Cheats as first propagules: A new hypothesis for the evolution of individuality during the transition from single cells to multicellularity

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Cheats as first propagules: A new hypothesis for the evolution of individuality during the transition from single cells to multicellularity
Insights & Perspectives

Cheats as first propagules:
A new hypothesis for the evolution of
individuality during the transition from
single cells to multicellularity
Paul B. Rainey1) and Benjamin Kerr2)

The emergence of individuality during the evolutionary transition from single                           Introduction
cells to multicellularity poses a range of problems. A key issue is how vari-
ation in lower-level individuals generates a corporate (collective) entity with                         The panoply of plant and animal form
Darwinian characteristics. Of central importance to this process is the evol-                           that defines life owes much to the rise of
                                                                                                        multicellularity [1]. From a genetically
ution of a means of collective reproduction, however, the evolution of a
                                                                                                        diverse range of starting positions, inde-
means of collective reproduction is not a trivial issue, requiring careful con-                         pendent unicellular lineages have made
sideration of mechanistic details. Calling upon observations from exper-                                the transition to multicellularity [2]. The
iments, we draw attention to proto-life cycles that emerge via                                          most ancient transitions occurred in
unconventional routes and that transition, in single steps, individuality to                            the major lineages of large multicellular
                                                                                                        eukaryotes approximately 1,000 million
higher levels. One such life cycle arises from conflicts among levels of selec-
                                                                                                        years ago [3]. Multicellularity has also
tion and invokes cheats as a primitive germ line: it lays the foundation for                            arisen in the ciliates, slime molds, dia-
collective reproduction, the basis of a self-policing system, the selective                             toms, and certain groups of prokaryotes
environment for the emergence of development, and hints at a plausible ori-                             [2, 4–7]; most recently it has occurred in
gin for a soma/germ line distinction.                                                                   the volvocine algae [8–11].

                                                                                                              The evolution of multicellularity
                                                                                                        involved a hierarchical shift in
                                                                                                        Darwinian individuality during which
   biological complexity; conflict; cooperation; experimental evolution; multi-level
                                                                                                        individual cells relinquished their
selection                                                                                               capacity to reproduce as independent
                                                                                                        units and came to reproduce as part
                                                                                                        of a larger whole [12, 13]. Explaining this
                                                                                                        shift in selection – from individual cells
                                                                                                        to groups of cells – poses a range of
                                                                                                        significant problems. Okasha [13] sum-
                                                                                                        marizes: ‘‘The challenge is to understand
DOI 10.1002/bies.201000039                                                                              [. . .] transitions in Darwinian terms. Why
                                                                                                        was it advantageous for the lower-level
     New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study and   Abbreviations:                                      units to sacrifice their individuality and
     Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology &    MLS, multi-level selection; WS, wrinkly spreader.   form themselves into a corporate body?
     Evolution, Massey University, Auckland,
                                                                                                        And how could such an arrangement,
     New Zealand
     Department of Biology, University of                                                               once first evolved, be evolutionarily
     Washington, Box 351800 Seattle, Washington                                                         stable?’’ Equally, one might focus on
     98195, USA                                                                                         the higher level and ask how individu-
                                                                                                        ality emerges at the level of the corpor-
*Corresponding author:
Paul B. Rainey                                                                                          ate body. In placing the emphasis on
E-mail:                                                                         individuality at the higher level [14]

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P. B. Rainey and B. Kerr                                                                       Insights & Perspectives   .....
             there is recognition that individuality is      However, the transition to multicellular-     functionality and independent of the
             a derived character and one that                ity is far more than the evolution of         reproductive properties of the individ-
             requires an evolutionary explanation            cooperation. Critical for the evolution       ual cells. While such a scenario

             [15]. The key issue is to explain how           of multicellular organisms is the evol-       describes plausible changes, the model
             variation in lower-level individuals gen-       ution of group level adaptations includ-      assumes that the capacity to leave group
             erates a corporate entity with Darwinian        ing group reproduction, mechanisms to         offspring is already in place. But how
             characteristics [16]. In this context           suppress cheating, and the emergence          such a new level of reproduction
             we argue that the critical problem is           of development and differentiation. The       emerges requires explanation.
             the evolution of a means of collective          focus of attention thus shifts from traits
             reproduction.                                   that are defined by the properties of
                 The obvious solution is a life cycle:       individual entities to traits that are the
             life cycles involving single-cell bottle-       properties of groups of cells. This shift
                                                                                                           The evolutionary
             necks are a ubiquitous feature of multi-        marks a significant alteration in             emergence of group
             cellular life [15, 17, 18]: life cycles allow   perspective and a move to the MLS-2           reproduction
             collectives to produce offspring. Despite       framework [20]. However, in MLS-2,
             their biological significance, the evol-        group fitness is defined independently        From a theoretical perspective the shift
             utionary origins of life cycles are unclear     of particle fitness. The most successful      from MLS-1 to MLS-2 encapsulates an
             [15, 19]. Here, informed by experimental        groups are those that contribute the          evolutionary transition in individuality.
             studies, we draw attention to critical          greatest number of group offspring to         The transition completes when the
             issues and mechanistic problems that            the next generation irrespective of the       higher-level entities become Darwinian
             lie at the heart of life cycle evolution.       number of cells those groups contain.         individuals, that is, when populations
             We suggest solutions – albeit of an             Thus, fitness in MLS-1 and MLS-2 con-         of these organisms display variation,
             unconventional sort – and even go so            texts is different: in the MLS-1 context,     heritability, and reproduction. Thus,
             far as to suggest that one route to a           fitness is the number of offspring            one critical trait that marks individuality
             proto-life cycle may have been fueled           particles, whereas, in MLS-2, the num-        at the higher level is the capacity for
             by the tension inherent in levels of selec-     ber of offspring collectives defines fit-     groups to leave offspring groups.
             tion and may have involved cheating             ness. While this makes intuitive – and            Reproduction of collectives requires
             genotypes as propagules.                        theoretical – sense [13], it does not         development and a life cycle, which is
                                                             amount to an explanation: just how            not something that newly formed
                                                             individuality transfers from particles        groups are necessarily born with
             The multi-level selection                       to collectives is a profound problem.         [15, 19, 30]. When considering the evol-
             framework                                           Theoretical studies of Michod and         utionary origins of such a capability –
                                                             Nedelcu have made important contri-           particularly via natural selection – prob-
             Multi-level selection (MLS) theory              butions, particularly the concept of fit-     lems arise. The evolution of traits adap-
             [13, 20–22] provides a powerful theoreti-       ness decoupling: the need – during an         tive at a given level of biological
             cal framework within which to consider          evolutionary transition – for fitness at      organization requires the existence –
             major evolutionary transitions. During          the higher level to become decoupled          at that level – of the necessary prereq-
             initial stages of the transition from           from the fitness of lower level [29].         uisites for Darwinian individuality
             single cells to multicellularity, the focus     While being a seminal insight, the            [16, 31–34]. When the trait whose origin
             is individual cells. Given appropriate          mechanism by which it comes about is          we wish to explain is reproduction we
             ecological conditions [23–25], selection        unclear. For example, Michod [14] uses        face a dilemma: appeals to natural
             favors the evolution of simple undiffer-        a simple model for the evolution of mul-      selection would seem to presuppose
             entiated groups – arising, for example,         ticellularity that begins with ‘‘adult’’      the existence of collective reproduction
             from the production of adhesive glues           organisms comprised of two cell types         – the very trait whose evolution requires
             [25–28]. The cause of cooperation (pro-         (cooperate and defect). Although the          explanation. Griesemer foresaw pre-
             duction of adhesive glues) is the prop-         adult organisms are capable of produc-        cisely this problem when he argued that
             erty of the individual cells. Selection at      ing offspring propagules, the pro-            explaining the emergence of a new level
             the higher (group) level affects the            duction of propagules is not a                of organization is necessary before
             spread of the trait, but group fitness is       consequence of adult functionality,           invoking the evolution of adaptations
             nothing more than the average (or sum)          but rather is dependent on the average        specific to that new level [30].
             of the fitness of the individual cells that     fitness of the individual entities of which       Below we outline two adaptive
             comprise the group. From a formal               each adult is comprised. As Okasha [13]       solutions in which individuality
             perspective the spread of cooperation           remarks, this is ‘‘a sort of gray area        emerges at the very same moment that
             is readily explained by kin selection           between MLS-1 and MLS-2’’. Gradually,         the capacity for groups to leave collec-
             and traditional group selection theory          as the transition proceeds, fitness           tive offspring evolves. However, we also
             and is encompassed by MLS-1 theory.             becomes ‘‘decoupled’’ from the lower          recognize the potential for non-adaptive
             Within this MLS-1 framework, the fittest        level and with this, individuality            solutions. A third possibility is that evol-
             groups are those that contribute the            emerges at the level of the adult, to         ution of a means of collective reproduc-
             greatest number of individual cells to          the point where the capacity to leave         tion is not necessary and that selection
             the next generation [13, 20].                   offspring is a product of adult               on group viability alone is sufficient.

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.....            Insights & Perspectives                                                                            P. B. Rainey and B. Kerr

Figure 1. The role of group reproduction in group adaptation. A: A scenario is shown in             policing, development, and differen-
which loose groups form from individual cells (given as red and blue circles). These groups         tiation.
do not beget new groups, nor do they contribute individual cells back to the cell population.            Imagine, however, that the viability
Natural selection can certainly act on these groups. For example, in the picture, groups with
                                                                                                    process operates in tandem with a proc-
more blue cells live longer and therefore the frequency of blue cells within groups remains
high (this occurs even though the blue cells are at a frequency equal to the red cells within
                                                                                                    ess by which groups are created from
the ‘‘free cell’’ population). However, there is no way for evolutionary innovations at the group   the lower-level parts of pre-existing
level to propagate through this form of group viability selection (given finite group lifetimes).   groups (Fig. 1B). For selection to work
For example, it is not the case that groups with blue cells are more likely to form in future       creatively – and potently – on the higher
generations because they have a viability advantage at the group level. B: A scenario is            level it is crucial for groups to beget
shown where group reproduction occurs. This opens the door for fecundity selection at the           groups. But this returns us to the para-
level of groups. In this picture, if a group possesses an innovation improving its survival or
                                                                                                    doxical situation described above:
reproduction, then the innovation can be passed on to daughter groups. For example, the
production of specialized cell types (shown in green) leads to a proliferation of groups with       namely, that the capacity of groups to
these specialized cells. Such a scheme requires both group reproduction and heredity of the         beget groups requires groups to have
developmental program. In this figure we surround the constituent cells with a solid outer          evolved this capacity.
circle as they now have some of the properties associated with a higher-level individual (i.e.
differentiation of parts and capacity to reproduce). If these groups compete with their free cell
cousins and group formation confers advantages, then this population could shift from lower-        Insights from experiments
level individuals to higher-level individuals, thereby accomplishing a major transition.
                                                                                                    Our experimental work uses popu-
                                                                                                    lations of the bacterium Pseudomonas
                                                                                                    fluorescens. When propagated in a
This final option we consider unlikely            ancestral state (which is readily envis-          spatially structured environment, the
and explain why in the next section.              aged), then selection will favor the most         ancestral bacterium diversifies produc-
                                                  viable groups (Fig. 1A). Although such            ing a range of niche specialist genotypes
                                                  groups are seen by selection, the con-            [35]. Among the numerous emergent
The inadequacy of viability                       nection between the consequences of               forms is a class of genotypes collectively
selection                                         selection at the level of groups at one           known as wrinkly spreader (WS), which
                                                  point in time and the properties of               form a self-supporting mat at the air-
The absence of a means of collective              groups at a latter point in time is lack-         liquid interface (Fig. 2).
reproduction does not mean that selec-            ing. The only connection is via the                   WS genotypes arise from a wide
tion cannot act on collectives, but its           lower-level entities. It is difficult to see      range of simple mutations that result
capacity to do so is limited to selection         how viability selection alone could               in over-activation of adhesive factors
at the level of collective viability.             result in the evolution of true group-            (a cellulosic polymer and a protein-
Provided that simple undifferentiated             level traits such as the capacity for             aceous factor) [36–38]. The overproduc-
groups can evolve repeatedly from the             group reproduction, let alone, self-              tion of ‘‘glues’’ causes cells to remain

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                                                                                                                  requires that the cells within each group
                                                                                                                  periodically switch off traits that deter-
                                                                                                                  mine social behavior and then reactivate

                                                                                                                  their expression to form new groups.
                                                                                                                  This requires the existence of develop-
                                                                                                                  mental control – a group-level trait – the
                                                                                                                  evolution of which raises the problems
                                                                                                                  discussed above. In the absence of a
                                                                                                                  means of regulating social behavior,
                                                                                                                  newly formed groups are driven extinct
             Figure 2. The rise, fall, and destruction of a simple undifferentiated group. Left: The wrinkly
             spreader mat is the cumulative product of the cooperative interactions of millions of cells. By
                                                                                                                  by selfish types.
             working together the cells in the mat colonize the air-liquid interface – a niche that is unavail-       One way forward would be for group
             able for the ancestral (broth-colonizing) type. In colonizing this new niche the cells of the mat    reproduction to be effected by an exter-
             are rewarded with an abundance of oxygen. Middle: When the mat becomes too heavy, it                 nal factor, for example, stochastic
             collapses into the broth (it is not buoyant). The collapse is hastened by the presence of            disturbance of microcosms. Indivi-
             cheating genotypes that grow like a cancer within the mat adding no structural strength, but         duality of a kind would therefore be
             reaping the benefits (access to oxygen). Right: A mat is far more than the sum of the individ-
                                                                                                                  endowed to the groups, but it is difficult
             ual parts. This photo was taken immediately after disturbing (with a brief shake) a microcosm
             with an intact mat. The mat breaks into many pieces (just visible on the bottom) and does
                                                                                                                  to see how this haphazard means of
             not spontaneously reform. While a mat will eventually re-emerge, it will do so by a process of       reproduction would be effective.
             growth and development from a limiting inoculum.                                                     Dawkins [34] comes to a similar con-
                                                                                                                  clusion regarding the difficulty of organ-
                                                                                                                  ismal adaptation given reproduction
                                                                                                                  through a type of slapdash fissioning.
             attached after cell division. While there          evolution of cheating (selfish) types is to
             is a significant fitness cost to each indi-        be expected. Such types evolve and
             vidual WS mutant [25, 39, 40], WS cells            grow as a cancer within the mat.                  Life cycles: Solutions and
             nonetheless increase in frequency ulti-            Cheats do not produce adhesive poly-              transitions
             mately out-competing the ancestral gen-            mers and therefore grow rapidly – they
             otype. They achieve this because the               are also highly motile. Provided they             For Dawkins, adaptive evolution at the
             cost to individual cells is traded against         arise within the fabric of the mat then           level of the multicellular organism
             a benefit that accrues to the group of WS          they reap the benefits of group member-           requires a developmental cycle (e.g.
             cells. It works as follows: the production         ship (access to oxygen) while forgoing            multicellular differentiation from a
             of adhesive glues means that upon                  the cost of polymer production: in doing          single-cell origin each generation).
             binary fission, daughter cells remain              so they make no contribution to the net-          However, to avoid the pitfall of invoking
             linked. Continuing cell division causes            work of polymeric strands required for            group reproduction as a precondition
             the population of cells to expand in a             maintenance of mat integrity. As might            for its own evolution any adaptive
             single-cell layer across the air-liquid            be anticipated, the cancerous growths             solution to the evolution of a life cycle
             interface ultimately joining and becom-            compromise the WS mat, and it ulti-               would appear to require the emergence
             ing attached to the edge of the glass vial.        mately collapses [25] (Fig. 2): a classic         of a life cycle concomitant with the tran-
             Once the surface is colonized, the mat             tragedy of the commons [43].                      sition in individuality. While seemingly
             grows in thickness, becoming a robust                   The emergence of groups leads to             improbable, we outline two scenarios,
             structure that is the cumulative product           questions as to their further evolution.          the first arising directly from experimen-
             of the cooperative interactions of many            At this point, standard (MLS-1) group             tal studies.
             millions of cells. By working together,            selection models are invoked, but it                   Consider the model Pseudomonas
             the cells in the mat colonize a niche              becomes apparent that such models fail            populations: the moment the number
             unavailable to the ancestral type. In col-         to fit with the biological reality of newly       of WS cells become sufficient to form
             onizing this new niche the cells of the            formed WS groups. Standard group                  a mat the stage is set for the evolution
             mat are rewarded with an abundance of              selection models effectively explain              of cheating types. Cheats, while being
             oxygen [25].                                       the maintenance of cooperation in the             the nemesis of the mat, are also its
                 The evolution of a WS mat involves             face of selfish types that emerge as a            potential savior. Cheats have character-
             the evolution of cooperation – de novo             consequence of selection at the lower             istics of propagules: they can disperse
             and in real time – from an ancestral               level. In the absence of population               from the mat – like a germ line they can
             state that is asocial and unicellular.             structure, selfish types ultimately out-          regenerate WS, albeit upon further
             The spread of polymer production is                compete cooperating types causing their           mutation (Fig. 3). Indeed, in the case
             readily explained by kin selection [41,            extinction. If population structure               of Pseudomonas, the modular nature
             42]. Baring mutation, clonal reproduc-             exists, then cooperating types can be             of the genetic architecture underlying
             tion means that WS mats are comprised              maintained provided there is periodic             the evolution of WS genotypes provides
             of individuals whose relatedness is com-           dispersal of cells into a global popu-            considerable evolutionarily flexibility
             plete, the mat being a clone of geneti-            lation, reassortment, followed by the             [46, 47]. Ancestral genotypes readily
             cally identical cells. Given mutation, the         formation of new groups [44, 45]. This            give rise to WS genotypes, which in turn

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.....             Insights & Perspectives                                                                          P. B. Rainey and B. Kerr

                                                                                                   (and phenotypic) state inaccessible to
                                                                                                   the ancestral genotype [52]. While adap-
              2                     3                     4                                        tive in the new environment, the trait is

                                                                                                   not environmentally responsive. Critical
                                                                                                   evolutionary events are thus required to
                                                                                                   ‘‘rewire’’ the organism, such that mat
                                                                                                   formation comes under developmental
                                                                                                   control. We suggest that continued
                                                                                                   selection in an environment that favors
                                                                                        6          alternate phenotypic states (mat-form-
                                                                                                   ing and cheating) provides such an
                                                                                                   opportunity. In outlining this scenario
                                                                                                   we recognize both parallels and differ-
                                                                                                   ences with traditional and emerging
                                                                                                   ideas surrounding the evolution of
                                                                                                   developmental control [19, 49, 51, 53–
                                1                                                                  56].
                                                                                                        Additional scenarios for the evol-
                                                                                                   ution of life cycles that might effect the
                                                                                                   transition from MLS-1 to MLS-2 can be
                                                                                                   envisaged. Before considering non-adap-
Figure 3. A putative life cycle for mat-forming bacteria. We start with a single bacterium         tive models for life cycle evolution, we
(given in blue) capable of producing an extracellular adhesive. (1) It reproduces at the inter-    describe an alternative hypothesis in
face between liquid and air (in the case shown, starting at the inner surface of a glass tube).    which, unlike the model above where
Daughter cells stick together because of the adhesive they produce. (2, 3) The resulting mat
                                                                                                   the ‘‘germ line’’ is interrupted by
spreads over the liquid’s surface as a single-cell layer. (4) Due to prime access to oxygen, a
robust mat forms. Mutation generates ‘‘cheats’’ (green cells that do not produce any
                                                                                                   mutation, here the germ line is uninter-
adhesive polymer and grow faster as a consequence). (5) These cheats spread like a cancer          rupted by mutation. From the outset such
within the mat and contribute to (6) the collapse of the mat. Because the cheats do not            a model is appealing because it removes
produce the adhesive, they are liberated from the mat upon collapse. (7) Back mutation from        the potentially restrictive requirement of
one of these cheats to a mat-producing cell completes the life cycle. Of course, we do not         mutation for the transition between
imagine such a life cycle playing out in an environment where only a single mat can form (like     stages of the life cycle.
a single tube). Rather, the back mutants from the liberated cheats could establish mats in
                                                                                                        Once again we make use of the
different locations from their parent mat. Here the cell type leading to the death of the group
also leads to its rebirth. The cheats amount to propagules (‘‘germ line’’), arising de novo from   model Pseudomonas populations as a
the mat-forming ‘‘soma’’ of an incipient multicellular individual.                                 vehicle for our ideas, but this time we
                                                                                                   take as the focus of interest the lower-
                                                                                                   level (cheating) entities. Consider the
                                                                                                   cheating type as a totipotent germ line.
lose the mat-forming phenotype by                 necessary for the eventual integration           Imagine that during the course of its
simple mutations that suppress pro-               of ‘‘life cycle’’ phases within a single         growth it produces, by chance
duction of the adhesive glues. The                cohesive organism (Boxes 1 and 2).               mutation, a cell type with which it
effects of these suppressor mutations             Indeed, a recent experiment in which             interacts, either directly, or indirectly,
can be readily reversed by mutations              P. fluorescens cells were ‘‘forced’’ to          and which, via that interaction, aids its
at additional loci [48]. Thus, from the           transition between groups gives reason           own reproductive output. We might
tension among levels of selection, a              for optimism. After just four cycles, in         consider this a ‘‘helper’’ type; indeed,
proto-life cycle emerges spontaneously            two (of twelve) replicate lines, geno-           we might consider the WS genotype an
(given appropriate ecological con-                types arose that evolved the capacity            exemplar of such a helper, although in
ditions) and with no requirement to               to switch stochastically between states          so doing we add a level of complexity
invoke group-level reproduction as a              by an epigenetic mechanism [48].                 (and selection) that is not necessary:
precondition.                                         The emergence of such phenotype              the helper may be any kind of repro-
    A life cycle that requires mutation to        switching is a critical event in the evol-       ductive altruist. An interesting
transition the emerging ‘‘organism’’              ution of developmental control [49, 50].         example is provided by the suicidal
between phenotypic states is a far cry            While the end product remains to be              altruists of Salmonella typhimurium
from a developmentally regulated life             experimentally realized, we envisage             that die while preparing the ground
cycle; however, its existence is sufficient       developmental control emerging as a              for infection [57].
to allow selection to operate at the level        multi-step process, the first stage being             Nonetheless, returning to the
of the collective. Indeed, we suggest that        the realization of a novel phenotypic            familiar WS: as the mat forms it becomes
the proto-life cycle might provide the            state (the mat-forming phenotype) –              infiltrated by cells of the germ line
basis for the evolutionary emergence              the result of selection in an ‘‘extraordi-       which reap the advantage that accrues
of development – a ‘‘kick-start’’ – that          nary environment’’ [51]. Mutation brings         from growth at the air-liquid interface.
establishes the ecological conditions             the existing pathway to an expression            Eventually the mat collapses and the WS

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P. B. Rainey and B. Kerr                                                                                      Insights & Perspectives   .....
                 Box 1                                                                                                    example, the interrupted model carries
                                                                                                                          with it the initially burdensome require-
                                                                                                                          ment for mutation to mediate the tran-
                 Model for the development of a single mat

                                                                                                                          sition between different stages of the life
                                                                                                                          cycle, whereas the uninterrupted model
                 Here we develop a simple discrete-time model to track differentiation within a                           requires only one-way mutation (to
                 mat and its eventual collapse. The model follows two cell types: mat formers                             dead-end helper cells). The uninter-
                 and cheats. We begin by describing the population dynamics within a single                               rupted model thus seems to offer a lower
                 mat. Assuming that every mat is initialized by a single mat former cell, then over                       hurdle for an evolutionary transition.
                 time, mutation generates cheats. Let m(t) and c(t) be the sizes of the mat                               However, things get more complex
                 former and cheat populations, respectively, in a single mat at time t.                                   when one considers a second dis-
                 Populations within a mat grow according to the following branching                                       tinguishing feature, namely the origin
                 process [70]:                                                                                            of multicellular differentiation. The
                                                                                                                          uninterrupted model requires the emer-
                              X                          cðtÞ
                                                         X                                                                gence of extreme altruism via mutation
                 mðt þ 1Þ ¼          ½Xi  Fi ðXi Þ þ          Gj ðYj Þ;                                        (1)
                                                                                                                          in the presence of would-be cheats. On
                               i¼1                       j¼1
                                                                                                                          the other hand, the interrupted model
                              X                     mðtÞ                                                                  involves nothing more than the advent
                 cðt þ 1Þ ¼         Yj  Gj ðYj Þ þ      Fi ðXi Þ:                                               (2)      of cheats in the face of cooperation. We
                              j¼1                        i¼1                                                              do, however, note that for both models,
                                                                                                                          the reliance on mutation sets a lower
                      The sets {X1, X2, X3, . . .} and {Y1, Y2, Y3, . . .} contain independent and                        limit to the number of cells that com-
                 identically distributed (i.i.d.) Poisson-distributed random variables                                    prise each collective.
                 (XPoisson(bm) and YPoisson(bc)). The ith mat former has Xi offspring cells,                                 In outlining these two models our
                 whereas the jth cheat has Yj offspring cells. In this model, bm and bc are the                           intention has been to portray possible
                 average number of offspring cells per mat-forming cell and cheat, respectively,                          scenarios for the evolution of life cycles,
                 per unit of time (b0 s are birth factors). Because cheats reproduce without                              particularly the selective conditions
                 contributing to the integrity of the mat, we assume that these cells have a birth                        favoring ecologically distinct pheno-
                 rate advantage, i.e. bc > bm.                                                                            types, that might eventually evolve to
                      The sets {F1, F2, F3, . . .} and {G1, G2, G3, . . .} contain i.i.d. binomially-                     come under regulatory (developmental)
                 distributed random variables (F(n)Binomial(n,mm,c) and G(n)Binomial                                    control. The molecular details by which
                 (n,mc,m)). Of its Xi offspring, the ith mat former has Fi cheating mutants, and                          such control could emerge are unknown
                 of its Yj offspring, the jth cheat has Gj mat former mutants. For simplicity, we let                     but are likely to depend on non-adaptive
                 the probability of mutation from mat former to cheat (mm,c) and from cheat to                            processes such as mutation and genetic
                 mat former (mc,m) be equal: mm,c ¼ mc,m ¼ m (Box 2).                                                     drift [59], opportunities for co-option
                      The cell dynamics within a microbial mat are given by equations (1) and (2).                        [60, 61] (facilitated by mutation and
                 In addition, we assume that any mat has a finite lifetime (t ). The probability that                     drift) and the existence of plasticity
                 a mat collapses at time t ¼ T is given by:                                                               [49, 62]. Under some circumstances it
                                                                                                                          is even possible that the plasticity
                 Prðt  ¼ T Þ ¼ 1expfðam mðT Þ þ ac cðT ÞÞg                                                    (3)
                                                                                                                          inherent in the genomic and regulatory
                     Thus, as the number of cells in a mat increase, the mat is more likely to                            organization of certain unicellular enti-
                 collapse. Again, because cheats do not contribute to mat integrity, they have a                          ties might be sufficient to produce a
                 disproportionate negative effect on the lifetime of the mat, i.e. ac > am.                               simple life cycle with minimal involve-
                                                                                                                          ment from selection. For example,
                                                                                                                          single cells driven to group formation
                                                                                                                          as a mechanism of predation-avoidance
             lineage goes extinct; nonetheless, the                         term advantage gained from coloniza-          might – given an appropriately organ-
             germ line remains and in time gives rise                       tion of the oxygen-replete air-liquid         ized and pre-prepared regulatory system
             to further WS types which it again                             interface). From another perspective,         – be capable of utilizing gradients
             exploits for its own advantage. Such a                         the WS is an unfortunate pawn, sacri-         generated across the colony as a means
             scenario captures aspects of an earlier                        ficed by the germ line.                       of, for example, regulating the tran-
             hypothesis in which the germ line                                  Thus from different starting pos-         sition between clumping and dispersing
             originates as a consequence of ‘‘other                         itions we arrive at essentially the same      behaviors [63].
             cell lineages altruistically removing                          end point: in both, interrupted and                An idea like this involving co-
             themselves from the reproductive line                          uninterrupted models, there exists            option of a life history gene has been
             to perform some somatic benefit to the                         potential for the evolution of a life cycle   suggested to explain the evolution of
             organism’’ [58]. From one perspective,                         and with that exists potential to arrest      reproductive altruism in the higher vol-
             the WS is an extreme altruist, sacrificing                     in the germ line stage: individuality         vocine algae [64]. The central idea is
             its life for the germ line (altruism being                     in an MLS-2 sense is apparent. There          that in the ancestral (unicellular) state
             an indirect consequence of the short-                          are, however, some differences. For           expression of the life history gene is

             6                                                                                            Bioessays 00: 000–000,ß 2010 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.
.....           Insights & Perspectives                                                                             P. B. Rainey and B. Kerr

  Box 2                                                                  pressure to lengthen mat generation time to maximize the
                                                                         absolute number of cheat cells produced by a mat. We use
                                                                         the model from Box 1 to identify the optimal mutation rate

  Adaptive developmental programs                                        under r- and K-selection.
  in mat populations                                                         As in Box 1, assume a given mat collapses at t. There
                                                                         are c(t) cheats at this time, which we label c. Under
  A life cycle initially dependent upon mutation and fueled by           r-selection, we maximize growth rate of mats within a
  conflicts among levels of selection appears understand-                mat population. To do this, we consider the joint distri-
  ably restrictive. In particular, there is the thorny issue of          bution of t and c. Specifically, for any mat, we have:
  heritability, which arises from the mutational lottery that                          Prðt  ¼ T and c  ¼ C Þ ¼ pðT ; C Þ
  determines the fate of cells. However, this problem is not                 Armed with this distribution, the long-term growth rate
  as great as it may first seem: the critical issue is the rate of       (r) of a mat population with a specified developmental
  transition between states and this rate is heritable. Indeed,          program is given by the solution to the Euler-Lotka
  the way a mat consigns cells to different categories via               equation [71–73]:
  mutation defines its developmental program. In turn, this                             X1 X 1
  yields the life history of the mat. Thus, we focus on how                                      pðT ; CÞmCe rT ¼ 1
  changes in mutation rate (m) affect mat fitness. Here we                                 T ¼0 C¼0

  show how the developmental program can be adaptively                        For simplicity, we assume that a fraction m of the cheats
  tuned to specific ecological conditions.                               mutate back to mat formers directly after the mat collapses.
       Mat-level fitness is the ability of the mat to generate                We use a Monte Carlo simulation approach to generate
  offspring mats and is proportional to the number of cheats             the joint distribution p. Specifically, we generate 50,000
  contained in the mat upon its collapse. This fitness metric            points (t, c)i using equations (1)–(3). An example of this
  is fully adequate if mats always have the same generation              joint distribution is shown in Fig. 4. In the figure we see the
  time. However, the generation time of a mat is specified (at           life history tradeoff faced by the mat: higher fecundity
  least probabilistically) by its developmental program                  requires a longer generation time. With this joint distri-
  [Eq. (3) in Box 1].                                                    bution, we solve the following equation for r:
       All else being equal, a shorter generation time is                                        X mc  e rti
  beneficial within a growing population of mats. However,                                                      ¼1
                                                                                                       50; 000
  because cheats simultaneously contribute to mat repro-                                         i¼1

  duction and expiration, all else is not equal. For instance, if            We then look for the mutation rate (m) that maximizes r.
  a slightly longer-lived mat can have many more cheats                      For K-selection, we search for the mutation rate that
  upon collapse, then it may be advantageous to live longer.             maximizes c. We employ the same Monte Carlo approach
       Different ecological circumstances will favor different           to generate 50,000 c values, then we look for the mutation
  developmental programs. Here, we consider two ecologi-                 rate that maximizes the average c value.
  cal conditions. In the first (r-selection), sites for mat for-             Figure 5 shows the results of this analysis: under r-
  mation are always available, so there is a premium on a                selection, high mutation rates are favored; under K-selec-
  short mat generation time. Production of cheats should be              tion, lower mutation rates are favored. Under r-selection,
  adjusted as to maximize growth rate within an expanding                longevity is sacrificed for a quick investment in cheats allow-
  population of mats. In the second condition (K-selection),             ing a rapid explosion of mats. Under K-selection, longer-
  sites for mat formation are rarely encountered and there is            lived mats are selectively favored to maximize cheat output.

  Figure 4. The joint distribution of mat lon-   Figure 5. Optimal mutation rates in mat development. A: Long-term growth (in an
  gevity and mat fecundity. These points were    r-selected environment) is shown as a function of the mutation probability. Here we see
  generated from simulations of mat develop-     higher mutation rates yielding faster growth of a lineage of mats. B: Mat fecundity (favored
  ment given by Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) (bm ¼     in a K-selected environment) is maximized at lower rates of mutation. In parts A and B, the
  4.0, bc ¼ 6.0, am ¼ 106, ac ¼ 105).          parameters of the model are the same as those in Fig. 4.

Bioessays 00: 000–000,ß 2010 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.                                                                                            7
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