pa r i Sh n e w S
    O F T H e U p p e r W y Ly e VA L L e y

                                  ma r ch 2 0 2 1

Spr ing ha S Spr ung ...time to b e po Sitiv e




                         RC                                      RC                                 Barnabas Wilson


  Serving the villages of Boyton, Codford, Corton, Heytesbury, Knook, Norton Bavant, Sherrington,
     Sutton Veny, Tytherington and Upton Lovell since 1979, and delivered free to 1400 homes.
                 EDI TO RI AL                                 charcoal sketches. This is open to all               please contact
                                                              age groups. I look forward to seeing the                     Unfortunately, owing to the various
Thank you for the many positive                               results.                                             restrictions in place it is unlikely that the
comments we received about the new look                            Finally, do you have a story to tell            2021 race will go ahead.                  TD
parish News. Like all publications we are                     about your childhood or something that
endeavouring to meet the needs of our                         will interest our readers, we have a                      A B I G T H AN K YO U …
community.                                                    fascinating one under village news. If you           Thank you to everyone who has been
      One thing that has been brought to                      have a story please send to the editor. RC           donating food to the Warminster Food
the forefront is that there are a great                                                                            bank by leaving food in the porch at
many talented people out there. We have                                   THE                                      Heytesbury Church. We need to continue
decided to offer a new feature. Do you,                       H EY T ESBU RY DU CK RACE                            to support the Food bank as it is such a
your children or your art class draw, paint                   The Heytesbury Duck race is an annual                difficult time.
in oils, watercolour, or any other medium?                    easter event, held on easter Saturday and                    Thank you also to the Heytesbury,
Would you like to see your artwork in the                     raising vital funds for Heytesbury Church.           Imber and Knook parish Council for their
parish News? It would be really great if you                  Over the years it has become extremely               grant towards the repair of the church
have a painting of our area, a street,                        popular and is very well attended, draw-             lantern. The lantern hasn't worked for
views from your window or your kitchen                        ing in families not only from village but            years so it is great to have path lit again,
table, a church or prominent building,                        from further afield.                                 and this time by solar power.
actually anything from the ten villages to                            The organisers are now looking for                   If anyone was counting, a single
which we distribute the magazine? All we                      a new group to take over. Would you or               Heytesbury church bell rang 100 times on
ask is you take a photo of your picture                       could you form a group and take it on?               Sunday January 31st as part of a national
and send it to the editor as an email                         everything is in place and ready to hand             response to remember all those who have
attachment (tiff, jpeg or pdf). We would                      over to the future organisers to run this            died from Covid-19.
love to see your paintings, drawings or                       really fun event. If you are interested              Thank you Joe Charlesworth!              TS

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Editor                  Robin Culver        840790
Chairman                David Shaw          850372

The Parish News, which is not for profit, relies on and is
very grateful to all advertisers without whom the
magazine could not be produced. Prospective advertisers
should contact Katherine Venning (see details below).
However the Parish News does not endorse any of the
products or services advertised and takes no
responsibility for any disappointment, accident or injury,
howsoever caused, resulting from purchase or
involvement. We welcome contributions on any subject
but reserve the right to edit to fit. Opinions expressed in
material from contributors are for readers to appreciate
and are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial team.
All editorial copy should be sent to the Editor by 10th of previous month.

Advertising contact Katherine Venning 840283
Marketplace contact Katherine Venning 840283

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                                                                                     Page 2
                        Our vision is to be open, welcoming, growing and inclusive churches,
                     living within the love of God, and sharing God's love and life with others.
                         MI N I ST RY T EAM L ET T ER
                                                                                             LOVING OUR NEIGHBOUR AS CHRIST LOVES US
    SORRY GOD, I FORGOT TO PRAY!               This is where the support of others can           Have you been told that you need to self-isolate?
                                                                                                           Do you need some support?
                                               help us in our daily prayer life. Julian’s    If you would like a chat, prayers, spiritual, pastoral or
“We have left undone those things which        teaching was that the highest form of         practical support and help, please do call someone from
we ought to have done”: words from the         prayer consists in simply waiting on God;     the numbers below
General Confession of the old prayer book      something we find difficult to do. Silence
                                                                                             TEAM RECTOR
(BCp). We can be aware at the end of the       and listening for ‘God to speak to us’ is     The Revd Trudy Hobson (day off Friday)
day, often with guilt, that there are things   never easy. Weekly Julian Meetings are                840081
we should have done, whether they be           now taking place via Zoom in the Upper
                                                                                             MINISTRY TEAM
spiritual or mundane matters, which for        Wylye Valley Team on Monday evenings for      Team Vicar
various reasons we have not done. It may       30 minutes from 6pm. Further details          The Revd Clifford Stride (on duty Tues.Wed.Sun)
be a phone call to support a friend in need    including the Zoom Link can be obtained                     850941
or a promise made to a neighbour. We           from me at This      Ordained Ministers with Permission to Officiate
                                                                                             The Revd Diana Hammond                          841185
make promises with good intensions BUT         is a very gentle form of prayer meeting;         
sometimes we don’t always do what we           there is no sharing of personal prayer        The Revd Jane Shaw                              850141
promised to do. As Christians, one of our      needs, no praying aloud, just a case             
                                                                                             The Revd Jayne Buckles                         851176
spiritual promises is to set aside time for    of logging-in and being; praying in
daily prayer. In our busy lives prayer often   companionable silence with other              The Revd Robin Hungerford                       840522
gets pushed to the back of the queue and       likeminded people.                               
left undone; unless of course we are                   prayer as part of our weekly          Licensed Lay Minister
                                                                                             Katherine Venning LLM                          840283
in trouble and then we immediately,            worship is equally important. I know many        
frantically offer up pleas and petitions for   of you are involved in leading our inter-
Help with a capital H!!                        cessions in church or on-line. We would       CHURCHWARDENS
        The Ministry Team would like to        like to encourage more of you to get          Boyton & Corton  Post vacant
                                                                                             Codford St Mary  Derek Buckles                   851176
encourage and enable us all to make daily      involved in leading our prayers on            Codford St Peter Barbara Tomlinson               850156
prayer part of our routine. This can be        Sundays. We have resources available,                          Alasdair McGregor               850073
made easier with the example and support       including a booklet of suitable prayers put   Heytesbury       Tina Sitwell                    840556
                                                                                             Knook            Robert Pottow                   850285
of others. From church tradition we have       together by Katherine Venning or you may      Norton Bavant    John Acworth                    840134
the example and inspiration of the deeply      be able to write your own or find prayers                      Edward Moore                    840420
spiritual saints and mystics of the past.      that speak to you in books or on the inter-   Sherrington      Betty & Nigel Lewis             850496
One such mystic from the fourteenth            net. If you feel that leading intercessions   Sutton Veny      Brian Long                      840352
                                                                                             Tytherington     Caroline Lester-Card            840022
century is Julian of Norwich. Julian           is something you would like to do; then do    Upton Lovel      Andrew Cumming                  850834
(female) probably took her name from the       let one of the clergy or Katherine know.
nearby Church. In 1373 during severe           There is much need of prayer in our world     LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS
                                                                                             Codford          Henry Collins                   850193
illness Julian received the series of 16       so please keep praying.
                                                                                             Norton Bavant    Didee Acworth                   840134
‘shewings’ of our Lord. She became an                                     Rev Cliff Stride   Heytesbury:      Roger Hammond                   841185
anchoress, a woman dedicated to religion,                                                                     Alison Tebbs                    841192
living permanently alone in a cell attached                                                  Upton Lovell     Sue Bray                        850702
to St Julian’s Church in Norwich. For           THOUGHT fOR THE MONTH                        BELL RINGERS            Nick Claypoole           850724
twenty years she meditated on the visions                                                    PARISH CHOIR            Katherine Venning        840283
she had received, and at length                 The disciples went and did as Jesus had
recorded them and their meaning as The          instructed them. They brought the
revelations of Divine Love. This was the        donkey and the colt and placed their         SMALL CHANGE, BIG IMpACT
first book known to be written by a woman       cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very     fOR THE ENvIRONMENT
in english. This book is now acknowledged       large crowd spread their cloaks on the
as one of the great classics of spiritual       road, while others cut branches from                           SAVE WATER…
literature.                                     the trees and spread them on the road.
        Today Julian meetings are regularly     The crowds that went ahead of him and        Did you know that when we leave the tap
held throughout the world. The purpose of       those that followed shouted,                 running whilst brushing our teeth, we use
a Julian Meeting is to foster the regular       ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!                over 20 litres of water? This month, let’s
and disciplined practice of contemplative       Blessed is he who comes in the name of       make a new habit to turn off the tap every
or silent prayer in the Christian tradition.    the Lord!                                    time we brush our teeth and save our
                                                Hosanna in the highest heaven!’              precious water.
                                                When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the
               pRAYER GRO U p                   whole city was stirred and asked, ‘Who       Thank you for all your hard work.
                     We pray daily.             is this?’ The crowds answered, ‘This is
           If you have any prayer requests,     Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in                                  Blessings
               please call Anne on 840339.      Galilee.’ Matthew chapter 21 v6        RH                            Trudy Hobson
                                                                                                                     Team rector UWVT

                                                                 Page 3
BIs Ho P o f s AL Is BU RY To RET IRE I n J U LY 2 021

                                                                            The South Canonry and in
                                                                            the beautiful garden,
                                                                            notably running the Sudan
                                                                            fete. She has maintained
                                                                            her Quaker membership
                                                       Photo by Gerry Lynch
                                                                            at    Salisbury   Quaker
The rt revd Nicholas Holtam will retire in              Meeting throughout our time here.
July after 10 years as Bishop of Salisbury.             She established a weekly origami work-
“In many ways the Diocese of Salisbury is                shop for prisoners at HMp erlestoke selling
one of God’s small miracles. The energy,                 their cards to raise funds for prisoner
variety and resourcefulness of our                       rehabilitation. Helen has been a major
churches, chaplaincies and schools are                   part of what I have been able to do and I
just three of the reasons why being the                  am grateful for her and our family’s
Bishop is a joy. I am full of admiration for             support. We look forward to retiring to
our cathedral, for clergy colleagues and                 Brighton to be closer to our children and
for the people of the Diocese who                        grandchildren.”
have been extraordinarily resilient and                         During the vacancy, Bishop Karen will
creative in the adaptation of continued                  be the acting Bishop of Salisbury.
ministry and mission.                                                                                      Home Learning at Wylye Valley
     When we came to Salisbury in 2011,
Helen had just retired as a Maths teacher.                                                              Turn to page 8 to read an article on Home
She has supported me particularly                                                                       Learning by Sam Horgan.
through hospitality and fundraising in

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                                                                           Page 4
c RIc kE T AnD Ang L Ing
             All Stars Cricket                       All girls and boys are welcome, and      Sunday until the school holidays in July. If
                                                each registered child will receive a pack     you are completely new to cricket and
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny CC have again,         of cricket goodies including a cricket bat,   wish to sign up for these coaching sessions
following the successful programmes of          ball, backpack, water bottle, person-         please call Justin Wagstaff 07876 456260
previous seasons, signed up to take part        alised shirt and cap to keep so that they          The Under 9s Cricket aims to
in the eCB All Stars Cricket nationwide         can continue their love of cricket when       provide children aged seven to nine with
programme. All Stars Cricket is the eCB         they go home.                                 a great first experience in game and
initiative for children aged 5 – 8 who have                                                   match based cricket. The programme
never played any cricket before. These                       Under 9s Cricket                 delivered by HSVCC’s eCB qualified, DBS
sessions will run alongside our normal          Heytesbury & Sutton Veny CC runs one of       cleared, coaches is a fun and active way
youth coaching sessions for our members         the most successful Under 9s Cricket          to develop your child’s skills and most
that commence in the Spring. The                programme in Wiltshire. Over the last ten     importantly put these into match situa-
tailored All Stars coaching programme will      years more than 200 young people have         tions. Throughout our summer they will
commence in Heytesbury park (BA12 0eD)          passed through the programme, with            take part in various inter-club Festivals
on Sunday 9th May from 10.00 to 11.15           many going on to represent both County        held throughout the County, learn lots, as
am and continue every Sunday for 8              and District here in Wiltshire and in other   well as make new friends, in a safe and
weeks.                                          Counties.                                     inclusive environment.
      All Stars Cricket is a brand new ini-          The tailored Under 9s Cricket course          putting fun right at the centre of this
tiative from the england and Wales              is for children aged 7-9 years who have       experience, All Stars Cricket and Under
Cricket Board aimed at providing children       either graduated from All Stars Cricket,      9s Cricket and HSVCC aims to give
aged five to eight with a great first expe-     played some cricket at school or who have     children and parents/carers a lifelong
rience in cricket. The programme being          never played cricket. The sessions will run   love of cricket. We want today’s young
delivered by HSV CC’s eCB qualified, DBS        alongside our normal youth coaching           people to remain in cricket for the long
cleared, coaches is a fun and active way        sessions for our members that commence        term, whether this is as a player,
to develop your child’s skills. Through our     in the Spring. The Under 9s Cricket           volunteer, official or spectator and
eight-week programme they will learn            programme will commence in Heytesbury         most importantly gain the benefits of
lots, as well as make new friends, in a         park (BA12 0eD) on Sunday 2nd May from        exercising in the outdoors.
safe and inclusive environment.                 10.00 - 11.30am and continue every                                       Justin Wagstaff

                                         AngLIng noTEs – fEBRUARY
There is no fishing for piscatorial Society     investment to cater for storm overflows,      Natural england, hopefully the rivers
members this month. even our lakes are          the effect of climate change and the need     Trusts, perhaps even the rSpB and other
closed in order to conform to the               to adapt water treatment systems.             Non Government Organisations will put in
lockdown regulations regarding travel.                 The role of OFWAT is examined and      sound responses. The questionnaire asks
However the rivers continue to run and          its effectiveness in managing the water       all the right questions and if government
life goes on.                                   companies and it asks if local authorities    were to take on board and act on the
       A parliamentary committee has            and highways agencies should be given         responses it would be most welcome.
sent out a detailed questionnaire on            additional responsibilities to prevent               I was asked by a friend recently if
water quality and has invited submissions.      pollution to water courses. It is a very      I was still dressing flies. I said that I had
The questions asked, cover what are the         exhaustive paper and it will require a lot    dressed a supply for last year but had not
best indicators of water quality, it focuses    of work and some good science to produce      been able to use them and therefore, did
on drainage and sewage management               a comprehensive reply. Fortunately            not feel the need to dress more. However,
plans; the management of them by water          recipients are invited to respond to parts    there are always patterns cropping up in
companies; the impact of plastic pollution      if the whole is beyond them.                  the angling papers which are interesting
and how consumers can be persuaded to                  The Angling Trust has prepared         and I have no doubt that I will end up by
change their behaviour in order to              some notes to enable individual angling       adding to my endless collection in the
minimise pollution. A large part of the         clubs to respond and it is hoped that such    never ending search for the fly that never
questionnaire focuses on planning and           bodies as the environment Agency,             fails.                   Robin Mulholland
 Puppy & Dog Training Classes,
  Behaviour Consultations, Dog
Walking, Dog Sitting & Day Care
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                                                                  Page 5
TU RBo ’ s Do g BL o g f o R MARc H
Like so many, we have been mesmerised         thopaedic surgeon had watched the Gu-           what it measured but, mischievously,
by health here this month, and it looks       vnor walk down the corridor to his room         added that it was also a simple lie
like we will be for a while yet. Unrelated    and told him that at first glance he was        detector. She admitted at once that she
to the Covid crisis, I have been for my       walking as well as most of his 84-year-old      had told a small fib; “I was actually born
annual booster jab although no-one can        patients. The Guvnor reminded him po-           in 1936!” It all helps to keep us cheerful.
explain what it ‘boosts’. I am clear for a    litely that he was only 74 and the surgeon
bit unless I do something exciting (or        replied, “I know; I’ve been trying to get
stupid, as the Guvnor terms it) and so is     you a Covidjab”.
he for a different reason.                            That did follow a few days later,
       He had an X-ray last week in           and he was called to the City Hall in
preparation for a follow-up consultation      Salisbury for his first dose of AstraZenica.
with his hip surgeon (who is quite ‘hip’      This is a red-letter day in today’s human
apparently if that word is still used these   lifecycle that includes isolation and
days). The technician was a gentleman         concern but also hope, and ‘jab day’ is a
from a different part of the world and for    major contributor to the latter frame of
whom a full command of the english            mind. In the queue he chatted (from a
language had never been necessary.            distance) to a retired doctor telling him
For example, when he helped the Guvnor        that he had just bought a pulse Oximeter
off the bed he said, by way of dismissal,     that slips over the finger to check the
“you can go and put your dress on now.”       level of Oxygen in the blood and had
The Guvnor’s diplomatic talents did not       found it very reassuring. The doctor
prevent him from asking anxiously “Why?       agreed, saying that peace of mind was
What has that machine done to me?”            well worth the £15.
Fortunately, and especially in these days,            He went on to recall a colleague of
the nice and highly competent technician      his who was going through routine checks
didn’t get it -and didn’t reply. One hopes    with an elderly female patient and asked
he really didn’t get it and hasn’t reported   for her date of birth. She replied “25th
us to Hospital Hr.                            August 1946”. Knowing she was 84, he
       The consultation followed and          popped the Oximeter on her finger and
went well except for the start. The or-       when she asked what it did, he told her

            T H E P R I n c E L E o P o L D I n n , U P To n L oV E L L
When our village pub was built by the         dissolved their partnership and Col.            years the premises were called locally
Lord of the Manor, Colonel everett, it was    everett took on the business himself            The Albany Arms, The prince Leopold Inn
both a public house and a general stores.     under the name of J.F. everett & Co.,           and The Leopold Stores.
The village population was about 215, and     following in his father’s footsteps.                 When Leopold married princess
the woollen mill employed around 150               On 18th February 1878, by invitation,      Helene of Waldeck in 1882, he was given
people.                                       Leopold came to visit the mills, where he       an antique cylinder writing table bearing
      public House names can often tell a     was met by Colonel everett, rev. H.             the inscription ‘presented to His royal
story. On leaving Oxford University prince    Crockett and James Cogswell, the mill           Highness the Duke of Albany K.G., on his
Leopold, the Duke of Albany, leased           manager. He was impressed with what he          marriage, by a few residents in the
Boyton Manor in January 1876, making it       saw, and accepted a gift of some of the         neighbourhood      of   Boyton    Manor.’
his country retreat. It did not take him      cloth manufactured there.                       Claremont House, near esher, Surrey, was
long to get to know the area and                   The prince Leopold Inn was built in        bought for the couple by Queen Victoria
residents. The papers reported how he         1878, the same year as the prince’s visit,      as a wedding gift, and this writing table
made himself immensely popular amongst        and the date is clearly visible on the          was placed in his study there.
all classes. He gave a series of entertain-   outside of the building. Over the next few                                           EMT
ments, and showed his thoughtfulness
through the giving of substantial presents
to the poor.
      He was often seen out hunting and
thereby knew the Master of the Hounds,
                                                        JEREMY COLTMAN
Col. J.F. everett, who had become master
                                                                   WEALTH MANAGEMENT
of the West Wilts in 1869, and later of
                                                Are your investments reviewed regularly,      Do you know what tax your estate might
South Wilts when the two were united in
                                                and are you making the best returns for       pay with inheritance tax, and how to
1871. In November 1876 the South Wilts
                                                your money in the most tax efficient way?     reduce this?
hounds met at Boyton Manor.
      It is through Colonel everett, owner      Do you know the rules on pensions/            You insure your dog, house contents and
of the Woollen Mill at Upton Lovell, that       drawdown and the best way to draw your        mobile phone so why not the most
Leopold gained a strong link with the           pension with tax efficiency in mind?          valuable thing in your life, yourself?
village and the Inn got its name. In 1876       If you would like a free no obligation initial review meeting, then please give me a call
Henry and St John Hewitt, who had leased
the Upton Lovell mill for some years,
                                              M:07976 398194••

                                                                Page 6
W H AT I s P Ro B AT E ?
Finding yourself as the executor of a            immediate urgency to apply for a Grant of       How long will it all take and what costs
loved one’s estate can be a daunting             probate. The first steps are to register the    are involved?
prospect. Understanding the jargon and           death, ensure that the house and                        The timescale of winding up an
knowing what to do and when can cause            contents are secure, and that the home          estate can vary. In straightforward cases
a great deal of worry.                           insurance providers are aware that the          it can be finalised in a few weeks or
        people often use the term                person has died, and they will continue to      months, in more complex cases it can
‘probate’ to describe the process of             provide cover. you must also locate the         take a year, or longer.
administering the estate of a person who         Will and make the funeral arrangements.         It is necessary to use a Solicitor?
has died. This includes identifying the          Wills are usually read in private. Formal               No, you are not required to use a
value of their assets and liabilities as at      Will readings (such as those portrayed          Solicitor. In many cases you will not need
their date of death then finally distribut-      on television) rarely ever happen.              a Grant of probate if the estate is small
ing the estate between the beneficiaries.        Beneficiaries are usually notified by the       or simple to administer. However, if the
        A Grant of probate is an Order           executors in writing or verbally.               estate is large, has foreign property,
issued by the Court, and it confirms the         Who will pay for the funeral or                 multiple properties, or investments or if
authority given in the Will to the execu-        Inheritance Tax?                                there is going to be Inheritance Tax, you
tors, so they can distribute the deceased               If the deceased’s bank account           should take advice. An executor (whether
person’s estate in accordance with their         holds sufficient funds, then the bank will      professionally experienced, or not) takes
wishes. A Grant of probate may not be            usually release monies before the Grant         on the liability for administering the
required if the estate is small, or if the       of probate is issued for the payment of         estate and a mistake could cost the
assets are held in joint names and will be       the funeral and any Inheritance Tax.            executor personally, even if they have not
passed to the joint owner via the right of       What happens if there is no Will?               inherited anything themselves. The costs
survivorship.                                           If there is no Will, the estate will     of taking legal advice will be met by the
What is the Executor’s role?                     be distributed amongst the deceased’s           estate, and not the executor personally.
        The role of an executor is to            relatives according to the Intestacy rules.             If you have more questions, Alisha
adhere to the terms of the Will, including       As the deceased person will not have            Stephens lives locally and has extensive
obtaining a Grant of probate if necessary.       appointed an executor, the estate must          experience in dealing with estates, Wills
The executor named in the Will may be            be dealt with by an Administrator – most        and powers of Attorney. If you would like
a friend or relative of the deceased. A          often it is a relative entitled under the       to have a confidential and informal
Solicitor can also be instructed to act as       Intestacy. If anyone is likely to challenge     discussion about this without obligation,
an executor.                                     the distribution of the deceased’s estate,      please call Alisha at Forrester Sylvester
What should I do first?                          then it is sensible to involve a Solicitor at   Mackett Solicitors on 807040 or email
        Following a death there is no            the outset.                           

                                                      A gooD READ
  AN I TALI AN WAR DI ARY 1 9 4 3                before her birth I heard from the next          and you can see to the guard... you’d
                                                 room, through my own pain, the groans           better be responsible for them. And we’ll
‘War in the Val d’Orcia’ is a remarkable         for morphia of a young airman whose leg         leave it at that.” Surely a very odd con-
book, set in Tuscany, in an estate not far       had been amputated.’                            versation.’
from Montepulciano. It is a personal                    The entry of 18th September is                  By June 1944, we are left in no
record by British-born Iris Origo, whose         almost farcical. ‘The German lieutenant         doubt about the horror and reality of
lucidly-written diary survived because she       in command at Chiusi can’t spare any men        the war as battles are fought in and
buried its pages in tin boxes in the             to take charge of the British prisoners of      around their house and farmland, and
garden. Local people, including partisans        war [billeted on the farm]. The captain of      party-games for her daughter’s birthday
and prisoners of war hiding in the woods,        the Carabiniere can’t spare any men             contrast with war planes flying overhead,
survive in total uncertainty, not knowing        either. “Well then”, says the German to         as bombs drop nearby. Life continues ‘as
who holds the balance of power from one          Antonio, “I’ll give you a couple of rifles,     normal’ for the 23 refugee children, until
day to the next, but depend on the Origo                                                         they are forced to flee, hoping to reach
family for the necessities of life, including                                                    Montepulciano because of the intensity of
food, advice, and shoes. The BBC is more                                                         action along the front line.
reliable than German news broadcasts                                                                    This book is decidedly not a
from rome, until all communications are                                                          ‘history’ book. There is no perspective
cut. Fascists permeate society, but                                                              from a distance: this is life, lived one day
dissenters are numerous, and Italian                                                             at a time.
soldiers desert at the first opportunity,                                                                                                 KV
longing to go home.
       The diary starts on 30th January                                                                  need your hair done at home?
1943 with the arrival of the first batch of
refugee children from war-battered                                                                            Denise Nicoll
Genoa. The ailing Mussolini still holds
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power, a puppet in the hands of Hitler. On                                                               for all your hairdressing needs
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9th June, Iris is in rome for the birth of                                                         The Warminster mobile (State Registered)Hairdresser
her daughter. ‘During the long night

V I L L Ag E n E W s
            CODFORD                          in that not all families have access to a             DARKNESS INTO LIGHT?
   Home Learning at Wylye Valley             computer or tablet. This clearly puts
                                             some children at a disadvantage and the       Just how do you while away the days,
With just a few children attending Wylye     danger of these children falling behind in    Of winter and the Covid-related malaise;
Valley C of e primary School, Codford,       their learning is very real.                  ‘Stay at home, keeping safe’ in Lockdown
during Lockdown 3, the majority have                 Fortunately, Wylye Valley School      Three,
been working via their computers, tablets    has been inundated with generous              With options limited by legal decree.
and laptops from home. With the support      donations, both financial and technologi-
of their parents and carers the children     cal, from people and businesses within        Getting up late (if not on home schooling),
have been checking in regularly with         the local community along with                And spinning out breakfast; who are you
updates on their progress and sending in     magnificent support from Codford parish       fooling?
photos of what they’ve been up to.           Council. One donor said “The Codford          reading the paper and on checking the
       Children from reception (Little       Community greatly appreciates the work        time,
einsteins) through to year 6 (Newton         of the Head Teacher, robert Barnes, and       And finding it’s not even half past nine.
Class) have been submitting their work –     the staff of Wylye Valley School, during
from Maths and english to History and        these difficult times. One challenge has      Clear up, wash up, refilling the cup;
Science (to name but a few). Brad            been connecting pupils to distance            Stretch legs, touch toes, and do one
Howarth (year 5/6 teacher of Newton          learning. Led by Smith’s Budgens Codford      push-up;
Class) said “I have been very impressed      Shop and the parish Council, several          Switch on radio 2 for ‘popmaster’ and Ken,
with the diligence and aptitude the          residents have generously donated money       And still it’s only just half past ten.
children have demonstrated during this       to buy much-needed computers.”
period of remote learning. The progress              A total of £3,300 was raised and      Too early for beer, let alone lunch,
they made during the autumn term at          the school have purchased a total of 4        So steal two biscuits and guiltily munch;
school will now continue at home in line     laptops and 6 ipads. A further four laptops   Feel awful, seek forgiveness, look towards
with those at school.”                       have also been donated to the school          Heaven,
                                             by people within the local community.         Oh, good – it’s already half past eleven.
        Donations a Real Boost               Headteacher, rob Barnes, said “I am over-
          to Home Learning                   whelmed by the amazing generosity of          Walk the dog, post a letter, have a cup of
                                             our local community. This means that          coffee,
Since the beginning of January, the          every child in the school now has access      As it all fills the day, I’m sure you’ll agree.
majority of school children have had to      to the online learning we have developed      But real achievements were far too few,
embrace remote learning from home.           to provide a comprehensive and inclusive      As you try not to moan “there’s nothing to do”.
The pupils at Wylye Valley C of e primary    educational programme which takes
School are no different and many             each child through all the key curricular     Then onto the doormat plops an official
have taken on the challenge of online        subjects day by day. The children at home     letter,
education with great determination and       are learning at the same pace as those at     With the news that things are about to get
enthusiasm. Teachers have uploaded           school. They are also able to take part in    better.
lessons and resources so that the children   our weekly class Zoom lessons – an impor-     ‘Arrange an appointment to have your first
at home are learning alongside those         tant lifeline for many of our children.       jab’,
(vulnerable children and children of         I cannot thank the local community            Screams the instruction; how completely
critical workers) lucky enough to still be   enough for their continued support and        ‘abfab!
attending school. The situation is not       generosity.”
ideal but, in a world where we are                                          Sam Horgan     And suddenly leaden skies begin to lighten;
required to ‘Stay at Home and Stay Safe’                                                   The outlook is definitely starting to
to help our NHS, schools and their pupils                                                  brighten.

                                              !                                        !
are having to constantly adapt.                   When contacting advertisers please       Through this lengthy, dull and difficult
        There is, however, a glaring              tell them that you read about them       struggle,
problem with the online learning situation                 in the Parish News              We can now see the light at the end of the

  THATCHCRAFT LIMITED                                                                      Is it possible that when lockdown ends,
                                                                                           We might, again, see our family and
             Ellis Butcher                                                                 Could Spring allow our birds of a feather,
                                                                                           To gather again, if not flock together.
               Master Thatcher
                                                                                           While it’s not over yet, of that we are
             Tel: 01985 877122                                                             The gloom has been lifted like a theatre’s
            Mob: 07778 598851                                                              As Churchill said, ‘While this may not be
       E:                                                          the end’,                                                              It is certainly the beginning of the end,
                                                                                           I contend.                             DS

                                                               Page 8
V I L L Ag E n E W s
           HEYTESBURY                           A HEYTESBURY RESIDENT WRITES                   ‘white ants’, ie termites. Heaven knows
    New Play Equipment Project                                                                 what would have happened if that had
          for Heytesbury                      In the February edition BL referred to           been at night! On another occasion white
                                              Hannah Hauxwell who lived in the North           ants had come through the floor of my
At a recent meeting of the parish Council     yorkshire dales with no electricity and no       bedroom, so the chickens were ‘brought
it was announced that grant funding had       running water.                                   inside to hoover them up!
been secured to enable new equipment to               I was an 8 year-old when I lived in              Dried fish were brought from the
be purchased for the parish play area. The    a bush village in Northern rhodesia (now         nearest lake over 50 miles away. ‘Fresh’
ernest and Marjorie Fudge Trust has           Zambia) in the late 1950’s. My father            meat was brought in a box taking two days
provided £5000 and Wiltshire Council          worked in the Colonial administration as a       to arrive from the nearest big town. Local
Warminster Community Area Board has           District Officer. The village was hundreds       fruit was cheap and plentiful.
agreed the sum of £2500. A further £2500      of miles from any major town. There were         A golf course had been constructed with
is to be raised locally to enable a small     only dirt roads, no electricity (we had a        oiled sand instead of ‘greens’. you had to
project of £10,000 to be put together,        battery radio), no telephones beyond the         be careful of snakes.
which will improve the play experience for    village, no running water. The water we                  As a boy I had a blissful existence.
local children.                               had was supplied by a brick-lined ‘furrow’       We roamed anywhere and discovered
       The play area was installed in 2011    behind the bungalow. Local prisoners             wildlife in abundance. The swimming pool
and the wooden trim trail is beginning to     would come in a gang and fill two iron           was always warm, and full of insects and
show its age, some pieces have needed         barrels, one for cold water, and the             even water snakes. No chlorine or pumped
to be repaired in recent years so some        other for hot. The latter had a wood fire        circulation!
new additional pieces will improve the        underneath. So water would come through                  We had no deep snow like Hannah
experience for all.                           taps and with various creatures into the         of course, but torrential downpours and
       Councillor    Vanessa      Sturmey,    bath, dead or otherwise, boiling or luke-        mighty thunderstorms, which in the rainy
Chairman of the Outside Spaces working        warm.                                            season brought vast floods, making rivers
Group, who will meet and consider what                My father would light paraffin           impassable and roads impossible. Coming
equipment to purchase, will carry out local   lamps each evening, around which would           home from boarding school (not having
consultation to find out what might be        swirl all sorts of moths and flies. The fridge   seen my parents for 12 weeks) I had on one
suitable. She said “it is hoped with the      ran on paraffin too. Also occupying the          occasion to spend the night bogged down
new funding secured something new and         bungalow were spiders of various sorts,          in the Land rover with three others.
exciting can be provided for the young        including tarantulas. One day my parents         My father arrived with a tow truck the
people in our community.”                     arrived home to find the ceiling had             following morning.
Heather Parks, Clerk to the Parish Council    collapsed on their bed, brought down by                  eventually, I flew to england for
                                                                                               school. The scheduled flight took three
                                                                                               days! And what a contrast when I arrived.
                                                                                                                        Robin Hungerford

                                                                                               (Do you have a story to tell. please send to
                                                                                               the editor…)

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                                                                 Page 9
V I L L Ag E n E W s
   THOUGHTS FROM SHERRINGTON                    chaffinch, and a pair of neat little collared        THE SECURITY OF COMMUNITY
                                                doves. They have a modest beauty
I love that hush after a fall of snow. On       with smoky plumage, black collar, and            In good times, community spirit can
that Sunday I opened the door onto a scene      black button eyes. robin and blackbird           materialise naturally from the main village
transformed. In every direction was a           get through large helpings of dried              ingredients of church, pub, school, shop
picture of enchantment and overall that         mealworms, but we are richly rewarded            or playing field. Villagers can find the
silence. Families took off to the Cleeve        with birdsong later.                             tribe that they want to be part of and get
and although the temperature had risen                  It appears to be an epic year for        involved... or indeed choose not to
that slope gets little winter sun, and          moles, I have never seen so many                 become involved. each to his own; except
snow stayed firm enough for some magic          molehills. The bonus of that is that the         that in bad times it takes something more
sledging and FUN.                               resulting fine soil is brilliant for garden      to ensure that those who, by choice or
         I remember my childhood in             tubs! There is currently a study to monitor      circumstance, keep a low profile and may
yorkshire and the wonderful sloping field       the sense of well-being of domestic              drop under the community’s radar.
behind the house that gave us all hours of      animals. I would have thought being well                 Do you know who your neighbour is
hair-raising dashes down a field with           housed, well fed, and well-handled would         and a little about them? Do you know who
bumps in it! There have been days lately        satisfy but apparently there needs to be a       their neighbours are and a bit about them
when Spring has looked in at the window.        study. I look at the huge herds of cattle out    too? Useful collective knowledge needs to
The village has its mantle of snowdrops         on the plain, no wind breaks for them and        come from local knowledge between
(more than ever this year I think) and on       surely, they must have additional                neighbours.
the hazels the catkins dance. However,          rations but that is not always in evidence.              What is needed is a network that
now Winter has closed a mailed fist and         I imagine their feelings of well-being come      can be used so that no one drops through
the wind has teeth. Walks are good but one      low on the richter scale.                        the cracks of a caring community. But how
needs to move fast!                                     Sherrington is, happily, a Dog           can this be done without it being
         Now, more than ever garden birds       Friendly village but that does give rise to      intrusive? The church community used to
need our help. February and into early          a lot of detritus. The worst affected area       perform this function, welcoming new
March are the hungry months. We get a lot       is the path to Codford by the river. It is not   arrivals and making it their business to
of pleasure from the bird feeders, some         always easy when dogs lag or dash ahead          notice if someone is failing to have their
days bristling with long-tailed tits, quite a   but please be vigilant.                          needs met. An interest shown by the
little flock bounces in. Goldfinch are busy             David and Lorna Harding moved            church community may not always be
on the sunflower hearts. Their collective       into Carter’s Cottage at Christmas. They         appreciated and a secular network might
noun is charm (so apt for such a beautiful      are most welcome.                                have an advantage.
little bird). We get some greenfinch,                                                       BL           Most people associate Neighbour-
                                                                                                 hood Watch (NW) with crime prevention
                                                                                                 and liaison with the police. However, NW’s
                                                                                                 vision is ‘a society where neighbours come
                                                                                                 together to create safer, stronger and ac-
                                                                                                 tive communities’ and whose mission is ‘to
                                                                                                 support and enable individuals and com-
                                                                                                 munities to be connected, active and
                                                                                                 safe’. Does that describe us as we are
                                                                                                 now? And if not, do we want to promote it
                                                                                                 for our future?
                                                                                                         Frome has a network of ‘connec-
                                                                                                 tors’, primarily associated with health and
                                                                                                 well-being, and this arrangement could be
                                                                                                 emulated. Technology may be able to help
                                                                                                 support the communication that underpins
                                                                                                 an active community. WhatsApp groups,
                                                                                                 email distribution lists and community-
                                                                                                 supporting apps such as NextDoor are all
                                                    DAVIS &                                      enablers. It will take hard work from a
                                                                                                 good number of people and, importantly,

                                                    LATCHAM                                      leadership from a few to decide how
                                                                                                 things are best done and how to
                                                         YOUR INDEPENDENT                        encourage others to opt in.
                                                         LOCAL ESTATE AGENT                              How will your community respond
                                                          WITH EXPERIENCE                        to this challenge? Has the pandemic kick-
                                                       SPANNING FIVE DECADES                     started the debate in your village? All
                                                                                                 village organisations have a role to play in
                                                        43 Market Place Warminster               contributing to a vibrant community and
                                                             Wilts BA12 9AZ                      they need to engage with each other in
                                                             (01985) 846985
                                                                 order to generate a joined-up approach.
                                                                                                         Can you share answers to the above
                                                                                                 questions?                 Richard Jackman

                                                                   Page 10
Wo Rs HIP i n Ut PPER
                                    he U PPER
                                                 LY ELVAL
                                                      EY TEAM
                                                          L E Y MARc H 20 21
There will be no services in church during March, but everyone is welcome to join our worship                          A LOCKED CHURCH
via zoom at 11 o’clock on a sunday. An invitation on how to join the zoom service is circulated via
email each week. If you are not on the Rector’s mailing list, and wish to join us at the service, please   Ah my dear Lord, the church is locked
email or phone the Rector 840081.                                           but let my heart be open to your
                                                                                                           presence. lines by the Revd Alan Amos
                                 SALISBURY CATHEDRAL
              services can be found via                           Keep us, good Lord,
    “We are pleased that through technology we can continue to welcome you and worship                       under the shadow of your mercy.
     together beyond the physical space of the building. Please join our online community.”                  Sustain and support the anxious,
                                    Live-streamed services are                                               be with those who care for the sick,
           The Eucharist : sundays at 11.00 Choral Evensong : sundays at 16.30                               and lift up all who are brought low;
                Choral Evensong : Tuesday, Thursday, friday, saturday at 17.30                               that we may find comfort
                     A thought for the day, followed by a prayer, is streamed by                             knowing that nothing can separate us
                     one of the Cathedral clergy from Monday-Friday at 17.00.                                from your love
                                                                                                             in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen
BBC BROADCAST SERVICES                               Bishop Andrew rumsey is ‘Going to Ground’
Sunday services                                      most days, usually out of doors. There is                   OLD FRIENDS REMEMBERED
05.45      Prayer for the day Radio 4                lots to discover and enjoy. His youtube                 Our sympathy and love go to all those
08.10-08.45 Sunday Worship Radio 4                   address is easily found via Google.                           who mourn the passing of
0915       Thought for the day Radio 2
                                                                                                             Stella Ellen Case of Sutton Veny
13.15      Songs of Praise       BBC 1 TV               THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK                      Jane Howard-Vyse of Heytesbury
15.00-16.00 Choral Evensong Radio 3
                                                                 READ, MARK, LEARN                           Henry Piechowski of Heytesbury
Daily services
                                                     If you have two hours to spare, you can                 Michael Pottow of Knook
05.45      Prayer for the day Radio 4
                                                     hear David Suchet, the actor, reading the               Walter James Conduit (Walt) of Codford
7.45-7.50 Thought for the day Radio 4
                                                     whole of St Mark’s Gospel in St paul’s
8.30?      Pause for thought Radio 2
9.45       Daily service Radio 4                     Cathedral three years ago. The youtube                    HOSPITAL OF ST JOHN, HEYTESBURY
                                                     video has been watched by 900,000 people                    Administrator 01985 620097
           long wave or online
Wednesdays                                           so far. What about adding yourself to that
                                                     number?                                                      ST GEORGE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH
15.30-16.30 Choral Evensong Radio 3
                                                             We are doing something similar in                  31 Boreham Road, Warminster BA12 9JP
(repeated on Sundays)
                                                     the Wylye Valley during Lent. Let’s discover                 PARISH PRIEST Fr Martin Queenan
                                                                                                                         ATTACHED PRIESTS
                                                     more about Jesus through the story Mark
OPENING TIMES OF OUR CHURCHES                                                                              Fr Raymond Hayne             Fr Malcolm Ferrier
                                                     told. Why is this story so extraordinary?
Boyton           Wednesday 10am – 4pm                                                                                      01985 212329
                                                     Where do we start from? Where does it
Codford St Mary Wednesday                            end? Which characters do we meet, and
                 and Sunday 9am - 6pm                who is left out? Why did Mark write this?
Codford St Peter Wednesday, Saturday                         We have six Wednesdays in Lent
                 and Sunday All Day                  from 6 - 7 p.m. To talk about it. To listen,
                                                     and to find out about the man who changed
Heytesbury       Thursday 9am – 1pm
                                                     the world. “Mark is dramatic, fast-paced,
                 Sunday      1pm – 4pm
                                                     in places startling.”
Knook            Thursday 6pm – 6.30pm                       We started our journey on Ash                         For all your training wobbles
Norton Bavant    Contact Churchwarden                Wednesday by hearing THe BeGINNING OF                  Julia IMDT qualified PRO DOG certified
                 John Acworth 840134                 THe GOOD NeWS OF JeSUS CHrIST, THe                             Classes and 1 to 1 sessions
Sherrington      ThursdayAll Day                     SON OF GOD. please make a note in your                       web
Sutton Veny      Wednesday 9am – 1pm                 diary that we read St Mark each Wednesday
                                                     in Lent at 6 p.m.; phone the rector if zoom
                                                                                                                          call 07795572295
                 Saturday    1pm – 4pm
                                                     details have not reached you. We shall use             email
Tytherington     Closed
                                                     the same zoom link each week.            KV
Upton Lovell     Closed

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DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS                        ANTIQUES, CODFORD                                    Hillside Café† Codford
   call Darren                    07979 976514    Dave Alder at Tina’s                        850828      Restaurant and take-away                850712
ELECTRICIANS                                         Open Mons, Tues & Sat. 9.30 am – 5 pm             Toran Indian Restaurant (see p4)           850081
Pears Electrical 07717534026             213314   PET SHOP Baber Animal Feeds (see p2)                 Prince Leopold†‡ Upton Lovell              850460
   Nigel:             Farm, equine, poultry, fur, feather, fin          The Woolpack† Sutton Veny                  840834
GENERAL BUILDERS AND JOINERS                         13 Weymouth Street, Warminster 219 602            The Red Lion @ Heytesbury†‡                840333
Mike Turner Construction           07779859875    CATTERY, CATS WHISKERS                                  Home cooked food, garden, family friendly
   www.                Weston Nurseries, Corton                    850504   Ginny’s Cafe, Boyton                       850381
PAINTING AND DECORATING                           FARM SHOP, CROCKERTON                         
James Ashley          07595 948840       840521   Wylye Valley Vineyard                       211337      Open Wednesday to Sunday 10-2pm
   Qualified painter and decorator                              CARE PROVIDER
   27 Westlands, Heytesbury                       FIREWOOD, seasoned logs for sale                     Caring Cousins                       07748 940650
PLASTERING                                           Jerry Poolman                    07966 272960            07876 069153
Lee Hadfield         07765 945722        300403                      HEALTH AND WELLBEING
   30 yrs of experience                           TREE and GARDEN SERVICES                             Beauty Retreat at the Ginger Piggery                       Green Stem Gardens (Sergey Sitwell)           07568 574918
PLUMBING                                             Gardening Services               07557 882519
Hhp (see p9)                             840891   Peter Longbourne (see p12)                  840171   King Interiors at the Ginger Piggery
Codford Builders Ltd        Stefan       217394   Rod Ford (Codford)                          851134     gifts, soft furnishings & art gallery
   Bathrooms and heating                             Basic garden maintenance                           Facebook@wylyevalley01 07568 574918
COMPUTER SERVICES                                 Chris Roberts (see p.7)             01722 716736     Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
Simple PC Help           07979 252573 / 330073    Horizon Tree and Hedge Care (see p5)                    Vaiva Minceviciute                07853 663979                                                         07931 766553
WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT                               PROPERTY and GARDEN maintenance                      Physical Therapy, Upton Lovell
Stephen Oxlade                    07801 090335    Hugh (Heytesbury)                   07951 014153        using the Bowen Technique                   Warminster Fencing Ltd                      217775                     851277
CAR SERVICING & MAINTENANCE                                     Fitness Pilates
Auto Services, Pete Jenkins                       WINDOW CLEANING, gutters, fascias                       Codford Village Hall        Tues 6.00/Wed 9.30
   Carsons Yd, East St, Warminster       215749   Clearer Windows                     07922 575690        Rosie Poolman         07760 496291 or 211431
C&C Servicing and Repair. MOTs                                           Zumba                                07760 496291
   Woodcock Road         07867 384766 / 217407    PUBS, †RESTAURANTS and ‡ B&B                            Civic Centre,Warminster         Wednesday 6.00
Griffin’s Garage (see p11)               840800   The Angel†‡, Heytesbury                     841790
POST OFFICE, HEYTESBURY                  840914   Restaurant and Fine Dining                           WYLYE VALLEY VOICES
POST OFFICE, CODFORD                     850345   Codford Tea Rooms                           851095      Codford Village Hall            Wednesday 1.30
WEALTH MANAGEMENT                                    Open for pre-order takeaway/collections              Andrew Forbes-Lane                07774 731918
   Jeremy Coltman (see p 6) 07976 398194             Tuesday - Saturday 4pm - 8pm               

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                              When contacting advertisers, please tell them that you read about them in the Parish News
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