Pensions - Business Plus Magazine

Page created by Tony Campbell
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine

Pensions Regulator                p56
Zurich Life                       p60
Davy Pensioneer Trustees          p62
Irish Life                        p63
Bank of Ireland                   p64
Davy                              p66
KBC Life and Pensions             p68
Trustee Decisions                 p71
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S URVEY             P E NS IONS

       Pension Schemes Face More
      Intrusive Regulator Oversight
   Government enthusiasm has diminished for meeting a 2022 target date for compulsory
       pension auto-enrolment. However, new enforcement powers are imminent for
                       the Pensions Regulator, writes Emily Styles

          here is not much consistency
          across Ireland’s small and
          medium businesses
          surrounding how much they
contribute to employee pensions.
There is no legal obligation to do so,
and though government has promised
compulsion in the coming years, for
the moment such contributions are
entirely voluntary.
  Looking at some of the medium-size
enterprises featured among this year’s
EY Entrepreneur of the Year
contenders (see page 36) highlights
the lack of consistency. Among the
seven companies whose accounts
detail salaries and pension costs, the
employee pension payment as a
percentage of wages and salaries is
highest at General Paints Group
                                                                Brendan Kennedy, Pensions Regulator
(19.7%), followed by Ard Ri Group
(7.7%), M50 Truck & Van Centre
(3.2%), Errigal Contracts (2.6%),           if they are not already in an              pension tax relief regime would be
Kiernan Structural Steel (2.1%), and        employer’s pension scheme.                 adjusted. At the moment the net cost
Carlow Craft Brewery (0.1%). West              Proposed contribution levels for this   of a €100 pension contribution for an
Cork Distillers, with a €1.9m payroll,      compulsory private pension were set        individual paying 40% income tax is
doesn’t detail any pension payments         at 6% from employees, 6% from              €60, while for people on the 20% rate,
for its 53 staff.                           employers and a 2% direct                  the net cost of the same contribution
  This random evidence suggests that        contribution from the state. These         is €80. Under the Strawman proposal,
many SMEs are in for a land when            contribution levels would be phased        all employees contributing €100
pension auto-enrolment (AE) is finally      in, rising gradually over six years from   would pay the full cost, and the state
introduced. Until recently,                 a starting point of 1%, 1% and 0.33%.      would top up pensions rather than
government was promising that AE            The department’s latest proposal           allowing an immediate tax benefit.
would be rolled out from 2022, after        talked about a phase-in period of ten         Outside of the corporate world of
having outlined the concept in 2018.        years, starting at 1.5% from employees     defined benefit pensions, the main
The Department of Social Protection         and employers and increasing by 1.5%       driver for the pensions industry in
updated the pensions reform roadmap         increments every three years. There        Ireland is professionals, business
last year, specifying that AE will mean     was no clarity about the level of state    owners and other high earners
people in employment aged between           contribution.                              making regular, substantial pension
23 and 60 and earning at least                 Under the government’s original AE      payments to avail of the 40% tax
€20,000 a year will be auto-enrolled        ‘Strawman’ proposals, the current          break. If the pension tax incentive is
                                                                                       equalised for all taxpayers, then that is
                                                                                       not going to suit a very large vested
  ‘Not increasing the pension age as planned to                                           Apart from that industry resistance,
                                                                                       there’s the Covid factor too. Employers
     67 in 2021 will add c.€575m to annual                                             in some sectors are under enormous
              government spending’                                                     financial strain, and the last thing
                                                                                       they need is a compulsory extra cost.

56   BUS INES S PL US   O CT OB E R 2020
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S UR VE Y           P E NSI O NS

Social Protection minister Heather           That increase has been stalled             trustees attached, and Pensions
Humphreys told the Dáil in July that         pending a review by a new                  Regulator Brendan Kennedy is
the government recognises the                Commission on Pensions.                    advising trustees that they can expect
exceptional strain that both employers          The Irish Fiscal Advisory Council       more oversight in the years ahead.
and employees are now under as a             commented recently that the pension          An EU regulation called IORP II
result of the Covid-19 emergency.            age has not followed rising life           boosts the powers of the Pensions
  “The government will therefore seek        expectancy, and numerous official          Authority to ensure proper
to gradually deliver the auto-               reports have not led to change. “Not       management of retirement savings.
enrolment scheme,” the minister              increasing the pension age as planned      Kennedy says that transposing the
stated. “Full implementation of the          in 2021 would add up to €575m to           directive into Irish law is complex, but
AE scheme by 2022 was extremely              annual spending, with this cost            he’s hopeful the process will be
ambitious. The AE programme                  steadily rising over time. Average life    concluded by the end of 2020.
management office in my department           expectancy at age 65 increased from          Addressing the Society of Actuaries
will work on developing options for          79 in 1980 to almost 85 in 2016, and       in Ireland earlier this year on
the government to consider, in order         is projected to rise to 89 by 2050,”       oversight of DB schemes, Kennedy
that the system can be introduced on         IFAC stated.                               noted that the objective of a defined
a phased basis. Until decisions have                                                    benefit scheme is to pay the benefits

been made on these options, it is not             onger life expectancy isn’t just an   set out in the scheme rules. “Our
possible to give a more detailed                  issue for government funding of       supervision must therefore be forward
timeline for the introduction of the              the State Pension. It also affects    looking,” he said. “That means not just
AE scheme.”                                  private defined benefit (DB) and           looking at whether the scheme is
  Kicking the can down the road              defined contribution (DC) pension          solvent today but whether it will be
stores up trouble for politicians. In the    schemes and their 880,000 members.         solvent and in a position to pay the
general election earlier this year,          The Pensions Authority regulates           promised benefits, when the time
pensions emerged as live issue on the        700 DB schemes and c.9,000 group           comes.
doorsteps, with the qualification age        DC schemes, as well as c.66,000              “Trustees must also be forward
for the contributory State Pension due       active non-group DC schemes. All           looking in how they manage the
to be raised to 67 from January 2021.        these pension arrangements have                              continued on page 58
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S U R VE Y             PE NS IO NS

scheme, and must always have in                   DEFINED BENEFIT                      saying throw Mary or Pat off the
mind the ultimate objective of good                                                    trustee board because they don't know
member outcomes. Our supervision            Scheme        Schemes         Active       enough. We don't have a problem
                                            Size                        Members
will be looking at weaknesses and                                                      with lay trustees, but the expertise of
                                            0 to 50             276         3,870
deficiencies in the situation and                                                      the trustee group as a whole must be
                                            51 to 99             52         3,670
management of schemes, and whether                                                     commensurate with the responsibility.
                                            100 to 500           97        23,250
they represent threats to the payment                                                  The question for trustees must be do
                                            501 to 1000          22        15,440
of member benefits.                                                                    they have sufficient expertise and all
                                            1001+                38       454,580
   “What too often happens at present                                                  the other qualities required to make
                                            Total               485       500,810
is that trustees rationalise the current                                               decisions on behalf of their
situation of their scheme. If the                                                      colleagues.”
trustees’ priority is merely to obey the       DEFINED CONTRIBUTION                      For Kennedy, cost enters the
regulations, they are unlikely to be                                                   equation too. “Obviously the more of
fully discharging their obligations to      Scheme        Schemes         Active       the pension contributions that go on
                                            Size                        Members
safeguard the interests of members.”                                                   costs, particularly in DC schemes, the
                                            Non-Group       66,200         66,200
   IORP II will usher in a much more                                                   lower the pension for members. Post
                                            1-10             5,767         17,240
interventionist approach from the                                                      IORP II, when we are engaging with
                                            11-20            1,024         15,020
Pensions Authority, which has been                                                     trustees, one of the issues we’ll raise
                                            21-30              525         13,160
expanding its headcount in                                                             with them is how they’re addressing
                                            31-40              282          9,870
anticipation. The Authority will define                                                the issue of value for money for
                                            41-50              207          9,390
a set of financial tests for schemes to                                                scheme members. When you chose an
                                            51-99              403         28,260
undertake and examine solvency, risk                                                   investment manager, what role did
                                            100-500            356         77,050
and sustainability. The Authority will                                                 their charges play in that decision?”
                                            501-1000            56         37,470
also monitor asset allocations and

                                            1001+               45        107,770
liability developments. The conclusion                                                        rustee Decisions provides
                                            Total           74,870        381,430
about the adequacy of the scheme will                                                         independent trusteeship to
be a matter of judgement, says                                                                private and public group
Kennedy, but it has to be a matter of                                                  pension schemes. Managing director
objective judgement, not subjective         defined benefit pensions schemes are       James Kavanagh expects IORP II to
rationalisation.                            horribly complicated,” says Kennedy.       result in an increase in his red-tape,
                                              ”Over 60% of the liabilities of          non-chargeable workload.

    n an interview with Business Plus,      defined benefit pension schemes are          “Questions surrounding how you
    Kennedy elaborated: “The pensions       in respect of people who have already      manage risk volatility relative to your
    sector has to be aware of the fact      retired. If a scheme ultimately doesn't    assets are difficult because every
that this is an enormous change to          have enough money and has to be            scheme is different,” says Kavanagh.
how Irish pensions are run, and             wound up, the members who have             “The Pensions Authority would love
anybody who doesn't realise that            already retired get first priority. That   us all to hold everything in bonds, but
needs to make themselves aware of           means essentially that the members         in our world we have to sweat the
it. Schemes will have a more specific       who have not yet retired are carrying      assets in order to generate some
list of compliance duties and that is       the risk.                                  return.
going to be a challenge for small             “And as pension schemes mature,            “Very large pension schemes can
schemes.                                    and more and more of the members           afford to have their own investment
   “We recognise that this is a big         are retired, you have a smaller and        team or risk officer, but there isn’t a
challenge for the pensions sector, so       smaller cohort of younger members          hope of that for most schemes. Lay
in the early days of the new directive      carrying the risks for the entire          trustees undertake a hugely onerous
our work will be more about infor-          scheme. We’re not saying to trustees       task, and it would be regrettable if
mation and communication than               there should be no risk. You can't         they start to feel they’re no longer
enforcement. However, it's our role to      invest long-term without risk. But we      valued. They add a huge amount of
supervise all schemes, so sooner or         want trustees to show us how they’ve       richness in terms of understanding
later we will be in contact.”               arrived at where they’re at, and how       the companies behind the various
   Kennedy adds that the regulator’s        they have figured out what's right for     schemes we advise.”
experience of defined benefit schemes       your scheme.”                                Kavanagh concurs with Kennedy in
in general is that there are more             Pension trustees are often               relation to trustees having to skill up
schemes they have concerns about            volunteers who draw on the counsel         when dealing with investment
than ones they are comfortable with.        of trustee professionals. Pension          intermediaries. “I've had any number
“The biggest single concern we have         investments are managed by                 of consultancy firms tell me they’re
surrounds risk. We see very little          professional intermediaries, and           the gatekeepers. I’ve had to remind
evidence that trustees are thinking         Kennedy stresses that it’s not good        them that the trustees are in charge,
about the threats to what they are          enough for trustees to simply hand         and here's what we're going to do.
trying to do. We don’t for a minute         over the job to money managers.            You can delegate the task, but not
doubt the good faith of trustees, and         According to Kennedy: “We're not         the function.”

58   BUS INES S PL US   O CT OB E R 2020
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S U R VE Y             PE NS IO NS

       Keep Track Of
     PRSI Contributions
    To Maximise Pension

           he State Pension        average is 40-47 contrib-
           (Contributory) is       utions, the payment reduces
           a social insurance-     to €243.40. For a working
           based payment made      life average annual PRSI
to people at age 66. It is not a   contributions of 30-39,
means-tested payment, so a         the weekly State Pensions
person can continue to work        payment is €223.20, and
or have other income such as       it’s €211.40 if the average
an occupational pension. The       is 20-29.
qualifying age was due to rise        A PRSI contributions
to 67 in 2021 but that change      history of 15-19 annual
has been deferred pending          average reduces the payment
review by the Commission           to €161.80, while an average

                                                                         Embrace your
for Pensions.                      of 10-14 annual contributions
   To qualify for a State          currently pays out €99.20 per
Pension you must have suff-        week until death. Recipients
icient social insurance contrib-   of the State Pension also
utions. You also must have
paid PRSI contributions
before a certain age, have
                                   qualify for a payment for
                                   adult dependents which is
                                   also determined by the PRSI
accumulated a certain              contributions history over            FROM THE COMFORT OF HOME
number of paid PRSI contrib-       four decades.
utions, and have a certain            With average life
yearly average number of           expectancy in Ireland
PRSI contributions since you       currently 84 for women and             Are you close to retirement? Then you have
first started to pay PRSI (the     80 for men, a full State               one more big decision to make –how to draw
average rule) or have a certain    Pension can currently pay out          down your pension and get it working best for
total number of PRSI contrib-      an average of €180,000 for             the lifestyle you want.
utions (the total contributions    men and €230,000 for
approach).                         women. State Pension rules             There are a few options to consider, do I take
   The average rule is complex,    make allowances for                    out a lump sum? Invest some of it? Or get an
as there’s a normal average        ‘homemakers’, and if you have          income for life?
rule and the alternative           worked in one or more EU
average rule.                      states your social insurance           At Irish Life, we have over 80 years of
   l Normal average rule:          contributions from each EU             expertise to help you find a plan that best
From the year you first            state will be added to your            suits your needs.
entered insurance to reaching      Irish PRSI contributions.
pension age, you need an              Individuals who want to             So, no matter who your pension is with, ask
average of 10 contributions a      inquire about their PRSI               your Financial Broker or Adviser about a video
year to qualify for a minimum      contributions history can              or phone chat to discuss Retirement Planning
pension and an average of 48       do so through the Social               with Irish Life. It’s a smart way to make the
a year to get the maximum          Protection office in Sligo             most of what you have and fully embrace your
pension.                           (071 915 7100).                        retirement.
   l Alternative average rule:        There is also the State
For a maximum pension, the         Pension (Non-Contributory),            Retirement products are provided
rule says you must have an         which is means tested and              by Irish Life Assurance.
average of 48 PRSI                 pays slightly less than the
contributions for each
contribution year since 1979.
                                   contributory State Pension
                                   to people who may never have
   With a yearly average of 48     made a PRSI contribution in
or more contributions, the         their lives. The current
current weekly pension             maximum personal payment                    HEALTH             LIFE            PENSIONS            INVESTMENTS
payment is €248.30. If the         is €237 a week.
                                          Survey continued on page 60   Irish Life Assurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
                                                                        Irish Life Health dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
                                                                        Both companies are part of the Irish Life Group of companies.
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S URVEY             P E NS IONS

              For Good Pension Planning,
               Balance Risk With Reward

          ersonalisation is a watchword       heart of a personalised GuidePath is
          in pension management with          an automatic process that gradually
          Zurich Life, particularly           moves an individual’s money into
          when it comes to navigating a       less risky investments, as they move
low-interest rate environment.                towards their chosen retirement age.”
Niall Fitzgerald, Head of Retirement             Fitzgerald is cognisant of the
Solutions, says that Zurich has a             pressures currently being exerted on
number of investment strategies               businesses due to the Covid-19
available to help clients choose the          pandemic, although he cautions
right pension.                                against shelving pension payments.
   “Retirement is very individual, so         “My advice to any business owner is
the earlier the conversations start the       not to treat pensions as a non-
better prepared the individual will be.       essential cost within the business.
Traditional annuities are not very            By all means consider affordability
popular at the moment due to the low          in 2020 but always remember the
interest rate environment. However,           purpose of pensions is to provide
they may serve a purpose later in             replacement income in retirement,
retirement when the income                    and the importance of this can never
requirements for the individual               be understated.
may change.                                      “Many self-employed people will
   “We have designed a strategy that          still look to make single contributions
tries to balance investment risk with         to their pension to help reduce tax
reward, giving the individual’s money         bills, and advice from a financial
                                                                                                 Niall Fitzgerald, Zurich Life
the potential to grow while not overly        broker is essential before any final
exposing it to the volatility of              decisions are made.”
investment markets. RetireRight is an            In relation to auto-enrolment,         not such an issue now. What is very
investment strategy that can                  Fitzgerald argues that it is not the      important is that AE is introduced
automatically do this for individuals.        silver bullet that some think it is.      when employers can cope with it.
Then, when the time comes, it allows          “Auto-enrolment will benefit later          ”Pension benefits are deferred
the individual to invest in an annuity        generations, assuming target              income, and by setting up an
if it is more appropriate for them. If        contributions are achieved. However,      employee benefit structure it is easier
not, the strategy will have reduced           it won’t fix the issue for the current    to get more engagement from
their volatility on their behalf, offering    generation nearing retirement, who        employees. Every decade of delay
them peace of mind.”                          will have to rely on the State Pension    doubles the cost for the same amount
   Another option provided by Zurich          as their primary pillar of income in      of benefit at retirement. At the end of
Life is GuidePath, which Fitzgerald           retirement and any subsequent             the day though, it comes down to
says caters for different risk profiles       retirement savings thereafter. So the     company budgets and affordability.”
and retirement benefit plans. “At the         impact of when AE is introduced is                      Survey continued on page 62

                               DC POTS MUCH TOO SMALL

           he almost universal change          workers have a pension plan.             an annual income of €3,000.
           from defined benefit (DB) to        “Based on experience shared by           It is simply not enough,” she
           defined contribution (DC)           some of the large insurance              stated.
     schemes has shifted risk to               companies, the average DC                   Dreelan added that a person
     employees, according to Eunice            retirement pot is €61,000.               wanting to secure a €30,000
     Dreelan, chair of the Irish               Let’s assume all current retirees        annual pension, increasing by CPI
     Association of Pension Funds.             have had some DB service, so             with an associated dependent
       Addressing a gathering of the           we will double the pot to                pension, would have to save
     association, Dreelan noted that           €120,000. Based on current               towards a pension pot on
     only one in three private sector          annuity rates this provides              retirement of c.€1.2m.

60   BUS INES S PL US    O CT OB E R 2020
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
                                                                                                                                    When it comes to
                                                                                                                                    pensions, Zurich has
                                                                                                                                    the best managed fund
                                                                             Pensions.                                              returns in Ireland over
                                                                                                                                    the last twenty years.*

                                                                                                                                    That’s one of the
                                                                                                                                    reasons Financial Brokers
                                                                                                                                    made us their preferred
                                                                                                                                    choice for Investment
                                                                                                                                    Excellence in 2019.†

                                                                                                                                    Take a small action for
                                                                                                                                    your future today.

                                                                                                                                    Talk to your financial
                                                                                                                                    broker about topping
                                                                                                                                    up your pension
                                                                                                                                    or visit
                                                                                                                                    to find out more
                                                                                                                                    about Zurich’s award
                                                                                                                                    winning investment

                            We believe small actions
                             can have great impact.
        Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
        Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
        Warning: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the
                 money you invest.

Sources: *5.3% Annualised returns over 20 years as of 31st August 2020; independent survey, source: Rubicon Investment Consulting Limited, August 2020.
† Awarded Investment Excellence, Brokers Ireland Financial Excellence Awards, 2019.
Zurich Life Assurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S URVEY            P E NS IONS

       Earlier The Better To Work Out
          Your Retirement Number

                hat’s your retirement                                                   people can afford to take a little more
                number? That’s the                                                      risk in these than with their own
                starting question for                                                   personal funds.”
                clients of Davy. What                                                      For many people, saving cash and
they mean is what level of assets or                                                    leaving it on deposit is their default
core capital do you need to                                                             method for financial reassurance.
accumulate over your working life in                                                    Cash can pile up in some pensions
order to secure a desired level of                                                      too, and this year has seen the
retirement income?                                                                      introduction of negative interest rates
   It’s going to be a lot. Defined benefit                                              on cash assets in pensions.
pensions typically pay two-thirds of                                                       Finlay points out that money is
final working salary. Adding on the                                                     purchasing power. “If your living costs
state pension brings gross income to                                                    double and your bank account
c.70% of final salary. However,                                                         remains the same, you have effectively
individuals also have to factor in                                                      lost half of your money. So while cash
spending and expenses that won’t be                                                     seems like a low-risk investment, the
there in retirement, such as children                                                   greater risk is the risk of not taking
outlays and probably mortgage                                                           any risk at all. Don’t confuse certainty
payments.                                              Paula Finlay, Davy               with security. Cash certainly does
   Paula Finlay, Director at Davy                     Pensioneer Trustees               provide certainty of outcome, but in
Pensioneer Trustees, explains: “If                                                      the current environment, this does
the target is a pension fund of €1m at        balance of risk and return is not an      not mean that your pension assets
age 60, assuming a rate of return of          easy task,” Finlay advises.               are secure.
5% per annum, a 25-year-old would               “The three key questions to ask are        “With negative interest rates and
need contributions of €10,000 p.a.,           what is your time horizon, how much       inflation now eroding the value of
whereas a 35-year-old targeting the           growth do you want, and what              cash holdings both on deposit and in
same fund would need contributions            amount could you afford to lose in the    pensions, we believe a conversation
of €18,600 p.a. The sooner you start          worst-case scenario? Pensions are         about cash with your financial adviser
the better.”                                  long-term investments, so most            is the best investment you can make.”
   Rates of return across pension plans
vary, depending on the investment
option selected. “Above all your
pension fund should be invested in              ‘Most people can afford to take a little more risk
line with your own individual
tolerance to risk, and getting the right
                                               with pensions than with their own personal funds’


            mall firms lobby group ISME       pensions are not subject to an           those working in the private
            is supporting a legal test        SFT threshold because they are           sector. It is long overdue to level
            case with regard to the way       paid out of public funds rather          the playing field between people,
     pensions are taxed. The body is          than individuals’ pension savings.       no matter where they make their
     supporting a proposed challenge            ISME Chairman Ross McCarthy            income.”
     to the €2m ‘Standard Fund                commented: “People in the                   The SFT was introduced in
     Threshold’ on pensions, the              private sector have a substantially      2005 at €5m, growing in line with
     lifetime limit above which private       lower ceiling than people in the         inflation to €5.4m before being
     pensions do not receive tax relief.      public sector. If a Secretary            cut to €2.3m in 2010 and then to
         Once private pension pots pass       General or a minister retires, they      €2m in 2014. At current annuity
     the €2m threshold, the holder            could potentially have a pension         rates, a €2m pension pot would
     could pay up to 70% tax when the         pot valued at €2.8m but that is          provide a 65-year-old couple with
     funds are withdrawn. Public              not taxed in the same way as             c.€65,000 per year.

62   BUS INES S PL US    O CT OB E R 2020
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B P S UR VE Y           P E NSI O NS

              Maintaining Momentum For
               Pension Auto-Enrolment

            ith economic pressures and
            the Covid-19 pandemic, the
            immediate often takes               ‘Anyone over 55 should engage with a financial
            precedence over the
important. However, the importance
                                                         adviser at least once a year’
of providing for retirement years
should not be sidelined, according to                                                              2020, these benefits
John Groarke, Pensions Marketing                                                                   haven’t changed.”
Manager with Irish Life. “If anything,                                                                Groarke notes that
the impact of the pandemic on state                                                                the low interest-rate
finances is such that personal savings                                                             environment has seen
and provision for the future has                                                                   retirees continuing to move
taken on even more importance,”                                                                    their pension savings into
Groarke adds.                                                                                      Approved Retirement
   More immediate economic concerns                                                                Funds instead of more
have also played a part in the                                                                     traditional annuities. “This
government’s decision to postpone                                                                  is likely to continue for the
the introduction of pension auto-                                                                  foreseeable future, and
enrolment (AE) from 2022. “Every                                                                   means that someone in
year delayed is another year of                                                                    their mid-50s is looking at
pressure on the state pension system,”                                                             having their pension money
says Groarke. “We fully understand                                                                 invested for maybe another
that given the current economic                                                                    30 to 35 years, as they draw
climate it simply wouldn’t have been                                                               money gradually from this
possible to meet the ambitious 2022                                                                fund in retirement.
                                                          John Groarke, Irish Life
plan. However, we also feel that we                                                                   “This further reinforces
should not lose momentum on the                                                                    the need for retirement
implementation of AE.”                       also support employees in giving them     planning. We are seeing increasing
   In terms of contributions, the initial    time to meet a financial broker or        numbers of people in their mid-50s
AE proposals suggested a gradual             adviser,” he adds.                        engaging with retirement planning,
increase up to a level of 6% of salary         “Our advice is the same as always,      which is great. We would strongly
from the employee and 6% from the            both to those with a pension or those     recommend that anyone over 55
employer. Groarke’s view is that these       thinking of starting one: get financial   should engage with a financial
should be looked at as minimum               advice. Your financial adviser will       adviser at least once a year in relation
levels. “A large number of employers         remind you of the benefits of saving      to their pension and their retirement
already contribute significantly into        into a pension, both in terms of tax      planning, ensuring that they are
their employees’ pensions and they           relief now and tax-efficient income       maximising the benefits of pensions
should be supported and incentivised         in the future. In a world that seems      saving.”
to continue doing so. Employers can          to have been turned on its head in           Covid-19 restrictions have had
                                                                                       a major impact on face-to-face
                                                                                       interactions across all business
         ASSET ALLOCATION BENCHMARK                                                    sectors, including finance. Groarke
                                                                                       stresses that Irish Life has adapted

     f you manage your own pension               The average equity allocations        to the new circumstances. “We are
     assets, how does your                    for Irish defined benefit                supporting hundreds of financial
     allocation benchmark against             schemes fell to 27% in Q1 of             advisers and brokers nationwide in
  the professionals? According to             this year. And allocations to            delivering pensions advice and
  Mercer, Irish pension schemes               fixed-income investments like            retirement planning remotely, using
  have reduced their equity                   corporate bonds currently
                                                                                       online technology. You can now chat
  allocations by almost a third in the        stand at 50%, whilst the
                                                                                       from home by video with your
  past three years, as they diversify         allocation to alternative assets
  into fixed income and real assets           has doubled to 22% in the                financial broker or adviser about
  such as property and infrastructure.        past three years.                        retirement planning with Irish Life.”
                                                                                                       Survey continued on page 64

                                                                                       B U S I N E S S PL U S   OCTOBER 2020   63
Pensions - Business Plus Magazine
B P S U R VE Y         PE NS IO NS

        Review Investment ‘Glidepath’
          Of Your Pension Benefits

           ontributions for self-                                                    retirement can ill afford to waste
           employed individuals and                                                  another four years in doing so,” Maher
           professionals will be varied                                              explains. “Many countries included
           this year as some sectors                                                 a bedding-in period when they
have been impacted financially by the                                                introduced AE to allow those new to
pandemic more than others. This will                                                 pension savings become accustomed
inevitably lead to a slowdown in                                                     to the concept. However, with the
pension top-ups by those working in                                                  onset of Covid-19, the deferral of these
certain sectors.                                                                     costs to employers over a longer time
   However, Declan Maher, Head of                                                    period will be particularly welcome.”
Corporate Pensions and Risk with                                                       Maher believes it is good policy that
Bank of Ireland Life, notes that                                                     all employers should be compelled to
lockdown earlier this year gave many                                                 pay into staff pensions. “We can’t
people an insight into what life                                                     ignore the financial pressures that
‘without’ work looks like, and that                                                  employers are facing given the
planning and appropriate action                                                      challenges of Covid-19 and Brexit.
should be taken now for the stage             Declan Maher, Bank of Ireland Life       “However, when employers pay into
when life ‘after’ work in retirement                                                 their staff pensions as a certain
becomes a reality.                            Maher is concerned about the           percentage of salary, it becomes a
   “Our message to such individuals is      government’s slow progress on            really rewarding benefit that
to ensure that proactive management         introducing pension auto-enrolment       significantly improves the financial
and review of their retirement              for all employees aged between 23        wellbeing of employees. It also
planning journey continues, even            and 60 earning above €20,000 per         supports the employer in terms of
if it means a temporary cessation           year. Originally it was proposed that    their talent recruitment and staff
or reduction of pension contributions       contribution levels would be 6% from     retention strategy.
for 2020,” says Maher.                      employees, 6% from employers and a         “Bank of Ireland Life would see the
   “This would include a review of          2% direct contribution from the state.   matching 6% of salary as the base
their investment strategy and the           These contribution levels would be       contribution level for occupational
appropriateness of the level of risk,       phased in over six years, but last       pension schemes that we administer
or lack of, in meeting retirement           October the government signalled         for employers. Other schemes are
income expectations. Or the                 that the phase-in period would           often designed differently, with
consolidation of their pension pots,        stretch to ten years.                    contribution levels in excess of this,
to ensure a complete and holistic             “The two-thirds of private sector      either based on employee service,
overview of their pension benefits          employees who have yet to make           seniority or both, rewarding loyalty
in place.”                                  adequate provision for their             of tenure and career progression.”

                        NEW PENSION DIGITAL PLATFORM

       he low interest rate                 purchasing an annuity or                 become more important. Bank of
       environment creates a                transferring to an approved              Ireland Life recently launched its
       challenge for pension savers in      retirement fund.                         MyPension365 group pension digital
 their trade-off between risk and              “There is no ‘one size fits all’      platform, which enables employers
 return. For the majority of pension        approach,” Declan Maher advises.         and employees to navigate and
 savers, the strategy of reducing           “Hence the importance of ensuring        engage with their company pension
 exposure to risk assets as they get        people continue to review their plans    plan in a more automated way.
 closer to retirement makes sense.          and the investment ‘glidepath’ of          “Since it streamlines pension
 However, determining the most              their pension benefits with their        administration, making it simpler
 appropriate investment strategy            financial advisor.”                      and faster, it will reduce the time
 pre-retirement will depend on                 He adds that with more people         employers spend on payroll and
 pension savers’ post-retirement            now working remotely, the provision      member-related administration,”
 plans, i.e. taking a cash lump sum,        of digital pension platforms has         says Maher.

64   BUS INES S PL US   O CT OB E R 2020
It’s time to
       invest in you.
             Talk to us about a retirement plan that
            works for you and your financial wellbeing.

                Let’s chat about your pension.

                  Terms and conditions apply. Life assurance and pensions products are provided by New Ireland Assurance Company plc, trading as Bank of Ireland Life.
                                     New Ireland Assurance Company plc, trading as Bank of Ireland Life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
               Member of Bank of Ireland Group. Advice on Bank of Ireland Life products is provided by Bank of Ireland, trading as Bank of Ireland Insurance & Investments,
                               Insurance & Investments, Bank of Ireland Private or Premier. Bank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
  Bank of Ireland is a tied agent of New Ireland Assurance Company plc for life assurance and pension business. Members of Bank of Ireland Group. Information correct as of August 2020.

               WARNING: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
     WARNING: If you invest in a pension you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
WARNING: If you invest in a pension you will not have access to your money until your retirement date.
PR OFI LE            DAVY

Are there any positives with
  negative interest rates?
                          Defining risk not as volatility but as loss of purchasing power changes the investment
                          landscape completely, explains Gary Connolly, Investment Director at Davy

A recent cartoon caught my eye. A customs officer                 Money is purchasing power
checking a passenger’s luggage admonishes him for                 We tend to think about money in nominal terms — euros and
having a plastic straw — hidden in his bag of cocaine!            cents in our bank account. In the long run, the only rational
I was reminded of this lately with all the media coverage         definition of money is purchasing power. If my living costs
over the recent decision by banks to start charging               double and my capital and interest thereon remain the same,
for deposits from pension and corporate clients. The              I have effectively lost half my money. If money is purchasing
concern is more appropriately directed at the enormity            power, risk becomes that which threatens it — and security,
of cash allocations in portfolios, rather than the                that which preserves or enhances it.
impending charge.
                                                                  And this is the critical issue. We have grown up with the
The impulse to protect what we have is instinctive in us          (misguided) idea that the primary risk of investing is the
all. This applies to all manner of possessions, not least our     variability of our capital over short time horizons. Defined as
wealth. The application of negative interest rates on deposits    such, then cash does seem low risk. After all, even with
has understandably struck a chord. But it’s possible this may     negative interest rates, we can be fairly certain of what the
be a force for good, if it’s the call to action that triggers     value of a deposit will be six or 12 months from now.
investors to confront a decision they have been unwilling
to make.                                                          Defining risk not as volatility but as loss of purchasing power
                                                                  changes the investment landscape completely. What is
Confusing certainty for security                                  traditionally defined as low risk — cash and bonds — becomes
All investors should have immediate liquidity requirements        high risk in this context (as they have historically provided
addressed as part of their financial plan. There are legitimate   minimal security from inflation). The assets that have
reasons for holding cash in a portfolio. But to the extent that   protected us from long-term real losses, (e.g. equities, real
there are holdings beyond requirements for short-term             assets) are low risk in this context.
expenses, the reasons provided are generally a variant on a
constant ‘safety’ or ‘peace-of-mind’ theme. I think this is       Why are you holding cash?
confusing certainty for security.                                 The default position of holding cash has always extracted a
                                                                  price in the form of opportunity cost. Now, that decision is
Certainty is defined as a fact about which there is no doubt      about to attract an explicit cost in the form of negative
or something that you know will happen in a particular way.       interest rates. Use this occasion to at least ask two questions:
Does cash provide certainty? Unequivocally, yes. We are           Why am I holding cash? Is the loss of purchasing power a
certain about the direction of deposit interest rates and that    more important risk metric than volatility?
cash holdings will be negatively impacted.
                                                                  If you have a genuinely long horizon with liquidity needs that
Security refers to the state of being free from danger or         are satisfied, and choose to manage uncertainty through
threat. Does cash provide security? Unequivocally, no. The        holding cash, you are trying to slay the wrong dragon
certainty of cash does not provide security against the real      (volatility). There are many firms that will provide you with
risk that investors face. And that risk is the real value of      the certainty you seek. But if it is long-term security you
savings — the primary threat to which is inflation.               need, then the foregoing has implications for you. Don’t
                                                                  seek certainty. Seek good advice.

Gary Connolly is Investment Director at Davy. He can be contacted at or on Twitter @gconno1
Are inflation and
negative interest
rates eroding

Right now, holding cash in an account or in a
pension could actually cost you money. So, if
you’re in that position, the best investment
you can make, is a conversation with us.

By talking to you personally, our trusted
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planning and investment goals. So, you could
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than less.

Let’s talk today.
Call us on +353 1 614 3346 or visit

J&E Davy, trading as Davy, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
We take our responsibilities personally.
B P S URVEY             P E NS IONS

 New KBC PRSA Pension Products
  Major On Self-Serve Capability

        BC Bank launched into                                                                       customer’s attitude to
        pension provision this year,                                                                risk and reward. We
        leveraging off the bank’s                                                                   also take into account
        digital expertise. The pension                                                              the customer’s tolerance
offering marks KBC Ireland’s                                                                        to loss. Knowing how
transition into bancassurance i.e.                                                                  someone feels about
combining a banking and insurance                                                                   loss allows us to
offering for customers. Headquartered                                                               hopefully keep them
in Belgium, KBC Group is long                                                                       within their investment
established in the life and pensions                                                                comfort zone.”
business in other countries across                                                                     The minimum
Europe.                                                                                             commitment is €25 per
  The KBC pension products are                                                                      month or €300 per year
portable Personal Retirement Savings                                                                with the option to make
Accounts. PRSAs are the preferred                                                                   once-off top-ups
pension savings vehicle for employees                                                               coupled with pause and
and self-employed individuals who do                                                                resume functionality.
not belong to company pension                                                                          The KBC Lifestyle
schemes, and there are currently                                                                    PRSA fees are 2.5% for
c.300,000 PRSA contracts, according                                                                 each contribution made
to the Pensions Authority.                                                                          and an 0.9% annual
  The KBC PRSAs are operated                         John Gethin, KBC Life and Pensions             fund management fee.
through the KBC mobile app, with the                                                                For the non-standard
option to increase, decrease or pause                                               Lifestyle Extra PRSA, the contribution
contributions while reviewing their                                                 fee is 2.5% and the annual charge
fund performance in real-time. “This            ‘KBC Lifestyle Extra                ranges from 0.50% to 1.45%
self-serve capability is unique to the         PRSA is designed for                 depending on the selected fund.
Irish market and will allow customers                                                 Twenty and thirtysomethings
to track their progress against their         individuals who want                  outside a company pension plan tend
own retirement goals,” explains John                                                to long-finger pension commitments.
Gethin, Branch Manager, KBC Life
                                                      more choice’                  Gethin reminds such individuals that
and Pensions.                                                                       unless you plan on working for the
  There are two types of PRSAs:             want more choice. KBC says that its     rest of your life, one day your pension
standard contracts and non-standard         ‘ExpertEase’ range of funds aims to     will likely be your only source of
contracts. The latter provide savers        provide the optimum balance between     income.
with a wider choice of investment           upside potential and risk of loss, to     “It’s really important that you plan
fund options but the charges are            ensure the investor feels as            ahead now so you have income when
higher than for standard PRSAs,             comfortable as possible under all       you’re no longer working,” he adds.
which account for 75% of the market.        market conditions.                      “Post-retirement you could have to
  The standard KBC Lifestyle PRSA             Gethin adds that through the          survive on your pension for 20 years
has a default investment strategy,          testing phase, KBC found that one of    or more, so relying on the annual
‘MyAutoinvest’, that alters as the saver    the most important decisions for        State pension (currently c.€12,900)
approaches retirement age. Under this       customers is saving for retirement –    could leave you financially vulnerable.
strategy, the younger the saver the         not choosing an investment fund.          “Setting up a pension now can be
higher the allocation of savings to         “We know that customers can find        the difference between just surviving
equities, which have the most               pensions confusing and this can         and enjoying your retirement. Pension
potential for growth. The older the         negatively affect retirement planning,  plan contributions are generally
customer, the larger the allocation to      which is why we’ve simplified the       eligible for tax relief as decided by
less volatile bonds and cash.               decision-making process.                Revenue and, unlike a savings
  The KBC Lifestyle Extra PRSA,               “Coupled with the ExpertEase          account, you can’t dip into a pension
launching in October, is KBC’s non-         investment strategy, we have also       plan on a rainy day. Therefore it helps
standard PRSA, with a choice of eight       introduced a new in-app risk profiler   to secure your future.”
funds designed for individuals who          that goes beyond just assessing a                      Survey continued on page 70

68   BUS INES S PL US   O CT OB E R 2020
Intro d u c i n g
Powe re d
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                                                                                                                       Take control with Ireland’s first
                                                                                                                      totally digital pension. Manage
                                                                                                                               and plan for your future.
                                                                                                                            All through the KBC app.

                                                                                                                             If you already have the KBC
                                                                                                                              app, log-in and check it out.

                                                                                                                                                          1800 51 52 53

                                                                        WARNING: THIS INVESTMENT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CHANGES IN CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES.
                                                                        WARNING: THE VALUE OF YOUR INVESTMENT MAY GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP.
                                                                        WARNING: IF YOU INVEST IN THIS PRODUCT YOU MAY LOSE SOME OR ALL OF THE MONEY YOU INVEST.

KBC Bank Ireland plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. KBC Bank Ireland plc is a tied agent of KBC Insurance NV trading as KBC Life and Pensions for the provision of Personal
Retirement Savings Accounts. KBC Insurance NV trading as KBC Life and Pensions is authorised by the National Bank of Belgium in Belgium and is regulated by the Central Bank of
Ireland for conduct of business rules.
B P S U R VE Y         PE NS IO NS

       Pension Gap Most Evident For
       Private Sector Female Workers

         here are many estimates
         about what proportion of the
         population save towards their
         retirement. Research data
from pension provider Standard Life
points to overall pension ownership of
49%, with 59% of men having
pension provision and 41% of women.
Practically everyone on the state
payroll enjoys the benefit of pension       pension pot is €120,000, which yields     in receipt of occupational and private
provision. When they are stripped           an income of under c.€5,000 p.a.          pensions.
out, private sector pension coverage        Combined with the contributory State         This gender pension gap will
reduces to c.50% for men and c.30%          Pension, that means an average            ameliorate over time, and reflects the
for women.The main reason given for         annual retirement income of               fact that large cohorts of women in
not owning a pension is people saying       c.€18,000. “There is a big disconnect     their 70s and 80s now had minimal
they can’t afford it.                       between what people want from their       workforce participation. ESRI noted
  “We don’t believe that’s the real         retirement and the actions they are       that for occupational pensions higher
reason for some,” says Sinead               taking to make it happen,” McEvoy         levels of female educational attain-
McEvoy at Standard Life. “We think a        adds. ”Our research regularly shows       ment reduced the pension gender gap
combination of people wanting to            people want to retire on about            throughout the pension income
start paying into a pension but not         €35,000 p.a. but at best are saving       distribution.
getting around to it, not                   about half that amount.”                     However, ESRI also cautioned that
understanding pensions, not knowing           Pension provision is a particular       its review of the international
how to start one, and being                 issue for women. ESRI research            evidence on gender differences in key
uncomfortable making retirement-            among pensioners last year found that     dimensions of financial decision-
related decisions are all blockers.”        88% of men and 93% of women were          making demonstrates that women are
  For private sector defined                in receipt of the State Pension, while    more risk-averse and have poorer
contribution pensions, the average          55% of men and 28% of women were          financial literacy skills than men.


       he Personal Retirement               of their job or employment status.       break, which is relative to your
       Savings Account (PRSA)                 PRSA providers are life assurance      marginal rate of tax. If your income
       continues to grow in                 companies and they cannot impose         is taxed at 20%, the tax break is
 popularity. Through 2019, an average       a minimum contribution greater than      20% too i.e. for every €100 PRSA
 of 1,450 people a month opened             €300 per annum. There is no              contribution your net cost is €80.
 their own personal pension savings         maximum contribution. Employers          If your income is taxed at 40%,
 plan, bringing the total number of         are not under an obligation to pay       the net cost of the PRSA
 PRSA contracts to just on 300,000.         into an employee PRSA, but in            contribution is €60.
   A PRSA facilitates regular               practice the PRSA has become the
 contributions and these are tax            main channel for SMEs to contribute            PRSA TAX RELIEF
 deductible within certain limits. The      to their staff pension savings.          Age            Contribution Limits
 PRSA provides benefits at                    One of the benefits for individuals                 (% of Net Relevant Earnings)
 retirement based on the amount of          starting a PRSA in their twenties is     Under 30                           15%
 contributions paid and the                 that they will likely never accept       30-39                             20%
 investment returns earned on those         employment in a company that             40-49                             25%
 contributions. Individuals can             won’t pay into their PRSA.               50-54                             30%
 increase, decrease or stop                   Tax relief on PRSA contributions       55-59                              35%
 contributions at any time, and             depends on your age and earnings.        60 or over                        40%
 anyone can start a PRSA regardless         Older people receive a larger tax

70   BUS INES S PL US   O CT OB E R 2020
PROF IL E              TR US TE E D EC I S I ONS

Future Oversight of Pension Schemes
     Good pension-scheme governance is a robust, process-oriented, decision-making
       framework, writes James Kavanagh, Managing Director of Trustee Decisions

                                           he IORP II Directive    Good pension scheme governance is a robust, process-
                                           aims to introduce an    oriented, decision-making framework, which in times of
                                           effective system of     crisis protects the welfare of stakeholders and withstands
                                    governance around              extreme stress tests. It does not just refer to trustees being
                                    fitness and probity, written   compliant with the pensions regulator and pensions
                                    policies on risk               legislation – it means problem-solving and having effective
                                    management, internal           internal and external controls. It also involves excelling to
                                    controls, administrative       high-standard formal mechanisms by which trustees make
                                    and accountancy                decisions, are held accountable to beneficiaries, and act in
                                    procedures, contingency        accordance with the highest public and private standards.
                                    plans and
                                    communications.                Being a trustee of a pension scheme is a significant
                                                                   responsibility, which requires expertise and industry-wide
                                     Trustees should note that     experience. Trustees are often faced with challenging
                                     this prudential supervision   decisions as they attempt to balance the interests of
  James Kavanagh                     will mean a forward-          sponsoring employers and beneficiaries while running their
                                     looking and risk-based        scheme in an ever-changing legislative environment.
approach, and the Pensions Authority as Regulator will have
greater interventionist powers. Trustees need to get their         Trustees are responsible for ensuring that their scheme is
aims and objectives as well as terms of reference in order,        adequately funded for investing vast sums of money. It is
and understand the difference between basic governance             vital that they are cognisant of regulatory requirements and
and good pension-scheme governance.                                investment markets while understanding how to balance risk
   Trustees of occupational pension schemes have common            with expected returns. Trustees need to mandate their
law fiduciary obligations with reference to the Trust Deeds        advisors with clear, unambiguous objectives and ensure
that govern their schemes. This means:                             they operate unhindered by any conflict of interest.

l Protecting the rights of beneficial members                      For more information on Trustee Decisions, go to
l Knowing your responsibilities as a trustee             
l Ensuring pro-active monitoring of all agents.

Transparency is key when documenting and disclosing all
matters relating to a pension scheme. Pension-scheme
governance refers to the system of decision-making and
oversight used by trustees, to invest pension assets and
generally achieve desired retirement outcomes for scheme


  “On behalf of all of our Members of Defined Benefit and          I also wish to acknowledge our Fellow Lay Trustees who
  Defined Contribution schemes, may I acknowledge all the          continue to pro-actively engage with us to mandate our
  hard work and support which is being provided by our             Advisors. While markets are volatile and unpredictable, our
  Actuaries, Administrators, Auditors, Consultants, Custodians,    fiduciary role is never so important as heroic work is carried
  Fund Managers, I.T. Support, Legal Advisors, Life Assurance      out by Government and our front-line medical professionals
  Companies, Payroll Providers and Risk Providers during this      and staff to defy this pathogen.
  challenging time.
                                                                   Finally, a special word of thanks to our Employers and/or
  The current Covid-19 crisis is presenting many practical         Sponsors who continue to support our prudential work
  challenges, but we continue to be supported to ensure            as trustees.”

                                                                                James Kavanagh
  (i) operational expediency, (ii) pro-active investment
  management, and, (iii) claims and pensions being paid in a
  timely manner.
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