Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online

Page created by Sara George
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy            Page

Pentecost Sunday                                                 June 5, 2022

Sunday Masses
 4:00 PM
 6:00 PM
     (2nd & 4th Saturday
      only in Spanish)

 8:00 AM
 10:00 AM
 12:00 PM
 5:00 PM

Daily Masses
 8:15 AM

 6:00 PM
 (or by appointment)

    4571 John R, Troy 48085 :: 248-689-8380 ::
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
Page 2                                  St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                   248-689-8380

Bulletin publication date: 06/01/2022

Sunday, June 5                                          7:00 PM Finance Council Meeting
Masses: 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 5PM                            7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Business Meeting
7:45 AM Benediction                                     7:30 PM Santa Maria Choir Rehearsal
9:00 & 11:00 AM Coffee & Donuts (after Masses)          Exposition of the Eucharist throughout day and night
10:15 AM Children’s Liturgy (during 10AM Mass)
12:00 PM Graduation Mass & Social                       Friday, June 10
2:00 PM Brazilian Community Prayer & Adoration          Mass: 8:15 AM
                                                        10:00 AM Guadalupano Group
Monday, June 6                                          Exposition of the Eucharist throughout day and night
Mass: 8:15 AM
9:00 AM Exposition of the Eucharist                     Saturday, June 11
9:00 AM Pickleball                                      Mass: 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM (Spanish Mass)
10:00 AM Craft Party                                    Volunteer Appreciation Reception (after all Masses)
6:30 PM VBS Volunteer Training                          9:00 AM Focus HOPE Food Delivery
                                                        Exposition of the Eucharist throughout day and night
Tuesday, June 7
Mass: 8:15 AM                                           Sunday, June 12
3:00 PM Teen Prayer Meeting                             Masses: 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 5PM
6:00 PM Reconciliation                                  Volunteer Appreciation Reception (after all Masses)
7:00 PM Cradled in Mary’s Arm (pregnancy and            7:45 AM Benediction
         infant loss support group)                     10:15 AM Children’s Liturgy (during 10AM Mass)
7:00 PM Prayer Service—St. Joseph Icon
Exposition of the Eucharist throughout day and night

Wednesday, June 8
Mass: 8:15 AM
11:00 AM Senior Picnic (55 & UP) - Jaycee Park
7:00 PM Troop 1701
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsals
Exposition of the Eucharist throughout day and night

Thursday, June 9
Mass: 8:15 AM
9:00 AM Pickleball
9:00 AM WWP Reunion
                                                                Congratulations Graduates!
10:00 AM Prayer & Life Group (in Spanish)
                                                             As you make your way (whether you
10:30 AM Legion of Mary
                                                             are off to college in the fall or heading
                                                              out into the working world), please
                                                              know that you always have a home
                                                                       here at St. Anastasia!
                                                             God bless you on your journey—and
                                                                  remember you are not alone!
                                                                    Jesus is with you always!
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                                       Page 3

Blessed St. Joseph Icon
  Flowing from the Year of St.
Joseph declared by Pope Fran-
cis, and inspired by his apostolic
letter, Patris Corde, comes our
new Pilgrim Icon Program in
honor of St. Joseph.
  This Icon of St. Joseph has
been blessed by Cardinal Konrad
Karjewski. He is the "Almoner of
His Holiness". The Icon will be
on display at St. Anastasia now
through June 9 in the Church.

There will be a Prayer Service on
 Tuesday, June 7 at 7pm in the
    Church at St. Anastasia
   to honor and venerate this
       Icon of St. Joseph.
Sponsored by St. Anastasia’s
Knights of Columbus Council.
    Please join us in prayer.

  There is a partial indulgence
associated with prayer with any
Blessed Sacramental.
  Bearing those words in mind, I                Note: I realize “St. Anastasia” is spelled wrong. I was writing it backwards
(Pope Francis) chose to entrust                      to be able to try to center it. It wasn’t created on the computer;
my service as Supreme Knight to                           therefore, it is what it is! You get it! Thanks! - Fr. Steve
St. Joseph, and through this
Pilgrim Icon Program, we can all
turn in prayer to St. Joseph. We
give thanks to God for the gift of
his fatherly example, and we ask
St. Joseph to be a father to us.
Along the way, may we also grow               THIS WEEK…
in our own imitation of St.                   MONDAY, JUNE 6!
Joseph’s quiet strength, integrity
and fidelity.                                   Families of all ages
                                                are welcome to join
  “St. Joseph’s example of ‘creative           us for a crafting party
courage’ in the fulfillment of his             on Monday, June 6th
vocation as father of the Holy Family
                                              from 10am until noon.
makes him a particularly good model
for all those men who, in these times           Craft materials will
of uncertainty and unrest, seek to            be provided for open-
persevere in fidelity to our Lord and            ended creativity.
His Church, entrusting their lives and              Questions?
the lives of their families to his provi-         Contact Abby at
dential guidance and care.”                           aavery@
~ Papal message to the 139th            
Supreme Convention (2021)
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
Page 4                                St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                          248-689-8380

                                     Readings Of The Week
                                     Sunday, June 5
                                     Acts 2:1-11
                                     I Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Ro-
                                     mans 8:8-17
                                     John 20:19-23 or John 14:15-16, 23b-   Monday, June 6
                                     26                                     Dan & Pat Parker—health
                                     Monday, June 6                         Tuesday, June 7
   The faith community of St.        Memorial of the Blessed Virgin         Jack Sefton
  Anastasia extends sympathy         Mary, Mother of the Church             Benjamin Garcia
    and prayers to the family        Genesis 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14     Mary Margaret Paige
         and friends of              John 19:25-34                          Voltaire Diaz—birthday
                                     Tuesday, June 7                        Dorota Best—health
         Mario Nardone               I Kings 17:7-16                        Wednesday, June 8
                                     Matthew 5:13-16                        Rose Ostaszewski
 whose funeral was held in our       Wednesday, June 8                      Thursday, June 9
    parish this past week.           I Kings 18:20-39                       Father William B. Davidson
                                     Matthew 5:17-19                        Friday, June 10
                                     Thursday, June 9                       Betty Greenwalt
                                     St. Ephrem, deacon, Doctor of the      Saturday, June 11
                                     Church                                 4:00 p.m.
                                     I Kings 18:41-46                       Mario & Frank Moscone
                                     Matthew 5:20-26                        6:00 p.m.
                                     Friday, June 10                        The People of St. Anastasia
                                     I Kings 19:9a, 11-16                   Sunday, June 12
                                     Matthew 5:6:19-23                      8:00 a.m.
                                     Saturday, June 11                      Joseph Okonowski
                                     II Chronicles 24:17-25                 10:00 a.m.
                                     Matthew 6:24-34                        Dorota Best—health
                                     Sunday, June 12                        12:00 p.m.
                                     Solemnity of The Most Holy Body        James & Beatrice Vascotto
                                     and Blood of Christ                    5:00 p.m.
                                     Genesis 14:18-20                       Daniel O’Brien—birthday
                                     I Corinthians 11:23-26
                                     Luke 9:11b-17                          Please note: Mass intentions must be
                                                                            arranged at least two weeks in advance.
                                                                            Mass intentions are for persons living
                                                                            (special intention) and deceased.

Please deliver donations for Food
Pantry outside the Pastoral Center
 entrance (by the garden fence)
  9—11 a.m. on Tuesdays and
    Thursdays only. Thanks!          To those who are homebound or in the hospital:
                                       The love of God and the prayers of our parish family are with you
 Offertory Food Collection
                                     even though you can’t be present at Mass today. When you are unable
        Laundry soap
                                     to attend Mass, know that we miss you and pray for your restoration of
         Dish soap
                                     health and hope. Please pray for us as you unite your suffering to the
       2 n 1 shampoo
                                     cross of Jesus, Our Lord. We look forward to your return to Mass and
   Non perishable carton of
                                     pray that you will be uplifted by the beauty, presence, love and strength
     Almond or Oat milk
                                     of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy   Page 5
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
Page 6                        St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                           248-689-8380

         Steve Addison
   Karen and Stephen Balog
       Donald Baranski
        Randy Bertrand
       Geraldine Beson
          Dorota Best
          Rich Bondar
       Carol Boulanger
          Mike Braun
          Dennis Briar
         Lucy Coronel
           Paul Cote
          Jimmy Cudo
      Sharina Dajnowicz
      Margaret Fadlevich
           Rita Falvey
          James Finn
           Lenda Fox
         Paul Ghiaciuc
      Christine Hampton
           Dan House
         Dan Jakobiak
         Carole Janus
        Donald Kossick
         Marie Kurczak
       Richard Laidlaw
           Tom Loftus        Help Wanted: Beaumont Communion Minister
          Ray Madden           Every Sunday, directly from 8:00 AM Mass, ministers bring Holy
          Ed Masters         Communion to Catholics who desire the Sacrament at Troy Beaumont.
      Lorraine McDonnell     We ask that you serve approximately every 5-6 weeks. You would be
          Carla Meier        home by lunch. You must be a “Beaumont Volunteer” to serve at the
         Marian Neher        hospital. You are very much needed! Training is provided. We are very
          Noel Nelson        low on ministers at this time, please contact Kim Houseman if you are
       Susan O’Banion        interested at
        Shirley O’Brien
         Robert Okray
    Lindsay Fulton O'Neill
          Kim Pinneo
          Sherry Price       Feed the Hungry
      Gloria Radosevich        If you have a veggie garden, would you consider sharing a small
         Nicki Rowlett       amount? Once you’ve shared with your family and neighbors, if you still
         Steve Scheid        have an abundance left, we can help you share it with Troy neighbors,
          Carol Sharer       and seniors on very low income in Troy.
      Jeff Scharfenkamp        Simply bring your unwashed, fresh produce to St. Anastasia (4571
           Katie Shier       John R) on a specific day of the week (Wednesday ONLY). You may
       Melissa Tamayo        drop it off outside, just in the front of the Pastoral Center doors. There
        Elaine Tokarski      will be containers and a garden fence to indicate the drop off area from
        Duane Trojniak       Aug 4 – Sep 15. There are many hungry people, not very far away.
          Nancy Tyler        You can make a difference just by sharing of yourself and your gifts.
     Fr. Steven Wertanen
           Patti White         “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you
                             drink? And the king will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you
          Jim Xenakis
                             did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:37, 40)
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                                Page 7

Weight Loss Strategies
                                                             June 20—23, 9AM—12PM
  and Myth-Busting
Monday, June 27, 10 a.m.
    at St. Anastasia,
  in Meeting Room B
   We can all see that obesity is
prevalent in our community, our
state, and our nation. Despite
growing awareness of the issue,
it continues to worsen. Why is
this so? Isn't weight loss just
about calories in versus calories
   Join Dr. Katie Conway, DO,
board certified Family Medicine          Registration DUE for Vacation
and Obesity Medicine specialist,
for a discussion on the obesity          Bible School on Mon, June 6.
epidemic. We'll learn about the           Forms available in the Parish
causes of obesity, its effects on
overall health and evidence-              Office—and on our website!
based strategies for losing weight
and keeping it off. This talk is for
general knowledge only. It does
not replace medical advice from
your own doctor.                        Respect Life
Please RSVP to Kim by June 22:            You probably noticed the crosses outside on the grass. This brings us               face-to-face with the reality of abortion. Each cross represents less than
                                        one-half of the number of abortions performed every day in the United
                                        States. We know that all human life has value in all stages of develop-
                                        ment, and it is our hope that this display will increase awareness of the
                                        overwhelming scope of abortion in our country. We are entering a
                                        crucial time in our state with respect to proposed changes to laws
Catholic Young Adult Singles            governing abortion, and intense prayer and boldness is needed to
      Holy Happy Hour!                  preserve the protections that have been in place here for many years.
   Wednesday, June 22 at                We ask our Mother Mary for help in our mission of protecting the
       Old St. Patrick                  innocent who have no voice.
      Catholic Church
  5671 Whitmore Lake Rd
    Ann Arbor, MI 48105
       Rosary: 6:30pm                                      Banns of Marriage
 Confession, Adoration with
Benediction at 6:45pm - 8pm                                  We ask the faith community of St. Anastasia to
     Happy/Social Hour:                                    pray for the following couples as they prepare to
   Location TBD - 8:15pm                                   celebrate the sacrament of marriage.
    Any questions, email                                     May God bless you!                                            Kevin Hazen and Courtney Looser
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
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Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                               Page 9

                                                                             The following children have been
                                                                             received into our parish family.

                                                                                 Daniel Louis Spencer
                                                                             Zachary and Elizabeth (Convery)

                                                                                   Evelyn Marie Crank
                                                                              Charles and Alicia (Bollenbach)

                                                                               Ricardo Kaidan Landingin
                                                                                Ricardo and Krystle (Laja)
MAUBC – Job Posting                                                              Jorge Elias Cano Mora
  Mother and Unborn Baby Care, a Catholic pregnancy resource center            Jorge Cano Mejia and Paola
in Southfield, seeks a full-time Director of Client Services, M-F from                Mora Torres
9:30AM – 5PM. This challenging and rewarding role is key in our
mission to protect women and their unborn children. Candidate must be            Connor Joseph Murphy
strongly committed to the pro-life cause, with outstanding organization,          Sean and Leah (Allard)
leadership and communication skills to manage, train and coordinate
the client services staff and volunteers. The position also requires the         Lorraine Claudia Uhlar
ability to learn and engage in compassionate, nonjudgmental peer              Miles and Jennifer (Skorupski)
counseling with women in unplanned pregnancies. Must be highly moti-
vated, detail-oriented and technologically savvy. Please send resume            Maria Vasconcelos Fator
and cover letter to                                               Valmir and Simone

                                                                                 John Steven Jarzynski
                                                                                Steven and Laura (Dierwa)
Regina Caeli Academy -
  Regina Caeli is a private, independent, University-Style Hybrid® oper-       The Sacrament of Baptism is
ating in the Catholic tradition. Preschool - 12th grade students attend      celebrated on the 1st and 3rd
classical academic and extracurricular classes two days a week, and          weekends of each month at the
homeschool the remaining days following the plans provided by                Sunday, 12:00 p.m. Mass. A prep
RCA. To learn more, contact                         class is required if you have not
  Regina Caeli Academy is hiring for the 2022-23 academic                    recently attended one. This class
year! Formal teaching experience is not needed, but a love of Catholic       may be completed prior to your
faith is required! Apply online at   baby’s birth.
                                                                               Contact Holly at Ext. 109 or

Camp Sancta Maria, Gaylord, MI
  Looking to spark the faith of your children or grandchildren? Check out Camp Sancta Maria located in
Gaylord, Michigan. We are a Catholic camp that provides fun experiences in a technology-free zone (they
won’t even miss their cell phones!) while immersed in a faith-filled environment. We offer separate camping
experiences for boys and girls that include daily Mass, horseback riding, swimming, archery, various sports,
high and low ropes, campfires, crafts and more. For additional information, or to learn about our Covid-19
safety protocols check us out at or call (248) 822-8199.
Pentecost Sunday - Parishes Online
Page 10                                   St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                      248-689-8380

                                                                                  Mass Celebrated
                                                                                  Around the World
                                                                             Question: Is the Catholic Mass
                                                                             really celebrated the same
                                                                             throughout the whole world?

                                                                             Answer: One of the truisms of
                                                                             the Catholic Faith is that
                                                                             “wherever you go in the world,
                                                                             the Mass is the same.” In fact,
                                                                             the answer to this question is
                                                                             both “yes” and “no.”

                                                                             On the one hand, the essential
                                                                             elements of the Roman Rite are
                                                                             the same. The structure of the
                                                                             Mass as it is presented in the
                                                                             Roman Missal is consistent and
                                                                             this is one of the beauties of
                                                                             belonging to a liturgical tradition.

                                                                             On the other hand, however,
                                                                             there are elements of celebra-
                                                                             tions that can vary depending on
                                                                             the country or even local region
                                                                             you might be in. For example, in
                                                                             certain parts of the world, certain
                                                                             feasts and solemnities are cele-
                                                                             brated on different days (even
                                                                             here in the United States the
                                                                             Solemnity of the Ascension of the
                                                                             Lord can be celebrated on Thurs-
                                                                             day of the Sixth Week of Easter
Garden of Giving                                                             or it may take the place of the 7th
                                                                             Sunday of Easter, depending on
  Support our Garden of Giving by shopping at Telly’s Greenhouse in Troy.    what diocese you are in). Wheth-
Proceeds from your sale go towards purchasing supplies to grow our garden,
                                                                             er it is the use of certain liturgical
which feeds the hungry locally. You will need to bring the coupon below to
support this cause...                                                        colors, local celebrations of re-
                                                                             gional saints, special seasonal
                                                                             blessings of crops or produce, or
                                                                             the use of dance and proces-
                                                                             sions all demonstrate a sort of
           St. Anastasia Church                                              organic variety that can exist
          2022 Spring Fundraiser                                             even within our established litur-
                                                                             gical tradition. While we always
   Telly's Greenhouse & Garden Center                                        respect what is essential to the
                                                                             rite, such local variations and tra-
 Will donate 10% of the value of items purchased during 1 visit.             ditions are very much in keeping
              Valid May 15, 2022 - June 30, 2022                             with the vision of liturgical renew-
               3301 John R Road Troy, MI 48083                               al and adaption envisioned by the
  (Not valid for tree or shrub purchases at the Troy location)               Second Vatican Council’s Consti-
                                                                             tution on the Sacred Liturgy (nos.
  Offer only valid for church affiliates. Not valid with any other offers.   37-40).
           Please present this coupon to the cashier                         ©LPi
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                                            Page 11

                                         Offertory Update                                          St. Anastasia Parish
                                                                                          Staff listing and extensions
                                                                                          revised September 29, 2021
                  Weekly Budgeted Collection:     $   25,961.50                      Rev. Steve Wertanen…thru Ext. 100
                                                                                    Associate Pastor
                                                                                     Rev. Jim Houbeck .............. Ext. 153
                              Month of May                                          Deacon
                               April 30-May 1     $   13,852.00                      Rev. Mr. Tom Caporuscio
                                      May 7-8     $   13,853.00
                                                                                     Florence Parent .................. Ext. 100
                                   May 14-15      $   11,033.72                     Business Manager
                                                  $    9,971.50                      Brian Burgin ........................ Ext. 130
                                   May 21-22
                                                                                    Building Maintenance
                                   May 28-29      $   13,077.00                      DJ Pinneo ........................... Ext. 119
            Electronic Giving (Month-to-Date)     $   57,806.00                     Christian Service
                                                  $ 119,593.22                       Kim Houseman ................... Ext. 112
                      Received Month-to-Date
                                                                                    Worship & Sacrament
                                                                                     Holly Michelcavage ............. Ext. 109
                       May Target Collection      $ 129,808.00                      Evangelization & Parish Life
                                                                                     Brenda Kozlowski ............... Ext. 103
               Year-to Date Target Collection:    $1,220,193.30                     Music Ministry
             Year-to-date Collection Received:                                       Josh Ross ....
                                                                                     Parish Catechetical Leader
                               Ahead/(Behind) $ (22,520.67)                          Elizabeth Spencer .............. Ext. 106
                                                                                    Family Catechesis/Young Families
                 Number of envelopes received last week: 447                         Abby Avery ......................... Ext. 120
            Building Maintenance Fund (YTD)       $   24,410.00                     Family Catechesis/Sacrament Prep
                                                                                     Jenny Greuling ................... Ext. 101
                                                                                    Teen Ministry / Confirmation Prep
                                                                                     John Boutin ......................... Ext. 108
                                                                                    Religious Ed Office
                                                                                     Maryann Brani .................... Ext. 111
                                                                                     Julie Garascia ..................... Ext. 110
                                                                                    Bulletin Editor

                                                                                    Staff email: use first initial of first
                                   Easy & Secure                                    name, last name
                                                                                    Fr. Steve not available by email—
                                                                                       please use extension above.
                                  A great way to
                                support your parish!
   Check out this secure and easy method of making your offertory donation
to St. Anastasia… electronic giving through Our Sunday Visitor (https://
   On this platform, you have the option to schedule your recurring offertory
donation to days that fit within your budget. Payment can be made via with-
drawal from your checking or savings account or on a debit/credit card. You
also have the opportunity to make donations to special collections (Peter’s
Pence, Building Maintenance, St. Vincent de Paul, Religious Ed, etc.) via this
online portal. Anytime you need to make a change to your recurring donation,
you can make the change directly on this portal. It is a very user-friendly site.
By using automated donations, you can assure your gift is being made even if
you’re away on vacation, the winter (or summer), an out-of-town wedding, etc.
   We thank you for “Giving Back to the Father” from your heart and ability!
Page 12                                 St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                       248-689-8380

Stephen Ministry
   Who among us hasn’t experienced some sort of personal trauma in our lives? That trauma might be the
death of a loved one, a devastating diagnosis, or maybe a job loss. Sometimes it isn’t a single overwhelming
incident that causes us to worry or feel anxious, but a series of smaller events that disrupt our peace.
   At St. Anastasia we have a group of women* and men who have been trained extensively to listen to, pray
with, and walk alongside others who are grieving or hurting. They are called Stephen Ministers and provide a
listening ear and a caring heart to people experiencing an especially difficult time in their lives. This is a
Christ centered, care-giving ministry.
   As Stephen Ministers, we understand how important it is to find someone to confide in and talk to during a
crisis or difficult time. Sometimes we aren’t comfortable sharing our inner-most thoughts with people close to
us. It is often helpful to talk confidentially with someone who can be non-judgmental outside of our close circle
of family and friends. If you could benefit from talking to a Stephen Minister, please call Kim Houseman at 248
-689-8380 or
* Male ministers meet with males, and female ministers with females. At this time, we only have women
ministers available, and a waitlist for men. God works in wonderful ways.
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                                                      Dr. James J. Caris                                                                   NE Corner of 16 Mile & Dequindre
     Sterling Heights, MI 48314                           Parish Member
(located near corner of 19 Mile & Dequindre)           Gentle dentistry • Friendly staff
                                               Computer assisted dentistry for one-day crowns                                             586-795-1700
        Phone: 586-731-1999                      Digital x-rays • White fillings • Root canals
           Fax: 586-731-3233                           Cosmetic dentistry • Bleaching
                                                  Complete Family Care • Children & Adults                                   Monday–Saturday: 7am–9pm
     Dr. James J. Caris, General Dentist
                                                    State-of-the-art dentistry • Implants
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                                                                                                 (216) 325-6825 x6259
                   4-G-5-4           For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                           15-0113
St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Troy                                                     Page 13                                 St. Anastasia Catholic Church
                                                                4571 John R, Troy, MI 48085-3559
                                            Office: 248-689-8380 FAX: 248-689-7489 Email:
                                                            See our Staff Contact List on page 8 or 11
St. Anastasia Catholic Church
Religious Ed at St. Anastasia
St. Anastasia Young Adult Ministry    MASS SCHEDULE                  RECONCILIATION                  MAIN OFFICE HOURS
                                         (revised 06/30/2021)          SCHEDULE                             (revised 5/28/2022)
                                             Saturday                  (revised 10/29/2020)
                                                                                                     Parish Office Hours
                                                                         Tuesdays 6PM                 (Summer Hours):
                                       2nd & 4th Saturday:
            Instagram                   6PM (in Spanish)
                                                                       (or call the Parish
                                            Sunday                                                       Monday—Thursday:
           St. Anastasia Catholic                                         Office for an
Church                               8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 5PM             appointment during                    9AM—5PM
  @stanastasiatroy                                                        office hours)
Fr. Steven Wertanen @djpadre             Monday—Friday                                                    Friday: 9AM—3PM
Rel Ed @re_stanastasiatroy                  8:15AM
St. Anastasia Teen Ministry
                                     Parish Registration: Newcomers may register in the Parish Office or on our website.
                                     Please notify us if your contact info changes or if you move from the parish.
          Twitter                    Baptism: Parents are required to attend a Baptism Prep Class. Call Holly, Ext. 109.
                                     Marriage: 6 month notice is required. Call Holly, Ext. 109.
Follow St. Anastasia
 @AnastasiaTroy                      Emergencies: Please note that the Parish Office phone number, 248-689-8380, is
Follow Fr. Steve                     answered 24 hrs. After hours a staff person will respond, please leave a clear message.

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