Parcel Delivery ESG Augmented Reality - Savills

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Parcel Delivery ESG Augmented Reality - Savills
European Commercial – April 2021

                    European Reverse
Savills Research

                   Parcel Delivery   ESG     Augmented Reality
Parcel Delivery ESG Augmented Reality - Savills
European Reverse Logistics

                 Why are ecommerce returns rising?

                    The digital revolution, fuelled by      returns is down to the ability for          is reduced and the perceived “risk” of
                 national lockdowns in 2020 and 2021,       consumers to inspect, examine and try       buying a product that is not suitable
                 has boosted the need for shoppers to       the product in store before purchasing.     is removed. 17% of EU28 respondents
                 buy online given the restrictions to                                                   announced that they would not buy
                 physical retail. The level of ecommerce       However, one of the challenges for       online due to concerns about returning
                 jumped from 19% to 28% of total retail     the sustainable growth of ecommerce         goods, according to a Eurostat survey.
                 sales in the UK over the course of 2020    has been the perceived ease of returns
                 according to the ONS, although the         and many customers buy with an                 PostNord’s survey of European
                 spike in the volume of goods bought        intention to return some of their items,    consumers indicates that German
                 online is creating new problems for        for example ordering two sizes of the       shoppers were the most likely to have
                 retailers.                                 same shoe. Retailers are being forced       returned a package in 2018, with 53%
                                                            to either factor returns into prices        of respondents having returned items.
                    Forrester and eMarketer estimate        as a result, or clamp down on serial        This could partly be down to payment
                 the current level of ecommerce returns     returners in order to maintain profit       methods- in Germany for example, it is
                 to be 20%, whereas the proportion of       margins. Smaller online retailers are       usual to pay for ecommerce purchases
                 bricks and mortar returns is between       also becoming forced to offer free          by credit card and consumers are
                 8-10%, which is having a significant       deliveries in order to compete with the     charged at a later point for their online
                 impact on retailers’ profit margins. IHL   most established online retailers.          orders, whereas in the UK, consumers
                 Group estimate that the cost of return                                                 are generally charged at the point of
                 deliveries across EMEA has risen from         Online retailers’ membership             purchase. It’s also worth considering
                 $234 billion to $388 billion between       schemes are also likely to have             that the increasing ease of purchasing
                 2015 and 2019.                             contributed to the rise in returns. By      a good online using website cookies at
                                                            paying a monthly subscription for free      checkout etc could ultimately result in
                   Of course, one of the first reasons      delivery and returns, the marginal cost     a rise in impulse or “panic” purchases.
                 for online returns exceeding in-store      of purchasing/returning goods online

                Chart 1: Share of population returning online purchases 2018 (%)

                   Germany                                                                                                    53%

               Netherlands                                                                                                  52%

                        France                                                                                 45%

                          Italy                                                                              43%

                         Spain                                                                               43%

                           UK                                                                          40%

                       Belgium                                                                  38%

                        Poland                                                       32%

                                  0%           10%                20%               30%                  40%               50%                 60%

                                                                                                                                       Source: PostNord                                                            2
European Reverse Logistics

How are online retailers dealing
with ecommerce returns?
   Europe’s retailers are now having        returns centre for Amazon’s UK               US
to adapt their logistics operations         returns.                                     Outside Europe, Amazon and
to deal with ecommerce returns as                                                     US retailer Kohl’s have formed a
consumers are faced with more ways to          However, most online retailers         partnership for consumers to return
return goods bought online across the       continue to carry out returns             Amazon goods in Kohl’s stores drop
continent.                                  operations from their existing            off goods without packaging or
                                            distribution centres. Poland remains      labels. Despite shopper footfall being
   Netherlands                              a key distribution hotspot among          significantly down, the partnership
   Third party logistics operators          ecommerce operators in Europe due         has provided Kohl’s with a boost in
(3PLs) are introducing new measures         to cheaper labour costs, proximity to     in-store sales. Kohl’s CEO, Michelle
to improve the ease of returning goods      the rest of Europe, access to power and   Gass announced that in 2020, over
and faster process inbound returns. For     ability to develop new stock. Zalando’s   two million new visitors went to Kohl's
example, food delivery company, Picnic      distribution centres are strategically    stores to return an Amazon purchase-
has partnered with DHL to pick up           located across Poland to cater for        a service it's offered in all stores for
packages from consumers’ front doors        distribution and returns within the       nearly two years, and that a third were
in Picnic’s electric vehicles for returns   Baltic and Scandinavian markets.          millennials.
to drop off at distribution warehouses.
The cost of delivery is cross-subsidised       For smaller online retailers, we are     We have also observed Amazon’s
between the outbound food delivery          seeing a rising number of parcel drop     Key In-Car service where delivery
and return package collection journeys      off lockers emerge from companies         companies can unlock the vehicle’s
and packages are then picked up by          such as Polish company, Inpost.           boot, leave the package and secure the
DHL at the sorting depot.                   These companies partner with online       vehicle without the use of a key for
                                            retailers and parcel delivery companies   Volvo and General Motors vehicles.
   Germany                                  to provide a convenient drop off point
   Amazon’s parcel delivery lockers are     in urban areas, including shopping           UK
becoming more established, although it      centres and transport hubs.                  In order to compete with traditional
remains most common for consumers                                                     delivery companies, Uber has launched
to return goods to post offices, where         Norway                                 Uber Connect, an on-demand service
DHL, Hermes and DPD are the main               Telecom operator Telenor has           to send parcels (up to a weight of 13
parcel delivery operators. Amazon’s         partnered with delivery service           kilograms) within UK cities. Initially
130,000 sq m Monchengladbach                Helthjem and Kolonial for in-home         the focus is on the more highly
distribution centre caters for the          deliveries. Customers choose an option    dense conurbations of London and
German and Dutch markets and was            for home delivery inside the front door   Manchester, where consumers have the
acquired by Samsung Securities in           and drivers receive a single use code     ability to return packages quickly and
2019.                                       for the digital lock to open the door,    efficiently.
                                            with a similar service available for
   CEE                                      collection of parcels. Assa Abloy and        Logistics company, Clipper has
   Some multinational ecommerce             Scandinavian postal service, PostNord     been appointed by a number of
operators are now developing                also trialled an Inhome Delivery          retailers including ASOS and John
dedicated centres across Central            scheme using digital locks from Yale      Lewis to process returns through their
Eastern Europe (CEE) to process             Doorman. In other cases, consumers        “Boomerang” service. The service
returns. Amazon’s returns warehouses        have adopted digital boxes outside        turns returns into new goods, including
in Dobroviz, Czech Republic and Sered,      their front doors for delivery and        quality checks, repairs and relabelling
Slovakia cater for returns across CEE       collection of parcels.                    for same day customer refunds.
markets, similar to the Dunfermline

European Reverse Logistics

                 How is technology being adopted
                 to reduce returns?
                    One rising problem for Europe’s       rising demand for food delivery.          goods. Amazon Wardrobe offers Prime
                 retailers is the falling level of                                                  members the opportunity to “try
                 warehouse availability and shortage of      However, retailers are investing       before you buy” and are not charged
                 land for new developments. European      in new technology to find the most        on the date of order, but are allowed
                 logistics vacancy rates now hover at     suitable product for their customers      a 7-day try-on period and if the goods
                 an average of 5.3% in 2020, and retail   to ultimately reduce the probability      are not returned by the end of the
                 distribution centres are having to       of a package being returned. One          deadline, the money will not leave
                 become more efficient to deal with       example is the implementation of          their account.
                 returns.                                 augmented reality (AR) in online
                                                          purchases. UK retailers, Argos, for         Retailers are now paying additional
                    Thus, we are now seeing more          example has developed an augmented        focus on consumers’ spending habits
                 corporate investment within supply       reality shopping app for consumers to     and sanctioning serial returners from
                 chains as a result of the rising         configure sofas, televisions, cabinets    their previous order history. ASOS, for
                 ecommerce and returns. Globally,         etc in their own homes to visualise the   example, has adapted its returns policy
                 €44bn was transacted in “supply chain    product before purchasing. More focus     so that returns remain sustainable for
                 technology” during 2020, marking a       is now being applied to adapting AR to    the company and for the environment.
                 109% increase from €21bn in 2019,        the online fashion sector.
                 according to Pitchbook. A rising
                 focus of this capital is targeting the      Retailers are also becoming willing
                 “foodtech” submarket stemming from       to offer a trial period for consumer                                                          4
European Reverse Logistics

                 What is the environmental impact
                 of ecommerce returns?
                    Despite the increased ease of                         environmental ministry is reportedly         reduce carbon footprint, according to
                 purchasing for consumers, rising                         visiting various ecommerce merchants         EV-Vehicles. Amazon’s fleet of electric
                 ecommerce returns are beginning to                       in order to gain a sense of the              vehicles are now making deliveries
                 have a negative impact. US reverse                       proportion of goods which are thrown         in Los Angeles and Amazon plan to
                 logistics operator, Optoro, estimate                     out, in anticipation of new regulation       expand this to 100,000 vehicles by
                 that 25% of returns are destroyed                        being introduced, according to               2030 in order to meet the company’s
                 or end up on landfills as unsellable                     Bloomberg.                                   climate pledge aiming to have net zero
                 inventory. As a result, Boston                                                                        carbon emissions by 2040.
                 Consulting Group estimate that €7bn                        This has created opportunities for
                 of returned goods are destroyed every                    the emergence of “re-commerce”                  A rising environmental concern for
                 year in Germany alone.                                   companies, such as, which          policymakers is the level of packaging
                                                                          acts as a returns liquidator for resale to   waste across European markets. Latest
                    Policy makers are now                                 consumers in order to reduce waste.          data from Eurostat indicates the level
                 implementing sanctions on offending                                                                   of packaging waste generated across
                 retailers. In 2020, France committed                       Parcel delivery companies are also         EU-27 states increased from 157kg to
                 to outlaw the destruction of unsold                      seeking more sustainable ways to             174kg per capita between 2013 to 2018,
                 products including clothing and                          deliver goods across Europe. Over the        rising at an annualised rate of 2%. At a
                 electricals by 2023. Retailers will                      past three years, we have observed the       national level, Germany, Luxembourg
                 be forced to repair, re-use, resell or                   annual number of electric vehicle sales      and Italy marked the highest levels of
                 recycle goods instead. The German                        almost treble to 742,000 in order to         packaging waste generated per head.

                  Chart 2: Packaging waste generated per capita


                  Packaging waste per capita (kg per








                                                             2008 2009 2010    2011      2012       2013       2014     2015      2016      2017      2018

                                                                                                                                                   Source: Eurostat                                                                           5
European Reverse Logistics

                 Outlook- How will returns impact
                 demand for logistics space?
                   Rising levels of ecommerce activity,                           marking annualised growth of 9.1%            an estimated 1.7 sq m of this space
                 for both delivery and returns, is                                over the past four years. This indicates     will be required to accommodate and
                 creating new demand for logistics                                that for every one million packages          process returns from parcel delivery
                 space. What is clear is that there is no                         delivered in the UK, this creates            companies. Rather than a like-for-like
                 one-size-fits-all solution to returning                          demand for an additional 100 sq m            relationship between parcel returns
                 goods as consumers prioritise                                    (1,050 sq ft) of warehouse demand            and logistics demand, this is more
                 convenience and retailers and parcel                             from parcel delivery companies.              likely to be in the form of a ripple
                 delivery companies accommodate                                                                                effect for new demand from associated
                 these changing preferences in their                                 Parcel delivery data from Effigy          trading partners.
                 warehouse layouts.                                               Consulting indicates a total of 12.3
                                                                                  billion parcels were delivered in               Retailers’ omnichannel strategies
                    Take up from parcel delivery                                  Europe during 2019. Adopting the 9.1%        will become increasingly important in
                 companies alone in the UK reached                                annualised growth rate in UK parcel          reducing the overall number of returns.
                 275,000 sq m (three million sq ft)                               deliveries, Savills Research forecast        We expect to see more retailers using
                 during 2020, rising from 3% to 6%                                that an additional 8.6m sq m of              their store portfolios for distribution
                 of total logistics demand from the                               warehouse space will be required from        of goods, taking some of the demand
                 previous year.                                                   European parcel delivery companies           away from the logistics market as a
                                                                                  between 2021-25.                             result.
                   OFCOM’s parcel delivery data
                 indicates that in the UK, 2.8 billion                              Assuming that 20% of goods bought
                 packages were delivered in 2020,                                 online are returned over this period,

                  Chart 3: European parcel deliveries and parcel delivery take up

                                                                  European parcel deliveries               European parcel delivery take up
                                                         25,000                                                                                         2,500,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Parcel delivery take up, Europe (sq m)
                   Parcel deliveries, Europe (million)

                                                         20,000                                                                                         2,000,000

                                                         15,000                                                                                         1,500,000

                                                         10,000                                                                                         1,000,000

                                                          5,000                                                                                         500,000

                                                             -                                                                                          -
                                                                   2018    2019   2020       2021      2022        2023       2024        2025

                                                                                                Source: Savills Research, Ofcom, Effigy Consulting, forecasts from 2020 onwards                                                                                  6
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