Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021

Page created by Lori Avila
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
Last Revised 01.05.2021
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
The Phillips Community
               is a place where people feel         competencies to accomplish
               they belong; each of us is           what we imagine.
               appreciated - we are loved! The      We believe in limitless
               Partners of our community            possibilities.
               treat each other with reverence;     We recognize that our way is
               a sense of spirituality is           not the way for everyone, and
               pervasive. Our love is expressed,    to accomplish our mission we
               in a leaderly way, by not allowing   must be highly selective of whom
               any of us to default our better      we invite to become Partners
               selves. As German philosopher        in our community — they must
               Wolfgang Goethe said, 'If you        be irrevocably on the path to
THE PHILLIPS   treat an individual as if he were    virtuosity. Our Partners have
               what he ought to be and could be,    true ambition derived from their
CULTURE        he will become what he ought to      definite purpose in life -- and
               be and could be."                    have found that their purpose
AS OUR         Our love is further expressed by     is best served by contributing
               our duty to the community. Each      mightily to the Phillips vision &
COMPETITIVE    of us is dedicated to our great      mission, thereby creating
               and worthy       common cause,       the most powerful force
ADVANTAGE      which is to create a                 imaginable, the ultimately
               community where all of us            inspired. It is the duty of
               learn to live great lives.           each of us to find and bring
               Our definition of a great life is    aboard such high performers. Our
               --imagining what is                  people are our “shibboleth” -- it
               possible (and getting                is instantly recognizable to
               continuously better at that) and     those people we need to attract.
               developing the                       Our people are dedicated to
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
being masters of lifetime learning. We are building an                 The Phillips Culture as our
enduring competitive advantage by learning how to learn                 Competitive Advantage
faster than our competitors. We will not confuse learning
with information or knowledge. We understand that learning            Primary Performance Expectations
takes information and knowledge and transforms it into
personal, team, and organization growth (greater skills) --           1. Living and working with Joy in
                                                                         our hearts.
which is measured by greater levels of accomplishment. The
result of growing our competencies is higher levels of mental,        2. Create Sacred Space so that
physical, and spiritual health, and greater lives.                       Magic Happens, unlocking
                                                                         potential to full realization.
Society, and therefore the market, places immense intrinsic
value on our idea of community. We are measured through               3. Being Incredibly Healthy,
the eyes of the market – our customers and suppliers.                    physically, mentally, spiritually.
Outstanding financial returns accrue to us as a result of
                                                                      4. Always increasing Awareness and
establishing this culture where the necessity for high                   reducing compulsive reactions.
performance is entwined with the necessity for self-
development. The basis for this is the belief that continuous         5. Hiring and retaining the Best.
improvement is a central component for health and prosperity.
                                                                      6. Being Highly Purposeful in
We believe that the continuous improvement of our processes              owning our vision/mission.
and methods is critical, but there is a higher level value and
that is we are most focused on the continuous improvement             7. Performing 100% Ownership in
or growth of our Partners. Our innovative performance                    all that we impact and in all that
                                                                         impacts us.
management system, our competency development tool,                      i.e. being joyful irrespective of
myCDT, is geared to supercharge continuous improvement!                  circumstances.
It does that by providing each of us great challenges                 8. Having Deep Respect ( spiritual
through our role descriptions and SMARTER performance                    reverence) for all Phillips Partners.
objectives, for we have learned the thing that best                   9. Creating Legendary Value in the
facilitates competency development is being dedicated to a               minds of our customers (external
great challenge.                                                         and internal customers).

It is the expectation, of our culture, that each of us are learning   10. Mastering Possibility Thinking
to become experts at making breakthrough accomplishments,                 and challenging conventional
that is we are setting and accomplishing audacious
objectives as our everyday way of doing business. The                 11. Ingraining rapid paced
                                                                          Continuous Improvement in all
result of this learning is that we are developing a wide set              that we do, both incremental and

                                                                      12. Using and building on the Best
                                                                          Ideas, regardless of the source —
                                                                          our dialogue is omnipresent.

                                                                      13. Living Magnificent Challenges
                                                                          ( i.e. our Breakthroughs) as the
                                                                          best path to our personal growth,
                                                                          learn to be Limitless.

                                                                      14. Exemplifying a learning
                                                                          organization - having a
                                                                          Competency Development ficus
                                                                          in relation to all Partners &

                                                                      15. Helping each other Accomplish
                                                                          High Performance results — the
                                                                          best by any measure.
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
of life skills, such as communication
skills, relationship building skills, goal
setting skills, skills for planning,
executing, improvising, selling ideas, and
much more -- making us more valuable
in the market, raising our standard of
living, and providing the opportunity for
us to contribute more to our community.
Our Partners wake up every day
driven to dream and implement new
improvements to the way we work
and live. And after we are finished with
one improvement, we hungrily seek
out another. Our improvement process
touches every aspect of our work, from
small incremental improvements of our
everyday work, to fundamental shifts in
the way we do business. If an obstacle
impedes our path to improvement, we
energetically find ways to run around
it, jump over it, burrow under it, or build
a door through it. We have so much fun
with our improvement process that
it is contagious to everyone we come
in contact with. We have created a
company which improves in every way
                                                                  BEN VANDEH O EF
by every measure at ever increasing
                                                                  O P TO ENG INEER
velocity -- towards the accomplishment
of our vision and mission.
The Phillips community is made up of the
most interesting people because we have       "We have what I feel are the best of the best people.
incredible experiences and incredible
                                               Every day I have the opportunity work with the top
expectations to bear upon our way.
Our ability to contribute mightily to          professionals in the industry. I know that if I don’t have
outstanding team accomplishments
                                               the answer to something, there are many others that
speaks wonders about who we are.
Our people are bold conjuring great            do. All of us together bring something to the table
challenges for ourselves as growth
opportunities, and eager to perform            that adds legendary value to the company. We all
without safety nets. But the safety nets       have different backgrounds on how we were taught to
are there invisibly. This makes it an
exciting, thrilling place to be – so much      machine. And because of that wide range of ability to
so that it takes our breath away. It is
                                               help our customers to grow, prosper and be successful."
showtime every day – and it’s always the
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
                  SERV ICE ENG INEER

"We treat our employees as our own, Phillips
has a work culture where each employee feels
like an asset to the company. I am able to
retain 99% of partners working with me for 10
years by maintaining a positive & open work
environment. At Phillips, we give our partners

opportunities to grow & learn side by side
recognizing & rewarding their good work. We
are working here as family, I always try my best
to assist in each partners in their personal as
well as family life to support them."
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
T IM MCCL ANAHAN                      CARRIE LENZEN                      R AMK R IPAL YADAV
         MANAGER                                                           MAHAR A SH T R A ,GOA , MP,
                                     "In order to grow as a company,              AND SOU T H
" Phillips Corporation is a place                                           "Phillips Corporation is an
                                     we must all be open to learning
   of awesome opportunities                                                organization which believes
                                     new things and remain in the
  for each of us to create and                                             in strong relationship with all
                                    “learning mode”. I recently made
 transform our own possibilities                                           stake holders which include
    into new realities. We are         the suggestion at a Phillips          partners, customers, and
 bold, audacious and defy the        Commercial meeting to add a          suppliers who are committed
  norms of mediocrity within          monthly “lunch and learn” to        to mutual growth. While doing
 our industry. Our partners are         our calendar. All partners        this we create an atmosphere
   engaged, and we tirelessly         should be ready and eager to       of High performance standards
  collaborate our focus on our        learn, and not just wait until        and Smarter performance
customers to ensure we exceed         someone asks them to do so.          objectives. We build the best
their expectations while setting      This learning should happen         ideas through this atmosphere
  new standards for others to          in and out of the office. Stay     by finding innovations and by
             follow."                 active and engaged, and your       learning from past experiences."
                                       life will be more satisfying."

best show in town!                  because we anticipate and solve     to overcome roadblocks. We
In our community laughter is        infrastructure problems before      recognize that great relationships
understood to be healthy and is     they happen. We have created        are the key to high performance
prevalent – we have great fun.      a hassle free community as          and therefore the kind of
We celebrate our lives and our      we have a system to recognize       environment we create nurtures
successes often with festivals,     hassles and effectively eliminate   great    relationship    building.
delicious food, and soulful music.  them–forever. It is a place where   Our Partners, suppliers, and
We have cultural exchanges with     the environment is clean and        customers continually redefine
other communities – to provide      healthy, and where art inspires     the definition of the very
each other the exposure to better   the possibilities.                  best in service, and provide
ways.                              Our Partners are the measure         it without fail. That is, we
                                                                        have high expectations for
This is a place where the of integrity – we meet our                    our Customers, Suppliers, and
infrastructure allows us to get commitments        because  we
                                                                        Partners that keep getting higher
around easily. It has no potholes; must and because we have a           – we hold them accountable,
things always work right, special internal store of creativity
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
                                                                       DIR EC TO R O F CUS TOMER SERV ICE

                                                      " 100% ownership as a partner for me means you are fully
                                                       vested in the success of the company. You have a passion
                                                       for what we do, you take pride in what we do well and
                                                      always thinking about improvement. You are proactive and
                                                       your work ethic speaks for itself. There is no "I" in team. If
                                                       your fellow partners are failing in something then we all fail
and we are committed to mutual growth. Our
Partners know how to be great friends; we listen      so it is in our best interest to uplift each other. We should
well and are empathetic. We have a collaborative      always be striving to work together. We should have the
culture, sharing and building on the know-how          mindset we own every part of Phillips success not just the
and experiences of each other.                        department we work in."
We are experts at understanding our markets
and capitalizing on the opportunities. Our
primary market opportunity is due to the
growing gap created by the ever increasing
value of technology and our customer’s limited
ability to take advantage of these technologies.
This market opportunity is the focus of our
brand goal which is for Phillips Corporation
to be the best resource in manufacturing
technology – partnering with our customers
and suppliers to improve competencies for
applying manufacturing technology resulting in
leaps in productivity and thereby providing
legendary customer value.         In this regard,
we recognize and appreciate our unique and
special relationship with Haas Automation. We
expect all of our sales and service people, in fact
all of our Partners, to be focused on partnering
with our customers and suppliers to improve
competencies resulting in leaps in productivity.
In our great community, we develop business
intimate relationships with our customers and
suppliers and through these partnerships and
our innovations and technologies create amazing
productivity and therefore fantastic prosperity.
We leverage this prosperity to help those, in other
communities, who are less fortunate than us.
We have a unique and special relationship with
For Pete’s Sake cancer respite foundation, which
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021

                                                                                             CE! T E AM

                                                                            "As a member of the CE! Team
                                                                             I really value my exposure
                                                                             to all Phillips partners. I get
                                                                             energized by the passion,
                                                                             expertise and level of
                                                                             engagement displayed at all
                                                                             levels. Our community is filled
                                                                             with such brilliant minds!
                                                                             A culture of openness and
                                                                             limitless possibilities drives me
                                                                             to continuously explore the
                                                                            path to self-awareness and to
                                                                            think outside of the box. With
                                                                            such supportive and highly
                                                                            competent team members, it’s
                                                                            quite easy to find joy in what I

                                                                                              S TAN ALLEN
                                                                                              SALES ENG INEER

enables cancer patients and their    who come to recognize that our
loved ones the opportunity to        way is no longer their way, are
strengthen their relationships by    supported as they embark on            "The culture at Phillips Corporation
creating an unforgettable respite    their new path.
                                                                            allows one to flourish and grow
vacation.                            We are all great learners, and we
Every Partner, each of us, is a      learn to be great teachers, both       mentally, physically, and
leader (and a great follower),       of which turn on the ability to ask    spiritually due to the deep
and we, all of us, are wise and      the right question. It is a place of
benevolent – which means we will                                            respect Phillips Partners have for
                                     expert communicators – listening
not accept a default in ourselves,   to get our bearings and having         each other. This all starts with our
our teams, or in our company’s       dialogue to raise understanding;
                                                                            leadership emphasizing this type
mission and vision (this is our      being the voice, which asks,
moment of truth). We understand      “Who are we? What should               of culture through their example
that in this community, our          we be becoming? Can we be              of deep respect for each Phillips
fates are dependent on the           the future of communities – the
performance of each other.           role model that transforms our         Partner to thrive in areas such as;
Partners in the community,           society?”                              creativity, knowledge, and
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
" Living Magnificent Challenges truly inspires our community to strive
                          for greatness. It is amazing how accurate this performance standard
                          is. You may wonder, “how do they have fun while trying to overcome
                         a roadblock?” It’s easy, our brilliant partners recognize that laughter is
     JEN MO N T ROY      a cure for every situation, whether it is a pre-meeting game, or taking
 SENI O R BENEFI T S AND some time to tell a joke while brainstorming, these simple yet effective
  PAY RO LL SPECIALIS T methods continually increase our superior thinking and provide epic

                     " As partners, we all have a collective duty in ensuring that we are holding
                      ourselves accountable for each integral role that we play. Being highly
                      purposeful in owning our vision and mission, to me, means understanding
                       the bigger picture, by not only taking responsibility for your role, but also
                       being responsible for understanding the roles of others. Through this you
    O LU EDWAR DS      will have a clearer picture of the impact that your actions have on others.
  CUS TOMER LIAISO N  Greatness cannot be achieved alone, it’s a process of constantly learning
                       from one another."

Individual value is measured by the contribution        challenge, to nurture, improve, and to make this
made to the health of the community.                    American Dream a reality? It can’t happen without
And our path – our performance the best by every        you. It will happen because I see you are with me!
We live seamless lives dedicated to our personal        Your partner, Alan.
purposes with passion, as much on Monday as
Saturday. We are aligned with the company vision
and mission because it provides us the best
opportunity for us to realize our purpose in life.
Our Great Community is a place where each
Partner is proud, energized, committed, heart
and soul, to doing what it takes to make this
vision come alive.
Over the last four centuries, so many people
came to America with little or nothing to their
name to create a better life for themselves and
their families, you know, the American Dream is
to accomplish great things, even starting with
little or nothing. Now, I ask you – will you dedicate
yourself, as my Partner, to take on this worthy
Phillips Community Performance Standard 2021
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