PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020

Page created by Sidney Burke
PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
             The Official Publication of the
           Garden State Region Mustang Club

May 2020                                       Vol. 28, Number 5

PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
the 1st or 2nd
     President’s Message                                         weekend in June. We
                                                                 will need to practice

                                                                 Social      Distancing,
             hat is this world coming to…I’m writing this        wear face masks and
             on May 8th and it’s going to SNOW                   stay in our cars, but at
             tonight!!! I guess it’s all part of the new         least we can see each
normal. First and foremost, I hope you and your families         other! We will push
are well. Again, Rich and I are out and about almost every       details via email,
day, so if you need anything or want to chat or Zoom, just       website              and
call. This month I can’t guarantee meat products.                Facebook as soon as
         When I wrote last month’s message every day             finalized.
brought worse news. It is so encouraging to hear better                    July is also a
news every day. We need to focus on the number of                guess.              The
recoveries although we must grieve those who have lost           Maywood 4th of July
their lives to this horrible virus. Thank you to everyone        parade has been
on the front line. Social Distancing is hard emotionally         cancelled and Ridgefield Park is likely to follow suit. Our
and financially, but keeping healthy is paramount.               rescheduled Spring (although technically Summer)
         April 19th was a perfect day for our Spring             Roundup Car Show on the 12th/it better not rain date 19th
Roundup Show. It would have been great to bring out all          is also pending. We have secured a food vendor. If this is
our beautiful cars, but our HEALTH is worth so much              able to take place but you do not want to participate, we
more than a trophy. Our first Zoom Board Meeting was             understand. If you were able to get gifts for Raffle/Door
successful and we will do it again for May. We didn’t            Prizes, please bring them to the next meeting or arrange
have any illicit Zoom Crashers at the meeting for                for us to pick them up.
entertainment.                                                             This month our son, Evan, is graduating from
         The Governor has extended the Stay at Home              NJIT with TWO Engineering degrees. All his hard work
order until early June, therefore our May 20th General           and our money with no Graduation Ceremony or
Meeting is CANCELLED.                                            celebrations. John and I are so proud, especially as he has
         There is a slim possibility that we will get to         landed a job with the Manufacturing Consulting
celebrate Mustang Day at our General Meeting on June             Company he has been interning with since January.
17th. Rules change every day, so this will be a wait and         Thanks Al.
see for now. However, we know that June was scheduled                      In May we celebrate Memorial Day. Going to the
to be a busy month for members with Carlisle Ford                beach, parades and barbeques are not the point. I would
Nationals now postponed to July 30-August 2 and                  like to thank all of our members who put their lives on the
American Muscle cancelled. Hopefully we can persuade             line to serve our country. WE SALUTE YOU!!!
some of you American Muscle guys/gals to join us at                        I would also like to wish Happy Mother’s Day!
Carlisle. So, we recognize the need to do SOMETHING                        Wear your masks and stay 6 feet apart. However,
in June. The Board will create a “Cruise with a Cause” for       you don’t need a mask to hug your Mustang and spend
                                                                        quality time detailing.
                    Welcome New Members
                                                                                 Stay well!
 Frank Galioto            Harrington Park          ’20 Mustang GT
 Daniel Nocera            Hewitt                   ‘09 Mustang GT                           Dale, #733, GSRMC President
 Francisco Rozo           Fairlawn                 ’66 Mustang
 Randy Baumann            Nutley                   ’16 Mustang GT

PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
GSRMC Contact Information

President        Dale Favia
201-306-8127     dfavia@optonline.net
Vice President   Rich Izenberg
973-769-7920     rizenberg@aol.com
                                                               Please note that all dates
Treasurer        Jim Signorelli
201-845-7014     jimsignorelli@hotmail.com
                                                            should be considered tentative.
Secretary        Pete Cullen
973-650-2957     oldcarz57@aol.com               May 20           GSRMC Meeting CANCELLED
                                                 June             GSRMC Cruise for a Cause. Date &
Board of Directors
                                                                  Details to follow.
Past President   Bill Chernack
973-214-4060     bluebyu2011@gmail.com           June 13          18th Ann. Car show. Mount Holly.
Tom Addeo                                                         www.mainstreetmountholly.org/car-
973-229-7735     tomaddeo@yahoo.com                               show.html
John Gaschler                                    June 14          GSRMC Cruise for a Cause
973-333-8882     c.gaschler@yahoo.com
Ken Najarian                                     June 17          GSRMC Meeting & Mustang Day
201-666-9669     knajarian@gmail.com                              Celebration
Al Vizzone                                       June 25-27       NMRA Ford Motorsports Nationals.
201-826-6071     Alfred.vizzone@gmail.com                         Drag Racing & Car show. Maple Grove
Maureen Yowe                                                      Raceway, Mohnton, PA.
973-398-4325     lefylady1@verizon.net                            www.nmradigital.com

MCA Nat. Dir.    Helaina Semmler                 June 28          27th Ann. Tri-County Cruisers’ Car
856-642-0764     herpony68@gmail.com                              Show. Town Hall, Valley Rd,Wayne.
Membership       Joe DeLeo                       July 18          NJ Fireman’s Home Cruise-In.
201-790-4372     r2stangs@aol.com                                 https://njregionaaca.com/activities/
                                                 July 30-Aug 2    Team Shelby East Coast Grand Nats.
Newsletter       Mike DeLiberto
                                                                  Pocono Raceway, PA & Carlisle, PA.
201-933-6915     8550mustang@gmail.com
Website          Bill Chernack                   July 31-Aug 2    Carlisle Ford Nationals. Car show,
973-214-4060     bluebyu2011@gmail.com                            swap meet, cruise & racing. Carlisle
                                                                  PA. www.carlisleevents.com
Facebook         Bob Acker
                                                 Aug. 8           Car Show. Keansburg Amusement
201-694-1325     purevnm@hotmail.com
                                                                  Park. Meredith Peltz 347-528-5372

Sunshine         Joanne Leser                    Sept. 20         GSRMC End of Summer Car Show.
973-865-7134     tag982003@yahoo.com                              Nielsen Ford, Rt. 23, Wantage

Hospitality      Norm Leser

PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020

A     t this month’s Board meeting it was
      decided to cancel Spring and Fall Car
Shows due to COVID-19. Things are too
uncertain regarding large groups for July and
many experts are predicting another spike in
the fall. This was a very difficult decision,
but was required for everyone’s safety. We
hope to donate some of the monies received
from Nielsen Dodge to the Boonton
Fireman’s Home.
         On a positive note, we’ve chosen
June 14 (rain date 28) for “Cruise for a
Cause”. We will meet at Boonton Walmart at
11AM, take a cruise thru Morris and surrounding counties
and end at a facility to donate food. More specific details                     PONY PLACES
will be finalized in the next week and will be sent via
                                                                                    Working Space
email, Facebook and website. All appropriate social

distancing rules will be observed! Hope to see you and
                                                                        his month’s featured Pony Place shows that not all
your Mustangs.                                                          garages are for displaying ponies & memorabilia,
         We will also be making some type of donations            some are for building and maintaining them. After all,
to those on the front line. More details in next month’s
                                                                  who wouldn’t want a lift in their garage.
                                                                            Norm Leser’s dad built this garage in 1976 so he
         Stay well!                                               would have a place to work on his dump truck. Since
                                                   Dale F.        most dump trucks tend to be larger than Mustangs, the
                                                                  building and overhead doors were little oversized
                                                                   compared to a normal garage. He laid it out so that one
                                                                   side would be for working on vehicles and the other
                                                                   would be for parking. They did everything in that
                                                                   building, from pulling engines to painting cars.
                                                                             Norm’s Dad passed away 2 years ago but
                                                                   fittingly a legendary car like the Mustang keeps his
                                                                   legend alive in this garage. Norm & his Stang would like
                                                                   to thank his Dad for that.

                                                                      Do you have a Pony Place (Garage,
                                                                     basement, he/she shed, underground
                                                                      lair, etc.) you’d like to share? Send
                                                                    pictures & a brief write-up to Mike D. at
PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
Designer of the original Ford Mustang, and
member of the Mustang Hall of Fame, dies
 at the age of 87. Halderman worked 40
      years at Ford Motor Company.

         his is probably the hardest story I’ve ever written.
         It’s one I didn’t want to write. This one is
         personal. But Gale Halderman, one of the last
remaining original Mustang legends, passed away                              After retirement, Gale turned his family barn and
suddenly from a short battle with liver cancer.                     property into a museum dedicated to car design. Gale,
         Gale was a personal friend of mine. He, and his            being the humble human being he was, didn’t center the
entire family, are like my family. So I’m typing this with          museum around his career and his accomplishments, even
tears in my eyes. I’m sure many of you reading this also            though that’s certainly worthy of a museum. Rather, the
have tears in your eyes reading this.                               Halderman Barn Museum was turned into a homage to all
         Gale was one of the most interesting people I had          things car design.
the privilege of knowing. I chronicled his entire life’s                     With a few Mustangs and other Ford vehicles
story in my book, Mustang by Design. I’m not going to               inside the museum the primary focus is on the walls which
exploit this situation to sell a few more copies of this            have sketches, designs and concepts that Gale collected
book. But I just wanted to be transparent as well.                  throughout his illustrious career. Many were from
         He was the main designer of the original Ford              designers that Gale helped hire or that Gale found to be
Mustang. It was his sketch that was chosen by Lee Iacocca           very talented.
to become the 1965 (1964 ½ if you will) Mustang. Just                        Photos of Ford legends are scattered throughout.
being known for that alone makes Gale a legend.                     In short, the Halderman Barn Museum stands as a must-
         But his legacy goes beyond that. Gale worked 40            see location for all Ford fans, and anyone with an
years at Ford Motor Company as a designer and design                appreciation for automotive history, because Gale has a
executive. He worked alongside every single major name              major spot within automotive history.
in FoMoCo’s history (Henry Ford II, Hal Sperlich, Lee                        There’s a giant Mustang logo emblazoned on the
Iacocca) he was even Bill Ford Jr.’s boss at one time.              side of the barn. As such, the Halderman Barn Museum
         Gale is beloved at the Blue Oval. Heck Gale is             has been a mecca for many Mustang enthusiasts. The
                                  beloved           amongst         backdrop of that giant Mustang logo on the barn makes
                                  everyone in the Mustang           for a great beauty shot and to showcase each person’s
                                  community. This is a              prideful pony car.
                                  profound loss for every                    Likewise, the barn would host many car outings
                                  Mustang enthusiast.               and car clubs. It was quickly becoming a rite of passage
                                            Every car club,         every car show to take a trip down to Tipp City, Ohio to
                                  every collector, every            have a great day at the Halderman Barn Museum.
                                  person that ever got joy                   Gale would speak to visitors with stories of his
                                  from the iconic Ford              time at Ford. I had heard many of the stories multiple
                                  Mustang owes a thank              times, but they never got old. The joy at which he told the
                                  you to Gale for creating          stories to the interested crowds was inspiring to me. And
                                  such       an    amazing,
                                  beautiful car.                                                             (contd. on pg. 10)

PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020

     n case you’re wondering if it has not gotten so bad
     that I just keep running the same car on the cover of
     the newsletter, it has not….yet. Our club just happens
to have several members with Candy Apple Red ’69 Mach
I’s. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. After
seeing last month’s Pony Xpress, the owner of this
month’s cover Mach was inspired to send me his story and
to keep working on his car. M.D.

I   bought my car in 1986 with a blown motor and no
   trans for $750. I had a 351C-2v with a toploader 4
speed from another car and I did the conversion. Between
1986-88, I sanded the car down to bare metal, bought as           had a set of Magnum 500’s sitting in boxes inside the
much chrome I could find. It was different                                   car that I bought only 12 years ago. Suddenly I
back then, as a 23 year old finding parts, but I                             realized it had been 20 years of sitting and the
got most of it together and after getting jerked                             time had come. (Plus, now I had some cash to
around a bunch of times, finally found a shop                                dump into her.) New tires and a tow up to
to cut the rust out, do the body work and re-                                Interstate Toyota where my buddy worked and
paint her. That was unbelievably 30+ years                                   some techs wanted to work on something cool
ago! So she’s no longer original, but she’s                                  instead of rice-burners got her running again.
mine and I tried to keep her looking as stock                                          I had gotten all the water out of the
as possible.                                                                 block back then, so it was not too bad to get her
         I drove her for a while, then Hurricane                             running, but the rest of the drivetrain was a
Floyd came along in 1999 and flooded my                                      mess. Little by little I started redoing the car so
house and my Mach right up to the windows.                                   I could drive her again. You name it, I had to
That’s where she sat until about 3 years ago.                                address it, fuel tank and lines, carb, brake
Life, mortgage, kids, had all gotten in the way                              booster, brakes, fuel pump. Blower motor,
of her getting attention and cash.                                radio, new headers etc.
         Then one day a buddy of mine said “Hey let’s                     I went the resto-mod route and put in a T5 trans
throw some tires on the Stang and get her going again”. I         and a 2 ½”, stainless steel, Flowmaster exhaust along with
                                                                   getting the torque box, floorpan and some small rust
                                                                   holes remediated this past Nov/Dec.
                                                                           I just finished changing the rear leaf springs and
                                                                   replacing a blown rear bearing last week. (I did the
                                                                   bearings on both sides to keep consistent plus I have
                                                                   nowhere to go.)
                                                                           Right now, I’m in the middle of getting the
                                                                   power steering working again. I changed everything;
                                                                   pump, control valve, cylinder, but still not working. I
                                                                   also have all the parts to rebuild the rest of the front end;
                                                                   upper/lower control arms, springs tie rods, etc. (Hoping

                                                                                                              (contd. on pg. 7)
PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
(Inspired, continued)

         She needs new paint, looks good at 20 feet, but
up close the 30-year old paint job is showing some wear.
Also, needs a headliner, hopefully in the next couple of
         I still have a way to go and I was feeling a little
frustrated, but then I saw the pictures in the newsletter of
Mike Parent’s Mach and it inspired me to keep going.
         She will never be a show car, and that is fine with
me, I enjoy driving her too much.

                  Text & Photos - Ed Fleischmann, #948

PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
blue bars behind, signaling the
                                                                                 marque’s American heritage.
     THE MUSTANG                                                                         A second concept was made
                                                                                 in 1963, helpfully called Mustang II,
               LOGO                                                              but the proportions of Clark’s logo

                                                                                 were too tall to fit in the grille.
          llegro, Avanti, Torino and       © Ford Clark’s original wooden     Design studio modeler Charles
          Cougar. These are not The                  pony logo.               Keresztes was told to make a new
          Real Housewives of South Miami—though                version for the Mustang II and the eventual
I would watch that show—they’re the original                   production vehicle. The II was the first public
suggestions for a new car Ford was                                               appearance of the pony in the
producing in the 1960s. Thankfully,                                              “corral” in October 1963. The final
the Blue Oval settled on Mustang,                                                logo had the horse in a sprinting
and like the galloping pony logo, it                                             position with its tail out horizontally
was off to the races.                                                            instead of angled upward.
         Fifty-some years later, we’ve                                                   Ford also considered a logo
seen a bunch of evolutions to this                                               that looked like a profile view of a
particular equine, which is always                                               knight from a chess game.
galloping west (left). According to © Ford The legendary Ford Mustang                   The red, white and blue tribar
                                           pony logo was almost a cougar.
Lee Iacocca, “The Mustang is a wild                                            treatment was ditched in favor of a
horse, not a domesticated racer,” which he said after          Roman numeral 2 for the Mustang II production
the horse was placed the opposite way, to look the             vehicle. The horse’s head also went more upright.
way it does on a horse racing track.                                           The tribar returned for the 1994 SN95
Now let’s look back at the history of                                          Mustang after it was on hiatus during
the famous trademark.                                                          the Fox Body years.
         Of the four body designs, Ford                                                 Frank Thomas, who worked
picked Gale Halderman’s “Cougar,”                                              on the name research, is quoted as
which featured a big cat sprinting in                                          saying that Mustang rose to the top
the grille. That was the car that would                                        “because it had the excitement of the
eventually be sold as the 1965               © Ford Mustang   II concept
                                                                              wide-open spaces and was American as
Ford Mustang. The Cougar name went on to                       all hell.”
the Mercury division, replacing the Cyclone marque                       Thank goodness Allegro wasn’t chosen: The
and using Mustang underpinnings.                                               logo would have been a speedy
         The Mustang name first                                                musical note.
appeared on a 1962 concept called                                                Jake Lingeman, Autoweek - 4/27/20
Mustang I, and the galloping horse
was made up by designer Phil Clark.
That summer designers gathered to
look at the sketches for the badge and
chose Clark’s version with the
galloping horse and the red, white and     © Ford The Mustang almost had
                                                    a horse head logo.
PONY XPress The Official Publication of the Garden State Region Mustang Club - May 2020
(Halderman, continued)

the glean in his eye and that great smile he had, will be
etched in my memory forever.
         His daughter will still keep the barn open for the
public to enjoy and as a car club destination.
         The story of how Gale drew the winning sketch
for the Ford Mustang is quite amazing, in that it was quite
unremarkable. Late at night, in his home, on his kitchen
table, knowing there was a big meeting the next morning,
Gale sketched his idea for Iacocca’s concept car.
         It had to be exciting and sporty. It had to appeal
to both men and women. It needed to have a long hood
and a short deck. Many designers at Ford Motor Company                       Thank you, Gale, for all you’ve done for the
were making submissions for this project, Gale, along                Mustang community. But thank you also for being a role
with his boss Joe Oros teamed up to create their vision.             model for everyone on how to be humble and kind. As
         Joe Oros’s design ideas were displayed on the               talented of a designer as Gale Halderman was, he was an
passenger side of their clay model and Gale’s was                    even better person. He will forever be one of the biggest
displayed on the driver’s side. Iacocca came around to               role models in my life.
look at it. His cigar twirled in his mouth, which Gale                       Gale leaves behind three daughters, nine
said was always a good sign.                                         grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. But for
         Lee proclaimed that he liked Gale’s design the              everyone who ever met him, they felt like he was part of
best and the still unnamed Mustang project was approved,             their family too. And he is part of the Mustang family,
with Gale’s concept greenlighted.                                    now and forever. I will miss you my dear friend.
         Some of Gale’s concept can still be seen on
today’s Mustang. The side scoop, which was one of                                Jimmy Dinsmore, Torquenews.com, 4/29/20
                                               ideas     can
                                                                        WE’RE LOOKING FOR A FEW
                                               still be seen                     GOOD MUSTANGS
                                               on today’s
                                               the three-
                                                                     F    or the cover of the newsletter that is. Most of
                                                                          you have at least one Mustang and some sort of
                                                                     picture-taking device. Why not combine the two and
                                                     slashed         send your photos to the editor so your car can appear
                                               taillight is
                                                                     on the cover of the Pony Xpress. Included in this
symbolic of the Mustang. And that was something that
                                                                     issue is an information sheet to fill out and send in
Gale worked on.
         Whenever I see Mustangs old or new, I see my                with your pictures. You can either write your own
friend Gale in each one that rolls down the road.                    Mustang story or your trusty editor will put together
         Now with his passing, I’ll think of my friend even          a brief article based on your info sheet. So get out
more when I see a Mustang on the road, or hear the roar              there and take a few shots of your pony from
and growl of the single most iconic car in American                  different angles, interior, engine compartment, etc.
automotive history. His spirit lives on in each Mustang on           and send them in.
the road.
                                                                             Mike DeLiberto – 8550mustang@gmail.com

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