Pembroke Heritage Murals since 1989

Page created by Darryl Reyes
Pembroke Heritage Murals© since 1989

July 7th 2021 - 102 Shea Ave, outside at 11:00 am

Present: Pamela Dempsey, Lloyd Raglin, Dennis Corrigan, Councillor Brian Abdallah, Jane Kielman
Agenda: Pam provided an updated Agenda - Motion by Dennis, Approved
Minutes: June 2nd Motion by Lloyd, Approved
Correspondence: circulated in advance, read only if necessary

Financial Report:

June Report:
Walsh Bros. Construction $ 658.04 for cap on ‘Lumbering Industry’ located on ScotiaBank
Petty Cash for Pam: $ 284.99, M&R supplies
June 30th Financial Statement from City: $$9,000 and change in our General Account
Motion by Jane, Approved

Business Arising:

M&R 2021:
Jana & Jeremiah met for the first time at ‘The Steamboat’ on Sunday July 4th. Jeremiah picked up the
method of applying a clear coat product to a mural very quickly: Jana mixed the product. Pam got
them started, left, came back 1.5 hours later and they were almost finished. A wonderful job!
Jeremiah worked steadily with Jana. Jeremiah is a Forestry Student at Algonquin College: PHMurals
pays him cash by the day or week, Jana receives a cheque.

‘A Century of Service 1896-1997’:
Weather permitting, Jana will be on site Sunday July 11th @ 9am for minor repairs and to clear coat
the whole mural, not the wood cut outs. The recent renovations to Dr. Munro’s building resulted in
cement being splashed on the bottom right mural and by heavy objects leaning against the mural on
the left side. Results are that part of the wood cut out has to be replaced, and above the ‘nurse’s’
head there is a split in the exterior signboard that’s never seen before by PHMurals Committee. Last
winter, Jane would often walk by and ask the contractors to remove their building materials from
leaning against the mural.
The Committee approved between meetings, an order for Speed Pro Signs to have a new
sign/plaque installed over Title & Sponsors List. Order sent 07/05.
Pam has not had time to contact Walsh Bros. Construction regarding cutting out the damaged piece
and using it as a template, to cut a new piece: We have the marine plywood in stock. Jana will be
given the cut out piece and the new piece to paint: After installation, she will touch up the nurse and
wheelchair and clear coat all of it.

‘Pembroke Street Lights’
The Pembroke City Centre’s parking lot is full every day: we will only use 8 foot step ladders for now.
There is space between the cement curbs and the mural for ladders. A tow boom will be the next step
after ‘life settles down’ and the parking lot not as full. It might be next year. Al Cha Rental charges
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$17 per day per ladder: we will rent two. The plan is to have J&J start on Sunday 07/18, and have
the step ladders delivered on Monday.

The most amazing news is that Tyler Clouthier, Manager of the Pembroke City Centre, will provide a
key for an empty office space next to the mural: a former Judges office. We can store ladders and
supplies over night, and there is a washroom that Tyler will have cleaned for them. Pam has made it
clear that brushes, paint trays etc must not be cleaned in that space, they are to be taken home and
cleaned. PHMurals will provide plastic drop sheets.
The two wood signs, part of Pierre Hardy’s signature, that are located at ‘ Pembroke Street Lights’
and ‘The Webb Bakery’ murals need the caulking at the top of the signs to be cut away and re
caulked; Dennis & Lloyd will do that.


On June 30 ACFO sent PHMurals & Elijah McKeowan a We Transfer of 1,468,380 KB or 1.10 GB.

Pam: It took 5 hours to download. It included the MP4 file for the 34 videos of murals at 1,439,715
KB or 1.9GB - with a French overview of each. Plus their final budget, who got paid and all the
promotional online flyers sent to members. The Full Descriptions of 34 murals translated into French
was not included.

Pam & Brian: The photography is extremely good. The overview is very detailed. Brian is PHMurals
Francophone specialist. Pam & Brian did not look at every minute of the videos, too long, but reported
the videos are very good.

Pam: Propose we cancel our plan to have PHMurals own You Tube Account and to cancel the gmail
account Brian set up for us. Motion by Jane, Second by Brian, Approved

Pam: Do we hold back the ‘Marguerite d’ Youville and Her Mission’ video? Yes. Hold it back for now.
Pam will advise Elijah: he will upload thirty three videos to the City’s You Tube Account.

Pam: Asked ACFO on June 25th if the ‘d’ Youville’ video could be separated from the other 33 as we
are dealing with the tragedy of First Nations people over unmarked graves of First Nations’ children.
Reply: No.
Pam: Asked Elijah the following week, he said he could separate one video from the others.

Full Descriptions of Murals:
Currently we have this in English on the Murals’ Account on the City’s web site. In June of 2020
PHMurals agreed to have these descriptions translated into the French language by ACFO.
PHMurals & Elijah received this document 07/06 near midnight. Pam printed it off for Brian to proof
read. Once Brian has read the document over, Pam will send the updated English document and the
French document to Rory, City’s IT.

We AGREED that thirty four Full Descriptions in English & French will stand for now: we will address
removing the‘d’ Youville’ descriptions later if needed. At least for now, the Descriptions and Map [free
downloads] are synchronized.
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The Mayor spoke with Pam twice this week regarding the objections and discussions surrounding the
‘Marguerite d’ Youville and Her Mission’ mural. This week, the City’s Diversity Committee met and
discussed the issue at hand. They made two Motions recommending the following: 1] The ‘d Youville’
mural be covered up. 2] To have two new murals, one with Algonquin First Nation history and the
second a Diversity mural. Mayor LeMay is in constant communication with all relevant parties.
Council will discuss and vote on the future of the ‘Marguerite d’ Youville and Her Mission’ mural.

Sometime during the night of July 2nd, the ‘d’ Youville’ mural was vandalized. The Murals Committee
appreciates Deputy Mayor Ron Gervais’s assistance by contacting the Inspector of the OPP advising
him that the Heritage Murals Committee will be filing a complaint. The complaint has been logged and
we will lay charges against the person[s] if found out. 108 Pembroke Street West is private property
and must be respected.

The Murals Committee had lengthy discussions about the objections and various discussions that are
circling this twenty-nine year old mural. We AGREED that abusive language and vandalism have no
place in our Community. Our discussion raised Artists and Committee’s Copyright.

Pam: Accessed the Government of Canada’s Copyright web site on 07/06 to check on the section
that applies to Copyright and Moral Rights in Works: Ownership of Copyright, Moral Rights,
Infringement of Copyright and Moral Rights and Exceptions to Infringement. This section has been
greatly expanded to include numerous other Works ie. Music, Performance, Digital Works etc.
however, the parts of these that apply to Works of Art have not changed since 2017.

To simplify: Pembroke Heritage Murals conducts its own research for new murals, whatever that
subject may be. By gathering images, drawings, history and stories from the community gives us
Copyright over each mural. The Committee selects an Artist and hands the research over to the
Artist with specific instructions as to what must be included, what ‘story’ we want to tell; plus the size
of the mural, location, style either on panels or directly onto the wall. The Artist then creates a mural,
often a composite of stories, history & images provided and submits the drawing, sometimes a
painting, to the Committee for approval. The Artist owns the Moral Rights to their Work, as the
design and structure and installation of the mural as a whole is theirs.

Brian raised the question, could a mural be changed? No, we can’t and will not change an Artist’s
An analogy for this: You have enjoyed a book for years, but later on you decide there is one chapter
you want removed or changed. If you did this the Author has the right to sue you as you have
infringed on his/her Copyright.

Decision: The mural is either decommissioned or it remains based on respecting the Copyright of all
our Professional Artists and the rights of Property Owners who accepted the murals as presented or
described, installed on their property.

On 07/05 Pam sent a letter express post to the Property Owner of 108 Pembroke St, West. It was
delivered on 07/06.

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Given the possibility that Council will request this mural be removed, we discussed what will transpire
for the Murals Committee: engage Electricians and a Contractor to take down the electric lights, the
photo cell and eight cornices as well as paint over the mural; the Property Owner would have input for
paint colour and other concerns. Then to be dealt with are: eight cornices, the original painting by
Pierre Hardy, existing souvenirs, the Map, the Audio Mural Tour narrated by Dave Henderson, City’s
Z cards has the Map and images of thirty four murals, the Murals Account on City’s web site to name
a few.

In closing this subject today, we the Committee of Pembroke Heritage Murals© would like to
thank Mayor LeMay for organizing respectful dialogue between all parties and the community
at large. We appreciate his fair and calm demeanor.

Kiwanis Club Of Pembroke:
We have not heard back from Robert Lauder, President, regarding an email sent with an image of
the Kiwanis Club banner that’s in the ‘Millennium’ mural and other details to enjoy Pembroke’s
Outdoor Art Gallery: as well as a call from a Kiwanian asking about a mural for their 100th Anniversary
in 2022.

No reply from our April 12th letter asking that their roof be looked at by a roof expert. ‘The Pioneers of
Pembroke Township 1820-1850’ mural is in disrepair due to the poor condition of the roof.

Trevor Riley says their roof needs replacing and possibly some other work on the building. Head
Office has not provided him with any other details or when this work will start. ‘The Great Fire of 1918’
is really faded and needs restoring. We would like to have that work done this year.

New Business:

Vandalism Policy:
We reviewed our Vandalism Policy enacted April 2nd 2008 in conjunction with the City’s Anti Graffiti
By-Law #2007-47. It charges those who offend with a basic Administration Fee and costs to repair the
damaged mural.
Pam encouraged each member to keep a copy in their vehicle; it’s on hand to give to the OPP if

‘Pembroke Farmers Market 1890-1940’:
Thank you to the Parks Dept for cutting grass/weeds around this site. Yesterday, Jane went down to
cut the vines that had grown over the struts. She got vines off the struts but said they are very tough,
it was hard work. Jane asked if Parks could return with a heavy duty unit that would severely cut
these vines to ground level. Brian will contact Ron Conroy.

‘The Timber Raft’:

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Dennis and Lloyd have been down to check on this site several times. At the far right side, the
timbers have been picked at literally enough times that the end timber has almost disintegrated. Other
timbers have had their life span hurried along by people using it for bicycles, back packs, pizza, beer,
pop, moving rocks etc. onto the timbers not to mention bottles smashed on the timbers and onto the
We decided not to remove the most damaged timber as people will just start working away on the
next timber.

Brian said picnic tables were being delivered to the Skateboard Park soon. Lloyd hoped they would
be chained to prevent being moved to the back of the mural site.
The Murals Committee appreciated the Parks Dept. power washing off a satanic symbol spray
painted onto one of the large boulders in June. The Parks crew also painted over the offensive graffiti
on the back of the mural panels.

Thank You.

Pam: We usually don’t meet in August, but might need a short meeting between now and September

Adjourned: 1:00 p.m.

Next regular meeting: September 1st 2021

Touring murals is a safe activity.

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