Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611

Page created by Joan Parks
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Pentecost Sunday
     June 9, 2019
  Mater Christi Church
   2401 S. 10th Avenue
 North Riverside, IL 60546
     (708) 442-5611
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, June 10         8:00 a.m.     For all who are listed in the prayer list

Tuesday, June 11        8:00 a.m.     McGlynn Family

Wednesday, June 12      8:00 a.m.     August Nemec

Thursday, June 13       8:00 a.m.     Jim Burns

Friday, June 14         8:00 a.m.     David Kral

Saturday, June 15       5:00 p.m.     Jim Burns    John Kisel & William Kisel     In memory of Edward Kwiek

Sunday, June 16         8:00 a.m. Rudolf, Jolana and Miroslav Vavrinec Dorothy Barloga
                        9:30 a.m. George R. Zdarsky Homer Manfredi
                        11:00 a.m. For all the people of Mater Christi Church

Please pray for...
Donna Accetta                                  Mary Kamin
Pola Aguirre                                Irene Kaminski
Mary Arvai                                    Linda Kariotis                                We Welcome the Newly
Lisa Barreto                            Katherine Karynicki
Julian Betancourt                           Theresa Kledzik                                Baptized into our Family!
Linda Bronsteader                            Jim Kratochvil
Janet Broucek                              Benicio Martinez
Lee Brown                                  Helen Martinkus
Laura Buono                                        Jim Mehr                                       Oswaldo
Del Burns                                     Spencer Mehr
Dorothy Caduto                                  Lucila Nash                                        Alam
Celeste Casper                             Steven Obremski
Catherine Costabile                        Dean Pennacchio
Geri Cozzi                                 Beth Pennacchio
Margaret Cukale                              Rob Piotrowski
Raymond DeBoth                                Elsie Piszczor
Rose DeSimone                                Donna Reisiger
Therese Dolmant                                   Mark Rini
Edward Dragosh                                    John Rysz
Dorothy Dunajcik                         Rosa Maria Santos
John Dunajcik                              Daniele Santucci
Barbara Garbarski                             David Sheffer
Anthony Gorski                             Margaret Shether                       God’s Blessings to
Elena Gorski                                   Sam Smetko
Barb Gurski                                      Fran Smith
Alex Hauser-Vandevort                           John Storcel
Debra Henley                        Nicholas/Mary Szalinski
Larry Hersh                                    Carole Turek
Nancy Hicks                                   Max Venchus
Irene Horacek

         Please let the parish office know if any names in               Who were recently united in the
               the prayer list should be removed to                      Sacrament of Marriage at Mater
                accommodate additional requests.                                Christi Church.
                           Thank you.
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
FROM FR. MATT’S DESK                                                                                   JUNE 9, 2019

This week, we have an account of miracles and a miraculous dog from Philip Kosloski of Aleteia. In the Acts of the
Apostles, the disciples of Jesus are able to perform amazing miracles with the power of the Holy Spirit. Does that still
happen? Sometimes when we look at the world around us, we are tempted to think that the Holy Spirit is no longer here.

St. Josemaria Escriva in a homily titled “The Great Unknown” reflects on that question,

But what if people should ask, ‘Where is the Holy Spirit now? We can talk of his presence when the miracles took place,
when the dead were raised and the lepers were healed. But how are we to know that he is truly present now?’

He responds by writing,

If we had a strong faith, a living faith, if we were bold in making Christ known to others, we would see with our own
eyes miracles such as those that took place in the time of the apostles. Today, too, the blind who have lost the ability to
look up to heaven and contemplate the wonderful works of God recover their sight. The lame and the crippled who have
been bound by their passions, and whose hearts have forgotten love recover their freedom. The deaf who did not want
to know God are given back their hearing. The dumb whose tongues were bound because they did not want to
acknowledge their destroyed life come to life again.

While it’s true that we don’t hear about physical healings on a daily basis, countless spiritual miracles do in fact occur
if we have the eyes to see. They may not be as striking or “exciting” as those miracles that occurred in the Acts of the
Apostles, but they are certainly more enduring.

Let us remember that the Holy Spirit is still with us and can make a profound impact on our own lives and the lives of
those we know and love. Spiritual conversions and healings reveal to us the power and love of God and reassure us that
he is there, ready to enter our heart and transform us if we would only allow it.

During the 11th century, St. Bernard of Montjoux established a hospice and monastery in the most dangerous part of
the western Alps. He initially went there to evangelize the people who lived on the Alps, but soon established hospices
to shelter pilgrims who were on their way to Rome.

Many lives were saved by St. Bernard and his monks, who have remained on the Alps to assist travelers and climbers
up to the present day.

By the 17th century these monks made use of a particular breed of dogs who were experts at sniffing out humans and
whose strength allowed them an extraordinary ability to help those in dire need. These dogs were named “St. Bernards”
in honor of the saint who established the monasteries there.

For many decades these dogs helped save lives and there was one dog in particular who has become a legend in the Alps.

His name was “Barry” and he lived in the monastery from 1800-1812. Local records claim he saved more than 40 people
from death, finding them and taking them to safety.

One story recounts how one day during a terrible storm, Barry found a child asleep in a frozen cavern of ice. Barry
licked the young boy to awaken him. Then the young boy grabbed hold of the dog, who carried the boy on his back to
the monastery. The boy was brought back to full health and returned to his parents.

The monks continued to use dogs for many decades, until the arrival of newer technology, such as helicopters.
The monastery is still very active and assists travelers who trek up the Alpine mountains.

-Fr. Matthew Nemchausky
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Contributions for June 2, 2019                           Summer is here! With many parishioners
                                                         going on vacation, now is the perfect time to
 Sunday Collection                      $5,435          register for On-line Giving. It’s a great way to
 Capital Improvement Fund               $2,290          be sure that your contribution reaches us if you
 Ascension of the Lord                   $790             are unable to attend Mass. Please go to our
                                                         website at to register
                                                         for online giving. For assistance, please call
                                                                           the rectory
                                                              Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm.

    300 CLUB RAFFLE WINNERS                             Please be generous in giving to our second
                                                        collection today, June 8th and 9th, to
 May 19, 2019                                           PRMAA, (Priests’ Retirement and Mutual
 1st Prize Colette Wojtkiewicz
 2nd Prize Rosemary Kamykowski
                                                        Aid Association), benefiting the healthcare,
                                                        wellness and retirement for the priests of the
 May 26, 2019                                           Archdiocese of Chicago.
 1st Prize Bob and Carol Davidson
 2nd Prize Fernando Flores
 June 2, 2019
 1st Prize Linda Escalante
 2nd Prize Ann M. Baikie                                               Our Lady of Fatima
                                                                       will be visiting us
                                                                       here at Mater
                                                                       Christi on
St. Domitilla Parish, Hillside, seeks a full-time
                                                                       June 22,2019
maintenance person. Must have basic knowledge
of electrical, plumbing, mechanical, carpentry,
                                                                       at 1:00pm.
masonry & painting. Ability to perform repairs and/
or supervise outside contractors as they make repairs   Let us enjoy her visit in our
or inspections of equipment. Ability to read and
comprehend written instructions and communicate         Church and our town.
to others in writing. Valid driver’s license. Ability
to work outside in a variety of weather conditions.     ere will be a short procession.
Ability to climb ladders and stairs as necessary.
Ability to lift at lead 70 lbs. Asbestos training a
                                                        Let us all assemble in e Groo
Please submit resume to Carol Knoll at                  site at 12:45pm. or contact Carol
Knoll with questions/full job description at
708-449-8430 Ex. 13                                     ank God for you.
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Please pray for,                                                                           Holy Name Society Executive
                       Nicolas Novak                                                            Board Appointments
               U.S. Marines Second Lieutenant
               Son of Michelle and Tim Novak                                           During its regular meeting on
         Grandson of Bern Gordus and Virginia Novak                                    May 10th, the Mater Christi
                                                                          Holy Name Society announced the elected
                       Jack Halloran                                      officers who will lead the organization in the
                          U.S. Navy                                       2019–2020 Term. Please join us in
         Grandson of William and Bernadine DeCoster                       congratulating these men. They are:

                        Lt. Bradley Basek                                 Phil Santoro- President
                       U.S. Air Force Pilot                               (new appointment)
                      Grandson of Jeri Basek
                                                                          Fernando Flores- Treasurer
                        Michelle Weber                                    (new appointment)
                          U.S. Army                                       Pat Ferriter- Vice President,
            Daughter of Ann Weber and Mike Weber                          Membership

                        Jeffrey Bradley                                   Andy Wozniak- Vice President,
                       U.S. Navy Officer                                  Social
                    Nephew of Kathleen Keen                               Gary Richied, Jr.- Secretary

                     Kenneth Skillman IV                                  The Executive Committee would also like to
                      U.S. Army Officer                                   thank the following men for their service over
                    Godson of Kathleen Keen
                                                                          the past two years:
                         Nicolas Planeta                                   John Bork- President
                       U.S. Army Sergant                                   Ted Watylyk- Treasurer
                 Son of Jesus and Regina Planeta

                             Zach Frey                                    The Holy Name Society Mass with the installation of new
                       U.S. National Guard                                officers will be celebrated at the 9:30a.m. service on Sunday,
                   Close friend of Becca Borow                            June 16th with hospitality to follow. Please join us as we pray
                                                                          together, welcome our new officers and have an opportunity to
                                                                          thank the men who have led and will lead the organization in
                                                                          the coming year.
 If you have a family member or friend who is
   in the active military, we would like you to
provide their name to the parish office. We will
                                                                          The Mariapolis is multitasking that works:
make a list of names and put them in the bulle-                           both a vacation and a retreat! Bring your
  tin. Mater Christi parishioners will pray for                           family for three days of faith and fun on the
them. You can stop by or call the parish office                           shores of beautiful Green Lake, Wisconsin.
  Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm, send an email to:
  s e c r e t a r y @ m a t e r c h r i s t i c h u r c h . c o m, mail   With parallel morning programs for children,
  the names to the office, or drop them in the                            teens and adults (including nursery), the
              collection basket during Mass.                              Mariapolis continues with optional afternoon
                                                                          and evening activities for all ages (boating,
                                                                          fishing, swimming, hiking, golf and special
      Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
                                                                          group activities). Sponsored by the Work of
 Mater Christi Parish continues to collect pop-tabs from                  Mar (Focolare Movement), this year’s theme
  aluminum cans. Once recycled, they help families
   struggling with their children’s serious illness. A
                                                                          is “The Holy Spirit: Soul of the Church and
  collection bin is available in the Church vestibule.                    the World,” June 28-July 2.
                                                                          Visit ( for
                    Thanks for your help!                                 lodging information.
                                                                          Contact John and Lori Chesser for more info
                                                                          (515-314-8516 or
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Let's go to the tabernacle and ask forgiveness to                        Bringing Communion to the Sick
    Jesus Eucharistic in the name of all mankind.
Lord Jesus, we kneel before You, recognizing your real
presence in the Blessed Sacrament. We thank you immensely
for your stay with us, and the faith you have given us.
                                                                        If you or a family member or someone you know is
                                     With deep pain we feel that
                                    so many men, redeemed by
                                                                      ill and unable to attend Mass, you can still receive the
                                    you, forget and offend you;       Holy Eucharist. Ministers of Care from our parish are
                                    that in so many tabernacles          available to bring the Eucharist to people who are
                                    you are lonely and in so          homebound, in the hospital or in area nursing homes.
                                    many homes you are not
                                    invited.                          If you would like to arrange for a visit from a Minister
                                                                          of Care, contact the rectory at (708) 442-5611.
We, repentant of our sins, we want in the measure of our
strength to keep you company for those who abandon you, and
dedicate your life completely, as an offering and amends to
your Heart full of love towards us.                                  Is there any among you sick?
 Holy Mary, our Mother, we trust in your Immaculate Heart so         They should call for the elders of the Church and
that you may reach us thanks, to perseverance in faith, to
encourage us to hope and to live in charity, as a satisfaction for   have them pray over them, anointing them with oil
all our sins and for the salvation of the world.                     in the name of the Lord.
For all the blasphemies, sacrileges, desecration of feasts,          James 5:14
which are committed against the name of God and against
his temples.

-Excuse us, Lord, sorry.
 For all attacks on the Church, persecutions and propaganda of                Need to schedule a mass intention?
For the apostates, those who despise the Magisterium of the            Please remember that space is available for Mass
Popes and all the false prophets.                                       Intentions for loved ones, especially during our
 For all the oppressions of government, of slavery, of                    weekday Masses. Please call the rectory at
delinquency; and all the injustices at work, family, social.         (708) 442-5611 at least two weeks prior to the Mass
 For all the inhumane acts of violence, murder, torture,                that you would like the intention scheduled for.
ill-treatment; robberies, scams, extortions.                                              Thank you!
 For all the immorality against you, against our body, our soul
and your Holy church and corruption: in professional work, in
relationships, shows, entertainment, fashion, reading, drinks,       If you or a loved one needs anointing, or
and drugs.                                                             it’s an emergency and you need to see
For all the sins of scandal and human respect.                       the pastor but can not travel, please call
For all the sins against the sanctity of the family and against      the church office so we may assist you as
fraternal love.                                                                   soon as possible.
For the unworthy priests, for the ambitious politicians, for all
the abuses of authority.
Christ Jesus, we especially ask your Heart to grant abundant                                Reminder:
graces to those most in need; and that you never allow us to                        The Rosary is said Monday
depart from You; but learning in your Heart our feelings and
judgments every day we look more like You. Amen.                                   through Saturday at 7:30am
                                                                                          in the Church.
NOTE:     Eucharist Adoration is held every Monday from                               COME PRAY WITH US!
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Mater Christi church

 Jesus ask us: "Come Pray with me, stay with me, watch and
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Mater Christi Holy Name Society
                                                                       Annual Golf Outing.
                                                                             June 14, 2019
                                                                        Gleneagles Country Club

                                                     The M.C.H.N.S. Annual Golf Outing will take
                                                     place at Gleneagles C.C. in Lemont, IL on
     Home Run Inn Benefit Day!!!                     Friday, June 14th. The cost is $100.

   Mater Christi Church will host a benefit          It includes continental breakfast, golf, cart,
  day at Home Run Inn, 6825 W Cermak Rd,             halfway house refreshments, lunch, beer, soda
   (just west of Oak Park Ave) Berwyn, on            and prizes! There will also be a 50/50 raffle.
              Tuesday, June 25th.                    This year’s Golf Outing will be a SCRAMBLE
                                                     format. Registration began April 12th, at the
 Similar to Buona Beef, 20% will be returned to      Holy Name Society meeting. Sign up as a
  Mater Christi. This is the third event that will   single, a twosome, or a foursome with your
help finance and enhance our Parish Block Party      friends or business associates.
             on Sunday, August (?).
                                                       Notice: Continental Breakfast begins at 7am.
   More details and redemption flyers in the                    Shotgun start is at 8:30am
 coming weeks, but for now, save the date and
  mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 25th.         Hole Sponsorship
                                                     Hole sponsorship is a unique and effective way
     Please join us for lunch and/or dinner.         to advertise. Your place of work, your own
             Hope to see you there!                  business, do side work? Starting business? We
                                                     will help get the word out with 1) a sign on the
                                                     golf course at a designated hole, 2) in the Golf
                                                     Outing program, 3) in “THE WORD” this
                                                     summer. The hole sponsorship “PACKAGE” is
                                                     available for $75.

                                                     Would you like to make the golf outing a
        The Holy Name Society will                   success? DONATIONS are being accepted
        provide a partial Educational                for the raffle. Golf balls, gift certificates, or
        Scholarship, in the amount of                other items would be greatly appreciated. Your
                                                     generosity would be recognized in the golf
        $1000 to a graduating student                outing program.
     who will be enrolling in a Catholic
     High School this fall. Scholarship                       For more details and to reserve
                                                                   your tee time contact
    information and application packets                        Guy Belmonte at 447-9212
       are available in the vestibule of                     Or Stephen Piszczor at 447-3421
     church for any interested students.
      All necessary materials are to be
                                                                  Mater Christi CatholicChurch
     returned by TODAY June 9, 2019.                                 @MaterChristiChurch
Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule ~ June 15 & 16, 2019
                                               MINISTERS            SERVERS

 Saturday,                                                                                        Al Cimino
                                               Karen Quinn
  June 15      Fr. Matt     Marie Kelly
                                            Sandra Horazdovsky Yemaya Ramirez         Gina       Joe Messlein
 5:00 pm     Nemchausky     Ted Watylyk                                              Watylyk     Ted Watylyk
                                             Carlene O’Brien

 Sunday,                                                                                        Warren Binder
               Fr. Matt                       Olga Horacek                                       John Bork
 June 16                     Myra Zak       Mary Ann Kratochvil Iggy Bielobradek     Jeanine
 8:00 a.m    Nemchausky                                         John Bielobradek     Watylyk     Bill Lacey
                                              John LoCigno                                       K.C. Skama

 Sunday,                                                                                          Jim Cashin
               Fr. Cy                        Debbie Higgins
 June 16                    Dick Vabro                             Rico Garcia        Arlene     Nina Corrigan
              Nemecek                         Jerry Higgins
 9:30 a.m                  Debbie Czajka                          Andres Gasca        Batek        Ed Dulik
                                            Dorothy Hathaway

 Sunday,                                                                                         Joe Edmonds
                                            Susan Reissenweber
 June 16       Fr. Matt                                          Bridget Roudebush    Joanne    Fernando Flores
                            Ann Weber        Fernando Flores
11:00 a.m.   Nemchausky                                             Sam Egan          Fenton     Gene Koszala
                                             Josefina Flores                                    Tom Roudebush

    If you would like to volunteer for any of the following ministries, please contact the office at
    (708)442-5611 to leave a message for the corresponding ministry coordinator during regular
                         office hours, Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm.
     Lectors— Marie Kelly          Wake Committee — Bern Gordus          Eucharistic Ministers— Rich Sima

      Altar Servers— Julie Paitl       Cantors/Choir— Jeanine Watylyk            Ushers— Eugene Koszala

                                   ~ EVENTS AT A GLANCE ~
June 10, 2019      6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration (C)
June 12, 2019      7:00pm Calendar Meeting with head of all Mater Christi Organizations (MR)
June 14, 2019      4:00pm End of Year Choir Gathering (MR)
June 15, 2019      Holy Name Society Golf Outing at Gleneagles C.C. in Lemont, IL
                   Continental Breakfast at 7:00pm, Shotgun starts at 8:30am.
June 16, 2019      Father’s Day! 

                                                           If you were unable to come to Mass and
                The Rosary is said every
                                                            would like a weekly bulletin, copies of
                   Monday through
                                                           The Word are in the parish office and are
                  Saturday at 7:30am
                                                                   also available online at
                     in the Church.
                COME PRAY WITH US!
Safe Family Resources                                                        Mater Christi Church
                                                                                       2431 S. 10th Ave
                      Emergency: 911                                               North Riverside, IL 60546

             Domestic Violence Hotline:                                                     Pastoral Staff
                                                                    Rev. Matthew Nemchausky                              Pastor
               800.799.SAFE(7233)                                   Rev. M. Cyril Nemecek                     Pastor Emeritus
       and                                    Julie Paitl                   Faith Formation Coordinator
                             Jeanine Watylyk                          Director of Music
                                                                    Bernadine Gordus      Director of Baptismal Prep & Wakes
     Catholic Charities Counseling: 312.655.7725
                                                                                             Office Staff
            Alcohol Issues: and                          Kathleen Keen                                Business Manager
                                           Ann Weber                                      Office Secretary
                                                                    Yolanda Infante                                Office Secretary
          General site:
                                                                                            Facility Staff
                                                                    Bryant Rouleau                                Facility Manager

                                                                                      PARISH CONTACTS
                                                                    Rectory/Parish Office                  (708) 442-5611
   Mother of Mothers Shrine Engraved                                Fax                                    (708) 442-1306
                                                                    Convent (School Sisters of Notre Dame) (708) 447-0032
    Bricks are available to order to be                             Fr. Cy Nemecek                         (708) 442-8168
 installed in the Fall of 2019. A 4” X 8”                           Fr. Matthew Nemchausky
 brick is available with a gift of $200 to
  $500, and an 8” X 8” brick is available                                     Web Site:
  with a gift of $500 or more. If you are
   interested, please stop by the Parish
    office during regular office hours.                                            Organizations
    Monday through Friday from 9a.m.                                  Holy Name Society -- Women’s Guild
                  to 5 p.m.                                    

                    MASS SCHEDULE                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Sabbath Liturgy                                                     R.E. classes are held on Saturday mornings during the school
         Saturday                                     5:00p.m.      year. Please contact the rectory office for further
         Sunday                          8:00, 9:30, 11:00a.m.      information.
Daily Liturgy                                                                         MINISTRY OF CARE
         Monday thru Saturday                       8:00a.m.        Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound or
Holy Day Liturgy                           8:00a.m & 7:00p.m.       hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. The
                                                                    Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered by the
                   RECONCILIATION                                   parish priest upon request. Medical privacy laws necessitate the
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Saturday from       family’s notification of the Church if a patient would like to
4:15 - 4:40 PM or by appointment.                                   receive a visit. Please call the Parish Office to make
Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 12:30 on the first &
third Sunday of each month but we gladly accept any requests.
If you are celebrating the Baptism of your first child we ask you
participate in a parent meeting. Please call the rectory to
schedule your child’s Baptism.
If you are recently engaged, Congratulations! Please call the
rectory to set a date!
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