Page created by Hugh Lee
Impact Assessment // JULY 2013

PHP Takes on
Business-Critical Apps
Why Are NYSE Euronext, WebEx and BNB Paribas Betting on an Open
Source Language Such as PHP?

                                                                       within the next three years, mobile app development projects will
              An Exclusive Research Report                             outnumber native PC projects by a ratio of 4-to-1, and that 90 per-
                                                                       cent of PHP developers are already working on mobile apps today.2
  By Eric J. Bruno                                                          Although the future appears bright for PHP in all areas of
  PHP is among the most popular languages for corporate
  Web development today. Sometimes referred to as “Internet
                                                                       application development, some companies still have concerns
                                                                       about whether PHP is a safe bet for their applications. This paper
  English” for its ease of use, PHP is the most frequent choice        examines the benefits of broader PHP adoption in an organization,
  for the back end of Web and mobile applications. In recent           along with areas for further consideration.

  research,1 four out of five decision makers confirmed that their
  teams can develop faster in PHP, and that PHP provides the                       Benefits of PHP in the Enterprise
  easiest choice for the development of cloud applications. But                    As more new applications are based on Web and mobile
  is it a safe bet for business-critical application development?                  technology, bridging the worlds of older core enterprise
                                                                                   software and platforms with newer architectures and
                                                                                   capabilities is imperative. Organizations are turning to
            How Does PHP Measure Up?                                   PHP to provide these integration capabilities with an eye to modern
            According to Forrester, companies have increased their     user interfaces, critical application performance, reliability and the
            use of open source programming languages for their         commercial support expected in the enterprise.
            application development over the years. PHP has long             According to a 2012 UBM Tech/Zend study, more than 60
been a leader in open source, and it’s proven to be a leading devel-   percent of PHP applications being built today are business critical in
opment language among enterprise developers as well. Multiple          nature. Additionally, the study shows that the adoption of PHP in the
online employment sites report PHP as their leading developer tech-    enterprise is growing in general.3 The reasons for this are threefold:
nology in terms of job skills’ demand. For instance, trends reported   First, PHP developers are abundant; second, PHP helps new develop-
by employment meta-search site show that demand             ers come up to speed more quickly; and third, PHP enables shorter
for PHP developers has grown and outpaced other languages since        development cycles. Given these benefits, its vibrant ecosystem and
2006. In fact, demand for PHP developers has grown more than 350       expanse of partners, PHP adoption continues to grow.
percent in that same timeframe.
     Given how well it integrates and even complements applica-        Developer Talent and Availability
tions written in languages such as Java, PHP fits well into existing   As previously mentioned, the availability of programming talent
enterprise infrastructures and cloud frameworks. The world of          is a big reason enterprises continue to choose PHP. With more
mobile development has also embraced PHP. Studies suggest that         than 5 million PHP programmers active globally, the demand for

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IMPact assessment: PHP Takes on Business-Critical Apps                                                                  UBM tech // JULY 2013

“                                                                                                                                 ”
                  PHP development teams benefit from the use of quality
                  PHP frameworks that offer best practices and off-the-shelf
                  functionality to speed up software development.

  PHP remains strong and is on track for fur-     Framework, Symfony and Cake PHP.               Speed of Development
  ther growth. This is second only to Java, the       As development has embraced the agile      PHP has a reputation of being easy to learn
  most popular platform for the enterprise,       software process, PHP tools and frameworks     and to use, which leads to decreased ramp-up
  which currently has about 9 million develop-    have grown to fill related requirements. The   times and increased productivity. More than
  ers worldwide. 4 Additionally, and perhaps      PHP platforms and frameworks available         88 percent of business executives polled by
  more importantly, as the demand for mobile      today support the agile DevOps movement,       UBM Tech/Zend said that PHP enables faster
  applications grows across a wide range of       where advanced deployment needs are met        speed of development overall. Additionally, 97
  platforms, the need for a common technol-       to support maximum uptime and agility.         percent of those executives plan to develop
                                                                                                 future applications in PHP as a result.
                                                                                                      When asked for the main reason why
                                                                                                 PHP was chosen for application development,
                                                                                                 most organizations cited speed of develop-
                                                                                                 ment. This number is larger for organizations
                                                                                                 that have already deployed applications
                                                                                                 written in PHP. When it comes to delivering
                                                                                                 software, implementing new features and
                                                                                                 satisfying customer needs, everyone gains
                                                                                                 when the process is as fast as possible. PHP
                                                                                                 helps to deliver on this promise.

                                                                                                      Scalability and Performance
                                                                                                      When one thinks of business-critical appli-
                                                                                                      cations, e-commerce, billing, client-facing
                                                                                                      applications come to mind. Due to the critical
                                                                                                      nature of these applications, scalability and
                                                                                                      reliability are crucial. Often, entire business
                                                                                                      processes rely on these applications, and
                                                                                                      their continued availability can have a direct
   effect on a company’s financial performance.

                                                                                                         PHP platforms help applications scale
  ogy to support them all will grow as well. No   As development becomes more itera-                  dynamically to meet user requests out of the
  other language or developer community is as     tive, the need to streamline end-to-end             box. Support for concurrency, optimized user
  prepared to meet the needs of future Web        processes increases. There are tools and            request/response cycle processing, caching
  and mobility apps as PHP. Given its support     application platforms for PHP that inte-            techniques and Web-based load-balancing tech-
  for open standards and the available pool of    grate with popular version-control systems          nology can all help to ensure that performance
  PHP developers at the ready today, PHP will     and continuous-integration (CI) systems             and scale occur automatically for an application.
  be the choice for mobile back-end develop-      and methodologies.                                       When asked about application challenges,
  ment in the future.                                  Integration with software configura-           developers responding to the UBM Tech/Zend
                                                  tion management and release management              survey said performance and scalability were
  Developer Processes, Tools and                  software is a crucial need of enterprise            low on PHP developers’ lists of concerns.
  Frameworks                                      developers. A commercial PHP application
  PHP development teams benefit from the          platform can work with continuous inte-        Cloud Readiness
  use of quality PHP frameworks that offer        gration tools for rapid development and        When asked where they expect to deploy their
  best practices and off-the-shelf functional-    deployment. The result is a development        applications, just over 60 percent of develop-
  ity to speed up software development. For       process that’s more consistent and reliable,   ers surveyed indicated they intended to deploy
  instance, the PHP ecosystem includes sev-       helping companies meet enterprise applica-     to the cloud in 2012. As of 2013, this num-
  eral successful frameworks, such as Zend        tion service-level agreements (SLAs).          ber has grown to nearly 70 percent.5 Due to

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IMPact assessment: PHP Takes on Business-Critical Apps                                                                           UBM tech // JULY 2013

“                                                                                                                                           ”
                 PHP frameworks and Web-based tools enable professional
                 development teams to securely integrate social media and
                 collaboration into their business applications.

its integration with other data center tech-       Real-World PHP Usage
nology in terms of hardware and software
(i.e., multi-core servers with high memory         Many businesses today use PHP as a devel-              guidelines demanded improved productivity and
                                                   opment platform, and Internet research firm            reduced infrastructure and downtime costs.
capacity, Java and .Net-based services and
                                                   Netcraft found PHP powering about 244 mil-                   NYSE Euronext chose Zend PHP applica-
enterprise databases), PHP provides superior       lion websites as of January 2013. These case           tion development solutions and Drupal, including
cloud performance.                                 studies point to PHP as a success factor in a          Zend Studio IDE, for application development,
      According to the UBM Tech/Zend survey,       wide range of use cases.                               debugging and profiling. Zend Server runs the
PHP developers ranked cloud-readiness high on                                                             websites, performs proactive monitoring and
the list of reasons to choose PHP. Organizations   BNP Paribas                                            automates troubleshooting and optimization.
responding to the survey also indicated that       BNP Paribas is a banking and financial services        Zend Server Cluster Manager supports easy scal-
                                                   firm with more than €43 billion in net banking         ability in multiserver environments.
fewer servers are required to support PHP appli-
                                                   income and operations in 80 countries world-                 As a result, NYSE Euronext developed and
cations than those written in other dynamic        wide. Its challenge: to accelerate development         launched a series of 40 business-critical websites
languages. Robust PHP application platforms        and delivery of high-performing Web applications       within 18 months — a fraction of the time spent
help to take advantage of cloud deployments        that help employees connect, stay informed and         just in designing its previous Web application
by including clustering, advanced caching          provide exceptional client services.                   platform. In fact, its Web development cycle
techniques, security, job-queuing techniques             To meet this challenge, BNP Paribas imple-       went from two years to two weeks. Read more
                                                   mented Zend Server, Zend Studio and Zend               at
to improve throughput, and automated deploy-
                                                   Framework, as well as other PHP-compatible             CS-0512-R1-EN.pdf.
ment with provisioning to enable elasticity.       technologies, in a Linux server environment. As
      Other cloud-based implementations —          a result, BNP Paribas developed more than 700          Cisco WebEx
instant messaging software, social network         tools and applications in a fraction of the time and   Millions of people rely on Cisco WebEx, part of
feeds such as Twitter and Facebook, and            cost that would have been required using previ-        Cisco Systems, for conferencing and collaboration
blogging sites — have become crucial to            ous solutions. Read more at http://static.zend.        solutions that combine real-time sharing with
                                                   com/topics/BNP-Paribas-CS-0512-R2-EN.pdf.              phone conferencing and video. Cisco wanted
how companies communicate with custom-
                                                                                                          to drive more WebEx business through its part-
ers and do business. It’s now a requirement        Conftec GmbH                                           ners using free trial offers as a catalyst for lead
to integrate social networking applications        Conftec, an independent software vendor that           generation. Cisco WebEx needed an improved
with new enterprise Web and mobile devel-          manages 47,000 retail orders per year in nine          automated trial platform with a high degree of
opment. PHP frameworks and Web-based               countries, used Zend Studio and Zend Server to         efficiency, reliability and scalability to support
tools enable professional development teams        build mission-critical retail and ERP applications     its growing partner community and increasing
                                                   from the ground up. “Flexibility and functional-       demand for online conferencing.
to securely integrate social media and col-
                                                   ity were important reasons for initially adopting            To meet these challenges, Cisco deployed
laboration into their business applications.       PHP and Zend,” said Frederik Glücks, managing          Zend Studio IDE, Zend Ser ver and Zend
                                                   director of Conftec.                                   Framework. Using the Zend PHP stack, Cisco
Complementary Language                                   Glücks also cited the PHP community and          built a new trial-offer platform, a mobile website
PHP is an Internet-aware platform with tools       PHP’s integration with MySQL as reasons for            and an internal project management applica-
and frameworks that meet organizations’            choosing PHP. Using Zend Studio and Zend               tion; it also redeveloped its webinar marketing
                                                   Server for Conftec’s constantly evolving appli-        platform. Zend’s monitoring, code tracing, job
collaboration, application security, and
                                                   cations has allowed the company to gain better         queuing and optimization capabilities helped
server performance and scalability needs.          control over its applications while saving time        Cisco improve the end-user experience of trial
Additionally, PHP integrates with other enter-     and ensuring quality. Read more at http://             offers by 68 percent (based on best-time-to-
prise languages and platforms such as Java                complete-trial signup). The technology also
and .Net, and with modern Web application                                                                 allowed Cisco to achieve 20 to 30 percent code
architectures. Because of this integration,        NYSE Euronext                                          reuse, which saved development effort and
                                                   NYSE Euronext, the world’s leading equities            accelerated the development cycle and time to
PHP helps companies leverage existing invest-
                                                   exchange group, sought to replace its existing         market by an average of 1.5 months for each
ments in other technologies.                       websites with improved sites to drive business         project. Read more at
                                                   value online. A new Web application development        topics/Cisco-WebEx-CS-0511-FINAL.pdf.
Support and Reliability                            platform and processes were needed for rapid                 To read other customer success stories
Enterprise application support, monitoring and     development and deployment, efficient scale-up         involving PHP and the Zend platform, visit http://
overall reliability rank high among developers’    and management, and high availability. Tough 
reasons for choosing PHP. Frameworks that

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IMPact assessment: PHP Takes on Business-Critical Apps                                                                       UBM tech // JULY 2013

“                                                                                                                                       ”
                To help determine whether PHP is ready for business-critical
                app development, com­panies need only look at the growing
                number of organizations that rely on PHP for the back end of
                their mobile applications.
enable faster development time also enhance          aspects of application development must be               Instead, the best chance companies have
deployment reliability, monitoring and produc-       addressed by an effective development plat-        to achieve optimal performance and scalability
tion application administration. A limited set       form. Carefully considering how PHP fits into      is to use an integrated, and tuned, PHP stack
of commercial PHP stacks provide the support         these requirements can help companies make         with enterprise features and tools. Features
needed to identify and fix problems before           informed decisions when planning enterprise        such as PHP caching and user-session failover
they cripple key business processes. Some            application development.                           and data caching can result in huge gains in
large software companies are beginning to                 For instance, the do-it-yourself (DIY)        terms of reliability and scalability.6 Fortunately,
support PHP as part of their product offer-          approach to software stacks and develop-           there are commercial platforms offered by
ings. For instance, IBM now offers PHP support       ment frameworks can be found pervasively           vendors such as Zend that offer all of these
as part of IBM SmartCloud; Red Hat includes          in the PHP community and can have distinct         features, assembled by PHP and Web gurus,
Zend Server with its OpenShift platform; and         downsides. For example, if a
Microsoft supports PHP in its Windows Azure          single developer is respon-
and WebMatrix products, along with Google            sible for maintaining security
and others.                                          patches for each element of
     Commercial PHP platforms from vendors           the application stack after it
such as Zend offer routine patches to ensure         has moved into production,
security, developer dashboards to identify           the company comes to rely on
potential problems before they affect users,         specialized knowledge that
and monitoring tools to identify problems in         only current developers have,
production when they happen. All of these fea-       leaving companies at risk each
tures help improve developer efficiency, ensure      time a developer switches jobs.
that application SLAs are met and reduce the         Companies that have adopted
time it takes to identify and fix customer-facing    PHP for their critical applica-
issues. Zend Server customer NYSE Euronext,          tions look to commercial PHP
for example, recently reduced its two-year Web       platforms and vendors to
development cycle to an iterative, two-week          resolve these issues and pro-
production cycle by adopting agile delivery and      vide ongoing support, so the
PHP (see sidebar, Real-World PHP Usage).             entire burden does not fall on
                                                     their development function.
              PHP: Look Before You                                                                      to help companies safely meet their business-
              Leap – Things to Consider
              To help determine whether PHP
                                                     Scalability and Performance
                                                     Performance and scale aren’t achieved by sim-
                                                                                                        critical application requirements. Building
                                                                                                        application-specific performance enhance-
              is ready for business-critical app     ply installing an open source software stack.      ments in-house — although common — may
              development, companies need only       Although open source PHP is an excellent           not result in an easily shareable or reusable
look at the growing number of organizations          starting point for an application, it doesn’t      code base.
that rely on PHP for the back end of their mobile    come with built-in enterprise features such
applications, as well as those with social net-      as clustering, high availability, real-time per-   Security
work connectivity. Clearly, many organizations       formance diagnostics and specialized caching       PHP developers are often challenged when
have decided that PHP is a safe bet for the future   (along with other strategies) for optimal per-     configuring a consistent and secure PHP stack
of their business. However, there are some areas     formance. Additionally, without intimate           for development and production. Decision
of PHP development that deserve more consid-         knowledge of HTTP, networking, database            makers polled reveal that security is not high
eration and shouldn’t be left to chance.             integration, caching and memory manage-            on the list of reasons to choose PHP, and some
      From design and development to test-           ment, it can be difficult to reach optimal         developers consider security as a challenge
ing and deployment to customer support, all          performance and scalability with PHP.              in PHP development. Although PHP is not

                                                                                                                         © 2013 UBM LLC. All rights reserved.

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IMPact assessment: PHP Takes on Business-Critical Apps                                                                                       UBM tech // JULY 2013

“                                                                                                                                                      ”
                 Today’s commercial PHP platforms help companies meet
                 customer SLAs and release new features quickly, while
                 tapping into a large talent pool of developers worldwide.

inherently insecure, clearly PHP developers               When building a business-critical application,             remain a solid option for business-critical appli-
and framework vendors must ensure that all                companies should consider a well-known com-                cation development, PHP continues to gain
security needs — real or perceived — are met.             mercial PHP stack for both development and                 advantages and has proven to be a strong com-
     Fortunately, these issues are more often             production, based on a set of best practices               petitor for new applications, compared with
the case with DIY approaches than with com-               gained from successful commercial deployments.             other languages. And a growing number of
mercial PHP platforms. Companies should                                                                              commercial vendors offer a stable set of frame-
decide whether to rely on their own team                  Support and Compliance                                     works, tools and platforms to help improve PHP
to maintain the security of their PHP stack or            Given the open source nature of PHP and                    development processes.
to turn to a commercial PHP platform where                available frameworks, commercial support can                    As a result, PHP can be a reliable, secure,
an external vendor is responsible for ensur-              be a challenge as developers often take a DIY              scalable platform capable of helping orga-
ing that PHP security patches are proactively             attitude. The PHP community as a whole could               nizations build business-critical applications
tested and delivered when required.                       improve on its “roll-your-own” approach to                 efficiently and quickly. Today’s commercial
                                                          PHP development. Efforts to select a com-                  PHP platforms help companies meet customer
Maturity                                                  mercial platform with enterprise-level support             SLAs and release new features quickly, while
PHP development gained momentum with                      can help improve overall application reliability
                                                                                                                     tapping into a large talent pool of developers
the release of PHP3 in 1998, and a full rewrite           and SLAs. For business-critical applications,
of the PHP’s core in 1999. However, because                                                                          worldwide. Choosing PHP is a safe choice,
                                                          open source developer forums are not suf-
PHP was initially focused on speeding up                                                                             as proven by leaders in PHP adoption such
                                                          ficient when problems arise. A commercial
dynamic Web application development, best                                                                            as Facebook, NYSE Euronext, Yahoo!, BNB
                                                          PHP platform with vendor support is critical
practices and enterprise features weren’t                 to enterprise application success.                         Paribas and many other companies that rely

always foremost in PHP developers’ minds.                                                                            on it for their critical business needs. n
      However, this same open source commu-                                 The PHP Enterprise
nity involvement has led to a vibrant ecosystem                             Conclusion
for PHP framework and platform development,                            Although well-known devel-
leading to mature commercial implementations.             opment environments such as Java and .Net

     About Zend
     Zend partners with businesses to rapidly deliver modern apps across mobile and cloud. Zend helped establish the PHP
     language, which today powers over 240 million applications and web sites. Zend’s flagship offering, Zend Server, is
     the leading Application Platform for developing, deploying and managing business-critical applications in PHP. Zend
     solutions are deployed at more than 40,000 companies, including NYSE Euronext, BNP Paribas, Bell Helicopter, France
     Telecom and other leading brands worldwide. Learn more at

  UBM Tech and Zend, “The State of PHP in the Enterprise,” June 2012,
  Zend Technologies, Zend Developer Pulse: Developers and the App Economy, June 2013
3, The Redmonk Programming Language Rankings,
  Oracle,Learn About Java Developers,
  Zend Technologies, Zend Developer Pulse: Developers and the App Economy, 2011 and 2013
  Web Performance, Scalability, and Testing Techniques, Jonathan Klein,

                                                                                                                                        © 2013 UBM LLC. All rights reserved.

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