OVERVIEW OF ECONOMY 2017 - Tallinn 2018 - Majandus- ja ...

Page created by Adam Fuller

       Tallinn 2018
Macroeconomic situation ............................................................................................................................ 3
Foreign trade ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Manufacturing industry .............................................................................................................................. 15
Manufacture of food products and beverages ......................................................................................... 18
Manufacture of textiles .............................................................................................................................. 23
Manufacture of wearing apparel ................................................................................................................ 25
Wood processing ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products ...................................................................................... 30
Chemical industry ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products ............................................................................................ 36
Manufacture of metal and metal products ............................................................................................... 38
Manufacture of machinery and equipment .............................................................................................. 40
Manufacture of electronic and electrical equipment ............................................................................... 42
Manufacture of means of transport .......................................................................................................... 45
Manufacture of furniture ............................................................................................................................ 47
The construction sector ............................................................................................................................. 49
Domestic trade ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Tourism ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
Information and communication ............................................................................................................... 62
Transport ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Annexes ....................................................................................................................................................... 70

Abbreviations in text:
y-o-y – year-over-year
no – number
l.s. – left scale
r.s. – right scale
* – preliminary, short term statistics
Overview of economy 2017                                             3

                                                                    Macroeconomic situation
                                                      % y-o-y                Economic growth
In 2017, the Estonian economic growth gave            20
analysts a positive surprise for a change,
speeding up to 4.9%. Considering the average          10

2% increase of GDP of the previous four years,         0
the forecasts had assessed Estonia’s growth
options as significantly lower and also curbed       -10
our growth potential. One reason was weak
foreign demand, which would not be restored
                                                           2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
year after year but which was crucial for
                                                                                          European Union
speeding up Estonia’s growth as domestic              Source: Statistics Estonia          Estonia
demand remained low due to the local private          % y-o-y          Domestic demand
sector remaining cautious. In 2017, the               50
acceleration of foreign demand1 exceeded all          40
expectations, reaching 6% (the average of the         20
previous five years was 2%). Estonian                 10
economic growth was rather extensive across          -10
areas of activity, the biggest contribution came     -20
from construction and several fields of service      -30
directed towards domestic consumption.
                                                         2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Exporting processing industry also did well,
                                                                                        Private demand
manufacture of wood and metal products as
well as trailer manufacture grew quickly.             Source: Statistics Estonia
Growth was restored in energy industry and
transport and storage. Favourable global             Domestic demand grew faster in 2017, but its
conjuncture and the significant acceleration of      proportion in the GDP remained (96.9%) in the
growth in Finland gave good opportunities to         background of the strong economic growth.
realize the Estonian economic potential in           The restoration of inflation steeply slowed the
2017.                                                growth of private consumption, but the growth
                                                     of investments (total capital placement) turned
                                                     into a clear increase after three years in
                                                     decline. The low level of domestic demand to
                                                     gross production still indicates a high level of
                                                     caution in the behaviour of local consumers
                                                     and investors, which is the legacy of a deep and
                                                     long-lasting global economic crisis.
                                                     Despite the increase of growth of residents’
                                                     income, the growth of their purchasing power
                                                     slowed down in 2017, also being expressed in
                                                     the growth speed of private consumption
                                                     slowing to 2.1% from the 4.3% of the previous
                                                     year. The sense of security of households
                                                     improved over the year as the demand for
                                                     employees grew over the year. However, the
                                                     increase of consumer prices accelerated to
                                                     3.4%, which made it complicated to preserve

   Weighted growth of import of Estonia’s
primary export partners.

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
4                                      Overview of economy 2017

the growth speed of consumption. In a                well as local elections. The growth of over 20%
favourable economic conjuncture, it would            increased labour shortage in construction and
have been possible to wait until the saving rate     increased supply prices, even though the
of residents decreases in order to compensate        quickly growing demand did not yet reflect in
for increasing prices more extensively, but that     the construction price index. However,
did not happen. Curiously, residents have even       business indicators showed at the end of the
increased their rate of savings2 a little in the     year that the burst of demand was temporary
past five years and it has almost reached the        and the role of the government will continue to
heights of the crisis of 2009.                       be moderate on the construction market in the
                                                     coming years.
On the background of increasing saving, the
investments of residents in new residential real     The foreign environment was advantageous in
estate continued at a similar speed as in the        2017, characterized by the acceleration of the
previous year. According to the Land Board,          economic growth of the Euro zone and the
new       residential   space     was     bought     primary trade partners, as well as acceleration
approximately 15% more compared to the               of import demand. This allowed Estonian
previous year. The growth of turnover of             companies to increase export volumes and
residential loans slightly exceeded the growth       increase prices. Export of goods and services
of      volume     of    residents’   residential    increased by 2.9% and export prices grew by
transactions, i.e. the proportion of loans in        4.1%. Growth of export was lower than foreign
financing transactions increased slightly, but       demand, but this was caused by the decrease
still remained two times lower than before the       of foreign orders by one company of mobile
crisis. In other words, people remain                communication devices. Export of this area of
conservative in their financial behaviour on the     activity has low value added, but a significant
real estate market.                                  impact on foreign trade volume. When looking
                                                     at export without mobile communication
After three years of decrease, the investments
                                                     devices, the growth of Estonian export was
in the entrepreneurial sector turned towards a
                                                     faster than foreign demand, i.e. the market
strong growth in 2017. The greatest
                                                     share of export increased on foreign markets.
contribution to the growth came from buildings
and facilities, but capital investments in means     Out of Estonian-made goods, growth was
of transport and machinery and equipment             spearheaded by the increase of export volumes
also grew quickly. By areas of activity, the         of shale oil, wooden products and buildings,
picture was influenced the most by real estate       metal products, and machinery and equipment.
activities, the processing industry, and             Growth of export of goods was hindered
transport and storage. In the processing             strongly by the decrease of export turnover of
industry, investments increased the most in          mobile communication devices by a quarter.
the field of producing wooden products, where        Out of the more important markets, export was
demand has been high for several years on the        most increased to the Netherlands (+44%),
domestic as well as foreign market. Hopefully,       Germany (+25%), Latvia (+17%) and Finland. In
the recession of economic lethargy in the            addition, the geography of export has
foreign environment will also promote the            expanded and bigger growth numbers can be
growth of corporate investments in other             seen at many of the target markets of a
fields.                                              previously smaller share. Due to the restoration
                                                     of export of transport services and the
In 2017, the government sector contributed a
                                                     continued successful sale of IT services to
lot particularly to investments in the field of
                                                     foreign markets, the growth of export of
construction, caused by the use of EU funds as

                                                     the definition of the Statistics Board, which
  Here, saving rate is defined as the proportion
                                                     contains all income components, but the
of private consumption expenses in wage
                                                     Statistics Board will only publish the saving
income and social transfers. This differs from
                                                     rate of 2017 in September 2018.

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                                  5

services accelerated to 6.2%. The import of             % y-o-y     Consumer price index
goods and services increased by 3.5% thanks
to the stronger import of intermediate                   9
consumer goods and capital goods due to                  6
increased investing activities.                          3
In 2017, the surplus of current accounts was             0
the biggest of all time, reaching 3.2% of the            -3
GDP. This is due to strong export of services                 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
and an accelerated receipt of current transfers                          Consumer price index: Estonia
of foreign aid recorded in the balance sheet of                          Consumer price index: Euro zone (MUICP)
secondary income. Even though investment                 Source: Statistics Estonia, Eurostat
activities increased, this did not result in the
                                                         thousand      Employment and unemployment                 %
degeneration of trade exchange balance.                  80                                                        22
2017 was characterized by the enlivened world            50                                                        18
economy which resulted in the restoration of
                                                         20                                                        14
inflation pressure due to increased prices of
raw materials here as well as in the Euro zone          -10                                                        10
at large. In addition to foreign factors, our price     -40                                                        6
level was also raised by additional tax
                                                        -70                                                        2
measures. Due to increased economic activity,                 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
strong labour market and the transfer of                                    Change of number of employed
increased prices of raw materials, the price                                   Unemployment rate (r.s.)
growth of services was also restored. The                Source: Statistics Estonia
growth of oil prices was caused by oil
                                                        The number of employed people increased by
production limiting agreements by OPEC and
                                                        2.2% over the year and unemployment dropped
the increased oil demand due to the
                                                        to 5.8% according to the labour survey. Other
accelerating growth of world economy. The
                                                        sources confirm a similar, if less positive
appreciation of food products contributed the
                                                        development. According to the Tax Board, the
most to inflation. Food prices increased by
                                                        number of salaried workers increased by 1.7%.
5.7%, mostly due to appreciation of raw
                                                        The number of registered unemployed persons
produce on foreign markets. Expense
                                                        increased by 0.2% compared to the year before,
pressures of manufacturers and traders as well
                                                        reaching 4.7%, but the increase was mostly
as the increased demand of our export markets
                                                        caused by the increase of registering persons
also played a part. The appreciated food
                                                        incapable of work as unemployed at the
formed 1.3 percentage points, or more than a
                                                        Unemployment Insurance Fund. The growth of
third of the inflation of 2017. In line with foreign
                                                        employment was rather extensive and the
markets, the prices of dairy and oil products
                                                        number of employees grew in most areas of
increased to a large degree. Inflation
                                                        activity. According to the Tax Board,
accelerated to 3.4% across the year. Indirect
                                                        employment increased the most in the
taxes increased inflation by 0.9%, nearly half of
                                                        processing industry, which has recovered
which was the increase of alcohol excise duty
                                                        thanks to increased domestic demand, as well
                                                        as in construction. Out of bigger areas of
                                                        activity, the number of employed persons
                                                        decreased in the transport sector and retail.
                                                        Labour shortage has become one of the most
                                                        significant factors impeding business growth,
                                                        alongside insufficient demand. Despite the
                                                        increasing wage pressure, the plan is to
                                                        increase the number of employees further,
                                                        allowing to predict the continued positive

             Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
6                                         Overview of economy 2017

development of the labour market during                 accelerated investment activities. The result of
upcoming quarters. In the long run, the desire          social insurance funds exceeded expectations
of companies to hire extra help is limited by the       in the Health Insurance Fund as well as the
decrease of working-age population, forcing             Unemployment Insurance Fund, caused by
companies to reorganize their production.               good collection of social and unemployment
                                                        insurance taxes. The structural budgetary
According to the Statistics Board, the average
                                                        position of the government sector was in a
gross monthly salary grew by 6.5% in 2017,
                                                        deficit of 0.3% of the GDP in 2017. The budget
accelerating together with the increased
                                                        surplus of 2018 will reach 0.2% of the GDP,
economic activity throughout the year. The
                                                        taking into account the decisions concerning
wage growth exceeded the speed of price
                                                        budget strategy, which is higher by 0.4
growth by 3% in 2017, which can be considered
                                                        percentage      points   compared      to    the
moderate. Wages increased in all areas of
                                                        expectation of the state budget. The
activity. Across the year, wages grew faster
                                                        improvement can be seen in nearly all levels of
than average in the mining industry (11.1%)
                                                        the government sector – the increased
and in information and communications
                                                        forecast of labour taxes improves the
(10.2%). In the mining industry, the wage level
                                                        consolidated position of social insurance
was restored after the difficulties of 2016 due
                                                        funds and local governments. The position of
to low oil prices, but this area of activity was
                                                        the central government are improved by
also influenced by the increased activity of the
                                                        decreased state budget expenses on the social
construction market. The area of activity of
                                                        sector and the increased tax prognosis, where
information and communications have shown
                                                        the better collection of labour taxes exceeds
very good sales results in recent years, also
                                                        the decreased excise duty prognosis. The
expressed in the wages paid. As information
                                                        budget surplus of 2019 will increase to 0.5% of
and communications are very labour-heavy,
                                                        the GDP due to measures adopted in the
the premature growth of wages before profits
                                                        budget strategy. In later years, the surplus will
has not worsened their competitive status. The
                                                        begin to decrease due to the objective of
growth of wages was in line with the economic
                                                        structural balance established and the
growth in 2017 and profit grew faster than
                                                        economy heading towards its potential
wages in nearly all areas of activity. This is
aided by increased demand and moderate
price growth, which have first and foremost             The tax burden of 2017 turned out to be 33.6%
improved the profitability of companies. The            of the GDP, which was 0.8% lower than the year
situation only worsened in wholesale and retail,        before. The tax burden was decreased by the
where there is a shortage of labour due to low          collection of excise duty, which remained
wages and heavy competition forces wages to             below the predicted level. Tax burden was also
go up before profits.                                   decreased by receipt of direct taxes (mainly
                                                        corporate income tax), the growth of which
In 2017, the budget of the government sector3
                                                        remained below the increase of GDP.
was in a deficit forming 66 m euros or 0.3% of
                                                        According to the state budget strategy, the tax
the GDP according to the preliminary data of
                                                        burden of 2018 will be 34.3% of the GDP, which
the Statistics Board. Lacking were the central
                                                        is on the same level as the previous prognosis.
government (0.3% of the GDP) and local
                                                        The tax burden was decreased by the upwards
governments (0.3% of the GDP), partly
                                                        adjustment of the GDP level, balanced by the
counterbalanced by the surplus of social
                                                        increase of labour tax prognosis. In the period
insurance funds (0.3% of the GDP). The deficit
                                                        2019–2022, tax collection will be reduced by
of the central government as well as local
                                                        the lack of increased alcohol excise duty, at the
governments was largely caused by quickly
                                                        same time salary increase and several other

                                                          (e.g. hospitals), state companies (e.g. RKAS), local
    The government sector includes: the central
                                                          governments, the Health Insurance Fund, the
    government (reflected in the state budget),
                                                          Unemployment Insurance Fund.
    institutions under public law, state foundations

               Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                7

measures of budget strategy will increase the
receipt of labour taxes as well as income tax.
The greater distribution of public company
dividends will increase the collection of
corporate income tax. On the whole, tax burden
will increase to 34.6% of the GDP in 2019 and
decrease to 34.2% by 2022.
The government sector debt burden fell to 9%
of the GDP by the end of 2017, and without the
impact of the European Financial Stability
Fund, to 7% of the GDP. In 2018, the
government sector debt burden will decrease
to 8.5% of the GDP. However, the debt will
nominally increase, due to the increased
contribution of companies under public law
and foundations involved in the central
government, whereas the debt burden of local
governments will decrease compared to 2017.
According to the forecast, the debt burden is
expected to decrease gradually in the
upcoming years, eventually reaching 5.3% of
the GDP in 2022 as the end of the forecast

%                                     2017       2018*   2019*      2020*     2021*     2022*
Growth of real GDP                      4,9        4,0     3,2        3,0       2,9       2,9
Growth of nominal GDP                    9,0       7,6      6,3        5,8       5,4      5,4
GDP in current prices (bn €)           23,0       24,7     26,3       27,8      29,3     30,9
Change of consumer price index          3,4        2,9      2,3        2,4       2,0      2,0
                                      658,6      664,0    667,1     667,1      665,1    663,1
(15–74-year-old, thousands)
Growth of employment                     2,2       0,8      0,5        0,0      –0,3     –0,3
Unemployment rate                        5,8       5,8      6,2        6,3       6,5      6,8
Average monthly wage (€)               1221      1307     1381       1457      1540     1628
Real growth of average monthly
                                         3,0       4,0      3,3        3,0       3,6      3,7
Nominal growth of average
                                         6,5       7,0      5,7        5,5       5,7      5,7
monthly wage
Current account (% of GDP)               3,2       3,2      3,2        2,9       2,4      2,0
Change in private consumption
                                         2,0       4,7      3,3        3,0       2,7      2,7
Change in gross fixed capital
                                       13,1        3,3      5,1        4,3       3,9      3,7
Change of domestic demand                4,2       3,9      3,1        3,0       2,9      2,8
Change of exports of goods and
                                         2,9       4,5      4,2        4,0       3,8      3,8
Change of imports of goods and
                                         3,5       4,6      4,3        4,2       4,0      3,9

           Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
8                                     Overview of economy 2017

                                                                                Foreign trade
In 2017, Estonian trade was at a record high.       they are used to produce exported goods. In
World trading became active again and               2016, import as well as export developments
economic development accelerated, resulting         were positive. Goods were primarily imported
in an 8% growth of Estonian trade turnover.         from Finland, Germany and Lithuania, but
Export of goods increased also by 8%                import from the Netherlands grew the most,
compared to the previous year, reaching 12.8        increasing by 18% compared to the previous
bn euros, and import value reached 14.7 bn          year. The import of means of transport as well
euros, growing by 9% over the year. Foreign         as textile and textile products grew the most
trade balance, however, remains in the              over the year. However, electrical appliances
negative. The growth of trade turnover was          were imported to Estonia the most, the share of
also influenced by export and import prices,        which in total import was 8%. The shares of
growing respectively by 5.5% and 4.5% over the      export and import in total trade did not change
year.                                               over the year compared to the previous year,
                                                    remaining at the same level of 47% and 53%,
Despite political uncertainties, the economy of     respectively.
the Euro zone was on the rise in 2017. The
                                                    The negative balance of foreign trade grew
economic growth strengthened in the Euro
                                                    together with the increased total volume of
zone across countries as well as areas of
                                                    trade. In 2017, trade deficit was 16% higher
economy. The growth of Estonian trade is
                                                    than in 2016. The growth of trade deficit was
largely due to positive changes in EU economy,
                                                    most influenced by import of means of
but even more directly thanks to favourable
                                                    transport (incl. ships), the negative balance of
developments in the economies of Estonia’s
                                                    which grew by 44% over the year, reaching 1 bn
primary trade partners. The better outlook of
                                                    euros. The main reason was Tallink purchasing
global economy is also reflected in Estonian
                                                    a new ship. Big negative balances also
export. The growth of export demand
                                                    appeared in the trade of chemical products (–
significantly increased the growth of import
                                                    0.59 bn euros), mechanical machinery (–0.4 bn
because due to Estonia’s small size, a lot of
                                                    euros), rubber and plastic products (–0.38 bn
raw goods and materials are imported. The
                                                    euros) and pre-made food products (–0.34 bn
trade deficit was 1.9 bn euros in 2017,
                                                    euros). Greater surplus was in the trade of
increasing by 263 m euros compared to 2016.
                                                    wood and wooden products (0.9 bn euros) and
Over a half of the total trade volume comes         various industrial products such as furniture,
from trade with five of the largest partners. In    pillows, blankets and wooden houses (0.77 bn
2017, the trade turnover increased with four of     euros). Greater deficits across countries came
them. Out of the foreign trade partners with the    from trade with Poland, Germany and
greatest volume, turnover only decreased with       Lithuania. The greatest surplus was in trade
Sweden. In 2017, trade with Finland grew by         with Sweden, the positive balance of which
13%, with Germany by 15%, with Latvia by 9%         was 0.45 bn euros. Out of the main trade
and with Lithuania by 7%. Trade with Russia,        partners, Estonia also had a positive trade
which had been in a long decline, also turned       balance with Finland and Russia, but the trade
towards a rise again, growing by 22% over the       surplus with those countries was only a few
year. In 2017, trade with EU countries              million euros. There is also a positive foreign
increased the most – export grew by 18% and         trade balance with countries outside the EU.
import by 11%. In trade with EU countries,
export grew by 4% and import by 9% over the
year. However, trade with EU countries
continues to form over a third of the total
Estonian trade.
A large part of goods imported into Estonia is
manufacturing input for industries, meaning

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                      9

 % y-o-y          Export and import growth                          prices. Big growths of import prices also
 40                                                                 occurred in chemical product manufacture,
 20                                                                 metal manufacture, plant growing and animal
 10                                                                 husbandry, and food production.
-10                                                                 According to forecasts, the growth of average
-20                                                                 import demand of Estonia’s bigger trading
-40                                                                 partners will also continue in 2018. This should
                                                                    offer more export opportunities to Estonian
         Nominal export growth             Nominal import growth    companies. The prognosis of the Estonian
Source: Statistics Estonia                                          Institute of Economic Research as of March
billion €             Trade dynamics                                2018     indicated     positive    development
15                                                                  expectations for foreign trade by experts. As
10                                                                  for the future development of the trade
 5                                                                  balance, the prevailing opinion was that the
 0                                                                  moderately negative balance may increase.
-10                                                                 Export
-15                                                                 In 2017, export of goods grew by 8% thanks to
                                                                    the growth of global economic activity. Growth
                Exports          Imports           Balance
Source: Statistics Estonia
                                                                    occurred in every month of 2017 except April,
                                                                    where export volume decreased by 2%. The
                                                                    decline of April was largely caused by
Trade dynamics are closely related to changes
                                                                    decreased export of electrical appliances.
in price indexes. In 2017, Estonian trade was
                                                                    Export grew the most in May, January and
characterized by foreign price pressure,
                                                                    March, growing by 15% and 14% in January and
increasing both the prices of export and import.
                                                                    March respectively compared to the previous
As a positive development, the growth of
                                                                    year. Export grew by 0.96 bn euros across the
export prices was faster than the growth of
import prices, facilitating the growth of
corporate export turnover, which in turn had a                      The export of most commodity groups grew in
positive impact on the improvement of                               2017. The growth of export was most
profitability and supported investments. The                        influenced by the export of mineral products,
growth of export prices began in the second                         metal and metal products, means of transport,
half of 2016 and continued for the entirety of                      and chemical products. One circumstance
2017. Over the year, export prices grew by 5.5%.                    supporting the growth of trade was the growth
The growth of import prices began somewhat                          of raw material prices, increasing the export of
later, but the growth also remained present for                     mineral products by 36% in 2017 in comparison
the entire 2017. However, the growth of import                      with 2016, and the export of chemical products
prices remained 1% less than the growth of                          by 20%. Out of goods of Estonian origin, the
export prices, or 4.5%. The price growth                            export of mineral products also grew the most,
continued thanks to increasing demand and                           growing more than twice over the year. In
the prices of crude oil and other raw products,                     addition, there was a significant increase in the
which are on the increase.                                          export of metal and metal products (+22%) and
                                                                    wood and wooden products (+14%) of Estonian
As export prices grew faster than import prices,
                                                                    origin. The total export of goods of Estonian
the trade prospects of companies were good,
                                                                    origin grew by 7% in 2017, but their share in
i.e. purchased goods could be bought cheaper
                                                                    total export remained on the level of 2016, i.e.
while sale prices grew faster. Of course, the
                                                                    at 72%. Out of the most important commodity
situation varied a lot across areas of activity.
                                                                    groups, export decreased in the group of
During 2017, export prices of oil products grew
                                                                    machinery and equipment (–5%). The
the most, and there was also a sizable rise in
                                                                    commodity group of machinery and equipment
plant growing and animal husbandry. Oil
                                                                    consists of two larger parts – mechanical
products also saw the greatest rise in import

                Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
10                                     Overview of economy 2017

machinery and equipment, and electrical              means of transport is means of land transport,
machinery and equipment. The decline of              forming over a third of total export of means of
export in 2017 was caused by the decrease of         transport. However, export of vehicles and
export of electrical machinery and equipment.        other means of transport generally constitute
However, the export of mechanical machinery          transit trade. In addition, the sale of two ships
and equipment was on the increase. The export        by the subsidiary of Tallinn had a positive
of electrical appliances was 14% less than the       impact on export of means of transport. The
year before, the main cause of the decline was       biggest export partners for chemical products
the decrease of volume on the Swedish market,        is Russia, with whom the export volume of the
which is the most important target market for        commodity group grew by 11%. Foreign
electrical equipment. Mobile communications          demand grew the most in France, Belgium and
equipment formed the biggest share in the            Spain. The greatest growth of export of
group, the export volume of which to Sweden          chemical products occurred in export of
dropped by 45% over the year. The total export       fertilizers, which nearly doubled over the year.
of mobile communications equipment fell by           The export of the most important commodity
25% in 2017. In addition, the export of              group by share, including paints, mastics,
transformers as a significant part of the            sealants etc. was 8% higher in 2017 than the
commodity group decreased by 11% and the             year before.
export of cables decreased by 34%. In addition
                                                     In summary, the export of only a few
to Sweden, the bigger export partners for
                                                     commodity groups was in a decline. The
electrical equipment are Finland and Germany,
                                                     greatest negative changes occurred in export
where export volumes increased in 2017.
                                                     of precious metals, the share of which in total
Export to Finland grew by 6% over the year and
                                                     export forms only 0.8%. The most important
export to Germany doubled.
                                                     positive changes occurred in export of mineral
The commodity group that saw the greatest            products.
growth in 2017 was export of mineral products.
                                                     In 2017, the share of the European Union in
The primary target markets for export of
                                                     Estonian total export dropped to 71%, which
mineral products are the Netherlands, Latvia
                                                     was 3 percentage points less than the year
and the USA, all of which saw a growth in 2017.
                                                     before, but the export volume increased by 4%.
Export to the Netherlands grew more than
                                                     The export of Estonian entrepreneurs to the
twice, Latvia by 4% and the USA by 44%. The
                                                     domestic EU market was 9.2 bn euros. Out of
growth was largely caused by increased export
                                                     the most important partners of the joint
of mineral oils. The growth of export was also
                                                     internal market, export grew fastest in
spearheaded by wood and wooden products
                                                     Germany (+34%) and the Netherlands (+44%).
(+14%), metals and metal products (+22%),
means of transport (+22%) and the chemical           Export to CIS countries was in decline for a
industry (+20%). The biggest export partners         long time, but began to grow again in 2016. The
for wooden products are Sweden, Denmark,             growth continued in 2017 and export volumes
Finland and Germany, all of which saw a              were 20% higher than the year before. This was
growth in 2017. The greatest part of export of       most impacted by export to Russia, forming
wooden products was formed by sawn                   over 90% of all export to CIS countries. Export
materials, wooden carpentry products and             volumes to Russia grew by 21%. Export to
firewood, which were shipped the most to             Belarus saw the same amount of growth, the
Nordic countries. In addition, the growth export     share of which in total export to CIS countries
of wooden products was facilitated by a record       was 6%. The increase of export volumes to
amount exported to China in 2017. The biggest        Russia can be associated with the restoration
export partners of metal and metal products          of the currency exchange rate of the rouble
are Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Germany; the     from April onwards, and the increase of oil
growth of 2017 was spearheaded by the                price.
growth of export of iron and steel scraps to         There was a small decline on markets of
Germany, and export of iron or steel structures      NAFTA countries in 2017, export volumes were
to Russia. The main commodity group of               3% less than in 2016. The main cause for the

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                                  11

decline was the particularly high base level of
                                                                                          Exports target countries
Mexico in the previous year, resulting in a 48%
decline in 2017. Export volumes to Mexico in                         Finland

2017 were comparable to the period 2012–                             Sweden
2014. The USA holds the highest share of
NAFTA countries, export there grew by 18% and
the main cause was the increase of oil prices.                      Germany
In addition, export to Canada grew by 12%. This
was mainly caused by increased demand for
machinery and equipment.                                           Lithuania
Sweden has been Estonia’s main export                                           0     3        6    9   12   15   18   21
partner since the economic crisis, but trade                                                       2017       2016
volumes with Sweden dropped so much in                            Source: Statistics Estonia

2017 that Finland became Estonia’s most
                                                                 Germany rose to the fourth place of the ranking
important trade partner. However, the share of
                                                                 list of Estonian target markets for export,
the Finnish market remained on the same level
                                                                 forming 7% of all export. Germany is also one
as 2016, whereas turnover grew by 8%. Export
                                                                 of the countries were export grew the most in
of goods to Sweden dropped by 19% over the
                                                                 2017. Export increased by 34%, influenced the
year, the most important part of which was the
                                                                 most by export of electrical equipment and
decline of export of electrical equipment. The
                                                                 ships. The main cause for growth of electrical
growth on the Finnish market was led by export
                                                                 equipment was the increase of export of
of machinery and equipment, which grew by
                                                                 mobile communications equipment, which
                                                                 may be because products are now transported
In 2017, Latvia remained in the third place, the                 directly, whereas earlier it was done through
share of which remained on the same level as                     Sweden.
in 2016, i.e. at 9%. Export grew by 7% over the
                                                                 The Russian market also indicated a growth,
year. The main influencers were means of
                                                                 remaining on fifth place in the ranking list of
transport, forming 14% of total export and
                                                                 target markets after Germany, with 0.1
growing by 20% over the year.
                                                                 percentage points less of a share. Export grew
                  Exports by commodity groups                    in all main commodity groups – mechanical
       Machinery and                                             machinery and equipment by 50%, electrical
        equipment                                                equipment by 23%, paints, mastics, window
      Wood and wood                                              putty and similar products by 10%, plastics and
        products                                                 plastic products by 23%, and medical and
     Mineral products
                                                                 measuring equipment by 16%.
                                                                 According to forecasts, economic growth on
 Furniture, log houses                                           foreign markets will slow down in 2018,
    Metals and metal                                             resulting in the deceleration of the growth of
       products                                                  export in Estonia. Even though the import
          Means of                                               prospects of Estonia’s trade partners will be
       transportation                                            weakened, they will still remain strong enough
                         0   5   10     15   20     25   30      and offer good opportunities to our companies
                                                                 to increase export. According to the experts at
                                      2017        2016
Source: Statistics Estonia                                       the Estonian Institute of Economic Research,
                                                                 the development of foreign trade will continue
                                                                 in 2018. The experts’ expectations were divided
                                                                 as follows: 72% expected export volumes to
                                                                 increase, 28% for the forecast to remain on the
                                                                 same level, and no expert expected volumes to

                Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
12                                     Overview of economy 2017

Import                                               Mineral products were on third place of
                                                     imported goods with 10%. The import of
The growth of export demand also significantly
                                                     mineral products grew by 23% in 2017, largely
increased the growth of import, because due to
                                                     caused by oil price increase on the world
Estonia’s small size, a lot of raw materials and
                                                     market. Sending countries with the biggest
products are imported. In 2017, import grew by
                                                     share were Lithuania and Russia, together
9& compared to the previous year. Unlike
                                                     forming roughly 60% of the total import of
export, import turnover grew in every month.
                                                     mineral products and growing by 28% and 15%
The biggest growth occurred at the start of the
                                                     over the year, respectively.
year in January, but import turnover was 38%
higher than in 2016. The high increase in            Import of chemical products also held a big
January was caused by Tallink purchasing a           share, growing by 13% over the year. Over a
new ship.                                            third of this commodity group is formed by
                                                     pharmaceuticals, the import of which grew by
Out of important commodity groups, only the
                                                     4% in 2017. The other important commodity
import of machinery and equipment was in
                                                     group was fertilizers, the import of which grew
decline. The import of machinery and
                                                     the most over the year – over 80%.
equipment dropped by 2% over the year,
caused by the 8% decrease of import of               The fifth biggest share for imported
electrical equipment. However, the import of         commodity groups was metal and metal
mechanical equipment, which forms 40% of all         products at 8%. This commodity group was
import in the group of machinery and                 also the last to exceed an import turnover of
equipment, grew by 8%. Similarly to export, the      one billion. The import of metal and metal
decrease of electrical equipment was mainly          products grew by 18% in 2017, influenced the
caused by the decrease of import of mobile           most by the growth of import of iron and steel.
communications equipment. In addition,               The most important goods in this product
integrated circuits form an important share of       group were sheet metal products and cast iron
the import of electrical equipment and their         and steel scrap. In addition, a significant part
import remained on the same level in 2017 as         of the import of metal and metal products is
the year before. Out of the more important           formed by iron and steel products, and
commodities, decline also occurred in the            aluminium and aluminium products, which
import of transformers, by –3%, and import of        grew by 6% and 9% respectively over the year.
cables, by –26%. The main commodities of
                                                                        Imports by commodity groups
mechanical machinery was computers and
                                                            Machinery and
other data processing equipment (growth
+15%), self-propelled mechanical shovels,
excavators and backhoe shovels (growth                   Mineral products
+81%), manual instruments (growth +38%) and
printer parts and accessories (growth +29%).           Means of transport

The biggest growth in import trade occurred in
                                                        Chemical products
the import of means of transport. The import of
means of transport grew by 33% over the year,             Metal and metal
also forming the second biggest share of all                 products

imported products, at 13%. The primary factor          Prepared foodstuffs
                                                         and beverages
behind the growth was Tallink purchasing a                                                                       %
new cruiseferry. In addition, other commodity                                0    5   10   15   20     25   30
groups of means of transport showed a growth                                           2017          2016
– vehicles by +12%, railroad or tramway rolling      Source: Statistics Estonia

stock and its parts by +44% and aircraft by
+7%. The primary import partners are Sweden,
Finland and Germany. Import to Finland saw
the biggest growth, over twice as much as in

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                      13

                                                                    In 2017, the second biggest share in import
                   Imports by country of consigner
                                                                    was held by Germany, who saw a 6% growth.
     Finland                                                        The main commodity group was means of
                                                                    transport at a share of 19%, the purchase of
                                                                    which grew by 12% over the year. Another
    Sweden                                                          important commodity group was mechanical
                                                                    machinery and equipment, but their import
      Latvia                                                        decreased by 1.2%. Other commodity groups
                                                                    with a large share were electrical machinery
                                                                    and equipment, and plastics and plastic
     Poland                                                         products, the import of which was also higher
                                                                    in 2017 than the year before.
               0             4      8          12          16
                                        2017        2016            Lithuania retained third place in the ranking of
Source: Statistics Estonia                                          importing countries at a share of 9%. Import
                                                                    turnover was over 100 m euros higher than in
Estonia’s primary import partners are EU                            2016, growing by 8% over the year. The growth
countries. The share of EU in total import was                      was largely caused by increased import of
81% in 2017 and import turnover grew by 9%                          mineral products.
over the year. Import from countries outside
the EU, however, grew by 11%.                                       Sweden’s import volumes were restored in
                                                                    2017, lifting it back up to fourth place in the
Import volume from CIS countries grew by 26%                        ranking list. For the past two years, import
in 2017, mainly caused by increased import                          volumes from Latvia have exceeded those
from Russia. Over 90% of import from CIS                            from Sweden, but in 2017 import volume from
countries is formed by Russia, the import                           Sweden grew by 14%. Thanks to that, Sweden
turnover from which grew by 25% over the year.                      took a higher position than Latvia in the
This was primarily caused by mineral fuel, and                      ranking list of importing countries with a 0.2%
machinery and equipment. Another important                          higher share. The most important imported
country of origin among CIS countries is                            commodity groups from Sweden were vehicles,
Belarus, the import volume of which grew over                       the volume of which grew by 26% over the year,
50% over the year.                                                  electrical machinery and equipment, which
However, import from NAFTA countries was                            dropped by 4% over the year, and mechanical
declining in 2017. Import volumes were 22%                          machinery and equipment, which grew by 25%.
less than the year before. Import decreased                         The main causes for the decline in the group of
from the USA as well as from Canada, by -23%                        electrical machinery and equipment were
and -42% respectively. Import volumes from                          mobile communications equipment, electronic
Mexico more than doubled, but its share in all                      integrated circuits and cables.
import from NAFTA countries is only 6%. The                         Purchase volumes also grew in Latvia, which
main cause for the decrease is the large                            fell to fifth place in the ranking list of import
volume of arms and ammunition purchased in                          countries. The growth of import was 11%,
2016, which drove up the basis for comparison.                      influenced the most by the doubled increase of
In 2017, Finland remained Estonia’s largest                         importing mineral products, primarily fuel oils.
import partner with a share of 14%. Import of                       In addition, the growth of import of wood and
goods from Finland was 18% higher than the                          wooden products had a significant impact on
year before. This was most impacted by Tallink                      growth, at 15% higher than in 2016.
purchasing a new ship. In addition, the most                        Out of the more important import partners,
important commodity group – electrical                              Poland also showed a large growth, with a
machinery and equipment – grew by 6%. The                           change of 9% compared to the previous year.
growth was led by the increase of purchase of                       Import volumes also grew from China and Italy,
mobile communications equipment and                                 by 7% and 6% respectively. Growth was most
remotes, panel switchboards, etc.                                   influenced by the increase of import of
                                                                    machinery and equipment.

                   Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
14                                     Overview of economy 2017

According to forecasts, the growth of import
can be expected in 2018 similarly to export.
Import will increase thanks to increase of
import of inputs necessary for manufacture,
acceleration of investing activity, and also the
continued growth of internal demand. The
assessment of experts who took part in the
forecast of the Estonian Institute of Economic
Research in March 2018 was somewhat lower
compared to that of the year before, but
nevertheless      positive.    The      experts’
expectations were divided as follows: 67%
expected import volumes to increase, 33% kept
the expectations on the same level and a
decrease of import volumes was not forecast.

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                   15

                                                                           Manufacturing industry
Estonian manufacturing industry involves over 7,000 active companies, most of which are small and
medium-sized. There are more than 200 companies which employ at least 100 people, but these
employ half of all employees in the industrial sector. Large companies include, for example, the
manufacturer of mobile communications equipment Ericsson Eesti AS, manufacturer of electrical
appliances ABB AS, manufacturer of cable ties PKC Eesti AS, shipbuilding and metal processing group
BLRT Grupp AS, wood processor Stora Enso Eesti AS, comforter, pillow, bed and mattress
manufacturer AS Wendre, car safety system (seat belt) manufacturer AS Norma, and meat products
manufacturer AS HKScan Estonia.
In Estonia, the share of the industrial sector in the economy is nearly as big as the EU average based
on value added (approx. 15%). However, the share of persons employed in the manufacturing industry
is one of the highest in EU countries (nearly a fifth), indicating that as a rule, foreign companies are
able to generate more value added with the same number of employees.
The manufacturing industry as a whole is Estonia’s biggest employer – nearly every fifth employed
person is working in that field. In the past ten years, however, the number and share of employees in
the economy has still decreased and growth of manufacture is caused by increased productivity. Jobs
have been created in manufacture of electrical equipment, the electronics industry has grown the most
in terms of production volumes. Industries with the biggest number of employees are the lumber
industry, food manufacture, and the metal industry. The economic crisis resulted in a decrease of jobs,
but the manufacturing industry was also one of the first where the situation improved and more jobs
were created again. Export played an important part in the recovery. The sector is heavily dependent
on foreign markets where over 60% of the output is sold. The primary export markets are Finland and
Sweden, where the majority (over 60%) of direct investments made in Estonian manufacturing industry
have come from.
Forecasts do not expect the number of employees in the manufacturing industry to change
significantly in upcoming years, but a continued decrease of employment is expected in more labour-
intensive fields. Jobs are expected to be added in fields that create more value added (electronics) but
the lumber industry, which is based on local raw material, also holds potential for growth. However,
increase of productivity remains the basis for competitiveness, requiring continued investments in
machinery and equipment as well as the employees, and the development of products as well as
improvement of work procedures.
  %            Share of sector in economy           %    The situation of the manufacturing industry
 100                                               100   improved in 2017 together with the general
  80                  62,6                 96,1    80
  60                                               60    increase of economic activity. Production
  40                                               40    volume grew at the fastest pace of recent
          15,4                    19,0
  20                                               20    years, manufacture increased in nearly all
   0                                               0
                                                         fields, the economic indicators of the sector
        Share in   Share of     Share in  Ratio to
      value added exports in employment average          improved. Enterprises expect the growth to
                     sales                 wage          continue in 2018.
Source: Statistics Estonia
                                                              According to preliminary data, the production
 million €             Sales and exports            % y-o-y
                                                              volume of the manufacturing industry grew by
12 000                                                   8
10 000                                                   6    3.5% in 2017 (adjusted to the number of work
 8 000                                                   4    days), which was the best indicator in the past
 6 000
 4 000                                                   2    six years. The growth was nearly twice as fast
 2 000                                                   0    in Estonia. Latvian and Lithuanian output
      0                                                  -2
                                                              increased to the same extent, and the year was
             2012 2013 2014      2015    2016    2017*
             Sales                      Exports               also successful for the Finnish and Swedish
             Change in sales            Change in exports     industries.
Source: Statistics Estonia

                Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
16                                      Overview of economy 2017

Preliminary data show that in 2017, Estonian          Wage developments of the manufacturing
manufacturing companies produced 6.5%                 industry have generally followed changes in
more output than the year before. Biggest             Estonian average wages, which also remained
contribution to the growth came from the wood         the case in 2017. Average gross wages in the
and metal industries, whereas a bigger drop in        manufacturing industry grew by 6% over the
output could be seen in the electronics               year. Together with increased number of
industry.                                             employees and working hours, labour costs of
                                                      the sector grew by a tenth on the whole. At the
Similarly to the EU as a whole, producer prices
                                                      same time, other expenses grew at a more
also began to rise in Estonia in 2017. Producer
                                                      modest rate and total expenses grew at a
prices grew by 4% over the year in the
                                                      slower pace than sales revenue. Thanks to
manufacturing industry. However, signs of
                                                      that, total profit grew by nearly a third, but the
deceleration of the price growth could be seen
                                                      cost-effectiveness of the profit still remained
at the end of the year. Producer prices grew
                                                      below the historical average. It is likely that
faster than average in the food industry and
                                                      final statistics will not show such a large
paper industry. The growth of export and
                                                      increase in profit, because the gap between
import prices was even faster than that of
                                                      ongoing statistics and final statistics has
producer prices. The prices of oil products and
                                                      generally been quite big. According to
shale oil grew steeply, having spent several
                                                      entrepreneurial statistics, value added grew by
years in a decline. Nevertheless, the growth of
                                                      more than a tenth, all productivity indicators
export and import prices slowed noticeably as
                                                      also improved, except for the proportion
the year progressed.
                                                      between sales revenue and labour costs.
Even though producer prices rose, the sale of
                                                      The investing activity of the manufacturing
the manufacturing industry increased at the
                                                      industry grew in 2017. According to preliminary
same speed as manufacture. Export grew by
                                                      data, investments in tangible fixed assets grew
5%, sales to the domestic market twice as fast.
                                                      by nearly a third. The growth of investments
The share of export dropped to the lowest point
                                                      was rather uniform across areas of activity. As
in recent years; it has only been lower during
                                                      a rule, two thirds were directed towards
the last economic crisis. Export was first and
                                                      acquiring machinery and equipment, a quarter
foremost influenced by the fall of sales in the
                                                      of capital investments had to do with acquiring
electronics industry, but at the same time
                                                      or building and reconstructing facilities. More
several industries such as the food industry,
                                                      means were also directed to all other fields.
wood     industry     and    manufacture     of
                                                      Investments in computers and computer
construction materials received important
                                                      systems grew the fastest, doubling compared
support from increased domestic demand.
                                                      to 2016.
The favourable economy resulted in demand
for additional employees, but the growth of                            Share of sub-sectors in sales of
employment was limited to a few percentage                                manufacturing industry
                                                                             Rubber and Building
points in the manufacturing industry                                           plastic  materials
                                                          Chemical                                         industry
(according to a labour survey, employment                                     industry  industry
                                                          industry                                           11%
increased by 3.5%). Considering the situation                7%
                                                                                 3%        4%
of fast wage growth, enterprises are looking
increasingly towards automatization and                    Wood
increasing efficiency, and at the same time it is                                                          industry
also difficult to find employees on the labour             19%
market. The biggest job creators in 2017 were
the metal industry, electrical appliance
manufacture, and the food industry. According            Textile and
to preliminary data, the number of employed               clothing
                                                          industry            Food
persons dropped in the textile industry,                                    industry                       Furniture
                                                             4%                             Other sub-
manufacture of motor vehicles, and the oil                                    14%                          industry
                                                                                             sectors          5%
industry.                                              Source: Statistics Estonia              16%

            Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
Overview of economy 2017                                                            17

Strong demand and growth of production                                      Value added, labour costs and productivity
volumes were also reflected in assessments of                       million €                                                    % y-o-y
                                                                    3 500                                                             12
the entrepreneurs. Representatives of the                           3 000                                                             10
manufacturing sector questioned by the                              2 500                                                             6
                                                                    2 000
Estonian Institute of Economic Research                                                                                               2
                                                                    1 500                                                             0
                                                                    1 000                                                             -2
valued all observed indicators at a higher rate,                      500                                                             -4
incl. demand. The indicator of confidence rose                          0                                                             -8
above the historical average. The importance                                    2012     2013     2014     2015      2016    2017*
of insufficient demand as a factor limiting                                            Value added
production volume decreased (at the same                                               Labour costs
time, roughly half of those interviewed                                                Change in total productivity (r.s.)
                                                                                       Change in labour costs productivity (r.s.)
highlighted this factor) but labour shortage
                                                                     Source: Statistics Estonia
increased. At the start of 2018, volume of                                                                                          % y-o-y
                                                                    million €
                                                                                        Investments of companies
orders, expectations to production volume for
                                                                    700                                                                 40
upcoming months and number of employees                             600                                                                 30
were valued as highly as the year before, but                       500                                                                 20
expectations to price increase were higher.                         400
Production volumes also indicated a growth.                         300
                                                                    200                                                                 0
In the EU, the industry confidence indicator                        100                                                                 -10
reached the highest level of recent years in                          0                                                                 -20
early 2018. The situation can also be                                       2012        2013     2014      2015     2016    2017*
considered good or very good on target                                                       Investments in fixed assets
markets important for Estonian industry, such                                                Change in investments (r.s.)
as Finland, Sweden and Germany. Therefore,                          Source: Statistics Estonia
the economic environment can be considered
advantageous for the manufacturing industry
in 2018.
thousand          Number of employed people             % y-o-y
140                                                          8
120                                                          6
100                                                          4
 40                                                          0
 20                                                          -2
  0                                                          -4
       2012      2013        2014    2015    2016   2017*
        Number of employed people (labour survey data)
        Number of employed people (business statistics)
        Change in number of employed people (r.s.)
        Change in number of employed people in companies (r.s.)
Source: Statistics Estonia

                    Average gross wages                  % y-o-y
1 400                                                           9
1 200                                                           8
1 000                                                           6
  800                                                           5
  600                                                           4
  400                                                           3
  200                                                           1
    0                                                           0
          2012     2013       2014    2015   2016    2017

           Average wages (in euros)             Change (r.s.)

 Source: Statistics Estonia

                 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
18                                                 Overview of economy 2017

                                                  Manufacture of food products and beverages
In terms of production volume, the food industry is one of Estonia’s largest industries and is the main
activity for nearly 700 companies. Even though most of the sales revenue is generated on the domestic
market, export volumes have also indicated a constant growth. Over 16,000 people are employed in
manufacture of food products and beverages.
Food and beverage producing companies are found all over Estonia. There are food producing
companies among larger companies in all regions of Estonia. The biggest company in the industry is
the meat processing company AS HKScan Estonia in Lääne-Virumaa. Another large meat processing
company is the Atria group, located in Southern Estonia. Major industrial bakeries are AS Eesti Pagar
in Paide and AS Leibur in Tallinn. Major companies of the food industry also include the beverage
manufacturers AS Saku Õlletehas in Harju County and AS A. Le Coq in Tartu County, major dairies are
Valio Eesti AS and the Maag Group, including Farmi Piimatööstus and TERE AS. Major fish processing
companies are AS M.V.WOOL in Harju County and AS Paljassaare kalatööstus as part of the Vičinuai
group, Japs M.V.M. AS in Pärnu County and OÜ Vettel in Saare County. The largest manufacturer of
sweets is AS KALEV.
In recent years, a significant problem for the food industry has been low productivity. In comparison
with EU manufacturers, the productivity of Estonian food manufacture is less than a half of the EU
level. This is more than in Latvia or Lithuania, but far from the level of Nordic countries. In order to
ensure future competitiveness, automatization must continue and further efforts must be made
towards manufacture requiring less labour.
  %           Share of sector in economy      %                 Share of sub-sectors in sales of food and
 100                                         100
                                                                          beverage production
 80                                                       80             Production
                                                                        of beverages                      Processing
 60                                                       60                                  Other           and
 40                                             86,7      40                                  22%         preserving
 20                                   13,1                20      Production of                           of fruit and
         2,0       7,2      32,2                                                                          vegetables
  0                                                       0        bakery and
                                                                      pasta                                    7%
      Share in Share in Share of Share in      Ratio to
        value       man. exports in employ-    average              products
        added industry     sales    ment of     wage                   10%
                   exports            man.                                                                  industry
                                    industry                       Production of
Source: Statistics Estonia                                                                                    19%
                                                                  prepared animal
million €                                            % y-o-y          fodder                                Fish
                       Sales and exports
                                                                        2%                      Dairy    processing
1 800                                                     20
1 600                                                                                         industry    industry
                                                          15     Source: Statistics Estonia
1 400                                                                                           22%          7%
1 200                                                            The year 2017 turned out to be successful for
1 000                                                     5
  800                                                     0
                                                                 manufacture of food products and beverages,
                                                          -5     quick growth was seen on the domestic market
                                                          -10    as well as in exports. Even though Russian
    0                                                     -15    limitations to products of Estonian companies
         2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017*                continued, new markets have been found and
        Sales                        Exports                     production volumes have increased. Instead of
        Change in sales (r.s.)       Change in exports (r.s.)    poor demand, growth is limited by the labour
Source: Statistics Estonia
                                                                 shortage and at times, quickly growing prices
                                                                 of raw produce. The fast growth of the alcohol
                                                                 excise duty continued to trouble beverage
                                                                 manufacturers, increasing trade across
                                                                 borders and decreasing alcohol sales on the
                                                                 domestic market.

               Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications  Ministry of Finance 2018
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