PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains

Page created by Judy Henry
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
Borough of Morris Plains | Quarterly Newsletter                               August 2022


                                                                    Dedicating the
                                               Pearl Law Tree
                                           The Shade Tree Commission and Mayor Karr
                                           recently honored Pearl's longtime dedication
                                                    and commitment to the community.
                                                                 Continued Inside, Page 5 >>

               Mayor: Jason C. Karr         Council President: Joan Goddard
 Art Bruhn        Sal Cortese         Cathie Kelly         Nancy Verga        Dennis Wagner
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
                                        CELEBRATING 20 YEARS!

Runners, Lt Michael Rolph and
Officer Anne Marie Ferris, from the
MPPD accepted the Torch from the
Denville PD and ran the leg through
Morris Plains to hand it off to their
counterparts in Morris Twp. They
were escorted by fellow Officers
Peter Rolph and Kelvin Perciado.
The Torch Run aims to raise funding
for, and awareness of, Special
Olympics programs - lighting the
way to acceptance and inclusion.
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
                                                              9/11 MEMORIAL SERVICE
                                                  Morris Plains' annual 9/11 remembrance is to be held on:
                                                                Monday, Sept. 12th at 10:00 AM
                                                                     at the Morris Plains 9/11 Memorial
                                                                          (corner of Rts 53 & 202)

                                                        Please refer to for details.

Mayorʼs Corner
As the summer months continue and we head into the fall,              graduates from Borough School and Morristown High School.
your Council and Mayor have remained quite busy. I would              Good luck in the next steps of your lives!
like to thank the Recreation Commission, former Councilman
                                                                      Construction projects on Route 53 (M&M Developers) and
Joe Cecala and all who helped and volunteered to, once
                                                                      on American Road continue, with certificates of occupancy
again, bring you the best Fireworks and Family Day in Morris          being issued. Various roads and sidewalks are being
County. It was a perfect day with so many groups represented          upgraded throughout the Borough as part of our yearly road
and participating.                                                    paving projects.
Morris Plains is happy to welcome the following new businesses        On July 19th the Borough and
to town: Crumbl Cookies, Cyroport Systems, Monrroy Design             the Shade Tree Commission
Florist, Tokyo Ramen and Morris Plaza Pharmacy. EverNorth,            honored beloved resident Pearl
a division of Cigna, moved 2000 employees into 200,000 square         Law. A plaque was dedicated at
feet of space at 115 Tabor Road (formerly Honeywell building).        the “Pearl Law Tree”, a huge Oak
Along with Global Aerospace and Honeywell, this building is           near Mayfair Road on Granniss
now 90% occupied!                                                     Avenue, that Pearl “adopted”
                                                                      many years ago. Pearl has been
We are looking forward in the very near future to more new
                                                                      an active member of the Morris
and exciting establishments opening in the Borough. Please
                                                                      Plains community for over 50
remember to patronize these and all businesses in town. Take
                                                                      years, and a member of the
advantage of and utilize outdoor dining at our local restaurants
                                                                      Shade Tree Commission for
as well, and remember – SHOP LOCAL!
                                                                      over 30 years. Thank you, Pearl
The Community Park Pool opened with great success and has             for all you have done for the
had a very busy, hot season. Please check the pool’s Facebook         Borough throughout the years!
page to see all the excitement. Let’s all welcome Joseph Cecala
                                                                      The Police Department received their new hybrid police car
Jr., our new pool manager. Thank you, Joe, for a great job so far.    with many new features. This is the second in the fleet, and
Congratulations to all of our spring and summer sport teams           literally reduces fuel consumption to help us to do our small
on their successful seasons. The Marlins Swim Team was back           part to help the environment.
this season. The team couldn’t be happier and they did very           The 57th Annual Block Dance is scheduled for Saturday, September
well. We also welcomed Christopher D’Anna, our new swim               3rd, 6:15 pm to 9:30 pm in the Merchant Block. Join us for rides,
team coach and wish him the best of luck. Summer Recreation           food and games – FUN for all ages! Make sure to check the
and Teen Camp had a very successful month with many                   Borough’s website for more upcoming town-wide fall events.
new activities and trips that kept your children engaged and
                                                                      Stay well and enjoy the remainder of the summer.
happy, which translated to a lot of fun. Thank you to all of our
Recreation employees for all they have done to open our pool          God Bless You and God Bless the U.S.A.
and camp, keeping them exciting and entertaining.
                                                                      Mayor Jason C. Karr
The Community of Caring is excited to congratulate all of the
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
BRUSH PICKUP                           GRASS PICKUP                        LEAF PICKUP
   For a safer, cleaner street, brush should be placed out for pickup no earlier than 48 hours prior to scheduled pickup date. Branches
   should not protrude into the path of cars. We ask your cooperation in making brush pickup more efficient by observing the
   following guidelines:
        1. NO BRANCHES OR LIMBS MORE THAN 3 INCHES IN DIAMETER WILL BE PICKED UP. Only branches, limbs and logs that can
            be chipped will be collected - due to chipper limits.
        3. ALL BRANCHES, LIMBS OR LOGS should be no longer than 6 feet, neatly stacked, all in one direction.
        4. VINES AND PRICKER BUSHES must be tied in bundles.
        5. STUMPS are to be free of DIRT AND DEBRIS.
        6. NO LEAVES OR GRASS CLIPPINGS are allowed with Brush Pickup.

   Pick up is on Wednesdays through November 2nd. The only material which should be put into COVERED CONTAINERS for these

   October 17th to December 2nd. DO NOT put grass, brush, sticks, vines or stones with your leaves.
   Rake leaves to curbside. DO NOT PUT LEAVES IN BAGS. Put them in neat piles at curbside.

Clean Communities News
Morris Plains Continues to Fight Litter Problems
Simons Park has been “adopted” by two Brownie Troops. At least twice a year they
have committed to clean the park of discarded recyclables, litter and debris. But
they are not the only groups to make this kind of commitment. All around town
signs are going up to recognize the efforts of the many scout, school and church
groups who year after year have come out to keep the streets and parks of Morris
Plains litter free. “The litter problem is an on-going battle,” states Ellie Falco, the
Program Coordinator, “and these efforts are important to the community.”
This spring and summer alone 13 groups participated in picking up well over 890
lbs. of trash and 285 lbs. or recyclables, which included large pieces of scrap metal.
If your non-profit school, scout, sport or church group is interested in joining
the Morris Plains Clean Communities Program and earning a mini-grant, that is
provided through state level funds, contact Ellie Falco at 973-538-9103 or email her

Bag Up NJ! Support the

                                                        Borough School Field Day
ban on Single-Use Bags

                                                                                    8th Graders
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
The Pearl Law Tree (from cover)
Pearl Law has been an active resident and volunteer in the Borough for over
50 years. Over the years, Pearl has served on the Shade Tree Commission, All
Seasons Garden Club, Recreation Commision, Board of Adjustment, Planning
Board, Republican Club, Senior Citizens groups and MPFD Ladies’ Auxiliary.
She has also been a volunteer at Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morris View
Nursing Home, St Virgil’s Parish, Interfaith Food Pantry, Morris County Parks
Commission and Morris Plains Community Center. On top of all of this - Pearl
could also be seen working the polls at every Borough Election.
While serving on the Shade Tree Commission, Pearl has become
quite protective of one particular tree in the Borough - so much
so, that she sort-of ‘adopted’ the grand old oak and ensured that
it was cared for, fertilized and pruned, etc. each year. The tree is
located at the end of the Borough’s downtown merchant block
parking area, along the Speedwell Avenue extension near the
Mayfair Road intersection.
Recently the Shade Tree Commission and Mayor Karr honored
Pearl’s dedication and commitment to the community, by
placing a plaque at the base of the tree to officially designate it
as “The Pearl Law Tree.” Members of the Shade Tree Commission,
Garden Club and Ladies’ Auxiliary gathered along with many
family members and friends to celebrate the event. Many thanks
to Pearl for exemplifying the true meaning of “Community of
Caring” in our Borough.

Watnong VFW Post 3401                                                           Field of Flags
Memorial Day Ceremony                                                           The Watnong VFW Post 3401 installed
                                                                                150 American flags as a beautiful 4th
                                                                                of July tribute, donated in honor of all
                                                                                those who serve our communities and
                                                                                nation in various ways.
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
"988" is the three-digit, nationwide
                                                                            phone number to connect directly to
                                                                            the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
                                                                            The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential
                                                                            support in suicidal crisis of mental health-related distress.

•     New Nationwide Number: 988 is more than just an easy-to-                   services. Switching to the easy-to-remember 988 makes it easier
      remember number — it's a direct connection to compassionate,               for individuals in crisis to access the help they need and decrease
      accessible care and support for anyone experiencing mental                 the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health issues.
      health-related distress — whether thoughts of suicide, mental          •   Important Step: The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is an
      health, substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional               important step toward strengthening and transforming crisis
      distress.                                                                  care in this country. It serves as a universal entry point so that no
•     Provides Support: People can also dial 988 if they are worried             matter where you live, you can reach a trained crisis counselor
      about a loved one who may need crisis support.                             who can help.

•     FCC Rules: Under FCC rules, calls and texts to 988 will be directed    •   Help for Veterans: For calls, pressing "1" after dialing 988 will
      to the Lifeline. Calls and texts to 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) will also        connect you directly to the Veterans Crisis Lifeline which serves
      continue to reach the 988 Lifeline even after the nationwide               our nation's Veterans, service members, National Guard and
      implementation of 988.                                                     Reserve members, and those who support them. For texts,
                                                                                 continue to text the Veterans Crisis Lifeline short code: 838255.
•     Saving Lives: The FCC actions reflect its commitment to saving
      lives and connecting individuals to necessary intervention

5th Grade LEAD Graduation

                                                                                                  Chief Michael M. Koroski   Principal Monica Crudele

                                                          5th & 6th grade teacher Brett Sills
                                                          LEAD Teacher, Patrolman Joseph Heinz

Det. Sgt. Bruce Rapp, Lt. Ryan McKay,
Sgt. Peter Rolph, and Lt. Michael Rolph.

    Superintendent Mark Maire
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
Mountain Way and Borough School, which centers around student
                                                                                    management practices, support services, and restorative practices.
                                                                               •    Enhancing our academic, remedial, and accelerated programs.
                                                                               •    Infusing character education and social and emotional learning-
                                                                                    based programs/resources into the curriculum.
Morris Plains School News                                                     We remain committed to staff training and will schedule professional
A Message from Superintendent of Schools,                                     development opportunities that focus on Math instruction; diversity,
Mr. Mark R. Maire                                                             equity, and inclusion; supporting struggling student learners; and
We hope that this message finds you well and you are enjoying the             infusing literacy across all content areas.
summer months. Looking back over the past few years, it was quite             BOROUGH SCHOOL WELCOMES NEW PRINCIPAL:
remarkable what we accomplished as a district. We were faced with             At the April 26th Board of Education meeting, Monica Crudele was
a continuum of challenges. Through it all, our District demonstrated          appointed as the Borough School Principal, effective June 1, 2022. Mrs.
resilience, professionalism, and perseverance, helping to create a                                Crudele was most recently a Borough School third
safe and positive learning experience for our students. I would like                              grade teacher, and she has been a proud employee
to thank the entire Morris Plains school community for your ongoing                               of the Morris Plains School District for seventeen
partnership and support.                                                                          years. Throughout her tenure in Morris Plains,
                                                                                                  Mrs. Crudele has served in numerous leadership
The Morris Plains School District is working hard preparing for the start
                                                                                                  capacities within the district, including time as
of the 2022-2023 school year. Summer recess is the time to coordinate
                                                                                                  an Achievement Coach, MPEA Co-President, and
numerous facility projects at both Mountain Way and Borough School.
                                                                              Team Leader. In addition, she has immersed herself within the culture
The completion of these projects will address safety and security,
                                                                              of Borough School and the greater school community through her
energy efficiency, cleanliness, and the long-range facility plan. Specific
                                                                              participation in numerous school and district-based committees. Her
projects include:
                                                                              vision as the Principal of Borough School centers around relationship-
 •    Security Camera Upgrades - District-Wide                                building with students and families.
 •    Interactive Boards Replenishment Project - District-Wide
 •    LED Lighting Upgrades - District-Wide                                   MPSD STAFF RECOGNITION
 •    Boiler Work Upgrades - Borough School                                   Morris Plains School District 2021-2022
 •    Window Replacement Project - Mountain Way School                        Teachers and Support Staff Members
                                                                              of the Year honorees were recognized
Our custodial and maintenance crews are preparing buildings for               during the June 14, 2022 Board of
the opening of schools, and summer cleaning is progressing nicely.            Education meeting. Congratulations
Classrooms have been emptied, cleaned, and sanitized, and floors have         to Borough School Teacher of the Year
been stripped, waxed and sealed.                                              Hayley Davis, Mountain Way Teacher
                                                                              of the Year Gary Fiore, Borough School
                                                                              Support Staff Member of the Year Tracy Flanagan, and Mountain Way
                                                                              Support Staff Member of the Year Josephine Armero (not pictured).
                                                                              The school community is grateful for your dedication and commitment
                                                                              to the MPSD.
                                                                              Also during the June 14, 2022 Board of
                                                                              Education meeting, the District said
                                                                              goodbye to several educators who
                                                                              have dedicated many years to serve
                                                                              the students and families in the Morris
                                                                              Plains School District. Congratulations
                                                                              to Arthur Phillips (4th Grade Social
                                                                              Studies/Science), Denise Zalis (8th
Our principals are finalizing student schedules and their September           Grade LAL), Lisa Distefano (7th/8th Grade Social Studies) and Barbara
plans. Administration is coordinating summer programs for new                 Carton (CST Aide) on their retirement. The District thanks you for your
staff and substitutes, drafting goals, and preparing their buildings for      years of service to the Morris Plains school community.
students and staff. Over the next month, District leadership will spend
significant time planning comprehensive instructional programs and            SCHOOL COMMUNITY SUPPORT:
initiatives, along with preparing new tools and resources for students        The Morris Plains School District is fortunate for the unwavering support
and staff.                                                                    and generosity from our school community organizations, including
                                                                              the Morris Plains Home and School Association (MPHSA), Education
District goals for the upcoming school year will focus on:                    Foundation of Morris Plains (EFMP), Morris Plains Municipal Alliance
 •    Continuing to enhance supervision practices that positively             Coalition (MPMAC), etc. Below are several examples of the contributions
      impact student learning outcomes and student safety.                    made by our school community organizations throughout the school
 •    Designing innovative learning experiences for students.                 year. If you are interested in getting involved in your school community,
 •    Continuing to explore and implement sustainable revenue                 please consider becoming a member of these important organizations.
      generating source(s) and cost savings opportunities for the district,
                                                                              The MPHSA sponsored school-wide assemblies, donated recess
      along with replenishing capital and tuition reserve accounts.
                                                                              equipment, funded backstop banners for Borough School ballfields,
 •    Establishing a positive and safe school culture and climate
                                                                              etc. In addition, they conducted Book Fairs, organized and facilitated
      throughout the District.
                                                                              fundraisers, catered school and district events, and coordinated teacher
 •    Promoting digital citizenship, inclusivity, tolerance, and diversity
                                                                              appreciation luncheons.
 •    Continuing to implement activities outlined in the 2018-2023            The Education Foundation of Morris Plains coordinated several
      Strategic Action Plan.                                                  community-based fundraisers (Virtual 5K and Garden Tour) and
 •    Successfully implementing the revised Code of Conduct for               supported numerous grants, including SEL kits, chess boards for the
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
Chess Club, interactive Math games, STEM resources for the Borough          BENCH CEREMONIES
School STEM program, RISE room life-skills equipment, and STEM Lab          On June 8th, the District conducted
furniture for the STEM program in Mountain Way School. Furthermore,         a Buddy Bench remembrance
they purchased graduation lawn signs, which they delivered to every         ceremony for former Borough
eighth grade student’s residence. They are currently planning for their     School CST Aide Laurie Rafuse,
fall 2022 5K race, which will be held on Sunday, November 6, 2022           who passed away suddenly last
in the Morris Plains “flats.” Please check out their website for more       spring. During the program, folks
information. We hope to see you on the course!                              shared beautiful and touching
                                                                            stories about Laurie. The Buddy
The MPMAC sponsored a multi-week program for our 7th grade students
                                                                            Bench is stationed in the Borough
called “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.” They also funded a “Be a
                                                                            School playground, and it will be a
Buddy, Not a Bully” program for Mountain Way students, partnered with
                                                                            great resource for students to make
the schools during Violence Awareness Week, sponsored a Stage Fun
                                                                            positive connections with peers.
class for students, generated informative newsletters, and participated
in community clean-up projects.                                             At the June 28, 2022 Board of Education meeting, the Board accepted
                                                                            two garden bench donations in remembrance of former Morris Plains
The Morris Plains Education Association (MPEA) provided numerous
                                                                            Board of Education President Mark Heckler. The benches were donated
programs and donations throughout the year. They sponsored a virtual
                                                                            from the Heckler family and various folks within the community,
Family Yoga program and cooking class, along with several family-based
                                                                            and they were placed in the Borough School courtyard. A dedication
activities which included food, games, and free books/school supplies.
                                                                            ceremony was held during the board meeting, and attendees shared
Additionally, they purchased and distributed DEI books for classrooms,
                                                                            stories of Mr. Heckler during his time on the Board.
secured grants from Visions, coordinated food drives and toy collections
to support Ukraine and our troops, co-sponsored Family STEAM Night,         DO YOU FOLLOW US @WEAREMPSD?
donated to school community organizations, provided snacks for Beyond       If you don’t currently follow MPSD on Twitter, please consider doing
Differences fundraisers and hosted community luncheon gatherings.           so. Our staff and administration tweet throughout the day, giving our
                                                                            followers a window into the classrooms and the learning experiences
Lastly, the District partnered with Atlantic Health to schedule health-
                                                                            of the students.
related programs for our 8th grade students, worked closely with the
Morris County Prosecutor’s Office to coordinate a cyberbullying             SUMMER WISHES:
presentation for our 5th-8th grade students, and received a book donation   Thank you for entrusting us with your children each school day. We
for our 3rd and 4th grade students from Visions Credit Union.               truly appreciate the tremendous support of the Morris Plains School
                                                                            Community. In addition, I am grateful for the efforts of our students,
                                                                            teachers, and administrators in collaboration with parents. Together, we
The MPSD congratulates the Borough School and Morristown High
                                                                            have established and implemented a vision of success and excellence
School students in the Class of 2022. We are extremely proud of our
                                                                            for all students. We remain committed to creating the very best learning
successful alumni, and we wish all of our graduates much success!
                                                                            environment in our classrooms, our schools, and in all that we do.
                                                                            For educators, summertime is synonymous with reading. In addition
                                                                            to sun and fun activities, we encourage parents/guardians to have their
                                                                            child spend time with a good book. On behalf of the Morris Plains School
                                                                            District, I extend best wishes for a safe, healthy and relaxing summer.
                                                                            All my best,

1. 8th grader Abigail Higgins was
   Borough Schoolʼs 2021-2022 Middle
   School Leadership Award recipient.
2. In June, the Morris Plains Rotary
   recognized their 5th grade essay-
   writing winners.
3. Borough School hosted numerous
   spring concerts - it was great to
   perform in front of a live audience!                                                    2                                                      4
                                                           1                                                          3
4. On May 31st, Borough Schoolʼs
   Beyond Differences Club visited Town
   Hall and displayed the rainbow flag                                                                       6
   for Pride Month.
5. Family STEAM Night on June 3rd.
6. The cast and crew of Willy Wonka Jr.
7. On June 8, 2022, Officer Annmarie
   Ferris and the MPPD organized a
   visit from the Sheriff's Department
   to Mountain Way.
8. The Second Grade Legacy Rock
   Garden, sponsored by the Morris
   Plains HSA, is a beautiful addition             5                                                                                              8
   to Mountain Way School.                                                                                        7
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
Education Foundation of
Morris Plains News
The Education Foundation of Morris Plains (EFMP)
capped off a highly successful school year with
the second Morris Plains Garden Tour on June 18,
attended by many local residents as well as visitors
from throughout the tri-state area. Many thanks to
our generous and talented gardeners! Our next
community event is our Annual Strides for Education
5K Run/Walk on November 6, a hybrid event in
which you can participate virtually or in person.
Visit for more
Your support of the EFMP leads directly to
innovative programs for all students in the Morris
Plains School District. This past spring alone,
our grants funded the World Dance Celebration
presented by 2nd graders at Mountain Way; kitchen
supplies for life skills for Borough School’s RISE
program; “Glow Day” materials for 4th graders
to reinforce math concepts; and math games,
chess club materials and Keva planks for various
Follow us on Facebook at
educationfoundationmp and on Instagram
@edfoundationmp for news on our big plans and
next events. To volunteer or learn more, write to

                  Sign Up TODAY to Support the Strides for Education 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, Nov. 6th

                                                                  UNCLE FRANK'S
                                                           FISHING CONTEST
                                                                   Photos: Eileen Claffey
PlainsTalk - Borough of Morris Plains
    A  Y
Swim Team

                        1st meet of the season:
                        Marlins v. Bernardsville

   Summer Fun

Photos: Dave

                              London Calling (left)   Concerts in
                                                       the Park
                               The Kootz (right)
     Photos: Dave Sullivan
Greetings from the Library, we hope you are enjoying your Summer!
Our Summer Reading Program is in full swing. Our Summer Storytime is every
Saturday at 10:30 A.M. on the front lawn of the Library. Please join Ms. Sydney or Ms.
Maya as they read aloud from some great picture books. Bring your wagons or blankets
to spread out on the lawn. We have small waters, snacks and prizes for the children
attending. Don't forget to pick up your summer reading checklist for the kids. We have
raffle prizes to give away at the end of the summer. All children who complete the
summer reading checklist can come into the Library for a raffle ticket. We have different
prizes for those under and over 10 including fun toys, Dunkin Donut Gift Cards and a
                                                                                             Don't miss Storytime on Saturdays!
Gift Certificate to Lovey's Pizza.
This past July, we said farewell to one of our long-time employees, Mary Krisanda. Mary decided it was finally time
to fully retire. She and her husband Ted decided to move to Virginia to be closer to family. Mary worked here at the
Library for 16 years and was a friendly and a familiar face, especially to our Saturday patrons. We truly wish Mary
and Ted all the best as they embark on a new and hopefully relaxing chapter in their lives. You will be missed by your
Library family, Mary!
Our summer reading display for adults is up in our fiction room. We have some great beach-themed reads available
along with some of our staff picked favorites on display. I just finished the popular book "The Maid'" by Nita
Prose, an enjoyable whodunit mystery. Two other titles our staff recommends are "What the Ermine Saw: The
Extraordinary Journey of Leonardo da Vinci's Most Mysterious Portrait" by Eden Collinsworth and "Remarkably
Bright Creatures" by Shelby Van Pelt. What great book are you reading? Stop by and let us know.
On Wednesday September 21st, several Libraries in MAIN including the Morris Plains Library will be hosting an
Author Talk with Marie Benedict via Zoom. Marie Benedict has written some wonderful historical novels such as
"The Personal Librarian". Please email or stop in for the Zoom link for this great program.
Our next Library Shredding Event will be on Saturday November 5th from 9am-Noon.
Sheila Jain
Library Director

        Paper Shredding
         November 5th
    Mark your calendar for the MP
    Library’s next Paper Shredding
  Event – Saturday, November 5 from
   9 a.m - 12 p.m. Please Note: The
  cost is $6 for each box or bag to be

                                                                                       Thank you, Mary, for your dedication to the
                                                                                       Library. You will be greatly missed.
                                                                                       Happy Retirement!
7-Year-Old Making A Big Difference for Ukraine Orphanage                                                                    by Brian & Mandy Markt
Cavan Markt, age 7, may be younger than most supporters of Ukraine           “I felt inspired.” He said he feels good helping. The manager thanked
but he has big ideas, big plans and has made a big impact. Cavan, a          him for all he had done and stated, “Tonight we met an angel in Cavan.”
rising 2nd grader at Mountain Way School, felt like he needed to do          Cavan simply told the people he had met that he wasn’t done yet. That
something to help the people of Ukraine. Like most children, he doesn’t      night Cavan asked his parents how he could get a table at the Morris
know the details of what has occurred, but he knew enough to know he         Plains Farmer’s Market.
needed to take some action.
                                                                           Cavan had even bigger plans and his whopping number of donations
Cavan watched the Morris Plains Memorial Day Parade and rose to his        is the proof. Cavan was approved for the Farmer’s Market on the last
feet like everyone else and clapped for the members of the Ukraine         Saturday of July. Dressed in Ukraine flag colors, Cavan explained his
Center of Whippany as they waved the blue and yellow flag of their         mission while he handed out items in blue and yellow, including bagels,
country. After they passed by, Cavan turned to his mom and said, “That     lollipops, bracelets, stickers and flags. Cavan created a “thermometer”
was really nice! Can we get a flag like that?” Little did anyone know this to show his donation total, and while at the market he needed to add
was the start to Cavan’s plan, which he quickly put into action.           a new board. He had surpassed his goal! He collected $900 at the fair
                                                                           making his total collection of donations an amazing $1,400! He then
Cavan’s parents ordered a “We Stand With Ukraine” banner for the
                                                                           had others drop off money in his donation box at his house who were
house. Cavan’s grandmother, Hollie Parrillo of Morris Plains, ordered
                                                                           unable to make the farmer’s market.
mini Ukraine flags. Cavan placed four of the 24 flags in his front yard.
Then he asked his older brother, Teegan, to type out a letter. The letter, Cavan will be meeting with the members of the UACCNJ once again
printed on Ukraine flag colors, stated that he was giving out the flag to present them with an additional $1,000 towards the special needs
to support Ukraine, to please place it in your yard, and that he was playground. Cavan has already been making plans to attend the
collecting donations at his house. He asked his brother to print him 20 Farmer’s Market in the Fall before it closes. Cavan’s parents said they
copies, then went around his neighborhood and handed out flags and are amazed by his drive and ambition towards this cause and support
letters. He came home and painted a shoe box blue and yellow and him in anything he plans moving forward.
wrote “Cavan’s Ukraine Donations” on the top. He put the box on his
                                                                           Please continue to keep the citizens of Ukraine in your thoughts.
front porch, and the outcome was amazing! Cavan collected over $200.
Cavan wanted his money to go to a cause that could help children in
Ukraine. A neighbor connected him with some people at the Ukrainian
American Cultural Center of NJ, in Whippany; specifically with a lady
who is spearheading the build of a special needs playground at the
St. Nicholas School in Lviv, Ukraine. Cavan met with individuals from
the center and found out there were 100 orphans at the school, ages
newborn to 19, all with special needs. Since he began his collection,
that number has grown significantly to about 350 children.
He asked his grandmother for more flags, delivered 44 flags around
town, and collected close to $500. He and his brother added their own
money and with a little help from Mom and Dad were able to turn $500
in to the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey for the
special needs playground.
While at the center, Cavan was given a tour and shown all that was being
done here in New Jersey to help those in Ukraine. He was asked by the
center’s manager why he started this collection and Cavan responded,
Community Band News                           by Larry Ripley

The Morris Plains Community Band planned a series of                  graduates and older musicians,
Wednesday evening concerts in Roberts Garden in this summer.          many of whom haven’t played
The concerts offer an opportunity for the public to hear and enjoy    since their own school days.
a true American tradition – the town band, consisting of friends
                                                                      The Morris Plains Community
and neighbors, performing a concert in the town park.
                                                                      Band is conducted by Larry
On Wednesdays throughout the month of August at 6:30, the             Ripley, a retired musician and
concerts feature a different program with a different theme each      bandleader who is the third       Bring Your Cha
                                                                                                        Traditional Am and Enjoy an Evening of
week. On August 3rd, our traditional swing jazz big band, the         member of his family to lead a   Including Pat
                                                                                                       Tunes from
                                                                                                                        erican Band
                                                                                                                     riotic Songs
                                                                                                                                  & Classics, and
                                                                                                                    Your Favorit
“Swing Tones” presented a program of big band hits of the 1930’s      town band.                       Movies and                e TV
                                                                                                                    Broadway Hits Shows,
                                                                                                       It’s Music for
                                                                                                                        All Ages!
and 1940’s, featuring the music of Glenn Miller, Count Basie and
                                                                      To learn more about the
other popular band leaders of the time. The “Swing Tones” also
                                                                      Morris Plains Community
feature the vocal stylings of Mark Gold, who perform songs made
                                                                      Band, contact Larry at 973-
famous by Frank Sinatra etc.
                                                                      998-1081 or or just
Subsequent Wednesday evening concerts throughout August               get that horn out of the closet and stop in at the Morris Plains
feature the following programs: “Broadway Bound”, “Familiar           Community Center some Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00.
Classics”, “Hurray for Hollywood” and “Patriotic Fever.” The
                                                                      The Morris Plains Community Band Needs Your Support!
concerts take place in Roberts Garden Park at the corner or
Glenbrook Road and Mountain Way.                                      While we are an all-volunteer organization, we do have expenses
                                                                      and we do need equipment. If you would like to make a donation,
The Community Band, a “reincarnation” of the original Morris
                                                                      please make your check payable to the Morris Plains Community
Plains Cornet Band which existed from 1888 to 1953, was re-
                                                                      Band, Inc., and mail it to the Morris Plains Community Band, Inc.,
established in October, 2015 and currently has over 60 members.
                                                                      PO Box 25, Morris Plains, NJ 07950.
As the band is a “no-commitment, no-obligation” volunteer
organization, it normally features about 30 musicians at concerts.    Our mission: To provide an opportunity for people to enjoy playing
The band is made up of musicians ranging in age from 17 to 89,        music, and to perform our music for those who would enjoy it.
and includes middle and high school students, recent college

Morris Area Community Blood Program Issues Desperate Plea for Blood
The Morris Area Community Blood Program, a local volunteer            donating blood, most no longer do. Diabetics who are well-
effort, has issued a plea for blood. Because of the COVID-19          balanced and under control are eligible as are most cancer
pandemic, many regular blood drive programs, such as those            patients who have been in remission for at least five years.
held in corporations, schools, houses of worship etc., are not able
                                                                      People with a history of Lyme disease are also eligible to donate
to operate. The result is severe shortages nationwide, especially
                                                                      blood if their treatment has been completed and they are
in our area, which is always in short supply.
                                                                      symptom-free for at least six months.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Morris Plains and the Borough of
                                                                      Blood Drive Dates – 2022 (at Morris Plains Community Center)
Morris Plains, the Morris Area Community Blood Program drives
are held in association with the New Jersey Blood Services,           Thursday, Aug. 25th            Saturday, Oct. 22nd
whose professional staff actually collects the blood. These           Saturday, Sep. 3rd             Thursday, Nov. 10th
drives are open to the public, and are held at the Morris Plains
                                                                      Thursday, Sep. 15th            Saturday, Nov. 26th
Community Center
                                                                      Thursday, Oct. 6th
In existence for almost sixty years, the Morris Area Community
Blood Program has been recognized by America’s Blood Centers,         All weekday drives are held between the hours of 1:00pm and
the American Association of Blood Banks, Volunteers for Morris        7:00pm.
County, the American Red Cross and New Jersey Blood Services          All Saturday drives are held between the hours of 8:00am and
as one of the largest and most successful volunteer community         2:00pm.
blood programs in the country.
                                                                      For an appointment to donate blood, or for further information,
In New Jersey, the typical blood supply is only 1-1/2 days. During    contact Larry Ripley at 973-998-1081 or
vacation and holiday times, that supply can shrink to as low as
½ day. While 60% of the general population is eligible to donate
blood, only 2% of those eligible in northern New Jersey bother to
donate. If only 1% more of the population would come out and
give this “Gift of Life”, there would never be a blood shortage.
Over the years the criteria for eligibility has also changed. While
certain prescription medications used to prevent you from
Morris Plains Museum
                      51 Jim Fear Drive, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950
                      973 - 683 -1089________

                 Our Morris Plains Fire Station
                                                         In 1923, after Borough School was
                                                         built, the old schoolhouse at
                                                         Academy Road and Speedwell
                                                         Avenue was sold to the Morris
                                                         Plains Fire Association. The
                                                         building was remodeled to meet the
                                                         needs of the fire company.
                                                         Unfortunately, in 1940, the station
                                                         caught fire and was damaged
                                                         beyond repair. Later that year the
                                                         Fire Association sold the land to the
                                                         borough for one dollar, and a new
                                                         municipal building was constructed
                                                         to house both the fire department
                                                         and the town government offices.

   The Morris Plains Museum Association awards the Helen Schnack
Scholarship annually to a Morris Plains senior at Morristown High School.
     We are pleased to announce the 2022 recipient is Nicole Micelli.

  The museum will continue to open on the third Saturday of each month.
        We will expand our hours when we have more volunteers.

 To help just call the museum and leave a message. The Morris Plains Museum Association fulfills our mission
               statement - to collect, preserve & exhibit information about the history of our town.
The Native Tree Grant
                                                                                                      The All Seasons Garden Club, in partnership
                                                                                                      with Rotary of Morris Plains, has received a
                                                                                                      grant of $1,000 from the Garden Club of New
                                                                                                      Jersey to establish a native tree nursery in the
                                                                                                      Borough. The Borough of Morris Plains loses
                                                                                                      trees due to storm damage and disease every
                                                                                                      year. The Nursery is designed to cover future
Quanto è bella l'estate giorno!! I’ll always remember those words of my dad as I was                  tree losses and to boost the use of native tree
growing up – (translation) “How beautiful is the summer day.”                                         species. Native trees help sustain the local
                                                                                                      ecosystem, supporting birds, butterflies,
For our garden club members, summer days are especially beautiful and rewarding.                      pollinators, insects, and other wildlife local to
Our flower tubs along Speedwell are thriving, and our All Seasons’ garden at the                      our area.
Morris Plains Library is in full bloom. We were happy to have it included in the June                 Tree saplings/”tubelings” selected for the
18 Morris Plains Education Foundation’s Garden tour - if you weren’t able to view it                  nursery will mature over 5-7 years to a
that day, stop by anytime and enjoy the native perennials on display.                                 point that they are ready to transplant to
                                                                                                      permanent locations. In order to create a
In mid-June, our club hosted an event for the children of the Moms Connection of                      sustainable source of young native trees, we
Morris Plains at the Community Park gazebo. The youngsters had great fun planting                     plan to build a rotating inventory of 50 trees
marigolds, digging for worms, getting temporary tattoos, coloring butterfly puzzles,                  when the tree nursery is fully established.
and enjoying a snack. Needless to say, the kids had a wonderful time, and their                       This venture involves the cooperation of
moms were especially appreciative.                                                                    many local people and groups besides
                                                                                                      the Garden Club and Rotary: Mayor Karr,
At our annual May dinner, we were delighted to welcome several new members                            Morris County Park Commission, the
and install our new President – Joan McGovern. Joan has been instrumental in                          Borough Forester, the Borough Shade Tree
developing our monthly programs, so we are looking forward to more of her                             Commission and the Department of Public
creative ideas as our President. We also want to thank Kathy Kelly, our outgoing                      Works, as well as community volunteers.
                                                                                                      When the native tree saplings are ready to
president, for her dedication to the club. It was through Kathy’s initiative that our                 be transplanted, the Borough’s Shade Tree
Garden Club was the recipient of two grants - the Native Tree grant (see article                      Commission will designate appropriate
on right) and a grant for an additional raised bed at Mountain Way School for our                     planting sites and the Morris Plains
Roots and Shoots program.                                                                             Department of Public Works will assist in
                                                                                                      transplanting the mature saplings under
We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer. If you would like to attend a meeting or                    expert supervision.
join our club in the fall, please log on to our website – – or               You will be hearing a lot more of this project
email us at We’d love to hear from you – new members                      over the next few months and years.
are always welcome.

Health Buzz: From the Board of Health
Sun and Water Safety
With summer comes fun outdoor activities such as barbeques, beach        Following water safety tips can reduce the risk of drowning or near-
trips, gardening, and pool parties. While being out in the sun and       drowning incidents anytime you are near pools, lakes, beaches, or
water can feel great especially after the cold winter weather, it is     other bodies of water:
important that you and your family remain safe and protected from
                                                                         •   Supervise children at all times.
the water and sun. In order to stay protected while in the sun limit
                                                                         •   Never allow young children to swim alone.
your time in the sun especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4
                                                                         •   Older children should swim with a buddy or adult.
p.m., which is when the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV) are the strongest.
                                                                         •   Be sure your child wears a well-fitting, Coast Guard-approved life
When outside follow these safety tips to reduce your risk of sunburn
since water and sand can reflect sunlight making the UV rays much
                                                                         •   Do not use air-filled toys (e.g., water wings, inflatable rings, etc.)
more intense:
                                                                             for flotation assistance.
•   Wear sunglasses that can block 100% of the different UV Rays (UVA    •   Stay within designated swim areas when swimming in open water.
    and UVB).                                                            •   Check water conditions for currents and other water hazards such
•   Use lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher.                                as high weeds, jagged rocks, protruding objects that may increase
•   Cover up when outside by wearing a wide-brimmed hat; and/or              risk of injury and/or entrapment.
    wear a long-sleeved shirt and full-length pants.                     For more information on sun and water safety, visit:
Check your skin regularly for any signs of skin cancer, including
any changes in birthmarks, moles, and spots. If you see any kind         injury-sun-protection.html
of change on your skin or other warning signs, please contact your
health care provider.                                          
“GLINDA GARBAHJ” GABS: Sometimes itʼs necessary to be naked!

                                       Hi, Dahlings!
                                       To be sure that plastic containers wearing plastic
                                       “sleeves” do, in fact, become recycled, please
                                       tear or cut off those “sleeves” and toss them into
                                       the trash prior to putting the empty and clean
                                       containers into your recycling receptacles.
                                       Also, remember the following message about the
                                       acceptability of plastic containers in the Morris
                                       Plains recycling program: One, two, and five! Let’s
                                       recycle right and keep recycling alive in Morris
                                       Plains! - Cheers, Glinda

                            Pictured: Examples of yogurt cups that come “dressed” in a plastic
                            sleeve. These sleeves cannot be recycled. You must tear off the
                            sleeve (sometimes there is a perforation, as pictured left) and throw
                            the sleeve away before recycling the ‘naked’ cup underneath.

Two Brothers are the Newest BSA Troop 39 Eagle Scouts
On May 15th, a dual Eagle Scout Court of Honor was celebrated at the Morris Plains
Community Center, honoring two brothers – Samuel and Zachary Annuik. The
brothers represent the 91st and 94th Scouts from Morris Plains Troop 39 to earn
the rank of Eagle Scout. Special thanks to Morris Plains Mayor Jason Karr and
Borough Council members, as well as to the Morris Plains VFW, who were among
those in ceremonious attendance. Following honorary speeches by dignitaries,
the Key to Morris Plains was presented to each Scout by Mayor Jason Karr. In
addition, the Troop 39 Eagle Scout Trophy, inscribed with their names as well as
the names of previous Eagle Scouts from Troop 39, was passed on to the boys for
safekeeping until the 95th Eagle Scout comes along. On that special day, American
Flags were flying over the U.S. Capitol in their honor, which were later mailed to
the boys as keepsakes.
Both boys chose Morris Plains Community Park improvements for their Eagle Scout
service projects. Sam’s project consisted of building a dock on Thonus Pond. The
dock is used each day by the residents of Morris Plains, and is especially helpful
to the Scouts at the annual Family Day, from which the public can launch Troop
39’s canoes. Zach’s project consisted of constructing a .33 mile walking trail around
Thonus Pond for the community to use and enjoy. The boys chose these projects
to give back to the place that has given them so much, growing up as Morris Plains
residents. Following the Scout Motto of “Be Prepared,” unplanned obstacles did not
prevent completion of their projects. The Scouts were able to overcome, course          The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every
correct and complete each park project within budget and on a timeline. The             eligible youth in America to become a responsible,
town workers of Morris Plains were integral in supporting the work once the boys’       participating citizen and leader who is guided by the
projects were in motion. In both projects, the Eagle Scouts made sure the troop         Scout Oath and Law. During the school year, Troop
                                                                                        39 meets weekly at the Presbyterian Church of Morris
and its leadership were involved as they led the work to be done and brought their      Plains to plan camping trips, community service events
projects to completion. Morris Plains Troop 39 is proud of its legacy and Sam’s and     and learning required to earn rank advancements. For
Zach’s contributions to Scouting’s continued mission of community service.              more information, visit
MHS Lacrosse
                                                                         2022 Group IV State Champions!
                                                                                                                       Congratulations to the
                                                                                                                       MHS Girls 2022 Varsity
                                                                                                                       Lacrosse Team on winning
                                                                                                                       the Girls Lacrosse Group
                                                                                                                       IV State Championship
                                                                                                                       on Saturday, June 4,
                                                                                                                       2022. Morristown had
                                                                                                                       an incredible season
                                                                                                                       boasting a 17-4 record!

                                                                                                                       Morris Plains is well
                                                                                                                       represented on this
                                                                                                                       impressive varsity
                                                                                                                       lacrosse team with 7
                                                                                                                       players coming from the
                                                                                                                       Pictured from left to right:
                                                                                                                       Katie Clark, Isabel Sluke,
Morris Plains/Morristown 10u Little                                                                                    Amanda Chupak, Lizzie
                                                                                                                       Bozza, Megan O’Brien, Kylie
Leaguers Head to Rhode Island for                                                                                      Pfeffer, and Grace DelGiorno

Regional Tournament
This summer has seen a remarkable run of success for little league            Pequannock to win the Sectional Championship, and Two Rivers
baseball players from Morristown Area American Little League                  Little League to win the New Jersey State title. All along, Morris Plains
(“MAALL”). The 12-and-under All Stars emerged victorious in a very            boys led the way, with Jack Fitzgerald pitching a gem to clinch the
competitive District 1 with a dramatic, storybook, walk-off ending to         Sectional title game, Dean Conway supplying the thunder at the
win the championship. It was Morris Plains’s own Jake Conway who              plate throughout, Graeme Longo running the bases and patrolling
hit a three-run home run in the bottom of the seventh inning in the           the outfield with speed and tenacity, and Eli Webber getting the title-
championship game to complete a five-run rally and win the title over         winning, walk-off single in extra innings in the State Final. The 10U
Madison, 8-6. Morris Plains was well represented on the team with TJ          All Stars are coached by Billy Andrinopolous, himself an alumni of
Curnow, Joe Stavisky, and Max Webber also making key contributions            the Morris Plains Little League. The MAALL 10U All Stars next travel
to the title winners. Jake’s Dad Dan Conway piloted the team.                 to Cranston, Rhode Island to seek the Eastern Regional title against
The MAALL 10-and-under All Stars have had an even more magical                teams from Washington, D.C., to Massachusetts. Good luck to the
ride. They defeated Madison to win the District Championship,                 boys and congratulations to all of them on a summer well spent!”

   MP Soccer Assocation News
   This summer, Morris Plains Soccer players, family and friends supported
   our local professional soccer teams at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, NJ. More
   than 50 MP soccer fans joined us in July to watch the NJ/NY Gotham FC
   take on the top-ranked Chicago Red Stars or an exciting National Women’s
   Soccer League match and lots of fun. MPSA was able to offer free player
   tickets, thanks to our event sponsor, the Law Office of Cara A. Parmigiani.
   In late August, the MP Soccer community returned to watch the New York
   Red Bulls take on Inter Miami FC in another heated match. With exciting
   fireworks after the game, the event was a memorable finale to the summer,
   giving players, family, and friends the opportunity to reconnect before the
   fall season and upcoming school year.
   We believe the benefits of recreational youth sports go far beyond the
   playing field to improve individuals and the communities where they
   live. These special events extend the impact of our local program to build
   connections off the playing field, expose players to new experiences, and
   encourage support for local pro teams (especially in light of the recent news
   that New Jersey will host 2026 World Cup matches at MetLife Stadium).
Thank you, Miss Betsy!!
                              After 30 years of dedication to the Morris Plains Cooperative Play
                                School, we are saying goodbye to our beloved Miss Betsy as she
                                                       retires in August.
                               As Director of the Co-op she has been so much more, a teacher, a
                              mentor, a nurse, a mother/grandmother figure. She has welcomed
                               the children of Morris Plains and the surrounding areas into the
                                   school as well as her heart and we are so thankful for the
                              immeasurable enthusiasm and commitment she has given us. We
                                      wish her the best in her well deserved retirement!

                                Thank you, Miss Betsy! Your lasting legacy will be cherished by
                                       students and families past, present and future!

MP Fire Department News
Life Member Russ Haas Receives 50-Year Pin
In June the Morris Plains Fire Department presented life member
Russ Haas with a 50-year pin for his service to the Morris Plains
Fire Department, Morris Plains Fire Association and the Borough
of Morris Plains. Russ joined the Morris Plains Fire Department
in 1971 while serving as department chief in 1979. Russ is a life
member of the New Jersey Firemen’s Relief Association as well
as the New Jersey Firemen’s Exempt Association.                                           MPFD Juniors Softball Team
Congratulations Russ and thank you for your service!!

                                                                                                VFW Post 3401

                                                               Pictured right:
                                                                                         ANNUAL CLAMBAKE
                                                               Morris Plains
                                                               Fire Department       SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 – 1:00 TO 5:30 PM
                                                               members, Mike
                                                               Shea, Phil Wilk,              WATNONG VFW POST 3401
                                                               Gary Keyser, Mark        45 TABOR ROAD, MORRIS PLAINS, NJ 07950
                                                               Belles, John Downs,
                                                               and Kevin Rongo.        $70 TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE AT
                                                               Russ and Terry                     POST 3401
                                                               Haas seated.                    $75 AT THE DOOR
                                                                                     TICKET SALES LIMITED TO 200 TICKETS
                                                                                          FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED

                                                                                        CLAMS - BARBECUE RIBS - HOTDOGS
                                                                                       BURGERS - CHICKEN - SAUSAGE - CORN
                                                                                       SALADS - WATERMELON - BEER - SODA

                                                                                       50/50 PRIZES - LOTTERY TREES
                                                                                              RAFFLE BASKETS

                                                                                         HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT
Morris Plains is Open for Business!
In 2021, the Borough started a Business Development Committee with a           owners, a fact sheet to market the benefits of opening a business in Morris
mission to develop partnerships and foster an environment that will create     Plains and highlighting Morris Plains locations in the NJ Motion Picture &
a thriving downtown and a strong business economy in the Borough of            Television Commission photo library. These groups also offer resources
Morris Plains.                                                                 that can help our existing small business owners with their online presence,
                                                                               workforce development and financing.
The committee, consisting of chairman Councilman Dennis Wagner and
including Councilwomen Joan Goddard and Nancy Verga, developed a plan          Residents have been vocal about their support for a walkable, thriving
to address vacancies, assist our valued small business owners, and create a    downtown. The Business Development Committee recently welcomed
framework for business success.                                                several members of the community who stepped forward to share
                                                                               their expertise on an advisory board for business development. One
In phase one of the plan, the team created the first-ever business directory
                                                                               resident and member of the advisory group already created an Instagram
for Morris Plains and the first Small Business Saturday promotion. They
                                                                               account to share some of the great things happening in Morris Plains -
began connecting with business owners to understand their concerns and
to share information about a new outdoor dining ordinance and loans
and grants available to help alleviate the pandemic’s impact. Grants are       Grand Openings
still available for small business owners with fewer than 25 employees         Morris Plains welcomed some fantastic new businesses to the Borough in
through the Morris County Small Business Grant Program funded by the           2021 and 2022, including:
American Rescue Plan, and the Business Development Committee has been
                                                                               •    Abby’s Consulting Services           •    Monrroy Floral Designs LLC
encouraging Morris Plains business owners who have not yet done so to
                                                                               •    Advanced Primary Care                •    Morris Plaza Pharmacy
apply as soon as possible.
                                                                               •    Alphagraphics                        •    Rand Realty
The Business Development Committee also initiated a review and update          •    Chopt Creative Salad                 •    Scoop Station
of all uses permitted in business and commercial zones to make it easier       •    Cigna Evernorth                      •    Sister’s Nail Salon
for more modern business types to open in the Borough. As a first step, the    •    Crumbl Cookie                        •    Tokyo Ramen Noodle
Council passed an ordinance allowing microbreweries, and a brewer has          •    Cryoport Systems                     •    Uncle Giuseppe’s
since signed a lease to open the first microbrewery in Morris Plains.
                                                                               Patronage and word of mouth endorsements from Morris Plains residents
A Community-Wide Effort                                                        and visitors is the key to business success. Our residents are loyal customers
Collaboration with and support from the Mayor and Council, Planning Board,     – it’s no wonder even more businesses are poised to open in 2022, including:
Borough professionals, Farmers Market, and Zoning Officer are critical to      Woodam Korean BBQ will soon open in the space that has been vacant for
creating new business opportunities. The team is also networking with          more than 10 years; Kiori Vietnamese Kitchen, also downtown; a new office
organizations like Downtown Denville and Boonton Main Street to identify       furniture store in the space that was once Crib City; and City MD medical care
best practices for bringing our existing small business owners together to     is planned for the busy Briarcliff Commons (Kohl's) shopping center.
promote Morris Plains in a coordinated way.
                                                                               Morris Plains continues to be a great place to live, work and do business. With
Partnerships with groups like the NJ Business Action Center and Morris         a terrific mix of light industry, some of New Jersey’s best food establishments,
County Economic Development Committee also will help tackle some 2022          retail, services, professional offices, and healthcare providers, Morris Plains
goals. These include developing a business start-up kit for small business     has something for everyone.

   New Neighbors!
   Chopt Creative Salad Co. - Briarcliff Commons; Crumbl Cookies - Briarcliff Commons;
   Monnroy Floral - Merchant Block; Live Urgent Care, Morris Plaza Pharmacy and Tokyo
   Ramen Restaurant - 1745 Route 10 East

                                                                                                                                                         Brett Friedensohn, Morris NewsBee

  Shop Local!
Evernorth Arrives
  in Morris Plains
  Evernorth welcomed 2000 employees, relocated
  from its former Franklin Lakes location to the
  Honeywell building on Route 53. The building is
  now at 90% capacity with Global Aerospace and
  Honeywell remaining as well.
  Cigna Corporation has launched Evernorth,
  a new brand for its growing, high-performing
  health services portfolio. Evernorth will
  accelerate delivery of innovative and flexible
  solutions to meet the diverse needs of
  health plans, employers, and government


                                                        Sunday, October 16th
                                                       8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
                                                    Morris Plains Community Center
                                                           51 Jim Fear Drive

    Tickets (Available at the Door): Adults - $9 Children - $5 (age 3-12)
    For More Info: or email:

Mark Perrone's Barber Shop Celebrates 10 Years
to Mark Perrone’s
Barber Shop on
celebrating their 10th
Anniversary - stop in
for a trim!

Pictured right:
Councilmembers Art
Bruhn, Joan Goddard,
Cathie Kelly, Nancy
Verga, Mayor Jason
Karr, Mark Perrone,
Theresa Reilly, and
Tony Giagnacovo

                                 Saturday, September 3rd
                                          6:15 to 9:30 p.m.
                                        on the Merchant Block
                                               Rain Date: Sept. 4th

              YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN                              YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN
           Name: ____________________________                   Name: ____________________________
           Address:___________________________                  Address:___________________________
          Town:______________________________                   Town:______________________________
         Drop Ticket in Collection Jars at Block Dance         Drop Ticket in Collection Jars at Block Dance
       No Purchase Necessary to Enter—2 per person only     No Purchase Necessary to Enter—2 per person only

              The deadline for the next issue of Plains Talk is October 14th, 2022.
               Please submit articles and pictures to
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