P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...

Page created by George Doyle
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
P1 (2021) Orientation
12 November 2020
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
School Leaders (2021)

    Principal      Vice- Principal Admin   Vice- Principal     Vice- Principal
Mr Ong Lye Whatt      Mrs Audrey Lee       Mr Victor Wee     Mr Amran Bin Tasrif
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
2021 P1 Year Head & Teachers

   P1/1               P1/2            P1/3                P1/4                 P1/5
Ms Subhadra      Ms Fiona Seow    Mdm Nur Faezah   Year Head, P1 & P2       Mdm Diyanah
                                                     Mrs Simon Foo

    P1/6               P1/7                P1/8               P1/9
Ms Yeo Si Min        Mdm Rozita      Ms Chong Yuan Ping   Mdm Siti Raudah
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
Principal’s Address
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
Community of Learners
    @ the School for the Future

                       Build Character,
                 Inspire Passion in Learning

                                           Anchored in Values
       Future Mindset
                                            CHARACTER VALUES
      GLOBAL &
        SOCIAL &                           21st CENTURY SKILLS
 CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES                  Prepared for the Future
   Socially Responsible

                  School Values .....
                  School Beliefs .....
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
~ Responsibility ~

~ Resilience ~       ~ Respect ~

 ~ Integrity ~        ~ Care ~

             ~ Harmony ~
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
Our Beliefs………
     Every Student an
      Engaged Learner

     Every Staff a Caring

     Every Parent a
      Supportive Partner
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
School Philosophy
     Every Student an Engaged Learner …….

In North Vista, we believe that every CHILD

- Is curious, has potential and is capable of building his
  own knowledge and sharing his learning with others
- Wants to and can learn when opportunities are given
- Learns better in a happy and nurturing environment
- Can learn good values and habits
- Can achieve through focussed support
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
Aims of Primary Education

To lay a strong

To nurture the
whole child
P1 (2021) Orientation 12 November 2020 - North Vista ...
Learn for Life
Learn for Life
“Let us prepare every child for the test of life, and not just
                     a life of tests”

               PM Lee, National Day Rally 2012

                                                 Photo credit: Singapore Polytechnic
Changes at a Glance

                  P1 & P2
                Removal of all
                 (including P2
Changes at a Glance

             P1 & P2
             Use attainment of
             Learning Objectives (LOs)
             to report students’
             learning in subjects.
             Learning dispositions to
             be used as criteria for
             Edusave Awards.
        Give Help Early
        The early years are absolutely critical for how a
        person’s life turns out, and if you really want to
        make a difference to people’s lives, intervening
        early is KEY. That’s where governments should
        put their money. That is where their focus
        should be.

                                                   - Prof Richie
* Startling finding: brain tests at age three could predict a child’s future chance
 of success in life.
Guiding Principles for School-Home
1.Students succeed when schools and parents
  work hand in hand to support students in
  learning self-management skills, taking
  responsibility and building resilience.

2. Mutual respect and trust forms the strong
  foundation for positive engagement between
  schools and parents.

Developing good habits
We want to nurture your child to be a self-directed learner with good habits and takes
responsibility for his/her own learning

How parents can partner us:

 Setup routines for your child at       X Expect teachers to give daily updates on
  home and provide a conducive             your child, or contact the teacher to
  place for him to do his homework         check on things that your child needs to
                                           do e.g. spelling list, homework, etc.

 Encourage a reading habit, an          X Deliver your child’s forgotten items [e.g.
  active healthy lifestyle, and also       water bottles, wallets, books, consent
  control the use of social media,         forms, etc.] to the school unless it is a
  personal and gaming devices              medical emergency [e.g. Ventolin Inhaler,
                                           Insulin jab, etc.]
Developing good habits
We want to nurture your child to be a self-directed learner with good habits and takes
responsibility for his/her own learning

How parents can partner us:

 Support your child in doing his               X Do your child’s homework for him
  homework e.g. by reminding him to
  check his handbook. Let him attempts
  the homework on his own and                   X Add to your child’s learning load
  encourage him to ask his teacher if he          unnecessarily with tuition and
  needs help                                      assessment books.
Managing Self
We want your child to be able to manage challenges and make ethical responsible
decisions to thrive in the VUCA future

How parents can partner us:

 Reinforce school efforts in the holistic          X Focus only on academic
  development of your child e.g. by allowing          progress in conversations
  time for play at home, ensuring sufficient          with teachers; ask about your
  sleep, and encouraging active participation         child’s progress in other areas
  in school programme such as CCA, camps,             such as socio-emotional
  VIA, etc.                                           aspects and values

 Know your child’s strength and abilities and
  set realistic expectations for him. If need be,
  discuss with your child’s teachers.
Managing Self
We want your child to be able to manage challenges and make ethical responsible
decisions to thrive in the VUCA future

How parents can partner us:

 Encourage your child to be resilience and to learn from the
  consequences of not completing his homework or
  forgetting to
   bring items to school.

  Guide your child to also manage disappointments e.g. if he
  did not win a prize, get nominated as one of the class
  leaders, etc.

 Speak to the teachers to find out more so as to help your
  child to solve his problems if he expresses concerns about
Working with the school to know and support you child

We want to develop and strengthen mutual understanding, respect and trust between the
school and parents for the benefit of your child

How parents can partner us:

 Clarify the preferred modes of         X Expect teachers to give daily updates
  communication with the teacher           on your child or provide detailed
  e.g. handbook, email, office phone       instructions on homework, preparations
                                           for tests and exams, etc.

 Contact teachers during school         X Expect teachers to respond
  operating hours only and to leave a      immediately to your queries. Call the
  message to call back if the teacher      school office if it is an emergency.
  is having lesson
Working with the school to know and support your child

We want to develop and strengthen mutual understanding, respect and trust between the
school and parents for the benefit of your child

How parents can partner us:
 Work together with the school to fully              X Approach another child/parent
  understand and support the teacher in helping         directly when an incident occurs
  your child to respect differences and resolve
  disagreements respectfully

 Have confidence in the school to resolve any        X Come into the school e.g. canteen
  disagreements and misunderstandings between           during dismissal to bring food.
  students. In the event of an incident occurring,      Instead, wait for your child at the
  give the teacher time to establish the facts and      Main Gate area OR at the side gate.
  allow school to take the necessary actions to         This is also part of the school safety
  address the issue and restore relationships           and security measures.

 Work with the teachers to help your child learn
  from his mistakes, and take restorative actions
  to correct his mistake
 Allow the school to engage parents of all parties
  involved before coming to a decision on the
  actions to be taken
School Dental Services
Dental Therapist : Mdm Florence Wu
To support your child’s wellbeing, the Health
Promotion Board provides free health services, such as
screening, immunisation and dental checks in schools.
Parents must give their consent before their
children receive the services

Every year to date, 99% of parents have
done so
Health Promotion Board has launched the Child
Consent Portal (https://childconsent.hpb.gov.sg)
         to submit your consent online

                                         Scan Me!
It only takes three steps
                Log on to
     using your SingPass with 2-
      factor authentication (2FA)
           from 22 Dec 2020

          Type in your child’s

         Fill up and submit the
               medical form
Give Online Consent for
Immunisation and Dental Services

       From 22 December 2020
           15 March 2021
Getting your
Child/Ward ready for
School (2021)
4 & 5 JAN 2021
        Morning Assembly

 Reporting time 8 a.m. to 8.15 a.m.
 P1 students will assemble in the
  Multi Purpose Hall (Level 2)
 Parents will have to leave the school
  compound after dropping your child
  off at Level 1 and will not be
  allowed into the MPH or classrooms
  due to the Safety Management
  Measures (SMM).
 *Only 1 parent to one child is
  allowed into the school.
4 JAN 2021, Mon
                                (FIRST DAY)
 P1 students to wear the temporary name card until their name tags are ready.

     Shade or tick

 Each P1 student will receive a thermometer on the 1st day
Day One : 4 JAN 2021, MONDAY
                               Event                     Location
     8.15a.m.              Reporting time            Multi Purpose Hall
     8.30 a.m.              Routines and                Classroom
                        orientation induction

     9.30 a.m.           Recess break for P1                Bistro
                          (with assigned P5

      11 a.m.               Routines and                  Classroom
                        orientation induction
    11.45 a.m.                Dismissal               Indoor Sports Hall

*Only one parent will be allowed in to pick child up from the
Indoor Sports Hall
What To Pack?
                       Day One

 Water bottle
 Pencil case
 Coloured pencils
 Dry snacks / Money to purchase food
 Do not bring any books
Day Two : 5 JAN 2021, TUESDAY
                         Event                      Location
8.15 a.m.           Reporting time             Multi Purpose Hall
8.30 a.m.       Class bonding activities          Classroom
                & orientation package

9.30 a.m.         Recess break for P1                Bistro
                   (with assigned P5
 11 a.m.        Class bonding activities          Classroom
11.45 a.m.             Dismissal               Indoor Sports Hall
                  *Only one parent will be
                 allowed in to pick child up
                from the Indoor Sports Hall
1.30p.m.           Parents-Teacher                Zoom meet
                 engagement session
5 JAN 2021, Tuesday
        Parent-Teacher Engagement Session

 P1 parents will be notified via Parents Gateway on
  the Zoom codes and ID for the Zoom meet by the
  respective Form teachers.
 The Zoom session will be from 1.30 p.m. to 2.30p.m.
Week 1 (RECESS)

               Buddy System for P1 students
 P5 buddies will assist them in buying food and show them
  around the school during recess.
 Form teachers will be there with them.
 P1s will have recess break at 9.30 a.m. to learn how to
 buy own food and drinks with the help of their buddies.
School Dismissal Time
   4 & 5 Jan 2021 (Mon & Tues)                            6 Jan 2021 (Wed)
 Early Dismissal Time: 11.45 a.m.              Daily Dismissal Time: 1.20 p.m.

 Parents will pick up child from the Indoor    Teachers will lead students to the various
  Sports Hall                                    dismissal points.
 Please indicate the dismissal point on        Pick your child from your chosen meeting
  their name tags                                point for dismissal.
 Familiarise your child on the route to the
  dismissal point of your choice
 Bus drivers will assemble the children at
  ISH and sort them out according to their
  bus numbers, together with the school
 Student care personnel will also be on
  standby to receive NASCANS students
REPORTING       RECESS                                    DISMISSAL
7.35 a.m.                                                 1.20 p.m.
                 P1 : 9.30 am to 10 am
                 P1 Dry Snack Break (in-class): 12 p.m.
7.40 a.m. for
Flag Raising

   Parents are discouraged from:
      packing food for children for hygiene reasons.
      passing food to children via the school fence.
Arrival / Dismissal Points
Main Gate           Side Gate
Only opened during Dismissal
     Back Gate near Block 266A
 Be considerate to the residents.
 Park at the nearby HDB car parks.
 Please do not park along Compassvale Link.
    It is illegal to do so.
    It obstructs traffic.
    The traffic police will take action against offenders.
 Parents who drive child to school*
Drop off point is at Block A. Please drop child under the porch.
Parents to wait patiently in queue to alight child. Prepare to get
child to hop off quickly by getting child to sit with bag and water
bottle ready.
Morning access to school
 All drivers must exhibit greater care and patience
  while driving in the school. Please refrain from
  honking within school compound.
 Please keep to the speed limit of 15km/h and follow
  the directions given by the security guards.
 Parents should not leave their cars unattended
  during drop off/pick up.
Morning access to school
 Parents who choose to drive their children to the
  school will be allowed to drive into the school
  compound and drop of their children at Block A
  (canteen) only.
 Students are to walk into the school premises by
  themselves, via the main gate 1 (Security Post) or
  side gate 3 (Bistro).

    All students can be dismissed via the main gate 1 (Security
     Post), side gate 3 (Bistro) or side gate 7 (near ISH).
    Please work out an agreed meeting point with your child.
    For the safety of your child, please wait at the designated
     void decks of the HDB flats so as to avoid congestion at the
    If you are driving in to pick up your children (6 Jan onwards):
      You can only do so after 1.45 pm or when all our school
       buses have left. Please pick up your child at the Main Gate
       A where the security guard post is.
Parents’ access to school
   Register at the Security Post at the front gate when you visit
    the school.
   All visitors’ temperature will be taken and they are issued a
    Visitor Sticker so that staff and students can easily identify
    visitors with authorized access to the school.
   Please proceed to the General Office thereafter so that we
    can attend to your needs.
   You should paste the Visitor Sticker clearly while in school.

Early dismissal for students who are unwell/injured in school
  If your child is unwell or injured, our office staff will contact
   you. You will need to come and pick your child up.
  Please report to the General Office where our staff will assist
  Do not go straight to the classroom as the Classroom Blocks
   are strictly out of bounds to all visitors.
  You will be issued with a slip “Permission To Leave School
   Early”. Do pass this slip to the security guards when you leave
   the school with your child.
 Neatly attired at all times.
 School will impress on self discipline of students.
  Hair is to be short and neatly trimmed or tied up
  with black or navy blue accessories.
 Male students must be neat in appearance, clean-
  shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
 For girls, small, simple ear studs are allowed.
 Modification of uniform is not allowed.
 Ensure Name Tags are sewn or ironed-on on

Girls’ Attire             Boys’ Attire
 P.E. T-shirts to be worn on
 designated P.E. /PAL days
 only, together with the
 school P.E. shorts or
 Shirts are to be tucked in.
 Purchase P.E. T-shirts
 according to House colours.
 Name tags to be sewn
 above the school logo on
 left side of shirt/ blouse.

 Black Sports Shoes only.

 School socks that are above the ankles.

 School socks can be purchased at the uniform supplier.

 Students are expected to be regular in their
 School will not grant permission for vacation before
  term ends.
 Students who arrive after 7.40a.m. are considered
  late. Parents will be informed if the child has been
  late for more than 3 times.

 Call General Office before 7.30am and inform Office Staff of
  absence, medical conditions (if any) and child’s particulars
    produce a medical certificate or letter from parents upon
     returning to school.

 For HFMD, Chicken Pox and other infectious illnesses
    inform the school once diagnosed.
    return to school after the medical leave expires or seek
     extension from Medical Officer if child is not fully recovered.

 Notify school promptly
   Update School Records
   Information is vital in case of emergencies,
    especially mobile numbers
 The school is our home. We need to take care of the school.
 Keep School Clean movement, 5 to 10 minutes every day
  before dismissal – wipe down routine
 Wipe down routine after eating in the Bistro
 Students are expected to take care of their personal
 Label books and personal items with name and class
 Lockers are provided in the school
 Students are expected to pack their bags daily and bring the
  right books to school.

 General Office Number is 6484 3566
 Email Address: nvtps@moe.edu.sg
 Website address:

 North Vista Primary’s Facebook:
 BL Marketing Pte Ltd              Online purchase is
 Opening Hours                         available!

    7.20 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. daily
    During term time, please purchase items during
     non-peak hours (11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
 Contact Nos: 6481 2378 / 6281 9274
 Email Address: sales@blmarketing.sg
 Website: http://blmarketing.sg
 Steadfast Transport Service
 Please contact the bus company if you wish to use
  their services.
 Do not use other unauthorized school bus operators.
 Telephone No. : 6747 4825
 Email address:
  steadfastbus@gmail.com / stsbus@singnet.com.sg
Kong Chong Pte Ltd
 Telephone No. : 6753 1489

 Delivery is available with a surcharge of $5 delivery
  *Terms and conditions applies

        Nascan Pte Ltd (North Vista Primary)

 Email Address: nvscc@nascans.com

 Telephone: 9829 2889 / 9622 4924

 Opening Hours: 11.00 am – 7.00 pm

Should I start sending the books on the first
day of school?

Collection of books will be done by the subject
teacher/ form teacher over a period of time. A
booklet issued to all students on Day One to indicate
which books/files to be brought to school on a daily

          Can books be kept in class?

Yes. An individual locker is provided for every
student. Student will be assigned a locker. A number
lock is preferred.

 When will the time table be issued?

It will be issued by the end of Term 1 Week 1.

  Can my child wear PE attire to school daily?

Students can wear PE attire on days where there is PE or
Program for Active Learning (PAL).

        Is there CCA in Primary One?

CCAs will begin in Primary Two for those who have been
recommended to join the Excellence CCAs. For the rest,
CCAs begin in Primary Three.
Will there be a group chat created for parents of
each class by the school teacher?
In line with MOE’s guidelines for home-school partnership,
partnership-preparing-students-for-the-future), we want to nurture students
to be self-directed learners with good habits and takes responsibility for their
own learning. Students will miss the opportunities to learn to take on
responsibility for his own learning should parents keep going to teachers for
daily updates on homework, tests, exams etc. Students will be trained to
take notes regarding homework, test, exams and other school matters.
Students can refer to the notes as reminders for the various task they need
to perform. To partner school, parents can help check on the notes taken by
students and have a conversation with your child on their learning
experiences. Teachers can be contacted via official email. Parents can also
call school, leave a message and our teachers will revert when they are
available. Teachers are not obliged to share their personal phone numbers
with students or parents. Therefore, chat group is not a necessity to facilitate
communications between teachers and parents.

           Are trolley bags allowed?

To ensure safety and security, trolley bags are
discouraged unless child has medical reasons.

Are students allowed to bring mobile phone to

Mobile phones are strongly discouraged. However for
any calls to be made, students can only use mobile
phones outside the General Office at the Meeting
Place. Phones must remain switched off and should
only be switched on when necessary, for child to use it.
Can I apply for longer leave over festive season if we
need to spend time overseas with my child’s

School will not grant permission for students to leave
before school holidays. However, for special cases,
parents can write in to the Administrative Manager,
Ms Sandra Sia, via the school email
Permission will be granted on a case by case basis.

Any possibility of adding Hindi language to the
Mother Tongue classes in North Vista?

The school offers only Malay, Tamil and Chinese
Language as the official Mother Tongue Languages.
We cannot add in NTiL languages into the school

For students taking Hindi lessons outside school,
can he/she attend Chinese lessons in school?

Parents to write in to request. He/she will be
exempted from examinations and daily assignments
for the Chinese lessons.
We value your feedback
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