No 32 December 2009


The Executive Comittee of the
European State Lotteries
and Toto Association

Dipl. Ing. Friedrich STICKLER, Deputy General Director

1st Vice-President
                                                                     Hosted by
                                                                                                                       27 - 29 January 2010
                                                                                                                       London / UK
                                                                                                                                                            Are the 4Ps in balance?
Mr. Christophe BLANCHARD-DIGNAC,                                                                          Marketing   "Are
                                                                                                                      the 4Ps
President – General Director
LA FRANÇAISE DES JEUX, France                                                           This year the Marketing seminar focuses
                                                                                                                      in balance?"

2nd Vice-President                                                               Price
                                                                                        on the basic foundations of Marketing:
Mr Jussi ISOTALO, Executive Vice-President                                              Price, Product, Promotion, Point of
VEIKKAUS OY, Finland                                                             Product

                                                                                        Sales, as it is important to ensure, in
MEMBERS                                                                           Place

Mr Hansjörg HÖLTKEMEIER, Member of the Managing Board                                   these turbulent and fast-changing times,
DEUTSCHE KLASSENLOTTERIE BERLIN, Germany                                         Promotion
                                                                                        that we, in the Lottery industry, dedi-
JUDr. Ales HUSAK, Chairman of the Board of Directors and                         ... the 4Ps... are they in balance in your Marketing Plan and activities

General Director                                                                        cate the right resources to each of these
SAZKA a.s., Czech Republic
                                                                   factors in a solid, sound and up-to-date strategy. But, there
Mr Léon LOSCH, Director
LOTERIE NATIONALE, Luxembourg                                      is much more to consider than the 4Ps, as the seminar will
Mr Jean-Luc MONER-BANET, General Director                          demonstrate. Is there more than the 4Ps to include in one’s
Mr Dimitris PANAGEAS, Member of the Board of Directors             strategy? Is it time to stabilize the basics or time to be even
OPAP Services SA, OPAP SA, Greece                                  more innovative?
Mr Offer PERI, CEO & General Director
ISRAEL SPORTS BETTING BOARD, Israel                                In addition these 4Ps need, however, to be integrated to-
Ms Dianne THOMPSON, CBE, Chief Executive                           gether with a high-level of game integrity, transparency and
The National Lottery CAMELOT, United Kingdom
Mr Tjeerd VEENSTRA, Director                                       strong Corporate Social Responsibility.
De Lotto, Netherlands

                                                                   These questions and more will be addressed in the
                                                                   upcoming joint WLA/EL Marketing seminar to be
                                                                   held in London Jan 27-29, 2010.
1.   Message from the President                                    You can already register on our Web site www.european-lot-
3.   Editorial
                                                                   teries.org, on which the preliminary program of the seminar
                                                                   will be posted in due time.
4.   Points of sales

18. The impact of ECJ ruling
    in the Liga Portugesa de Futebol case
                                                                   As the previous seminars have been attended at full capacity,
                                                                   please register early as seats and hotel rooms are limited.
20. Members’ News

23. Premium Partners
                                                                   Also, please note that the participants have the possibility,
25. Agenda
                                                                   during their stay, to visit the largest international Casino
26. Workshops                                                      and Gaming Exhibitions ICE and ICEi taking place at Earl’s
                                                                   Court, London from January 26 to 28, 2010.

                                                                   An excellent opportunity to network

General Secretariat
Bernadette Lobjois
Secretary General
Av. de Béthusy 36
internet: http://www.european-lotteries.org                MAY BE REPRODUCED  WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM EL GENERAL SECRETARIAT.
E-mail. info@european-lotteries.org

    Message from the President
    Dear EL Members,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Dear friends,

    2009 has been an eventful year for our as-     The successful year 2009 should motivate
    sociation and many of its Members. At the      us to even strengthen our efforts next year
    European level, we have seen very positive     when it comes to advocating a sustainable
    developments. In March, the European           gaming model from which the entire soci-
    Parliament adopted, by an overwhelming         ety benefits, and not only “happy few”.
    majority, a resolution on online gambling.
    In this so-called Schaldemose report, the      I would like to thank all EL Members, the
    only EU representatives directly elected       General Secretariat in Lausanne and the
    by Europe’s citizens once again objected       EU Representation in Brussels for the con-
    to the commercialisation of gambling and       tributions they have made to our associa-
    recognised that the Member States have         tion in 2009 and look forward to hopefully
    right to regulate and control their gam-       another successful if certainly challenging
    bling markets in accordance with their tra-    new year.
    ditions and cultures.
                                                                       Friedrich STICKLER
    In the other legislative body of the EU, the                              EL President
    Council, the 27 Member States have built
    on the European Parliament’s report, deep-
    ening the discussion on important aspects
    addressed by it, such as the fight against
    the illegal promotion and offer of gambling
    and betting services. The discussions in the
    Council will continue throughout 2010.

    In September, the European Court of Jus-
    tice ruled that the European Treaty does
    not preclude a national monopoly for in-
    ternet gambling, hereby clarifying the
    legal situation which commercial online
    gambling operators have wrongly been
    contesting for years. After the long de-
    liberations in the bwin/Santa Casa case,
    the Court is now proceeding quickly with
    the other cases referred to it by national
    courts and may come up with a number of
    rulings in 2010.

    With regard to European and national
    gambling policies, much will of course
    depend on the political line the new Eu-
    ropean Commission, which will start its
    five-year term in office in early 2010, and
    especially the new Internal Market Com-
    missioner will take.

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                                                                                       ©2009 Scientific Games Corporation

    Retrospective 2009!
    2009 has been an interesting and
    successful vintage!

    EL got off to a good start in January 2009       Other meetings for specialists will hold
    already, when more than 100 participants         their attention:
    met in London for the joint EL-WLA semi-         - The Seminar on Public Order which will
    nar on marketing. The other seminars fol-          be organised at the same time as the Le-
    lowed one another and success was ever             gal Affairs Seminar in Madrid
    present.                                         - The Seminar on Sports Betting which
                                                       will be organised together with the WLA
    The highlight was of course the Istanbul           and the AALE in Marrakech, Morocco
    Congress which lived up to our expecta-          - The Seminar on PR/Communication
    tions, had an excellent participation-rate
    and a very rich content. It was followed         With two new topics though:
    by the General Assembly and the election         - ELManagement: Broad agenda – to-
    of a new Executive Committee which met             tal time two and a half days. Casework
    twice since, in September and November.            based on various topics. Designated for
    In September, ELU went on its way and            - Internet Seminar (legislation, games, li-
    more than 40 participants have spent a             cences) jointly with the WLA.
    week sharing experiences and know-how.
    The seminar on responsible gaming ena-             A large choice for various needs!
    bled the Lotteries to further familiarise
    themselves with the EL Responsible Gam-          2009 has not been an easy year for many
    ing Standards.                                   Europeans and as the New Year comes
                                                     closer, we can only wish all of you that
    At our next General Assembly in June             2010 will be more pleasant and rewarding.
    2010, we will introduce and honour the
    first Lotteries to have officially subscribed    Best wishes to you, your families and col-
    to our standards.                                leagues,

    What can we expect from 2010?                    Merry Christmas and a very Happy
    In this Panorama you will find the 2010          New Year 2010!
    meeting agenda. As usual, the marketing
    seminar will start the season followed by                            Bernadette Lobjois
    many other meetings.                                                   Secretary General

    The most important ones will of course be:
    - The Industry Days in Barcelona
    - The General Assembly, also in Barce-
      lona, with the official certification of the
      Lotteries acknowledged by the Certifica-
      tion Committee
    - In August/September: ELU in Portugal

Points of sales

                               Retail Network: priority for
                               the Française des Jeux
The Française des Jeux (FDJ) designs            - Cash display: placed on the mast of the
specific commercial merchandise for its         Novéo counter, this dynamic display solu-
distribution network. This is composed          tion permits high-reactivity publication of
of independent retail outlets, which are        messages about FDJ offers, POS’s winners
mainly tobacconists, newsagents and bars-       and other more institutional messages.
brasseries. The range of FDJ products
they offer varies according to their activ-     - The Espace Joueur Modulo (gaming
ity, their business potential and their envi-   corner module) completes the presence
ronment; the level of offers present in the     of the FDJ in the POS; this self-service in-
outlets is on the increase.                     stallation gives the player easy access to
                                                the entire range of draws and sport betting
The merchandise set up in the points of         games by providing the betting slips and
sale (POS) enables the FDJ to be present        information on the games (posters show-
all along the consumer’s path and answers       ing the results, list of matches, etc.). It is
several needs: identifying the POS and un-      equipped with wide writing tables and in-
derstanding the offer thanks to the sign        dividual accessories (pens, scratchers) and
boards, window stickers, poster frames;         provides a comfortable gaming space. As it
taking bets and checking on the terminal,       is adjustable it can be adapted to the differ-
receipt; publishing information by cash         ent layouts of each POS; its positioning is      The cash display is an LCD screen fixed on
display and retailer’s printer; presentation    also adaptable to suit the type of POS.          the mast of the Novéo counter; it enables
of product offers and related information                                                        FDJ news to be displayed in real time in
on Novéo counters, Espace Joueurs Modu-         In addition, we have had to develop special      addition to messages concerning public
lo (gaming corners), change tray displays       equipment in order to install the Rapido         health, notices about kidnappings, chari-
and multi-clips; and lastly automatic vend-     game in the bar zone, by means of ticket         ties, and so on.
ing machines.                                   holders, a screen for displaying animated
                                                features, and various signage elements.          The FDJ has around 900 scratch card
For the scratch and draw POS, the FDJ has                                                        game vending machines (380 DAT 8 games
developed three major products:                 For the POS with scratch card games, vari-       and 510 DAT 16 games). They are set up in
- The FDJ Novéo counter has been in-            ous specific materials have been developed       POS with a high traffic flow such as shop-
stalled in a major part of the network dis-     for signage and presentation, adapted to         ping centres or railway stations. However,
tributing scratch card and drawing games.       available space and the commercial poten-        some of the DAT 8 games are located in
It provides a panoramic view of the scratch     tial of the POS.                                 city centre bar-tobacconist outlets with
card games and houses the betting termi-                                                         a high customer traffic flow. In shopping
nal. Placed near the cash desk, it captures     The POS offering sporting bets also sell         centres, the DAT is placed as close as pos-
the attention of the player flow.               other games: draws, scratch cards and/or         sible to the traffic passing in front of the
                                                Rapido. These POS are identified by spe-         POS, to be used outside. Nevertheless, in
                                                cific logos on the windows pointing out the      order to guarantee a responsible gaming
                                                sport brand; inside, the bettor will find all    policy and to respect the laws against sell-
                                                the elements concerning this game offer in       ing games to minors, the DAT are system-
                                                the gaming corner. The retailer can provide      atically placed under the visual control of
                                                the list of matches and the odds via a print-    the retailer, who can disable the distribu-
                                                er provided by the FDJ or by means of the        tor with a remote control if necessary.
                                                betting terminal, depending on the POS.
                                                The counter is designed on the one hand          In the city centre POS, the DAT are locat-
                                                to ensure the best visibility of the games       ed inside the retail outlets so remote con-
                                                available, while remaining attractive, er-       trols are not required (the DAT 8 games in
                                                gonomic and practical for the retailer. It       use for the past 10 years are not equipped
                                                also enables communications to reach the         with remotes).
                                                POS via the cash display or the temporary
                                                point-of-sale displays set up in different
                                                counter zones.

Points of sales

We have measured a significant impact on
the turnover of several kinds of merchan-
dise, in particular:

- The Novéo counter
- The cash display
- The automatic vending machine

The Receipt Checker set up in 2008 in all
of our 24,000 POS in real time enables the
retailers to provide the bettors with a new
service. The material offers the players a
better transparency and increased confi-
dentiality, allowing them to verify person-
ally if they have a winning ticket without
having to submit it. Set up in the gaming
corner, it also reduces jams around the cash
desk and thus helps improve the efficiency
of the POS. Dynamic displays are set up
in the windows, pointing out the jackpot
amounts and game launches, by LCD type
screens, LED displays or e-paper.

With regard to its network activities, the
FDJ communicates non-stop in its POS,
either for recurring events such as the Eu-
romillion, Loto and Keno jackpots, or for
the launching or the relooking of games. In
this case, point-of-sale displays and infor-
mation are set up.

Promotional operations can be organized
to support a game; generally they are fi-      tickets as the main prize. The retailers
nanced by a gaming fund with a game-           look forward to these operations; they are
type mechanism comprising compulsory           a genuine catalyst in the development and
purchase and prize draws with lots in kind     motivation of the network, which consid-
such as travel tickets, i-pods, etc.           ers these trips to be veritable holidays!

It should be noted that if the games avail-    Boasting 37,600 POS, the FDJ proximity
able on the physical network are generally     network is the most important in France.
launched simultaneously on the Internet,       In a difficult economic context, the retail-
this channel also provides specific games      ers can count on the support of the com-
and adapted activities which are some-         pany, which is demonstrated notably by a
times the subject of partnerships.             sustained investment policy. Maintaining
                                               optical networking in the territory by the
In the retail outlets, publicizing the win-    presence of proximity POS remains the
ners has proved to be an important ele-        pivot of the FDJ’s strategic priorities, as
ment in the point-of-sale activities.          we strive to offer to the greatest number
                                               the possibility of accessing our products in
For major launches, support operations         all security.
of the network are organized with travel

Points of sales
                                                                                                        know what is required of them as a National
                                                                                                        Lottery retailer. Comprehensive and covering
                                                                                                        everything from IP rights and game rules to
                                                                                                        details of Camelot’s support services, the doc-

                                  Camelot’s “value of the                                               ument makes for a good structured working
                                                                                                        relationship between both parties.
                                  Lottery” programme –                                                  At a time when retailer margins in some cat-

                                  a boost for Point of Sale
                                                                                                        egories have been declining, Camelot has
                                                                                                        underlined its commitment to its retailers by
                                                                                                        maintaining commission on National Lottery
The UK National Lottery creates around four          launches. In addition, Camelot provides each       draw-based games at 5%, and increasing re-
million winners a week across its portfolio of       retail outlet with a National Lottery Scratch-     tail commission on Scratchcard games – now
games. At the time of writing, £36 billion has       card dispenser. The size of dispenser can be       a £1 billion-a-year business – by 20%, from
been paid out in prizes and more than 2,300          tailored to a retailer’s needs to optimise per-    5% to 6%. With National Lottery Scratchcards
millionaires or multi-millionaires have been         formance and sales – and thereby maximise          enjoying a 70+% increase in sales since 2003,
created since The National Lottery’s launch          returns to the Good Causes.                        the increase in commission – which was intro-
in 1994.                                                                                                duced earlier this year – is a major boost to
In addition to this, Camelot, which operates                                                            retailers’ bottom lines.
The National Lottery, delivers around £25 mil-                                                          Camelot has worked hard to develop what
lion each week for the Good Causes through-                                                             it refers to as the “value of the lottery” – a
out the UK from the sale of lottery products.                                                           unique scheme that has shown retailers the
To date, The National Lottery has raised over                                                           value that lottery products, as a category, pro-
£23 billion for the Good Causes, while retailers                                                        vide to their business. As well as the obvious
have earned more than £3.6 billion in commis-                                                           cash benefits from direct sales, The National
sion from selling lottery products.                  Retailers are also provided with regularly-        Lottery is a proven driver of footfall in stores.
In the UK, Camelot offers all of its 28.000-         updated in-store communications materials          Research shows that one in five customers
plus retailers an extensive in-store Point of        promoting, among other things, mega jack-          visit convenience stores, for example, because
Sale (POS) kit, which is free of charge as part      pot draws, Rollovers and new Scratchcard           they want to buy a National Lottery ticket. On
of their retail agreement. This kit includes a       launches. This material ensures that players       top of this, lottery shoppers visit their conven-
Playstation, digital media screen, Scratchcard       are always presented with a clear and consist-     ience store more frequently and spend on av-
dispenser, in-store communications and ex-           ent message, and helps retailers to make the       erage 45%* more than non-lottery shoppers,
ternal signage.                                      absolute most of the great sales opportunities.    a figure that rises even more sharply between
The Playstation is based on the idea of a            Camelot’s Retail Sales Team is on hand to help     5pm and 7.30pm on draw nights.
‘dream bubble’. Its distinctive design has been      National Lottery retailers maximise their lot-     Camelot’s relationship with its retailers is vital.
recognised as being groundbreaking – offering        tery sales and so raise even more money for        The company has a proven track record of in-
retailers a fantastic marketing tool for promot-     the Good Causes. The sales team is customer-       novation and delivering for the Good Causes –
ing games and providing space for a “How to          focused and spends time with retailers to re-      but all of this is only possible by engaging play-
Play guide and interactive instructions, as well     ally understand their business and to highlight    ers, and with the enthusiasm, vigilance and
as play slip holders for every game in the Na-       the benefits that improvements in the way          hard work of all of its retail partners. By work-
tional Lottery’s portfolio. It also features desks   that they sell National Lottery products will      ing closely its retailers, Camelot makes sure
at two different heights to allow wheelchair         bring to their business. To this end, Camelot      that The National Lottery is constantly fresh
users to play. Camelot, through its experience       has developed a programme, ’Perfect In-store       in-store, available to players when and how
and expertise, has found that the correct posi-      Execution’ (PIE), to help retailers make the       they want it, and continues to add value to
tioning of the Playstation can improve in-store      most of selling National Lottery products. For     retailers’ businesses – both in lottery pounds
sales by up to 7.5%.                                 example, PIE ensures that Scratchcard dis-         and in that all-important incremental footfall.
                                                     pensers are fully-stocked with the latest range
                                                     of games and that POS materials are sited for
                                                     maximum impact. PIE also focuses on the till
                                                     area of outlets as research shows that 60% of
                                                     all purchasing decisions are made here.
                                                     Over the last 15 years of operating The Nation-
                                                     al Lottery, Camelot has developed three Play-
                                                     stations and is currently looking to develop
                                                     the ‘National Lottery Counter of the Future’.
                                                     Seeking to maximise the understanding of
                                                     consumers’ path to purchase, the new equip-
                                                     ment will be innovative and help Camelot to
Camelot has provided all retailers with digital      build an even better and brighter National
media screens, the first lottery operator in         Lottery during the third lottery licence period.
Europe to undertake such a feat. The screens         Camelot also provides each of its retailers with
are used to promote jackpots and Rollovers,          a standard retail agreement, a document de-
current TV campaigns and new Scratchcard             signed to inform and ensure that all retailers

Points of sales

                                                                                                    advantage of this solution is that each POS
                                                                                                    can set aside the space it wishes for its sport
                                                                                                    wagers corner. Lastly, mention can be made
                                                                                                    of our BetterSlot project, namely the stocking
                                                                                                    of POS with specific features (plenty of room
Europe’s most extensive                                                                             and  high flows of   players) with the whole
                                                                                                    range of Lottomatica’s products, particularly
online retail Network                                                                               the Slots. The aim of BetterSlot, in fact, is to
                                                                                                    offer our POS the chance to increase their
                                                                                                    business  through the use of specific comple-
Its more than 97.200 points of sale (POS)            The same strategy has been adopted for the mentary furnishings for each product, and
make Lottomatica the company with Europe’s           Lotto (numbers game). Extra attention is de- bettors   an opportunity to enjoy the experi-
most extensive network of outlets linked on          voted to the area where people fill in betting ence of entertaining and satisfying gaming.
line in real time. But it is the wide variety of     slips that has been made both very attractive Lottomatica constantly direct its interest to
these POS that makes us highly competitive           and highly functional. The outfit provided the attainment of greater efficiency and result
and versatile. 46.000 tobacconists and 27.000        when the new game 10eLotto with its draws maximisation by its POS network. To help its
bars throughout the length and breadth of Ita-       every five minutes was launched in the mid- retailers, the Lottery has created many forms
ly bring us in touch with players of every kind.     dle of December on an experimental basis of incentive programmes. Nationwide, promo-
New agents and shops in department stores,           through 5000 POS included both specific bet- tion initiatives directed to bettors equally ben-
too, constitute a different type of network.         ting slips and freshly created POP materials, efit POS owners. There are also game-specific
Our success has been attained, consolidated          and monitors for viewing the draws.            trade incentive plans. Lottomatica runs an-
and developed through the soundness, sure-           A different arrangement has been devised for   nual prize competitions for its retail outlets,
ness and   distinctive features of our gaming        “Better”, Lottomatica’s brand for fixed-odds designed to reward those with the best per-
products and technology, together with the           gaming. The POP materials - are  presented formance over a given period, thus rewarding
attention we devote to the POS in our net-           by  modules located in “gaming corners”. The more than 6500 POS on average every year.
work. Our POS, in fact, are of prime impor-
tance for the success of our gaming business,
and the professional support, conviction and
constancy they dedicate to innovative prod-
ucts are equally essential. Together with the
development of the network itself, therefore,
we pursue an active trade marketing strat-
egy through the provision of merchandising
materials for use both inside and outside a
POS. Window stickers and stand-alone sail-
shaped displays bearing our product logos
are the most effective for outside layouts
because they provide   players with an im-
mediate identification of the premises where
Lottomatica products are on sale. Interior
layouts comprise betting slip holders, hang-
ing mobiles, and   floor stickers that have
been a great hit with our retailers. Our aim,
in fact, is to endow all our gaming corners,
whether big or small, with a characteristic,
personal appeal, since we believe that the
strong visual impact stemming from their im-
mediate recognition encourages people to try
their luck: For our “Gratta e Vinci” scratch
cards, we have produced Plexiglas display
boxes and others of a bar type fitted with
branded clips  that clearly indicate the price
of the ticket. These are installed at the cash
register counter   where the products most
associated with impulse buying are usually
shown. The quantity of the materials thus
provided is naturally determined by the size
of the POS.   Self-service vending machines
also boost sales in these high traffic points
of sale such as supermarkets, shopping malls
and city railway stations.

Points of sales

                                Product display and attractive dispensers:
                                a sure added value for Loterie Romande
Loterie Romande (LoRo) has developed a            holders, and more.                               Retailers act as middlemen between LoRo
series of furniture to provide display and        A Sports Betting communication network           and players. It is therefore essential for
high visibility for its products. This equip-     (posters) is in place in the most important      them to understand perfectly the games
ment presents in most part a specific dis-        POS (1000 POS out of 2800), and a dedicat-       and be motivated to promote them in or-
play concept according to the type of prod-       ed retail network for Sports Betting is cur-     der to achieve their sales goals – Thus, the
ucts. Depending on the point of sale (POS)        rently being set up among 10 points of sale.     importance for the Lottery to focus on re-
and its concept, this equipment is manda-         The Lottery POS currently can use 3 dif-         tailer’s training. In addition, one or twice a
tory for retailers. Exception is made for cer-    ferent automatic tickets vending machines.       year, incentive programs among retailers
tain chain stores that have developed their       The DistriDuo (530 machines) and the Dis-        are launched to thank the most active POS.
own displays.                                     Tribolo (250 machines), mainly used in the       Some of these programs target the special
Product presentation is done differently de-      Horeca POS, and the distriloro (or ITVM)         event ticket such as “Le Million”, which is
pending on the games. For the number lot-         installed in train stations or shopping cent-
teries, tickets are presented in mini-towers      ers. Besides the self-contained support
and other indoor furniture and outside on         they offer retailers, these vending machines
stands. Instant tickets are recessed inside       clearly generate additional sales because
                                                  they trigger an impulse purchase and at-
                                                  tract new players.
                                                  A DistriDuo generates on average a turno-
                                                  ver of about CHF400 per week, or more
                                                  than CHF20.000 annually. As for the recent-
                                                  ly launched DisTribolo, sales of distributed
                                                  tickets have jumped more than 70%. The
                                                  advantages are their full acceptance by re-
                                                  tailers due to their easy installation and low   a challenge requiring a serious sales ap-
dispensers offering key presentation areas        maintenance, and also the added value of         proach from retailers. Other incentives are
for maximum game exposure: For example,           impulse purchases triggered by the prime         applied to “Swiss Loto” and “Plus” games
the bottom or center of the display window        visibility of lottery products.                  and opened only to POS equipped with
is reserved for “novelties”. These dispens-                                                        terminals. The performance of these POS
ers can also fit rolls of tickets that are pre-                                                    is established by comparing their sales per-
sented on top of the dispenser thanks to an                                                        centage for the “Plus” game against their
electrostatic pouch. POS have access to all                                                        “Swiss Loto” game sales during a specific
sorts of merchandising components – some                                                           period, and the best POS are rewarded.
in the form of kiosks, others as table top-
pers, garlands, outdoor easels, small post-
ers for customer-screen, posters, bulletin

                                Incentive programs
                                help Mifal Hapais retailers
Mifal Hapais in Israel has established a                                                           and cabinets in order to accommodate dif-
business arrangement with its retailers,                                                           ferent space requirement of the retail en-
based on sale targets. Each retailer is                                                            vironment. Also, because counter space is
given a target for each product and the                                                            at a premium in some stores, the Lottery
store performance is constantly measured                                                           has designed special stand-alone units to
up to that figure. In addition, the Lottery                                                        give a place for the public to scratch their
has set up a number of important rules for                                                         tickets on site.
its retailers: Specific opening hours, regu-                                                       Three years ago, Mifal Hapais realized the
lar replacement of signs, obligation to any                                                        importance of a much- needed improve-
campaign or product launch and visibility                                                          ment of its retail space. Building that cost
of Lottery products.                              many promotional programs are offered to         in its annual budget, the Lottery has been
To show support to its retailers and en-          specific retailers.                              renovating some of the leading stores, to
courage them to make a commitment to              Due to the diversity of points of sale           make them more attractive and more cus-
reach their targets, the Lottery launches         (POS), each store has specific needs and         tomer-friendly. New and more informative
annually a big incentive program, valid 6 to      it is not possible to place a one-size-fit-all   signage is being added. By increasing the
8 months and aimed at 1,800 retailers out         equipment everywhere. Therefore, the             flux of customers in these stores, games
of the 2,500 in the network. In addition,         Lottery supplies a variety of dispensers         sales are expected to go up as well.

Points of sales
                                                                                                    eye level whenever possible, to attract the
                                                                                                    customers’ attention on jackpots and spe-
Multi-channel                                                                                       cial promotions. Products with strong visual
                                                                                                    attractiveness such as instant tickets are
distribution for Tipos products                                                                     grouped under one unifying header.
                                                                                                    TIPOS also offers Internet games whose
                                                                                                    sales for 2009 represent so far more than
                              TIPOS offers        each number lottery game has its own col-         40% in sales for TIPOS game mix. This
                              its   products      our – allowing customers to immediately           has become an important channel due to
                              and        serv-    identify the game. TIPOS decision to install      the influx of new players (usually younger
                              ices to play-       specific equipment in a POS depends on            players or people with a higher education),
                              ers    through      various factors such as the establishment         who did not have any experience with the
                              three     distri-   size, layout of windows, furniture and cash       lottery before. The communication with
                              bution chan-        register, as well as sales performance.           these players is slightly different. It is done
                              nels:    Brick-     TIPOS supplies announcement boards for            via Internet and through indirect market-
                              and-mortar          single games jackpots displayed on win-           ing support on TV, always emphasizing the
                              points of sale      dows; Billboard in a shape of totem for           comfort, safety and non-stop availability of
                              (number and         LOTO Jackpots (the most popular game in           this sales medium.
instant lotteries); Internet (number lotter-      Slovakia); External racks showing, per a re-      Since June 2009, SMS on cell phones has be-
ies, sports betting, casino games, instant                                                          come another interesting channel as TIPOS
games and bingo); and SMS (number lot-                                                              is using it to launch bets on select number
teries except for KLUB KENO). Each of                                                               lotteries. Two out of three mobile operators
these distribution channels has its specific                                                        in the Slovak market currently provide the
marketing strategy and promotional tools.                                                           service. SMS betting is transparent, interac-
TIPOS recorded 2,150 active POS with                                                                tive and very convenient for users and it is
more than 2,200 terminals on line. Off-line                                                         targeting technically inclined groups.
sale is aimed solely at instant lotteries and
there are more than 1,300 POS. All retail-        tailer’s needs, promotions for players, jack-
ers work with the Lottery either with a con-      pots; Banners and outdoor signs with logos
tract or on a commission-based agreement.         of specific games. For indoors, it provides
In these shops, placement of lottery prod-        hanging frames to hold posters of current
uct is very important as well as the type of      promotion campaigns, monitors (for Klub
equipment and promotion materials. Every          Keno and jackpots of other games), Lottery
advertising item must emphasize the visual        ticket holders and other marketing acces-
concept of a product line: For instance,          sories. Placement of products must be at

                                A productive relationship
                                in Catalonia
                                                  Great attention is brought to the presenta-       successful POS. The Lottery has designed
                                                  tion of games in a store and for that reason,     four different models of a stand-alone cabi-
                                                  the Lottery has created merchandising el-         net that will offer game forms, flyers and
                                                  ements such as outdoor signage to clearly         other informative brochures along with
                                                  identify the shop as a Lottery POS, adhesive      a space for the player to fill in game slips
                                                  door signs to reinforce the relation of the       or scratch instant tickets. The Lottery will
                                                  store with the Lottery, blackboards show-         present this novelty very soon, expecting
                                                  ing the Loto drawing results, displays for        its implementation in about 40% of POS.
                                                  Lottery literature and online game slips,         The Lottery requires its retailers to play an
In Catalonia, Spain, retail stores distribute     instant ticket dispensers, Lottery panels in-     active role in promoting its products and
lottery products along with other merchan-        dicating where the Lottery funds go.              in exchange offers them great incentives.
dise. The Catalonia Lottery supplies a varie-     For the launch of new games, the Catalonia        Retailers receive fixed compensation and
ty of equipment and accessories specifically      Lottery resorts to special marketing tools        support in the form of merchandising posi-
designed for POS, but their use is up to the      that could include door or window posters,        tioning, loyalty program with points based
retailer’s agreement. The only mandatory          floor stickers, hanging signs or counter dis-     on sales amounts and redeemable for gifts,
element to sell Lottery games is the use          plays for flyers. Sales promoters also sup-       PR campaigns allowing POS to participate
of a terminal, and some POS such as bars          port the Lottery’s efforts by making sure         in major cultural or sports events, and pro-
need to have a monitor in order to sell the       shops use as many merchandising elements          motional programs targeting both vendors
“Loto Express”, a game with draws every 4         as possible with the greatest visibility.         and players.
minutes.                                          Visibility and practicality are key factors for

Points of sales

                              In Austria, optimal                                               shops. Most of them have illuminated signs
                                                                                                with the logos of each game.
                              placement of gaming                                               For promotions, POS may use, depending

                              products in a point of sale                                       on space which is reserved for games, other
                                                                                                advertising materials to draw the attention
                                                                                                of customers, such as large posters, signs
                                                         ment must allow players to feel at     or wreaths hung from the ceiling. Lottery
                                                         ease while providing a convenient      urges the concept of optimal placement
                                                         and fast service.                      of gaming products in a business environ-
                                                          For this reason, the design of a      ment where competition from other adver-
                                                          game counter in a store is very       tisements such as those for cigarettes is
                                                          important.                            very high. But not all POS may be able to
                                                          In terms of practicality, there are   increase the visibility due to lack of space.
                                                          dispenser filled with all betting     The retailers training is another important
                                                          slips and information material        factor because it allows them to have ad-
                                                          for each game. (Lottery games,        equate knowledge of product offerings, the
                                                          Sports betting games).  Further-      use of the terminal, the mission of the Lot-
Points of sale for the Austrian Lottery
                                               more there are various dispenser offering        tery, the laws governing gambling, Respon-
games and those that sell sports betting
                                               instant tickets (scratch, break open). Ad-       sible Gaming and positioning of effective
products are presented in the same way, of-
                                               ditional advertising material as high qual-      advertising and information to players in
fering an identical image, easy to identify.
                                               ity posters for Lotto or EuroMillions are        a POS. For new retailers there is a manda-
Points of sale of lottery games are also al-
                                               designed to attract customers. In some           tory seminar “how to sell lottery products”
lowed to take sports betting. The games
                                               POS there are designed counters where the        which is offered also to existing partners on
presentation is essential in the commercial
                                               player can fill in his coupons or scratch the    a voluntary basis.
approach of the Lottery and this environ-
                                               instant tickets. The POS are also equipped
                                               with terminal customer displays which
                                               show general information and advertising.

                                               10 % of the retailers offering all products
                                               are equipped with a monitor in their shop
                                               window to attract passersby with commer-

                                               POS which sell all Lottery products are
                                               equipped with a sign on the outside of their

                              Touch-screen terminal:
                              a successfull promotional
                              tool in Slovenia
                                               The Slovenian Lottery Sportna Loterija d.d.      at the same time the POS returns.
                                               works in partnership with its retailers, mak-    Beyond betting agencies that typically dis-
                                               ing recommendation on how to position            play the games literature and slips in a very
                                               the Lottery promotional materials, but the       prominent way, regular POS are encour-
                                               overall presentation of the store remains        aged to position lottery information and
                                               the shop owner’s responsibility. A variety of    tickets in key location such as right on the
                                               lottery equipment to improve the visibility      counters, near cash registers or other good
                                               of lottery games and promote this type of        locations in the store. Every once in a while,
                                               merchandise is provided to the retail net-       the Lottery will run special promotional
                                               work: Ticket dispensers at cash registers,       activities for its retail network, but only at
                                               stand-alone cabinets or tables offering fly-     specific POS such as Post Offices. Another
                                               ers and game slips, posters, pencils, infor-     promotional approach is Internet games
                                               mation screens and touch-screen terminals.       but this sales channel is    not highly pro-
                                               At select points of sale (POS) such as gas       moted, except during special sports events.
                                               stations, betting agencies and stores that do    The Lottery relies heavily on regular POS
                                               not offer the typical lottery games, touch-      for its marketing efforts, as they still are the
                                               screen terminals have been extremely suc-        best performing environment for promoting
                                               cessful in promoting the Lottery, improving      games of chance in Slovenia.

Points of sales
                                                                                                   terminals: E5 and MX.   Approx 900 type
                                                                                                   MX terminals and 3800 type E5 terminals
                               A clean, organised POS is                                           are in the front line. The Lottery has plans

                               an inviting space in Hungary
                                                                                                   to change the type E5 terminals with new
                                                                                                   ones by 2014 to help its retail network grow
                                                                                                   their businesses with improved technol-
                                               and bulletin boards showing draw results.           ogy.   To build up a good relationship with
                                               The location of signs throughout a store is         its retailers and motivate them in selling
                                               crucial as they are the most productive mar-
                                               keting approach. Although it is not always
                                               possible, retailers are required to place pro-
                                               motion materials of new products at eye-
                                               level for the best impact. With POS located
                                               in railway stations, underpasses, buildings,
                                               malls, etc… there are a wide variety of floor
                                               spaces and conditions, but finding the best
Szerencsejáték Zrt does not require from place to promote any new products is al-
its retail partners the use of any particu-                                   ways on the
lar design for their shops. Most important                                    agenda.      In      its product mix, the Lottery offers training
is to present a clean and organized POS,                                      a POS, the           sessions, good sales commissions (5 to 6%
and to operate in conformity with the legal                                   most impor-          for online games and 9 to 10% for instant
requirements such as presenting clearly to                                    tant thing is        games), sales meetings organised every 6
the public all the terms and conditions of                                    that players         months to discuss new promotions and fu-
participation in a game; Ensuring that no                                     can get all the      ture goals as well as monetary incentives.
one under the age of 18 play any games, etc.                                  information          Incentives are organised, to keep a shop’s
Also, the Lottery asks its retailers to use                                   they need.           owner motivated. Also, the use of random
as often as possible the marketing materi-                                    For their dai-       checks and mystery shoppers has proved
als and displays sent to them. Some stores                                    ly operations,       very effective.
receive special promotional tools from                                        retailers are
the Lottery in the form of branded labels,                                    supported
stand-alone cabinets, flags, flyers, posters                                  by 2 kinds of

                               Best retailers are rewarded
                               by De Lotto
                                                vertising materials at POS is important to                                     ter of a pur-
                                                promote lottery games. Lately, it has come                                     chase of lot-
                                                to the attention of the Lottery that games                                     tery products,
                                                and brand materials might not be posi-                                         best     efforts
                                                tioned to get the best visibility or are not                                   are made to
                                                attractive enough to have the expected im-         display instant tickets and as many other
                                                                                pact on cus-       games as possible, depending on space, at
                                                                                tomers. An         or near the cash register. Lottery promo-
                                                                                evaluation of      tional and informational materials also are
                                                                                that situation     placed surrounding the POS counter when-
Lottery retailers in The Netherlands must                                       is being con-      ever possible. Each POS sells the whole
strictly follow the guidelines of the Dutch                                     ducted and         Lottery product mix: Instant tickets, Lotto,
Betting & Gambling Act and must operate                                         the Lottery        Lucky day and Toto games.
within the law such as for example refuse to                                    expects that
sell to under-age customers. De Lotto con-                                      the results of
siders its retail network as a continuation                                     the research
of the Lottery’s promotional campaigns and      will help find a solution to improve visibility,
POS must make their best efforts to sell and    product information, promotion and in the
promote De Lotto’s products. In exchange,       end tickets sales.
and through incentives organized among          Dutch POS are usually equipped with wa-
retailers, the Lottery rewards the retailers    gering terminals and in 2010, the Lottery
with prizes for the highest sales recorded in   will install throughout its network brand
a specific period.                              new terminals that will provide retailer and
The presentation of displays and other ad-      player screens. Due to the impulse charac-

Points of sales
                                                                                                 streaks of blue, yellow and red lines. The
                                                                                                 extensive use of OPAP logo and its colored
                                                                                                 scheme create a conceptual design linking
                                                                                                 the brand, the games and POS. Greece has
                                                                                                 extensive local architecture that needs to
                                                                                                 be preserved, and special consideration is
                               Greek POS linked to strong                                        made for these areas.

                               brand Identity
                                                                                                 A new system to evaluate retailers is cur-
                                                                                                 rently under consideration. The proposal
                                                                                                 links retailers’ performance to corporate
                                                corporate style is designed for all agencies.
                                                The use of vivid colors, sophisticated ma-
                                                terials and shiny finishes creates a pleasing
                                                game atmosphere. The signs on the coun-
                                                ter and throughout the store are purposely
                                                placed to be highly visible and to re-enforce
                                                the brand. Counters are modular. They
                                                come in six different shapes and can be
                                                manufactured in different sizes to fit the
                                                particular layout at each store.                 goals in few specific dimensions such as
                                                POS are equipped with self-service termi-        regulatory compliance, quality of service,
                                                nals placed on tables or counters and cus-       logistics and financial performance. About
OPAP agencies are dedicated to the sale of      tomers play any game with a smart card           86% of the 5000+ retailers have signed a
traditional lottery and sports betting. In-     preloaded with game units at the main on-        new contract with OPAP. This new contract
stant games are not offered. All games can      line terminals. Most shops have one or two       streamlines the rights and obligations of
be played at any POS and are offered ex-        online terminals and a few have three or         each party and consolidates the relation-
clusively via online terminals. The sale and    four, depending on the volume of sales. The      ship of the network with OPAP.
presentation of Sports Betting is the same      majority also have additional TVs to show
as all other games. POS counters have a         sports events.
transaction terminal as well as a customer      A lottery POS must be clearly identifiable to
display. Display cases are provided for game    strengthen the brand and an important part
slips and all lottery-related equipment bear    of this identity is the store façade. Store-
the lottery logo. Agencies also have at least   fronts will mostly have the same fascia of
one TV screen for the Keno game to show         metal panels, blue and orange, the OPAP
draws occurring every five minutes. A new       logo above the main entrance and backlit

                               Terminals added services:
                               great for POS in Lithuania
                                                ment clearly mark the game unit. Points of       add LCD advertising screens to their retail
                                                sale also provide instant tickets and present    terminals.
                                                them in display cases. A stand-alone cabi-
                                                net where players can fill in their game slips   The Lottery closely works with its retailers
                                                is usually part of the equipment mix.            by encouraging them to add more lottery
                                                                                                 informative posters as well as ticket holders
                                                Particular attention is devoted to the eye-      throughout the stores in order to increase
                                                catching design and the positioning of signs     the awareness of the latest instant games.
                                                in the store, in order to use them to their
                                                full advantage for visibility and publicity      To motivate its retail network, the Lottery
                                                purposes. Additionally, large posters are        supports various promotional campaigns
                                                added in the lanes.                              to benefit their best retailers, and some
The Lithuania Lottery designs the POS                                                            of the incentives are to pay retailers extra
game concept and all lottery retailers are      The Lottery has updated its technology           commissions if their returns have increased
required to use that particular design and      input at POS and with this improvement,          over the previous year. Also, some mone-
presentation. Online games are offered          returns have seriously increased since Lot-      tary prizes are presented to POS employees
in retail environment by ways of termi-         tery terminals now offer new services such       when sales plans have been fulfilled.
nals, equipped with customer display. All       as mobile phones top-up and bill payments.
around, posters and other type of advertise-    The Lottery plans to go one more step and

Points of sales

                               A trade marketing plan
                               supporting POS in Italy
Although SISAL has established a website         to attract the attention of potential con-      and the rest are bars where betting prod-
where consumers can go and play, Italy’s         sumers. And consequently, the Lottery has       ucts are presented in a special way.
best lottery points of sale (POS) remain the     improved the “Conversion Rate” - the index
traditional brick-and-mortar retail shops.       that measures how much attention is trans-      With the success realized this year, SISAL
After extensive research on the best po-         ferred to the sale.                             will continue investing in the improvement
sitioning of logos and advertisement, Sisal      This year too, Sisal has invested more than     of its POS network throughout 2010. Sisal
has developed in 2009 a visibility guideline     4 million Euros to set up a Trade Marketing     is already working on a special project to
for its retailers, showing them how to use       Plan highlighting in-shop support materials     develop a new POS concept that will be im-
promotional materials and install the new        and special incentives for the retailer.        plemented next year.
                                                 Currently, POS use stand-alone cabinets for
                                                 flyers & game slips and special cash regis-
                                                 ters called “Leonardo” which have been
                                                 very well received by the consumers. Re-
                                                 tailers can use TV screens to present Sisal
                                                 TV Channel. Games throughout the store
                                                 are presented separately.
merchandising signs in the best viewable         Sports betting games are sold in differ-
location. Based on the “capture-power”           ent venues. SISAL has a special network
program, SISAL has invested in new signs         of about 4,000 POS called MatchPOINT:
and special materials for outside the store      About 150 POS are Sports Betting agencies

                               Points of sale:                                                                              of sale. However,
                                                                                                                            shops with online
                               new design, qualified staff                                                                  games have been
                                                                                                                            prohibited from
                               and prevention                                                                               1st January 2008.

                                                                                                                             In a point of sale
                                                 instant win tickets. Above the cash drawer                                  everything      has
                                                 are instant win tickets and light boxes with                                been designed to
                                                 the word “LOTTO”. Wording indicates the                                     comply with the
                                                 different tickets and therefore makes the       law on gaming. For this reason WestLotto
                                                 service user-friendly. The concept gives a      has several requirements when an enquiry
                                                 harmonious look to the entire module.           is made with regard to opening a point of
                                                 This new concept for the presentation of        sale: the retailer should have a fairly large
                                                 game products – using colours, spot light-      space which can hold all the required signs
                                                 ing on company signs and ergonomic furni-       as well as the fitting of the play stand. In or-
                                                 ture – gives the sales points a modern and      der to ensure a completely legitimate range
                                                 friendly look. However, the presentation of     of games and to meet standards, WestLotto
In 2000, WestLotto commissioned a design                                                         also stipulates that its retailers must under-
                                                 information and views on excessive playing
company to develop a modern concept for                                                          take practical, technical and type training
                                                 are made clear across the whole shop area.
its points of sale. The idea was for points                                                      for dealing with gaming products before
                                                 This is an extremely important aspect for
of sale to be easy to identify, offer a pleas-                                                   they can become a licensed agent. On this
                                                 WestLotto points of sale because, in accord-
ant and informative environment and to                                                           basis WestLotto has highly qualified staff at
                                                 ance with German law, the advertising of
differentiate them from illegal operations.                                                      the service of its players at all its points of
                                                 games, which has been reduced to a mini-
With financial assistance from WestLotto,                                                        sale.
                                                 mum, should in no way encourage the pur-
the points of sale have been fitted accord-
                                                 chasing of tickets. The advertising area of a
ing to the “Design 21” model – and this style
                                                 point of sale should essentially be reserved
is now compulsory for all new sites opened.
                                                 for public information on the prevention
In addition to a play stand where the play-      of excessive gambling and the protection
er can fill out a lottery slip, each point of    of minors, and should give details of help
sale also offers a sales counter that has a      centres. However, it is permitted to dis-
touch screen terminal for the salesperson        play general information about the games
as well as the customer, and a corner for        offered in the window or inside the point

Points of sales

                               Standardised POS
                               Equipment Project in the
                               Czech Republic
SAZKA requests that the points of sale          of fast-draw games (Keno, Lucky Lines,
(POS) of its contracting partners (agents)      Dice, etc.) and to present odds bets.
who sell its lottery and non-lottery prod-      Special attention is paid to the presenta-
ucts, meet certain standards for providing      tion of SPORTKA (Lotto 6/ 49), with the
those services. In 2007, SAZKA launched         current jackpot amounts presented in POS
the Standardised POS Equipment Project,         windows. This project is supported by a
on the basis of which the company equips,       contest for retailers, who are financially
under certain conditions, the POS with on-      involved in the appropriate presentation.          tiveness of up to 90%. Not everything is
line terminals. Today, the basic equipment      Projects of this sort show long-term effec-        installed in every POS. For example, the
is compulsory for each new vendor in order                                                         displays showing fast-draw game results are
to get a Lottery contract.                                                                         placed exclusively in high traffic areas such
                                                                                                   as shopping centres or in locations with a
SAZKA places its terminals in general retail                                                       large population. Placing such equipment is
outlets (most typical POS are tobacconist                                                          only worth installing in POS that generate
and newspaper shops). Other retailers in-                                                          above-standard sales.
clude gas stations, post-offices, and res-
taurants. SAZKA standardised equipment                                                             The Lottery signs agreements with its re-
catalogue includes approximately 70 items,                                                         tailers for an indefinite period of time. Reg-
making it possible to equip any kind of POS                                                        ularly, motivation programs are designed
and any space availability. The terminal                                                           for the retail network for different types of
is located at the cash register and offers                                                         products or POS evaluation projects that
a presentation space as well as a scratch                                                          reward good performers with special bo-
tickets display case. Another component is                                                         nuses in the form of merchandise prizes.
a writing desk with an information system                                                          Also, the Lottery holds regular meetings
showing promotional and player informa-                                                            with its top retailers and invites them to so-
tion materials. If there is no space, the in-                                                      cial and sporting events as well as cultural
formation system alone is installed. Other                                                         events held in the Lottery’s multipurpose
displays are also used to promote the sales                                                        hall – O2 arena.

                               Product display: key
                               communication tool for MSL
                                                Post Office centers and select banks located       or outdoor, the Lottery attractive market-
                                                in key areas. MSL handles all the merchan-         ing approach is a constant reminder of the
                                                dising as well as brand and trade marketing        games.
                                                activities at POS.                                 Some POS are equipped with LCD screens
                                                Product display at POS is a key communi-           which allow to market fast-play games such
                                                cation tool for instant games: Not only do         as Pick 4 with draws every 8 minutes. The
                                                retailers offer convenience to players with        Lottery makes special efforts to promote
                                                separate stands for a place to scratch instant     its products by designing a wide variety of
                                                tickets, but also winning tickets are widely       highly visible promotional materials to sat-
                                                used to promote instant games throughout           isfy all agents’ needs: Thus, it does not mat-
                                                the whole store. Ticket dispensers, coupons        ter if there is fierce competition from other
In Ukraine, MSL products are distributed        and other product related materials are well       industries, the Lottery brand at each POS is
through three different channels: The Lot-      presented near cash registers or other ar-         well marked, well advertised and well sup-
tery’s own retail agencies, independent         eas of a store for the best visibility. Jackpots   ported by the retailers thanks to a sound
agents and a network made out of the State      are clearly displayed too. Whether indoor          business relationship established between

Points of sales
                                                                                               MSL and its trade partners.
                                                                                               Lottery kiosks are another important factor
                                                                                               for MSL product line. The kiosk is in fact
                                                                                               the most ubiquitous “convenience store” in
                                                                                               Ukraine and as such, it is the trade category
                                                                                               of key priority in the Lottery’s promotional
                                                                                               activities. Launched in September 2009,
                                                                                               the first oddest-type game “Sportliga” is
                                                                                               distributed through the Lottery agencies in
                                                                                               the same dedicated approach to promotion
                                                                                               and information given at all POS and sports
                                                                                               events are well announced on all “Sportliga”
                                                                                               vending stands.
                                                                                               Player education, product information and
                                                                                               promotion, and high quality service at POS
                                                                                               remain essential for MSL: All retailers, in-
                                                                                               dependent agents included, are trained to
                                                                                               cooperate in achieving that goal and receive
                                                                                               regularly innovative “how-to” materials to
                                                                                               improve their store presentation.

                              Kiosks and mobile
                              POS for ONCE
In Spain, ONCE retail network is comprised     use online wireless hand-held retail termi-
of only two types of points of sale (POS):     nals that operate via a wireless communica-
Its 8000 kiosks, installed on the sidewalks    tion system GPRS, for all their transactions.
of the busiest streets and Mobile POS, han-
dled by about 14,000 street vendors.           ONCE has plans to modernize its kiosks with
                                               a concept that would be more in line with
The Lottery has designed a corporate con-      21st Century commercial trends, improv-
cept presenting 10 different models of ki-     ing convenience for the Spanish consum-
osks, all prominently showing ONCE logo.       ers with multiple services and distribution
These installations are in line with the ur-   channels. Recently, ONCE has launched
ban environment and fit naturally in the       an Internet shop site selling only passive
cities. Each kiosk exhibits a similar format   games and Lotto 7/39. This is a very new
                    in terms of product        endeavor and no serious promotion cam-
                    presentation, location     paign has been set up yet, except through
                    of signs, orientation of   the regular ONCE advertising channel and
                    the windows and tick-      some exceptional promotions such as the
                    ets, giving the public a   Christmas Campaign with gifts remitted to       ary plus commission on sales especially on
                    sense that this is ONCE    the site’s visitors.                            the “Coupon” – a passive traditional lottery
                    space. With street ven-                                                    game with pre-printed tickets that has been
                    dors, the exhibition of    The relationship between ONCE and its re-       the exclusivity of ONCE since 1938. Also,
                    the products is the im-    tail network is unique. ONCE vendors are        extremely important and unique is that this
                    portant factor.            Lottery’s employees, receiving a fixed sal-     retail network is the main basis of work and
                                                                                               integration in society for disabled people.
Ticket design does the promotion of the                                                        By paying more than 600 millions Euros an-
Lottery brand by offering an appropriate                                                       nually to cover salaries and commissions,
concept with clear information on prize                                                        ONCE makes an important contribution to
amount. And grouping the games at POS                                                          society. In addition, ONCE offers an incen-
forms a sort of mosaic highlighting the at-                                                    tive program to his vendors called “Your
tractiveness of Lottery products. All kiosks                                                   Best Plan” in which the vendor can accu-
are equipped with a LED screen announc-                                                        mulate points and exchange them for gifts.
ing the prizes and communicating promo-
tional messages or drawing results. All POS

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