Planning and Urban Design - Unified Government

Page created by Crystal Santiago
Planning and Urban Design - Unified Government
Planning and Urban Design

701 North 7th Street, Room 423                         Phone: (913) 573-5750
Kansas City, Kansas 66101                              Fax: (913) 573-5796

To:                  City Planning Commission

From:                Planning and Urban Design Staff

Date:                May 10, 2021

Re:                  SP2021-031


Richard and Mary Leslie

Status of Applicant:
Property Owner
334 North Thorpe Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66102

Requested Action:
Renewal of a Special Use Permit
SP-2015-63, which expired on

Date of Application:
March 26, 2021

To continue to keep four (4)
dogs on the property.

Property Location:
334 North Thorpe Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66102

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Commission Districts:           Commissioner At Large: Tom Burroughs
                                District #2 Commissioner: Brian McKiernan

Existing Zoning:                R-1(B) Single Family District

Adjacent Zoning:                North:          R-1(B) Single Family District
                                South:          R-1(B) Single Family District
                                East:           R-1(B) Single Family District
                                West:           R-1(B) Single Family District

Adjacent Uses:                  North:          Single Family Homes
                                South:          Single Family Homes
                                East:           Single Family Homes
                                West:           Single Family Homes

Total Tract Size:               0.15 Acre

Master Plan Area:               Central Area Master Plan

Master Plan Designation:        The Central Area Master Plan designates this area as
                                Urban Density. This allows for a mix of detached and
                                attached residential such as single-family homes,
                                attached residences including town homes, duplexes,
                                triplexes, fourplexes, etc. and institutional such as
                                schools, churches, and libraries.

Major Street Plan:              The Major Street Plan classifies North Thorpe Street
                                as a Local Street.

Parking Requirements:           Section 27-455 requires two (2) off-street parking
                                spaces shall be provided on the premises for each
                                single-family dwelling. The property has two (2) off-
                                street parking spaces.

Advertisement:                  The Wyandotte Echo – April 15, 2021
                                Letters to Property Owner – April 16, 2021

Public Hearing:                 May 10, 2021

Public Support:                 Support has been expressed by two (2) neighbors.

Public Opposition:              None to date.


Detailed Outline of Requested Action: The applicants Richard and Mary Leslie, are
seeking the approval of a Special Use Permit for the keeping of four (4) dogs at 334
North Thorpe Street. This was previously approved through SP-2015-63, which expired
on 12/10/2020. Because of the length of time since expiration, this cannot be

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considered a renewal. The applicants were originally allowed to keep the same four (4)
dogs through Special Use Permit SP-2013-47.

City Ordinance Requirements: 27-592 through 27-606

Code Enforcement History: There is no Code Enforcement History on this property.


   1. The Character of the Neighborhood.

      The neighborhood is residential in nature, comprised of single-family homes on
      narrow lots.

   2. The zoning and uses of properties nearby and the proposed use’s expected
      compatibility with them.

      The zoning and uses are set out above. The proposed use could be compatible if
      properly managed. Having four (4) dogs in the home has the potential to create
      issues related to noise, parking, and other concerns related to animal waste.
      Staff has not been made aware of any complaints for noise or other issues.

   3. The suitability of the property for the uses to which it has been restricted.
      Will removal of the restrictions detrimentally affect nearby property?

      This property is suitable for use as a single-family home. The property could be
      suitable for the proposed use if managed properly. The proposed use has the
      potential to create issues of noise and animal waste if not managed properly. The
      property has been allowed to have four (4) dogs since 2013. During this time,
      there have been no complaints received.

   4. The length of time the property has remained vacant as zoned.

      This property is not vacant. It is an existing single-family residence and the
      primary address of the applicants.

   5. The degree of conformance of the proposed use to the Master Plan.

      Special Use Permits are not addressed in the Master Plan. The City-Wide Master
      Plan designates this area as Urban Density. This allows for a mix of detached
      and attached residential such as single-family homes, attached residences
      including town homes, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, etc. and institutional such
      as schools, churches and libraries. The proposed use conforms to the Master
      Plan because the property will continue to be a single-family home. Each
      residence is allowed to have three (3) dogs but require a Special Use Permit for
      any additional dog(s).

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6. Whether the proposed use will result in increasing the amount of vehicular
      traffic to the point where it exceeds the capacity of the street network to
      accommodate it.

      The proposed use will not increase vehicular traffic, as it is for the keeping of four
      (4) dogs.

   7. Whether the proposed use is reasonably necessary for the convenience
      and welfare of the public and will not substantially or permanently injure
      the appropriate use, visual quality, or marketability of adjoining property.

      The proposed use is not reasonably necessary for the convenience and welfare
      of the public because it only allows the property owners to keep four (4) dogs.
      The proposed use could injure the appropriate use, visual quality, or marketability
      of adjoining property by creating issues of noise and animal waste if not
      managed properly.

   8. Whether the noise, vibration, dust, or illumination that would normally be
      associated with such use is of such duration and intensity as to create
      problems for near-by property.

      Noise is an issue that is related to the keeping of dogs. There have not been
      any noise complaints during the time the property has been used as a home for
      the four (4) dogs. Vibration, dust, and illumination are not expected to be issues.

   9. Whether the proposed use will pollute the air, land or water.

      The proposed use will not pollute the air, land, or water if managed properly.

   10. Whether the use would damage or destroy an irreplaceable natural

      The proposed use will not damage or destroy an irreplaceable natural resource
      as it is an existing single-family residence in a built-out neighborhood.

   11. The relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare as compared to
       the hardship imposed on the individual landowner or landowners.

      The relative gain or loss to the public health, safety, and welfare is likely to be
      minimal as it only provides the property owners the ability to have four (4) dogs
      rather than three (3). If denied, it would create a hardship on the applicant
      because they would have to rehome one (1) of the dogs that has been in their
      home for a long time.

   12. Whether the proposed use would result in overcrowding of land or cause
       undue concentrations of population.

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The proposed use will not create issues of overcrowding as it operates within an
      existing structure and rear yard on the site. The maximum number of dogs
      allowed by SP-2019-63 is four (4). The Kansas City, Kansas Animal Services
      Department has stated that the applicants have properly registered the dogs and
      provide them with proper housing. They have no objections to the renewal of the
      Special Use Permit. The proposed use will not cause undue concentrations of


SP-2019-63 expired on 12/10/2020


The applicant held a neighborhood meeting via letter on April 14, 2021. Attached is the
list of persons who attended the meeting, minutes, affidavit and/or submitted comments
to the applicant.


Proper Disposal of Waste


Planning and Urban Design Comments:

   1) Describe the ages and breeds of the four (4) dogs.

      Applicant Response: Our four (4) dogs are all eight (8) years old. They are
      brother and sister. They are a mix of Great Pyrenees, Labrador Retriever, and

   2) Describe the procedures taken to maintain the rear yard.

      Applicant Response: We are very attentive to our dogs, they stay in the yard
      within our fence, we pick up their feces at least twice a day, morning and night.
      We deodorize the yard at least once or twice a month during the summer months
      to keep down the urine odor with apple cider vinegar that will not harm the

   3) Is the rear yard enclosed by a privacy or other fence? If so, how high is the

      Applicant Response: We have a six (6) foot chain link fence in our backyard.

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4) Provide pictures of the dogs to an extend that they can be identified.

       Staff Response: Applicant has provided photographs of the dogs. They are
       attached below.

Planning Engineering Comments:

A) Items that require plan revision or additional documentation before engineering can
   recommend approval:
   1) None
B) Items that are conditions of approval:
   1) None
C) Comments that are not critical to engineering’s recommendations for this specific
   submittal, but may be helpful in preparing future documents:
   1) None

Animal Services Comments:

No concerns about the kennel permit, dogs are registered and have proper housing.

Conservation District Comments:

The lot is very small for any exercise area for the dogs. It is too small for that of many
dogs. There is limited green space for one (1) animal. The major concern is animal
waste and the runoff from the waste. Animal waste would have to be cleaned up and
disposed of in proper manner on a daily basis. All Conservation District Comments are
attached below.


Staff recommends that the City Planning Commission make the findings contained
within the staff report related to Factors to be Considered, and Key Issues and
recommend APPROVAL of Petition SP2021-031 subject to all comments and
suggestions outlined in this staff report, summarized by the following conditions:

   1) If approved, this Special Use Permit will only apply to the four (4) dogs that
      are currently living in the home. If any should pass away, the Special Use
      Permit will not extend to allow for any new dogs to occupy the home;
   2) Must adhere to the Conservation District Requirements:
          a. The major concern is animal waste and the runoff from the waste.
             Animal waste would have to be cleaned up and disposed of in proper
             manner on a daily basis;
   3) Any property owner or business owner that is required to obtain a Special
      Use Permit for an entitlement to keep fowl or livestock animals as
      described in Sec. 27-593, or any other animal related activity as described
      in Sec. 27-593, is required to comply at all times with all the requirements
      of Chapter 7 and Chapter 27 of the Ordinance. This shall include all
      ordinance sections that relate to: The care, feeding, and keeping of

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animals; The proper housing, shelter, and restraint of animals from
      roaming at large; Access to proper veterinary care; the operation and
      maintenance of land, property, and any building or structure related to
      animal keeping. The permit holder and the property owner are responsible
      to register any animal keeping activity with Kansas City Kansas Animal
      Services, and to maintain annually that registration, and to arrange and
      participate in annual property and animal inspections with Kansas City
      Kansas Animal Services;
   4) The Special Use Permit is not valid for the approved use to be in operation
      until all the conditions of approval are met. The Applicant acknowledges
      that both the property owner and the business owner are collectively
      responsible to ensure that the use of the property is compliant with all
      ordinances, conditions and other requirements of this approval. Failure to
      meet all these requirements may result in revocation of this permit. The
      property may also be subject to enforcement actions and administrative
   5) The Special Use Permit shall be valid for five (5) years from the publication
      of the associated Ordinance. The Applicant is solely responsible for
      renewing their Special Use Permit. The Applicant should contact the
      Planning and Urban Design Department no less than two (2) months prior
      to the expiration of the permit in order to begin the renewal process. Any
      application for renewal that is submitted after the expiration date will be
      considered a new application with the associated application fee and
      approval term. If the renewal deadline is not met, all operations must cease
      until such time as a new Special Use Permit is approved; and,
   6) Subject to approval, a $125.00 ordinance publication fee must be submitted
      to the Planning and Urban Design Department (checks made payable to the
      Unified Treasurer) within 30 days following the Unified Government Board
      of Commissioners meeting. If a check is not submitted within 30 days, the
      petition becomes invalid. The approval will not go into effect until the
      ordinance is published in the newspaper.

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Zoning Map
Land Use Map
Aerial Map
Conservation District Comments
Site Photographs Provided by Staff, Dated April 20, 2021
Neighborhood Meeting Documentation
Veterinarian Documentation
Photographs of Dogs Provided by Applicant

Action               Planning Commission           Unified Government Commission
Public Hearing       May 10, 2021                  May 27, 2021
Special Use

STAFF CONTACT:              Shana Kelly


I move the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission RECOMMEND APPROVAL
of Petition SP2021-031 to the Unified Government Board of Commissioners as meeting
all the requirements of the City code and being in the interest of the public health, safety
and welfare subject to such modifications as are necessary to resolve to the satisfaction
of City Staff all comments contained in the Staff Report; and the following additional
requirements of the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission:


       2. _____________________________________________________; And

       3. ________________________________________________________.


I move the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission RECOMMEND DENIAL of
Petition SP2021-031 to the Unified Government Board of Commissioners, as it is not in
compliance with the City Ordinances and as it will not promote the public health, safety
and welfare of the City of Kansas City, Kansas; and other such reasons that have been

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Zoning Map:

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Land Use Map:

                               Urban Density

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Aerial Map:

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Conservation District Comments:

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Site Photographs Provided by Staff, Dated April 20, 2021:

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Neighborhood Meeting Documentation:

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Veterinarian Documentation:

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Photographs of Dogs Provided by Applicant:

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