PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics 2021 - FORUM Institut

Page created by Norman Farmer

Webcast Biologics 2021
Development, Quality and Regulatory Affairs


• Covid-19: Integration and acceleration in medical science
• Recent regulatory developments concerning manufacturing
  and control of ATMPs
• Requirements for biologicals in the IMPD
• Use of big data and real world evidence for regulatory purposes
• CMC requirements for new excipients focus Biologics
• ICH Q12 – Current status


• One live webcast with international experts every month
• Consolidated information in a short period of time at your
  work place
• Possibility to directly interact with the speaker

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PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics 2021

Concept                                         Additional useful information
Do you work with biologics? Then, we would      Are you unable to attend one of the web-
like to invite you to join our live webcasts    casts? No problem! Following each live mee-
every month.                                    ting, you will be able to retrieve the recorded
Our experts will provide you with the latest    webcast from our e-learning centre using
information on the current challenges in        your personal password. This allows you to
analytics, development, quality and regu-       review each webcast at any time and as of-
latory affairs (pre- and post-authorisation     ten as you like. An optional multiple choice
phases) of biologics. Most webcasts are         test finalizes each webcast, giving you the
specifically focused on CMC while addres-       possibility to receive a personal certificate.
sing topics at the interface quality and        Get a first impression at
regulatory affairs.                   
You will meet our experts in a virtual confe-   biologics
rence room and share your experiences live.
Each meeting will be held as a 1.5 to 2-hour
webcast, presenting the latest news with
                                                Technical requirements
supporting presentation slides. To be best
prepared, you will be able to download the      In order to join in our live webcast, you will
complete presentation documents prior to        need a standard PC with a current browser,
each webcast.                                   a soundcard, speakers or a headset, and a
                                                reliable Internet connection. You may choose
                                                between calling via telephone and calling via
                                                computer (VoIP) for audio connectivity.
Your benefits
• Twelve live webcasts with international
  experts per year
• Recorded webcasts at our learning
  centre to review as often as you like
• Documentation for your download
• Multiple choice test after each webcast
  to obtain a personal certificate
Programme, dates and exper ts
                                                                                  Star ts
                                                                                 14:00 C

Your Programme                                      Date              Your E xper t

IDMP and SPOR – Future EMA use cases                21 January 2021   Christine Hirt
• Status EU Implementation Guide
• How can companies prepare?
• How can RIMS help?

Covid-19: Integration and acceleration              9 February 2021   Dr Matthias Germer
in medical science
• Adaption of regulatory requirements under
    Covid-19 pandemic
• The fast track of diagnostic and therapeutic
• Importance of agile techniques for drug
• New business models and alliances between
    the industry, authorities, foundations, etc.
• The change in relation of stakeholders

Topic to be announced                               25 March 2021     TBA

Specific regulatory aspects and interaction         27 April 2021     Wiebke Hoppensack,
with regulators in the development and                                Dr Bettina Kartmann
authorisation process
• Use of scientific advice choises (EU/national),
    e.g. EU SA process, PEI-specific consulting
• PRIME: Concept, eligibility request procedures,
    interactions with PRIME Rapp
• Module 3 - Specific requirements for biologics
    (What‘s dossier-/GMP-relevant?)
• Specific regulatory aspects: Choice of
    legal basis, duplicates, current Hot Topics

Recent regulatory developments concerning         18 May 2021         Dr Matthias Renner
manufacturing and control of ATMPs
• Discussion of novel and revised guidelines
• Update on activities fostering ATMP development
• The stakeholder-agency interaction
Programme, dates and exper ts

Your Programme                                        Date                 Your E xper t

Requirements for biologicals in the IMPD              8 June 2021        Dr Katrin Buss
• IMPD structure                                                         - requested -
• General considerations regarding differences
   between IMPD and CTD
• Phase based approach
• Strategies to reduce (substantial) amendments

Establishing a starting dose for a first-in-human     6 July 2021        Dr Anika Schröter/
clinical trial: A challenge for gene/cell therapies                      Dr Monika Chabicovsky
• Overview of regulatory expectations
• Conventional vs. innovative approaches
• Product-specific examples

AT(I)MPs in development: Challenges for QA/QC         31 August 2021       Dr Ralph Nussbaum

Use of big data and real world evidence for           7 September 2021     Dr Ulrich Granzer
regulatory purposes
• EU: EMA and HMA task force
• FDA Sentinel Approach
• First experiences, examples

CMC requirements for new excipients                   19 October 2021      Dr Heike Volkmer
• Different requirements: US vs. EU submission
• How do regulatory requirements impact the
  development of new excipients?
• Which data package will be needed?
• How to avoid delays in formulation
  development using new excipients?
• Do’s and dont´s for new excipients in the
  development of new biologics

ICH Q12 – Current status                              16 November 2021     Dr Steffen Groß

Go West – The IND for Biologics                       14 December 2021     Dr Tobias Zahn
• Requirements for a clinical trial in the US
• How does an IND differ from an IMPD/CTA
   in Europe?
• Corporate strategy considerations
Your exper ts

          Christine Hirt                   Dr Monika Chabicovsky
          MAIN5 GmbH & Co. KGaA,           MC Toxicology Consulting GmbH,
          Frankfurt, Germany               Wien, Austria

          Management Consultant            Managing Director

          Dr Matthias Germer               Dr Ralph Nussbaum
          Biotest AG,                      Auregen BioTherapeutics GmbH,
          Dreieich, Germany                Reutlingen, Germany

          Vice President Preclinical       Vice President Quality
          Research                         Management

          Wiebke Hoppensack                Dr Ulrich Granzer
          Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI),     Granzer Regulatory
          Langen, Germany                  Consulting & Services
                                           München, Germany
          Scientific Officer
          Dr Bettina Kartmann
          Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI),     Dr Heike Volkmer
          Langen, Germany                  VBC Team GmbH,
                                           Hannover, Germany
          Scientific Officer
                                           Managing Director und
          Dr Matthias Renner               Principle Consultant
          Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI),
          Langen, Germany                  Dr Steffen Groß
          Assessor of Gene Transfer        Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI),
          Medicinal Products               Langen, Germany

                                           Laboratory Head and
          Dr Katrin Buss                   Scientific Assessor
          - requested -
          Bonn, Germany                    Dr Tobias Zahn
          Assessor für                     3R Pharma Consulting GmbH,
          Pharmazeutische Qualität         Dobel, Germany

                                           Consultant for
          Dr Anika Schröter                Drug Development
          MC Toxicology Consulting GmbH,
          Wien, Austria

          Consultant Non-Clinical
PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics 2021

HOW TO REGISTER     Tel +49 6221 500-500          Fax +49 6221 500-555

Yes, I want to join the                                              Fee
   PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics 2021                                Membership of the PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics
   (you will receive a confirmation email with your                  2021 is available for one year.
   login details)                                                    The annual membership fee of €1.800
                                                                     (plus German VAT) for twelve webcasts is due upon
   Yes, I agree that FORUM Institut may inform me about events by:   registration.
      email; and/or    telephone.
   I may withdraw my consent at any time.                            Membership is automatically extended by one year,
                                                                     unless written notice has been submitted no later
                                                                     than six weeks before the end of the membership.
                                                                     A 12-month membership may be started at any time.

Name                                                                 If you are interested in a group account, please
                                                                     contact us.
Position, department
Company                                                              • Twelve live webcasts per year
                                                                     • Recorded presentations since 2018 available
                                                                        at our e-learning centre
                                                                     • Documentations for your personal download
                                                                     • Multiple choice test and personal certificate
Post code, city, country                                                after each webcast

Tel. no./Fax no.                                                     Please try us out! Get your free demo account and
                                                                     try our webcast biologics without any obligation.

Contact person at officet

Date, signature

CANCELL ATION POLICY                                                 YOUR CONTACT
Our general terms and conditions (as of1 January
2016) apply and are available upon request.We can                                     Dr Birgit Wessels
send them to you at any time. Alternatively, you can                                  Conference Manager
access them online at                                      Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
                                                                                      Tel. +49 6221 500-652

FORUM · Institut für Management GmbH | POB 105060 | 69040 Heidelberg | Germany
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