Palm Sunday Sunday of the Passion - Crown of Life Lutheran Church

Page created by Carol Hicks
Palm Sunday Sunday of the Passion - Crown of Life Lutheran Church
Palm Sunday
                                    Sunday of the Passion
                                            April 10, 2022
                             Crown of Life Lutheran Church
                                     19291 Stone Oak Parkway
                                      San Antonio, Texas 78258

PASTOR: Mark D. Barz
DIVINE SERVICES: 8:00 am & 10:45 am
CHURCH OFFICE: (210) 490-6886

                         AND THOSE WHO WATCH AND WORSHIP
WELCOME IN JESUS’ NAME to all who have gathered for worship on this first day of Holy Week.
All visitors and guests are greeted with the hope that you will join us for worship again throughout this
week and next Sunday, April 17, on the Festival of our Lord’s Resurrection. Please use the Worship
Guide in your hands or posted on our website to participate in our Divine Service.
CHILDREN ARE WELCOME IN OUR WORSHIP! Infants, too, are adopted into God’s family by
Baptism. And these youngest disciples have a place in the gathering of the visible Body of Christ. Some sit
with you in your homes. Some are among us here at Crown of Life. Our Nursery is staffed again.
TO OUR GUESTS REGARDING HOLY COMMUNION: We are glad you are here at Crown of Life
this day. If you are a member of a sister congregation of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, we invite
you to receive the Lord’s Supper with us. We ask other guests to speak with Pastor Barz regarding future
participation in this Sacrament. Those not yet instructed to receive within this fellowship are invited to
receive a Baptismal blessing at the Altar. You may come forward and kneel with your arms laid across your
chest as the sign of the cross. For additional information, please see the pamphlet Holy Communion at Crown
of Life Lutheran Church (available from an Usher) to learn about our beliefs concerning the Lord’s Supper.
A PRAYER BEFORE WORSHIP: On my heart imprint Your image, blessed Jesus, King of grace,
that life’s riches, cares, and pleasures never may Your work erase; let the clear inscription be: Jesus,
crucified for me, is my life, my hope’s foundation, and my glory and salvation! Amen.

                Palm Sunday begins Holy Week.
       We gather on the Patio as we prepare to enter the
     Sanctuary with our palm branches and our “Hosannas!”
Palm Sunday Sunday of the Passion - Crown of Life Lutheran Church
This Sunday ..................................... 8:00 am................... Divine Services with the Lord’s Supper
(April 10)                                       & 10:45 am                        Palm Sunday
                                                      9:00 am................... Fellowship Time
                                                      9:30 am................... Education Hour Opening: Sunday School,
                                                                                 Youth & Adult Bible Studies
                                                     12:15 pm................... NYG Youth “Thank you” Luncheon &
                                                                                 “Go Fund Us” Drawing
                                                      1:30 pm................... The CROSSING: First Year
Monday – Tuesday......... 7:00 am & 7:00 pm................... Litany: In-person & Live-streamed
Monday ............................................ 7:00 pm................... VBS Planning Team Meeting
Wednesday ....................................... 7:00 am................... Litany: In-person & Live-streamed
                                                      6:00 pm................... Litany: In-person & Live-streamed
                                                      7:00 pm................... Adult Handbells
                                                      8:00 pm................... Sanctuary Choir
Thursday ........................................ 12:00 pm................... Maundy Thursday Worship
                                                      7:00 pm................... Maundy Thursday Worship
Friday ............................................. 12:00 pm................... Good Friday Tenebrae Service
                                                      7:00 pm................... Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Saturday ......................... 7:00 am & 7:00 pm................... Litany: In-person & Live streamed
Next Sunday..................................... 7:30 am................... Outdoor Son-Rise Service
(April 17 – Easter Sunday)                            8:30 am................... Easter Breakfast
                                                      9:20 am................... Easter Egg Hunt
                                                     10:00 am................... Festival Divine Service

                                  The MISSION STATEMENT of
                        Crown of Life Evangelical Lutheran Church:
                We are a Christ-centered family called to spread the Gospel
                by serving, inviting, and teaching God’s Word so that all will
                              celebrate His free gift of salvation.

EASTER LILIES – There have been no Chancel flowers during Lent as a visual emphasis on the
solemn nature of this season. Next Sunday, the Festival of our Lord’s Resurrection (April 17), bright
lilies will announce His victory over death. Sign-up sheets and tribute forms are on the gold-skirted
table in the Entranceway for you to note a dedication or remembrance for the Parish Notes.

   You are invited to a NYG Youth Group “Thank You” Luncheon and
        “Go Fund Us” drawing today, immediately following the
              10:45 Service in the CLC Gathering Space.

Palm Sunday Sunday of the Passion - Crown of Life Lutheran Church
MAUNDY is a word placed in front of the ‘Thursday’ of Holy Week. It is a form of the Latin for these
words of Jesus (John 13:34), “A new command I give you…” (“Mandatum novum do vobis”) after He
took the servant role and washed His disciples’ feet. In a sense, we could call Maundy Thursday,
Command Thursday, recalling our Lord’s call for us to love as we have been loved.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – How did Christianity become the dominant faith of Western
civilization? It’s partly arithmetic, but mostly, it isn’t (Luke 24:48). Listen to “Can I Get a Witness?”
with Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler on WOAI 1200 at 6:00 am on Sunday, April 17.
SPEAKING OF LIFE – Philippians 2 outlines how the humble love of our Lord Jesus involved
Him in human nature and our life from embryo until His own flesh failed in crucifixion. Not only does
this sanctify every member of our race whatever their circumstances, but it also rests the rights and
responsibilities for deciding the manners of our lives and the timing of our deaths in His hands
(Deuteronomy 32:39). Both now come as gifts for our good!

                            MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK
SARAH HARMS serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) in
Russia. She works with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria (an LCMS partner church) helping
them assess the needs of the local community. She also assists them with youth programs as needed.
See more information about Sarah on page 7.

                        SPECIAL DATES IN THE FAMILY
            April 10 Sue Krupicka                        April 14 Veronica Patron
                     Carol Swanson                             15 Mira Eubanks
            April 15 Gary & Kaye Neumann

                       CROWN OF LIFE PRESCHOOL & MDO
PRESCHOOL AND MOTHERS DAY OUT – April Showers Bring May Flowers! We are
hoping that all the rain has come and gone by April 30, when we have our 6th annual TOUCH-A-
TRUCK. Mark your calendars for this fun community event. Everyone is welcome! We will even have
a QUIET HOUR from 9:00 am to 10:00 am for those friends who do not care for horns honking, and
sirens blaring. There will be trucks and vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Fire Trucks, Air Life Helicopter,
Drones, Tree Trimming Trucks, Large Construction vehicles, Food Trucks and many more. There will
be sensory tables for the little ones and lots of fun music for all. We hope you can join us for this special
day. Time is 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The cost is $2.00 per person with all proceeds going to Preschool
If you are looking for an amazing Preschool for your child or your grandchild ages 2-5, please call us at
210-490-9860. We are registering now for the summer and fall and would love to tell you more about
YOUR Preschool and Preschool Prep Programs.

                                WORSHIP & OFFERINGS
OUR FIRSTFRUIT offerings and special gifts demonstrate the glad and generous faith of living
disciples, supporting Mission and ministries here at Crown of Life and in many places. We thank God
for faithful disciples who are responding to the Gospel and have mailed or brought their offerings to
church, who are using “Simply Giving” or “Vanco Mobile,” or who are using bank transfers. (Please
call the Church Office if you have questions about your giving via other means.)
        Worship Attendance: Sunday, April 3
        8:00 Divine Service              58         Sunday School                          15
        10:45 Divine Service            122         Youth Bible Classes                    14
                                                    Adult Bible Classes                    53
        Mission & Ministry                          Together In Christ
        Sunday, April 3            $13,101          Debt / Mission / Seminary           $458

                        GROWING IN OUR DISCIPLESHIP
SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY – All adult disciples in the Crown of Life family are encouraged to make
Sunday Bible Study a priority. This happens each Sunday at 9:30 am in our Assembly Hall.
GOOD NEWS GROUP – Are you ready to explore faith and discipleship as a Lutheran-Christian?
Contact Pastor Barz in conversation, with a text, or a phone call if you’re curious or interested in this Bible
Study. Free childcare is provided!
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES – Neither the Tuesday or Wednesday group will be meeting during
Holy Week. Join us again on April 19 or April 20.
MEN’S BREAKFAST BIBLE STUDY – We will meet again on Saturday, April 23. Be here at
7:30 am (for breakfast) or at 8:00 am as we continue our study of Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey – a
Lutheran guide to Christian living.
YOUNG ADULT MEAL & BIBLE STUDY – Do watch these Parish Notes for our next
gathering. These gatherings are often hosted in the homes of members.

                 Praying The Litany during Holy Week:
    Join Pastor Barz in the Sanctuary or pray at home or at work on
     Monday, Tuesday and Saturday at 7:00 am & 7:00 pm, and on
                  Wednesday at 7:00 am & 6:00 pm.
CALL FOR EASTER CANDY & MORE – Drop off your (non-chocolate, individually wrapped)
candy donation today for our Easter Egg Hunt. OR mix things up – include stickers, erasers, bouncy
balls, fruit snacks, anything that can fit in an egg. The OASIS students are filling eggs today.
READERS OF THE ROUND TABLE will resume meeting again in August. Watch the Parish Notes
for the date and details. Please join us in supporting our youth attending the National Youth Gathering by
visiting our “Buy the Bag Book Sale” on either Friday evening, April 22, or Sunday morning, April 24.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – Our next Planning Meeting is Monday, April
18, at 7:00 pm, in the Adult Classroom. The dates for VBS are Monday, June 27 –
Thursday, June 30. Our key Bible verse is: He has done marvelous things! (Psalm
98:1). If you are interested in helping with this awesome and important outreach mission
program this summer, please contact Matt Snyder at (732) 983-2058, or Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Hanson at (210) 912-
OUR MONTHLY QUILTING & SEWING GROUP will gather again on Thursday, April 21,
from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. No sewing or quilting experience is required, just a willingness to work
together – and to listen to and laugh with your sisters in Christ!

DONATE TO CAM – During the month of April, CAM has needs for weekly volunteers, men’s
jeans (sizes 28-34), men’s shoes (sizes 8, 9, 10). Most needed food items are peanut butter, 1 lb. bags
of pinto beans and rice, pasta, tomato sauce, tomato paste, instant oatmeal, and powdered milk.

                               SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS
FAITHFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE in March included: Nursery – Stephen Snyder
/ Pre-K/Kinder – Trixie Anders, Joanna Nuttelman & Timothy Snyder / Elementary – Becca Snyder.
Blessings to these young disciples!

Dear Ones,
You have been so gracious to me and to my family over nearly seven years in San Antonio.
Reliably generous, thoughtful, eager to care. And yet, in the last month I’ve found myself still
surprised by all the help in packing and loading, cleaning, more cleaning, attention to details,
meals and more meals, childcare, landscaping, and of course, celebration.
We thank God for you and look forward to God’s grace – which shines on you – reflecting on
many, as it has on us.
Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Amy, Joanna & Salome
                                  for Children, Youth & Adults
                          Bible Verse for Children, Youth & Adults
        “…and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler
        of kings on earth. To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood.”
                                           Revelation 1:5

                                          Sunday School
On most Sundays, we gather in the Assembly Hall for our All-Ages Opening at 9:30. Children attend
Opening with their parents and everyone else and are then dismissed to their classes. We have Nursery,
Preschool, Grade School, Middle School, and High School classes.

                          The CROSSING for Middle Schoolers
First year CROSSING youth and parents meet today from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.

                               The OASIS for High Schoolers
The OASIS is hosting todays NYG “Thank You” Lunch. We’ll stay afterward to fill Easter eggs for next
                                   High School Bible Class
High Schoolers are studying the Book of Acts, the story of how the Church was formed through
persecution and faithfulness ever more into the image of her Lord Christ.

                                        Adult Bible Class
Two Bible Studies for all disciples at Crown of Life continue today. In Pericopes & Propers you will read,
consider, and discuss the Scriptures and other parts of the liturgy for Holy Week and the Easter Festival.
In The Augsburg Confession, you will discover more about this first Lutheran statement of faith.

Agnus Day Liturgical Comic                               Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion

                                            
                                 Palm Sunday, April 10
                            Divine Services are at 8:00 am & 10:45 am
                with a Procession of Palms and the reading of the Passion Narrative.
                             Maundy Thursday, April 14
                   Devotional Services of Holy Communion at Noon & 7:00 pm
                      with reflection on the Servant who becomes the Host.
                                  Good Friday, April 15
                               Tenebrae Services at Noon & 7:00 pm
           This Service of Darkness includes Scripture and prayer, hymns and meditation.
                                Easter Sunday, April 17
                                 Son-Rise Service at 7:30 am
                               This Service will be on the east Patio.
                Easter Breakfast in the Community Life Center from 8:30 to 9:30 am
                                     Easter Egg Hunt at 9:20 am.
                                Festival Worship at 10:00 am
The Litany will be prayed in the Sanctuary at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday (at 7:00 am and 6:00 pm) of Holy Week and on Holy Saturday. The Collect of the Day will
be offered and a Hymn will also be sung. You may pray with Pastor Barz in person here or view and
pray remotely via live-streaming.

                                            
                          SUNDAY, APRIL 24,
                      FOLLOWING THE LATE SERVICE

               Our Lenten Midweek and Holy Week Offerings
      are designated to support the proclamation of the Gospel and actions of
                   mercy toward all impacted by warfare in Ukraine.
         These gifts will be sent to the LCMS Office of International Mission for
        distribution to the Lutheran Churches in Ukraine and the neighboring
     countries receiving refugees. See the information sheet on the Worship Table
                                    in the Entranceway.

Sarah Harms
Serving in Russia
Sarah Harms serves through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Russia. She works
with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria (an LCMS partner church) helping them assess the
needs of the local community. She also assists them with youth programs as needed. In addition, Sarah
is involved with crisis pregnancy centers around the city that focus on mentoring former orphans.
When necessary, she facilitates English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) classes and helps to coordinate
youth summer camps in the LCMS Eurasia region.
Sarah grew up in the St. Louis, Missouri, area, where she is a member of Chapel of the Cross Lutheran
Church in St. Peter’s, Missouri. She earned a bachelor’s degree in lay ministry and theology from
Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon. Prior to her deployment to Russia, Sarah completed two
years of service with the LCMS in Silesia, Czech Republic, where she worked with the Silesian
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession.
Pray for Sarah as she lives and serves in Russia. Ask God to guide her as she makes connections in her
community, allowing her to fulfill the role which He has called her to do. Pray that she has peace of
mind and of spirit as she adjusts to the Russian culture and learns the language of the people to
smoothly assimilate. Ask God to present clear opportunities for her to cultivate meaningful
relationships in her life locally so that she is blessed and can be a blessing to those around her. Let us
give thanks that Sarah is serving Our Lord and His Church in this part of the world.

Sarah’s Information
➢   Birthday – August 20
➢   Home District – Missouri

April 17                7:30 am                           10:00 am
                                                    Brian Pan / Ken Maddox /
  Elders         Andy Deurmier / Russ Ingram
                                                    Brett Conrad / Ralph Ellis
  Ushers         Drew Titcombe / Hollis Poppe     Randy McConnell / Bill Mouser
Lay Reader              Willie Koops                       Brett Conrad
 Acolyte                 Aiden Heye                    Lincoln Benavides
Altar Care            Ann McConnell                      Monica Maddox

                               
                    Five-Acre Egg Hunt
   For all Middle School and High School youth on
Sunday, April 24 from 5:00 pm until all eggs are found!
           At the Dague Ranch, 19300 Classen Crest.
             Pizza and ice cream will be provided.
Any parents who would like to help with this fun event,
        please call Darlene at 210-316-4935.

                               
             Saturday, April 30, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
                     Volunteers are needed
                   (there will be two shifts) as
           Food and refreshment Servers and Parking
            Contact Matt Snyder at (732) 983-2058 or

      Crown of Life Evangelical Lutheran Church
               is a member congregation
       of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

  

                 Thank you for helping our youth get to the
                     2022 National Youth Gathering.

 Please pray for our Youth Attendees & Leaders
Youth registered are Landree Craft, Mason Heye, Aiden Heye, Jacob King, Xander Robinson,
Grace Robinson, Luke Ryan, Stevie Urban, Brady Wunderlich, and Beckett Wunderlich. The
Adult Leaders are Jaime Heye, Tracey King, and Troy Wunderlich.
Congratulations to Peyton Craft and Mikki Urban for making it into the Young Adult Volunteer
(YAV) Orange Nation. This team is identified by their orange shirts. They will connect with
hundreds of LCMS young adults and serve adult leaders and youth at the Gathering.

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