PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...

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PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Sustainable Choices

40 Days of Intention

A Silent Addiction

For Generations Y & Z

Tunes Into Health

                        FALL 2010
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
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2 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                    Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 3
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
E dito r ’ S C o r ne r                                                   fall 2 01 0               WHAT’S INSIDE

 Serving the greater Ottawa area since 2007

  fall 2010

                                                         L    ife is full of challenges. How we face them affects what the
                                                                 outcome will be.

  Judy Field                                             This issue of Healthwise Ottawa offers a variety of perspectives
                                                         and solutions for some of the “tests” we might face in our life-
  EDITOR                                                 times — whether they be reaching physical fitness heights in
  Kinneret Globerman                                     the face of health conditions, protecting ourselves from poor
                                                         spending habits or, more seriously, surmounting addictions
                                                                                                                                                                                      15                    29                               45
  Benita Baker
                                                         and escaping abusive or dangerous situations.
  Kinneret Globerman                                     Then there are those challenges we make for ourselves: creating                               Change Artist                           7     Jambican Journey                             40
  Anna Green
                                                         healthful living habits, such as consistent yoga practice or                                    How to embrace change and                     From wanderlust to organic farming
  Lynda Hall
                                                         choosing sustainable and healthful eating practices.                                            work with it
  Murray Kronick
  Angela Ohlman
                                                                                                                                                                                                     40 Days of Yoga                              45
  Linda Vanderlee                                        Fall seems a perfect time to adopt healthy approaches to all of                               Gambling for Life                      10       Are you up for the challenge?
  Angela Wallace                                         those challenges that come our way. We hope this issue provides                                 An addiction gone awry and
  Richard W.R. Yasinski
                                                         you with the inspiration.                                                                       how it was cured                            Reader's Contest                             48
  DESIGN                                                 We’ve certainly been inspired by all of the amazing stories                                   Fine Kettle of Fish                    15     Hands-On Health                              50
  Sandy Lynch
                                                         we’ve ever had the privilege to print. In case you weren’t aware,                               Making sustainable choices in                 Healthy massage the Reiki way
                                                         Healthwise Ottawa is celebrating its third anniversary year!                                    fish consumption
  PHOTOGRAPHERS                                                                                                                                                                                      Children of the Dance                        52
                                                         Cheers to you, for your motivating stories and cheers to our
                                                                                                                                                       Money Matters for Youth                20       Keep your children dancing
  Howard Sandler Photography                             advertisers who have kept us healthy these past three years.
  Kronick Photography                                                                                                                                    Financial fitness for Generations             injury-free
  Peter Polgar                                                                                                       Wishing you an inspiring fall,      Y&Z
  Juri Strenge                                                                                                                                                                                       Fall Footwear Feature                        54
                                                                                                                                  Kinneret Globerman   Getting Physical With Gymnastics 25             Our advertisers give us the scoop
  Healthwise Ottawa is published seasonally
  by Healthwise Publications Inc. and is                                                                                                                 How kids with physical challenges             on the latest in fitness shoes
  printed in Ottawa by Dollco Printing.                                                                                                                  are doing it
  CONTACT US                                                                                                                                                                                         Surviving Childhood Abuse                    56
  Editorial Comments                                                                        Botticelli would have been proud:                          Chi on the Go                          29       One woman’s story of rehabilitation                                                            Chef Charlotte Langley of the                                Put some “Chi” into your running
                                                                                            Whalesbone Oyster House makes the                                                                        Health Wise Books                            58
  Advertising Enquiries
                                                                                            perfect Venus. Check out our story on                      The ‘A’ Channel Team                   32
  613-858-4804 or                                                                                                                                                                                      Techniques for meeting life`s challenges                                                           sustainable fish choices in this issue.                      How a morning news team stays
                                                                                                                                                         fit on the job                              Krav Maga                                    59
                                                                Cover P hoto
                                                                                            Paderno apron provided by The Great Glebe Emporium.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A different kind of martial arts
                                                                                                                                                       Health & Wellness Ottawa               38
                                                                                                                                                         A September Health Fest                     Advertisers’ Index by Category 62

All rights reserved. Reproduction of content in any form is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the
publisher. The information provided in this publication is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a
                                                                                                                                                         Enter to WIN a Culinary Experience!
substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health care provider. The views expressed herein are those of the writers
and advertisers, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Healthwise Publications Inc.
Occasionally, Healthwise Ottawa receives unsolicited material for publication. Healthwise Publications Inc. may edit,
                                                                                                                                                               See the Reader’s Contest on Page 48
use, or publish such material in whole or in part without compensation to the writer, unless otherwise prearranged.

4 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                                                                  Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 5
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Responding to Change:
                                                                                         How to Live With
                                                                                            (and Survive!)

                                                                                         By Linda Vanderlee

                                                                                                  hange... a coming together
                                                                                                   or a coming apart, self-
                                                                                                   initiated or self-imposed,
                                                                                         desired or not. Every one of us
                                                                                         has our own way of responding to
                                                                                         change and the inevitable transition
 Ottawa’s Complete Health Food Store                                                     that accompanies it. We may ignore
                                                              st ions?                   it, rage against it, succumb to it with
                                             Yo u h av e qu e
                                                                                         a sigh, or even face and embrace
                                                   We can help.                          it. Change triggers our emotional
                                               • Gluten-free Diets • Teenage Nutrition   centre and often evokes a sense of
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                                                                                         fear — can I handle this?
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6 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                            Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 7
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Embrace the unknown —
                                                                                                                                                   Despite the uncertainty, despite that sense
Although I usually see myself as someone        an illness that — having been painful and       check out my assumptions, learn what               of fear, we can take charge of our responses
who likes change, I recently experienced        difficult — was ultimately a turning point      I have to learn, brainstorm options and            and influence the outcomes. Try this next
one I didn’t expect or welcome: a downturn      that led to something positive? Change,         choices. I am noticing when my thinking            time you’re facing the unknown:
in the amount of work I’m used to. The          both the invited and the imposed, offers        and actions are counter-productive, and             Acknowledge and feel the fear, and
fear factor certainly raised its head. That     us a chance to take stock of what is truly      am mindful of choosing to think and                   listen to what you need.
great, gaping hole of uncertainty and the       important to us. It’s an opportunity to         act otherwise.
                                                                                                                                                    Recognize and act on your need for
unknown loomed large and dark.                  take steps that align with that.
                                                                                                I’m confident in my ability to both                   extra self-care, paying attention to
Fear can be an important and useful             What would happen if you were able to           survive this phase and make this a                    what you require to be healthy — in
response in some situations. It keeps you       embrace that perspective — especially           turning point opportunity. I’m ready                  body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
from getting too close to the edge of a cliff   if it were based on reviewing your lived        to see and absorb what is indeed                   Reflect on who you are, what you
when you’re driving on some hilly road. It      experiences of when you did “handle it”?        perfect about this situation: for me,                have learned about yourself, what
gets you to stop the car on the side of the     I’ve witnessed countless individuals and        it’s an opportunity to take a creative               beliefs are helping or holding you
road when you start to nod off. It makes        teams do just that. In each case they were      sabbatical; to focus on exploring visual             back, and apply that knowledge to
you think twice about taking a job that         able to tap into a new energy source and        art, writing, and music. It’s a time to              your current situation.
doesn’t match your skill set or interests.      an expanded belief system that allowed          slow down, spend less, and enjoy the               Take the time to envision the life
                                                creativity and confidence to emerge, along      fruits of my labours. It’s a time to create          you want to create — what you want
In the context of responding to change,         with various coping and thriving strategies     more community and partnerships in                   to be, do, and have — and, with
though, it can often be a red herring, a        specific to them.                               my life. I am looking forward to seeing              that awareness and clarity, be open
tactic to keep us from living life fully. In                                                    what unfolds. I trust that it will all               and present to the opportunities as
those situations, I like to think of fear as    With uncertainty, we have choices. We can       work out.                              HWO           they appear.
an acronym: False Evidence Appearing            let fear close us down or make us run. We
                                                                                                                                                   Ask a paradigm-shifting question like
Real. It’s a reminder for me to challenge       can succumb to the fear, deciding that the
                                                                                                Linda Vanderlee, MA, is a change                    “what’s perfect about this”?
my assumptions and beliefs, best done           uncertainty we face is only going to bring
with someone else not so steeped in the         doom and gloom. We can even pretend             facilitator who coaches individuals and             Choose to accept support and help
                                                nothing is happening, ignore it all, and let    teams who want to make a difference. Find             (from people, books, courses, etc.).
emotions of the situation.
                                                the cards fall where they may. Alternatively,   her at
Few of us can truly know for sure what                                                          and
                                                we can choose to embrace the uncertainty
happens next, but we can listen attentively     and discover ways, perhaps new ways, to
to ourselves and influence our response         live with this “what is.” We can use our
by simply adjusting our perception and          self-knowledge and our past experiences to                                               Do you have a plan?
our beliefs about what is, as well as what’s    balance that sense of fear with an attendant
next. Uncertainty has an equal chance of        sense of excitement, possibility, and trust.
                                                                                                                                 A “second opinion” is not enough!
bringing us good things, resources, people                                                                                    Comprehensive planning, investment, long term
who will be helpful, and opportunities that     As for me, at the time of writing, the work                                     cash flow, tax and estate planning advice
lead us closer to what makes our heart sing.    slow-down remains pretty much the same.
                                                What’s different is that my energy and                                                 Richard WR Yasinski CFP
When something changes, how you                 creative ideas are flowing again. I believe                                                          613-271-9994
approach this new reality will have a huge      this is because I let myself ride the wave of                                         
impact on how resilient you are. How many       emotions, attend to my self-care needs, and                                                         You Live We Plan
times have you experienced or heard a story     reach out to friends and colleagues. I take
about a layoff, a relationship ending, even     the time to process and address my fears,         Financially Sound
                                                                                                   PLANNING YOUR REALITY

8 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                   Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 9
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Gambling                                                                                          — The Silent Addiction
By Benita Baker

          think that stories like this need      She lost her job and over $100,000; but,         Resources for Ontario Women To reduce               “There would be times that I would leave the
            to be told,” says a resolute Carla   more than that, she lost her self-respect, her   Harm (CGROWTH), which states that                   casino and I would scream in the car and
            Blacquiere. “It’s important that     dreams, and all hope. She was suicidal.          “issues related to trauma, depression, anxiety      berate myself and vow never to go back there,”
people know that there is an end to it. When                                                      and financial stress are more common among          says Blacquiere. “Then I would wake up the
                                                 Today, her life is completely turned
you’re in it…you cannot see that there is                                                         women and, as a result, make women more             next morning and all I could think about was
                                                 around. She has a high profile job as service
a way out.”                                                                                       vulnerable to developing gambling problems.”        going back.”
                                                 manager for Ottawa Chrysler Jeep Dodge,
The “it” that Blacquiere is referring to is      a loving relationship, financial security,                                                           Ultimately, she got caught up in the lies and
                                                                                                  Blacquiere’s gambling addiction began
gambling addiction. And the story that           and an unwavering sense of confidence and                                                            her partner found out. Blacquiere did not try
                                                                                                  innocently and instantly. She went to the casino
needs to be told is her own. Nine years ago,     self-worth.                                                                                          to deny it. “There is no way you are ever going
                                                                                                  with a group of friends to celebrate a birthday.
Blacquiere hit bottom with her addiction.        “It’s pretty amazing what my life looks like     On the way out, she dropped three loonies           to understand what I have to tell you,” she
                                                             today compared to what it was,”      into a slot machine and won $1,600. “Wow,           said when her partner confronted her.
                                                             says the 47-year-old. “I have more   I can make money like this,” she remembers          When Blacquiere finally crashed, she turned
                                                             than any gambling win could have     thinking. “It took flight from there.”              to Ottawa’s Amethyst Women’s Addiction
                                                             ever given me.”                                                                          Centre for help. “The women there picked me
                                                                                                  She began going to the casino every day,
                                                           According to the Problem                                                                   up, took care of me, and brought me back to
                                                                                                  always playing the slots. She moved from
                                                           Gambling Institute of Ontario or                                                           life,” she says.
                                                                                                  the quarter and dollar machines to the $100
                                                           PGIO (,
                                                                                                  and $500 ones. She couldn’t focus on her job        Foremost in Amethyst’s philosophy towards
                                                           4.8 per cent of adults in Ontario
                                                                                                  because gambling was all she could think            addiction treatment is that gambling problems
                                                           have moderate to severe gambling
                                                                                                  about. She won little bits here and there but       cannot be seen in isolation. “We make
                                                           problems and women account for
                                                                                                  never as big as the first time. “I had a complete   direct links between the unequal position
                                                           over one-third of them. Studies
                                                                                                  and utter belief that I would win,” she says.       of women in society, the various forms of
                                                           quoted by the PGIO also find
                                                                                                  “There was nothing that could convince me           violence against women, and substance use
                                                           that gambling behaviours are
                                                                                                  that I wasn’t going to win.”                        and/or problem gambling,” states the centre’s
                                                           gender-based — women play
                                                                                                                                                      promotional material.
                                                           different games, develop problems      All the while, her partner knew nothing
                                                           faster, and experience different                                                           At Amethyst, Blacquiere met with a counsellor
                                                                                                  about it. No one knew. From the start,
                                                           consequences than men.                                                                     weekly and attended group therapy. She also
                                                                                                  Blacquiere felt that her partner would not
                                                                                                                                                      confronted her personal demons and came to
                                                           Whereas men tend to choose skill-      approve so Blacquiere began an intricate
                                                                                                                                                      understand that her self-destructive behaviour
                                                           based games that are stimulating,      pattern of lies, deceit, and manipulation
                                                                                                                                                      stemmed from traumatic childhood
                                                           women are more likely to gamble        that is very common for problem gamblers.
                                                                                                                                                      experiences. Her mother died when she was
                                                           as a means of distraction and          (“Yes, I walked the dog…No, I didn’t clean
Photo: Kronick Photography

                                                                                                                                                      only eleven years old and her siblings left to
                                                           relaxation so they choose games that   the apartment because I wasn’t feeling well…
                                                                                                                                                      live with relatives in another city. She endured
                                                           do not require concentration — slot    when in actual fact I had just spent five hours
                                                                                                                                                      sexual abuse at an early age.
                                                           machines, bingo, scratch tickets.      in the casino.”) This is why gambling is often
                                                           The PGIO cites a report (http://       referred to as the “silent addiction.” Whether      “My attitude had always been ‘so what,
                                                           w w           it is shame or embarrassment at their               it happened’,” she says. “But I came to
                             Carla Blacquiere              Documents/Professionalseng.pdf )       behaviour, problem gamblers lie to cover up         understand that my unhealthy behaviours
                                                           by the Committee on Gambling           the extent of their gambling.                       were partly caused by what happened.”

10 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                    Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 11
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Risky business:                                                                                   Got a gambling problem?
 what conditions can                               Cross-addiction is common. In addition to                                                             Be your own
                                                                                                            These treatment
 lead to a full-fledged
                                                   her gambling, Blacquiere was at high risk for
                                                   alcohol abuse. “I shut everything out until
                                                                                                           centres in Ottawa
                                                                                                              can help…
                                                                                                                                               Energy Wellspring
                                                   I could no longer keep it dormant,” says
    (Source:               Blacquiere about the defence mechanisms she        Amethyst Women’s
       Risk factors for developing a               developed simply to survive. “That is when         Addiction Centre
            gambling problem)                      the addictions took hold.”               
“These are risk factors that can contribute        According to Gundel Lake, a problem                613-563-0363
to the development of gambling problems            gambling counsellor at Amethyst, Blacquiere’s
                                                   story is typical of the women in the program.      Centretown Community
or make it more difficult to stop. People
                                                   Violence is almost always in the background.       Health Centre
are more at risk if they:
                                                   “In my experience, problem gambling is             Substance Abuse and Gambling
 have an early big win (leading to false                                                            Services: Lifestyle Enrichment for             Catherine McLenaghan
                                                   always indicative of something else,” she                                                            Energy Psychotherapist
  expectation of future wins)                                                                         Senior Adults (LESA)
                                                   says. “It is the tip of the iceberg and without
 have easy access to their preferred form        attending to what is underneath, it is difficult              Catherine combines a meridian tapping
  of gambling                                      to sustain long-term health and wellness and       613-233-4443 (Administrative Services)    technique (EFT) with Energy Medicine
                                                   puts the women at risk for other problems.”        LESA direct line: 613-233-5430            to release emotional blockages, reduce
 hold mistaken beliefs about the odds                                                                                                             stress and increase your energy.
  of winning                                       The number of people struggling with the           Rideauwood Addiction
                                                   gambling problem is high. So, too, is the          and Family Services
 do not take steps to monitor gambling
                                                   relapse rate. Lake says that although the centre
   wins and losses                                                                                                                     
                                                   has treated approximately 400 women since          613-724-4881
 have had a recent loss or change, such          the program began ten years ago, that number
   as divorce, job loss, retirement or death       is low compared to the number of women
   of a loved one                                  who suffer in silence and do not seek help.
 often feel bored or lonely, or have a history   The road to recovery was tough for
   of risk-taking or impulsive behaviour           Blacquiere. “Going through the addiction
 have financial problems                         and the recovery is very painful. It was not
                                                   an easy walk at all, but it was probably the
 have few interests or hobbies, or feel their
                                                   most rewarding thing I have ever done in my
   lives lack direction
                                                   entire life.”
 have a history of mental health problems,
                                                   While Blacquiere has been clean for nine
   particularly depression and anxiety
                                                   years, she knows that, without a doubt, she
 have been abused or traumatized                 can never walk into a casino again, even
 have a parent who also has (or has had)         socially. She is now giving back to the facility
   problems with gambling                          that gave her back her life: Having completed
                                                   the Trauma/Addiction Recovery Studies
 have (or have had) problems with alcohol        program at Algonquin College, Blacquiere is
  or other drugs, gambling or overspending         now a part-time relief counsellor at Amethyst.
 tie their self-esteem to gambling wins          “My message is hope,” she says. “There is
   or losses.                                      hope. There is a way out. I feel so grateful
                                                   for the life I have today after going through
The more factors that apply, the more likely
                                                   what I did. If I can get that message across to
a person is to develop a gambling problem.”
                                                   people, to even one person, that they can get
                                                   through this, that’s my goal.”            HWO

12 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                        Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 13
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Fishy Choices for
                                                                        S u s t ai
                                 By Lynda Hall
                                                                                      n ab le C on su m p t i o n
                                 I  t’s 11:30 Friday morning at The
                                     Whalesbone’s Sustainable Oyster & Fish
                                     Supply warehouse on Kent Street in
                                 Ottawa. A lineup of mostly hip, urban
                                 professionals swirls around the room from
                                                                                    the wallet-sized “Canada’s Seafood Guide”
                                                                                    and the new “iSavetheSeas” app for iPhones,
                                                                                    iPod Touch, and iPad. The guides list fish and
                                                                                    shellfish under three categories: Best Choice
                                 the serving counter to the door. It’s a            (green list); Some Concerns (yellow list); and
                                 convivial, nod-and-smile kind of crowd,            Avoid (red list). These rankings are based on
                                 almost conspiratorial in nature, as if each        assessments by a team of scientists from five
                                 among them acknowledge the good taste of           partner organizations working together with
                                 the other in having known about and sought         SeaChoice, and which make up Sustainable
                                 out this little food mecca.                        Seafood Canada: Ecology Action Centre,
                                 They have been lured here by the promise           Living Oceans Society, Canadian Parks and
                                 of fresh fish, prepared with finesse: Oyster       Wilderness Society (BC Chapter), Sierra Club
                                 Po’ Boys, seafood chowder, and succulent           of Canada (BC Chapter), and the David
                                 cod or perch sandwiches. And for the               Suzuki Foundation.
                                 environmentally conscious consumer, there’s        Bill Wareham, a Senior Marine Conservation
                                 another attraction for eating here: All the fish   Specialist for the David Suzuki Foundation,
                                 and shellfish are guaranteed by Whalesbone’s       says on the website that the ranking process
                                 owners as sustainable.                             is continually reviewed and reassessed
                                 There was a time when the oceans                   by an assessment team to ensure that no
                                 represented bounty — a wet cornucopia of           information is more than five years old and
                                 food simply waiting to leap onto our plates.       that the rankings are still valid (because
                                 But as with all the earth’s natural resources,     of a new fishery or method of fishing, for
                                 this wild food supply has been showing signs       example). Reports from the National Oceanic
                                 of fragility. According to the SeaChoice           and Atmospheric Administration in the
                                 website (,          United States and Canada’s Department
                                 “On a global level, most fisheries are poorly      of Fisheries and Oceans are reviewed, and
                                 managed and fish stocks have been fully            ranking changes are made but only based on
                                 exploited (52 per cent), over-exploited (16        consensus. Catastrophes (the oil leak in the
                                 per cent), or depleted (7 per cent).”              Gulf of Mexico, for example) would be fast-
                                                                                    tracked for ranking decisions.
                                 SeaChoice — sustainability watchdogs               The assessment team also considers the
                                 SeaChoice is a research and education              capacity to replace species at an equivalent
                                 program which, among other things,                 rate to which they are removed. Fishing
                                 produces easy-to-use tools to identify             methods can have a devastating impact on
                                 sustainable seafood for consumers, such as         the environment. Trawling with weighted

14 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                 Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 15
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
over-crowded farmed populations, release of
                                                                                                       antibiotics into the water from medicated fish
                                                                                                       feed, and interbreeding and competition for
nets to catch                                                                                          food when non-native species escape the nets.
cod damages the                                                                                        For a truly local meal that’s good for your
ocean f loor and collects                                                                              health and the health of the environment,
unwanted “bycatch,” species that are                                                                   ride your bike out to Thistle Springs to catch
accidentally caught and killed off in the           Local                                              your own trout, then prepare the recipe on
process. Alternatively, bottom long-lining for      restaurants opt for the Ocean Wise                 the following page provided by Whalesbone’s
cod, which uses hundreds of hooks on a single       conservation program                               chef Charlotte Langley.                   HWO
line, can be set to float above the ocean floor,
                                                    In Ottawa, Ocean Wise partners include
and are checked frequently enough to allow                                                              Thistle Springs Trout Farm
                                                    Whalesbone, e18hteen, Juniper Kitchen and
for quick release of unwanted catch.                                                          
                                                    Wine Bar, and Wilfrid’s Restaurant at the
Also indicated in these rankings are health         Fairmont Chateau Laurier. Whalesbone co-            8739 Copeland Road, RR#2
advisories to limit intake of particular species    owner Josh Bishop was already on the road to        Ashton, Ontario
with high levels of mercury, PCBs, dioxins,         serving and selling 100 per cent sustainable        613-838-5695
or pesticides. The guide indicates that cod         products before becoming an Ocean Wise              Open daily for fishing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
is safe, but farmed Atlantic or Chinook             partner. By expanding from restaurant to            The Whalesbone Oyster House and
salmon are not.                                     wholesale, he has helped influence other            The Sustainable Oyster & Fish Supply
                                                    restaurants in Ottawa, and now sells to   
If you’re scanning a menu at a restaurant
                                                    50 clients.                                         Retail Shop:
and wondering whether to order the fish and
chips, you’ll need to ask your waiter three         Whalesbone goes fishing for local trout             504 A Kent Street
questions before referring to the SeaChoice                                                             613-231-3474
guide: What type of fish is this? Where is it       Whalesbone is the exclusive supplier of             Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
from? How was it caught or farmed?                  sustainably farmed speckled and rainbow             Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                                    trout from Thistle Springs Trout Farm in            Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
If the answer is Atlantic Cod, then you’re          Ashton, just west of Ottawa. Owner Sam              Restaurant:
looking at a red-listed item, because stocks        Thistle is proud of his operation, especially       430 Bank Street
have not recovered, despite the 1992 closing        the high-quality feed he buys for his trout.        613-231-8569
of the once abundant Atlantic cod fishery.          “It’s the most expensive you can get, and
If it is Pacific-trawled, there are some            contains only fish meal — no liver, no              SeaChoice
concerns because of the fishing method. But         animal by-products, and no corn gluten from         Guides available at
if it’s Pacific-bottom and long-lined, you’ve       China or other countries with questionable          Ocean Wise
got a green item — so order up!                     ingredients.”                             
A simpler option is to look for the Ocean Wise      Thistle’s trout are a SeaChoice “green list”        Lists all partner restaurants
logo. Ocean Wise is a conservation program          item because land-based fish farming is             across Canada.
at the Vancouver Aquarium. It works                 considered a closed system, which avoids some
primarily with restaurants, providing them          of the concerns scientists have with the open-
with a list of ocean-friendly fish and shellfish,   net farming used to supply the huge demand         PEI-born Executive Chef Charlotte Langley of The
and accepting them as partners when their           for salmon. The risk when using densely            Whalesbone Oyster House, having some fun with
menus reflect a shift toward sustainability.        populated large nets, suspended in open            a lobster. Only lobsters caught off the Canadian
Partners are permitted to display the Ocean         water, include habitat destruction below the       Atlantic coast are classified as sustainable by
Wise logo on their menus, making it easier          net from excessive fish waste, infection of wild   SeaChoice. Give Langley's recipe for trout a try, if
for diners to identify sustainable options.         fish population from parasites and diseases in     you're looking for a locally raised SeaChoice option.

                                                                                                                                    Photos: Couvrette/Ottawa

16 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                 Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 17
PLENTY OF FISH Sustainable Choices - YOGA CHALLENGE 40 Days of Intention PROBLEM GAMBLING A Silent Addiction FINANCIAL FITNESS For Generations Y & ...
Trout à la Thistle Springs with Potato Pavé,
     Greens, and Lemon Crème Fraîche                                                                       Remember last
                                                                                                           flu season?
Chef Charlotte Langley’s creation                    When you’re ready to serve:
                                                     Line up your dinner plates so that they’re
4 to 6 trout                                         ready for portioning out the servings (this is

                                                                                                           Be prepared this
Kale or crunchy greens                               very important).
Rinse and pat trout dry. Store unwrapped on          Pull out your pavé and portion it any way
paper towel in the refrigerator until ready to go.
                                                                                                           winter with DEEPIMMUNE®
                                                     you like.
Potato Pavé                                          Put two frying pans on the stove — one for
2 lbs Yukon potatoes, peeled and halved              the fish and one for some crunchy greens                                             Fights colds and flu, naturally, by
   ( Yukon potatoes work best as they get nice      (e.g., kale) to go with it.                                                          strengthening your immune system. This
                                                                                                                                          natural qi tonic is so effective it is used
    and glutinous when cooked)                       Season the whole fish portions with salt and
                                                                                                                                          during radiation and chemotherapy
Small bunch of flat-leaf parsley                     pepper on both sides.                                                                treatments to reduce immune
Zest of 2 lemons                                     Throw some lard into a frying pan at medium-                                         depression.
¼ cup extra virgin canola oil                        high heat and place the trout in the melted fat.
Salt and pepper                                                                                                                           Now available in children’s
                                                     Put the pavé in the middle of each plate.                                            strength, easy-to-take
In a large pot, cover potatoes in water and a        (The pavé can be reheated in the oven, but                                           vegicaps or our classic
splash of salt. Bring to a boil and cook until       it�s very tasty at room temperature.)                                                combination.
very tender. While the potatoes are cooking,
roughly cut the parsley and put in a mixing          Quickly sauté some kale in the other pan,                                            Fight seasonal
bowl with the zest of the two lemons.                finishing with a splash of lemons, and place                                         colds and flu—
                                                     this on the pavé.                                                                    arm yourself
Drain potatoes and toss into the bowl. Add
                                                     Meanwhile, flip the trout and let it get all                                         with
oil and crush the mixture with your hands
                                                     crispy on the other side.                                                            DeepImmune®
(crushing gives texture to the potatoes). Add
salt and pepper, to taste.                           Take the crème fraîche from the fridge;
Line your favourite cookie sheet, loaf pan,          drizzle it generously over the greens and pavé.
or a funky-shaped dish with plastic wrap. (If        Once the trout is ready, place it on top of the
you sprinkle a little water in the dish first,       greens and pavé, and you are ready to eat.
it’s much easier for the plastic to stick in the
corners without tearing.) Once the potato            Serve with some crunchy warm bread and
mixture is all crushed up and seasoned, press        cold butter.
it into the dish you have chosen and refrigerate     Makes 4-6 servings.
uncovered, preferably overnight (the longer
you let this sit, the better).

Lemon Crème Fraîche
In a stainless bowl, whisk:
½ cup sour cream or crème fraîche                                                                          Ask for DeepImmune® and other beneficial
  if you can find it                                                                                       St. Francis Herb Farm products at your local
¼ cup whipping cream                                                                                       health food store. For more information, call:
Zest and juice of 2 lemons                                                                                 1.800.219.6226, e-mail: info@stfrancisherbfarm.              Health Canada Site
                                                                                                           com or visit                       License 300242
Refrigerate until you are ready to serve.
                                                                              Photo: Kronick Photography

18 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 19
Ge t Fit                                                      Financially:
                                                                                                               Money Basics for
                                   By Richard W.R. Yasinski, CFP

                                            aybe you exercise regularly to keep your body in shape.

                                                                                                              Generations Y and Z
                                             You’re in school so your mind is definitely getting a
                                             workout. You may even contemplate your spirituality
                                   and meditate from time to time.
                                   But what about your financial health? Are you doing what you
© Yukchong Kwan |   need to do to grow your financial skills and money to support            on your education, your entertainment,            other activities. It forces you to take a regular
                                   the things you really want to do in life?                                things you want to have or do in the future       look at what you’ve spent and what you need
                                   As with any exercise program, discipline and form are important          that will enhance your life.                      to and really want to spend your money on. It
                                   in your financial fitness program. You’ll need to master these           Form is structuring how your money                also helps you reduce impulse spending. You
What’s Money?                      money basics to help you do what you want to do with your                                                                  just may not buy that shirt if you know you
                                                                                                            comes in, is held, and is spent. We all need

M      oney is a store             body, mind, soul, and life!                                              both a chequing and savings account and           have more important things planned for your
       of value. Money                                                                                      online access. If you are in a joint living       money. Uncontrolled impulse spending is
is earned through                  Financial fitness basics: discipline and form
                                                                                                            arrangement, you also need a joint chequing       the disease of good financial health.
work or intelligent                Discipline in financial fitness terms is the courage and willingness     account for shared expenses. Any income you
investment. It gives us                                                                                                                                       Do you need it or do you want
                                   to create and stick to a spending plan so that your money lets you       earn typically goes into the chequing account
options to live our                                                                                                                                           it? There’s a difference!
                                   do both the important and fun stuff you want to in life. You know        first, where you leave enough to cover your
lives a certain way                you need to exercise every week to maintain your physical health.        weekly or monthly expenses. You move the          The first step in creating a spending plan is to
if we consciously                  Well, you also need to manage your financial health weekly.              balance to a savings account.                     be really clear about what you need to spend
spend it on the things             Once you have your program in place, maintaining your financial                                                            your money on versus what you want to spend
                                                                                                            Most bank savings accounts do not pay
we want to do and                  health shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes a week.                                                                         your money on. Since most of us don’t have
                                                                                                            competitive interest rates. Using one of the
believe in. Money                                                                                                                                             unlimited funds, keeping enough money for
                                   A spending plan describes where you will spend your money,               online, high-interest savings accounts (i.e.,
deserves our respect                                                                                                                                          our needs and only the most important wants
                                   broken down by month. Anything important is worth having a               ING or Ally) will give you a higher rate of
and the better we                                                                                                                                             is the only way to good financial health.
                                   plan for: it just increases the odds of success. You create a spending   interest and make your savings account a
treat it, the more                                                                                                                                            Your needs and wants can be listed as
                                   plan on a spreadsheet you’ve customized with your unique                 little less susceptible to impulse spending.
options it will give                                                                                                                                          financial goals. Each goal can have a
                                   financial commitments and goals. It’s a planning tool that helps         Check them out by searching “Canadian
us in life. Consider                                                                                                                                          dollar amount and date associated with
                                   you decide where you want your money to go and tells you where           High Interest Savings” and find out how they
how you respect                                                                                                                                               it. “Contribute $3,000 to my first year of
                                   it went. It monitors your progress and helps you stay on track.          are linked to your chequing accounts.  Your
your money. Do you                                                                                                                                            university by September 1, 2011” is a big
                                   Email me ( for a sample copy of            spending plan will tell you what should be in
handle your debit and                                                                                                                                         longer-term financial goal. “Buy concert
                                   my daughter’s spending plan (designed for students). It will             your accounts at the end of the month to pay
credit cards always                                                                                                                                           tickets to White Stripes for $60 on November
                                   include all sources of income from work, parents, Ontario                for all the future things you said you wanted
knowing where they                                                                                                                                            1, 2010” is a smaller short-term goal.
                                   Students Assistance Program or OSAP, gifts, etc., listing first          to do. This is where your bank account and
are? How about your
                                   where you have committed to spend your money — phone,                    spending plan come together — one just            Achieving these goals will mean saving a
bills? Do you crumple
                                   school, rent, car, longer-term savings, etc. — and then where            doesn’t work as well without the other.           certain amount of your income monthly.
them and shove
                                   you would like to spend your money. The latter are discretionary                                                           These goals become line items on your
them into different
                                   expenses and putting limits on them can be the difference between        Your best and “must do”                           spending plan. Every month, you add a little
corners of your wallet
                                   financial success or failure.                                            monthly financial health activity                 money toward your goals, which is saved
or purse, or do you
                                   The more money you need to spend in future (a university                 Updating your spending plan every month           in your savings account.
fold them neatly in
a safe place?                      education, for example), the more important a spending plan              is to financial security what tracking your       Latté’s, iTunes songs, games, debit transaction
                                   becomes. You can call it a budget, but I call it a spending              progress is to training. If it becomes a habit,   costs, magazines, and late-night visits to
                                   plan — because that’s what you do with money. You spend it               it will do more for creating wealth than most     your favourite restaurant are all ways you

20 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                            Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 21
What’s income tax? For                            can fritter your money away. Setting aside a            advantage of low credit offers, go ahead,
those earning more than                           specific amount of funds for fun things allows          but cut up your credit cards (or freeze
                                                                                                                                                         Helping Families See
$10,382 in 2010, read on…                         you to enjoy them without compromising                  them in ice) because using them just gets       Clearly Since 1913
                                                  more important needs and wants. An amount               you deeper into the hole.
I  ncome tax is the so-called “temporary
   measure” the federal government placed
on all Canadians in 1917 as a means to
                                                  for “entertainment” needs to be part of every
                                                  spending plan.
                                                                                                       ➤ Then make sure you have looked at every
                                                                                                          penny you spend and cut out all “wants”
fund the first World War. It remains with                                                                 and re-evaluate “needs” to direct funds to
us, never to leave, to pay for all government     How to use credit and not                               pay off the debt.
programs such as health care, building of         get creamed
                                                                                                       Getting out of debt on your own is an                                                    gchutka / istockphoto

roads, school subsidies, politician’s salaries,   The best practice with a credit card is never        accomplishment. Don’t consider bankruptcy        Dr. Michel Bastien
and much more. Understanding taxation             to carry a balance. Interest rates for credit        unless you have gone to a credit counselling     D r. h a r ry P r i z a n t
is as important to your financial health as       cards are high and can add up quickly.               service first.                                      optometrists
understanding nutrition is to your exercise       Credit card companies target teens and                                                                                       ®   Member
program. Some of your good work could             twenty-somethings for indoctrination with a                                                                                      ThE CaNadiaN assOCiaTiON
                                                                                                       The Bottom Line                                                             Of OpTOMETrisTs
be drained away if you don’t understand           credit mentality. Make no mistake: This is a

                                                                                                                                                                     complete Family eye care
how your income and investment returns            conspiracy. Don’t let them get you! Resistance       ➤ Create and follow a spending plan —                        new Patients Welcome
are taxed. Our tax system is “progressive,”       is not futile! A credit card makes it all too easy     it helps you spend your money on                            Digital retinal Photography
which means that the more you make, the           to make impulse purchases and get off track             what’s really important to you and gives                   laser surgery consultations
greater percentage of your income is taxed.       from your spending plan. Resolve for the good          you options.                                                On-site lab
The rich really do pay. For 2010, you need        of your financial health never to carry a balance    ➤ Set up your bank chequing and savings
                                                                                                                                                                     contact lenses & eye Glasses
to earn about $10,382 a year or more before       on your credit card. This means planning each           accounts online and use them properly.
                                                                                                                                                                     Bilingual services

you start paying tax on your income. If you       purchase and knowing how much you can                  Do a monthly check on how you are doing         Tel.: (613) 236-6066 447 Cumberland St.
attend school full time, you could earn up        spend that month — the spending plan is                against your spending plan. This takes a        Email: Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7J8
to about $14,000 a year before paying any         your saviour!                                          little time up front but is really easy once
tax. To make things complicated, income                                                                  you get rolling.
                                                  If you must have a credit card, find one with
tax is applied differently by each province
                                                  no fees or one that pays dividends on the            ➤ Make sure your savings are getting the
and the federal government, but assuming
                                                  amount you spend and charges the lowest                 highest interest you can earn. Search
you don’t go to school, the income you
                                                  interest rate (for that unfortunate time you            “Canadian High Interest Savings” to find
earn is taxed as follows: $0 to $10,381 = no
                                                  might carry a balance).                                 out where to save.
tax payable; $10,382 to $40,970 is taxed at
22%; $40,971 to $81,941 is taxed at about                                                              ➤ If you earn more than $10,382 ($14,000
32%; and $81,942 to $127,021 is taxed at          If you get into credit trouble…
                                                                                                         if in university), understand the basics of
about 40%. Contributing to Retirement             ➤ First, don’t ignore the problem — it’s              income tax and how to lower the tax you                   Linda Vanderlee, M.A.
Savings Accounts (RSPs) and using Tax-              like ignoring a mole on your skin that’s              pay (RSPs and TFSAs). Do your own                         Coaching ◆ Facilitation
Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) are two                changing colour or growing. It’s not good,           income tax.                          HWO
ways to lower the tax you pay.                       but you have to face it or it might get                                                                          for a healthy life
                                                     worse. The analogy between cancer and
Tip: If you are 18 or over, make sure you            not dealing with debt is intentional! Not
file your tax return, even if you earn under                                                           Richard W.R. Yasinski, CFP, is an independent
                                                     paying your bills gets you a poor credit          Certified Financial Planner who founded
$10,382. In Ontario, you qualify for a               rating and that follows you around for a
$100 tax credit!                                                                                       Financially Sound in 1996. He specializes in
                                                     long time and impacts your future ability         personal comprehensive financial planning,
                                                     to borrow for a car, rent an apartment,           investments, tax, insurance, and estate
Learn to do your own income tax —
                                                     and buy a home.                                   matters. See for
software makes it really easy and can help
you save money.                                   ➤ Next, try to move your balance to a               more information.
                                                    lower-costing credit card. If you can take
                                                                                                                                                               (819) 459-3580

22 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                       Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 23
Gymnastics                                          Four

        Drawing the solar blinds
         on window inefficiency                                                                   Without Limits:                                    Inspiring
                                                                                                                                                      S to r i es
                                                                                                By Lynda Hall
        ith cooler temperatures in the forecast, let’s be more

        energy conscious now, and ready our house for winter                                            hink of gymnastics, and you might
 before the chill is upon us.                                                                            imagine energetic boys or petite         To help camouflage her insulin pump, Jagwear,
 energy-efficient solar blinds by Krumpers solar solutions will                                          pony-tailed girls with sculpted          a popular manufacturer of gymnastics wear,
 help keep your heating bills down, block out harmful Uv rays                                   bodies wrapped in colourful gym suits,            made a belt to match her suit. Nonetheless,
 and keep the home cozy on cold winter nights. Krumpers solar                                   defying gravity and common sense with their       some people think she’s carrying an MP3
 Blinds, a unique Canadian product, lets you enjoy the sunshine                                 precision acrobatic moves. But what about         player or phone into the gym. At competitions,
 and the view, and also keep out glare and heat in the summer.                                  the average child, or the one compromised         her coaches inform judges about the pump,
                                                                                                by health challenges? Is there a place for all    and the sport’s governing body, Gymnastics
 “We are the only product on the market that allows clear views                                 of our children in the competitive world          Ontario, has given her permission to wear
 in the winter and summer by protecting you from Uv rays,                                       of gymnastics?                                    shorts, if necessary, to keep the pump in
 cold infiltration and heat loss in the winter, and heat gain in                                                                                  place. So far it’s only flown off a couple of
 the summer, saving you money. Once the blinds                                                  There can be little question that gymnastics
                                                                                                is a great sport for the health and fitness of    times but luckily never in a competition.
 are on glass, they are transparent,” says diana
                                                                                                kids. It allows them to develop balance,          Cashman believes that gymnastics has made
 Livshits, owner of Krumpers solar solutions.
                                                                                                flexibility and hand-eye coordination,            her more sensitive to changes in her blood
 The blinds, which have no dangling cords,                                                      strengthen muscles and bones. And with a          sugar levels. “If I start feeling light-headed
 are made of aluminium, graphite, silicone                                                      great coach, gymnastics can challenge kids        and dizzy, I can’t stay on the beam. I know
 and nontoxic PBC. They cost $28 a square                                                       to learn new skills, accept critique, and build   I have to stop and eat something to bring
 foot, which includes installation, and                                                         self-esteem in the process.                       my blood sugar level up again.”
 come with a five-year warranty on the
                                                                                                But for 12-year-old Claire Cashman, the
 hardware and material. The blinds                                                              benefit of training four days a weeks for 18
 require minimal maintenance; only                                                              hours also includes blood sugar regulation.
 a wet cloth to wipe off dust and dirt.
 tough and durable, the blinds are                                                              Cashman was diagnosed with juvenile
 suitable for people with allergies.                                                            diabetes in February 2008. She had been
                                                                                                losing weight and seemed to be sick with colds
 Why not enjoy a clear, unobstructed                                                            and coughs every few weeks. Her mother’s
 view, control the temperature of your                                                          suspicion that it was diabetes was confirmed
 home year ’round, and shrink heating                                                           by her doctor, and Cashman was fitted with
 and cooling costs by up to 40 percent                                                          an insulin pump worn around her waist to
 with Krumpers solar Blinds?                                                                    regulate her blood sugar level.
 Krumpers recently outfitted a govern-                                                          A Level 7 provincial competitor, Cashman
 ment centre in the Arctic Circle. “in                                                          was afraid diabetes would put an end to her
 the winter, temperatures drop to -45C                                                          gymnastics, something she’d been active in
 and for a period in the summer, they                                                           since the age of six. But her doctor thought
 have 24-hour daylight. We’ve received        Diana Livshits holds an energy-efficient solar
                                              blind, available from Krumpers Solar Solutions.
                                                                                                the exercise would help her. As she explains:
 tremendous feedback,” diana says.                                                              “You keep up your fitness so you
 “People just aren’t aware of the options and how financially prudent solar solutions can       don’t have to take as much insulin,
 be. take out your calculator — it makes sense!”                                                because exercise brings your blood
                                                                                                sugar down like insulin does.” Photos: Kronick Photography
         To learn more, call 613-864-4921 or visit
24 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                               Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 25
Gaining balance is one reason Sabina Suljic       “It’s good to try things that people think          “It makes me feel better to know I’m helping      emotional and social development that
signed up her 21-month-old daughter Melana        you wouldn’t be able to do. It will help with       others do what I used to love doing.”             gymnastics fosters. “The gymnasts want to
Andrijanic in gymnastics. Melana was born         Melana’s self-esteem in the future,” says Suljic.                                                     do really good, but anything can happen
with an underdeveloped right arm — it is                                                              Fifteen-year-old Darcie Pentillier, the Spring    and they have to deal with being bummed
a quarter of the length of her left arm, and      Melanie Dossett is a volunteer coach in             2010 Ontario provincial vault champion for        out about it,” says Kachmar. In her daughter’s
without a hand.                                   the recreational program at the Ottawa              Level 6 in ages 14 and over, also competes        words, “If you do mess up, you just persevere
                                                  Gymnastics Centre. She has aspirations to           with a heart condition.                           and keep going. You have to have faith in
“I wanted to enroll her in a program that
                                                  become a certified coach and continue to            Pentillier’s heart defect required her to         yourself and believe that you can just
allows her to be active, and I wanted to have
                                                  help others enjoy the sport she competed in         endure almost 12 hours of surgery when she        keep going.”                             H WO
something that would challenge the way
                                                  for many years.                                     was only three days old. Her mother, Gwen
she does things — especially her balance
and coordination. Gymnastics allows her to        Dossett is now in her mid-twenties, having          Kachmar, described the grim faces of the
                                                  left competitive gymnastics after a series          surgical team afterwards as they cautioned           Information on gymnastics classes
practice these skills,” explains Suljic.
                                                  of shoulder injuries. In 2005, she was the                                                               for boys and girls of all ages and
                                                                                                      that future surgery might be required.
The coaches from the Babynastics program                                                                                                                   abilities can be found at the Ottawa
                                                  victim of a serious car accident that left her      Pentillier was always an active child.
offered by the Ottawa Gymnastics Centre                                                                                                                    Gymnastics Centre (OGC) website:
                                                  in a coma for two weeks. Her traumatic brain        “She was climbing everything, and I
have adapted exercises for Melana when                                                                                                            The
                                                  injury required her to relearn how to use the       thought maybe she’d need to know how
necessary; for instance, she is supported so                                                                                                               OGC is the oldest gymnastics facility
                                                  washroom, how to talk, and how to write.            to fall properly,” jokes Kachmar, when
that she can hold onto the rings with her                                                                                                                  in Canada, and is celebrating its
one full arm, allowing her to strengthen          “I’m pretty proud of myself by how far I’ve         she explains her decision to enroll Darcie           50th year.
those muscles.                                    come. It’s been five years [since the accident],    in gymnastics at three.
                                                  and I’m hoping that I’ll continue to get            Around the age of seven, Pentillier was
Suljic doesn’t see any barriers to Melana
                                                  better,” says Dossett.                              encouraged by her coaches to move into the
continuing gymnastics for as long as she wants.
The Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre            She returned to the gym as a volunteer in           competitive stream. Her doctors noticed
is following her development                      March 2010, in spite of continuing challenges.      the effect of all that exercise. “She’d go back
and, when the time is right,                      Extensive testing done on Dossett after her         for check-ups, and they’d ask us ‘What are
Melana could be fitted for a                      accident revealed that she had a hole in her        you doing?’ The gymnastics and dance
prosthetic arm.                                   heart — a congenital defect                         classes she was taking were conditioning
                                                  that had gone undetected                            her heart muscle,” says Kachmar.
                                                  throughout her years as                             Pentillier has a lot of positive things to say
                                                  a competitive gymnast.                              about gymnastics. She’s made lifelong friends
                                                  She was operated on                                 who she describes as being like family. “You
                                                  in March 2010 to                                    see each other so often, you go places together
                                                  fix the problem.                                    [to compete], and you share a lot of your
                                                  Dossett says she’s                                  experiences.” She also believes gymnastics
                                                  tired all the time,                                 has taught her how to manage her time. “If
                                                  and her short-                                      I imagine no gym, I’d have so much more
                                                  term memory is                                      time than I’d need to do my homework.
                                                  still compromised.                                  If you’re in gym since you’re
                                                  But once she gets                                   a kid, time management
                                                  to the gym, she                                     comes naturally.”
                                                  is motivated.
                                                                                                      Beyond the physical, mother
                                                                                                      and daughter both see the

26 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                     Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 27
Body Chemistry Balancing Solutions
       ...the starting point to individualized health.
                                                                                 Put Some “Chi”
                                 NutriChem’s Body Chemistry Balancing         Into Your Running
                                 Test can help you achieve:                   By Murray Kronick
                                     • more energy

                                     • improved memory                            f you see a runner leaning slightly          hooked. Collard has since taught many
                                     • balanced hormones                            forward, with good posture and spinal      local runners about the benefits and the
                                                                                    alignment and who appears utterly          approach of ChiRunning. He says the key
                                     • chronic disease prevention                                                              principle is “going inside your body” —
                                                                              relaxed, he might just be ChiRunning. If
                                     • an increased sex drive                 that’s the case, ask him to tell you when he     being aware of your body positioning and
                                     • a healthier life.                      was last injured. He’ll likely tell you it was   state of relaxation.
                                                                              before he started ChiRunning.
                                 Call (613)721-3669 for more information.                                                      Standing well over six feet tall and heavier
                                                                              Chi (pronounced “chee”) is the energy/life       than the average runner, Collard runs 40 to
                                   Feel better. Get results. Act now.                                                          50 kilometres per week with no injuries and
                                                                              force that animates all living things. Tai chi
                                                                              is the ancient Chinese discipline of movement    minimal recovery time. Many of his clients
                                                                              emanating from one’s centre and letting the      have been amazed at the ease with which
                                                                              arms and legs follow. ChiRunning applies         they either increase their weekly distance
                                 1303 Richmond Road Ottawa, Ontario K2B 7Y4   many of these tai chi principles to running      or simply get back into running after
                                      (613)721-3669         and walking.                                     an injury or layoff
                                                                                                                               without further pain.
                                                                              ChiRunning (and ChiWalking) is the
                                                                              brainchild of Danny Dreyer, a world-class        Dreyer’s book is

    Peaceful                                                                  ultra-marathoner, walking and running            Collard’s “bible.” He
                                                                              coach, author, and motivational speaker.         and Mike Stashin,
                                                                                                                               another certified
    Powerful                                                                  Dreyer is the driving force behind what may
                                                                              very well end up being a revolution in the way   instructor in the
                                                                                                                               region, lead free
    Body Chemistry Balancing Solutions
                                                                              we run and walk — two activities so basic
                                                                              and natural that most of us go about them        coaching sessions
     ...the starting point to individualized health.                          without a second thought.                        most Monday nights
    in any position                                                                                                            at Mooney’s Bay. They
                                    NutriChem’s Body Chemistry Balancing      Observe any young child as she runs barefoot     use many of the
                                                                              across a grassy field — the slight forward       drills from Chi-
    Over 70 Drop In Yoga Classes andTest can help you achieve:
                                                                              lean, the relaxation, the joy… this is what      Running to help their
    Workshops per week.                 • more energy                         ChiRunning endeavours to replicate in adults.    participants. Collard
    52 Armstrong St.                    • improved memory                                                                      suggests starting with
    near the Parkdale Market            • balanced hormones                   Eric Collard, a certified ChiRunning             a workshop so a
    613-761-9642 (YOGA)                 • chronic disease prevention          instructor in Ottawa and a former football       trained, experienced                                                       player, had his share of injuries. When he       eye can correct and
                                        • an increased sex drive              discovered Dreyer’s book, ChiRunning, and        align you. For example,
                                        • a healthier life                    tried some of the drills, he felt noticeably     most people think
                                 Call (613)721-3669 for more information.     better in his posture, his walking, and his      they are leaning
                                                                              running. He took a workshop, studied             (from the ankles),
                                   Feel better. Get results. Act now.         under Dreyer, refined his technique, and got     but they’re really just             Eric Collard
                                                                                                                                Photos: Courtesy of   ChiRunning

28 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                              Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 29
bending (from the waist). "I didn’t know       body, using gravity to propel you forward to     more, and they do go faster,” Collard notes.                  not using your muscles in the same way,
a great deal about ChiRunning, but by the      the next stride. This makes it very gentle on    Participants find that the 27 muscles in the                  so you can go harder on the bike and still
end of the clinic I knew that this new form    the body — very good for injury prevention       core (the “six-pack,” the obliques, and the                   have a half-decent run after.
of running was what I was looking for, since   and energy efficiency because you’re not going   back muscles) get more of a workout than they
I've had many injuries in my past. I have      against the grain, you’re going with the flow.   expect. This improves performance in any                      “You build awareness of how and why
been ChiRunning ever since and am injury-                                                       sport requiring balance, such as golf, dance,                 you’re moving your body and engaging your
free and back to                                                      Most people have to       yoga, skating, and skiing.                                    core. A lot of people, whether starting out
loving my running                                                     shorten their strides                                                                   or experienced, don’t have that awareness.”
again!" says Deborah                                                  to hit the ground         Like yoga, ChiRunning is a “practice.” You
Hunt of Kemptville.                                                   mid-foot, which can       get the benefits right away with some of the                  The bottom line for Collard: he’s enjoying
                                                                      be counterintuitive.      drills, but it can take months to become                      running a lot more these days while
There are some key                                                    They end up having        extremely proficient — what Collard calls                     sharing the ChiRunning techniques
differences to note                                                   a circular motion         “feeling the Chi.”                                            with others.                          HWO
between ChiRunning                                                    of their feet behind
and regular (or power)                                                them. Collard offers      Collard is certified in both ChiRunning
running (which is                                                     a great visual: “Think    and ChiWalking. Not surprisingly, there’s                         How to get started with
why workshops can                                                     of RoadRunner —           more emphasis on the running, reflective of
help). With regular                                                                             the demand in Ottawa. ChiWalking is one
                                                                      he’s got a nice forward
running, for example,                                                 lean, a big “wheel”       of the building blocks for ChiRunning, and                        Join a beginner's workshop.
most people run                                                       behind him, and he’s      uses the same principles to get started. The                      Buy the book ChiRunning by
upright and land on                                                   really fast. And no       posture is the same whether you’re walking,                         Danny Dreyer.
their heel, rolling onto                                              one can catch him!”       running, or standing. Collard expects that
their toes to spring off.      Eric Collard setting Chi runners                                 with the changing demographics, he’ll be                          Visit
Physics dictates that               straight on alignment.           To gain speed, you         teaching more ChiWalking down the road.                           Visit the local ChiRunning coaching
you’re decelerating on                                               don’t use more muscle      In the meantime, he applies his ChiRunning                          site,
the heel strike and absorbing the impact or a longer stride length or a faster cadence as       skills to almost everything: while playing golf,
                                                                                                                                                                  Attend the free Monday night coaching
of all your body weight through your heel in regular running. All you do is lean more.          swimming, cycling, and in his half- and full-
                                                                                                                                                                    group at 7:00 p.m. at the Terry Fox
and into your spine running that way. With “When people actually feel that, they say            Ironman competitions. He also ChiWalks
                                                                                                                                                                    Athletic Facility.
ChiRunning, you land on a neutral foot and ‘This is cool! You mean I don’t have to work         almost everywhere he goes. Collard says it is
use a bit of forward lean through the entire hard?’ They just relax and lean forward a bit      very conducive for triathletes because “you’re

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30 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA Fall 2010                                                                                                                                              Fall 2010 HEALTHWISE OTTAWA 31
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