Perinton - Spring 20212021 - Town of Perinton

Perinton - Spring 20212021 - Town of Perinton
                 Recreation & Parks

Registration Begins
March 22, 2021

Town Supervisor’s
Message Page 3

Perinton - Spring 20212021 - Town of Perinton
Perinton - Spring 20212021 - Town of Perinton
Town News / Table                                                  of        Contents

                                                Town Supervisor’s
                        Ciaran Hanna
                                                                                                                        Message to the Community
Happy Spring, everyone. Winter certainly packed quite a punch toward                                                  As we enter this busy spring season, we are thrilled to welcome back two
the end of the season, and our Perinton Public Works crews were                                                       annual events, our Waste Recycle and Shredding Day is scheduled for
very busy maintaining 22 plow routes covering nearly 460 lane miles of                                                May 15, 2021, and our Free Rabies Immunization Clinic is scheduled for
Town, County, and State roads. Crews were well-prepared, transforming                                                 June 12, 2021. These springtime events were postponed in 2020 due to the
equipment used to haul asphalt in the summer and collect leaves in the                                                pandemic; however, we were able to host them in a new drive-through
fall into a fleet of winter-ready plow and salt vehicles. As the winter                                               format in the fall. This new format worked so well that we will be offering
weather clears, these Public Works professionals will again transition                                                these events again this year.
back into spring/summer time work like road, sidewalk, sewer and
drainage maintenance projects, along with our continued yard debris                                                   Our Recreation and Parks Department is also gearing up for a busy
collection program.                                                                                                   spring. We have reimagined and retooled our recreation programs since
                                                                                                                      reopening the Community Center to the public. Our top priority remains
This year, the Town will start negotiating a new Host Community                                                       keeping people safe and reducing the community spread of COVID-19,
Agreement (HCA) with Waste Management. This important document                                                        and we are thrilled to offer residents new and safe ways to enjoy our
outlines the protections and benefits provided to our residents for hosting                                           programming. We have enjoyed seeing residents active again in the
a portion of the High Acres Landfill within the Town of Perinton. It is                                               Community Center - from private pool rentals to masked activities such as
important to note that this agreement only speaks to the local benefits                                               pickleball and basketball. We’ve also opened our doors to a local karate
provided to our community; it does not permit the operation of the landfill                                           studio that closed during the pandemic and is now resuming classes here
itself. The operational control of the landfill is managed by the New York                                            at the Town. Our community has been a phenomenal partner in our effort
State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).                                                              to reopen programs and activities safely. We appreciate your eagerness
                                                                                                                      to return to the Community Center and adapt to our new operations and
Although NYSDEC is the regulatory agency with primary permitting                                                      guidelines.
authority over the landfill, the Town will take this opportunity to add new
protections and enhanced accountability that will benefit our residents                                               As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
locally for years to come. Although our preliminary draft of the new Host                                             to stop by, call or email me any time. My number is (585) 223-0770, and
Community Agreement is not yet complete, it will be ready very soon, and                                              my email address is I look forward to hearing from
we look forward to rolling it out and seeking your input.                                                             you.

A new HCA will afford us a great opportunity to serve our community                                                   Sincerely,
better and implement future safeguards. I look forward to continuing                                                  Ciaran Hanna
our efforts in advocating for the needs and protections our residents
deserve. Stay tuned to our website,, for updates and
the beginning of the public comment process.

                    Table of Contents                                                                                 Tennis...........................................................................................................26
James E. Smith Center Information..........................................................2
Animal Control..............................................................................................4
                                                                                                                      Aquatic Fitness...........................................................................................33
Upcoming Events.........................................................................................4
                                                                                                                      Adult Fitness...............................................................................................35
Building and Code Permits.........................................................................5
                                                                                                                      Adult Arts and Crafts and Cooking..........................................................41
Rabies Shot Clinic........................................................................................5
                                                                                                                      55+ Prime Time Programs.........................................................................43
Ann Peck on Karate.....................................................................................6
                                                                                                                      General Information..................................................................................45
Clean Pipes...................................................................................................6
                                                                                                                      Refund Policy/Drop Off Policy.................................................................46
Perinton Residential Refuse Program......................................................7
                                                                                                                      Registration Information...........................................................................46
The Crooked Canal from Fairport to Pittsford.........................................8
                                                                                                                      Registration Form.......................................................................................47
Mushroom House........................................................................................9
Lawn Fertilizer..............................................................................................9
WebTrac Info..............................................................................................10
                                                                                                                              Town Hall Closings:                                              PCC Closings:
Special Events............................................................................................11               April 2:         Good Friday                               April 4:         Easter
Parks Programs..........................................................................................11                 May 31:          Memorial Day                              May 31:          Memorial Day
Summer Camp............................................................................................12                  July 5:          Independence Day                          July 4:          Independence Day
                                                                                                                           Sept. 6:         Labor Day                                 Sept. 6:         Labor Day
Youth Camps...............................................................................................14
                                                                                                                           Oct. 11:         Columbus Day                              Nov. 25:         Thanksgiving
Preschool....................................................................................................16                                                                       Dec. 25          Christmas
Youth and Teen...........................................................................................20
Youth and Teen Arts & Crafts and Cooking............................................25                                 Recreation and Parks Content Starts Page 11
Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 20213
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Perinton - Spring 20212021 - Town of Perinton
Town News

          Town of Perinton
 Phone: (585) 223-0770 • Fax: (585) 223-3629
   Recorded information: (585) 425-1170
       DPW Service Center: (585) 223-5115
      After Hours Emergency: (585) 425-7380
          Facebook: Town of Perinton, NY
               Twitter: @TPerinton

                  Thomas A. Klonick
                    Town Justice

                      Avik Ganguly
                      Town Justice
                                                            Spring Update from
                Wayne Pickering, IAO
                                                            Animal Control:
                  Town Assessor                             Spring is here! That means wildlife will be coming out of winter hibernation, and increased sightings
                                                            and daytime activity may occur. Please check our website,, and select the Animal
                      Joseph LaFay                          Control Department to find a list of frequently asked questions about how to live with wildlife.
                     Town Attorney                          Animal Control is available to assist with any sick or injured wildlife, as well as questions regarding
                                                            dogs and/or wildlife. Please give us a call at (585) 223-5115 during our operating hours or for after-
                   Robert J. Kozarits                       hours emergencies, please call (585) 425-7380.
                    Town Engineer                           Article 7 of The New York State Agriculture and Markets Law requires ALL dogs to be licensed in the
                                                            State of New York. If you have a dog that is not licensed, please stop in the Town Clerk’s Office to
                       Bill Poray                           obtain a dog license. You may also print out a New Dog License form (available on our website) and
                     Town Historian                         mail it in. Proof of Rabies Vaccination is required.
                                                            Stay safe and enjoy the outdoors!
                   Jason R. Kennedy
                  DPW Commissioner
                                                            Upcoming Events
               Jeffrey D. Myers                             Blarney Bingo, March 12, 6:30 p.m., at PCC
      Commissioner of Recreation and Parks
                                                            Egg Hunt, March 27, 10 a.m., at PCC

            Board Meetings                                  Perinton Waste Recycle & Shredding Day, May 15, at DPW
                  Town Board                                Free Rabies Immunization Clinic, June 12, 9 a.m., at DPW
     2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month
                   at 7:30 p.m.

                 Planning Board
           3rd Wednesday of every month
                                                             Perinton Alert Services
                   at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                 System (PASS)
               Conservation Board                            The Town of Perinton urges residents to sign up for our Perinton Alert Services System
          Tuesdays before the 1st and 3rd                    (PASS). This free service will either text or email alerts or send alerts to you through Social
            Wednesday of each month                          Media. Residents can receive messages about everything from scheduling and deadlines to
                   at 7:30 p.m.                              emergencies in the area. Residents can also choose to receive all Town alerts or only ones
                                                             from specific departments.
              Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                             Go to the home page at and click on the PASS icon at the top of the home page or
             4th Monday of every month
                                                             the PASS section lower on the home page to sign up for the alerts you would like to receive.
                    at 7:30 p.m.                             The system allows you to opt out whenever you like.
     Due to state restrictions, all board meeting are        PASS is designed to help improve communication between the town and its residents. More
     being held virtually through StarLeaf. Please check     than 7,100 residents have signed up already. So sign up to get alerts about your town and PASS
     agendas for details. All meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.
                                                             it on to neighbors.

4       Follow us on                                                                      Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
Town News

        DPW: Building and Code Permits
Start planning now for your spring and summer projects                         As your project progresses, our building inspectors will perform the necessary
With Spring right around the corner, many homeowners are watching HGTV         inspections to help you comply with the building and zoning code. All of our
and browsing the web, envisioning the home improvement projects they are       inspectors have extensive building code and construction experience so be
planning to tackle once the weather finally breaks.                            sure to tap them for any questions you may have.

Whether it’s a new shed, deck, fence, finished basement or any other project   Once your project is finished and the final inspection is complete, BCD will
you can dream up, the Perinton Building & Codes Department (BCD) is            issue a certificate of compliance or occupancy indicating the project meets
available to help you plan your project and get it off the ground. Check out   all applicable codes. The Town will maintain your permit records for the
our webpage for tips on choosing a contractor, building permit requirements    entire life of your property.
and other helpful information. Have a specific question? Send us a message     So make the best of the colder months and start planning your projects now.
or stop in and speak to one of our knowledgeable building inspectors.          BCD is here to help you make your improvements go as smoothly as possible.
Don’t forget that with any outside project, your local zoning
determines the property line setbacks and buildable locations
on your property. BCD staff can determine if your project
meets the zoning for your neighborhood. Some scenarios
require a trip to the Zoning Board of Appeals if your project
doesn’t quite meet the zoning. Variance applications are due
at least 4 weeks before the meeting date so be sure to check
your zoning ahead of time to avoid delay when you’re ready
to get started.
Once you’ve made your decisions and are ready for the next
step, follow the permit requirement guidelines and submit
your building permit application to the BCD office for review.
Most applications are reviewed in about a week, but that time
increases as spring approaches, so get your application in
early. Permits are valid for 6 months or more so it’s a good idea
to get your permit early so you’re ready for the nicer weather.

                                          Rabies Shot Clinic
Perinton’s Free Rabies Immunization Clinic, in partnership with Monroe         The clinic will be drive-through. Pet owners will be asked to remain in
County and Fairport Animal Hospital, will be held Saturday, June 12,           their car until it is time for their pet to be immunized.
from 9 a.m.-noon at Perinton Department                                                                      Rabies is a viral infection that is fatal once
of Public Works.                                                                                             symptoms develop. Health officials & NYS
Perinton Town Clerk Jen West and her                                                                         Law require up-to-date rabies vaccinations
staff will once again be on hand to help                                                                     to prevent the transmission of rabies from
any Perinton and Fairport dog owners                                                                         a pet that has come in contact with a
obtain a new dog license or renewal,                                                                         rabid animal to a person that subsequently
as required by NY State Agriculture &                                                                        touches the exposed pet.
Markets Law. Dog licensing ensures                                                                           Appointments for the Free Rabies
that your pet is vaccinated, and that                                                                        Immunization Clinic are required. Further
your dog can be quickly reunited with                                                                        information about the clinic can be
you should she/he become lost.                                                                               obtained by calling (585) 223-5115.

Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 20215
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Town News
                                 Ann Peck on Karate...
                                 “The main thing we teach is my
                                 body, my spirit...”
                                 Little did Ann Peck know that her 5-year-old son thinking
                                 he was a super hero would lead to her getting a black belt
                                 in karate.
                                 But there she was in her 40s and taking on a new hobby. She
                                 became so skilled in it that she now teaches classes at the
                                 Perinton Community Center.
                                 “He wanted to be Batman; he was going around and kicking
                                 everything,’’ she said of her son, Wally. “So I figured I would
                                 put that energy to use and sign him up for karate lessons.”
                                 After a few months of taking him and her daughter, Sara, to
                                 Fairport Karate at Perinton Square Mall, she decided she
                                 might as well take some classes too. She became a fourth
                                 degree black belt in March. Her daughter stopped taking
                                 karate, but her son, now 21, is also a black belt and helps
7                                teach classes at the PCC.
                                 When COVID shut down the Fairport Karate studio in March,
                                 the owners decided not to keep the school going. So Peck
                                 collected some instructors to run programs through the
                                 recreation and parks department.
                                 They hold three classes a week on Wednesday nights,
                                 teaching beginners to adults, from age 7 on up.
                                 “The main thing we teach is my body, my spirit,” Peck, who
                                 has lived in Perinton for 37 years, said. “We like to teach
                                 students discipline, respect and to have confidence in
                                 themselves. That is really what martial arts are about.”
                                 Peck said she has never physically had to use her karate skills
                                 but she has used the mental process many times.
                                 “When someone is being verbally abusive to me, I use my
                                 martial arts skills to keep myself calm,” she said. “That is
                                 what we teach. Confidence is being yourself and controlling
                                 situations around you.”
                                 How much damage could she do if she did decide to use it?
                                 “I have seen women smaller than me bring a 20-something,
                                 strapping young man, to
                                 his knees,” she said. “You
                                 just use their body weight
                                 against them and redirect
                                 their energy. I have flipped
                                 men way bigger than me.”
                                 For now though, she is just
                                 happy to give residents a
                                 safe place to go to learn
                                 how to better themselves.
                                 “It is not about just
                                 teaching kicking,” she
                                 said. “It is about teaching
                                 confidence and how
                                 to avoid dangerous
                                 situations. Hopefully, my
                                 students come away
                                 with these very important
                                 aspects in their life.”

    6   Follow us on   Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
Town News

Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 20217
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                        The Crooked Canal from
                        Fairport to Pittsford

                                                                             Photo by Department of the State
                                                                               Engineer Western Division
By Bill Poray, Perinton Town Historian
                                                                          this as an unworkable solution. He believed the answer was to find
I received an inquiry from a gentleman in Auburn, one that many of our
                                                                          a route east of Rochester, low enough to be fed by the waters of the
residents and visitors have probably wondered: Why does the canal
                                                                          Genesee River.
make a big bend between Fairport and Pittsford rather than simply
taking a straight route?”                                                 The biggest problem with an inland route was the Irondequoit Valley,
                                                                          through which the creek of the same name flows. Surveys by Geddes
The great southern bend in the route of the canal was chosen as it was
                                                                          and his men revealed that the optimum path across the valley was to be
the path of least resistance. In 1808, the New York State Assembly put
                                                                          found in southern Perinton and west, toward Pittsford. James Geddes
forth a resolution: “…to cause an accurate survey to be made of the
                                                                          was delighted to find that natural ridges of glacial origin, known as
rivers, streams, and waters (not already accurately surveyed), in the
                                                                          eskers, could provide a method for boats to pass over much of the valley
usual route of communication between the Hudson River and Lake Erie,
                                                                          and creek, 70 feet below. In the words of Geddes, “… to pass over these
and such other contemplated route as he may deem proper…” It is the
                                                                          arid plains, and along the very tops of these high ridges, seemed like
last part of this quote regarding “other contemplated routes” which
                                                                          idle tales to everyone around me.”
provided surveyor James Geddes with the latitude to deviate from
the commonly held belief that Lake Ontario must be part of the canal      Surveyor Geddes was successful in making the case for the route we
system, so as to avoid the hills and valleys of this region.              know today. The construction in 1822 of a man-made ridge, known as
                                                                          “the Great Embankment,” was required to join forces with the natural
Geddes was against incorporating Lake Ontario into the canal’s plan.
                                                                          ridges to provide passage over the Irondequoit Valley. Two man-made
Utilizing the Genesee River north to Lake Ontario would require a great
                                                                          ridges were required, one almost a third of a mile in length, the other
quantity of locks. One look at the upper and lower falls of the Genesee
                                                                          significantly shorter. The combination of the natural and man-made
confirms this. Others preferred a canal from Oneida Lake to Lake
                                                                          ridges resulted in an elevated passage of well over a mile in length, and
Ontario to bypass the high ground east of Rochester. But utilizing Lake
                                                                          was one of the great engineering accomplishments of its time.
Ontario meant that freight on canal boats would need to be transferred
to schooners capable of handling lake conditions. Geddes recognized

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Mushroom House                                                              Construction on the home took two years, with the intent to finish by
                                                                            Nancy’s wedding, which was to be hosted in one of the pods. They
                                                                            wrapped up a few last-minute projects the morning of the ceremony,
                                                                            and out of an abundance of caution, they evenly distributed the
                                                                            wedding guests around the room because a pod had crashed and fallen
                                                                            over in early construction. In fact, the broken pod is buried under the
                                                                            structure that stands today. The original home had five large circular
                                                                            pods, four with living spaces and one patio pod without a roof. During
                                                                            construction, each pod was made on location from custom molds and
                                                                            supported by reinforced concrete stems. A crane was used to lift each
                                                                            stem and pod and set it in place. Each concrete roof was then built on
                                                                            top, making the pods weigh about 90 tons each.
                                                                            Designing the interior of the Mushroom House is where Marguerite
                                                                            Antell truly shined. Immense thought and purpose went into each pod
                                                                            and room. Every single detail was thought-out, down to matching the
                                                                            sand stucco on the walls to the sand around the property. The floors
The Mushroom House is well-known as a unique and extraordinary              consist of 9,000 earth-tone ceramic tiles – all handmade and fired by
home in the Town of Perinton. The Perinton Historical Society and Town      Marguerite. She rolled the clay by hand, cut them into 4-inch squares,
Historian Bill Poray worked with Perinton resident Nancy Slaybaugh,         and then textured, glazed, and fired them – a process that required her
daughter of the original owners who built the home, to curate a             to handle each tile 10 separate times.
collection of items, photos, and mementos of the Mushroom House.
                                                                            In 1969, Marguerite wrote a letter to architect Jim Johnson detailing
This curated collection is now on display at the entrance to Town Hall.
                                                                            that she wanted a home “beyond their imagination.” A home that would
While many photos and video tours of the iconic home can be found           require them to grow to “catch up” with its design concept and give
online, there are some fascinating and little-known tidbits about its       them an exciting adventure in the years to come.
construction. Nancy Slaybaugh shared her firsthand knowledge of the
                                                                            Her letters also show the incredible and indelible bond between the
building process and the original intent of the home. Her parents, Robert   Antells. Marguerite requested her ceramics studio be close to Robert’s
and Marguerite Antell commissioned Jim Johnson, dubbed Rochester’s          office to be near each other, even while working separately. Every detail,
most imaginative mid-20th-century architect, to partner with and build      design, and purpose was thought-out and imagined by the Antells. Their
the house in 1969.                                                          philosophy on what a house truly means can be seen in every corner, no
For Nancy’s parents, the house became a “way of life.” From the start,      matter the shape or size. Together, they created a home that stands as
they outlined the idea of a sculptural and organic structure in their       a reminder to live out your adventure with the ones you love.
handwritten notes to Johnson. He then brought their vision to life –        Declared a Perinton Historic Landmark in 1989, the Mushroom House
replicating the home’s shape after the common weed Queen Anne’s             has since been bought and sold several times. It is located on Park Road
Lace.                                                                       in the Town of Perinton near Powder Mills Park.

What you should know
about Lawn Fertilizer
Stormwater runoff from yards where fertilizers have been misapplied,        of phosphorus-containing fertilizers for established lawns. This law
either by using too much or spreading it onto sidewalks or driveways,       also requires that fertilizer put on impervious surfaces be picked/swept
will often contribute to unsightly algae blooms in neighborhood             up immediately.  
stormwater ponds. This frequently results in obnoxious odors when the       DID YOU KNOW?
algae dies off and decays. Eventually, this nutrient polluted water will
make its way to Irondequoit Bay.                                            The storm drains located on your street or in your back yard often
                                                                            discharge to stormwater management ponds, but some empty directly
Homeowners can take action to reduce these impacts and help protect         into local creeks without any treatment.
water quality by ensuring that ONLY ZERO PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERS
are applied to their lawns, as well as SWEEPING UP fertilizer that ends     The label on a fertilizer bag shows three numbers that indicate the
up on impervious surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways. Most             percentage by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, in that
soils in Monroe County already have sufficient phosphorus to support        order. So make sure you choose a fertilizer that has 0 phosphorus (for
a healthy lawn. If your lawn needs to be fertilized, applying only once     example, 26-0-3).
a year during the fall will also greatly reduce the amount of nutrients     For more information about local stormwater pollution and what you
reaching our local waterways.                                               can do to reduce it, please visit or www.perinton.
Recognizing that the overuse of fertilizers can have severe impacts on      org/departments/public-works/sewer-department/stormwater-
water quality, New York State passed a law that prohibits the application   management/

Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 20219
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General Info
                    WebTrac Information
Save time and register for programs and parks shelters (not buildings)                                       Stay Connected!
online! Register directly on the site, Under            Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates
the “Member Login” section, please click on the “Need an account?” link.              and notifications about Perinton Recreation and Parks
All you need to do is fill out the required information. This information will        happenings. Join the conversation, share your thoughts,
be sent to recreation staff and they will review and confirm the account.             and show us your Perinton pride by checking in, tagging us
Once the account is confirmed, you will receive an email stating that your            and using #PerintonRec.
account is now active. Please register for WebTrac prior to the first day
of registration to ensure your account is active.                                                             Perinton Recreation and Parks
NOTE: Please ensure that the dates of birth and grades you provide for
the participants are accurate, as the system will not allow enrollment for                   @PerintonRec                                              #PerintonRec
a program if the age and/or grade criteria are not met. These data fields
cannot be changed once they are entered.
Please go online to and enter the ‘user name’                                QUICK REFERENCE
and ‘password’ that we have provided you. You can ‘shop’ by selecting            Weather Cancellation Policy: Programs conducted in school facilities are
your classes, placing them in your ‘shopping cart’ and ‘check out’ using         cancelled when schools are closed. Call the Recorded Taped Information
                              Visa, Mastercard or Discover to complete           Line (425-1170) for an updated program status. Programs cancelled due
                              your transaction on our secured site. A            to poor weather conditions will be announced by WHAM (1180 AM)
                              receipt may be printed for your records.
                               For more information, call the Perinton           Friday & Monday, May 28 & 31........................Memorial Day Recess
                               Recreation and Parks Department at 223-5050.                                                          (Schools Closed)
                                     All   classes, unless otherwise             Monday, May 31..................................................Memorial Day (PCC Closed)
                                           indicated, are available on

   What’s New For SPRING
       Parks Programs                           Adult Arts & Crafts and Cooking
       Need Garden Help?                        ATC Mixed Media Sampler
                                                Gelli Print
                                                Crochet at Noon: Market/Beach Bag
       Dance with Me
                                                Project Help: Crochet or Knitting
       The Turnip
       Tumble-Hip Hop Combination Class

       Youth and Teen
       Irish Hurling Skills
       Youth Beginner Fencing

       Adult Short Game Clinic

       Adult Tap
       Introduction to Modern Board Games:
           A Sampler
       iPhone-ography, Really Get to Know the
           iPhone Camera Application
       iPhone Photos App - Really Get to Know
           the iPhone Photos Applicaion

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Special Events	Parks Dept. Programs
                                                                                  Building and Shelter Reservations
                                                                            We have new forms for our 2021 Building and Shelter Reservations.

                                                                            New forms are available at the PCC front desk or on the Town’s website
                                                                                         Athletic Field Reservations

                                                                            Call and reserve athletic fields now for Spring, Summer and Fall
                                                                            2021. We take pride in offering the highest level of fields available to
                                                                            residents, local teams and sports clubs. We will do our best and cater
                                                                            to your team’s requirements: line fields in different colors, set bases,

            SAVE THE DATE!!                                                 groom infields or mow for your tournament. New reservation forms are
                                                                            available at
 Saturday          May 8              Mother Daughter Tea
                                                                                            We Need You to Grow!!
 Saturday          June 5             20th Annual Fishing Derby             “Share the Harvest” garden is available for the first 30 members that register.
                                                                            These members with rotating watering, weeding and harvesting schedules
          Register early to avoid program                                   literally “share the garden”. During the harvest months, 30% of the harvest
        cancellation due to low enrollment.                                 is donated to local families and charities. This garden is best suited for
                                                                            gardeners looking for a large variety of vegetables but don’t have the time to
                 Mother Daughter Tea                                        garden in their own bed, and willing to share the harvest to individuals in need
            Moms of all ages bring your daughters to celebrate Mother’s     and group/agencies. Examples of agencies are Girl/Boy Scout troops, local
            Day with us. Dress in your fancy clothes and enjoy tea,         churches and schools, and senior/youth programs. The Share the Harvest
            punch and some sweet treats. We will have a special spot        bed is approximately 80 x 70 feet.
            set up for photos and do a memorable craft. Enjoy your          Garden layout and guidelines are available to view at,
            special time together.                                          under Parks Department and Community Garden.
Instructor: Anette Messer                                                   Code: 548100-D $20
Location: PCC
Date:       Code: 265209-A Sat., 5/8 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (1 class) Res $9,
            Non-Res $10                                                                                    Need Garden Help?
            Code: 265209-B Sat., 5/8 1:00-2:00 PM (1 class) Res $9,
                                                                            Previous owner of Backyard Secrets, garden consultant, now Parks Director,
            Non-Res $10
                                                                            Ms. Stacey, is offering her garden and landscape secrets to Perinton
                                                                            residents. One hour of consultation is available at an agreed time at your
            20th Annual Fishing Derby                                       home. Social distancing and masks a must. Learn to clean and sharpen your
Ages:       6-15 years                                                      pruners, where and when to prune, names of plants and care instructions,
            Boys and girls, grab a fishing pole, bring your favorite bait   design help and all your turf concerns answered. Have your questions ready.
            and join us in Perinton Park for a fishing derby. This ‘kids
                                                                            Code: 245156-A $100
            only’ catch and release tournament will feature fishing,
                                                                            ** All proceeds go to the Perinton Pride Fund supporting recreation programs
            prize giveaways and food for participants! Ask an adult to
                                                                            for all ages in need of services plus development of inclusive programs and
            accompany you for a ‘reely’ fun morning of fishing. (Bring
                                                                            park amenities.
            your own pole and bait). Sponsored by the Knights of
            Columbus.                                                       Not available on WebTrac.
Location:   Perinton Park Shelter, 99 O’Connor Road                                     Crescent Trail Guided Hikes
Date:       Code: 225210-A Sat., 6/5 9:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $10,       Free monthly guided hikes, no pre-registration required, are organized by
            Non-Res $11                                                     the Crescent Trail Hiking Association. Adults, teens and children under 16
                                                                            supervised by an adult are welcome to participate. All hikes start at 1:30 PM
                                                                            on the second Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted. At any point of
                                                                            the hike, you may turn around and return to the start if your time is limited.
                                                                            Hikes are usually around 1 ½ hours in duration. For more information, go to the
                                                                            Association’s website or visit us on Facebook at www.
                                                                   If you have an idea for a new hike or would like
                                                                            to lead a hike, send us an email at
                                                                            For the safety of our community, we ask that if you plan to attend a guided hike
                                                                            in 2021, please wear a face mask to protect your peers, stay 6 feet apart from
                                                                            one another on the trails and please refrain from attending if you or someone
                                                                            you know has come in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
                                                                            April 11 – Center Park Birds of Prey Hike with our special guests from Braddock
                                                                            Bay Raptor Research. Meeting at Center Park East parking lot.
                                                                            May 9 – Indian Hill Mother’s Day Wildflower Hike. Meeting at the trailhead
                                                                            on Route 31.
                                                                            June 13 – Historical Fairport Village Hike with our special guest Town Historian
                                                                            Bill Poray. Meeting location TBD.
Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 202111
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Summer Day Camp

Day Camp
Register early to avoid program
cancellation due to low enrollment.
Pre-registration at the Perinton Community Center
is required and the number of registrants at each
site may be limited. No on-site registration will
be held at the individual parks. Registration fee
will not be pro-rated or refunded for missed days.
2021 Summer Day Camp Program volunteer
applications are now being accepted. Space is
limited. Due to New York State Department of
Health regulations, volunteers must be at least
15 years of age by the start of the program. A
letter will be sent to all potential volunteers with
information on a mandatory meeting in June.
The Summer Day Camp Program is a certified day
camp by the New York State Department of Health.
We are required to have up-to-date vaccination
records on file for all participants. Please bring
these to the Perinton Community Center or email
to or
prior to the program beginning.
Program refunds will not be given when there are
emergency school cancellations that require us to
cancel short, school-based programs.
                                                                                    Playground Sites
                                                                            Fellows Road Park, Potter Park, Dudley School
                                                                 Ages: 6-13 years or entering grades 1-8 (age 5 if completed Kindergarten)
                                                       Supervised activities include games, arts and crafts, guest speakers, special events and more.
                                                                           New themes each week. Program is held rain or shine.
                                                                                 Times: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
                                                       Children must be picked up promptly at dismissal.Please refer to the Late Fee Policy in program
                                                                            Brochure. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

                                                                      Summer Day Camp Schedule
                                                                  * Field trips and on-site guests TBD based on guidelines. *
                                                                                 Themed art project each week.
                                                                                  (Schedule subject to change)
                                                       June 28 – July 2                       July 19-23                             August 9-13
                                                       Patriotic/Olympics                     Wellness Week                          Outer Space

                                                       July 6-9                               July 26-30                             August 16-20
                                                       Minion Madness                         Animal Planet                          Science Week

                                                       July 12-16                             August 2-6
                                                       Halloween in July                      Carnival Week

12 Follow us on                                                                    Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
Summer Day Camp
                                                 TWO WEEK SESSIONS
Session 1: 6/28-7/9 (ex. 7/5)                                        Session 3: 7/26-8/6
Fellows Road Park             325799-D Res $187, Non-Res $197        Fellows Road Park               325799-F    Res $208, Non-Res $218
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-DD Res $248, Non-Res $258       * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-FF   Res $276, Non-Res $286
Potter Park		                 325799-J Res $187, Non-Res $197        Potter Park		                   325799-L    Res $208, Non-Res $218
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-JJ Res $248, Non-Res $258       * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-LL   Res $276, Non-Res $286
Dudley		                      325799-M Res $187, Non-Res $197        Dudley		                        325799-O    Res $208, Non-Res $218

Session 2: 7/12-7/23                                                 Session 4: 8/9-8/20
Fellows Road Park             325799-E Res $208, Non-Res $218        Potter Park		                 325799-P Res $208, Non-Res $218
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-EE Res $276, Non-Res $286       * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-PP Res $276, Non-Res $286
Potter Park		                 325799-K Res $208, Non-Res $218
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-KK Res $276, Non-Res $286
Dudley		                      325799-N Res $208, Non-Res $218

                                                 ONE WEEK SESSIONS
Week 1: 6/28-7/2                                                     Week 5: 7/26-7/30
Fellows Road Park               325799-DA   Res $130, Non-Res $140   Fellows Road Park               325799-FA   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-DY   Res $167, Non-Res $177   * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-FY   Res $167, Non-Res $177
Potter Park		                   325799-JA   Res $130, Non-Res $140   Potter Park		                   325799-LA   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-JY   Res $167, Non-Res $177   * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-LY   Res $167, Non-Res $177
Dudley		                        325799-MA   Res $130, Non-Res $140   Dudley		                        325799-OA   Res $130, Non-Res $140
Week 2: 7/6-7/9                                                      Week 6: 8/2-8/6
Fellows Road Park               325799-DB   Res $104, Non-Res $114   Fellows Road Park               325799-FB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-DZ   Res $134, Non-Res $144   * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-FZ   Res $167, Non-Res $177
Potter Park		                   325799-JB   Res $104, Non-Res $114   Potter Park		                   325799-LB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-JZ   Res $134, Non-Res $144   * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-LZ   Res $167, Non-Res $177
Dudley		                        325799-MB   Res $104, Non-Res $114   Dudley		                        325799-OB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
Week 3: 7/12-7/16                                                    Week 7: 8/9-8/13
Fellows Road Park               325799-EA   Res $130, Non-Res $140   Potter Park		                 325799-PA Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-EY   Res $167, Non-Res $177   * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-PY Res $167, Non-Res $177
Potter Park		                   325799-KA   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-KY   Res $167, Non-Res $177   Week 8: 8/16-8/20
Dudley		                        325799-NA   Res $130, Non-Res $140   Potter Park		                 325799-PB Res $130, Non-Res $140
                                                                     * Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up 325799-PZ Res $167, Non-Res $177
Week 4: 7/19-7/23
Fellows Road Park               325799-EB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-EZ   Res $167, Non-Res $177
Potter Park		                   325799-KB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
* Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up   325799-KZ   Res $167, Non-Res $17
Dudley		                        325799-NB   Res $130, Non-Res $140
Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 202113
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Summer Youth Camps
           Be Wild Adventure Camp                                                     Register early to avoid program
Grades:      3-6                                                                    cancellation due to low enrollment.
             Explore diverse adventures each day by creating new
             friendships, developing leadership skills through games,
             problem solving and having entertainment over break. Field
             trips may include soaring from ropes at Rock Ventures,                       Register Online Using
             strategically capturing more teammates with Rochester                  Our WebTrac System - See Page 10
             Foam Dart League, exploring animals at the Seneca Park Zoo
             scavenger hunt, cooking lunch, swimming and more.               
Instructors: Kerry Lyon & James Rafoth
Location: PCC                                                                                   Pool Camp Program
Dates:       Code: 325804-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)         Ages:        6 years and over
             Res $250, Non-Res $260                                                          If you love the water, you will love this day camp! Held at
             Code: 325804-B M.-F., 8/16-8/20 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)                     the Community Center, kids will have a swim lesson along
             Res $250, Non-Res $260                                                          with water activities, crafts and outdoor games. The day is
                                                                                             capped off with free swim in the afternoon. One of our most
                   Nature Explorers                                                          popular summer programs, so register early. Must be 6 or
                                                                                             have completed Kindergarten.
Ages:        9-11 years                                                         Instructors: Aquatic Center Staff
             Spend a week having fun exploring the White Brook Nature           Location: PCC
             Area with hikes, bug catching, crafts and so much more. All        Dates:       Code: 323326-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
             activities designed to discover and identify the plants, insects                Res $165, Non-Res $175
             and animals that live there and learn about their habitat.                      Code: 323326-B M.-F., 7/5-7/9 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
             Don’t forget to bring your lunch, water bottle, sneakers, bug                   Res $165, Non-Res $175
             repellent and your enthusiasm. Afternoon snack provided.                        Code: 323326-C M.-F., 7/12-7/16 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
Instructors: Karen Barriault & Staff                                                         Res $165, Non-Res $175
Location: White Brook Nature Area, 250 Aldrich Road                                          Code: 323326-D M.-F., 7/19-7/23 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
Dates:       Code: 325245-C M.-F., 8/9-8/13 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (5 classes)                      Res $165, Non-Res $175
             Res $145, Non-Res $155                                                          Code: 323326-E M.-F., 7/26-7/30 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
                                                                                             Res $165, Non-Res $175
              Nature Explorers Too                                                           Code: 323326-F M.-F., 8/2-8/6 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
                                                                                             Res $165, Non-Res $175
Ages:        6-8 years
             Spend the week having fun exploring the White Brook                             Code: 323326-G M.-F., 8/9-8/13 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (5 classes)
             Nature Area with hikes, bug catching, crafts and so much                        Res $165, Non-Res $175
             more. All activities designed to discover and identify the
             plants, insects and animals that live there and learn about                               Pre-K Hooray
             their habitat. Don’t forget to bring your lunch, water bottle,     Ages:        3-5 years
             sneakers, bug repellent and your enthusiasm. Afternoon                          It’s summer, come join the fun! We’ll have guests visit, enjoy
             snack provided.                                                                 arts and crafts, play outdoors, play games, be creative and
Instructors: Karen Barriault & Staff                                                         make new friends. Snack is provided.
Location: White Brook Nature Area, 250 Aldrich Road                             Instructors: PCC Staff
Dates:       Code: 325245-A M.-F., 7/26-7/30 9:00 AM-2:30 PM (5 classes)        Location: PCC
             Res $135, Non-Res $145                                             Dates:       Patriotic
             Code: 325245-B M.-F., 8/2-8/6 9:00 AM-2:30 PM (5 classes)                       Code: 315818-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 9:00-11:15 AM (5 classes)
             Res $135, Non-Res $145                                                          Res $80, Non-Res $88
                                                                                             Minion Madness
                                                                                             Code: 315818-B Tu.-F., 7/6-7/9 9:00-11:15 AM (4 classes)
                                                                                             Res $64, Non-Res $70
                                                                                             Halloween in July
                                                                                             Code: 315818-C M.-F., 7/12-7/16 9:00-11:15 AM (5 classes)
                                                                                             Res $80, Non-Res $88
                                                                                             Wellness Week
                                                                                             Code: 315818-D M.-F., 7/19-7/23 9:00-11:15 AM (5 classes)
                                                                                             Res $80, Non-Res $88
                                                                                             Animal Planet
                                                                                             Code: 315818-E M.-F., 7/26-7/30 9:00-11:15 AM (5 classes)
                                                                                             Res $80, Non-Res $88
                                                                                             Mad Science
                                                                                             Code: 315818-F M.-F., 8/2-8/6 9:00-11:15 AM (5 classes) Res
                                                                                             $80, Non-Res $88

                                                                                 Summer Skill Development Camps
                                                                                 With many unknowns, it is difficult to foresee exact dates and times for
                                                                                 our summer sports skill camps at this early stage. We will, however,
                                                                                 be offering our long standing sports skills camps this summer. Be
                                                                                 watching the website and the summer brochure for specifics.

14 Follow us on                                                                     Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
Summer Youth Camps
            Summer Theater Camps                                                           BOTS: This STEM musical invites you into the exciting world
                                                                                           of robotics competitions, where teams and their (singing and
Grades:     K-8
                                                                                           dancing) robots are all vying for the top prize!
            School is out, fun is in! Send your kids to a camp that includes
                                                                                           Code: 325232-H M.-F., 8/16-8/20 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)
            instruction in acting, singing, dance and more. The camp
                                                                                           Res $150, Non-Res $160
            ends in an outdoor performance on Friday afternoon for
                                                                                           Code: 325232-HH M.-F., 8/16-8/20 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5
            family, friends and the community. Campers who also enjoy
                                                                                           classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240
            creating sets, props and costumes will do so throughout the
                                                                                           High School Musical Theme Week: Join us for a fun and
                                                                                           exciting week as campers learn to sing some of the well-
Instructor: Edward Rocha, Bravo! Creative Arts
                                                                                           known songs and work on dance choreography based on
Location: PCC
                                                                                           selections from the High School Musical movies.
Dates:      Cinderella: Throw out your fairy tale ideas of Cinderella with
                                                                                           Code: 325232-I M.-F., 8/23-8/27 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)
            dainty glass slippers and hideous step sisters – this unique
                                                                                           Res $150, Non-Res $160
            and hilarious adaptation has a new twist!
                                                                                           Code: 325232-II M.-F., 8/23-8/27 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5 classes)
            Code: 325232-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)
                                                                                           Res $230, Non-Res $240
            Res $150, Non-Res $160
                                                                                           Teen Beach Movie Theme Week: As the Summer wraps
            Code: 325232-AA M.-F., 6/28-7/2 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5
                                                                                           up, what better way to celebrate than throwing an end of
            classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240
                                                                                           Summer Beach Bash! Campers will learn to sing some of the
            Rapunzel: Get ready for some high adventure! Rapunzel                          well-known songs and work on dance choreography based
            escapes from her tower to explore the outside world she                        on selections from the Teen Beach movies.
            has been dreaming about. In doing so, she meets many new                       Code: 325232-J M.-F., 8/30-9/3 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)
            friends and learns that there is far more beyond the tower                     Res $150, Non-Res $160
            walls that what she had even imagined.                                         Code: 325232-JJ M.-F., 8/30-9/3 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5 classes)
            Code: 325232-B M.-F., 7/5-7/9 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)                      Res $230, Non-Res $240
            Res $150, Non-Res $160
            Code: 325232-BB M.-F., 7/5-7/9 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5 classes)
            Res $230, Non-Res $240                                                          Wee Nature Explorers
            Press Start: Welcome to the bright, pixelated world of video       Ages:        3-5 years
            games. When the famous characters we know and love run                          Come explore all the hidden wonders of the White Brook
            out of lives, they decide to put on a musical fundraiser that                   Nature Area. There are many different activities including
            will help them raise gold rings and play on!                                    nature hikes, bug catching, crafts and a whole lot more.
            Code: 325232-C M.-F., 7/12-7/16 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)                     Each week explores a different topic: pond life, birds and
            Res $150, Non-Res $160                                                          plants, mammals, and bugs! Snack provided. Sneakers
            Code: 325232-CC M.-F., 7/12-7/16 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5                             required. We will have tons of fun!
            classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240                                    Instructors: Karen Barriault & Staff
            Hamilton Theme Week: Don’t throw away your shot to sing            Location: White Brook Nature Area, 250 Aldrich Road
            some well-known songs and work on dance choreography               Dates:       Code: 315215-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 9:30-11:30 AM (5 classes)
            based on selections from Hamilton.                                              Res $95, Non-Res $105
            Code: 325232-D M.-F., 7/19-7/23 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)                     Code: 315215-B M.-F., 7/5-7/9 9:30-11:30 AM (5 classes) Res
            Res $150, Non-Res $160                                                          $95, Non-Res $105
            Code: 325232-DD M.-F., 7/19-7/23 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5                             Code: 315215-C M.-F., 7/12-7/16 9:30-11:30 AM (5 classes)
            classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240                                                 Res $95, Non-Res $105
            The Most Epic Birthday Party Ever: Skyler and her older                         Code: 315215-D M.-F., 7/19-7/23 9:30-11:30 AM (5 classes)
            brother Charlie have never gotten along. But during Skyler’s                    Res $95, Non-Res $105
            mysterious 12th birthday party, their rivalry reaches EPIC
            Code: 325232-E M.-F., 7/26-7/30 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)                   Young Nature Explorers
            Res $150, Non-Res $160                                             Ages:        5-7 years
            Code: 325232-EE M.-F., 7/26-7/30 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5                             Come explore all the hidden wonders of the White Brook
            classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240                                                 Nature Area. There are many different activities including
            Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: In this hilarious play, Snow White                  nature hikes, bug catching, crafts and a whole lot more.
            is more than just a pretty face. It is Snow White’s brains                      Each week explores a different topic: pond life, birds and
            that make the Queen jealous and inspire the Queen’s comic                       plants, mammals, and bugs! Snack provided. Sneakers
            efforts to ensure that the Queen is deemed the “cleverest                       required. We will have tons of fun!
            one of all.”                                                       Instructors: Karen Barriault & Staff
            Code: 325232-F M.-F., 8/2-8/6 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)          Location: White Brook Nature Area, 250 Aldrich Road
            Res $150, Non-Res $160                                             Dates:       Code: 325215-A M.-F., 6/28-7/2 1:00-3:30 PM (5 classes) Res
            Code: 325232-FF M.-F., 8/2-8/6 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5 classes)                      $98, Non-Res $108
            Res $230, Non-Res $240                                                          Code: 325215-B M.-F., 7/5-7/9 1:00-3:30 PM (5 classes) Res
            Space Pirates: Pirates! Aliens! Space Travel! This is a story                   $98, Non-Res $108
            about Gabby, a kid who gets picked on for being smart. It’s only                Code: 325215-C M.-F., 7/12-7/16 1:00-3:30 PM (5 classes)
            after going on a whirlwind space adventure with her classmates                  Res $98, Non-Res $108
            that she truly becomes comfortable in her own skin.                             Code: 325215-D M.-F., 7/19-7/23 1:00-3:30 PM (5 classes)
            Code: 325232-G M.-F., 8/9-8/13 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (5 classes)                      Res $98, Non-Res $108
            Res $150, Non-Res $160
            Code: 325232-GG M.-F., 8/9-8/13 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (5
            classes) Res $230, Non-Res $240

Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 202115
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A note on Preschool Programs:
* Please do not drop off your child prior to designated class time and be prompt in picking up your child.
You may register for more than 1 session during the registration period.
** Please note: When registering for a program that requires enrollment of both parent and child, it is imperative that both
names appear on the registration form.

  Preschooler and Parent Drop-In Gym                                                           Creative Movement
Ages:       1-5 years (infants in arms permitted)                           Ages:       3-5 years
            Playtime in the gym for parents and children, 1-5 years                     Simple dance steps are fun and energizing ways for children
            (infants in arms permitted). Colorful equipment to climb                    to develop motor skills and expand their imagination. The
            on, riding toys, etc. for active fun. Equipment is sanitized                introduction of basic ballet movements and vocabulary
            regularly! Dry sneakers and comfortable clothes are                         provides structure, improves coordination and challenges
            required. Face masks required for adults and encouraged                     the memory. Registrant must provide pink leotard, pink
            for children. Check in at the downstairs desk.                              tights, pink leather ballet shoes and hair pulled back off face
Location:   PCC                                                                         into a bun.
Dates:      Tu. & Th., 10:30-11:15 AM or 11:45-12:30 PM                     Instructor: M.C. Classical Productions
            Appointments must be made on Town website through               Location: PCC
            Acuity.                                                         Dates:      Code: 215854-A Sat., 4/17-6/26 (ex. 5/29) 9:00-9:30 AM
Fees:       $4.25/child (resident), $5.25/child (non-resident). No charge
                                                                                        (10 classes) Res $70, Non-Res $77
            for parent or guardian.
            10x stamp passes available for residents ($37.00) and non-
            residents ($50.00).
                                                                                                            Dance with Me
            Not available on WebTrac.                                       Ages:       18 months-3 years
                                                                                        Dance with Me is a half hour creative movement class
                 Art and Sensory Play                                                   suitable for young dancers.            Parents/guardians will
Ages:       15 months – 7 years (adult participation required)                          participate actively in the class as children learn basic steps,
            This process-oriented art class is so much fun for young                    movements and terminology through songs, stories and play.
            children. Not only do they make beautiful works of art, but     Instructor: Ramona Reuter
            they will explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,      Location: PCC
            Art, Math) concepts through the process. They will make art     Dates:      Code: 215898-A Th., 4/15-5/20 9:30-10:00 AM (6 classes)
            by using catapults, bouncing & throwing, rolling & shaking,                 Res $48, Non-Res $52
            gluing & pasting, blowing & pulling, whacking & smacking,
            sticking & stacking, and more! They will get to explore a
            variety of materials with their senses. They will explore
                                                                                                     Fun With Ones
                                                                            Ages:       12-24 months (Parent participation required.)
            slimy things, ooey gooey things, wet and dry things, rough                  Come and enjoy special play time with your little one! There
            and smooth things and more! It will be so much fun, so                      will be equipment to play on, new friends to meet, songs and
            please dress for a mess.                                                    circle time.
Instructor: Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning                         Instructor: Sharilyn Ross
Location: PCC                                                               Location: PCC
Dates:      Code: 228838-A Tu., 4/13-5/4 10:30-11:15 AM (4 classes)
                                                                            Dates:      Code: 215803-A Th., 5/27-6/10 9:30-10:15 AM (3 classes)
            Res $55, Non-Res $61
                                                                                        Res $27, Non-Res $30
            Code: 228838-B M., 6/7-6/21 10:30-11:15 AM (3 classes)
            Res $40, Non-Res $44                                                                 Hedgie’s Surprise
                                                                            Ages:       Open to families (adult participation required)
                                                                                        Join us for a reading of Jan Brett’s book Hedgie’s Surprise
                                                                                        followed by the opportunity to meet a variety of animals and
                                                                                        reptiles, including the star of Jan Brett’s book. We will get
          Register Online Using                                                         to watch our animal friends interact with each other running
    Our WebTrac System - See Page 10                                                    around in a swimming pool.
                                                                            Instructor: Anne Meade                                         Location: PCC
                                                                            Date:       Code: 225844-A F., 4/16 6:00-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $5,
                                                                                        Non-Res $6
      Register early to avoid program
    cancellation due to low enrollment.

16 Follow us on                                                                 Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
        Irish Dance – Little Leprechauns                                                     Pre-Ballet and Tap Class
Ages:       4-6 years                                                          Ages:       2 ½-3 ½ years
            Safe and socially distanced, Irish dance is the perfect way                    Children will have fun learning creative dance and basic
            to stay healthy and active. In this fun class, we will learn to                ballet, developing coordination, musicality, imagination
            dance the Jig and hear some of Ireland’s favorite legends.                     and creativity! A variety of props and styles of music are
            Parents are invited to our performance the last day of class.                  introduced to enhance the experience, and each child will
Instructor: Amy Coppola, TCRG of Dunleavy Irish Dance                                      receive their own personal bag of props. For girls, wear
Location: PCC                                                                              leotards and tights and pull hair back out of the face. For
Dates:      Code: 225883-A W., 5/5-5/26 4:30-5:15 PM (4 classes)                           boys, contact instructor. Ballet and tap shoes required.
            Res $48, Non-Res $53                                               Instructor: Vanessa Watters
                                                                               Location: PCC
                            Lil Athletes                                       Dates:      Code: 216815-A F., 4/16-6/25 (ex. 5/28) 10:30-11:15 AM
Ages:       3-5 years                                                                      (10 classes) Res $90, Non-Res $99
            Lil Athletes is a fun and positive introduction to sports of all
            sorts (tennis, soccer, basketball and more). All games and
            activities promote the development of gross motor skills and
                                                                                                Preschool Adventures
                                                                               Ages:       2-6 years (adult participation required)
            encourage peer interaction in a safe and non-competitive
                                                                               Instructor: Sherry Murray
            environment. Come join the fun!
                                                                               Location: PCC
Instructor: Lisa Magliato
Location: PCC
Dates:      Code: 211819-A M., 4/12-5/10 1:30-2:15 PM (5 classes)
                                                                                           Messsy and clean, hot and cold, big and little….we’ll explore
            Res $59, Non-Res $65                                                           them all! Everyone will rotate through crafts and activities
            Code: 211819-B M., 5/17-6/21 (ex. 5/31) 1:30-2:15 PM                           together that spray, bubble and fizz!
            (5 classes) Res $59, Non-Res $65                                   Date:       Code: 228828-A Th., 4/15 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,
                               Mossy                                                       Non-Res $17
Ages:       Open to families (adult participation required)
            Join us for a reading of Jan Brett’s book Mossy followed
                                                                                                        Strega Nona
                                                                                           Bubble bubble pasta pot. Boil me some pasta nice and
            by the opportunity to meet a variety of animals and reptiles                   hot! We will read this fun story that revolves around this
            including some turtle friends, the star of Jan Brett’s book.                   eccentric character and her town that fills with spaghetti.
            We will get to watch our animal friends interact with each                     We will rotate through 6 tables of pasta filled fun together.
            other running around in a swimming pool.                           Date:       Code: 228828-B Th., 4/22 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,
Instructor: Anne Meade                                                                     Non-Res $17
Location: PCC
Date:       Code: 225844-C F., 6/4 6:00-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $5,                                   Celebrate Spring
            Non-Res $6                                                                     Let’s celebrate the change of seasons by learning about the
                                                                                           colors in the rainbow. We will make our own sculptures,
                    Pint Sized Picassos                                                    windsocks and butterflies. Children and their adult will
Ages:       2-6 years (adult participation required)                                       participate in listening to a story, using our imaginations and
            Come and explore all sorts of artistic materials. We’ll be                     having fun.
            creating art with traditional materials like paint and brushes     Date:       Code: 228828-C Th., 4/29 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,
            but also with unusual materials like marbles and sponges!                      Non-Res $17
            Your young person will be so proud to create and bring home
            their own unique works of art. Different projects each session.                       Are You My Mother?
Instructor: Sharilyn Ross                                                                  Children love the P.D. Eastman classic story about the little
Location: PCC                                                                              lost bird. In this class, we will make our own cute bird nests
Dates:      Code: 212822-A Tu., 4/13-4/27 10:00-10:45 AM (3 classes)                       to display. We’ll decorate paper eggs, build a bird feeder,
            Res $30, Non-Res $33                                                           explore and sing songs. Come use your imagination and
            Code: 212822-B W., 4/14-4/28 10:00-10:45 AM (3 classes)                        have a great time working together!
            Res $30, Non-Res $33                                               Date:       Code: 228828-D Th., 5/6 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,
            Code: 212822-C Tu., 5/25-6/8 10:00-10:45 AM (3 classes)                        Non-Res $17
            Res $30, Non-Res $33
            Code: 212822-D W., 5/26-6/9 10:00-10:45 AM (3 classes)                                     Water Science
            Res $30, Non-Res $33                                                           We will read What Floats in a Moat, and experiment with the
            Code: 212822-E W., 4/14-4/28 5:45-6:30 PM (3 classes)                          way different objects react to water. Everyone will make a
            Res $30, Non-Res $33                                                           boat, lava lamp and chalk prints.
            Code: 212822-F W., 5/26-6/9 5:45-6:30 PM (3 classes)               Date:       Code: 228828-E Th., 5/13 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,
            Res $30, Non-Res $33                                                           Non-Res $17

                                                                                         Register Online Using
                                                                                   Our WebTrac System - See Page 10
Registration Begins: Monday, March 22, 202117
                                            Follow us on
                                  Bugs                                                 Register early to avoid program
             Come explore the wonderful world of insects! We will learn              cancellation due to low enrollment.
             about the different parts of these tiny creatures and go on
             an indoor bug hunt. We will create some eight-legged art
             projects, listen to a story and explore large and small motor                         Sensory and Science
             activities together.                                               Ages:       15 months-7 years (adult participation required)
Date:        Code: 228828-F Th., 5/20 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class) Res $15,                     Your young children will get to explore a variety of materials with
             Non-Res $17                                                                    their senses. They will explore slimy things, ooey gooey things,
                                                                                            wet & dry things, rough & smooth things and more! They will
                 Preschool Adventures                                                       experience chemistry & physics as they play and explore the
             Preschool Adventures is a unique class designed as a stress                    natural materials provided. Things will go fizzle & pop, things
             free way for children to be introduced to the preschool                        will go fast & slow, things will roll and fly! Children will learn
             experience with a caregiver present. Children and their                        concepts such as absorption, displacement, measurement,
             guardian will rotate through 4-5 tables which will each                        cause and effect, sensory and tactile awareness, solid, and
             have age appropriate crafts and activities. We will practice                   liquid. The learning goes on and on.
             skills such as following directions, listening to a teacher,       Instructor: Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning
             taking turns/sharing and proper use of classroom materials.        Location: PCC
             Identifying colors, numbers and shapes will be emphasized.         Dates:      Code: 228832-A M., 5/3-5/24 10:30-11:30 AM (4 classes)
             Every class will have a theme with open-ended and creative                     Res $55, Non-Res $61
             activities. We will close with a large motor activity and the                  Code: 228832-B Tu., 6/1-6/22 10:30-11:30 AM (4 classes)
             goodbye song.                                                                  Res $55, Non-Res $61
Dates:       Code: 228828-G Th., 5/27-6/17 10:00-11:00 AM (4 classes)
             Res $55, Non-Res $61                                                                 Spring Has Sprung Art
                                                                                Ages:       2-7 years
                         Summer Smash                                                       ONLINE COURSE. All the colors come alive and so do our
             Let’s beat the heat by making our own ice cream! We’ll                         imaginations! In this video series that you can access as
             also listen to a story, paint, create our own sandcastles and                  much as you like, dip into fun art materials to create amazing
             rotate through other “beachy” crafts and activities.                           colors and textures! Even use some things you can find
Date:        Code: 228828-H Th., 6/24 10:00-11:00 AM (1 class)                              outside! Art is a great start for little engineers, scientists,
             Res $15, Non-Res $17                                                           designers and all creative thinkers! A list of any necessary
                                                                                            materials will be given upon registration. Projects are not
         Semi-Private Lesson Gymnastics                                                     difficult in nature for ages 4-7 years and 2-3 years with some
Ages:       4-9 years                                                                       help! Six different projects to follow along with. Session
            This class offers gymnastics lessons for your private pod of                    also includes teacher’s personalized video for your special
            friends. Whether signing up with friends or individually, you can               artist and a slideshow gallery that displays the growing body
            take heart that this private class is limited to half capacity or               of accomplishments of all the friends in the class.
            less children at a time. Students will be taught by Coach Mary,     Instructor: Mary Slaughter
            safety-certified by USA Gymnastics. Skills will be introduced at    Location: VIRTUAL CLASS               Code:     215895-A      W., 4/28-6/9
            each child’s developmental level. Gymnastics is great for whole                 (7 classes) Res $39, Non-Res $43
            body strength, balance and coordination, offering crossover
            fundamentals for many sports! These rare times have created                            STEAM Powered Play
            a wonderfully rare class opportunity! All equipment is cleaned      Ages:       15 months-7 years (adult participation required)
            before and after use. Masks are required.                                       This class provides a fun, meaningful & relevant playful
Instructor: Mary Slaughter                                                                  learning experience for young children. We provide
Location: PCC                                                                               materials and activities that lay the foundation for S.T.E.A.M.
Dates:      4-7 years                                                                       learning. (S)cience, (T)echnology, (E)ngineering, (A)rts, (M)
            Code: 215840-A W., 4/26-6/9 (ex. 5/26) 3:30-4:05 PM                             ath. Children will learn concepts and practice skills through
            (6 classes) Res $89, Non-Res $97                                                hands-on exploration and play such as creative problem
            Code: 215840-B W., 4/26-6/9 (ex. 5/26) 4:15-4:50 PM                             solving, critical thinking, self-regulation, pre-math and
            (6 classes) Res $89, Non-Res $97                                                science, sensory experience, construction and more.
            6-9 years                                                           Instructor: Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning
            Code: 215840-C W., 4/26-6/9 (ex. 5/26) 5:00-5:40 PM                 Location: PCC
            (6 classes) Res $89, Non-Res $97                                    Dates:      Code: 228829-A M., 4/12-4/26 10:30-11:30 AM (3 classes)
                                                                                `           Res $40, Non-Res $44
                                                                                            Code: 228829-B Tu., 5/11-5/25 10:30-11:30 AM (3 classes)
                                                                                            Res $40, Non-Res $44

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