Page created by Jimmie Rivera
VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021


                                   The PMIP model family


Paul J. Valdes, Pascale Braconnot, Katrin J. Meissner and Sarah Eggleston
62                                                                ANNOUNCEMENTS

     News                                                                                          LandCover6k: New land-cover and land-use
     6th Open Science Meeting and 4th Young Scientists Meeting                                     datasets for evaluation and improvement of
     Due to the continuing uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision was        anthropogenic land-cover change scenarios
     made by the Local Organizing Committee, the PAGES SSC, and the PAGES EXCOM to                 2-4 December 2021 – Online
     hold the Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) online in
                                                                                                   SISAL: Towards a global compilation of
     2022. The dates for the OSM are 16-20 May 2022 and the YSM will be taking place from
                                                                                                   speleothem trace element records
     9-13 May 2022. The deadline for OSM abstract submissions and YSM applications is
                                                                                                   28 Feb-4 Mar 2022 – Jerusalem, Israel
     31 January 2022. More information:
                                                                                                   C-SIDE: Integrating sea-ice proxies, model
     PAGES IAI and African Mobility Fellowships
                                                                                                   simulations, and complementary records of
     2021 saw the launch of two mobility fellowships for early-career scientists studying past
                                                                                                   glacial-interglacial climate change
     global changes: The PAGES-IAI International Mobility Research Fellowship Program
                                                                                                   May 2022 (exact dates TBC) – Bordeaux, France
     for Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and The PAGES Inter-Africa
     Mobility Research Fellowship Program for African early-career scientists. More details:       VICS: Moving forward by looking back                                                        2022 (exact dates TBC) – Aarhus, Denmark
     New PAGES website                                                                             Due to COVID-19 disruptions, dates and venues
     In the summer of 2021 PAGES launched its new website. While we are thrilled with the          are subject to change. Please check the website
     fresh and updated look, we are experiencing issues which we are working tirelessly to         regularly for updates from the organizers.
     iron out. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this teething phase. You are
     welcome to email us about any issues you spot:

                                                                                                   Featured publications
     Goodbye and welcome to SSC and EXCOM members
     PAGES says thank you and bids farewell to five members who will be rotating off the SSC
     at the end of 2021: Asfawossen Asrat, Cristiano Chiessi, Michael Evans, Lindsey Gillson,
     and Katrin Meissner. In January 2022, we welcome Ilham Bouimetarhan, Martin Grosjean,         Thresholds, tipping points, and multiple
     and Fabrice Lambert to the SSC, and Paul Valdes and Boris Vannière will replace Michael       equilibria in the Earth system
     Evans and Katrin Meissner on the EXCOM.                                                       Victor Brovkin, together with members of the
                                                                                                   PAGES integrative activity on Thresholds and
     Apply to be on our SSC
                                                                                                   the Future Earth global research project AIMES,
     PAGES is pleased to announce that the call for applications from scientists to serve on its
                                                                                                   showed that past abrupt climate changes
     Scientific Steering Committee for the term starting January 2023 is now open. The next
                                                                                                   provide evidence of cascading tipping points
     deadline for applications is 4 April 2022. Details:
                                                                                                   and early warning signals in the Earth system:
     PAGES Early-Career Network
     PAGES' ECN is pleased to welcome two new members to the steering committee:
                                                                                                   Blake Dyer et al. compared paleo sea-level
     Georgy Falster (Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University, Australia) and
                                                                                                   observations from the Bahamian archipelago to
     Ignacio Jara (Postdoctoral Researcher, CEAZA Scientific Centre, Chile). They will join the
                                                                                                   results from several Earth deformation models
     steering committee in its primary tasks of visioning, coordination, communication, and
                                                                                                   to explore the sensitivity of polar ice sheets to
     organization for the ECN.
                                                                                                   high-latitude warming. Results indicate that previ-
     New working group                                                                             ous estimates should be corrected downward:
     PAGES is pleased to announce the launch of the new PaleoEcoGen working group, which 
     aims to improve our understanding of past critical ecological transitions based on a key
     and emerging proxy: ancient environmental DNA. The group is motivated to address the
                                                                                                   In collaboration with PAGES and Future Earth,
     key question: what can we learn about the mechanisms leading to critical transitions and
                                                                                                   C-PEAT leaders took part in the UN Framework
     their subsequent evolutionary and ecological trajectories based on the comparison of
                                                                                                   Convention on Climate Change (COP26). They
     biomes in paleorecords from terrestrial and aquatic biomes? Find out more and join its
                                                                                                   were present at the Peatland Pavilion, showing an
                                                                                                   interactive peatland map with >75 sites from 20
     New endorsed group                                                                            countries that have been studied by the C-PEAT
     The Climate Change & History Research Initiative (CCHRI) was recently endorsed                community:
     by PAGES. CCHRI is an international interdisciplinary project to bring together
     archaeologists, historians, and climate historians as well as paleoenvironmentalists to
                                                                                                   The group's special issue in Climate of the Past
     address past responses to environmental challenges. All details:
                                                                                                   "International methods and comparisons in
                                                                                                   climate reconstruction and impacts from archives
     Deadline for new working groups and financial support                                         of societies" currently includes seven papers
     The next deadline to propose a new PAGES working group or apply for financial                 focusing on different world regions, and two
     support for a workshop, meeting, or conference, as well as for Data Steward Scholarship       papers under review:
     applications will be on 31 March 2022. All details:             publications/special-issues/13159
     PAGES IPO staff update
     PAGES' International Project Office recently bade farewell to Angela Wade, who
     navigated PAGES' communications and office management for six years. We thank
     Angela for her dedication over the years and welcome Chené van Rensburg and Leigh             Cover
     Martens Winiger, who have replaced Angela. In addition, we welcome Ursula Widmer
                                                                                                   Group "photo" representing the different
     as the new Finance and Office Manager, who has taken over from Monika Hofer, and
                                                                                                   models used to simulate the mid-Holocene
     Francesco Verde, who has replaced Shashika Sedara Hettige as IT Coordinator. All new
                                                                                                   climate following PMIP3 or PMIP4 protocols.
     contact details can be found on the PAGES website:
                                                                                                   The different parts of the heads represent dif-
                                                                                                   ferent climate indicators. These statistics are
     Upcoming issue of Past Global Changes Magazine                                                presented as Chernoff faces, which allows us to
     The next magazine, guest edited by Lindsey Gillson, Peter Gell, Cathy Whitlock, Willy         compare how the different models represent
     Tinner, and Sabine Prader, focuses on paleoecology and restoration ecology. Members           the change in temperature seasonality over the
     of the DiverseK working group are additionally organizing a mini-section within the issue.    Eurasian continent and monsoon precipitation
     Although preparations are well underway, if you would like to contribute, please contact      over India and Africa. Illustration by Jean-Yves
     our Science Officer:                                           Petershmitt and Pascale Braconnot.

                                                 PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021                                               CC-BY
EDITORIAL: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project                                                                                            63

Paleoclimate Modelling
Intercomparison Project
Paul J. Valdes1, P. Braconnot2 and K.J. Meissner3

Thirty years is a long time in science. New                PMIP has changed all of this. By ensuring                    and the exciting new developments for the
data leads to revisions of old theories, and               that modelers perform identical simula-                      future. We hope you enjoy the read and the
new theories challenge interpretations.                    tions, we can now quantify (some aspects) of                 time spent with the growing PMIP model
Thirty years is a particularly long time in                the uncertainty intrinsic to climate models;                 family.
climate research, with huge advances in                    by performing simulations with different
our understanding and ability to predict                   boundary conditions, such as using alterna-                  Some of us have been lucky to have seen the
climate change and its impacts. Throughout                 tive ice-sheet reconstructions, we can quan-                 full evolution of PMIP, attending the very first
this time, the Paleoclimate Modelling                      tify uncertainties arising from a single source              meeting in Paris involving about 40 research-
Intercomparison Project (PMIP) has been at                 of interest. In the early days of PMIP, the                  ers, to the latest workshop with more than
the forefront of testing the latest generation             climate models were often slightly older than                120 researchers of all nationalities and ages.
of climate and Earth system models against                 the state of the art, but in recent years, PMIP              The workshops have always been stunning
paleoclimate data, acting as an important                  modelers have been using the same models                     in terms of the excitement in the science,
conduit between the paleodata community                    as those being used to support the IPCC as-                  and the enjoyable and lively discussions (and
and the climate modelers involved in future                sessments, ensuring that the lessons learned                 also the fun dancing and singing and dining
projections. It has also acted as an important             can directly inform future projections.                      which have become a tradition at these
motivator of paleodatabase development,                                                                                 workshops). Future challenges and opportu-
which is so essential for rigorous model–data              Similarly, PMIP has also helped bridge the                   nities continue, with exciting developments
comparisons.                                               divide between modelers and paleodata                        including the use of Earth system models
                                                           scientists. It is now common for both model-                 and the integration of transient simulations
Thirty years ago, the paleo community                      ers and data collectors to work together to                  all ensuring that PMIP will continue to have a
was quite divided between the scientists                   analyze model output and compare data,                       long and exciting future.
developing and collecting data and the pa-                 and it is increasingly common for members
leoclimate modelers. Researchers collected                 of the paleodata community to spend time in                  AFFILIATIONS
paleoenvironmental data and developed                      modeling labs and perform model simula-                      1
                                                                                                                         School of Geographical Sciences, University of
interpretations of this data in terms of past              tions. Some modelers even spend time in the                    Bristol, UK
climate, but many were somewhat suspi-                     field! Such collaborations drive innovation,                 2
                                                                                                                          Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de
cious of climate modelers, who seemed to                   and some of the most exciting recent devel-                    l'Environnement, LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,
sit in front of their computers and never go               opments are in cross-over areas such as data                   Université Paris-Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France
out into the field. The modelers confidently               assimilation.
                                                                                                                          Climate Change Research Centre, University of New
                                                                                                                          South Wales, Sydney, Australia
discussed the changes in climate around the
globe for particular time periods of the past,             This issue of Past Global Changes Magazine                   CONTACT
yet they could not calculate the uncertainty               contains a range of contributions highlight-                 Paul Valdes:
in their model results.                                    ing the amazing achievements of PMIP

  Figure 1: Participants at the PMIP workshop in Collonges-la-Rouge, France. Many are still involved in the PMIP community, though some are looking a lot older!
  Front row: Pat Bartlein, Robin Webb (?), John Kutzbach, Dave Pollard, Bob Oglesby. Second row: Pascale Braconnot, Karl Taylor, Sandy Harrison, Gerhard Krinner, Klaus
  Herterich, Sylvie Joussaume, Norman MacFarlane, Jozef Sytkus. Third row: (?), Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Lisa Sloan, Natalie de Noblet, Michael Lautenschlager (?),
  Marie-France Loutre, Masa Kageyama, Valerie Masson, Gilles Ramstein, Akio Kitoh, Tony Broccoli. Back row: Buwen Dong, Jai-Oh Oh (?), John Mitchell, Paul Valdes, Michael
  Schlesinger, Chris Hewitt, David Rind, Christophe Genthon (?), Alex Kislov, Dominique Jolly (?), Joel Guiot, Mikhail Verbitsky.
  Corrections and additions sent to are very welcome!

                                                  PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021                                                                      CC-BY
64                    SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project

     PMIP: Looking back to its first phase
     Sylvie Joussaume1 and Karl E. Taylor2

     The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2021. The first phase initiated
     systematic model-model and model–data comparisons for the Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene. Here, we
     describe the historical context of PMIP, the experiment design, and the project's early impacts.

     PMIP Launch                                     proponents and its merits, and in the end,                    key to the success of COHMAP. Thus, one
     The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison      both were endorsed as options for the LGM.                    of PMIP's many objectives was to encour-
     Project (PMIP) was launched 30 years ago                                                                      age data syntheses for the two paleoclimate
     at an international North Atlantic Treaty       For the mid-Holocene experiment, the                          periods that would enable model–data
     Organization (NATO; workshop          choice of surface boundary conditions was                     comparisons. A model–data sub-committee
     in Saclay, France, in 1991. Its main objec-     easier since SSTs are nearer to present-day                   organized this work, led by Sandy Harrison,
     tives were to investigate the mechanisms        conditions. In this case, to help isolate the                 Joël Guiot and Pat Bartlein. At a workshop
     of climate change and to evaluate model         impact of orbital changes, the SSTs were                      in Aussois, France, in 1993, participants dis-
     capabilities in simulating past climates. At    simply prescribed to be the same as in the                    cussed both inverse and forward approaches
     this workshop, the first PMIP experiments       Atmospheric Modelling Intercomparison                         for evaluating models using paleoclimate
     were conceived, which focused on two very       Project (AMIP) experiments. In the few years                  observations. These discussions highlighted
     different climatic periods: the Last Glacial    following the first workshop, consensus                       the importance of fostering close interac-
     Maximum (LGM; 21,000 years before present       was reached concerning the LGM ice-sheet                      tions between the two communities.
     (BP)) with extremely cold conditions and        boundary conditions; the Peltier ice-sheet
     the mid-Holocene (6,000 years BP) with an       reconstruction was adopted in 1992 follow-                    By 1994, all experimental conditions were
     orbitally-forced change in seasonal cycle.      ing discussions at a workshop at Lamont–                      fixed and described in a foundational paper
                                                     Doherty Earth Observatory, USA, organized                     by Joussaume and Taylor (1995). This first
     PMIP built on ground-breaking paleoclimate      by Bill Ruddiman. Considerable work was                       phase of PMIP attracted the participation
     experiments performed with earlier models       required to iron out details concerning                       of 18 modeling groups, from Europe, the
     and capitalized on well-documented data         definition of the insolation forcing for the                  USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Korea, and
     syntheses for these periods, notably the        mid-Holocene and the proper way to com-                       Japan. Following the lead of its slightly older
     extensive work of the Cooperative Holocene      pare seasonal cycles from past and present                    sibling AMIP, PMIP relied on infrastructure
     Mapping Project (COHMAP) group led by           climates when statistics are based on civil                   support from the Program for Climate Model
     John Kutzbach. In the initial phase of the      calendar months, but climate responds to                      Diagnosis & Intercomparison (PCMDI;
     project, the main features of the selected      astronomically-determined seasons.                   and its director, Larry Gates.
     paleoclimates were investigated by of-                                                                        In PMIP's first phase, data were collected
     fering an experimental protocol where           From the beginning, PMIP modelers and                         and stored at PCMDI in a restricted-access
     all models would be run with the same           the paleoclimate data community forged a                      database, as was the practice for AMIP as
     prescribed boundary conditions. From            strong working relationship, as this had been                 well. Several papers were published (see
     the start, PMIP was endorsed by both the
     International Geosphere Biosphere Program                  Biome distributions
     through PAGES and the World Climate                                                                                                                      biomes
                                                                                                                                                                     at 6k
                                                      DTF/S                                                                                                    limbiome
                                                                                                                                                              biomes at 0k
     Research Programme (WCRP; wcrp-climate.
     org), first through the Working Group on
     Numerical Experimentation and later by
     the Working Group on Coupled Modelling
     as part of Climate and Ocean – Variability,            30N           25N           20N            15N           10N            5N            EQ
     Predictability, and Change (CLIVAR; clivar.                Precipitation changes over Africa: PMIP simulations
     org).                                             1000                                                                                                    BMRC
                                                         900                                                                                                   CCC2
     During its first phase (1991–2001), PMIP                                                                                                                  CCM3
                                                         800                                                                                                   CCSR1
     focused only on atmospheric general circu-                                                                                                                ARPEGE
     lation models (AGCMs), which at that time           700                                                                                                   CSIRO
     were the standard climate models. The final         600                                                                                                   ECHAM3
     design of the PMIP experiments was only             500                                                                                                   GFDL
     arrived at following intense discussions that       400                                                                                                   GISS-IIP
     began with the initial 1991 NATO workshop           300     max                                                                                           LMD5
     with a focus on the experimental design for                 desert/steppe transition                                                                      MRI2
                                                         200                                                                                                   MSU
     the LGM. A major point of contention was                    min
                                                         100                                                                                                   UGAMP
     whether to constrain the PMIP simulations of
                                                           0                                                                                                   UIUC
     the LGM by prescribing sea surface tempera-                                                                                                               HADAM2
     tures (SSTs) as reconstructed by the Climate:      -100                                                                                                   YONU
     Long range Investigation, Mapping, and             -200
     Prediction (CLIMAP) project in 1981, with the      -300
     prospect that the resulting climate would              30N           25N           20N            15N           10N            5N            EQ
     be more realistic, or to use AGCMs coupled
                                                       Figure 1: PMIP1 simulations of annual mean precipitation changes (6 kyr BP minus present; mm/year) in the
     to slab oceans, allowing for some surface         African monsoon region (20ºW–30ºE). (A) Biome distribution (desert, steppe, xerophytic and dry tropical forest/
     ocean interactions, but with ocean horizon-       savannah; DTF/S) as a function of latitude for 6 kyr BP (green triangles) and present-day (red circles). The limit of
     tal heat transport fixed as present-day and,      desert-steppe at 6 kyr BP around 23ºN (blue vertical dashed line) provides a range of precipitation excess above
     therefore, inconsistent with paleoclimate         model results shown in (B). (B) Model results with hatched lines showing estimated upper and lower bounds
     data. Each of these approaches had its            excess precipitation needed to support grasslands based on present climatic limits. Figure reproduced from
                                                       McAvaney et al. (2001); redrawn from Joussaume et al. (1999).

                                             PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021                                                                        CC-BY
SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project                                                                                                          65

                                       Model–data comparison at the LGM (30ºN − 30ºS)
                                                        (LGM − PD) temperature differences

                         land pollen                                                                                                        America (90ºW−40ºW)
                                                                                                                                            Africa (2ºW−50ºE)
                    6                                                                                                                       Indonesia, Pacific (105ºE−109ºW)
          nb data

                                                                                                                                            Indian Ocean
                                                                                                                                            Atlantic Ocean
                    0                                                                                                                       Pacific Ocean
                        −9      −8     −7     −6        −5         −4        −3       −2      −1         0
                                               cooling over land (ºC)
                                                                                                                                                    nb data
                        −9      −8     −7     −6        −5         −4        −3       −2      −1         0                                      0     5        10        15          20
                                                                                                             0                              0
                                                                        8 6,7     1
                                                                                                             −1                         −1

                                                                                                                  cooling over oceans
                                                               5 1           2

                                                                                                                                                                                       ocean alkenones
                                                                                                             −2                         −2

                                                                        6                                    −3                         −3
                                                               7        prescribed SSTs
                                                                        computed SSTs                        −4                         −4
                                                                        EMIC models

                                                                                                             −5                         −5
  Figure 2: Annual mean simulated tropical cooling over ocean and land from PMIP1 LGM simulations, compared to estimates of terrestrial cooling from pollen (Farrera et al.
  1999) and from ocean SSTs estimated from alkenones (Rosell-Melé et al. 1998). Figure reproduced from McAvaney et al. (2001; adapted from Pinot et al. 1999)., and the major find-                   by vegetation simulations using PMIP out-                                    let alone vibrant, 30 years later. During this
ings were emphasized in the third IPCC                     puts (Harrison et al. 1998). This is a modeling                              time, younger scientists have brought new
Assessment Report (McAvaney et al. 2001).                  problem that continues to challenge state-                                   energy and ideas to the project, and have re-
Two key PMIP figures are reproduced here in                of-the-art models.                                                           invigorated the quest to understand paleo-
Figures 1 and 2.                                                                                                                        climates. We believe that PMIP will continue
                                                           The model–data comparisons over Europe                                       to attract a community of researchers who
PMIP results became the focus of several                   led to the establishment of new bioclimatic                                  enjoy working together and who will seize
community workshops that included both                     variables such as temperature of the coldest                                 opportunities to expand our knowledge of
paleoclimate modelers and specialists in                   month and growing degree-days, rather                                        our climate system by looking at the past.
paleoclimate data. At the first workshop in                than the commonly-used January and July
1995 in Collonges-la-Rouge, France, initial                temperature estimates (Cheddadi et al.                                       AFFILIATIONS
analyses were shared. Then in 1997 at San                  1996). These more robust variables enhance                                   1
                                                                                                                                         Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de
Damiano, USA, subprojects were organized                   confidence in model–data comparisons                                           l'Environnement, LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,
and papers planned. Subsequently, in 1999                  (Masson et al. 1999).                                                          Université Paris-Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France
at La Huardière, Canada, a synthesis of the                                                                                             2
                                                                                                                                          PCMDI, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
results was prepared and then published                    For the LGM, models simulated a global                                         Livermore, CA, USA
in a WCRP special report (Braconnot 2000).                 cooling of about 4ºC when forced with                                        CONTACT
These workshops have been essential to                     CLIMAP SST reconstructions, whereas                                          Sylvie Joussaume:
PMIP's success. They were instrumental in                  AGCMs coupled to slab oceans produced
developing the close working relationship                  a global cooling between 2º and 6ºC.                                         REFERENCES
between modelers and data specialists that                 Following the issue raised by Rind and                                       Braconnot P. (Ed; 2000) Paleoclimate Modelling
led to a better appreciation of the limita-                Peteet (1985) about the underestimation of                                         Intercomparison Project: proceedings of the third
                                                                                                                                              PMIP Workshop. WCRP-111, WMO/TD-1007, 271
tions of both models and observations and                  the simulated terrestrial tropical cooling at
to development of improved understand-                     LGM, a detailed model–data comparison
ing of the climate system. The PMIP work-                  study was conducted for the tropics that                                     Cheddadi R et al. (1996) Clim Dyn 13: 1-9
shops have all been intensive, interactive,                relied on a new data synthesis effort fos-                                   Farrera I et al. (1999) Clim Dyn 15: 823-856
and lively; and we will not forget the "PMIP               tered by PMIP (Farrera et al. 1999). In the                                  Harrison SP et al. (1998) J Clim 11: 2721-2742
song" introduced in the Collonges-la-Rouge                 tropics, models forced by the relatively warm                                Jolly D et al. (1998) J Biogeogr 25: 1007-1027
workshop (                 CLIMAP SSTs confirmed an underestimated
                                                                                                                                        Joussaume S, Taylor KE (1995) Status of the paleoclimate
html), and revised in San Damiano; and the                 terrestrial cooling, whereas models that                                           modeling intercomparison project, Proceedings
dancing and revelry in La Huardière!                       computed SSTs obtained estimates in better                                         of the first international AMIP scientific conference,
                                                           agreement with the observed tropical cool-                                         WCRP Report, 425-430
Main highlights from the first PMIP phase                  ing (Fig. 2), compensating for their relatively                              Joussaume S et al. (1999) Geophys Res Lett 26: 859-862
In what became known as the "Big Picture                   weak cooling over land with excessive ocean
                                                                                                                                        Kageyama M et al. (2001) Clim Dyn 17: 23-43
Paper", Joussaume et al. (1999) showed that                cooling (Pinot et al. 1999). In addition, an ex-
as a result of increased summer insolation,                tensive comparison over Europe (Kageyama                                     Masson V et al. (1999) Clim Dyn 15: 163-182
all the models simulated an increase in the                et al. 2001) concluded that according to pol-                                McAvaney BJ et al. (2001) In: J. Houghton (Ed) Climate
summer monsoon precipitation over Africa                   len data (Peyron et al. 1998), models tended                                      Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Cambridge
and Asia during the mid-Holocene (Fig. 1).                 to underestimate winter cooling, at least                                         University Press, 471-523

A quantitative comparison over Africa using                over western Europe.                                                         Peyron O et al. (1998) Quat Res 49: 183-196
results from BIOME 6000 (Jolly et al. 1998)                                                                                             Pinot S et al. (1999) Clim Dyn 15: 857-874
showed that all the models underestimated                  Looking forward                                                              Rind D, Peteet D (1985) Quat Sci Rev 24: 1-22
the northward displacement of the desert-                  When launching PMIP in 1991, we did not
                                                                                                                                        Rosell-Melé A (1998) EOS 79: 393-394
steppe transition, which was also confirmed                expect the project would still be relevant,

CC-BY                                              PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021
66                     SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project

     PMIP key dates and achievements
     over the last 30 years
     Pascale Braconnot1, M. Kageyama1, S.P. Harrison2, B.L. Otto-Bliesner3, A. Abe-Ouchi4, M. Willé1, J.-Y. Peterschmitt1
     and N. Caud1

     Over the last 30 years, PMIP has made significant progress in the development of Earth system models, climate
     reconstructions, and model–data comparisons. It has contributed greatly to our understanding of climate sensitivity,
     ocean circulation and abrupt events, the hydrological cycle, the linkages between climate and ecosystems, and
     climate variability.
     From infancy to a mature project                  Evolution of the context and                                                               groups to sample uncertainties in boundary
     During the last 30 years, the Paleoclimate        scientific questions                                                                       conditions.
     Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)          PMIP1 highlighted robust model responses
     has fostered synchronized model simula-           to external forcings for the mid-Holocene                                                  New periods and questions have been
     tions, climate reconstructions, and model-        and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and dis-                                                included progressively in PMIP to address
     model and model–data comparisons for key          cussed model uncertainties. The number of                                                  a broader range of external forcings and
     climate periods in the past (Fig. 1). The major   independent climate indicators from differ-                                                climate issues. These choices were dis-
     objectives of the project developed for the       ent natural archives has increased with time,                                              cussed and made at the regular PMIP meet-
     first phase of PMIP are still valid today (see    allowing for tests of the modeled response                                                 ings every 2–3 years (Fig. 1). A challenge
     Joussaume and Taylor, this issue): to under-      to the forcings of the land, ocean, and ice                                                has been to foster collaboration around key
     stand the mechanisms of climate change,           sheets (see Bartlein et al. and Jonkers et                                                 periods, with standardized simulations and
     test models in a climate context different        al. this issue). The role of carbon cycle and                                              associated databases, while also acting as a
     from modern, and define evaluation criteria       other feedbacks has been considered                                                        network to share new results and sensitivity
     that are relevant to assess the credibility       since PMIP2. PMIP3 introduced a focus on                                                   experiments that improve our understand-
     of future climate projections. However, the       analyses of interannual-to-centennial climate                                              ing of major climate feedbacks. The early
     project has refined these objectives in four      variability (Braconnot et al. 2012). New meth-                                             Holocene and last glacial inception were
     successive phases (Fig. 1 and 2).                 odologies for model–data comparison have                                                   included in PMIP2 to address questions
                                                       been continuously developed, from simple                                                   about water cycle feedback from the ocean
     The PMIP niche is to produce paleoclimate         visual comparisons, to application of specific                                             and vegetation, and the role of snow and
     simulations with the same general circulation     metrics, and finally to the use of forward                                                 ice sheets (PMIP 2000). Multi-model results
     models (GCMs) used for future climate pro-        modeling of the various climate indicators                                                 were developed for the last interglacial in
     jections. During PMIP's lifetime, these mod-      such as water or carbon isotopes. The impor-                                               PMIP3. However, a common protocol for the
     els have evolved from atmosphere-only to          tance of model–data comparison meant                                                       last interglacial was only proposed in PMIP4
     Earth system models (Fig. 1), initially through   that there had to be a balance between the                                                 (Otto-Bliesner et al. 2017). Pre-Quaternary
     the inclusion of either ocean or vegetation       use of a strict experiment protocol to be                                                  climates have also been included since
     couplings with the atmosphere. The choice         able to understand model differences and                                                   PMIP3 because of their ability to provide
     of the complexity of the model used, such as      more flexible protocols allowing different                                                 constraints on climate sensitivity (Haywood
     the inclusion of the carbon cycle or interac-
     tive aerosols, still varies across modeling
     groups. However, currently, the main focus                         PMIP1                                        PMIP2                                            PMIP3                                  PMIP4
     is on full integration of the different com-
     ponents of the system. PMIP has provided
     a way both to test different climate feed-        Forcings
     backs related to land surface, ocean, or ice
     sheets, and to improve understanding of the
                                                       Model complexity
     relationship between climate and variations
     in terrestrial and marine biogeochemistry.
     Because of its unique focus, PMIP has been                                                                                                                                    2014: Namur, Belgium
     endorsed from the beginning by PAGES and
                                                                                                                                                                                   (Michel Crucifix)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Beer, Hostellerie
     the World Climate Research Programme
                                                                                                                                                                                   Crucifix et al. (2014)
                                                                                           1999: La Huardière, Canada                                             2012: Crew Hall, UK
     (WCRP) through its core project Climate                                               (Anne de Vernal)
                                                                                           Canoe, Dance
                                                                                                                                                                  (Alan Haywood)
                                                                                                                                                                  Country sports, Dance
     Variability (CLIVAR) and subsequently                                                 PMIP (2000)                                                            Crucifix et al. (2012)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              2020: Nanjing, China
     the Working Group on Coupled Models                                                                        2005: Presqu’île de Giens, France         2010: Kyoto, Japan
                                                                             1997: San Damiano, USA                                                                                                           and virtually
                                                                                                                (Pascale Braconnot)                       (Ayako Abe-Ouchi)
                                                                             (Karl Taylor)                                                                                                                    (Jian Liu)
     (WGCM). These endorsements have allowed                                 Big picture, PMIP song             Porquerolles, Food
                                                                                                                Crucifix et al. (2005)
                                                                                                                                                          Food discovery, Temples
                                                                                                                                                          Haywood et al. (2011); Schmittner et al. (2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Padlet, Chinese hub
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Liu et al. (2021)
     PMIP to maintain strong connections to the           1995: Collonges-la-Rouge, France
                                                                                                      2002: Cambridge, UK                 2008: Estes Park, USA                               2017: Stockholm, Sweden
     modeling and climate reconstruction com-             (Sylvie Joussaume)
                                                                                                      (Paul Valdes)
                                                                                                                                          (Bette Otto-Bliesner)
                                                                                                                                          Barbecue, Beers
                                                                                                                                                                                              (Qiong Zhang)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Nobel museum
     munities throughout the last 30 years.
                                                          Caves, Volley
                                                                                                      Harrison et al. (2002)              Otto-Bliesner et al. (2009a; 2009b)                 Zhang et al. (2017)
                                                       PMIP related

     PMIP encourages growth in its activities
     while maintaining a focus on a limited
     number of key questions. It plays a key role
     by providing results in the open database             1995                          2000                            2005                           2010                            2015                        2020
     for global climate simulations supported             Joussaume and Taylor (1995)                Braconnot et al. (2003) Braconnot et al. (2007)   Braconnotet al. (2010)
                                                                                                                                                                   Braconnot et al. (2012)                     Kageyama et al. (2018)

     by WCRP (Peterschmitt et al. 2018). These           Figure 1: PMIP phases highlighting major meetings (date, location, host, activities, and meeting report), together
     results have been used for studies well be-         with the key periods, external forcings, and model complexity represented with small infographics either as
     yond those originally envisaged by people           core PMIP activities (green), small groups (orange), or as part of the wider network (blue). MH = Mid-Holocene,
     outside the main PMIP community, including          LGM = Last Glacial Maximum, EH = Early Holocene, LM = Last Millennium, PLIO = Pliocene, DEEP = deep time,
     for impact studies, or to assess changes in         LIG = Last Interglacial, and LD = Last Deglaciation. When a number is included (e.g. "115ka"), it refers to the
     biodiversity or ecological niches.                  exact period as discussed during PMIP meetings.

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                                                                                                                               In conclusion
                 Mid Holocene : 6 – 0 kyr BP                                                              LGM 21 – 0 kyr BP    During the last 30 years PMIP has provided
                                    Biomes 0 kyr BP                                                                            a scientific basis to define the level of model
                                    Biomes 6 kyr BP
                                                                                                                  MARGO        complexity needed to understand climate
                                                                                                                               change processes and interactions be-
                                                                                                                               tween the different timescales fully. This is

                                                                                                                               one of the reasons why PMIP results serve
                                                                                                                               as reference in IPCC assessment reports
                                                                                                                               (Kageyama et al. this issue, p. 68). Little by
                                                                                                                               little, paleoclimate simulations are no longer
                                                                                                                               being considered just to check confidence in
                                                                                                                               the models, but also as a necessary step for

  Precipitation anomalies (mm/yr)

                                                                                                                               identifying model deficiencies and contrib-

                                                                        Temperature anomalies
                                                                                                                               uting to the improvement of the physical

                                                                        over land – data sites
                                                                                                                               and biogeochemical content of the models.
                                                                                                                               Paleoclimate simulations represent an es-
                                                                                                                               sential element in understanding climatic
                                                              PMIP2                                                            events with a high impact on ecosystems or

                                                                                                                                Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de
                                                                                                                                 l'Environnement, LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,
                                                                                                                                 Université Paris-Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France

                                                                                                                                 School of Archaeology, Geography and
                                                                                                                                 Environmental Science (SAGES), University of
                                                                                                                                 Reading, UK
                                                                                                                                 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,
                                                                                                 Temperature anomalies           CO, USA
                                                                                                 over the ocean – data sites   4
                                                                                                                                 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The
                                                                                                                                 University of Tokyo, Japan
  Figure 2: Iconic PMIP graphics to show how well models represent the increase and northward extent of the
  mid-Holocene West African monsoon and the Last Glacial Maximum land–sea contrast through the different                       CONTACT
  phases of PMIP. (Top) Summary of the data constraints. Temperature anomalies compiled from MARGO Project                     Pascale Braconnot:
  Members (2009) and Bartlein et al. (2011); biome reconstruction from Joussaume et al. (1999).
et al. 2010). The Last Millennium in PMIP is                  now produce more consistent representa-                          Bartlein PJ et al. (2011) Clim Dyn 37: 775-802
associated with the PAGES 2k Network and                      tions of increased precipitation between                         Braconnot P et al. (2003) CLIVAR Exchanges 28: 19-20
the need to improve pre-industrial refer-                     6°N and 16°N, but continue to struggle to                        Braconnot P et al. (2007) Clim Past 3: 261-277
ence climates (Schmidt et al. 2011). Several                  reproduce the large observed changes from                        Braconnot P et al. (2010) CLIVAR Exchanges 56: 15-19
fresh water flux experiments have also been                   16°N to 30°N.
                                                                                                                               Braconnot P et al. (2012) Nat Clim Chang 2: 417-424
regularly discussed, either for the Holocene
8.2 kyr event (see Gregoire and Morrill,                      For the LGM, PMIP results have consolidated                      Brierley CM et al. (2020) Clim Past 16: 1847-1872
this issue) or complementary experiments                      the understanding of the ratio between                           Crucifix M et al. (2005) Eos 86: 264-264
around the LGM. Recently the deglaciation                     temperature over land and over the ocean,                        Crucifix M et al. (2012) Eos 93: 539-539
has become one of the major flagships for                     which is relevant for discussions about future                   Crucifix M et al. (2014) PAGES Mag 22: 103
PMIP simulations (Ivanovic et al. 2016).                      climate (Stocker et al. 2013). Independent
                                                                                                                               Harrison SP et al. (2002) Eos 83: 447-447
                                                              reconstructions over land and ocean support
                                                                                                                               Haywood AM et al. (2010) Geosci Model Dev 3: 227-242
The current organization into eight working                   this ratio, and can be used to define which
groups (                     of the results better fits with past conditions.                 Haywood AM et al. (2011) Eos 92: 180-180
favors exchanges on the different climatic                    The current generation of climate models                         Ivanovic RF et al. (2016) Geosci Model Dev 9: 2563-2587
periods, transverse analyses for model–                       and new proxy reconstructions produce a                          Joussaume S, Taylor KE (1995) Status of the paleoclimate
data comparisons, and cross-period                            large range of results, however, suggesting                            modeling intercomparison project, Proceedings
analyses. Five PMIP experiments have been                     that the debate on the LGM land–sea ratio                              of the first international AMIP scientific conference,
included in CMIP6 (Fig. 1). More details                      has not yet been resolved (Kageyama et al.                             WCRP Report, 425-430
of the PMIP journey are available online:                     2021).                                                           Joussaume S et al. (1999) Geophys Res Lett 26: 859-862                                                                                      Kageyama M et al. (2018) Geosci Model Dev 11:
HISTORY-OF-PMIP                                               Paleoclimate modeling and systematic                                  1033-1057
                                                              benchmarking within PMIP have demon-                             Kageyama M et al. (2021) Clim Past 17: 1065-1089
What do PMIP iconic figures tell us                           strated that feedbacks from ocean and
                                                                                                                               Liu J et al. (2021) PAGES Mag 29: 57
about advances in modeling?                                   vegetation are needed to reproduce climate
The two PMIP iconic figures presented                         changes at global or regional scales. PMIP                       MARGO Project Members (2009) Nat Geosci 2: 127-132
in Joussaume and Taylor (this issue) are                      has also demonstrated that models that                           Otto-Bliesner BL et al. (2009a) Eos 90: 93-93
reproduced here to provide an overview of                     produce good simulations of present-day                          Otto-Bliesner BL et al. (2009b) PAGES news 17: 42-43
how simulated changes in mid-Holocene                         climate do not necessarily have good skill in                    Otto-Bliesner BL et al. (2017) Geosci Model Dev 10:
precipitation or in LGM land–sea contrast                     simulating past changes. This raises ques-                             3979-4003
has been represented with increasing                          tions about how to pre-select models only                        Peterschmitt J-Y et al. (2018) PAGES Mag 26: 60-61
model complexity and resolution through-                      looking at modern conditions when consid-
                                                                                                                               Schmidt GA et al. (2011) Geosci Model Dev 4: 33-45
out the four phases of PMIP (Fig. 2). Figure                  ering future climate projections, for example
2 illustrates the 30-year quest to simulate                   for impact studies. The current phase of                         Schmittner A et al. (2011) PAGES news 19: 83-84
sufficient precipitation in the Sahel-Sahara                  PMIP should provide a wider range of past                        Stocker TF at al. (Eds; 2013) Climate Change 2013: The
to support the reconstructed mid-Holocene                     constraints from the combination of the                                Physical Science Basis. Cambridge University
vegetation cover, which has led to improved                   different climate periods to isolate missing                           Press, 1535 pp
understanding of the role of global and                       mechanisms or the impact of model biases                         Zhang Q et al. (2017) PAGES Mag 25: 160
regional feedbacks (soil, vegetation, albedo,                 on the seasonal, annual, or interannual-to-
etc.; Brierley et al. 2020). There has been a                 centennial scale characteristics of climate
shift between PMIP phases such that models                    changes.

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68                    SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project

     The contributions of PMIP to the
     IPCC assessment reports
     Masa Kageyama1, A. Abe-Ouchi2, J. Annan3, P. Braconnot1, C. Brierley4, J. Fidel Gonzalez-Rouco5, J. Hargreaves3,
     S.P. Harrison6, S. Joussaume1, D.J. Lunt7, B. Otto-Bliesner8 and M. Rojas Corradi9

     PMIP contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports (ARs) by placing
     current climate change into a wider context, evaluating climate model performance in very different climatic states,
     and constraining climate sensitivity based on paleoclimates.
     Before PMIP                                     Also in the TAR, PMIP results for the Last          time, some simulations of the last millennium
     Back in 1990 when the First Assessment          Glacial Maximum (LGM) are in terms of the           from AOGCMs and Earth system models of
     Report (FAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel     potential link between the global mean cool-        intermediate complexity, which announces
     for Climate Change (IPCC; Houghton et al.       ing and climate sensitivity, and an estimate        subsequent coordinated work within PMIP.
     1990) was published, PMIP did not exist.        of the LGM radiative forcing is given. The          The AR4 quantifies the estimated global
     However, in its fourth chapter, entitled        text then evaluates model results in compari-       LGM cooling of 4–7°C, which makes this pe-
     "Validation of climate models", the report      son to new reconstructions for the tropics          riod very relevant to the warming projected
     drew on the pioneering results from CLIMAP      (Joussaume and Taylor, this issue, Fig. 2) and      for 2100. PMIP results are also highlighted in
     Project Members (1981), who produced the        the extratropics. The cooling over the trop-        Chapter 9 in relation to future climate, and
     first set of boundary conditions for LGM        ics was a highly debated topic, in particular       contribute to the estimated ranges of equi-
     experiments, and COHMAP Members (1988),         because the cooling over land was found to          librium climate sensitivity in Table 9.3.
     who produced paleodata syntheses and            be much larger than over the oceans. This
     model simulations for key periods between       characteristic could only partly be explained       PMIP in the Fifth Assessment
     the LGM and present. It stated that "studies    by the "land–sea contrast" later found in           Report: multi-period analyses
     of paleoclimate changes are an important        observations of current climate change and          The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5; Stocker
     element in climate model validation for         projections for the future.                         et al. 2013) contains the largest number
     two reasons: (1) they improve our physical                                                          of figures showing PMIP results; these
     understanding of the causes and mecha-          At the time of the third assessment, the main       appear in chapters 5 ("Information from
     nisms of large climatic changes so that         conclusion was that the CLIMAP reconstruc-          paleoclimate archives"), 9 ("Evaluation of
     we can improve the representation of the        tions were probably too warm over the trop-         climate models"), and 10 ("Detection and
     appropriate processes in the models, and        ics. Results from slab-ocean models were            attribution of climate change"). The results
     (2) they provide unique data sets for model     in better agreement with reconstructions,           are based on the PMIP3 mid-Holocene,
     validation."                                    despite the fact they used present-day me-          LGM, and last millennium simulations, and
                                                     ridional heat transport. The TAR also points        the chosen figures show updated process
     This view has guided the contribution of        to a good agreement between models and              understanding for the LGM and data–model
     PMIP results to subsequent assessment re-       data over Europe, except for winter for which       comparisons for the mid-Holocene and the
     ports. The creation of PMIP was announced       the models underestimate the reconstructed          Last Interglacial. For the last millennium, AR5
     in the Second Assessment Report (Houghton       cooling. All these themes would be ad-              highlights the large increase in the number
     et al. 1996) in Chapter 5 ("Climate models      dressed in subsequent reports.                      of available AOGCM simulations relative to
     – evaluation"): "The earlier ice age SST (sea                                                       AR4. Furthermore, the consistency of these
     surface temperature) data sets […] are now      PMIP in the Fourth Assessment Report:               simulations with reconstructions and exter-
     being revised for use in the newly organized    addition of the Last Interglacial                   nal forcing changes is evaluated, showing
     Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison          In the Fourth Assessment report (AR4;               our understanding of the processes involved
     Project (PMIP) which is focusing on simula-     Solomon et al. 2007), PMIP disappears from          in the unprecedented present warming at
     tions for the Last Glacial Maximum and for      the evaluation chapter (apart from a citation       hemispheric and continental scales.
     6000 years BP using atmospheric models          on modeling abrupt climate change) and
     with both fixed SST and mixed-layer oceans".    appears in Chapter 6, a new chapter entirely        A novelty in AR5 is that results (specifically
                                                     dedicated to paleoclimate, and in Chapter 9,        regarding polar amplification) are shown
     PMIP in the Third Assessment Report:            on "Understanding and Attributing Climate           from multiple past periods (including for
     mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum           Change". Figure 6.5 shows components of             the mid-Pliocene Warm Period and the
     PMIP studies on both topics outlined in         the radiative forcing for the LGM, together         Eocene Climate Optimum), together with
     the FAR, model evaluation and process           with the simulated cooling in terms of sea          an idealized future scenario (2xCO2) in
     understanding, have been included in            surface temperatures and the relationships          the same figure. Another new topic is the
     every subsequent assessment report of the       between global and regional temperature             analysis of changes of ENSO variability for
     IPCC. In the Third Assessment Report (TAR;      changes from the LGM to pre-industrial. This        different periods. Several lines of evidence,
     Houghton et al. 2001), PMIP results can be      figure thereby highlights processes leading         including paleoclimate reconstructions and
     found in Chapter 8 ("Model evaluation"). The    to the temperature change, and simultane-           simulations are also combined to assess
     iconic figure for the mid-Holocene African      ously provides an evaluation of the results.        Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in a compre-
     monsoon (Joussaume and Taylor, this issue;      The conclusion is that AOGCMs "are able             hensive section on this topic in Chapter 10.
     Fig. 1, adapted from Joussaume et al. 1999)     to simulate the broad-scale spatial patterns        Model evaluation (Chapter 9) focuses on
     shows that models agree with precipitation      of regional climate change recorded by              the last millennium variability, large-scale
     reconstructions in simulating an increased      paleodata in response to the radiative forc-        and regional features of the LGM and mid-
     monsoon, but that they underestimate the        ing and continental ice sheets of the LGM,          Holocene surface climate, as well as LGM
     reconstructed northward displacement of         and thus indicate that they adequately rep-         large-scale deep ocean gradients in tem-
     the monsoon area. The text states that this     resent the primary feedbacks that determine         perature and salinity. Model performance
     is also the case for the northward displace-    the climate sensitivity of this past climate        is also quantified in terms of metrics, similar
     ment of the Arctic tree line, and highlights    state to these changes."                            to the approach used for evaluating pres-
     the inconsistency between the simulated                                                             ent climate in comparison to observations.
     drier Eurasia and reconstructed wetter          The AR4 also introduces AOGCM simula-               However, in the case of PMIP, the metrics are
     climate there.                                  tions of the Last Interglacial and, for the first   based on bioclimatic variables.

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                         IPCC              PMIP references

                         AR1 (Houghton Citation of COHMAP results and recognition of paleoclimate studies useful for the assessment
                         et al. 1990)

                         AR2 (Houghton     Chapter 5: "Climate models – evaluation" mentions PMIP's goals and focus on the mid-Holocene and LGM
                         et al. 1996)

                         AR3 (Houghton Chapter 8: "Model evaluation"
                         et al. 2001)                                                                                LGM tropical
                                                                                  MH African
                                                                                                                     temperatures on
                         PMIP1                                                    monsoon
                                                                                                                     land and in oceans

                         AR4 (Solomon      Chapter 6: "Paleoclimate"
                         et al. 2007)
                                           LGM summary: forcings, response, data-model
                                           comparison for the tropics and Antarctica,
                                           LIG climate and impact on the Greenland ice sheet

                                           Chapter 9: "Understanding and attributing climate change", Table 9.3: constraints on equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)

                         AR5 (Stocker      Chapter 5: "Information from paleoclimate archives"              Chapter 9:                              Chapter 10:
                         et al. 2013)                                                                       "Evaluation of climate models"          "Detection and
                                                                        ENSO,                                                                       attribution"
                                                                        multi-periods                       MH and LGM
                                           Polar                                                            model-data
                                           amplification,                LGM vs 2xCO2,                       comparisons
                                           multi-periods                climate sensitivity,                                                        Climate sensitivity
                                                                        feedback analysis                                                           estimates

                                           MH model-data                LIG data-model
                                           comparisons                  comparison
                                                                                                            LGM oceans

                                           Last Millenium timeseries, global and regional comparisons

                                                                                                            Last millenium

                         AR6 (Masson-      Technical summary        Chapter 2: "Changing       Chapter 3: "Human influence on the      Chapter 7: "The Earth's energy
                         Delmotte et al.                            state of the climate       climate system"                        budget, climate feedbacks, and
                         2021)             Paleoclimatic indicators system"                                                           climate sensitivity"
                         PMIP4                                                                 Large-scale indicators,
                                                                     Pliocene climate
                                                                                                                                      Polar amplification,
                                           Large-scale model-data
                                           comparison                                          Model-data comparisons
                                           (multi-period)                                      for MH and LGM
                                                                                                                                      Global mean
                                                                                                                                      and ECS

  Figure 1: Summary of paleoclimate modeling mentions in the IPCC first and second assessment reports, and of the figures showing PMIP results in subsequent assessment reports.

The Sixth Assessment report: PMIP                                and their potential for use by policymakers                        REFERENCES
distributed throughout the report                                and other stakeholders.                                            COHMAP Members (1988) Science 241: 1043-105
Simpler diagnostics have been chosen for                                                                                            CLIMAP Project Members (1981) Seasonal reconstruction
the Sixth Assessment Report, in which most                       AFFILIATIONS                                                            of the Earth's surface at the last glacial maximum.
chapters are devoted to process under-                           1
                                                                  Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de
                                                                                                                                         Geol Soc Am, Map and Chart Series, pp 1-18
standing and provide a holistic assessment                         l'Environnement, LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,                   Houghton JT et al. (Eds; 1990) Climate Change: the IPCC
of broad topics, including paleoclimatic                           Université Paris-Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France                       Scientific Assessment. Cambridge University
information. PMIP results, and results from                      2
                                                                   Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The                          Press, 365 pp
paleoclimate studies more generally, are                           University of Tokyo, Japan                                       Houghton JT et al. (Eds; 1996) Climate Change 1995: The
distributed throughout the report—with fig-
                                                                   BlueSkiesResearch, Settle, UK                                         Science of Climate Change. Cambridge University
                                                                   University College London, UK
ures found in chapters 2 ("Changing state of                                                                                             Press, 572 pp
                                                                   Department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics,
the climate system"), 3 ("Human influence on                                                                                        Houghton JT et al. (Eds; 2001) Climate Change 2001:
                                                                   Geosciences Institute IGEO (UCM-CSIC),
the climate system"), 7 ("The Earth's energy                       Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
                                                                                                                                         The Scientific Basis. Cambridge University Press,
budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sen-                      6
                                                                   School of Archaeology, Geography and
                                                                                                                                         881 pp
sitivity"), and 8 ("Water cycle changes"). One                     Environmental Science (SAGES), University of                     Joussaume et al. (1999) Geophys Res Lett 26: 859-862
remarkable result is that within the combina-                      Reading, UK                                                      Masson-Delmotte V et al. (Eds; 2021) Climate Change
tion of constraints on equilibrium climate                       7
                                                                   School of Geographical Sciences, University of                        2021: The Physical Science Basis. Cambridge
sensitivity, paleoclimatic reconstructions,                        Bristol, UK                                                           University Press, in press
supported by modeling work associated
                                                                   National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,
                                                                                                                                    Solomon S et al. (Eds; 2007) Climate Change 2007: The
                                                                   CO, USA
with PMIP, were key to reducing the likely                                                                                               Physical Science Basis. Cambridge University
                                                                   Department of Geophysics, University of Chile,
range of equilibrium climate sensitivity from                                                                                            Press, 1007 pp
                                                                   Santiago, Chile
the AR5 range of 1.5–4.5°C to 2.5–4.0°C. We                                                                                         Stocker TF et al. (Eds; 2013) Climate Change 2013: The
are optimistic that this presentation may im-                    CONTACT                                                                  Physical Science Basis. Cambridge University
prove the public's awareness of PMIP results,                    Masa Kageyama:                                Press, 1535 pp

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70                     SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project

     Paleoclimatic data syntheses from the
     terrestrial realm: History and prospects
     Patrick J. Bartlein1 and Thompson Webb III2

     Syntheses of terrestrial paleoclimatic data have a long history, but in the 1980s they rapidly developed into the
     database-in-a-repository form we know today. Over time they have anchored the productive interaction with climate-
     model simulations aimed at both testing the models and explaining patterns in the data.

     One of the basic tasks of PMIP (and its          the results of a GCM simulation with surface        the experiences of several of the participants
     predecessor studies) is the comparison of        boundary conditions provided by the                 in CLIMAP. The project evolved to focus on
     climate-model simulations with paleoenvi-        CLIMAP reconstructions. Although not the            a suite of paleoclimatic simulations at 3-kyr
     ronmental observations. This is motivated        first attempt at paleo simulation, the paper        intervals from the Last Glacial Maximum to
     by the dual objectives of using the observa-     did feature what might be regarded as a             present, and parallel syntheses of terrestrial
     tions to "benchmark" or test the models,         canonical mode of data–model comparison—            and marine data and climate reconstructions
     and using the physically based models to         dots on a map.                                      based on them (e.g. COHMAP Members
     provide mechanistic explanations for the ob-                                                         1988).
     served patterns in the data (Braconnot et al.    Running through the CLIMAP-era discus-
     2012; Harrison et al. 2015). These objectives    sions was the notion that if the goal was com-      By 1980, it became obvious that photocopy
     have in turn motivated the synthesis of pa-      parison of paleo-observations and climate-          and microfiche distribution was not ideal.
     leoenvironmental data from both terrestrial      model simulations, then more paleo-data             Personal computers were becoming widely
     and marine sources and their interpretation.     were surely needed. This began to be real-          available as were connections to the forerun-
     Here we review some of the past terrestrial      ized late in the 1970s. For example, Bernabo        ners of the internet, and this pushed along
     syntheses, and their evolution over time.        and Webb (1977) described mapped                    the electronic distribution of data.
                                                      summaries of Holocene pollen data from
     Early syntheses                                  northeastern North America, and similar             What might be regarded as the first "mod-
     Before the mid-1970s, syntheses of terrestrial   work was underway for Europe (Huntley and           ern" syntheses were a global compilation of
     paleoenvironmental data were available in        Birks 1983). A special issue of Quaternary          the climate of 6000 yr BP and the supporting
     book form, as textbooks (e.g. Brooks 1949;       Research (Hecht et al. 1979) contained the          data (Webb 1985a) and a synthesis of lake-
     Zeuner 1959; Frenzel 1967; and R.F. Flint's      first really comprehensive syntheses of ter-        level status for the COHMAP target times
     evolving sequence: 1947, 1957, and 1971),        restrial paleoclimatic data on a global scale       (Street-Perrott et al. 1989). These studies had
     edited volumes (e.g. Nairn 1961; Wright and      (Peterson et al. 1979; Street and Grove 1979).      both printed and electronic components (on
     Frey 1965), and H.H. Lamb's (1971, 1977)                                                             magnetic tape), and remarkably, the .pdfs of
     two-volume treatise. Although not data-          Peterson et al. (1979) brought together data        the printed reports and the data files are still
     bases in any sense, such publications were       for the LGM, and introduced the notion of           available online. The collections of individual
     the places to go for broad descriptions of       "levels of analysis of the data: I: "raw" pollen,   files are easily recognizable as the elements
     past climates and the observations they were     lake-level, etc. data; II: Level I data converted   of a relational database, and feature such
     based on.                                        to estimates of specific climatic variables;        components of 21st-century databases
                                                      and III: Level II data combined from various        as "rich" site metadata, separation of the
     Also of note from this era was a U.S. National   sources, and interpolated and contoured.            chronologies or age models from the data,
     Academy of Sciences report, Understanding        (From a data-preservation perspective, we           adoption of common vocabularies, harmo-
     Climatic Change, prepared by the U.S.            might now consider a Level 0—the materials          nization of taxa, sediments, depositional
     Committee for the Global Atmospheric             themselves, e.g. Palmer et al. 2021, and Level      environments, and links to publications and
     Research Program (USCGARP 1975). This            IV—coordinated data sets of multiple kinds          to the data originators.
     study included Appendix A, a survey of past      of data linked to one another, Grobe et al.
     climates by Imbrie, Broecker, Mitchell, and      2021). Peterson et al. also addressed chrono-       The databases of that era represented
     Kutzbach, that included some temporal and        logical uncertainties, introducing a three-         snapshots of data available at the time of
     spatial syntheses of climatic variations. Many   level classification (later refined to seven lev-   publication, and, unlike today, there was no
     of the themes and proposals for climate-         els by Webb 1985a), and the question of how         provision for updating. This led to another
     research action discussed there (such as the     much data is enough for valid comparisons.          strategy for database development that is
     joint elaboration of paleoclimatic databases     Street and Grove (1979) described lake-             still in use today: a distinction between a
     and development of simulation models of          status data both temporally and spatially           database (in a repository) and a "research
     both present and past climates) would seem       over the past 30 kyr. The syntheses were not        data set", which may include newer pub-
     familiar today.                                  electronic, and the results exist today only as     lished and unpublished data. The published
                                                      .pdfs of the articles. However, they contained      databases, along with continuously updated
     CLIMAP era                                       data-availability statements, perhaps some          research data sets, supported analysis of the
     CLIMAP (Climate: Long range Investigation,       of the earliest. The 150-page Appendix to           data (e.g. Webb 1985b; Street-Perrott and
     Mapping, and Prediction) was a collaborative     Peterson et al. could be obtained for the           Harrison 1985; COHMAP Members 1988;
     project aimed at reconstructing conditions       price of photocopying (probably ~USD 7.50),         Harrison 1989).
     at the Last Glacial Maximum, in particular       while the Street and Grove data would be
     the distribution of ice sheets, seasonal         furnished on microfiche for USD 2.50.               PMIP era
     sea-surface temperatures, and land-surface                                                           By the mid 1990s, databases of the 1980s
     albedo. The main results of the reconstruc-      COHMAP era                                          were being regularly elaborated and
     tions appeared in Science (CLIMAP Project        COHMAP (Cooperative Holocene Mapping                enlarged, while contributing to the evalua-
     Members 1976), and more fully in an edited       Project; Wright et al. 1993; Wright and             tion of newer sequences of climate-model
     volume (Cline and Hays 1976), and a set of       Bartlein 1993) was an international, inter-         experiments (e.g. Webb and Kutzbach
     maps (CLIMAP Project Members 1981). In a         disciplinary research group that became             1998) and to the first generation of PMIP
     companion paper, Gates (1976) described          organized in the late 1970s, benefiting from        experiments (Joussaume et al. 1999).

                                               PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 29 ∙ NO 2 ∙ November 2021                                                     CC-BY
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