Plundered by Harpies An Early History of High-Speed Trading

Page created by Eugene Schmidt
Plundered                                           By Bob Pisani

                                                                                 On January 28, 1790, Representative

                              by Harpies
                                                                                 James Jackson of Georgia rose and spoke
                                                                                 in the then very-young House of Repre-
                                                                                 sentatives, meeting in New York City. His
                                                                                 purpose: to denounce high-speed traders.
                                                                                    “Three vessels, sir,” Rep. Jackson thun-
                                                                                 dered, “have sailed within a fortnight from
                                                                                 this port, freighted for speculation; they are
                                                                                 intended to purchase up the State and other
                                                                                 securities in the hands of the uninformed…”

                                       An Early History of                          Jackson railed against these men, call-
                                                                                 ing them “rapacious wolves…preying

                                       High-Speed Trading                        upon the misfortunes of their fellow-
                                                                                 men, taking an undue advantage of their
                                                                                    What terrible crime did these men
                                                                                 commit? Murder? Treason?
                                                                                    Hardly. Jackson and his fellow Con-
                                                                                 gressmen were debating a proposal by
                                                                                 Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Ham-
                                                                                 ilton that the then-new US government
                                                                                 should assume the old debts that the states
                                                                                 and the Continental Congress incurred
                                                                                 during the Revolution, a proposal that
                                                                                 became known as the Funding Act of 1790.
                                                                                    Traders who had heard of the delibera-
                                                                                 tions immediately chartered fast-moving
                                                                                 boats to front-run messengers and began
                                                                                 buying up the old debt, reasoning cor-
                                                                                 rectly that passage of the Act would raise
                                                                                 the market value of the old debt, which
                                                                                 was trading in some cases at 10% or less of
                                                                                 its face value.
                                                                                    Jackson was outraged; he demanded
                                                                                 that Congress take action to “save the dis-
                                                                                 tant inhabitants from being plundered by
                                                                                 these harpies.” The “distant inhabitants”
                                                                                 Jackson was referring to were his con-
                                                                                 stituents in Georgia; although, in a sense,
                                                                                 we are Rep. Jackson’s distant inhabitants,
                                                                                 still praying to be saved from the harpies.
                                                                                    Railing against informational advan-
                                                                                 tages that “speculators” possessed was a
                                                                                 common feature of American life from
                                                                                 the founding of the country right up to
                                                                                 the present day. Today, many complain
                                                                                 that “high-frequency traders” who employ
                                                                                 mathematical algorithms have unfair
                                                                                 advantages over those whose algorithms
                                                                                 are not as good, or who have trading sys-
Museum of American Finance

                                                                                 tems that are faster than theirs.

                                                                                 Uniformed NYSE trading floor clerks
                                                                                 gathered around a stock ticker, ca. 1915.

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From the outset, there was a deep and          information, it was hoped that citizens             conveyed newspapers at the same speed as
abiding suspicion of the broker, who, for a       could be quickly apprised of market-mov-            letters to thwart speculators. “On all the
price, was willing to buy or sell your stock,     ing events and stay ahead of the “harpies.”         principles of fair dealing,” McLean wrote,
bond or commodity. It was a suspicion                But speculators were far quicker than            “the holder of property should be apprised
that these middlemen knew something               newspapers. In 1817, when a ship arrived            of if its value before he parts with it…To
that buyers and sellers did not.                  in New York from London with news that              purchase an article at one-half or two-thirds
   True or not, these complaints under-           caused a sharp rise in stocks, three specu-         of its value, which is known to the buyer,
score a larger historical fact: any technol-      lators jumped on a stagecoach for Phila-            but carefully concealed from the seller, is in
ogy that increased the speed of informa-          delphia to buy up stocks. Thanks to greatly         opposition both to the principles of law and
tion flow was immediately adopted by the          improved highways, the time to travel               sound morality.”
trading community in both Europe and              between New York and Philadelphia had                  So serious was the government’s attempt
the United States. Traders have employed          been cut to under two days, creating a              to shut down high-speed couriers that
every known conveyance to trade faster            lively arbitrage in stock trading between           the US Post Office operated a high-speed
and cheaper. They were among the earli-           the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (founded            horse express from 1836 to 1839 linking
est adopters of faster boats, faster stage-       1790) and the early version of the New              New York and New Orleans that transmit-
coaches and private horse expresses. The          York Stock Exchange (founded 1792).                 ted news reports to journalists on light-
trading of securities was among the very             When the stagecoach broke down,                  weight tissue paper rather than far more
first uses of the telegraph.                      they hired their own coach and arrived              costly newspapers.
   The adoption of these high-speed trad-         in Philadelphia before the broken coach                Traders, ever desperate for a trading
ing techniques had two characteristics:           arrived with the news. They immediately             edge, soon cut the time gap dramati-
1) they greatly reduced the price differ-         bought stock, and when the mail arrived             cally — they cut out the horse and stage-
ences between markets, and 2) those who           the prices jumped in value. Those left out          coach! In the late 1830s, Philadelphia bro-
were slower to adopt bitterly complained          insinuated that the speculators had paid            ker William C. Bridges operated a private
that the new technologies offered unfair          the stagecoach driver to delay the mail.            signal station between New York and
advantages to the participants.                      Traders quickly set up networks of speedy        Philadelphia which disseminated stock
   Then, as now, the buying and selling           “private expresses” along the newly-created         market news to him and his backers (and
public — and the government — were des-           networks of turnpikes and expanded postal           to no one else). The signals were transmit-
perate to keep up. Congress established           roads, from New York to New Orleans. By             ted through an “optical telegraph,” which
the US Postal Service in 1792 specifically        1825, Postmaster General John McLean,               consisted of a series of boards on a pole,
for the “conveyance of information” into          outraged by speculation in the cotton mar-          mounted on hills that could be seen by a
“every part of the Union.” By establishing        ket, attempted to convince Congress to              telescope. Reports indicated that it could
low rates for the transmission of news-           shut down these high-speed trading net-             transmit stock information from New
papers that contained market-sensitive            works and set up a government system that           York to Philadelphia in anywhere from 10

                                  Map showing the location of the transatlantic cable between New York and London.

                                                                              | Fall 2014 | FINANCIAL HISTORY  21
to 30 minutes. In the 1830s that was high-
speed trading!
   Not surprisingly, there were complaints
from New York speculators not part of the
scheme, who had up to this time enjoyed
a substantial trading advantage. The locals
in Philadelphia were not happy either.
When the system was shut down after
the arrival of the telegraph in 1846, a local
newspaper account recounted that “many
mysterious movements in the Philadel-
phia stock and produce market were laid
at the door of the speculators who worked
the telegraph. No doubt the speculators
paid them well.”
   No doubt. Unfortunately, the “orga-
nized” trading community did little to foster
transparency. In the early days of its exis-
tence, the NYSE (then known as the New
York Stock and Exchange Board) barred
the public from listening in on its trading
sessions (sessions would not be open to the
public until 1869). Competing traders (curb
traders, who literally operated outside) who
wanted to trade off the NYSE’s trades were
furious that they could not get proximity to
the exchange. In 1837, the NYSE discovered

                                                                                                                                                © Chris Hellier/Corbis
that the curb traders had drilled a hole in
the brick wall of its building in order to
eavesdrop on the trading.
   Just as the public was debating how
to outwit high-speed horses, a new tech-
                                                                    Communications experiment using carrier pigeons, 1898.
nology came on the scene that would
transform trading into a truly high-speed
endeavor: the telegraph, which came into        entire telegraph business specifically to        financial community, kept deepwater boats
use after 1844.                                 guard against speculative abuse.                 to meet ships arriving from abroad. An opti-
   It was the greatest invention of its age.       It was all for naught. Congress ulti-         cal telegraph system similar to the private
Newspapers took time to get out and             mately declined to take over the tele-           one operating between Philadelphia and
for the most part operated only at fixed        graph system, partly because competition         New York operated between Sandy Hook,
intervals. But the telegraph operated at        for market-moving information and the            New Jersey, and New York City to inform
all hours and could be used for private         limited wires space then available was           the editors when ships were arriving.
communications.                                 intense. That competition emerged not               The Journal of Commerce and its rival,
   It was a high-speed trader’s dream come      only among traders but among their big-          The Courier and Enquirer, even established
true. The first customers were stock bro-       gest competitor: the press.                      rival pony expresses that ran between
kers and lottery speculators. On March 3,          The early 1800s saw the birth of the          New York and Philadelphia, and, later,
1846, the New York Herald reported that “cer-   modern newspaper industry, and much of           to Washington. Even the pigeons were
tain parties in New York and Philadelphia       the purpose of those early papers was to         dragged into the competition: one group
were employing the telegraph for speculat-      get financial news out more quickly. James       of penny newspaper owners paid $2,000
ing in stocks.”                                 Gordon Bennett Sr., who in 1835 founded          for a fleet of carrier pigeons to send news
   Predictably, there was great indigna-        the New York Herald, one of the country’s        between Philadelphia, Washington and
tion at the use of the telegraph to transmit    first “penny” newspapers, emphasized that        Baltimore.
“secret intelligence.” Several early inven-     the emerging press would break the infor-           Traders, however, had plenty of help,
tors of the telegraph were persuaded to         mation monopoly of the few: “Specula-            for a price. One news entrepreneur, Daniel
abandon their endeavors when warned             tors should not have the advantage of            C. Craig, made a fortune selling informa-
that they could be prosecuted for cir-          earlier news than the public at large,” he       tion on European news to traders. Using a
culating information in advance of the          proclaimed.                                      combination of pigeons and express cou-
mail. The principal inventor of the tele-          Suddenly, newspapers had boats. And           riers, he got news from European steamers
graph, Samuel F.B. Morse, was in favor          optical telegraphs. The Journal of Com-          which had just sailed into Halifax harbor
of a hybrid public/private takeover of the      merce, founded in 1827 to cater to the           in Nova Scotia to Boston before anyone

22     FINANCIAL HISTORY | Fall 2014 |
else. The information was then sent to          transatlantic cable. The first successful       by Wall Street firms. The firms were con-
New York via telegraph.                         cable came into use in 1866 between New         nected to their branch offices by these pri-
   Craig was so effective in gathering          York and London and greatly reduced the         vate telegraphs in Boston and Philadelphia
information ahead of others he was later        information advantages that some trad-          by 1879, and to Chicago by 1881. These
hired by the newly-formed New York              ers had previously enjoyed; brokers could       private wires were faster than the “public”
Associated Press. The press was apoplectic      now telegraph an order to London and            telegram. They were also more reliable
about traders and the agents who sup-           receive confirmation within five minutes.       and provided confidentiality.
plied them with information. There was          Price differences between securities soon          And Wall Street gladly paid up, because
particular anger directed against telegraph     began to narrow.                                getting access to trading data as fast as
operators who were believed to have close          The stock ticker, introduced in 1867,        possible was, as always, crucial to profit-
relationships with traders; editorials railed   was the next great electronic technology        able trading: by 1894, brokers at the Bos-
against the telegraph’s potential for falling   that was immediately adopted by the             ton Stock Exchange knew of trades at the
“in the hands of bad men.”                      trading community. Prior to its introduc-       NYSE within 30 seconds.
   Receiving information first was so           tion, stock trades were typically done             The stock ticker also initiated a new
valuable that some speculators, at times        by “pad shovers” — boys who ran back            wave of stock market speculation, this time
in cahoots with telegraph                                                                                      led by working class inves-
operators, were willing to                                                                                     tors who began speculating
cut the telegraph wire after                                                                                   through the newly-created
the news had been received!                                                                                    bucket shops, which had
Because telegraph opera-                                                                                       also hooked up to ticker
tors were among the first to                                                                                   machines. Professional trad-
receive tradable news, some                                                                                    ers, who had heretofore
operators cut out the specu-                                                                                   enjoyed an enormous infor-
lators altogether and went                                                                                     mation advantage, bitterly
into business for them-                                                                                        complained: “indiscriminate
selves. This continued for                                                                                     distribution of stock quota-
decades: when the Civil War                                                                                    tions to every liquor-saloon
broke out, several Western                                                                                     and other places has done
Union employees made a                                                                                         much to interfere with busi-
fortune in the gold markets                                                                                    ness,” New York broker John
by leveraging their advance                                                                                    T. Denney said in 1889. “Any
knowledge of war news.                                                                                         person could step in a saloon
   Forty years later, the tele-                                                                                and see the quotations.”
graph was still a stock spec-                    Drawing of the Morse telegraph that appeared                     Though bucket shops
ulators’ realm. In 1887 the                        in Popular Science Monthly, ca. 1872–1873.                  were mostly scams (there
president of Western Union                                                                                     was no actual transfer of
said 87% of the company’s                                                                                      stock, so “investors” were
revenue came from stock and commodity           and forth between the trading floor and         merely betting against the bucket shop
speculators, and from racetrack gamblers.       the offices of brokerage firms. It was an       operator), many paid top dollar for fast
   Getting a faster boat across the Atlantic    enormous advance over the telegraph             telegraph services; in 1887 the NYSE dis-
was even more lucrative for traders. In the     for several reasons: 1) traders no lon-         covered that one Chicago bucket shop was
middle of the 19th century, it took eight       ger needed to be physically present on          getting stock quotations several minutes
days to cross the Atlantic, and any person      exchange floors; 2) it reduced transaction      earlier than the “regular” ticker service,
who could get important news across the         costs; 3) it enabled the dissemination of       thanks to assistance from Western Union.
ocean more quickly could profit from it.        continuous, real time information; and             It went on like this, through the devel-
In one extreme example, when it became          4) it cut out pesky intermediaries like         opment of the specialist system in the
known in New York City in 1865 that the         telegraph operators and newspaper edi-          1860s, the invention of the telephone (first
South had lost the war, financier Jim Fisk      tors. Not surprisingly, journalists and         tested by Bell in 1876; there was a phone
chartered several ships that were faster        newspaper editors began to worry that the       on the NYSE floor by 1878), pneumatic
than the mail ships then in use and sailed      ticker might put them out of the lucrative      tubes shortly thereafter, the computer in
them to London with orders to his brokers       business of financial news.                     the 1950s, computer-readable cards in the
to sell short Confederate bonds. When the          Thomas Edison did not invent the             1960s, the early development of electronic
news became known in London that the            ticker, but he made several crucial             trading when the Nasdaq began operation
South had lost, the price of the bonds went     improvements, including the invention           in 1971 and algorithmic trading in the 1990s.
to zero, and Fisk of course made a fortune.     in 1873 of the quadruplex, which allowed        It was the same argument: some were get-
   Just as the telegraph had been eagerly       four messages to travel simultaneously          ting information ahead of others, and oth-
adopted by stock traders in the United          over one wire. Western Union put this           ers were able to execute trades because they
States, stock trading and other commer-         excess capacity to good use: they leased        had a faster boat/horse/carriage/telegraph
cial uses were among the first uses of the      the lines to private networks controlled        line/computer link/algorithm.

                                                                           | Fall 2014 | FINANCIAL HISTORY  23
had increased and implied that wider dis-             Trade: Implications for Economic Growth,
                                                                                      semination of information — more trans-               Trading Volume and Securities Market
                                                                                      parency — was the most effective disinfec-            Regulation.” Research in Economic History,
                                                                                      tant. Boudinot implicitly conceded that               Volume 18, 1998, p. 165.
                                                                                      the first movers of any new technology              Garbade, Kenneth D. and William Silber. “Tech-
                                                                                      (faster boats, in this case) had an initial           nology, Communication and the Performance
                                                                                      advantage. Yet the advantages conferred               of Financial Markets: 1840–1975.” Journal of
                                                                                      were fleeting as others adopted the new               Finance 33, no. 3 (June 1978): pp. 826, 830.
                                                                                      technologies. That was certainly the case
                                                                                      with the telegraph and the stock ticker.            Garvy, George. “Rivals and Interlopers in the
                                                                                         And whatever happened to that debate               History of the New York Security Market.”
                                                                                      about the debt and the “harpies” seeking to           Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 52, No. 2
                                                                                      profit from it? The bill was passed in 1790,          (June 1944), pp. 129, 134.
© Underwood & Underwood/Corbis

                                                                                      the US government assumed the debt of               Gerben, Bakker. “Trading Facts: Arrow’s
                                                                                      the Continental Congress and the states,              Fundamental Paradox and the Origins of
                                                                                      and the new government issued bonds.                  Global News Networks.” In Peter Putnis,
                                                                                         Immediately, a brisk trade in those                Chandrika Kaul and Jürgen Wilke eds.,
                                                                                      bonds ensued among merchants and auc-                 International Communication and Global
                                                                                      tioneers, the very “harpies” Representa-              News Networks: Historical Perspectives
                                                                                      tive Jackson railed against. This business            (New York, Hampton Press / International
                                    Man using the new “high speed” stock ticker,      proved to be so lucrative that some began             Association for Media and Communication
                                 1930. According to the original caption, “Western
                                 Union has ordered 10,000 [tickers] and has begun
                                                                                      to specialize in trading those very same              Research, 2011), pp. 9–54 and 73–79.
                                   installation in brokers’ offices throughout the    securities. Two years later, on May 17, 1792,       Hochfelder, David. The Telegraph in America,
                                 country. The company is spending $4.5 million in     24 brokers gathered in front of a button-             1832–1920. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni-
                                 an effort to speed up stock quotation service… to    wood tree on Wall Street and attempted                versity Press, pp. 77, 104.
                                 keep pace with the new era of six or eight million   to form a quasi-monopoly in trading that
                                     share trading days on the stock exchange.”       debt and what few stocks were available             Hochfelder, David. “Where the Common People
                                                                                      to trade by promising to “give preference             Could Speculate: the Ticker, Bucket Shops
                                                                                      to each other in our Negotiations.” That              and the Origins of Popular Participation in
                                    The public and government response                                                                      Financial Markets, 1880–1920.” Journal of
                                 to the traders’ “need for speed” varied,             group became what is now known as the
                                                                                      New York Stock Exchange.                              American History, 93, Sept. 2006, pp. 335–358.
                                 but one factor remained fairly constant:
                                 the informational advantages of any new                                                                  Huurdeman, Anton A. The Worldwide History
                                 technologies seem to have diminished                   Bob Pisani is Stocks Correspondent for              of Telecommunications. New York: John
                                 over time. From the very beginning, astute             CNBC.                                               Wiley & Sons, 2003, p. 135.
                                 observers recognized this fact.                      Sources                                             John, Richard R. Network Nation: Inventing
                                    Let’s go back to Representative Jack-                                                                    American Telecommunications. Boston:
                                                                                      Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from
                                 son and the debates in 1790 that cen-                                                                       Belknap Press, 2010.
                                                                                        1789 to 1856: March 4, 1789 – June 1, 1796, pp.
                                 tered on whether Congress should take
                                                                                        182, 184. Google eBook.                           Lefevre, Edwin and Jon D. Markman. Reminis-
                                 action to outlaw “speculation” (men hiring
                                                                                                                                             cences of a Stock Operator: With New Com-
                                 fast boats). When several Congressmen                Blondheim, Menahim. News Over the Wires:
                                                                                                                                             mentary and Insights on the Life and Times
                                 objected, arguing it would be impossible to             The Telegraph and the Flow of Public Infor-
                                                                                                                                             of Jesse Livermore. New York: John Wiley &
                                 prevent such activity, and always had been,             mation in America, 1844–1897. Cambridge,
                                                                                                                                             Sons, p. 94.
                                 Jackson countered by saying he knew full                MA: Harvard University Press, 1994, pp. 19,
                                 well that there was “speculation in the                 24, 29, 73-77, 79, 85.                           Markham, Jerry. A Financial History of the
                                 funds of every nation possessed of public            Constitution of the New York Stock &                  United States. Volume I: From Christopher
                                 debt,” but this was different: these were              Exchange Board, 1817, reprinted at http://          Columbus to the Robber Barons (1492–1900).
                                 people trading on information they had,                      Armonk, New York: ME Sharpe, 2002, pp.
                                 but that others did not. This, he implied,             pre1930/                                            124, 171.
                                 was dishonorable, and just plain wrong.              Eames, Francis L. The New York Stock                McLean, John McLean. “The Express Mail”
                                    One Representative, Elias Boudinot of               Exchange. New York: Thomas G. Hall, 1894,           [1827], McLean Papers, Library of Congress,
                                 New Jersey, rose and agreed that while                 pp. 13–14.                                          Washington, DC.
                                 speculation had risen to “an alarming
                                                                                      Ferderer, J. Peter. “Advances in Communica-         Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic
                                 height,” he concluded that the only mea-
                                                                                        tion Technology and Growth of the Ameri-            Bulls and Bears: US Securities Markets and
                                 sure that would be effective to stop it was
                                                                                        can Over-the-Counter Markets, 1876-1929.”           Information Technology. 1990, p. 129.
                                 “appreciating the public debt, ‘til the evi-
                                                                                        Journal of Economic History, Vol. 68, No. 2,      Philadelphia Public Ledger, January 7, 1846,
                                 dence in the hands of the creditors came
                                                                                        June 2008, p. 10.                                   reprinted in Harlow, Alvin F. Old Wires and
                                 to their proper value.”
                                    Boudinot was arguing that the only way            Field, Alexander J. “The Telegraphic Transmis-        New Waves: The History of the Telegraph,
                                 out was to recognize the value of the debt              sion of Financial Asset Prices and Orders to       Telephone and Wireless.

                                 24     FINANCIAL HISTORY | Fall 2014 |
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