Pakej Perlindungan Rakyat Dan Pemulihan Ekonomi (PEMULIH) - Tax & Business Advisors

Page created by Monica Harris
Tax & Business Advisors

   Pakej Perlindungan
Rakyat Dan Pemulihan
  Ekonomi (PEMULIH)
                28th June 2021
Tax & Business Advisors

How much is this additional relief worth?

   This relief is valued at RM 150 billion
   The 3 main focus under PEMULIH are as follows:-
    1.   Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda;
    2.   Supporting the Business Sustainability; and
    3.   Increase in Vaccination
Tax & Business Advisors

Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
            Cash Assistance
   Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR) for July 2021 which
    amounting to RM 500 will be paid starting from 29 June
   Whilst 3rd phase of BPR ranging between RM 100 to RM
    1,400 will be paid in September 2021.
   During the September payment, Approved BPR appeal
    cases will also receive BPR payment.
Tax & Business Advisors

 Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
             Cash Assistance
Bantuan Khas COVID (BKC) : RM 4.6 billion
Category of Eligible Recipient   Eligible Amount
Extremely poor household         RM 500 (Aug 2021) + RM 500 (Nov 2021) + RM 300
                                 (Dec 2021)
Extremely poor individual        RM 200 (Aug 2021) + RM 300 (Nov 2021)
B40 Household                    RM 500 (Aug 2021) + RM 300 (Dec 2021)
B40 Individual                   RM 200 (Aug 2021)
M40 Household                    RM 250 (Aug 2021)
M40 Individual                   RM 100 (Aug 2021)
Tax & Business Advisors

 Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
             Cash Assistance
Bantuan Kehilangan Pendapatan: RM 500 million

Eligible Recipient                  Eligible Amount
Employee who loss his employment RM 500 (Oct 2021)

** The loss of employment data will be extracted from EPF and PERKESO in
the year 2021.
Tax & Business Advisors

Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
            Cash Assistance
Job Search Allowance
Eligible Recipient                Eligible Amount
Fresh graduates, school leavers, At least RM 300
informal sector workers who is not
a SOCSO member

** The individual who wishes to apply this allowance is required to
register with the platform MYFutureJobs.
Tax & Business Advisors

Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
            Cash Assistance
HRD Corp – RM 125 million
   Place and Train Initiative under Janapreneur Program for school
    leavers and fresh graduates.
   It is estimated to allow 30,000 people to undergo skills training with
    job security upon training completion.
   MDEC will be improving the existing eRezeki and GLOW program to
    assist more than 20,000 job seekers in the gig economy.
Tax & Business Advisors

Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
            Cash Assistance
    Electricity Discount
   Electricity discount ranging from 5% to 40% will be given based on
    level of electricity consumption with a maximum of 900 kilowatt
    hours per month. 40% discount will be given to energy consumption
    below 200 kilowatt hours, 15% discount will be given to consumption
    ranging between 201 to 300 kilowatt hours per month. The electricity
    discount will be given for 3 months starting from July 2021.
   For affected economy sectors (i.e. hotel operators, theme parks,
    convention centers, shopping malls, offices of local travel companies
    as well as travel and tourism agencies), the electricity discount will
    be extended for another 3 months with 10% discount from October
    2021 till December 2021.
Tax & Business Advisors

Continuing the Rakyat’s Welfare Agenda:
            Cash Assistance
    Free Internet Data

    Telecommunication services providers have agreed to extend the 1 GB
     free internet data per day till 31st December 2021.
    Mobile Banking Services

    RM 18 million is allocated for local banks to prepare for 30 units of
     mobile banking in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak which will
     cover 250 rural areas.
    This allows multiple banking services for people living in rural areas
     such as opening of bank account, deposits, withdrawal, transfer of
     money, bill payments as well as digital banking.
Tax & Business Advisors

    Supporting the Business Sustainability
Main focus:-

   Reduce costs incurred by employers
   Support digitization efforts
   Provides financial assistance facilities and tax incentives
   Provide financing facilities
   Continue employment incentives
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    Geran Khas Prihatin (GKP)
    Under PEMERKASA +, eligible recipient will receive the GKP 3.0
     balance of RM 500 in mid of July 2021.
    The government has agreed to provide GKP 4.0 whereby eligible
     recipient will receive additional RM 500 in September 2021 and
     another RM 500 in November 2021.
    Those eligible recipients who have not received such grant can submit
     the application in mid of July 2021.
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    Wages Subsidy Programme (PSU) 4.0

    The government has agreed to implement PSU 4.0 with an allocation of RM
     3.8 billion which is expected to benefit 2.5 million workers.
    Under the PSU 4.0, the maximum number of employee eligible for the subsidy
     per employer is 500 employees with RM 600 per employee for a period of 4
    All sectors under phase two of the Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) will be given
     two months subsidies and sectors categorized under the negative list during
     the phase three of the PPN will receive additional two months subsidies.
    The condition, which wages subsidy will only be provided to employee
     with monthly salary not more than RM 4,000, is removed.
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    Exemption of HRDF Levy – RM 425 milion
    Employer who is unable to operate during the PKP will be
     automatically exempted from paying HRDF levy for two months.
    In addition, employer from new sectors covered by the extended
     Human Resources Corporation Berhad Act 2001 will be exempted from
     paying HRDF levy until 31st December 2021.

    PenjanaKerjaya by PERKESO

    The government has provide financial incentive to employers who
     provide new employment opportunities.
    To date, RM 170 million has been channeled which benefitted more
     than 10,600 employers and 75,800 employees.
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    PenjanaKerjaya 3.0 by PERKESO

    Since the PenjanaKerjaya incentive is ending in June 2021, the
     government has agreed to extend the programme to PenjanaKerjaya
     3.0 with a few enhancement.
    Firstly, reduction of salary eligibility from RM 1,500 to RM 1,200 to
     give more incentive for employers to replace foreign workers with
     local workers.
    Besides that, the employment contract period will also be relaxed
     from 12 months to 6 months for employees aged 50 and above, the
     disabled and ex-prisoners.
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    One-off Cash Assistance for Tourism Sector

    The government will provide one-off cash assistance of RM 3,000 to
     more than 5,300 registered travel agencies in the third phase of the

    Defer Payment of Tax Instalments for Tourism Sector

    The government has agreed to defer the monthly income tax
     instalment for companies from tourism sector and exempt the hotel
     operators from paying of tourism tax and service tax until end of this
Tax & Business Advisors

     Supporting the Business Sustainability
    Implementation of i-Citra

    EPF member can make an application to withdraw up to RM 5,000 with a
     fixed monthly withdrawal of RM 1,000 through i-Citra. The amount of
     withdrawal will be approved based on the member’s total EPF savings.
    Application can be done via portal starting from
     15th July 2021 with first payment is expected to be credited into
     member’s account in August 2021.
Tax & Business Advisors

    Supporting the Business Sustainability
6 Months Loan Moratorium

   6 months loan moratorium will be given to all individual borrowers
    from B40, M40, T20 or micro entrepreneurs by application and the
    application will be automatically approved.
   Small and medium enterprise may also allow to apply for the 6 months
    loan moratorium and the application is subject to bank approval.
   Application is open on 7th July 2021.
Tax & Business Advisors

                   Increase in Vaccination
    Additional Incentives
    RM 400 million is allocated to increase vaccine supply in the country.
    The increase in supply of vaccines is aimed to start vaccination
     process for 6.4 million adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. Children who
     will sit for SPM exam this year will be given priority.
    The government has agreed to open 29 new Vaccination Centers
     (PPV), upgrade existing PPVs, implement drive-throughs PPVs, Mobile
     PPVs and Home-to-Home Outreach Programs with a total allocation of
     RM 200 million.
    There will be an increase of allowance of RM 50 to RM 100 per day to
     medical volunteers for working more than 12 hours a day starting from
     June 2021. The allowance will be extended to those working in the
     field other than PPV such as in quarantine centers.
Tax & Business Advisors

                  Increase in Vaccination
    Other Incentives
    To promote the implementation of Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-
     19 Kerjasama Awam Swasta (PIKAS) and reducing Company’s
     responsibility, RM 150 million will be allocated.
    The government has agreed that employers registered under HRDF
     could use the remaining current levy of up to 10% for the cost of
     management and purchase of COVID-19 vaccine.
    The government also agreed to provide tax deduction on expenses
     covering the cost of equipment and services for the provision of
     PPV by employers.
    In addition, tax deduction on COVID-19 contributions through
     community or charitable projects is also extended to cover
     contributions to PPV.
Tax & Business Advisors


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