Pointer Ridge Calendar Handbook 2013 2014

Page created by Ana Lopez
Pointer Ridge
2013 2014
        Dr. Mary Stephenson
3I~0 Porkington Lane Bowie, MD 20736
                                        Telephone: 30:~-390.0220 Fox: 303-390-0281
                                           Web: http://www.pgcps.org/~point~¯
                                              Dr. Mory Stephensont Principol

                                                    September 20~3
Dear Parents,

Our staff and I are delighted to welcome you to another exciting and productive year at Pointer Ridge Elementary School.
We trust that with your involvement and commitment, our 2013-2014 academic year will be one of the best that we
have ever had. We are looking forward to your cooperation in providing a quality program for all students. We will
continue with our initiative of TRC (TAG in the regular classroom). The Before and After School program will also
continue. These programs will create the most positive, inviting, and productive atmosphere possible for each and every

Pointer Ridge’s excellent reputation of providing the best education possible to each child is due to the efforts of its
dedicated staff and supportive parent community. It is through those efforts and those of our students that our basic
and innovative programs can succeed. This is why we are an exemplary school.

We appreciate the active partnership in this exciting and demanding endeavor -- the education of your child. In our
effort to meet your needs and encourage ongoing communication, this Calendar/H~ndbook details schoo~ policies and
procedures, and displays major events happening during the coming school year. A hi-weekly school newsletter and
weekly teacher communication will keep you informed of all current events and highlight student accomplishments.

Our motto is "Above ~d Beyond’. We will challenge students to reach their full academic potential, find the inner
confidence they need to take risks and set goals in their lives, and to instill a sense of responsibility and respect. Our
school will continue to be a community where people offer strength and support to one another. A community that
offers personal growth to everyone: a great place to learn, to work, to be. With your help and cooperation, we can
make it happen, and will look ahead with confidence to an exceptional school year. Let us continue our positive home and
school partnership of working together to make the best possible educational experiences for your children.

Dr. Mary Stephenson
Pointer Ridge Elementary School
                                                                                      ~olicie~ and Procedures
                                                                                  School hours--7:4~-1:55 for students
                                                                                  School hours--7:15--2:45 for teachers
                    PRINCIPAl--Dr, Ma~ Stephenson                   The first bell rings at 7:35 AM. Please encourage punctuality. All
             Instructional Lead Teacher --Ms. Bernadine Reid
                                                                    students should be in their classrooms by 7:45 AM. Students who
                                                                    arrive after 7:45 AM. are considered tardy and must get a late
                  CLASSROOM TEACHERS Grades 1-5                     pass from the office. Students must also have a note explaining
t¢~. Anderson    Mrs. Browne    MrSl biViocaro     Ms. Johnson      the rea~en for their tardiness and be accompanied to the office
                                                                    by an adult.
Ms. Jones        Ms. Kline      Ms. Lobovitz       Ms. Lee
                                                                    The staff of Pointer Ridge strongly urges that your child not
Ms. Mosaryk      Mrs. Nelson    Ms. Peters         Ms. Reedy
                                                                    arrive at school before the appointed time. Also, please instruct
Ms. Smith        Ms. Stewart    Mr. Wright                          your child to follow the safest route to school -- safety patrols
                     KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS                          are located at hazardous crossings.
Ms. Markey              Mrs. Morsell             Mrs, Scarselli     Walking students who do not purchase school breakfast are
                                                                    requested to arrive at school no earlier than 7:35 and before
COUNSELOR -- Mrs. Carey                                             7:45. All students will enter the building through the front
SPEECH THERAPIST -- Mrs. Khan                                       school doors. Students who wish to put money on their lunch
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST-- Ms. Chisholm                               accounts will do so before going to their classrooms. The
RESOURCE TEACHERS- Mrs. Brice-Williums, Mrs. Ross                   procedures for purchasing lunch and waiting for the 7:35 bell will
VOCAL MUSIC -- Mrs. Hallada                                         be explained the first day of school.
MEDIA SPECIALIST-- Ms. Palisoe                                                                  TARDIES
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC-- Mrs. Pardoe                                    Children who are late to school should report to the office before
PHYSICAL EDUCATION -- Mr. Harris                                    going to class.
ESOL- Ms. Viraohittevin                                                                       ’ BICYCLES
SECRETARIES- Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Jordan                               Students are allowed to ride bicycles to school. They should be
NURSE-- Ms. Kamara                                                  parked and locked in the racks provided. The school is not
PARAPROFESSIONALS -- Mrs. Casbourne,                                responsible for ]OSS~I ~e U~
CAFETERIA               BUILDING MAINTENANCE                        motorized scooters is prohibited.
Mr. Duffy               Mr. Spence, Sup.
Ms. Branison            Mrs. Yarborough
Ms. Porter              Mr. Griee
                        Mr. Hockaday
                        PTA OFFICERS                                       [] To promote the welfare of children and youth in home,
 President -       Berdenia StanleyBTSTANLEY@verizon.net                       school, community, and place of worship
 Vice President - Kelvin McClinton KPM06@yahoo.com                         [] To raise the standards of home life
 SecretaryRec’d - Kalena Mollon kemollon@gmail.com                         [] To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of
 Secretary Coord -Samuel Christopher plunkjunket@yahoo.com                     children and youth
Treasurer -        Tangela WilliamsTANCPA@aol.com..                        [] To bring the home ~nd the school into closer relation, so that
 Principal -       Mary Stephenson....._301-390-0220                           l~rents and teachers rr~y cooperate intelligently in the
 Pointer Ridge PTA ematl address: pointerridgePTA@yahoo.com                    education of children and youth
                                                                           [] To develop between educators and the general public a united
The PTA is an organization devoted to assist parents and school                effort to secure for all children and youth the highest
administrators to provide a quality educational environment for all            advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education
students. This goal is accomplished by fostering communication
between parents and teachers, and by providing additional                                YOUR INVOLVEMENT COUNTS
enrichment for students through volunteer service and materials.
Parents can help to administer special programs sponsored by the           The Pointer Ridge PTA invites you to join with us this year to
PTA, or serve as volunteer members of the many committees                  make a difference in education. We recognize that there are
available. We look forward to a fun and exciting year and hope that        profound benefits for students, parents, educators and
you will become involved in the school in as many ways possible. Your      overall school quality, when schools have well structured,
support is critical to make the organization work.                         consistent parent involvement programs. The PTA provides
                                                                           very meaningful opportunities for your talents and time to
                   EMAIL COMMUNICATION                                     help make Pointer Ridge a better school. We encourage every
The Pointer Ridge Elementary PTA has an email list that is used to         parent, grandparent, caregiver and teacher to take advantage
provide information to you regarding important Pointer Ridge PTA           to the endless volunteer opportunities to help build a strong
events and other activities. Please send your email information to         parent/school relationship.
pointerridgepta@yahoo.com to be included.

                                               Till] ~T~ ~llSSI0t~ ~T~TI~t{I~NT
                    The mission of the PTA is threefold:
                    ¯ ~ To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, before
                        governmental bodies and other organizations which make decisions affecting children.
                    "~ To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children.
                    ¯ ~ To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
BUS REGULATIONS                                  available for the convenience of parents. Parents will be able to use a
According to regulations issued by the Board of Education,            bank debit card, VISA, Discover or MasterCard on this ~~
unless a student is assigned as a bus rider, he or she can’t ride a
bus to or from school with friends. IF YOUR CHILD IS                  their student s lunch account. Features of PayPAMS ~,~"
PLANNING TO VISIT A FRIEND AFTER SCHOOL WHO IS A                      include: pay for child s meals with credit card or              ~
BUS RIDER, ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE MADE FOR THE                          electronic checks via Internet or telephone from your home or office
PARENT TO TRANSPORT THE CHILD. These arrangements                     twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, schedule automatic
should also be made in advance and a note should be sent to the       payments based on the account balance, monitor online what your
school office stating that the student has parental permission        child eats, and receive e-mail notification of meal account balance or
to go to a friend’s house. Regulations also prohibit the parents
from riding the buses to and from school.
                   BREAKFAST PROGRAM                                  Please bear in mind, however, that while browsing the site and
The breakfast program will operate as it did last year with           checking your student’s account information is free, transactions,
regard to free and reduced breakfasts. If your child receives         including making payments, you may incur a $2.00 fee, and you should
a free/reduced lunch, the same will apply to breakfast.               allow 2-3 days for deposits to post to the account. Please go to the
Breakfast may also be purchased by students who pay full price.       website, www.PayPAMS.com to register or for more information.
Walkers must arrive by 7:15 AM to purchase and eat breakfast.                                  SCHOOL LUNCHES
               COMPUTERIZED MEAL PROGRAM                              The price of food is as follows:
To pay in advance for breakfast and lunch, students are
                                                                                           Milk                    $ .55
assigned a 4 or 5 digit personal identification number (PIN#)
                                                                                           Student Breakfast       $1.50
The system then allows the PIN# to access an account set up
                                                                                           Reduced Breakfast       $ .30
for your child. The number is personal and is not to be divulged
                                                                                           Student Lunch           $2.60
or to be shared with other students. As long as the student
                                                                                           Reduced Lunch           $ .40
       continues to be enrolled at the school, the same number
        will be used. The computer system has been
         programmed to identify students receiving meal
                                                                                          MONEY PAYABLE TO THE SCHOOL
          benefits. Prepayments may be made to the student’s
                                                                      Whenever amounts of money are sent to school for various
          account by cash or check payable to "Food and
                                                                      reasons, unless otherwise specified, please make all
         Nutrition Services’: During mealtime, students will
                                                                      checks payable to Pointer Ridge Elementary School.
         key their PIN# on a keypad located at the register.

                 ONLINE CONVENIENCE
An online pre-payment site for student lunch accounts,
www.PayPAMS.com (Parent Account Management System) is
               Unfortunately, due to the extremely high cost of
               our telephone bills, we must limit the school
               phone use to EMERGENCIES ONLY.                                              RIDGE SCHOOL RULES
       CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER                          I Arriue at school in time to be seated at your
Parents are requested to notify the office promptly of any               desl~ by 7:4S AM.
change in residence or job telephone numbers. We must be able         2 Enter the school quietly and go directly to
to contact you in the event of an emergency.                             your assigned area to wait for the bell,
                       EARLY DISMISSAL                                3 Always walb and line up quietly in the
If a student has to be released from school during the                    school.
school day, a parent or legal guardian must sign the student          4 Respect the rights and property of others.
out in the Early Dismissal book, which is in the office. No           S Tabe good care of your school and school
child will be dismissed with a stranger or on the basis of a             supplies.
phone call. Parents or legal guardians mus_~t report to the           6 Cooperate with all the adults who worb at
school office to pick up their children at which time he/she             school.
will be asked to sign the child out in the Early Dismissal            7 Always use good manners, proper language
book. Parents need to arrive in the office to request early               and be considerate.
dismissal by 1:45 PM.                                                 8 Deliuer all messages, worb papers and
                          DISCIPLINE                                      newsletters to parents,
Discipline involves the entire school. Our ultimate goal is to move
                                                                      9 Obey patrols, crossing guards and bu.s drivers.
from imposed consequences to self management and student              1o Get a pass from your teacher before leauing
-generated, responsible decision making. To achieve that goal,           the classroom.
students must be given choices and the opportunity to
                                                                      11 Leaue all non-school items at home unless
experience both the positive and the negative consequences                requested by your teacher.
of those choices. In most cases, choices and consequences will        12 Go directly home at dismissal.
be worked out between the student and teachers. Some                  13 Respect others as you want them to treat
circumstances, however, may also require administrator, counselor,
                                                                         and respect you.
and/or parent involvement.                                            14 Be the BEST student you can by striving to
                                                                         do your best.
Bullying, harassment or intimidation is not tolerated in Prince       NOTE: Classroom teachers may have class rules in addition to the
George’s County Public Schools. If you suspect that you are           above,
bullied you should complete a Bullying, Harassment or
Intimidation Reporting Form, which is located in the school office
and inform a responsible adult.
VOLUNTEERS                                         Advance writ-fen notice of all field trips is sent to parents who must sign a
Students feel a sense of pride when they see their parents and                permission slip allowing their child to participate. Verbal permission will not
others helping in the school. Parent volunteers are eagerly sought at         be accepted. In addition, an emergency card must be on file with the
Pointer Ridge. We can use you in any aapaci~/ in which you feel               classroom teacher.
comfortable. We need volunteers, not only working with students, but
                                                                              Parents assisting teachers as chaperones on a field trip should remember
                               perhaps even more importantly,
                                                                              that they will have students in their care and, therefore, cannot bring
                               assisting with typing and working on
                                                                              younger siblings.
                               projects at home. Whatever your
                               talents or skills are, we can use your                              VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS
                               assistance. Please let us know if you          The following Board of Education Policy 0106 became strictly enforced
                               can help, and please be advised that           effective January 1, 2007. This policy requires that certain
                               when visiting the school to observe            volunteers undergo a background check and fingerprinting
                               your child, to put money on a lunch            to ensure safety for students, staff, and fellow volunteers
                               account, or to volunteer in any way, a         at school sites. In most instances, the volunteer will have to ili~|~t~,i’l~I
picture ID must be presented at the Main Office, each and                     absorb the costs of the check. The fee s currently $10.00 ~
every time you wish to enter the building. In addition, all visitors          for a commercial background check.
are asked to sign in and out in the Visitor log.
                                                                                          VOLUNTEERS, CHAPERONES, AND MENTORS:
                     CLASSROOM VISITATION                                     1. Volunteers and mentors working in a capacity where uncontrolled
We encourage parents/guardians to visit the school. Classroom                 access is anticipated, such as those working with students in an
visitation provides you an opportunity to observe the great things            unsupervised capacity on school grounds, off of school property, or
happening in the classrooms and to view your child in relationship to         after school are required to be fingerprinted and complete a full
his/her peers. As per County administrative policy, any person                Fingerprint Background Check and form,
coming to the school or on school grounds during the school day, must         2. Volunteers working in a capacity where no uncontrolled access is
immediately report to the office, sign the visitor’s log, and present a       anticipated on a one time basis only, or on a sporadic basis, do not need
Photo ID (no exceptions). Classroom visits and conferences by                 to be fingerprinted, i.e. parents volunteering for career day, book fairs,
parents and other community persons should be arranged through                school dances, or other one time events.
the principal’s office. Visitors will be given a pass for identification.     3. Parents and volunteers who volunteer in a classroom on a regular
Also, parents/guardians are requested to report to the office when            basis in a supervised setting must obtain a Commercial Background
leaving the school. If a court has ordered restrictions a~in~t any            Check through PGCPS on an annual basis.
persons regarding visitations with your child, please provide us with         4. Chaperones who will participate in a day field trip or an overnight
copies of the court orders.                                                   school trip are considered to be volunteers and must undergo a
                                                                              Commercial Background Check initiated by PGCPS through the
                                FIELD TRIPS
Field trips are en integral port of the instructional program. The            Fingerprinting Office before performing duties.
purpose of a field trip is to provide educational experiences, related to a   All field trip chaperones and volunteers who work in the classroom on a
student’s study, which are beyond the immediate school environment.           regular basis MUST undergo a background check and be fingerprinted
All field trips are planned by the classroom teacher. The cost for            or will be turned away. Please call the Fingerprinting Office at
transportation is divided equally among participating students,               301-952-6775 for additional information.
CONFERENCES AND REPORT CARDS                                                           HEALTH ROOM
Parent/teacher conferences will normally be scheduled with all parents      The health room is located in the office wing. If a child is involved in
during the first two nine-week grading periods and on a need and/or         an accident or becomes sick at school, he/she shou)d report it to
request besis throughout the remainder of the year. Parents and/or          his teacher who will then send him to the health room. Children who
teachers may request a conference at any time during the school year        are ill shou)d remain at home until they are well enough to participate
to discuss a child’s progress in school. Kindergarten parent/teacher        in the regular school program. Children’s health
conferences are held in the fall.                                           complaints and symptoms should be taken seriously,
Report cards will be issued at the end of each nine weeks. Interim          and parents should keep students home for
Progress Reports are released in the middle of each grading period for      symptomS like: fevers, upset stomachs, sore
students whose achievement is uasatisfactot~/.                              throats, excessive nasal discharge and coughing.
                                                                            Students should remain home until they are fever
                               HOMEWORK                                     free for twenty-four (24) hours without the use of
Homework is a learning activity related to instruction and                  fever reducing medications.
assigned at all grade leve~s. The purposes of homework ore: to reinforce,   Students are permitted to take medication at school only when it is
supplemento and enrich work done in the classroom, to provide for           deemed absolutely necessary and only under the supervision of school
individual interests, to promote competency in skills and content           personnel. No medication will be accepted or a)lowed to be self-
learning, to help students to manage time effectively, to apply             administered without receipt of the appropriate "Medication
lenrnings, and to enable them to use a variety of sources of                Authorization Form" completed by parents/guardians and physician in
information.                                                                its entirety without alteration or deletion. The school reserves the
                                                                            right to refuse to accept, administer, or supervise administration of
You can assist your child by providing a special time and place for         any medication. A "Medication Authorization Form" is available upon
homework, checking his/her work, going over the ess{gned material           request from the office or on line and must accompany any medication
and encouraging him/her. Please do not do the assignment for your           to be administered during school hours. Medication will not be
child. If you find that he/she is having difficulty even after your help,   accepted by the school unless it is in an original container and labeled
please inform the teacher (possibly with a note) so that this concept       with the name of the medication, the name of the student, and the
can be retaught. For children in grades one and two, homework should        date. No prescription drug will be accepted by the school unless it is
average thirty minutes each day; for those in grades three through          labeled by a registered pharmacist, with the name of the drug, the
five it should average between thirty and forty minutes. Please help        name of the student, the date, and the directions for administration.
your child develop good study habits by providing a set, quiet time
and a specified place to work.                                                                    COMMUNICABLE DISEASES
                                                                            After a child has had a communicable disease, it is necessary that po~,ents
                                                                            obtain a slip from their doctor, stating that it is safe for the child to
                                                                            return to school.
MINOR ACCIDENTS - TREATMENT                                                    RECESS BEHAVIOR
           Minor cuts and abrasions are cleansed with soap and      A ~enty-five minute period of free play is provided daily. Each
           water and a light, dry steril~ dressing may also be      teacher establishes standards for playground activities with students
           used. Baking soda is applied to insect bites and                      in order to promote their fair play, cooperation, and
           stings~ This is the prescribed treatment used in all                 safety. Contact sports and activities are not
           Prince George’s County Public Schools.                               permitted because they often result in injuries and
                                                                                misunderstandings. Students are not allowed to re-
                   ACCIDENT INSURANCE                                           enter the building without permission. Students
School accident insurance is available to all students on a                     unable to participate in outdoor recess must bring a note
voluntary basis. Payment is made directly to the insurance                      from parents in order to be excused.
company. Forms are sent home with all students in September.
Claim forms are available in the office. Students have thirty                       SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL TEAM
days after entry in school to enroll in the program.                The School Instructional Team (SIT) consists of the following school-
                                                                    based personnel: principal, assistant principal, resource teachers, reading
                    SAFETY FOR CHILDREN                             specialist, and co~elOrl This group plans and coordinates appropriate
The safety of children is of primary concern to us. Safety,         programs and services for students needing individual program
school pride, discipline, and responsible decision-making go hand   modification. It also acts as a screening device to identify students in
in hand. Children from our fifth grades serve our school as         need of further consideration at the Building Team Conference.
safety patrols. They are chosen on the basis of their ~illingness
to obey the rules, to respect authority and to cooperate in                      THE CARE AND USE OF TEXTBOOKS
maintaining safety and accepting responsibility. We ask your        The proper use of textbooks and similar materials is part of the
cooperation in impressing upon your child the importance of         educational process. The Prince George’s County Board of Education
obeying the patrols as they are insuring your child’s safety        provides books on o free loan basis. Reimbursement is required for
when he is under their supervisionl                                 lost or damaged books. There will be a form given in September when
                                                                    books are issued which will inform parents of the determined condition
                      SAFETY PATROLS                                of the book at that time. At the end of school, fines will be levied for
The safety patrol program is under the guidance of Mr. Harris,      lost or damaged books. The basis for fines is determined by the
with the supervision by an officer of the Prince George’s           counts Scale for Assessment of Damage, which takes into
County Police Department. The students are chosen with special      consideration years of use. A percentage of the replacement price will
emphasis upon reliability and good behavior. Patrol duties          be charged. County policy states that students are not to be advanced
involve crossing the children safely at crosswalks.                 to a higher grade unless the fines are paid. We require
                                                                    that all books sent home be covered at all times.
                                                                    Books must remain covered throughout the year. Please
In order for a child to be excused from Physical Education, it is
                                                                    do not cover books using tape. When the bookcover is
necessary for the child to bring a note to that effect, signed
by the parent. When your child must be excused for an               removed, tape sticking to the book can ruin the book.
extended period of time, a doctor’s note is required.
CLASSROOM INTERRUPTIONS                            Patrols are stationed at the entrance to admit staff and
                                                             volunteers for the day. Please offer them the courtesy you
All persons visiting the building must report to the
                                                             would want for your own children. Students should exit the
office. Volunteers will sign their name in the               car on the same side of the street as the school, so as
appropriate Visitor book, present proper ID, and wear        not to cross the street.
identification to distinguish them as a volunteerl
                                                             For the safety of all children, a new traffic pattern at the
If you have something to give your child, please BRING       school circle has been instituted. It will promote single line
it to the office. We will see that your child gets the       drop-off or pick-up of students. Please line up in a single file
                  item without interruption to the class.    and have children exit on the curbside. If it is necessary to
                                                             accompany your student inside the school, please do not park
                      Teachers ore not interrupted           in the circle area.
                       during the instructional day for
                        telephone m[~.~sag~.~l I’~ you                       MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS
                         leave o m~ssage, the teacher        Class attendance is an important aspect of student performancel
                         will be able to call you back       According to county grading policy and procedure, if a student
                       after school as soon as it is         has an unexcused absence on the day a recorded grade is given,
                         possible. We encourage you to       that student will receive ~ zero for his/her failure to perform
                        call,before 7:45 AM or after         the specific assignment. If the student has an excused absence
                                                             for the day, he/she will be given a chance to make up the work
                         2:15 PM.
                                                             after they return. Phone calls to request the day’s homework will
                                                             not be necessary since the student can
                TRAFFIC PROCEDURE
                                                             make up the work after returning.
Students not riding a bus to schoo~ must walk to the front
entrance of the school from Parkington Lane.                 A note is required on the firs~ returning
                                                             day after an absence. The note should
Cars are not permitted to enter the school                   be dated, written by a parent or doctor,
driveway or circle when buses are present, or                and should state the reason for the
between 7:20-7:50 AM and 1:35-2:00 PM.                       absence.
TRANSFERS                                           Uniforms are voluntary and it is the parent’s decision
If you move out of the Pointer Ridge Elementary School                                       to participate.
attendance area during the school year, your child will require a
transfer card to enter another school. Please notify the office         If your student does not participate in the voluntary uniform
when you know the date of your child’s last day of attendance.          program, students are expected to dress appropriately for school.
             Transfer cards will be issued to the child on that         Besides dressing for the weather, students should also wear clothing
             date. Please give the office at least one day’s            that promotes a positive learning environmentl Some examples of
              notice so that necessary information can be               unacceptable wear might be: shirts with inappropriate language or
              gathered from the teacher(s).                             designs, tops or bottoms that are too scanty (short shorts, tank
                               LOST AND FOUND                           tops, halters, or cropped tops, for example,) pants that are so loose
             Please put children’s names on clothing and personal       that they slide over the hips, and straps or belts which are
items brought to school. If a lost article is labeled, the child will   not attached properly.
be notified to claim it. Lost items are stored until owners claim       Hats and outdoor clothing are reserved for the outdoors.
them. We call a charitable organization when the LostancIFouncl         Effort should be made to wear comfortable shoes such as
becomes too fUlll Please encourage your child to periodically           sneakers, or other athletic shoe~ for P.E. and recess. In
check the Lost ancIFoundtocated in the cafeteria.                       general, it is expected that good judgment.will be used
                                                                        regarding trends or fads not already mentioned.
                    PERSONAL PROPERTY
The school can assume no responsibility for any personal property
of students. Therefore cassettes, CD players, electronic games,         The Prince George’s County Board of Education has established a
excess money, etc. shquld not be brought to school. Coats, hats,        dress code which applies to all students:
sweaters, and boots should be c~early marked in order to
                                                                        1. Head coverings may only be worn indoors for religious or health
facilitate return to the rightful owners. All articles that are
found are kept for a limited amount of time in the cafeteria Lost
                                                                        2. See-through clothing is not permitted.
ancIFound. If your child loses an item, please see that an inquiry
                                                                        3. No gang/crew clothing or paraphernalia may be worn.
is made at the time of loss. Toys, etc., are not permitted
                                                                        4. No clothing with vulgar language, obscene pictures, weapons,
without prior approval of the teacher.
                                                                           drug/alcohol, drug paraphernalia or tobacco products may be
                      SCHOOL ATTIRE                                        worn.
To promote a positive and creative method of increasing school          5. Closed shoes must be worn.
safety and enhancing the learning environment, the Pointer Ridge        6. Tights, stretch p~nts, leggings and body suits may only be worn
PTA would like students to participate in volunteering to wear             with tops long enough to cover the buttocks.
school uniforms for the 2010-2011 school year. The uniform will         7. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be no shorter than fingertip level
consist of: White Polo or Oxford sh~rts;                                   end must be at le~t 6" below the bu~ocks.
             Navy blue pants, skirts Or jumpers;                        8. Shirts and blous~ must be continuous from neckline to waist.
             Black or white socks/tights;                                   Cut-outs and bare midriff sh~r?s ~re no? permitted.
             Black sneakers or low heal shoes.
SCHOOL CLOSINGS                                                     SCHOOL PICTURES
It is imperative that parents discuss and review with their        Information will be sent home a week before the scheduled day
                                                                   for taking pictures. There will be a prepay packet offering
children what they are to do in the event of an early school
                                                                   several picture options. Envelopes for your picture selection and
dismissal. Each child should know exactly where to go. Baby
                                                                   money will be sent home the day prior to the picture day.
-sitters should be made aware of your plans as well. A form
will be sent home for parents to complete regarding early school                             COMMUNICATIONS
closing.                                                           To keep you abreast of school happenings, a newsle~er will be sent home
                                                                   with all students hi-weekly. All newsle~ers will be a bright pink, to make
                    It is also extremely important for
                                                                   them easily identifiable. Additional reminders and classroom information
                    parents to listen to radio or to television    may be sent home periodically via fliers, letters and additional
                    when there is inclement weather.               newsle~ers. A monthly menu is provided by the county for all students.

                    Please do not call the school, as we have      If you have information, questions or concerns, please feel free to call
                    no more information and often are busy         us. We welcome open communication. Teachers ore available before
                    trying to accommodate occurrences that         (7:20-7:40) or after school (2:15-2:40) for phone calls and conferences.
                    result from the emergency.                     Teachers ore unable to leave their classes during the instructional day.
                                                                   The school office opens at 7:10 AM and closes at 3:15 PM All students
Also, please do not call and ask school personnel to make          receive the Pointer Ridge Calendar & Handbook on the first day of
personal arrangements for your child. Parents are to make          school.
arrangements with their children/sitters ahead of time.
                                                                                     VOICE MESSAGING SYSTEM
Whenever decisions are made to modify the entire system’s          Pointer Ridge Elementary utilizes a voice messaging system to
school hour schedules, the following television and radio          convey emergency and important school communications, as well as
stations will be notified:                                         reminders of school and PTA activities, via telephone. Please
                                                                   ensure that the school has current telephone information o be
Television: WTTG-TV, WJLA-TV, WRC-TV,                              sure that these important messages and reminders are received.
Radio: WRC, WTOP, WEAM, WAVA, WASH,                                              PARENT BULLETINS
       WGAY, WPGC, WINX, WJMD, WMZQ,                               The pink school bulletins and newsletters will be
       WOOK                                                        used to communicate what is happening at
                                                                   Pointer Ridge. The first bulletin is lengthy
You can also get information about all early                       also includes some items that are to be completed
closings by computer at websites:                                  and returned to school.
    www.pgcps.org or www.~chools-out.com.

Prince George’s County Public Schools uses the SchooIMA×                As the only school-system administered school age childcare
Student Information System to manage student data, including            program in Maryland, it is the goal of the Prince George’s County
grades, attendance records, and schedules. The Family Portal is         Public School System to provide a safe, enriching environment
a feature of SchoolMAX that allows authorized caretakers ~              for Prince George’s County elementary school students. The
to log into SchoolMAX from any computer with an Internet                program is designed to enhance the children’s social, cultural,
connection and view a child’s student information.                      educational, and physical development, as well as meet the needs
                                                                        of parents by offering a safe, accessible,
Prince George’s County Public School teachers maintain electronic
                                                                        and affordable school-based program.           ~l~ ~
grade books that list every assignment, the score the student
                                                                        County programs are licensed by MSDE
received for the assignment, and other information as well.
                                                                        Office of Child Care and frequently exceed
SchooIMAX Family Portal allows you to view student scores as
                                                                        the State requirements.
teachers post them. Progress reports as well as final quarterly
report card grades are published in SchooIMAX. In addition, an          The selected curriculum materials in reading and mathematics to
unofficial version of the child’s complete transcript is available in   be used after school will augment the regular school program.
SchoolMAX, as well as all discipline incidents which are recorded       Activities may vary according to the interests of children, staff,
and may also be viewed.                                                 and the community. However, a wide range of activities are
                                                                        provided in each program. Children are given opportunities to
A record of caretaker contact information is also kept in
                                                                        participate in art and cooking projects, drama and music
SchooIMAX and includes a mailing address, a phone number, and
                                                                        activities, and play with games and manipulatives. Additionally,
email address. The My Profile poge may be used to request a
                                                                        students can play sports, group games, relax, begin homework
change or addition to your contact information to assure that the
                                                                        assignments, and socialize in an atmosphere that supports their
school office has updated emergency information for your
                                                                        developmental needs. A daily snack is provided,
                                                                        In order to register, parents must complete Registration and
This browser-based application works best on any of the these
                                                                        Terms of Agreement Forms, Health Inventory and Emergency
web browsers:
                                                                        Information Card. The 2013-2014 annual tuition is $3,000.00,
       Q Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
                                                                        payable in installments of $145.00 bi-weekly. Fees are paid in
       ¯ Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later
                                                                        advance according to a published yearly pay schedule. A $100.00
       ¯ Apple Safari 3,0 or later
                                                                        deposit and $10.00 non-refundable fee are due at registration.
A Parent Access Key is required in order to register and begin
                                                                        Department of Social Services vouchers are accepted. All Spaces
      using the Family Portal. Caretakers will receive

~       nformation from the school to notify them when the
          Access keys are ready to be distributed. Additional
           information will be provided at that time. If you have
                                                                                       are filled on a ’first-come, first-served’ basis at
                                                                                       the time of registration. No preferential status is
                                                                                       given to previously-enrolled students.
already received an access key in a previous year and created a                       If you would like to know more about the program,
username and password as directed, you may continue using the                         please call the onsite program coordinator directly
Family Portal and will not require another access key.                                at 301-390-4010.

The role of the guidance counselor in the                                TESTING PROGRAMS
elementary school is very diverse. The primary
function of the counselor is to act as the advocate            ~) MARYLAND SCHOOL ASSESSMENT
for the child. Students may be seen individually,     The Maryland School Assessment (MSA) is a test of reading,
or in groups. Children may request to talk to the     math, and science achievement. This test, will provide
                                                      educators, parents, and the public valuable information about
counselor themselves, or a teacher or parent may                           student, school, school system, and
ask for counseling intervention. The guidance                              state performance.
counselor is a member of the school instructional
team, and works in cooperation with the staff and
administration to facilitate the personal and
academic growth of all                                                             ~) BENCHMARK TESTING
students.                                                                    Benchmark tests in reading and
                                                                             math are administered to all students
                                                      in grades three through six quarterly. Benchmark tests yield
                                                      a detailed description of student performance relative to a
                                                      set of established objectivesl The Benchmark results help
                                                      to assure growth during the school year by providing
                                                      information which aids the school in monitoring student
                                                      performance, identifying areas of need and providing assistance
                                                      for those needs.
To build an effective reading program, reading teachers must
                                                                                        O BOWIE BAY SOX READING
assume many roles. These roles encompass:
                                                                                             INCENTIVE PROGRAM
               >Management of the Reading Program                          This program is offered to students in grades
               >Testing                                                    Kindergarten through fifth. Students are to read
               >Instructional services                                     four books and write a paragraph abou+ each book.
               >Resource ~erv~ce~                                          The classroom teacher initials a special bookmark as
               >I~e~ce~                                                    each paragraph is submitted. The reward for reading
               ~her related                                                is a free ticket to a designated BaySox game.

Pointer Ridge has several reading incentive programs for
children in grades kindergarten through fifth. These programs
are designed to motivate children to read more, both at school
and at home, by rewarding them for their reading
accomplishments. Participation in these reading incentives is
very important to your child’s reading development and
required as part of the homework requirementsl The more
your child reads, the better he/she will read. The following
reading incentive programs will be used at Pointer Ridge.
                                                                        O SIX FLAGS READING INCENTIVE PROGRAM
    ¯ BOOK-IT" WITH PIZZA HUT (OCTOBER - FEBRUARY)               This program is done from October through January. The
                                                                 student is asked to read a certain number of books in this time
The Book-It program is a five-month reading incentive program    period and will be awarded a fee ticket to Six Fla~s if the goal is
for children in grades kindergarten through fifth. The           met. The tickets are awarded in June.
classroom teacher sets monthly goals for each child in the
           class. Each child is given a monthly reading log to
                                                                 At Pointer Ridge, reading certainly pays off both
           record the books read. At the end of each month,
           the book log is handed in to the teacher and          academically and with many tangible rewards. )!’~               ~
           students who reached the goal are presented with      Encourage your child to participate in these reading
           a Pizza Award Certificate. The child can redeem
           this certificate for a free, one-topping Personal
           Pan Pizza at any participating Pizza Hut.
SPEECH THERAPY                            duration and type of service is determined by the needs of
Referral to the speech therapist can be made by teacher or     the individual child and is included in the IEP. Your child’s
parent. Afterwards a school team reviews the student’s         progress will be monitored throughout the school year and
needs with the speech therapist, who determines the type       reviewed on an annual basis by your child’s team. The
and extent of any problems. Children who are included in the   Schoo~ Instructional Team (SIT) and the Multidisciplinary
speech therapy program exhibit problems of articulation,       Team (MDT) along with the child’s parent or guardian are key
stuttering, or some type of language dysfunction. Students     members of these teams. The MDT includes the principal,
are usually seen two times per week.                           counselor, reading teacher, resource teachers, learning problem
                                                               resource specialist, pupi~ personnel worker, and psychologist.
Pointer Ridge is a School-Based Management School. School-     If you have any questions concerning your child’s development or the
Based Management is a process which gives local school         resource programs available, talk to your child’s teachers and other
personnel the opportunity and flexibility to decide how the    staff members who work with your child daily, You may also call
resources, personnel, and materials are used to meet the       Partners for Success Parent Center, an office of the Prince
needs of students. Shared power, collaborative decision        George’s County Public School System (PGCPS) at (30!) 925-2811.
making and school accountability for outcomes are important    The staff at the Center will be able to answer your questions and
features of the process. School Based Management is built      direct you to appropriate resources or free trainir~ on a variety of
on the "Effective School~’ foundation.                         subjects. Visit, also, the PGCPS Department of Special Education
                                                               website at http://w~m.lX~cps.or~/~spedu/for additional information
Students who are experiencing difficulties in certain                           INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC
academic areas, visual perception, motor skills (fine or       The instrumental music program is designed to encourage
gross), social/emotional adjustment, language development,     all participants to explore and develop
or other related areas can be assisted through the resource    their musical abilities by learning to play        an
program.                                                       instrument and to have opportunities to
If a parent or guardian has a concern about hfs or her         perform for their friends and family. All
                                                               fourth and fifth grade students are
child’s development, a referral for assessment can be
                                                               encouraged to participate in the
made to the child°s teacher. Upon review of the child’s
                                                               instrumental music program.
assessment, he or she may become eligible to receive
special education services through a resource program.         Group lessons are given in school during
Once the child has been identified as eligible, an             the school day. It is expected that parents will rent or
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed. This         buy the needed instrument. The first three to four
p~an will contain both short-term and long-term goals for      months are considered to be a trial period during which the
the child experiencing difficulty in one or more of the        child can decide whether he/she enjoys the experience
areas mentioned above. Students may be instructed              enough to continue, and the teacher can determine whether
individually or in small group settings. The frequency,        the instrument is truly appropriate for the student, After this
                                                               step, most students do continue.
The School Library Media Program provides a curriculum based
                                                                    6. If the tex~ is typed, the font must be no smaller than 12 and
instructional program that empowers students and staff with the          no larger than 14. There is an exception. The font may be
skills and experiences necessary to become effective users of            larger than 14 in the Picture Story Book and Poetry Catego-
ideas and information. We recognize the importance of reading
                                                                         ries; and for headings and titles only.
for pleasure as well as the need to complete assignments and        7, Books must be edited with appropriate grammar, spelling and
      ,~,~_~ explore ideas. We therefore maintain a balanced            punctuation. There can be no profanity, sexually explicit
      ~ collection for students, staff, and parents in the
                                                                        situations and excessive violence.
~ ~1~.   form  of are
                  print, nan-print, and electronic  materials.      8. Foreign language entries will be accepted only of there is a
    ~_,,~l   We        building a community   of information            clearly written and complete translation included on each page
    ~ literate individuals who are               independent            or as a part of an appendix,
~ ~ thinkers c~nd lifelong learners.                                9. Books should contain no more than 30 numbered pages
                Research Databases                                      including illustrations/photographs. This does not include
                                                                        translation, bibliography, footnote pages, title page, fly
      Culture Grams - http://online.culturegrams,com                    sheet, author’s biography or appendices.
             Usernarne: pgcps                                       10, The size of the finished book may beno larger than 10" x 12"
             Password: pgcps                                             and no smaller than 5" x 8".
      TeachingBooks.net - www.TeachingBooks.net/home                11. Student must securely bind books with hard back covers,
             Password: PrinceGeorge                                     examples: corrugated card board and/or foam board. No
      Grolier Multimedia - http://golgrolierlcom                         commercial type bindings, folders, photograph albums,
             Login ID: pgcps                                             rings or loose leaf bindings will be accepted.
             Password: remote                                       12. Photographs are permitted in the non-fiction category
                                                                         Any photograph or artwork that is scanned into a Write-A-
                                                                         Book entry must be available to judges upon request.
                    WRITE-A-BOOK RULES                              13. All books that do not follow all of the
1. Only books produced by students in Prince George’s County             rules of the competition cannot be sub
    Public Schools may be entered,                                        mitred to the county competition.
2. Books must be written during the present school year.            14. The judges decision is final.
3. Any book produced by a group (2-5 students) will be judged in    15. All entries must be received on or
    the division to which the highest-grade level belongs.                before the first Monday in December.
4. All stories and il(ustrations must be the original work of the
5, Text must be typed, hand printed (legibly)/or computer
    printedl Computer-assisted drawings must be original, no clip
    art permitted.
TAG Identification Procedures
The Prince George’s County TAG program focuses upon general                1. Composite score of 270 or above on the OLSAT,
intellectua~ ability and is based on the definition of gifted by              Primary II Form R (grade three), Cognitive
both Maryland and United States Departments of Education:                     Abilities Test (grade six), plus the subtests of either
"Gifted and talented children are thoSel., who, by virtue of                  Reading Vocabulary or Reading Comprehension (the
outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance. These                 higher of the two scores), plus Mathematics
are the children who require differentiated educational                       Concepts and Applications of the Survey Form of
programs and/or service beyond those required by the regular                  the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills I(CTBS,)
program."                                                                 2. Any two scores of PR - 90 or above from the three items
Students ore identified by one of the following procedures: global            mentioned above, but composite score below 270.
screening, multiple criteria, multiple opportunities, or committee
                                                                          3. Score of PR - 94 or above on the Otis Lennon or the
                                                                              Cognitive Abilities Test.
         1. global screening - all ~tudents are considered
                                                                          4. Comparable test data from another school system.
         2. multiple criteria -selection is based on a variety of
                                                                              This test data is particularly important for students
               objective and And subjective factors.
         3. multiple opportunities - students are automatically               new to the school system. These students may be
         screened                                                             nominated from any grade.
               ~n grades one and three.                                                 Additional Data Collection
         4. committee decision - placement is made by ~ group af
                                                                       Further data is collected for consideration. Teachers complete
               professionals who evaluate all of the available data.
                                                                       the Teacher Checklist for all nominated students, while parents
                       Global Testing                                  are requested to complete the Parent Checklist and Survey
During first and third grades, all students are considered in          Form. Pertinent data collected from the student’s record
the following ways:                                                    include: grades, previous school experience, instructional levels,
                                                                       previous TAG identification from another school system,
First grade students take the Otis Lennon School Abilities Test
                                                                       student work samples, or checklist from community mentor.
(OLSAT), Primary I, Form R. All students in grades three take
.five subtests of the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, Survey               TAG Committee Review of Multiple Criteria
Form. Third graders also take the OLSAT, Primary II, Form R.           The local school TAG Committee meets to review all students
                                                                       referred for the TAG Program. All data is assessed using the
                     Student Nomination                                TAG Assessment Matrix. Each student’s ranking is determined
Students in the first grade may be nominated for TAG
                                                                       by totaling the separate scores for each category. First grade
Commi~ee consideration by scoring at the eighth or ninth
                                                                       students whose total score from the TAG Assessment Matrix is
stanine on the OLSAT, and by further testing using the
                                                                       27 or above are recommended for TAG placement. Third graders
Cognitive Abilities Test. Students in the third grade who ~core
                                                                       whose total 33 or above are recommended for TAG placement.
as follows are nominated for the TAG program:
Teachers use the following criteria to recognize students
                                                                                         SCIENCE FAIR
                                                                              Information to Include on the Backboard

  +Is respectful to teachers, students,                     1.      Main Heading Complete sentence tcqle people what you DISCOVERED.
      and others
  +Has good attendance at school                                 2. Question             5. Experimental Data 6.Conclusion
                                                                 V;rnat dM you waot to                                Based on the data
  +Practices self-control                                        find out? 0"his is
                                                                                              The data that you
  +Works well with others                                                                  is listed here by using
                                                                                             charts, data tables,
                                                                 3.~                     graphs, and illustrations. 7. Fut~r~ R~reh
  +Accepts responsibility
  +Follows directions                                            4. Procedure
  +Does work neatly and completely                                      project?
  +Completes homework assignments
  +Participates well in class
  +Is cooperative in class
  +Has a positive self image                                                                   For a Successful
  +Is proud to be a Pointer Ridge                                                               Science Project:
                                                                                      I. Be very neat.
      Elementary School Student                                                       2. Use as many pictures, charts,
                                                                                      graphs or backboards as needed.
                                                                                      3. Thoroughly research subject
                                                                                      or topic.
                                                                                      4. Show earefnl planning and
                                                                                      5. Follow safe and correct
                                                                                      experimenta! practices,
                                                                                      6. Make sure you tell people
                                                                                      about who helped you with your
                                                                                      project. How did they help?
ugust 2o 3
     ~unday                            "Tuesday             ~J~ednesdaY         Thursday
                    ~o~daY                                                                           ~ridaY         ~aturday

                                                                          1                    2              ~3

4             5                   6                     7                 8                    9              ¸10
              Professional Days                                           Orientation Day
                All Teachers                                                  Kindergarten
                 M-Fri                                                        8:00--10:00 AM

11            12                  13                   14                 15                   16             17
                  First Day of


18            19 ~                20                   21                 22                   !23            24
                                                        Fall Fundraiser        Grades K - 5
                                                             Kickoff          Back to 5ch~
                                       PTA Board Mtg
                                       7 PM
                                                                                6or7 PM
25            26                  ~7                   28                 29                   30             31
               TUeSdaY             Wednesday            Thursday        Friday    ~al:urdaY

           Skate Party,~ [~
           6:30-8:30 P~
1                             i4                                   6             7
                                                                                      Yom Kippm’
                                                                                      8 am--I 1 arn
8    9    10                  11                   12              13            14
                               Chick-fiI-A Night
           Fall Fundraiser
                                   5-9 PM

15   16   17                  18~                                                21
             TAG Student
              Parent Night
                5-6 PM

22   23   2 TA Board Mtg      25                   26                            28

29   30
October 2023
                Tuesday            r~ednesdaY         Thursday              "Friday             ~a~urdaY

              September SOM

                PTA Forum                                                   Selenee Fair
                 7-8 PM                                                     Parent Ni@t
          1                   2                 3                      4       6 PM        5
                                                       ist Quarter
                                                    Progress Reports                           Walk-A-Thon
                                                        Released                                8:30-10 AM
                  MSA Night
                   6-7 PM
6    7    8                   9                 10                                         12
              E[d Ai-Adha                       2:30--5:30 pm~

13   14                       16                17
                                                                           End of 1st
                                                     Picture Day            Quarter
                                                                           (46 days)
20   21   22                  23                24 K-5 ~ 25                                26

27        ~29                 3O                31
November 2023
                         Tuesday             -bqednesdaY         Thursday              ~iday            ~aturday
                                                                                      0c1. SOM

                                                                  tst Quarter
                                                                 Repo~q: Cards
                      Family Dine Out                              Released
                       Panem Bread
3                    ~ 6-9 PM           6                  7                     8                 9


10                  12                  13                 14                    15                16
                         PTA Board                                                   Make--up
                            Mtg                                                        Picture ~
                          7-8 PM                                                        Day ~

17   18             19                  20                 21                    22                23
                        Skate Zone~                            Thanksgiving Holidays Schools and -
                                                                       Offices Closed        ~,,

24   25             26

      Don’t forget to cut and save
        BoxTops for Education

December 20:Z3
                     Iv]onday           "Tuesday        ~ednesday            ~hursdaY                  Yriday            ~aturday

                    Nov. 5OM

           Write-A-                 PTA Fortm~ 7-8 PM
1         2~ooks due              !3                    4               5                      6                    7

8         9                       10                                    12                     13                   14
                                                                              2nd Quarter           Dec. SOM
                                                                            Progress Reports
                                                                               Releas~              Assembly

15   16             !17          18           19            20   , 21
          !:                      Christmas Holidays
               " : : ~ :’ : :   Schools & Offices Closed         i ::                   Winter Break           |,
Oanuary 202q
     ~undaY              Monday                     Tuesday            ~ednesdaY                                              "Friday                          ~aturday

                                                                                                  Classes .~
                                                                    ,[, S6ttO0~S ~
                                                                  .’ i OFFICES~ ~ I.l ~          Resume~
                                                                      ~ ~OSEI~’~ ~’~ ~

                                                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..........    2                         3                               4

5             6                                7                  8                       9                         10                              11
                                                                                              End of 2rid Quarrel
                                                                                                  (46 days)
                                                                                                                    :,~ ;: ~P4annlng ~: ~!,:~
                                                                  Chick-fiI-A Ni~                                   ~ : ~ Sctro#/s Clo~bd ’~

12            13                               14                 15 ~-~P~ 16                                       ~:~!:!:i~ : ~:;’: ~ :: :.i,:~,~: :~::i18
                                                                                                                    PTA Literacy
              ~ l ~ ~ ’ :~: ~’i ~a~:                                                                                   Night
              !? i: :;;:Office~Jed; : i: :                                                                          6-8 PM ~

19            2-0: ;!:~,: : /, !:? :::? :,:~                      22                      23                        ~4                               25               ~
                                                                                                                        2nd Quarter Report
                                                                                                                         Cards Released
                                                      PTA Board
26            27                               28     7-8 ~ 29                            3O
February 20 q
           IV]ondaY        Tuesday       Wednesday            Thursday, ,, I         yriday              £’a~urday

           Jan. SOM

                           PTA Forum
                            7-8 PM
     3                4

                      11               12               13

                      ~8               19               20                     121                  22

                                            Setup                               Classroom Viewing
                                                              Family Viewing      & Cleanup
                                                               5-6:30 PM

23   24               25               26           " ~ ,27
     ~unday        Monday              Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday                Friday                    ~c,’aturday

                   Feb SOM

2                                 4                      5               6                      7                         18
                   3rd Quarter
               Progress Reports
                                       Family Dine Out                            School
                                       Texas Roadhouse                         Beautification
                                                                              ~:3o--5:3o ~M
9             10                  11 4-~ :~              12                                     14                        15

16            17                  18                     19              20                     21 74 ~M                   22
                                                                              End of 3rd
                                                                               Quarter              Schools closed ~or:
                                       PTA Board Mtg                           46 days
                                          7-8 PM
23            24                  25                     26              27                                               29

30            31
.....                      April 2o .q
      ];undaY        Monday        Tuesday          Wednesday        Thursday                  "Friday             £’a~urday

                               Marzh SOM                                                                       School
                                   PTA Forum
                              1     7-8 PM     2                3                       4                     58:30"-11AM~
                                                                    Group Picture
                                                                        Day ~

                                                                         3rd Quarter
                                                                         Report Cards
6               7             8                9                10        Released


2O                            22               23               24                              6-8 PM        26

                                   PTA Board
27              28            29 7-SPM         30
~unday                 Monday                       Tuesday         ~L[ednesday          Thursday               1=riday             ~’aturday
              , ,,

                                                                                              April 50M

                                                                                         1                      2                   3
                                      TEAC                  and          STAFF           APPRECIATION                WEEK
                                                                     Chick-fil-A Night                               Last Day for
                                                         PTA Forum        5-9 P~ ~                                   Library Bo~ 10
4                                                         7:00 PM    7                   8                      9 Check-Ou~
                                                                                                                     4th Quarter
                                                                                                  School              Reports
                                                                                               Beautification         Released
11                   12                             13               14                  15 2:30-5:30 pM 16                         17
                                                                                                                     May SOM

18                   19                             20               21                  22                     23                  24
                     ,~ :i :’igemo~,gl,Day:, :
                         : @’1~1 ~a~ , :’ : .....
                     : ~: ,Schoo/~ :&, ....
                     i: ;:~ ¢, : Offic~!i i,~ ~                                                                      Spring Event
25                                                                   28                  29                     30 5-8 pM           31
      ~uDday        f4ondaY            Tuesday       T, qednesday         "Thursday                "Friday             ~a~urday

                                                                                                  ,, ,,

               5TH Grade Picnic                       Fifth Grade    Last day for students     Last day for l "
                                                                     1/2 day 10:55 AM          Teaehee3
                                                                     End of the 4th            Subject to
                                                                     Quarter (42 days)         change due to
                                                                     Subject to change due     Inclement
                                                                     To inclement weather
1                                 3              4                                         6 weather              7

8              9                  10             11                 ¸12                    ~13                    14

15             16                 17             18                 i19                    20                     21

22             23                 24             25                 26                      27                    28

~29            30
July 2o14
                        Monday               "Tuesday

     Don’t forget to cut and save
       BoxTops for Education

                                        1               2           3    4    5

6                 7                     8               9           10   11   12

13                14                    15              16          17   18   19

20                21                    22              23          24   25   26

27                28                    29              30          31
, u. ust
     ~undaY        Monday        "Tuesday          f~edDesdaY         Thursday          "Friday

                                                                                 1                2

3             4             ~5               ~6                 7                8                9

10            11            12               13                 14               15               16

17            18            19                20                ~21              22               23

                                                          Don’tforget to cut and save
                                                            BoxTops for Education
24            25            26                27                28

Important Telephone Numbers for PoG. County Public Schools

Superintendent’s Office          301-952-601!   Montessori Program               301-749-4743

Adult Education/Evening HS/GED301-322-0891      Mullikin Bus Lot                 301-390-02!0

Communications                   301-952-6001   Psychological Services           301-431-5632

County Council of PTAs, President301-408-5539   Pupil Accounting/School Boundaries 30!-952-6300

Curriculum & Instruction                        Pupil Personnel                  30!-567-8669
                                                Safe and Drug Free Schools       301-749-4126
Early Childhood Education        301-808-2724
                                                Security Services                301-499-7000
ESOL                             301-445-8450
                                                Special Education                301-618-8300
Even Start Program               301-431-6220
                                                Student Transfers                301-952-6366
Food & Nutrition Services        301-952-6580
                                                Summer School Programs           301-808-8271
Guidance & Counseling Services   301-952-6898
                                                Transportation                   301-952-6570
Head Start                       301-408-7100
                                                TTD Service/Hearing &
Health Services                  30!-749-4722                                    301-952-6068
                                                Speech Impaired
Home & Hospital Teaching         301-567-8642

Human Resources                  301-952-6021
RECALLING                                    IDENTIFYING ERRORS

                                                        ?           What is wrong with ..... ?
                             COMPARING                                        INFERRING

        How is ... similar to/different from ...?                What might we infer from .... ?
               IDENTIFYING ATrRIBUTES AND COMPONENTS        What conclusions can be drawn from ....?
          What are the characteristics of....?
              How might we organize ...                            What might happen if ....?
                 into categories?
                                                                What details can you add to ...?
       Arrange into sequence according to...?                     Give an ex,~mple of ...... ?
                                                                     Can gou summarize?
        Develop an outline/diagram/web of...?
                                                                         ESTABLISHING CRITERIA

 I~"                            REPRESENTING                     What criteria would go~ use to
)l~In what otb¢~ wags migl~t we show/illustrate. ~                   judge/evaluate....?
                       IDENTIFYING MAIN IDEAS

       What is the keg concept in .... ? Retell the               What evidence supports....?
                                                                How might we prove/confirm....?
        main ideas of ... ~n ~o~r o~n words.
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