PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Refer to District and School Website for current information related to Distance Learning - 2021 Barranca ...

Page created by Ellen Anderson
PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Refer to District and School Website for current information related to Distance Learning - 2021 Barranca ...
          2020 - 2021

     Barranca Elementary School
        727 S. Barranca Ave.

           Covina, CA 91723
           (626) 974-4000

       Mrs. Susan Sost, Principal

Refer to District and School Website for current
   information related to Distance Learning
PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Refer to District and School Website for current information related to Distance Learning - 2021 Barranca ...
Barranca Bell Schedule
                                   Breakfast Served 7:30 to 7:55
                                           8:05 First Bell
                                8:15 Tardy Bell (Tardy if not in seat)

Breakfast ..................... 7:30-7:55             Tiny Tuesday and Min Day
TK & Kindergarten ..... 8:05 - 1:00                   Breakfast ................... 7:30-7:55
Grades 1-5 .............… 8:05 - 2:35                 TK & Kindergarten ..... 8:05 - 12:00
                                                      Grades 1-5 ...........….. 8:05 - 12:00

Recess                                                Rock Block
TK…………………………..10:00-10:15                             Gr. 1 ……........................ 1:30-2:30
K…………………..……….9:30 –9:45                              Gr. 2................................ 10:30-11:15
Gr. 1 ……........................ 9:45-10:00           Gr. 3..................................8:15-9:00
Gr. 2................................ 10:15 - 10:30   Gr. 4................................ 9:15-10:15
Gr. 3.................................10:00 - 10:15   Gr. 5 …........................... 11:15-12:10
Gr. 4................................ 10:15 - 10:30
Gr. 5 …........................... 10:00 - 10:15      Music
                                                      Gr. 4................................10:30-11:15
LUNCH                                                 Gr. 5 …........................... 8:20-9:00
TK ………………………….11:00-11:35                             Thursday
Kindergarten…….………11:15 – 11:50                       Gr. 4................................11:15-12:00
                                                      Gr. 5 …........................... 9:05-9:55
Grade 1 ….…….………...11:30 – 12:15
Grade 2 ………………….11:45 – 12:30
Grade 3 ..………….……..12:00-12:45                        PE on Mondays
                                                      K…...................................                8:20-9:10
Grade 4 ...........................12:25 –1:00
Grade 5 …........................12:10 – 12:45        Gr. 1…............................ 12:50-1:40
                                                      Gr. 2................................ 1:40-2:30
                                                      Gr. 3 …............................ 9:10-10:00
                                                      Gr. 4................................ 11:10 –12:00
                                                      Gr. 5 ….............................10:20 -11:15
This handbook is designed to help familiarize you with the policies and procedures at
school. Please take a few minutes to read and discuss the information with your child.
Contact your child’s teacher or the school if you have any questions. We anticipate that
your child will work hard this year and we will do everything possible to make certain
he/she has a positive learning experience. We look forward to working with you.

Office Hours

Monday–Friday: 7:30–4:00 p.m. on school days

Office Procedures

• All classroom volunteers must raptor in at the office and obtain a visitors badge.
        *Picture Identification required
        *Volunteers must also complete a Volunteer Packet and be Live Scanned
        through the Department of Justice. Packets are available in the office and
        should be returned to the District Personnel Office when entire packet is
        complete. Live Scan Clearance may take up to 90 days.
• Office phones are available for students to use in the event of an emergency.
• All forgotten homework, lunch or other items must be dropped off in the office.


Attendance Matters! Only illness and/or doctor/dentist appointments constitute an
excused absence. Inclement weather, trips, personal reasons, etc. are unexcused
absences. Students may not be checked out the last 30 minutes of the school day.
Perfect attendance is no tardies, no absences, and no early check outs. You can make
up days absent at Barranca Blast Saturday School.

Compulsory Full-Time Education

Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 years of age is subject to compulsory
full-time education. He/she shall attend the public full-time day school or continuation
school or classes for the full-time designated as the length of the school day by the
governing board of the school district in which the residency of either the parent or legal
guardian is located and each parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge
of the pupil shall send the pupil to the public full-time day school or continuation school
or classes for the full-time designated as the length of the school day by the governing
board of the school district in which the residence of either the parent or legal guardian
is located.
Absence Reporting

Children have the best chances of being successful at school if they are here everyday
and on time. In the event that an absence is essential, we ask that an adult report the
absence to the school on the day of the absence by calling the office at 974-4000.
Homework can be requested before 10:00 a.m. by calling the school office.

Abolish Chronic Truancy (A.C.T.) Program

Students with severe attendance problems will be referred to the Abolish Chronic
Truancy (A.C.T.) Program. This program is coordinated through the District Attorney’s
office. As a last resort, if the student’s attendance remains unsatisfactory, the District
Attorney’s office may file a criminal case to hold the parents accountable. The
maximum penalty is a year in the county jail and/or a $2,500 fine.

Leaving School During School Hours
Parents planning to take children out of school during the day must come to the office
and sign the child out of school. The office will call the child's room and have him/her
meet the parent in the office. No person, other than a faculty member, is allowed to
remove a student from a teacher's supervision unless he or she has acquired
permission from the office. Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed on
the emergency form and clear raptor. ​Children lose valuable instructional time when
they are not in attendance for the full day.​ ​Students may not be checked out the
last 30 minutes of the school day.

SPECIAL NOTE: In the event of a serious natural disaster, such as an earthquake,
students will be held at school until picked up by a parent or authorized individual listed
on the K-12.
Bicycles, Skateboards and Skates
Students in grades 3-5 may ride bicycles to school and must wear a helmet. Bicycles
must be parked at the bicycle rack and locked. Please review with your child the safest
route to and from school. ​Bicycle riding, skating, scooters, and skate boarding are
not allowed on the school campus at any time.

Breakfast program
Breakfast will be served from 7:30-7:55am. The café closes at 7:55. The cost will be
$1.25 or 25¢ for students who qualify for the reduced price. Breakfast will be free for
those who qualify. Applications for free/reduced meals must be renewed every school
year. Applications may be returned to the school office, or, for faster service
applications should be returned directly to the Nutrition Services Department at 519 E.
Badillo Street, Covina, CA 91723. For more information please contact Nutrition
Services at (626) 974-7000.

Classroom Interruptions/Student Messages

Every classroom interruption disrupts the learning of your child. Please drop off
forgotten items to the office. In an effort to ensure maximum learning time, we cannot
interrupt the classroom to deliver forgotten items or to give students messages. ​Cell
phones are not to be seen or heard during school hours.


Parents may call the school and arrange for a conference with the teacher when they
feel the need to do so. Parents are encouraged to visit the school and their child's
classroom whenever the conference can be arranged between parent and teacher. It is
expected that teachers will receive reasonable advance notice from a person wishing to
schedule a conference.

Homework Request

If, during your student’s absence, you wish to pick up a homework assignment, requests
need to be made before 10 a.m. and picked up after school.

Internet Use

Students will not be allowed to use the Internet without prior parental approval.

Lunch Schedule

*subject to change on rainy days
TK     11:00-11:35
K      11:15-11:50
1      11:30-12:15
2      11:45-12:30
3      12:00-12:45
4      12:25-1:00
5      12:10-12:45

School lunches cost $2.75 and milk costs .40 cents. A reduced price lunch costs .40
cents for those who qualify. Lunches may be purchased by the week, month, or full
year. Send a check or cash in a sealed envelope labeled with the student’s name to the
cafeteria on Monday mornings. See the menu for details. Unfortunately, the office is
not able to lend money for lunches or milk.

Family members ​may not​ deliver lunches directly to classrooms. Forgotten lunches
can be delivered to the office with the students name on it. The office will place it on the
lunch table outside. Children are responsible for picking up their lunch from the table at
lunchtime. The office will not be allowed to interrupt the classroom regarding lunches.
Students can always call home to inform their parents of their forgotten lunch or money.
The cafeteria will feed children who have forgotten their lunch with the expectation that
the food will be paid by the child’s parents.

Mandatory Dress Code
All students are expected to come to school clean, well groomed, and
appropriately/safely dressed. The Covina-Valley USD is continuing the mandatory
standardized dress code this year. All students are to follow this code. Student dress
has been shown to promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning
environment. Whenever a student's appearance or dress is deemed disruptive to
school activities, the parent or guardian will be informed

Black is not a school uniform color!
Bottoms-​ Solid Navy Blue or Tan
Tops​ – Solid red, white or navy blue, School T-shirt or sweatshirt, and or a top showing
a college emblem.
Shoes​ - Closed toe shoes (worn with socks) appropriate for school wear. Sandals must
have straps, closed toe and be worn with socks.
PRIDE Assembly Days ​- Jeans may be worn with Future Husky/College/ Barranca
gear on PRIDE award days.

Students are allowed to wear sun protective clothing (i.e. hats, sunglasses)
outdoors (Section 35183.5, SB310, ch. 575). Hats worn at school cannot have
team or brand affiliation (solid color hats and Barranca Hats only). No hats are
classrooms, they must be worn OUTSIDE only.

Students who violate the dress code will be temporarily loaned a substitute uniform for
the day or be directed to call home for a change of clothes. Students will be allowed to
wear uniforms of nationally recognized youth organizations, such as Boy and Girl
Scouts, on meeting days.

The following items are examples of inappropriate or unsafe dress:
Short shorts • straps less than an inch wide • shirts that expose the midriff
•see-through tops •backless or strapless shoes • open toe shoes •high-heeled shoes •
slicked-soled shoes • shirts with any logo besides the school logo • tights or bike shorts
without outer garments • excessively baggy or oversized clothing • oversized belts
hanging from under apparel • belt buckles with initials or logos, long belts or belts with
tails • footwear that has metal toes • jewelry/accessories that have the potential to be
dangerous • Outrageous hairstyles and colors not natural to human hair. •Make-up is
inappropriate for elementary students.


If your child needs to take any medication during school hours, prescription or
non-prescription, written and signed instructions from both the physician and parents
are required on special forms available in the school office. State law prohibits students
from bringing any form of medication with them to school.

Parking Lot

The parking lot is a safety concern at all times. Please be a responsible and respectful
example for our students! When dropping off or picking up your child, please follow
parking lot procedures and park in marked spaces only. Numerous teachers are on
duty to assist you.

There are three lanes to the parking lot. Lane 1 and Lane 2 are for pickup and drop off.
Lane 3 is for drive-through traffic only. ​DO NOT leave your vehicle for any reason
unless you park in a designated parking space.​ ​Please do not block any crosswalk,
handicap parking space, or the bus lane (Lane 1). When picking up or dropping off,
parents are asked to pull forward as far as possible. When dropping off, if you stop too
close to the cafeteria, you disrupt the flow of traffic and this can cause back-ups on
Barranca Ave.

Lane 1​- Never use this lane to pick-up ​until​ the busses have come through.
Lane 2 ​- Please do not leave your car. Your child will be brought to you. Once you
have picked up your child(ren), you may enter Lane 3.
Lane 3 ​- Drive-thru lane ONLY. You will not be allowed to pick up or drop off a child in
the drive-thru lane.

When exiting the parking lot, turn right. Please avoid using your cell phone while driving
in the parking lot.

Pets are not allowed on school grounds at any time. No exceptions. Service and
emotional support pets must have vest and papers must be present at all times.

Registration is online thru your parent portal account

Review, correct, sign and return the registration information form. This serves as your
child’s registration and source of important information in case of an emergency. Please
include cell numbers. ​Be sure to name at least two people who can be called in an
emergency if you cannot be contacted.​ It is important you notify the school
immediately of any changes in home and/or work addresses and telephone numbers for
you and any emergency caregivers. Please list childcare phone numbers and name of

Releasing Students During School Hours

Students may be released to parents or other authorized adults during the school day
by the office only. Students will not be released the last 30 minutes of the school day.
Students must be signed out at the office and identification will be required.
Schoolwide Code of Conduct

The emphasis on the school-wide systems and structures is to create a predictable
environment for students to be prepared to take advantage of every minute of learning
and to prepare them for a productive life beyond Barranca. With this program we
expect to see significant improvements in the rate of homework assignments being
completed, and less disruption to the teaching and learning. You can help by reviewing
the school rules with your child, supporting the consequences implemented, and
ensuring that your student arrives to school on time with the necessary materials and a
positive attitude that promotes learning.
           1. We will have a positive attitude in all that we do.
           Positive Attitude:​ Participate in class activities; Demonstrate good
           sportsmanship during activities
           2. We will respect each other and property.
           Respect:​ Cooperate with others; Listen when adults are speaking; Use
           appropriate language at all times; Keep hands, feet, and objects to oneself
           3. We will live with integrity, telling the truth and being honest all the time.
           Integrity:​ Be honest and truthful; Do one's own work; ONLY use others'
           property with permission
           4. We will be dependable, completing all tasks assigned to us.
           Dependability:​ Bring all materials to class each day; Complete all class work
           and homework on time; Follow all directions
           5. We will show excellence in academics, play, and behavior, always doing
           our best!
   Excellence:​ Put forth BEST effort; Make good choices

Behavior Incentives​: PRIDE Praise Pass, prizes, treats, extra privileges, special
Behavior Consequences: ​classroom warnings, notes, and calls home, restriction from
recess, after school detention, referral to the Principal, Saturday School, in-school
suspension, out of school suspension (see Ed.Code 48900, attached.
Schoolwide Behavior Standards

      1. Line up promptly after recess bell and stand in line with hands to self please
           no yelling.
      2. Use restrooms with proper hygiene, and leave the restroom neat. (Go, flush,
           wash, leave)
      3. Stay out of the trees and refrain from pulling on the branches.
      4. Do not throw sand, rocks, sticks, grass, pinecones or other objects.
      5. Play all playground games as per the established rules. No rough play or
           tackle games.
      6. Students may not leave campus prior to dismissal
      7.​ ​Walk quietly and do not play in the hallways. Heads forward, feet forward,
           hands down, voices off.
      8. Leave toys at home, unless approved by the teacher, and then only used in
           the classroom.
      9. Play in designated playground areas and use equipment safely and
      10.​ ​At dismissal, students will leave campus and go directly home at the end of
           each day.
      11.​ ​Cell phones must be kept in the child's backpack at all times, if taken out of
           the backpack during the instructional day the phone will be taken from the
           child and a parent will need to pick up the phone from the school office.
           Students will be allowed to use their cell phone after school to make
           quick phone calls, but only on the front lawn. The school is not
           responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged cell phones.
      12.​ ​Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, and rollerblade tennis shoes are
           prohibited at school at all times. Rollerblade tennis shoes may be worn
           without the wheels.

Please see the CVUSD ​Elementary School Student Conduct and Discipline Policy
Statement​ that is available online for additional guidelines.
Sexual Harassment

(EC 48900.2/48980/212.5/212.6 BP 5144.5)
Students in fourth and fifth grades may be suspended or expelled for acts of sexual


Your child’s safety is a genuine concern to us. Please discuss appropriate procedures
with your child and determine the safest route to and from school. The following items
are considered dangerous objects and are not allowed at school: laser pens, penknives,
finger nail files, etc.


Students and parents should be aware that California Law, Educational Code 48900,
permits the suspension of students who commit any of the following offenses.
              a. Caused, attempted to cause or threatened to cause physical injury to
                 another person.
              b. Possess, sold or furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other
                 dangerous object.
              c. Possessed, used or sold or furnished or been under the influence of a
                 controlled substance
              d. Offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance
              e. Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion
              f. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property
              g. Stolen or attempted to steal school or private property
              h. Possessed or used tobacco
              i. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or

             j.   Possessed or offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug
             k. Disrupted school activities or defied the authority of school personnel
             l. Received stolen or private property
             m.​ ​Possessed and imitation firearm
n. Attempted/committed a sexual assault/battery
              o. Harassed, or threatened or intimidated a student who is a witness
          Aided or abetted the infliction or attempted infliction or physical injury
          EC 48900.3 cause, attempted to cause, threatened to cause or participate in
          an act of hate violence
          EC 48900.4 intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation
          EC 48900.7 making a terrorist threat
The principal must recommend expulsion, but the governing board may or may not
expel the student who:
              1. Cause a serious injury to another person
              2. Possess a knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the
              3. Unlawfully possess drugs or
              4. Robs or extorts
Mandatory offenses for which the principal or superintendent must recommend
expulsion and the governing board must expel the student who:
       1. Possess, sell or furnish a firearm
       2. Brandish a knife at another person
       3. Unlawfully sell a controlled substance
       4. Possession of an explosive or explosive device

Safe Place to Learn Act:​ Barranca School is committed to maintaining a learning
environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and
bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics such as disability, gender, gender
identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or
association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived
characteristics. All school personnel who witness an act of discrimination, harassment,
violence, intimidation, or bullying must take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe
to do so. Any student who engages in acts of discrimination, harassment, violence,
intimidation, or bullying related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a
school of the school district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
expulsion. To report an incident and/or to receive a copy of the district's
antidiscrimination, anti-harassment, anti-intimidation, and anti-bullying policies, please
contact the school principal. EC234 and 234.1.
Uniform Complaint Procedures

The informational pamphlet about appeals, civil law remedies and donations under
which a complaint may be taken directly to the California Department of Education is
available on the school or district website or from the Deputy Superintendent,
Educational Services (974-7000), during regular business hours. The Complaint
Procedures are also posted in the school office.


All visitors must report to the office and obtain a Raptor badge before proceeding to any
other part of the campus. Teachers will receive reasonable advance notice of visits by
persons who are not employees of the district. Classroom visitations and/or
observations by representatives of outside agencies, educational or community, will be
scheduled in cooperation with the unit member whenever possible.

                                   Barranca School
                                727 S. Barranca Avenue
                                   Covina, CA 91723
Health Services

Emergency Plan, Procedures & Policies

I.     Introduction

II.    Home Guidance

III.   School Site Procedures and Protocols Guidance

IV.    Classroom Guidance, Procedures and Protocols

V.     Health Office Procedures and Protocols

VI.    Return to school policy/procedure

VII.   Resources - Pending

VIII. Appendices
      A.   C-VUSD suspected/positive case flow chart
      B.   COVID-19 Screening Tool
      C.   COVID-19 Return to Work/School Screening Tool
      D.   COVID-19 CPR Guidelines
      E.   COVID Testing Sites

Health Services

        The purpose of this document is to outline the Covina-Valley Unified School District
Health Services return to school guidelines and re-opening of campus considering the COVID-19
pandemic. These procedures, policies, and protocols have been carefully considered to address
and promote the safety, health, and welfare of our community. These procedures, policies, and
protocols have been thoughtfully developed with local, state, and national guidance to ensure
best practice given the most current available information.

Home Guidance
● Per CDC, signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include:
      ○ Cough                                                  ○   Sore throat
      ○ Shortness of breath or Difficulty                      ○   Headache
        breathing                                              ○   New loss of taste or smell
      ○ Chills                                                 ○   Nausea
      ○ Fatigue                                                ○   Vomiting
      ○ Muscle or body aches                                   ○   Diarrhea
      ○ Congestion or runny nose

● How COVID-19 is spread: COVID-19 is thought to be spread mainly from person to person. It
  is spread between people who are in close contact with one another (within 6 feet), through
  respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. These droplets
  can land in the mouths of noses of people who are nearby or possibly inhaled into the lungs.
  Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not
  showing symptoms.

● A case is considered to be infectious from 48 hours before symptoms first appeared until they are
  no longer required to be isolated (i.e., no fever for at least 72 hours without the use of medicine
  that reduces fever AND respiratory systems have improved AND at least 10 days have passed
  since symptoms first appeared). A person with a positive COVID-19 test but no symptoms is
  considered to be infectious from 48 hours before their test was taken until 10 days after their test.

● Consistent with County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, anyone entering school
  property (school buses as well as school buildings and grounds) who has contact with others
  (students, parents or other employees) is required to wear a cloth face covering. These are to be
  worn at all times while on school except while eating, drinking, napping, or participating in
  activities that preclude their use. Face coverings are to be washed daily.
      ○ Alternative protective strategies may be adopted to accommodate students who are on
           Individualized Education or 504 Plans and who cannot use or tolerate cloth face

● For students with underlying medical conditions, please consult with your student’s health care
  provider to determine if your student is medically safe to be at school.

● General prevention of communicable diseases:
     ○ Avoid close contact with people who are sick
     ○ Stay home when you are sick and seek medical attention when needed
     ○ Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
         Follow with hand washing.
     ○ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. The eyes, mouth and nose are the portal into
         the body for viruses. If you do touch your face, wash your hands afterwards.
     ○ Wash hands often with soap and water (20 seconds) FREQUENTLY
     ○ If you do not have soap, use hand sanitizer (60–95% alcohol based)

○ Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household
         cleaning spray or wipe
       ○ Practice social distancing
       ○ Wear a cloth face covering your nose and mouth when you are out in public
       ○ CDPH strongly recommends that students and staff immunize against influenza each
         autumn and age appropriate vaccinations are kept to date.

● Parents/guardians are asked to complete health screenings of their students each morning before
  school by checking their temperature and for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
  Parents/guardians are asked to keep students at home when ill, symptoms for COVID-19 are
  present, or if they have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case. Students must stay home
  for temperatures of 100º F or greater.

● Any student with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should remain at home in isolation for a
  minimum of 10 days plus at least 3 days after resolution of fever (without fever-reducing
  medication) and improvement in other symptoms (Los Angeles County Department of Public
  Health, 2020). Students should stay home if exposed to someone with COVID-19 for 14 days
  after last exposure.

● If a student is ill while at school and has COVID-19 symptoms/or a fever, a surgical facemask
  will be placed on the student if they do not already have a mask or face covering. The student
  will be separated away from well students while waiting for a parent/guardian to arrive for pick
  up per CDC guidelines. It is recommended that parents seek testing for COVID-19.

● Parents/guardians are to communicate to school staff (school nurse, administrator, health clerk or
  office clerk) immediately if your student tests positive for COVID-19.

● In accordance with County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health a cluster of COVID-19
  cases (3 or more within 14 days) in the educational setting must be reported. Public Health will
  provide recommendations for interventions to protect the health and well-being of students and
  staff at school.

● Given standard guidance for isolation at home for at least 14 days after close contact, the
  classroom or office where the patient was based will typically need to close temporarily as
  students or staff isolate. Additional close contacts outside of the classroom should also isolate at
  home (CDPH, 2020).

●   Privacy, confidentiality, and protected health information will be maintained.

● Identify your student’s healthcare provider to have on hand to communicate any symptoms your
  child may be experiencing.

● A Return to Work/School Screening Tool must be completed prior to school return if the
  student/staff was placed on home isolation/quarantine.

School Site

Passive Screening: Temperature screening prior to coming to school

   ● Staff and students are to check temperature at home.
   ● Ensure temperature is below 100.4º Fahrenheit.
   ● Check for COVID-19 symptoms:

          ○ Cough                                               ○   Sore throat
          ○ Shortness of breath or                              ○   Headache
            Difficulty breathing                                ○   New loss of taste or smell
          ○ Chills                                              ○   Nausea
          ○ Fatigue                                             ○   Vomiting
          ○ Muscle or body aches                                ○   Diarrhea
          ○ Congestion or runny nose

Active Screening:

   •   Temperature Screening may be required or taken by staff upon entering school
   •   Any student presenting with a temperature of 100.4 º F or greater will be directed to the
       health office for additional screening and given a surgical mask if the student is not
       already wearing one. (Contact office if escort is needed).
   •   Any visitor presenting symptoms or has a temperature of 100.4 º F will NOT be allowed
       to enter the campus or school district facility
   •   Staff performing active screening will send student with a health office referral slip that
       documents student’s name and the temperature obtained.

 Staff and students are to stay home if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or if they
                have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19.

Classroom Guidance

Healthy Hygiene Practices

   •    Optimal healthy hygiene practices will be encouraged, including handwashing or the use
        of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, to prevent infections and reduce the number of viable
        pathogens that contaminate the hands. Handwashing is the single most effective infection
        control intervention (CDC). Handwashing mechanically removes pathogens, while
        laboratory data demonstrate that 60% ethanol and 70% isopropyl alcohol, the active
        ingredients in CDC-recommended alcohol-based hand sanitizers, inactivates viruses that
        are genetically related to, and with similar physical properties as COVID-19. Hand
        hygiene is performed by washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or
        using hand rub with 60-95% alcohol content until the content dries. If hands are visibly
        soiled, use soap and water.

Students, staff, and individuals in the educational setting will be encouraged to wash hands or
use hand sanitizer often as follows:

   1)   After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
   2)   After using the restroom
   3)   Before eating or preparing food
   4)   Before and after touching face
   5)   After playing outside
   6)   Before putting on and after removing gloves
   7)   After touching frequently touched areas (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, shared computers)

Preventive Measures

Preventative measures signs will be posted in health office that will educate students and staff
and serve as reminders of ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These include reminders to:
   • Cover your Cough Posters (CDC)
   • Wash your Hands Posters (CDC)
   ●    Protect yourself and others

1) Encourage individuals to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or
      sneeze, place the used tissue in the opened-top wastebasket, and then wash their hands.
   2) If tissues are unavailable, encourage individuals to cough or sneeze into the upper sleeve
      or elbow, not onto their hands. Handwashing must follow.
   3) Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not
      available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol
      alcohol content and rub until the contents are dry.
   4) Encourage individuals to avoid touching their face with their hands as much as possible.
      The eyes, mouth and nose are the portal into the body for viruses.
   5) Use of face coverings.
   6) Encourage individuals to avoid close contact with people who are sick.
   7) Ensure physical distancing.
   8) Stay home if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and/or a temperature of 100.4ºF
      or greater.

First Aid

First aid situations, to the degree possible, should be handled in the classroom to prevent office
congregation and possible cross exposure. The following recommendations are made:
        • All classrooms are stocked with first aid supplies
        • Health office staff are available for support
        • To the extent possible, students provide self-care with staff direction and physical
                 o Paper cuts, small abrasions, picked scabs - have them wash hands and apply
                     band aid if needed.
        • Minor headaches and/or fatigue - allow them to get snack/drink water first. Send to
             the health office if they are not better after 20 minutes
        • Mild stomachache and/or nausea - allow to use the restroom, drink water, and have
             snack first. Send if they are not better after 20 minutes
        • Localized bug bite - if no allergy history and not spread over large area of skin, clean
             with soap and water and apply cool paper towel to area to help prevent scratching.
        • Anxiety/Stress/Psychosocial Issues - if not affecting breathing or medical health try
             giving water, snack, redirection, or please refer to office
        • If a student has symptoms that are not resolved in the classroom, send to the health
             office for further screening. Call the health office to notify them of a student coming
             up for follow up care.
        • Utilize the revised Health Office Referral slip provided by your school nurse.
        • There will be a separate room for isolating students presenting with fever and other
             respiratory symptoms as determined by the Health Office.

Sick Day Guidelines –
Students must NOT attend school or must be sent home if at school with the following
   • Fever or chills – Temperature 100.4º F or higher
   • Cough
   • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
   • Muscle or body aches
   • New loss of taste or smell
   • Sore throat
   • Diarrhea

Mental Health
Students experiencing loss or trauma will be referred to site administrator and/or counseling.

Health Office
Illness Screening Procedure
    1. Student presents in the health office presenting COVID-19 symptoms:
    2. Take student’s temperature by way of no-touch thermometer and complete Symptom
        Checking Tool. If no symptoms of COVID-19, treat student according to normal health
        office policies.
    3. If student has a fever of 100.4 F or greater and has at least 2 or more symptoms of
        COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever or chills, new loss of
        taste or smell, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, muscle or body aches, sore throat), send student
        to isolation room
    4. Start contact tracing worksheet.
    5. Send to the isolation room with illness screening form and the contact tracing worksheet
        accompanied by staff.
    6. Notify administrator and school nurse of student’s status.
    7. See isolation room procedure.

Healthy Hygiene Practices
Hand hygiene is performed by washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or
using hand rub with 60-95% alcohol content until the content dries. If hands are visibly soiled,
use soap and water. Handwashing is to b done before and after every student encounter.

Physical Distancing

   •   All students shall maintain a 6 feet distance (2 arms’ length) at all times.
   •   Social distancing will limit the spread of COVID-19. Schools will adhere to the following
       strategies to maintain social distancing as much as possible:

•   During regular school hours, school sites will restrict non-essential visitors, volunteers,
       and activities involving other groups.
   •   Group activities are limited (i.e., assemblies, award ceremonies, athletics).
   •   Classroom space is arranged allowing maximum space between students and staff.
   •   Student desks are arranged to face the same direction (rather than facing each other) and
       spaced six feet from teachers.
   •   Routes are designated for entry and exit to lunch, recess, and other transition times, as
       feasible. Staff will practice social distancing, including but not limited to, the
           o When working indoors or outdoor areas
           o Before and after the work shift
           o Coming and going from vehicles
           o Entering, working, and exiting physical buildings or other structures during
               breaks and lunch periods
   •   Students will have access to limited playground equipment during recess and will be
       encouraged to maintain social distancing where possible.
   •   Breaks and lunches will be staggered to ensure that physical distancing can be maintained
       in workrooms and break rooms.
   •   All employees, on-site contractors, vendors and delivery personnel will be provided
       instructions regarding maintaining physical distancing and the required use face


Appropriate PPE must be utilized in conjunction with universal precautions and proper hand

   •   In accordance with the California Department of Public Health's (CDPH) Guidance for
       Face Coverings anyone (students, parents, or other employees) entering school property
       must utilize face coverings:
           o While in the classroom
           o While waiting to enter campus
           o While on school grounds (except when eating or drinking)
           o While leaving school
           o While on the bus

   •   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided to staff and students. Students and
       staff will be provided two reusable cloth face masks and are expected to wear them daily.
       Personal face coverings will be allowed in compliance with dress code policy. Employees
       and parents are instructed to wash their face coverings daily.

•   Alternative protective strategies may be adopted to accommodate students who are on
    Individualized Education or 504 Plans and who cannot use or tolerate cloth face

•   Teachers, and identified staff members will receive two reusable face shield. Staff
    members are required to wear face coverings including:
    • Interacting in person with any member of the public.
    • Working in any space where food is prepared or packaged for sale or distribution to
    • Working in or walking through common areas, such as hallways, courtyards, and
    • In any room or enclosed area where other people are present when unable to
       physically distance.

•   Medical grade masks are provided to any employee who cares for sick children or who
    has close contact with any child with a medical condition that precludes the child’s use of
    a cloth face covering. These masks are available in our health offices.

•   Gloves are not recommended for use by students or staff, with the exception of those
    conducting cleaning, first aid, or food service. Gloves are available in school offices.


    Notified of COVID +                     Individual immediately                        School Official who first
    individual (verbal report,              placed in a room/area                         tended to COVID +
    written documentation                   away from others and a                        individual completes
    from lab test, individual               surgical mask is placed                       “Symptom Checking Tool
    has symptoms present                          • Isolate
                                                                                                                                 When to call 911 (EMS)
                                                                                          For Suspected Cases” AND
    consistent with COVID-19                      • Send home ASAP                        notifies School Nurse of the
    (see chart)                             If difficulty breathing, call                 case                                   •   Trouble Breathing
                                            911                                                                                  •   Pressure or Pain in
School Nurse gathers any                                                                 Exposure Management Plan is             •   Bluish Lips/Face
additional needed                              Administration/School                     dependent on case, District decisions
                                               Officials notified and                    and guidance from DP-H.                 •   New onset of
information that is pertinent                                                            -MOFT to initiate cleaning protocols        confusion
                                               provided frequent
to the case. Parent/Guardian                   updates as necessary                      (closing infected areas for cleaning)   •   Unable to wake or
may need to be contacted.                                                                -Notification of close contacts,
                                                                                                                                     stay awake
Provider may be contacted if                                                             including letters to be sent
                                               School Nurse notifies LA                  -Immediate quarantine of exposed
consent obtained. School                       County Dept. of Public Health             employees/students within the school
Nurse completes “COVID-19                      for guidance and support                  (assurance of access to testing)
line test”                                     (report of clusters of 3 or more          -Contingency plans for partial/full
                                               cases within 14 days)                     closure if necessary

                      School Nurse follows up with COVID
                      + individual (and or                                    School Nurse continues follow
                      Parent/Guardian) to provide                             up with COVID + individual
                      feedback from Public Health (if
                                                                              and completes “Return to
                      applicable). Fact sheets or other
                      informational materials provided,
                                                                              Work/School Screening Tool”
                      covering regulations governing self-                    to determine if individual is
                      isolation and links with further                        safe to return to work/school


                                     Symptom Checking Tool for Suspected Cases

Name of student/staff:                                        School Site: _________________________

Parent/guardian’s name & phone:                                                Date:_____________
Instructions: Complete the following questionnaire. Please select Y=Yes or N=No and record on the sheet. If the answers provided
show suspicion CVID-19, under order of the Public Health Officer the person must stay home until 14 days after your last exposure or at
least 10 days passed since symptoms first appeared.

           Please record individual temperature here_____________.                              Yes
           If your temperature is more than 100F, individual must go home.                      No

           Have you been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?                  Yes
           * If yes, provide date of exposure: _____________                                    No

           Do you feel ill?                                                                     Yes

           Do you have any of the symptoms listed below?

              Check boxes of symptoms reported or seen (not
              related to any other health condition):

                   Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
                   Muscle or body aches
                   Congestion or runny nose
                   Sore throat
                   New loss of taste or smell
                   Vomiting (unidentified cause, unrelated to anxiety or eating)

Symptom check performed by: ______________________________________________

Nurse notified of suspected/confirmed case: ____________________________________

                                                                                                                     Adapted from CSNO
                                                                                                            Health Services Recovery Plan

                                  Return to Work/School Screening Tool

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a Symptom Based Strategy that allows
individuals to discontinue home isolation after COVID-19.
ncov/hcp/disposition-hospitalized-patients.html According to the CDC, “The decision to discontinue home
isolation for persons with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should be made in the context of local
circumstances. One option includes symptom-based (i.e., time-since-illness-onset and time-since-recovery

Name of Staff or Student: _____________________________ Date of birth: _______________
Interview conducted:    Face to face  Telehealth (phone/virtual) Other: ______________
Date: ______________

                          Symptom-Based Strategy Assessment
 1.   Date the individual was diagnosed with COVID-19.
 2.   Date the individual first COVID-19 symptoms appeared.
 3.   Have at least 10 days passed since symptoms first appeared? *If not,                  Yes
      individual must continue home isolation.
 4.   Is the individual currently taking fever reducing medications?
      If yes, please list the medication and frequency:                                     No

    (*If yes, the individual must continue to home isolate. At least 3 days (72
    hours) must have passed since recovery, defined as resolution of fever without
    the use of fever-reducing medication.)
 5. Date of last fever.
 6. What symptoms did the individual have while ill with COVID-19?
          Chills                                 Congestion/runny nose
          Cough                                  Shortness of breath
          Muscle/body aches                      Loss of sense/smell
          Diarrhea                               Nausea/vomiting
          Fatigue                                Headache
          Sore throat                            Other:
 7. Does the individual have improvement of respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough or             Yes
    shortness of breath)?
Based upon the Symptom-Based strategy criteria, the above individual:
  May discontinue home isolation and return to work/school.
  May not discontinue home isolation and return to work/school.
      _______________________________________    _______________________________________
      Print Name                  Date            Registered Credentialed School Nurse Signature

                                                                                                   Adapted from CSNO



Citrus Valley Pharmacy
457 S Citrus Ave,
Covina CA 91723

AltaMed Medical and Dental Group - West Covina
1300 S Sunset Ave.
West Covina, CA 91790

CVS - Azusa
915 East Arrow Highway
Azusa, CA 91722

CVS - San Dimas
120 East Bonita Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773

CVS - City of Industry
21590 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91789
Industry, CA 91789

CVS - Baldwin Park
1550 Puente Avenue
Baldwin Park, CA 90706

Pomona Fairplex Gate 17
1101 W. McKinley Ave
Pomona, CA 91768
Gate 17 (Fairplex and McKinley)

Parent and Student Handbook

My child and I have read the attached Parent and Student handbook. We understand
the rules, Educational Codes and policies. We are committed to helping our child be
successful in school and will make sure our child…
       -​ ​attends school on time each day
       -​ ​follows the school Code of Conduct
       -​ ​turns in completed homework on time
       -​ ​is dressed in school uniform each day

Student Name _____________________________________ Room # _______
Parent Signature___________________________________
Student Signature__________________________________

By registering online you acknowledge you have read and agreed to the guidelines in
the Barranca Student Handbook.
You can also read