Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in at-risk pre-term infants - NHS England

Page created by Walter Romero
COVID-19 rapid policy statement

Palivizumab passive immunisation against
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in at-risk
pre-term infants
In response to the public health emergency posed by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),
NHS England and NHS Improvement, working with the Devolved Administrations (DAs), has
established a rapid policy development process to aid clinicians in offering best care and
advice to patients with, or at risk of, COVID-19 across the UK. This document sets out the
interim clinical commissioning position for passive immunisation with palivizumab against
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in at-risk pre-term infants.

Commissioning position
The proposal is: to extend passive immunisation against RSV with palivizumab in at-risk pre-
term infants in accordance with the criteria set out in this document.

Equality statement
Promoting equality and addressing health inequalities are at the heart of the four nations’
values. Throughout the development of the policies and processes cited in this document,
we have:
   •   given due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and
       victimisation, to advance equality of opportunity, and to foster good relations between
       people who share a relevant protected characteristic (as cited under the Equality Act
       2010 or equivalent equality legislation) and those who do not share it; and
   •   given regard to the need to reduce inequalities between patients in access to and
       outcomes from healthcare services and to ensure services are provided in an
       integrated way where this might reduce health inequalities.

Plain language summary
In the UK, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a seasonal winter virus causing lower
respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) from October to March. Most RSV infections occur in a
relatively short epidemic of about six weeks. LRTI, resulting from RSV, usually causes mild,
self-limiting illness, but may cause severe illness in vulnerable infants at high risk of LRTI
     resulting in hospitalisation.
     Palivizumab (administered as an intramuscular injection) is used to provide protection
     against RSV in at-risk patients, and has been shown to decrease hospitalisation in this
     group. It is currently part of a UK-wide immunisation schedule as per guidance issued by
     Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in 2010, which recommends its
     use in premature infants with conditions affecting the lungs and/or heart, and children with
     impaired immune systems.
     This policy statement proposes the extension of the eligibility criteria for immunisation with
     palivizumab for this year only (within the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic) to a
     further group of at-risk infants as set out in this policy. The proposed extension for
     palivizumab immunisation is outlined in text on page 4 and pictorially as an algorithm in
     Appendix 1.

     The condition
     RSV infection manifests predominantly as a respiratory illness and is responsible for 75-80%
     of all LRTI cases in young children (Green CA, 2016). It is one of the leading causes of
     hospitalisation in the first year of life. Previous infection with RSV may only confer partial
     immunity and so individuals may be repeatedly infected with the same or different strains of
     In most cases, the infection is mild and self-limiting, but severe illness may occur in
     vulnerable infants, resulting in hospitalisation and/or admission to intensive care. Babies at
     highest risk of serious RSV illness are pre-term infants with conditions that predispose them
     to complications from RSV infection such as chronic lung disease (CLD – also known as
     bronchopulmonary dysplasia [BPD]), congenital heart disease (CHD), multiple congenital
     anomalies and immunodeficiencies.
     Palivizumab is a recombinant humanised monoclonal antibody directed against the F-protein
     on the surface of the RSV. It is a form of passive immunisation, not a vaccine, and as such
     only provides short-term protection against RSV. Up to five intramuscular doses (of
     15mg/kg) at monthly intervals should be administered over the RSV season.1 Commonly
     occurring adverse events or side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and diarrhoea.
     Current Treatment
     The JCVI guidance in the UK currently recommends the use of palivizumab prophylaxis to
     protect at-risk infants in whom RSV infection is likely to cause serious illness or death (JCVI,
     2010). Palivizumab prophylaxis in the UK is currently recommended for use in children in the
     age groups displayed in Table 1 AND meeting any of the clinical criteria below the table (the
     relevance of the shaded areas is explained further in the text below the table):

       Defined as the beginning of calendar week 40 (ie the beginning of October) to the end of calendar week 8 (ie
     the end of February) the following year

2 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
Table 1: Cost-effective us of palivizumab. Reproduced from the JCVI statement on RSV
     immunisation, 2010

                                                     Gestational age at birth (weeks)
         Chronological           ≤24+0         24+1 to        26+1 to        28+1 to        30+1 to        32+1 to
         age (months)                           26+0           28+0           30+0           32+0           34+0
intervention for the prevention of RSV infection and there are no alternative interventions at
     Proposed Treatment
     In light of the present COVID-19 pandemic, it has been proposed that these criteria be
     widened to include a larger population of at-risk infants to decrease hospitalisation and
     intensive care admission rates with the aim of reducing the risk of nosocomial infection and
     pressure on the health system this winter. This would include at-risk pre-term infants5 with
     CLD or BPD in their first year of life (Sommer C, 2014).

     Evidence summary
     An evidence review of three academic publications on the use of palivizumab immunisation
     against RSV in at-risk infants was conducted by Solutions for Public Health (SPH). The
     evidence of effectiveness of palivizumab in infants with co-morbidities is well recognised.
     The evidence review by SPH suggested some benefit with palivizumab passive
     immunisation in preventing RSV hospital admissions in infants born pre-term with and
     without co-morbidities such as BPD. The summary of the evidence from the three papers is
     in Appendix 2.

     Implementation (extended use of palivizumab)
     Eligibility criteria
     Infants who meet the current JCVI recommendations will continue to be eligible for
     palivizumab. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the following additional access
     criteria are permitted:
         •   Infants born at ≤34+0 weeks gestation; AND
         •   Diagnosed with CLD6; AND
         •   Discharged from hospital on home oxygen on or after 1 January 2020.
     The recommended dose of palivizumab is 15mg/kg of body weight, given once a month.
     Where possible the first dose should be administered at the start of the RSV season.
     Subsequent doses should be administered monthly throughout the RSV season for up to a
     maximum of five doses. Where the course of treatment begins later in the RSV season then
     up to five doses should be given one month apart until the end of the RSV season.
     Contraindications and precautions
     Palivizumab should not be given to infants or children who have had:
         •   a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of palivizumab

       Defined as being born at ≤34 weeks gestational age
       Defined for the purpose of this policy as “preterm infants with compatible x-ray changes who continue to
     receive supplemental oxygen or respiratory support at 36 weeks post-menstrual age” (Department of Health,
     2015). Please note that the JCVI define CLD as “oxygen dependency for at least 28 days from birth” (JCVI,

4 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
•   a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to any components of palivizumab
        •   a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to another humanised monoclonal antibody.
     Palivizumab should be given with caution to patients with thrombocytopenia or any
     coagulation disorder.
     A mild febrile illness, such as mild upper respiratory tract infection, is not usually reason to
     defer administration of palivizumab. A moderate to severe acute infection or febrile illness
     may warrant delaying the use of palivizumab unless, in the opinion of the physician,
     withholding palivizumab entails a greater risk.
     Safety reporting
     Any suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) for patients receiving palivizumab should be
     reported directly to the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) using
     the Yellow Card reporting scheme at

     Data collection requirement
     Provider organisations in England should register all patients using prior approval software
     (alternative arrangements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be communicated)
     and ensure monitoring arrangements are in place to demonstrate compliance against the
     criteria as outlined.
     Effective from
     This policy will be in effect from the date of publication.
     Policy review date
     This is an interim rapid clinical policy statement, which means that the full process of policy
     production has been abridged: public consultation has not been undertaken. This policy
     pertains to the COVID-19 pandemic and the RSV season (2020/21) and will be reviewed on
     31 March 2021.

                      A form of lung disease found in infants that were born prematurely due to
                      incomplete development of the lungs and airways. Its defining criterion is the
     dysplasia (BPD)
                      requirement for respiratory support at 36 weeks gestational age.
     Chronic lung          Also known as chronic lung disease of prematurity or chronic neonatal lung
     disease (CLD)         disease and is used interchangeably with BPD.
     Respiratory           An enveloped RNA pneumovirus that is a common cause of respiratory tract
     syncytial virus       infection.

5 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
        1. Department of Health (2015). Chapter 27a, Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Immunisation
           against infectious disease (Green Book). London: Department of Health.
            Available from:
        2. Green CA, Yeates D, Goldacre A, et al. Admission to hospital for bronchiolitis in
           England: trends over five decades, geographical variation and association with
           perinatal characteristics and subsequent asthma. Arch Dis Child. 2016;101(2):140-
            Available from:
        3. Jardine E, Wallis C. Core guidelines for the discharge home of the child on long term
           assisted ventilation in the United Kingdom.Thorax 1998;53:762-767.
            Available from:
        4. Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation Statement on immunisation for
           Respiratory Syncytial Virus, 2010.
            Available from:
        5. Luna MS, Manzoni P, Paes B, et al. Expert consensus on palivizumab use for
           respiratory syncytial virus in developed countries. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2020;33:35-
            Available from:
        6. Rogovik AL, Carleton B, Solimano A, Goldman RD. Palivizumab for the prevention of
           respiratory syncytial virus infection. Can Fam Physician. 2010;56(8):769-772.
            Available from:
        7. Sommer C, Resch B, Simões EA. Risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus
           lower respiratory tract infection. Open Microbiol J. 2011;5:144-154.
            Available from:

6 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
Appendix 1
     Algorithm for immunisation with palivizumab under the extended access criteria

               Does the infant meet the
               current JCVI criteria for              YES      Proceed to immunisation
                 immunisation with                                 with palivizumab


            Was the infant born at ≤34+0                      NO
                weeks gestation?


                Does the infant have a                NO      Not eligible for immunisation
               diagnosis of chronic lung
                                                                    with palivizumab

              Was the infant discharged
             on home oxygen on or after
                  1 January 2020?


              Eligible for immunisation
             under the extended criteria
                     of this policy

     * See p2-3 of this document for current JCVI criteria
     ** Defined for the purpose of this policy as “preterm infants with compatible x-ray changes who
     continue to receive supplemental oxygen or respiratory support at 36 weeks post-menstrual age”
     (Department of Health, 2015). Please note that the JCVI define CLD as “oxygen dependency for at
     least 28 days from birth” (JCVI, 2010).

7 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
Appendix 2: Extending palivizumab immunisation for
     respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk groups of infants to
     prevent hospitalisation during the winter season
     Narrative summary of papers presented for review
     Three papers were presented for review by NHS England:
         •   Paper 1, the IMpact-RSV trial, is a randomised controlled trial conducted in 139
             centres in the US, UK and Canada, including 1,502 children; of whom 740 were
             premature but did not have bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).
         •   Paper 2 is a prospective single-arm multicentre study in 18 hospitals in Canada,
             evaluating 444 children who received palivizumab; of whom 324 were premature and
             did not have BPD.
         •   Paper 3 is a prospective observational study in 12 hospitals in Burgundy, France,
             evaluating palivizumab for premature infants without BPD in two RSV seasons,
             compared to three previous seasons when it was not used.
     Paper 1: IMpact-RSV Study Group 1998. Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory
     syncytial virus monoclonal antibody, reduces hospitalization from respiratory
     syncytial virus infection in high-risk infants
     This paper reports a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial conducted in 119
     centres in the US, 11 in the UK and nine in Canada during the 1996 to 1997 RSV season.
     The study included children who were either ≤35 weeks gestation and ≤6 months old, or
     were ≤24 months old with a diagnosis of BPD requiring ongoing treatment. Exclusion criteria
     included hospitalisation at entry anticipated to last >30 days, mechanical ventilation at entry,
     life expectancy
Follow-up was for 150 days from randomisation (including at each visit, each hospital day 7
     and 30 days after the last scheduled injection). Of the whole study population, 99%
     completed follow-up; 94% of placebo and 92% of the palivizumab group received all five
     injections; more than 95% in both groups received at least four injections; the proportions
     receiving none, one, two and three injections were similar in both groups. These data were
     not reported separately for the groups that did and did not have BPD.
     Paper 2: Oh et al 2002. Palivizumab prophylaxis for respiratory syncytial virus in
     Canada: utilization and outcomes
     This paper reports a prospective single-arm multicentre study in 18 sites in six provinces of
     Canada that aimed to provide insight into the use of palivizumab in practice. Children were
     eligible if they 1) were enrolled through the 1999/2000 Canadian Therapeutic Products
     Programmes’ Special Access Programme, born at ≤32 weeks gestation and
(defined as oxygen dependence on day 28 of extra-uterine life) in the 2002 to 2003 and 2003
     to 2004 RSV seasons where birth date was between 15 April and 31 January and the child
requiring hospitalisation was 2.4%.9 Compared with children who were not hospitalised for
     RSV-positive LRTIs (n=435), children hospitalised for RSV-positive LRTIs (n=9) were
     significantly more likely to have BPD (55.6% vs 20.7%, p=0.03), and more likely (non-
     significant differences) to have siblings (66.6% vs 46.6%, p=0.14), to be non-Caucasian
     (33.3% vs 15.1%, p=0.14), to have received mechanical ventilation as a neonate (88.9% vs
     67.6%, p=0.18) and to reside in smoking households (44.4% vs 21.7%, p=0.19). Two
     children were hospitalised for RTIs more than once, all their five hospitalisations being in
     April or May after their last injection.
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, among premature (≤32 weeks gestation) children without BPD
     (data available for 324 of 345 children), nine children were hospitalised for RTIs. Among
     these nine, eight had LRTIs of which four were RSV-positive and two were RSV negative.
     The incidence of RSV-positive LRTIs requiring hospitalisation in this group was 1.6%.
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, among the children with BPD (data available for 35 of 40
     children), eight were hospitalised for RTIs. All eight had LRTIs of which one was RSV-
     positive and six were RSV negative. The incidence of RSV-positive LRTIs requiring
     hospitalisation in this group was 3.3%.
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, among the premature (≤32 weeks gestation) children who also
     had BPD (data available for 60 of 68 children), nine were hospitalised for RTIs. Among these
     nine, eight had LRTIs of which four were RSV-positive and three were RSV negative. The
     incidence of RSV-positive LRTIs requiring hospitalisation in this group was 7.6%.
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, among the children who received palivizumab for another
     reason (data available for 25 of 27 children), one was hospitalised for a RTI, which was a
     RSV-negative LRTI; the incidence of RSV-positive LRTIs in this group was 0%.
     Grimaldi et al 2007 obtained data for all children in their study cohort who were hospitalised
     with RSV bronchiolitis10 at any of the 12 hospitals in the Burgundy region which accepted
     children during the five RSV seasons from 1 December to 30 April between 1999 and 2004.
     All children hospitalised for bronchiolitis were screened for RSV.
     The authors reported that for children ≤30 weeks gestation without BPD (their study cohort),
     the RSV bronchiolitis hospitalisation rate was significantly lower in the two seasons with
     palivizumab prophylaxis compared to the previous three seasons where it was not
     administered: 1.1% vs 13.5%, p
The child with an RSV bronchiolitis hospitalisation in the palivizumab group had received
     three palivizumab treatments prior to hospitalisation. The number needed to treat in order to
     prevent one RSV bronchiolitis hospitalisation was 6 (95% CI 4 to 11).
     Total days of RSV hospitalisation
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported, for the whole trial population, significantly fewer days
     (per 100 children) of RSV hospitalisation in the palivizumab group (36.4 days for the
     palivizumab group vs 62.6 days for the placebo group, p
Hospitalisation for any reason
     The IMpact-RSV trial reported, for the whole trial population, significant differences in
     incidence of all hospitalisations (24% for palivizumab recipients vs 31% for the placebo
     group, p=0.011) and total days in hospital per 100 children (191 vs 242 days respectively,
     Respiratory hospitalisation
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported, for the whole trial population, significant differences in
     incidence of all respiratory hospitalisation (16% for palivizumab recipients vs 22% for the
     placebo group, p=0.008) and total days of respiratory hospitalisation per 100 children (124
     vs 180 days respectively, p=0.004).
     Respiratory hospitalisation unrelated to RSV
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported, for the whole trial population, no significant differences
     in incidence of respiratory hospitalisations unrelated to RSV (13% for palivizumab recipients
     vs 14% for the placebo group, p=0.470) and total days per 100 children (88 vs 118 days
     respectively, p=0.369).
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, for the trial as a whole (444 evaluable subjects), there were ten
     hospitalisations for respiratory events that were deemed unlikely to be RSV-related RTIs by
     the treating physician (three were tested for RSV and were negative).
     Respiratory events managed as outpatients
     Oh et al 2002 reported that, for the whole trial population (444 evaluable subjects), there
     were 99 respiratory events that were managed as outpatients (70 patients, 57 with a single
     event). 86 of these respiratory events were confirmed RTIs, the majority being managed in
     either the physician’s office (43%) or the emergency room (36%). These included 26 LRTIs
     (24 patients, five tested for RSV and all five were positive) and 60 upper RTIs (49 patients).
     For the other 13 respiratory events, the physician indicated to the parent/caregiver that they
     were unlikely to be RSV related.
     Otitis media
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported, for the whole trial population, no significant difference in
     the proportion of children with at least one episode of otitis media (42% in palivizumab
     recipients vs 40% in the placebo group, p=0.505).

     Adverse events related to the treatment
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported adverse events for the whole trial group only (n=1,502)
     and not separately for those who were premature and did or did not have BPD. They
     reported adverse events judged by the blinded investigator to be related to the study
     treatment for 11% of the palivizumab group and 10% of the placebo group. No statistically
     significant differences were reported in relation to events by body system (Table 2).

13 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
Discontinuation of injections because of adverse events was rare (0.3%). 2.7% of the
     palivizumab group and 1.8% of the placebo group reported adverse events related to the
     injection site16 including erythema (1.4% vs 1.2%), pain (0.6% vs 0.0%), induration/swelling
     (0.6% vs 0.2%), and bruising (0.3% vs 0.4%). These were generally mild and of short
     duration; none were serious.
     There were mild or moderate elevations of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in 3.6% of the
     palivizumab group and 1.6% of the placebo group, with corresponding figures for alanine
     aminotransferase (ALT) being 2.3% and 2.0%.11 Elevations of creatinine, blood urea nitrogen
     and renal adverse events were infrequent and at a similar rate in both groups.
     Table 2: Most frequently reported adverse events that were judged by the blinded
     investigator as potentially related to the study drug (IMpact-RSV trial 1998)

                                                                Palivizumab         Placebo        p value

     Fever                                                           2.8%             3.0%           0.870

     Nervousness                                                     2.5%             2.6%           0.865

     Injection site reaction17                                       2.3%             1.6%           0.444

     Diarrhoea                                                       1.0%             0.4%           0.357

     Rash                                                            0.9%             0.2%           0.179

     Upper respiratory tract illness                                 0.3%             0.4%           1.000

     Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) increased 12                   0.5%             0.6%           0.726

     Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) increased 12                     0.3%             0.4%           0.670

     Liver function abnormal (primarily elevations of
     both AST and ALT)                                               0.3%             0.2%           1.000

     Vomiting                                                        0.3%             0.4%           0.670

     Cough                                                           0.3%             0.2%           1.000

     Oh et al 2002 reported that palivizumab was discontinued for two children because of
     perceived side effects based on parent or caregiver reports. No further details were

        These figures are taken from the narrative in the paper and differ from those reported in Table 3 in the paper.
     Table 3 reported lower percentages with an injection site reaction and with elevated AST or ALT than reported
     in the narrative. The reason for this was not clear.
        These results are taken from Table 3 in the paper and differ from those reported in the narrative. Table 3
     reported lower percentages with an injection site reaction and with elevated AST or ALT than reported in the
     narrative. The reason for this was not clear.

14 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
Grimaldi et al 2007 did not specifically report adverse events. However, among the reasons
     reported for why some in the palivizumab group were not given palivizumab, none were
     reported to have had it discontinued because of side effects related to previous doses.
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 reported four deaths (0.4%) in the palivizumab group and five
     deaths (1.0%) in the placebo group during the trial, two and zero respectively occurred
     during hospitalisation for RSV, but no death was judged to be related to palivizumab.
     The IMpact-RSV trial 1998 measured anti-palivizumab binding at intervals during the study.
     Titres greater that 1:40 were found in 1.2% of the palivizumab group and 2.8% of the
     placebo group, but they were generally single elevations and not associated with a pattern of
     adverse events or low palivizumab concentrations.

     •   Grimaldi M, Gouyon B, Sagot P, et al. Palivizumab efficacy in preterm infants with
         gestational age ≤30 weeks without bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatr Pulmonol.
         2007;42(3):189-192. doi:10.1002/ppul.20503
         Available from
     •   Oh PI, Lanctôt KL, Yoon A, et al. Palivizumab prophylaxis for respiratory syncytial virus in
         Canada: utilization and outcomes. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002;21(6):512-518.
         Available from
     •   The IMpact-RSV Study Group. Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory syncytial virus
         monoclonal antibody, reduces hospitalization from respiratory syncytial virus infection in
         high-risk infants. Pediatrics 1998; 102(3 Pt 1): 531-7.
         Available from

15 | Palivizumab passive immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in at-risk pre-term infants
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