxy in New          a BS/ME in mechanical engineering.
2016-2020. His professional experience        Filip is pursuing a BS/ME in mechanical      York. After graduating in May, Stephen        He is a recipient of the Nathaniel
includes co-ops at Teknic, Inc., Critical     engineering. He is currently on co-op at     plans to go to graduate school to obtain a    Rochester Society Award as well as the
Link, LLC, and Xelinc, Inc. Connor has        Teknic, where he is improving the servo      Ph.D. in chemical engineering.                RIT Creativity and Innovation Award.
also served as a resource assistant at RIT    motor production line and assisting                                                        Matthew is currently completing an
Libraries and as the musical director of      with new product development. At             Ellie Larson                                  engineering co-op with Carrier in
Brick City Singers A Capella in 2019 and      RIT, Filip has been a teaching assistant     A graduate of Hutchinson High School in       Indianapolis, Indiana. His professional
2020. Following graduation, he plans to       for multiple mechanical engineering          Minn., Ellie is pursuing a BS in mechanical   experience also includes working as a
pursue a career in computer engineering.      courses and a student researcher in the      engineering. In 2020, she completed an        research assistant with the University
                                              Biomechanics Lab. Filip is also a member     energy/mechanical engineering internship      of Rochester’s Guo Group, as a design
Caitlin Grace                                 of the Formula SAE Team, where he has        at Wendel. The year prior, Ellie worked as    engineer for the Institute of Optics, and
A graduate of Little Falls High School        played a large part in the development       a trainer, coaching hockey players ages 8 –   as an engineering intern at McGoey,
in N.Y., Caitlin is pursuing a BS/MS in       of the new electric racecar. After he        18. Since Ellie started her academic career   Hauser & Edsall Consulting Engineers.
electrical engineering. She completed a       graduates with his master’s degree, Filip    at RIT, she has been a member of the          Following graduation, Matthew plans to
co-op at Northrup Grumman Corporation         plans to pursue a career in mechanical       university’s Division I women’s ice hockey    obtain a doctoral degree.
in Maryland in 2020. During the co-op,        engineering.                                 team and has been the captain since
she worked with a process engineering                                                      2019. Each year, she’s received the NCAA      Karl McNulty
team at the ATL Semiconductor Foundry.        Abdullah Khan                                Academic All-American award. Ellie also       A graduate of Brockport High School
Prior to this, Caitlin served as a teaching   From Dubai, United Arab Emirates,            created Bibles and Brownies, which is a       in N.Y., Karl is pursuing a BS in
assistant for a Digital Systems course at     Abdullah is pursuing a BS in mechanical      Bible study for student-athletes. Following   microelectronic engineering at RIT and
RIT. She is currently working as a teaching   engineering at RIT Dubai. Last year, he      graduation, she would like to secure an       a BS in physics at Roberts Wesleyan
assistant for an EM Fields course. Caitlin    completed an internship at Jannarelly        engineering job in the medical device or      College concurrently. In 2020, Karl
is also a member of the RIT Field Hockey      Automotive, where he created new             sustainability field.                         completed an internship at Intel as a
Team and the Society of Engineers. After      door and trunk hinge systems and                                                           silicon photonics integration engineer.
completing her degree, Caitlin plans to       improved vehicles’ suspension. At RIT                                                      He also interned at the Naval Research
pursue a career in electrical engineering.    Dubai, Abdullah is the chief engineer                                                      Laboratory and at RIT’s Integrated
Photonics Group, where he conducted          David Nwokolo                               Vishvam plans to pursue a career as an        completed an RF and Mixed Signal Design
integrated photonics research and            A graduate of Loyola Jesuit College in      industrial engineer.                          co-op at Northrup Grumman. Malcolm
development. In 2018, Karl was inducted      Nigeria, David is pursuing a BS/MS in                                                     currently works as a teaching assistant
into Sigma Pi Sigma, a physics honor         computer engineering. Last year, he         Matthew Rigby                                 for electromagnetic field labs at RIT.
society. In his spare time, he volunteers    completed a product development             A graduate of Burnt Hills-Ballston            Following graduation, he plans to attend
as a coach for recreational soccer teams.    engineering co-op at Advanced Micro         Lake High School in N.Y., Matthew is          graduate school for electrical engineering.
After graduation, Karl plans to pursue a     Devices. David currently works as a math    pursuing a BS in computer engineering.
graduate degree.                             and physics tutor at RIT and has served     He completed a cybersecurity-computer         Olivia Spencer
                                             as an advanced linear algebra tutor         programming co-op at Parsons in 2019.         A graduate of Red Jacket High School in
Morgan Monteith                              for the Higher Education Opportunity        The following year, he completed a            N.Y., Olivia is pursuing a BS in mechanical
A graduate of Villa Maria Academy in Pa.,    Program. Additionally, David has worked     co-op at Collins Aerospace, where he          engineering. Last year, she completed
Morgan is pursuing a BS in industrial        on multiple projects at the university,     developed a new internal website for the      a co-op at Advanced Motors and Drives
engineering. She is a member of the          including a self-driving car algorithm.     company designed to replace SharePoint        in East Syracuse, where she designed
RIT Honors Program. In addition to           Following graduation, he plans to pursue    for company files and revisions. At RIT,      and tested prototype motors. Olivia has
completing three engineering co-ops          a career in computer engineering.           Matthew is a resident advisor, where          also worked at Fresh Ayr Farm Market in
at L3Harris Technologies, Morgan is                                                      he enjoys helping incoming students           Shortsville, N.Y. At RIT, she is a member of
currently a rental property manager for      Sarah Oakes                                 transition from high school to college.       the cross country and track and field team.
a family-owned property in New Jersey.       A graduate of Fayetteville-Manlius High     After completing his degree, Matthew          In 2019, Olivia made The U.S. Track & Field
During her time at RIT, Morgan has been      School in N.Y., Sarah is pursuing a BS      plans to pursue a career in computer          and Cross Country Coaches Association
a member of the RIT soccer team and          in chemical engineering and an MS in        engineering. His goal is to move to Texas,    All-Academic Team. Additionally, she is
received the Google Cloud Academic All-      materials science and engineering. As       Colorado, or California.                      a member of Engineers for a Sustainable
District First Team. The award recognizes    a member of the RIT Honors Program,                                                       World. After completing her degree, Olivia
the nation’s top student-athletes for        Sarah served as an Honors mentor            Om Saran                                      plans to pursue a career in mechanical
their performance on the field and in the    and the Honors Housing Committee            A graduate of Rhodes Park School in           engineering.
classroom. Upon completing her degree,       chairperson. She completed co-ops at        Zambia, Om is pursuing a BS and ME
Morgan plans to pursue an MBA from RIT       the New York State Pollution Prevention     in mechanical engineering. He is a            Rachel Strader
and work in the technical sales industry.    Institute and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals     member of the RIT Honors Program              A graduate of Seneca Senior High
                                             and an internship at Bristol-Myers          and a recipient of the RIT Founders           School in S.C., Rachel is pursuing a BS
Catherine Musumeci                           Squibb. Currently, Sarah works as a         International Scholarship. Last year, Om      in biomedical engineering and an MS in
A graduate of John C. Birdlebough High       teaching assistant in RIT’s Department of   completed a co-op at Bendix Commercial        science, technology, and public policy.
School in N.Y., Catherine is pursuing        Chemical Engineering. She also served       Vehicle Systems. At RIT, he worked as an      She is currently on co-op at Biogen, Inc.
a BS in biomedical engineering. She          as a resource assistant at RIT Libraries.   Honors Orientation mentor, a physics          Prior to this, she served as a multi-specific
is a National Coca-Cola Scholar and          Following graduation, Sarah plans to        tutor, and a teaching assistant for           antibody engineering intern at Boehringer
the recipient of the RIT Presidential        pursue a job doing what she loves.          Strengths of Materials I and Fluids I. He     Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as well
Scholarship. During her time at                                                          is currently assisting with research in the   as a purification development intern at
RIT, Catherine served as a research          Vishvam Pipaliya                            field of tribology. Following graduation,     Genentech, Inc. Rachel has been involved
assistant in the Tissue Regeneration         A graduate of Sarala Birla Academy          Om plans to work either in industry           in research studies in several laboratories
and Mechanobiology Lab, where she            in India, Vishvam is pursuing a BS in       focused on research and development or        on campus, including a biological
was responsible for electrospinning          industrial engineering and an ME in         in academia as a professor.                   microsystems laboratory, the Nano-Bio
gelatin scaffolds for tissue regeneration.   engineering management. Vishvam’s                                                         Interface Laboratory, and a biochemistry
She co-authored a review paper on her        professional experience includes            Malcolm Sherman-Godfrey                       laboratory. After graduation, Rachel plans
findings. It was published in JOR Spine.     internships at Moment Engineering,          A graduate of the Baccalaureate School        to pursue a doctoral degree and ultimately
Additionally, Catherine is a member and      Indium Corporation, and Illumina.           for Global Education in N.Y., Malcolm is      work in the biotechnology field.
the vice president of RIT’s Biomedical       While at Illumina last year, Vishvam        pursuing a BS in electrical engineering.
Engineering Society. After graduation,       created a custom machine learning script    He is a member of the RIT Honors
Catherine plans to pursue a career as        in Python that helped employees reduce      Program and the Institute of Electrical
a medical device or pharmaceutical           data analysis time by 80%. Vishvam          and Electronics Engineers. In 2020,
representative.                              is Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified      Malcolm completed a future wireless
                                             and completed Data Science courses          communications co-op at Georgia Tech
                                             via Codecademy. Following graduation,       Research Institute. Prior to that, he
College of Engineering Technology                                                        Navit Gill                                   she serves as the president and cultural
                                                                                         A graduate of Apeejay School, Faridabad,     chair. Through the organization, Vicki
Dean S. Manian Ramkumar
                                                                                         in India, Navit is pursuing a BS in          has participated in various community
                                                                                         electrical engineering technology. He        service and philanthropic events, such
                                                                                         completed an electrical engineering co-      as Operation Gratitude, Color A Smile,
                                                                                         op at Volvo Group Trucks Technology in       and It’s On Us. After graduation, Vicki
Ryan Bliss                                   Mason Chase
                                                                                         Hagerstown, Maryland, where he worked        plans to travel and pursue a career in
A graduate of Commack High School in         A graduate of Gilboa Conesville Central
                                                                                         on automation software testing. During       environmental management.
N.Y., Ryan is pursuing a BS in electrical    School in N.Y., Mason is pursuing a BS
                                                                                         his time at RIT, Navit built a robot car
mechanical engineering technology            in civil engineering technology. Prior
                                                                                         with Infrared, Bluetooth control. The        Amanda Michels
and an MS in manufacturing and               to this, he attended Hudson Valley
                                                                                         robot car has an ultrasonic sensor that      A graduate of St. Pius V School in
mechanical systems integration. This         Community College and obtained an
                                                                                         can sense the nearest object and then        N.Y., Amanda is pursuing a BS in
summer, Ryan will do a co-op at Texas        associate degree in civil engineering
                                                                                         follow it. Navit has also made a number      computer engineering technology. She
Instruments. He currently works as a         technology. Mason currently works
                                                                                         of applications, including a messaging       is a recipient of numerous awards,
Brick City Ambassador for the Office of      as an assistant project manager
                                                                                         app using Google’s Firebase database         including the Nathaniel Rochester
Admissions and as a teaching assistant       at Harrison and Burrowes Bridge
                                                                                         and a weather app. After Navit graduates     Society Scholarship. Amanda completed
in the Department of Manufacturing and       Constructors as a farmhand. In 2019,
                                                                                         from RIT, he plans to pursue a graduate      co-ops at L3Harris Technologies and
Mechanical Engineering Technology.           he completed an internship at Atlantic
                                                                                         degree in engineering management.            Parsons Cyber, Inc. She also interned
In addition to being the tech director       Testing Laboratories. As a concrete/
                                                                                                                                      at Collins Aerospace and Target Rock
for RIT Players, Ryan also volunteers        soils inspector, Mason worked with the
at Friends, which is the National            owners and contractors to test concrete,
                                                                                         Dylan Hollender                              Curtiss Wright Corporation. In RIT’s
                                                                                         A graduate of Saint Joseph High School       Department of Electrical, Computer
Association of Young People Who Stutter.     soil moisture and density with a nuclear
                                                                                         in N.J., Dylan is pursuing a BS in           and Telecommunications Engineering
Following graduation, he plans to pursue     density gauge. He also performed proctor
                                                                                         media arts and technology. In 2019, he       Technology, Amanda has served as a
a career in the automotive industry.         tests in the lab. Following graduation,
                                                                                         completed a co-op at RIT’s HUB Print         student mentor, ambassador, teaching
                                             Mason plans to obtain a master’s degree
                                                                                         and Postal Services. During his time         assistant, learning assistant, and grader.
Noah Carrier                                 in structural engineering and earn a
                                                                                         there, he worked as a printing assistant     Following graduation, she plans to work
A graduate of Gould Academy in Maine,        professional engineering license.
                                                                                         operating offset and digital printing        at L3Harris Technologies while attending
Noah is pursuing a BS in computer
                                                                                         presses. Dylan’s professional experience     graduate school at RIT.
engineering technology. He completed         Oluwatosin Femi-Lawal
                                                                                         also includes working as a Brick City
three co-ops at the University of            A graduate of Children’s International
                                                                                         Ambassador for RIT Undergraduate             Rachel Moller
Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser             School in Lagos, Nigeria, and Niagara
                                                                                         Admissions, videographer for Reporter        A graduate of Frewsburg Central School
Energetics. Due to his efforts, Noah was     Christian Collegiate in Ontario,
                                                                                         Magazine, photographer/videographer          in N.Y., Rachel is pursuing a BS in
brought on as a part-time employee           Canada, Oluwatosin is pursuing a BS
                                                                                         for Student Government, and graphic          mechanical engineering technology.
and continues to work there today. His       in civil engineering technology. He
                                                                                         designer/social media manager for            Before attending RIT, Rachel graduated
professional experience also includes        most recently completed a co-op at
                                                                                         RIT’s Department of Civil Engineering        from Jamestown Community College
working as a circuits homework grader        Wegmans Food Markets. While there,
                                                                                         Technology, Environmental Management         in 2018 with an associate in fine arts.
in RIT’s Department of Electrical,           he worked under multiple divisional
                                                                                         and Safety. After completing his degree,     Rachel’s professional experience
Computer and Telecommunications              remodeling managers and alongside
                                                                                         Dylan plans to pursue a career as a writer   includes a supplier quality engineering
Engineering Technology. Prior to that,       superintendents on 14 different store
                                                                                         and filmmaker.                               internship at TitanX Engine Cooling.
he served as a contractor assistant at       remodeling projects across 16 stores
                                                                                                                                      She also completed a North American
Gracenote Inn in Bethel, Maine, where        within Syracuse and Rochester, N.Y.
he designed and constructed various          Oluwatosin was responsible for drafting
                                                                                         Vicki Lin                                    market quality co-op and an assembly
                                                                                         A graduate of Stuyvesant High School in      parts quality co-op at Honda of America
new sections of the inn. After graduation,   contracts, processing submittals, and
                                                                                         N.Y., Vicki is pursuing a dual degree, a     Manufacturing, which is where Rachel
Noah would like to continue working at       updating projects. He has also interned
                                                                                         BS/MS in environmental sustainability,       will start working full time this summer.
the Laboratory for Laser Energetics.         at Julius Berger Nigeria PLC in Nigeria.
                                                                                         health and safety. Last year, she            In addition to her co-ops, Rachel has
                                             At RIT, he works as a resident assistant,
                                                                                         completed a safety co-op at BorgWarner       served as a volunteer assistant coach for
                                             learning assistant, and recreation
                                                                                         Inc. Vicki currently works as an HSSE        Chautauqua Lake Rowing Association.
                                             center supervisor. Following graduation,
                                                                                         intern for JLL and as a student worker
                                             Oluwatosin plans to pursue a career at a
                                                                                         in the Disability Services Office at RIT.
                                             construction firm in the United States.
                                                                                         As a member of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority,
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